List of dogs prohibited from walking without a muzzle and leash

Currently, no law has been adopted that could streamline actions when walking dogs, obliging owners of tailed dogs to listen to the letter of the law. The creation of such a bill made it possible to resolve all the difficult issues. But there are some rules that are declared in the standards for the treatment of animals. The main question that interests us today is whether it is possible to walk a dog without a leash? In order to give an answer, we turn to the draft law “On keeping cats and dogs in Moscow.” This document stipulates that the owner can walk the dog on a leash of a comfortable length. At the same time, you should be able to easily control your pet’s behavior. Walking dogs without a leash is allowed only in special areas that have fences and are suitable for this.

Code of Administrative Offenses and walking rules

In the previously familiar articles of the Administrative Code there are no direct recommendations on dog walking. But what about monetary penalties? Their size is determined by the city federal authority. Owners of especially large tailed breeds should understand that walking a large dog without a leash and muzzle is playing with anger. Therefore, you should not neglect the rules by abandoning the leash.

Moreover, the same Code of Administrative Offenses stipulates that visiting public places and transport is prohibited if the dog is not equipped according to the rules, namely, a muzzle and a leash. It is strictly forbidden to walk animals on the territory of kindergartens, schools, hospitals. When walking through a park or green space, make sure your dog is on a leash.

Before going for a walk, you need to check the integrity of the leash. As practice shows, such rules apply not only in Moscow, but also in other cities of the country. However, we recommend that you find out detailed information on this topic so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

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The changes made have already been appreciated by dog ​​handlers and specialists. According to the performance expert judge of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) Gennady Baykov, the law is timely and important.

“I consider it very necessary, important and timely. <…> I think this law will make people who own dogs more responsible, and society as a whole will be safer. The only thing is that it is not clear how fines will be levied, how these violations will be recorded, but I think that the law is very important,” he told 360.

Baikov also proposed dividing more and less dangerous dogs according to physical parameters. Now the document contains a list of breeds. Animal rights activist Veronica Pogodina emphasized that the rules should apply not only to large pets.

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“Very often people get a small breed, forgetting that this is not a toy, but a dog. Despite its decorative appearance and small size, it is still an animal. Walking on a leash outside specially designated areas is for the safety of both other people and other animals, and the dog itself,” the girl explained.

The decision of the Moscow Regional Duma was also supported by dog ​​handler and rescue dog training instructor Ekaterina Rogaleva.

“I am with both hands in favor of a responsible attitude towards the ownership of pets and their maintenance. “With both hands we are in favor of not creating potential conflict situations and respecting all members of society,” she said.

Where to walk without a leash?

Let’s say you have an enclosure for a dog in your own home, then it can walk there without a leash or muzzle. At the same time, it is imperative to hang a sign on the fence or gate warning about the presence of a dog. There are also specially equipped areas, enclosed by a fence, where dogs are kept off leash. Sometimes it becomes possible to go with the dog to a vacant lot, where the animal can feel more freedom. Punishment for violating the rules will be immediate. Depending on the severity of the consequences, this may be a fine and more. We'll talk about the size of the fine later. The owner of a four-legged pet takes responsibility for walking the dog. Decorative and miniature dogs are allowed to run without a muzzle or leash.

What places are prohibited for walking cats and dogs? It should be noted that there is a list of places where dogs cannot be walked, primarily these are children's institutions, beach areas, playgrounds, as well as cemeteries and so on. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to walk with large dogs. Citizens under the influence of alcohol or drugs should not walk their dogs; this is also a well-known rule.

Walking the dog: rules, ethics

Walking the dog in the city: the ethics of communication. Dog walking rules.

The legislative framework.

Dog walking is regulated by various documents based on law. Most of the rules on keeping and walking dogs were adopted back in 1980, Article 449. Many of them are still valid today. The law on cruelty to animals is stated in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in article 137. A new edition of it was recently released. Which, by the way, has become the subject of new discussions.

At the regional level, almost the same rules apply as at the federal level. But they do not apply to owners of private property. This is if the land plot is closed by a fence and there is a warning sign. Such owners can walk their pets without additional accessories. But this is only a walk with the dog on private property.

But for city lovers of walking in public places and near apartment buildings, everything is different. Unfortunately, many dog ​​lovers ignore these rules in every possible way. And some people still have a rather vague idea about this.

Where is dog walking allowed and where is it not?

The dog walking area must be fenced. It is advisable to walk in specialized areas specifically designed for this. Unfortunately, in many cities there are not enough such places or they do not exist at all. Based on this, dog walkers can also walk in empty clearings. Also in areas where there are special signs “Walking with dogs is allowed,” or “Dogs are allowed to walk.”

Catering establishments and shops do not allow dogs. Except guide dogs. Other laws regulate their presence in public places. On providing assistance to the visually impaired.

The list of prohibited places also includes kindergartens, schools, playgrounds and sports grounds. Since sudden movements and screams can provoke the dog to attack. The same list includes any area near educational and medical institutions. These are also stadiums, cultural parks, public gardens. Beaches and bodies of water intended for people to bathe in order to avoid pollution. Walking a dog is prohibited in the cemetery for moral and ethical reasons. And in all other crowded places.

Walking dogs is recommended no closer than 30 m to the above mentioned places.

Walking the dog and mandatory requirements.

Dogs are walked on a short leash and wearing a muzzle. Exceptions are puppies up to three months old, and dogs not exceeding 20 centimeters at the withers. You can let your pet off the leash if it is muzzled and this guarantees the safety of the public. But this is only permitted in areas specially designated for this. It is not recommended to go for a walk with two or more dogs. Especially when it comes to fighting breeds.

The law also prohibits walking with a fighting breed dog without a muzzle. The ban does not apply to specially fenced areas.

The time of day for walking dogs is not regulated. You only need to ensure silence from 23.00 to 7.00 in the morning during the walk.

However, on January 1, 2022, an amendment to the Law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” came into force in the Russian Federation. Which concerns, among other things, the transportation of dogs and their presence in public places. Now, when passing the roadway, playgrounds intended for children and sports activities, and when in public places, it will be sufficient for apartment residents to use only a leash for the animal. Of course, excluding fighting and large breeds. When visiting shops, markets, beaches, or traveling on public transport, a muzzle is required, regardless of the size and breed of the dog.

Restrictions for children and drunk citizens.

According to the law, in some cases, children under 14 years of age are prohibited from walking a dog. If her height exceeds 40 cm at the withers and is not accompanied by an adult. After all, a situation may arise on the street in which the child will be powerless to do anything. For example, a fight may occur between dogs. It will not be possible to separate the fighting, but you yourself may get hurt.

Or the dog may become aggressive towards the person, and it will be difficult to restrain it. Indeed, in different situations, an animal may react differently to the behavior of another dog. Or be afraid of a drunk passerby. As a result, the owner will be responsible for possible bites or other damage caused. Much depends on how obedient and trained your dog is.

There is also a scenario of walking with a dog that is no less unpleasant. When a dog breaks off its leash and runs into the roadway. Or drags the young owner there with him.

Walking dogs while intoxicated is also prohibited.

Some more legal requirements.

Vaccination is mandatory. It is hardly worth describing the need for these measures.

It also stipulates mockingly cruel treatment of an animal, which can provoke an attack.

Large dogs should be transported on a short leash and muzzle. There are special bags and transportation cages for pets of dwarf breeds. But as practice shows, the law is quite neutral regarding small dogs. A dog can calmly be in the arms of its owner if it is not aggressive. Otherwise, the owner may bear administrative liability.

Walking the dog and responsibility.

The owners may be held liable for damage to other people's property and contamination of the territory. Cleaning up excrement is an essential part of proper dog walking. After all, for leaving a “bunch” the owner may be fined. In European countries this is the norm. Although this causes indignation among Russians. However, in the spring we clearly see the fruits of such impunity. Therefore, responsible dog breeders only walk with a dustpan and bags.

Fines are also defined.

Walking a dog in the courtyard of a residential building and at a distance closer than 30 m from it can cost the owner from 500 to 1000 rubles. It can cost the same amount to ride on public transport without special equipment. The owner of the dog walks without a leash and muzzle in unauthorized places. The amount of the fine varies from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

For walking dogs in prohibited places, the fine increases by two or four times. However, the law does not apply to toy breeds and puppies. Also, the owner does not have the right to bring a dog into a hostel or communal apartment without the consent of the neighbors. In this case, the fine will also range from 500 to 1000 rubles. Damaging property and leaving dirt behind your pet also entails punishment. A fine of 500 to 3,000 rubles depending on the location of the incident. An animal attack on a person or another dog without causing serious harm is also fined. In the amount of 4000 to 5000 rubles. Hunting and fighting dogs are considered a source of increased risk. If a dog of this breed attacks, the owner will face not only a fine. In some cases, in addition to compensation for damage caused, criminal liability may also arise. Articles 118 and 164 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provide for this.

Cultured, competent dog breeders and owners avoid places that prohibit walking with animals. Do not leave waste products of their pets. Trying to ensure the safety of others. They monitor the behavior of dogs in society. And then compliance with these fairly simple rules for walking a dog should not cause problems.

Walking with a dog and passers-by.

But it’s not for nothing that they say: the law is a drawbar... They are trying to use it completely inappropriately and not for its intended purpose. Some, let's say, are not entirely adequate citizens. Litigious people and patients with hidden mental disorders. Elderly people are in a state of increasing senile insanity. Excessively suspicious women who look with horror at any dog, no matter how muzzled it is. Haters of dogs and all animals in general. Yes, they are simply scoundrels, tyrants and neurasthenics in life.

Such people from afar begin to shout, become indignant, demand to get away with the dog, and quickly. And this is without any reason. Are such situations rare? Yes, they are all around. Walking the dog can sometimes turn into a nightmare.

And it is these laws that such people try to be guided by. And, although the law itself has not been violated in any way, they threaten to use it. The old women, sputtering with saliva, emanate unprecedented anger. Mothers whisper to their children what a biting monster is out there in the distance. To be feared and avoided. Such children will then grow up not to be nature lovers, but to become monsters. And such people, threatening all dog owners, also appear in the media. By setting society in the appropriate direction and blowing up any incidents to the size of an elephant.

Conflicts while walking the dog.

What is the reason for this attitude?

Of course, there are also a lot of ill-mannered dog owners. But you can’t hate EVERYONE because of them! And this is exactly what happens. And our media only contribute to this. This means that those who have taken responsibility for keeping a dog need to think about it. And about yourself, about HOW you behave on the street, whether you respect the feelings of others. And about the proper upbringing of your pet - from the very infancy of puppyhood! Literature, dog handlers at training centers, and more experienced dog breeders will help. If you can’t do it yourself, you can’t delay it, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Things to remember when walking your dog.

1. The street is not a public toilet. The owner is obliged to clean up after his pet. 2. Not all people love dogs. No matter how cute a dog may seem to its owner, you need to understand that not everyone thinks so. You shouldn't get a dog if you are not willing to follow the laws and consider other people's opinions. At the first request of people nearby, you should take the dog on a leash (if it is walking without one). 3. Dogs are different, just like their owners. Someone else's dog may be aggressive or sick. She may try to establish rights to the territory, which may result in a fight. And it is very, very difficult to separate fighting dogs. Making acquaintances and playing with other dogs should only be done with the mutual consent of the owners. And, having first discussed all the details, for example, whether to let the pets sort things out if something happens. Even better is to choose a dog for constant companionship.

4. Dog walking is a responsibility. And responsibility for the actions and behavior of the dog primarily lies with the owner. It depends only on him how others will perceive him and his dog. Whether they will shy away from them, like lepers, or rejoice when they meet them depends on how well the owner raises his pet, friend, full-fledged family member.

And then there will be fewer and fewer conflicts on the street. And reasons to revise and tighten laws on dog walking over and over again.

Cynologist instructor Yagovitina Yu.A.

Responsibility for walking dogs without a leash

Last year, the State Duma adopted a law that had been discussed since 2010. The draft law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” states that dogs should not be allowed in public places without a muzzle and leash. If the dog is on the list of potentially dangerous breeds, the owner will be fined for breaking the law. What fine awaits the violator? The document states that the owner of the dog will face administrative or criminal liability. Criminal liability arises if the pet caused serious bodily injury to a person and was intentionally sent. In addition, if the owner of the animal did not have time to react and the dog’s actions resulted in death, the owner will face imprisonment.

While the specific amount of the fine has not been determined, cities and regions have their own rules. If we talk about Moscow, then the Temporary Rules for Keeping Dogs and Cats are relevant here. If certain clauses of this document are violated, the violator will have to pay from 1 to 2 thousand rubles.

How to transport a dog on public transport?

The owner has the right to transport the dog free of charge in ground transport. In this case, the dog must be on a short leash, wearing a muzzle, and if the dog salivates profusely, there must be a towel to remove it. It is strongly recommended to transport the dog on an empty stomach in order to avoid vomiting in the first place, as well as defecation. Always take your dog for a walk before transporting him so he can go to the toilet. Important! It is allowed to bring a dog into the subway only in a special box of the appropriate size! When moving from city to city, from region to region, from region to region, the dog must have a veterinary passport, which contains the name of the owner, notes on vaccination against infectious diseases, and a separate column on vaccination against rabies! The owner must obtain special travel documents from the state veterinary clinic at the place of residence/departure point, in which the doctor will indicate that the dog is healthy and can be transported. When traveling abroad, the procedure is basically the same, except that you need to do titres for rabies (testing the level of antibodies to rabies to ensure it meets the norm). If the level is reduced, the animal is re-vaccinated. Departure is allowed no earlier than a month later. The exception is puppies 2 months old!

About the bill

If previously it was impossible to be in public places without a muzzle, today you can lead your dog through a park, road, sidewalk, using only a leash. But owners of dogs considered potentially dangerous must use a leash and muzzle.

Without a leash or with a leash? When going for a walk, you should give preference to a short leash so that you can quickly pull the dog back if it behaves aggressively. Be sure to have a tag on the collar containing information about the pet, as well as the phone number and full name of the owner. This is necessary in case the pet runs away without a leash.

Persons who are intoxicated should not walk dogs. The law also states that children under 14 years of age cannot walk with a dog weighing more than 15 kg. You can let your dog out without a leash only in specially fenced areas. This is an area with a fence, which has appropriate signs to indicate it. Large cities are equipped with places where there are containers where waste is collected.

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Keep your pet away from strangers

Unfortunately, we don’t have many specialized places for walking dogs. And in the summer, in hot weather, not only people, but also our pets want to cool off and splash in the pond. If you and your dog are walking near vacationers, make sure that he does not jump around the sunbathers.

And he did not become a full participant in any picnic.

Why can't you go without a leash?

Because the uncontrolled movement of a pet along the roadway, in elevators, in the courtyards of residential apartment buildings, etc., is strictly prohibited. In case of danger for the dog or others, you will be able to pull it back. Wherever you walk, if we are talking about potentially dangerous dog breeds, they must be on a leash and muzzled. More than 10 breeds are included in the list of potentially dangerous dogs. Despite the fact that the regulation on walking these animals will come into force in 2022, the information is useful for familiarization. Do not neglect the rules that will ensure the safety of your pet and others.

Why should you clean up after your pet?

It is necessary to clean up after your dog for reasons of basic hygiene and considerations of cleanliness of the yard, city, and country. We are faced with a well-known phenomenon when the snow melts in the spring and the entire lawn near the house is literally littered with excrement. Not only is this state of affairs unethical, but a gross violation of sanitary and epidemiological standards should be taken into account. Such feces can (and often are) a source of spread of helminths and other diseases. Not only do the pets themselves suffer, but the health of the people living there is also at risk. In addition, feces can damage the property of citizens and cause moral damage, which will lead to problems for the owner. Important! Cleaning up after your dog in the city is part of proper care!

Don't let your child walk the dog alone

Do not allow your child to walk the dog alone, unaccompanied by an adult. This can be fraught with serious consequences for both the dog and the child. The baby will not hold the four-legged one, and the dog will run away. Rushing to catch up with the pet, both can get hit by the wheels of a car. The animal may show aggression towards other dogs, or even towards people. In this situation, everyone will get it... And many, many other situations can happen.

Do not approach a dog on a leash

You and your pet are walking past a store and see a dog on a leash. You should not show excessive excitement, immediately assuming that she has been abandoned. The dog is simply calmly waiting for his owner. Walk past and do not let your pet near the dog. A strange dog may be nervous and it is unknown how it will behave.

Owners of bitches in heat, do not walk in areas with large numbers of dogs.

Owners of bitches in heat, be careful and tactful! Don't walk your girl without a leash. When meeting a male dog, warn in advance about “interesting” days and try not to stay late for conversations. Sometimes it is inconvenient for the owner of a dog to refuse a conversation, and the dog will be nervous and worried.

Never bring your girl in heat to places where dogs gather and say: “We have almost everything!” Almost is not all.

If you have a small dog, during heat it is advisable to take it for a walk (carry) it into the entrance in your arms. This way you will ward off crowds of male dogs near your home.


Friends, we asked members of our VK group to take part in an online survey regarding the wording of the rules of etiquette for dog breeders. Based on the survey results, this article was written and a video was edited, which you can watch here. Its duration is only 8 minutes 25 seconds.

If, while watching the video, you have any additions to the material or you disagree with something, write your opinion in the comments!

Wow, I hope we managed to break down the basic rules of etiquette for dog owners! Jack and I are waiting for your comments on what you agree with and what you don’t. What moments did you have to face when coming into contact with your own and other people’s ponytails?

Good luck and take care of your pets!

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