10 most obedient dog breeds: they will understand you perfectly

When it comes to dog obedience, it's not just about how smart he is. Some breeds can be incredibly intelligent, but they can also be freethinkers known for being stubborn. And this can make obedience successful or unsuccessful.

Dog breeds that tend to learn obedience have a good balance of intelligence, eagerness to please, and enthusiasm for learning. While this may vary at the individual dog level, many of these dogs are highly motivated by positive reinforcement, such as treats. And some simply have a strong work ethic that allows them to focus on training.

Here are the 10 best dog breeds for obedience.

It is important to know

Even for breeds that excel at obedience, training should be fun and frequent. Set your dog up for success by going slow, minimizing distractions, keeping training sessions short, and using plenty of praise and rewards.

Border Collie

The Border Collie is often considered one of the smartest dog breeds. Their intelligence, combined with the fact that they learn quickly and get along very well with their people, makes them extremely obedient dogs.

They also have a strong work ethic and do well when given a job. But although they are easy to train, they need a lot of mental enrichment to avoid getting bored.

Otherwise, they may develop problem behaviors such as destroying household items.

How the rating was compiled

Obedience and intelligence in dogs are not the same thing. For example, huskies or greyhounds are very smart, but naughty. This was proven by Professor Stanley Coren. He studied dogs' intelligence, consulted a lot with dog experts, and wrote a book about it. It divided all breeds into three groups:

  • with adaptive intelligence, these animals are independent and self-sufficient, can make decisions without the owner’s command, and solve problems themselves;
  • with instinctive intellectual abilities or innate qualities - these are hunting, shepherding, protective instincts;
  • with working qualities, capable of learning new things.

Stanley Coren paid most of his attention to the last group. It is the working intellectual qualities that make the dog obedient. Based on his research, the scientist compiled a rating of 80 breeds.

The top ten includes the most obedient dogs. They are a pleasure to train and are suitable for inexperienced dog owners. Commands are learned after 5-10 repetitions and are performed in 95% of cases. Those dogs that are naughty can remember commands only after 50-100 repetitions, and carry them out in 25% of cases. In last place is the Afghan hound, which is difficult to train. But this does not mean that she is stupid, she just has an independent and independent character.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is another highly intelligent dog that has been bred to be responsive and obedient. Thus, it is not surprising that German Shepherds are often used by law enforcement agencies and as service dogs. These dogs are very loyal and protective of their families. And without proper training and socialization, this can turn into aggression towards strangers.

How to raise an easy-going and obedient dog?

As mentioned earlier, even the smartest dog can become uncontrollable if training is neglected. A tendency to obedience is an undoubted plus that facilitates the learning process, but you should not rely on it alone.

Any animal must be trained from early childhood. The younger the pet, the easier it is to learn commands and rules of behavior in society. Adult dogs require more time and effort due to established habits. Raising them requires some experience, so it is much easier to enlist the support of a dog handler.

In addition to direct education and socialization, it is important to take into account the regularity of classes. Training should be carried out every day, and the imposed prohibitions and rules should be observed by the whole family. Relaxation on the part of at least one member of the household can cancel the result obtained and throw you back to the beginning.

Golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is a popular pet for good reason. They are generally very affectionate, patient and gentle, and have a charming enthusiasm for life. Goldens are known for their eagerness to please. This, combined with their intelligence, means that they are very receptive to training. They also tend to be serious foodies and will do anything for pleasure.


The stocky, powerful Rottweiler breed is large. The breed is used to help people:

  • grazing,
  • guide for the blind,
  • guard unit,
  • search and rescue dog,
  • police dog.

Breed characteristics:

  1. Accommodation is in warm home conditions. An insulated enclosure or booth is suitable.
  2. Care is simple, bathing is required up to 2 times a year. Can be kept in an apartment.
  3. Education, training - average level of difficulty, a teenager (14 years old) can handle it.
  4. Attitude towards children is positive, loves kids and teenagers.
  5. The perception of strangers is distrustful, wary.
  6. View of animals - can coexist peacefully. It is advisable to teach communication.
  7. Character - stubborn, requires persistence and patience.
  8. They can dominate, they are quick-witted, they can’t give in, they can’t lose authority.
  9. Life expectancy is up to 12 years.

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever shares many characteristics with the Golden Retriever. This is another breed that is often trained as a service dog due to its intelligence, enthusiasm, calm and gentle nature.

Moreover, they are known for their outstanding searching skills. As with gold rewards, food rewards also work wonders for Labradors during training. Just make sure to keep your portions under control since labs are prone to obesity.


Another of the most obedient small dog breeds, the Papillon is a toy dog ​​that also responds very well to training. They are seen as doggies, but they are actually very playful and need active participation to avoid behavioral problems. They can easily learn new tricks and are very loving and loyal to their owners...

Papillons need a lot of walks, and their obedience is reflected in their innate desire to act for their owners. With positive reinforcement and patience, they can be taught to perform many tricks.

Hungarian Vizsla

Vizslas typically have incredible stamina, enthusiasm, loyalty, and intelligence. They are eager to please and are very attached to their owners, often called "velcro dogs."

Vizslas need a lot of exercise, and training is a great way to gain strength. Dog sports are ideal for these dogs to get both mental and physical exercise.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Corgis are small dogs well known for their obedience . They are also known for their mischievous nature and will chase small children if they are in the family. However, they are not aggressive. They just need proper socialization and healthy interactions.

English Springer Spaniel

If you're looking for a dog that has boundless energy, enthusiasm and a real desire to please, the English Springer Spaniel ticks a lot of boxes. This busy and cheerful breed has a constantly wagging tail and loves to work. He also has excellent retrieval skills and an incredibly sensitive nose that can be used in canine sports. These dogs are best suited to an active household where they will get plenty of exercise.

Australian Cattle Dog

As the name suggests, the Australian Cattle Dog is another herding dog that is characterized by its obedience. This obedience can be used to great effect when working on a farm. They are very affectionate, active and loyal. Like all dog breeds on this list, they cannot remain sedentary. If you do not actively participate in mind games and activities, your well-being will be affected. absolutely no good pet dogs .


The popularity of the poodle is largely due to its elegant and sophisticated appearance. But this breed is also quite intelligent and eager to please. Poodles are generally loyal to their owners and love to learn.

As long as you continue to have fun training them, they can be experts at learning difficult tricks. Their natural athleticism also means that they can excel in dog sports.


This miniature version of a collie has adopted all the “obedient” skills of its larger prototypes. She is also easy to train and tries to please her owner. But there is one little secret: if you want your dog to “move mountains” for you, then praise him as often as possible. He understands everything.

If you are still in doubt about choosing a pet, then read these articles about the 10 most good-natured breeds and those with whom it is better not to mess with .


The Keeshond is generally intelligent, loyal, gentle, friendly and easy to train. These dogs are very alert and curious, and although they usually have a calm demeanor, they are constantly aware of everything.

They are also very enthusiastic about trying new things and tend to excel at learning new dog sports due to their athleticism. But Keeshonds were bred to be watchdogs, so you may need to do some extra training to keep their warning barks from getting out of hand.

Doberman Pinscher

You will see that on this list there are dogs that many people think are aggressive before they might think they are obedient. The Doberman Pinscher is a breed, but it is his obedience and training that contribute to this reputation. Doberman Pinschers are very loyal and protective dogs. They are also very intelligent and respond well to training. This led to its use as guard and protection dogs.

The Doberman will only be aggressive if it is not given adequate socialization and attention. Speaking of which, they must have the right type of owner who can show the appropriate type of domain and ensure that their loving and playful side is shown rather than aggression.


Small Havaneses are generally a friendly, adaptable, and intelligent dog breed. It is also known for being easier to train than many other small dog breeds, which in general can sometimes be a bit stubborn. Havanese are usually very attentive and try to please during training, especially when they are given a lot of positive reinforcement. The breed is also a regular participant in dog sports and obedience trials.

Keeping dogs in an apartment

Even the most obedient dog requires attention and care. Therefore, a dog who lives in a city apartment must be provided with:

  • good nutrition;
  • regular hygiene procedures;
  • physical and mental stress;
  • systematic veterinarian examinations.

The concept of a “calm dog” is very subjective. Each owner perceives it differently. For some, the main indicator of a dog’s balance is its sociable and friendly character. Others believe that the main sign of a calm dog is obedience and loyalty to children. Still others consider sedate, silent dogs that rarely speak.

Manchester Terrier

Although terriers are known for their intelligence, they are also often associated with will and determination. However, Manchester Terriers tend to be more responsive and trainable than the average terrier, but are no less intelligent.

These dogs love to be busy and have a job to do, which helps them focus while training. As long as you keep training fun and interesting, their interest in mental challenges should outweigh that trademark terrier stubbornness.

Ratings of the smartest dogs

Obedience is often correlated with intelligence, but this is not entirely true. Sled breeds, such as malamutes and huskies, are very smart and quick-witted, but only a few can handle their training.

The reason for this phenomenon was studied in detail by psychology professor Stanley Coran, author of the book “The Intelligence of Dogs.” The rating he created of the smartest four-legged animals is based on the time it takes to execute commands and their understanding.

S. Koren divided the intellectual abilities of dogs into 3 types:

  • adaptive, allowing you to make independent decisions;
  • instinctive, based on innate breed qualities (the ability to guard objects and track down game);
  • workers needed to learn new knowledge.

The object of the study was the latter species, since it is the one responsible for obedience, remembering commands and concentrating on assigned tasks. Despite the limited sample, S. Koren's work is still recognized as a standard. All other authors studying the topic of canine intelligence take it as a model.

Please note that the author of the concept of “multiple intelligences” was the American psychologist Howard Gardner. It was his idea that S. Koren developed.

Breeds to Avoid

If you want a dog that can train and reliably perform difficult tricks or tasks, there are some dog breeds that you may want to avoid.

It's not that these breeds are dumb. They just often have independent, stubborn traits that can make training difficult. These breeds include the Afghan Hound, Pekingese, Basenji, Greyhound and Shiba Inu.

If you have your own view on the most obedient dog breeds, different from ours, please write them in the comments.


Have you ever guessed that a small breed can be included in the list of the most obedient?
There is no point in belittling the intelligence of Papillons. They stand on a par with Labradors and Rottweilers. Let us note the features of the breed:

  1. Loud barking. Papillons will not bark without a reason. They identify specific important events about which they notify the family where they live.
  2. Small stature. The height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm. It makes everyone admire their cleverness, charming look, and beautiful fur.
  3. Good-natured character. Miniature pets are not characterized by aggressive behavior. A jealous attitude does not affect them.
  4. Good memory. This property allows dogs to be ranked as understanding and obedient.
  5. Easy to learn. Education and training are fun. Everyone around will be surprised by the abilities of the lap dog.
  6. Litter trained, but needs walking. Walking is physical activity for your pet, an opportunity to communicate with other dogs and socialize.

Belgian Schipperke

Commonly known as a schipperke, this dog breed is known for its stubborn nature and can even be quite stubborn. They respond well to training, but experienced trainers , otherwise they will find other ways to expend their energy. They are small, but burning. An interesting incident that exploits his willingness to obey occurred during the Second World War. The Belgian resistance trained the Schipperke to carry out communications between their hideouts without the knowledge of the Nazis.

Belgian Tervuren

The Belgian Tervuren's appearance on our list is perhaps a little controversial, as some don't consider them a race in their own right. Instead, they are believed to be simply a variation of the Belgian Shepherd. However, they are classified, this dog is one of the most obedient in the world. They are very energetic, strong and quite large. This means they need to be trained outdoors in large areas where they can expend energy. Not only can they be trained, tervurens must be trained, otherwise they may develop behavioral problems .

Miniature Schnauzer

As with some of the most obedient dogs , the Miniature Schnauzer needs discipline to reign in his boisterous spirit. This does not mean that they are aggressive dogs. They are simply intelligent dogs that need to be properly engaged and trained to live a balanced life...

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