What can you give your dog for the New Year or birthday: making your pet happy with a gift for the holidays

Many families around the world treat dogs as full members of the family. This means that four-legged friends are present at all important events in the family’s life and receive warmth, affection and care. A great chance to express your love for your dog is to celebrate your pet's birthday. It's hard to imagine anything cuter than the happy face of a dog with a birthday hat on his head, getting ready to taste the well-deserved birthday cake. But what can you give your dog for his birthday? We will help you deal with this issue.

Top 50 ideas on what to give a dog

Dogs are known for their incredible cheerfulness, which infects everyone around them. It's very easy to make your pet happy, and why miss such a chance on your baby's birthday? We offer the TOP most successful gifts for dogs.

  1. A dog’s favorite treat is the surest way to cheer up a furry gourmet;
  2. Plate, Frisbee;
  3. Tug-of-war rope toy;
  4. Funny costume for a dog;
  5. A long walk in the park;
  6. A friend for a pet - a puppy, a turtle, etc.;
  7. Going to a dog cafe;
  8. Automatic drinker;
  9. Expensive food;
  10. New bowl with several compartments;
  11. Funny tie for dogs;
  12. Raincoat;
  13. New collar;
  14. Collar with a miniature portrait of a pet;
  15. Warm winter sneakers for dogs;
  16. A beautiful mat for a food bowl;
  17. Down jacket for winter walks;
  18. New bed;
  19. Collar with GPS device;
  20. Collar cone containing a note with the dog's address and phone number;
  21. Long leash-roulette;
  22. A set of toy squeakers of unusual shape (chicken, bone, etc.);
  23. Elegant butterfly;
  24. A set of combs for dogs of different sizes;
  25. Bathing shampoos;
  26. Sprinkler for the garden. Of course, this gift is not directly related to the pet, but rest assured: it will become your dog's favorite toy;
  27. Backpack with a porthole for small dogs. This device allows the pet to walk while in a backpack and observe the surrounding environment;
  28. Self-cleaning dog trimmer;
  29. Medal stand if the dog is a winner;
  30. Cake for a dog. You can prepare special treats for your friend and we have provided some recipes below;
  31. A rubber toothbrush is an excellent way to maintain your dog's oral hygiene;
  32. A set of seeds of different sizes. You can buy vitamin bones in pet stores, or special devices for cleaning teeth;
  33. Going to the dog groomer;
  34. New booth or house. A good solution would be to create a dog house yourself: such a gift will contain your love for your pet;
  35. Carrying for small breeds;
  36. Toy maze;
  37. An aquarium with fish will become a kind of “TV” for the dog;
  38. A fun holiday where your friends and their dogs will be there;
  39. Walk through the forest;
  40. Personalized bowl;
  41. Throwing plate;
  42. A large bag of your pet's favorite food;
  43. Vinyl bone;
  44. Rubber dumbbells;
  45. A trip to the dog park with the whole family;
  46. A set of pillows for your dog's favorite chair;
  47. Small pool for pet;
  48. Bowl with automatic feed dispenser;
  49. Hammock;
  50. A soft toy that will become your pet's friend. Many dogs love to sleep with toys.

A trip to nature

An out-of-town doggy birthday party is a great idea for a family getaway and a doggy birthday party. If your dog loves active games and loves walks, then this option for a celebration will come in handy.

Spending time outdoors is of great importance for dogs of different breeds:

  • guard dogs, hunting dogs,
  • Labradors,
  • Husky,
  • terriers
  • alabai.

It is best if it is a relatively open area, away from busy roads. It’s great if there is a pond nearby - the dog can swim in it.

What to give to a dog lover?

A dog lover will certainly appreciate a gift related to his beloved pet. It could be:

  1. Large supply of feed;
  2. A set of toys for your pet in a special box;
  3. Collar with a navigator to locate your pet;
  4. Portrait of a dog;
  5. Cast of a pet's paw;
  6. Set for walking with an animal;
  7. Funny Halloween Costume for Dog;
  8. A set of squeaky toys for your pet;
  9. T-shirt with a picture of your pet and a funny caption;
  10. Photo album with images of a dog.

When choosing a gift, you should avoid purchasing cheap and banal things that will not last long. Also, do not give small items that are easy to swallow: this can harm the dog.

Interesting devices for pets

Road drinker

A very comfortable thing for a long walk. It's essentially a water bowl that screws onto a bottle. The pet drinks the water, and the rest does not need to be thrown out. It flows neatly back into the sealed container.

Car nozzle

Dogs love to stick their head out the window when riding in a car with a breeze. For many, alas, such entertainment ended in tragedy. That is why the convex lattice attachment for car windows was invented. It allows the pet to lean out, but will protect it from falling or colliding with passing cars.

Collar - dog translations

This device will help you better understand your pet. The first dog bark translator was invented back in 2002. Now this device is much more advanced than before. Today it is a collar with an electronic sensor the size of a mobile phone.

It recognizes six pet emotions. You will be able to understand when a dog is happy, sad, angry, or afraid. The device also has a reminder function. The collar will not allow the owner to forget when to go to the veterinarian and get vaccinated.

What did you give to the dogs?

Musician Normunds Jakushonoks (Riga) gave his dog Sherry a Mercedes. The man said that the pet himself hinted to him about the gift. During the day he slept in the car, and at night he lay under the car. That's why the owner decided to make Sherry happy.

Jewelry designer Rivin Jirapolsek presented the dog Kanun with a tiara. So the owner expressed his gratitude to him for the fact that Kanun served him faithfully for 15 years.

Unknown people in Mariupol gave the homeless dog Kuzina a warm and comfortable booth.

Volunteers from a Hampshire sheepdog charity have given stray dog ​​Sam new paws. The poor man suffered from arthritis and could not move. The authorities wanted to euthanize him, but volunteers raised money for the operation and saved the pet’s life.

DIY dog treats - 3 proven recipes

One of the most effective ways to make your pet happy is by preparing special treats. The following recipes will help brighten your dog's day and make great treats for a big party.

Recipe No. 1 Layered cake

This cake will be a great table decoration, the main thing is to curb your appetite and not eat it yourself.

You will need:

  • 700 grams of meat, including liver and kidneys;
  • 5 spoons of buckwheat porridge;
  • 100 g cauliflower;
  • 1 protein;
  • Some milk;
  • 0.5 tbsp bone meal.

In addition, you will have to buy pureed meat for children or special canned food. Make cakes from these ingredients and bake them in the oven. Then take out the resulting shortcakes, brush with meat paste and decorate them in the form of a cake. The top can be decorated with a candle, but it is better not to light it, so as not to expose the birthday person to danger.

Recipe No. 2 Liver cake

The liver cake should contain the following ingredients:

  • 300 g chicken liver;
  • Zucchini 150 g;
  • Carrot;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Flour - 100 g;
  • Low-fat sour cream - 150 g;
  • 1 tsp olive or sunflower oils.

The liver should be passed through a meat grinder along with the zucchini. Add everything to the resulting mixture except sour cream: you need to save it for later. Make cakes from the substance and bake them. While baking, grate the carrots and simmer them, then place them on the cakes. The top of the cake should be decorated with sour cream, you can also use chopped eggs.

Recipe No. 3 Sweet tooth cookies

You will need:

  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Half a cup of applesauce;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Water - 0.5 cups;
  • 2 tablespoons honey and olive oil.

Mix these ingredients, slowly adding flour to them. Then form cookies from the substance and bake in the oven.

Poop cake

For a simple, beautiful and tasty cake for a dog at home you will need:

  • Dough: dry food, boiled rice, oatmeal, water.
  • Cream: whipped sour cream.
  • For decoration: dog biscuits, crumbs, any vegetables or treats your dog eats.

Cooking method

  1. Pour water over dry food - wait until it swells, mash with a fork until smooth, add a couple of spoons of oatmeal, a couple of spoons of rice, form a lump.
  2. Place it in a mold, it can be whatever you like best.
  3. You can use cookies and mini seeds as decoration, pour sour cream on top and decorate with cookie crumbs. Minimum cooking time.

In order to organize a holiday, it is not necessary to invent culinary delights, the main thing is the naturalness of the products and a little imagination. Soaked food can be turned into an original cake, and you can also use various molds and dry treats - bones.

What does your dog eat?

Dry food (38%, 284 Votes)

Total voters: 750

Some pet stores offer a service for preparing holiday food; if you are not willing to spend a lot of time, then contact them for help; as a rule, they share contacts of pet cooks.

Happy birthday, doggy! But what is a birthday without cake? Let your pet enjoy one of the best parts of the holidays. This can be done through special foods and recipes that contain dog-safe ingredients such as bananas, pumpkin and peanut butter. There's even a tip for making a cake for your pet on a grain-free diet. In addition, ingredients can be replaced in all recipes if your pet is on a special diet.

Home surprises

A dog can react just as violently to surprises as any of us. Does your pet not like to go for walks too much, or was the weather not suitable for flying? The best solution would be to organize a dog party at home. A familiar environment guarantees your pet a sense of calm, and proper organization of the holiday will lift his spirits for a long time. A pet who is often left alone will be extremely pleased by this turn of events: what could be better than a day spent with the owner?

Take a day off. Play fun music that your pet will enjoy. Prepare a dog maze (this can be made from boxes or foam). Play tug of war with your pet, give him warmth and affection. If your dog loves guests and other pets, organize a joint event where everyone can try a special treat. If your pet is modest, it is better to organize a holiday in the family circle.

Puppy as a gift - 13 ideal dog breeds for your child

A puppy as a gift is the cherished dream of girls and boys. If your child is ready to raise a four-legged friend and can take care of him, then it’s time to make his childhood dream come true!

Often, choosing the breed of a future pet is difficult due to the incompetence of adults, because a dog in the house is not a toy, but a new family member and a true friend for a child. Here is a brief description of the ideal dog breeds for a young dog breeder.

Poodle is a curly polyglot

The smart poodle combines beauty, intelligence, energy and excellent health. He is ready to support the child not only in games and walks, but also in school.

In the top 10 smartest dogs in the world, the poodle takes an honorable 2nd place. He is perfectly adapted to training and quickly remembers commands. It’s not for nothing that poodles perform in circus arenas.

The poodle is able to always be “on the same wavelength” with the child and does not bother anyone with unnecessary “questions”. A cheerful dog will bring slippers and find a lost diary and help his little owner learn letters and numbers.

It should be remembered that the poodle's curly coat needs daily combing and regular haircuts. You can give a small poodle puppy to a child starting from the age of 6 . The poodle and the child will become close friends for many years.

The cost of a “little circus performer” starts from 13,000 rubles. A poodle puppy from elite parents can cost up to 30,000 rubles.

Labrador Retriever - heart of gold

Labradors are excellent family men. They will never betray or offend. These dogs will always be nearby, and if the child is upset about something, they will try to calm him down. Animals of this breed are well trained and are ready to easily carry out human commands.

Labradors are very sociable creatures, they are ready to play with a child at any time. Daily brushing, timely walks and good nutrition are all they need. In addition, Labradors get along well with other pets.

Despite their large size, Labradors are suitable as a pet for young and middle-aged . A child will not be able to harm such a dog during play, and this is very important!

Parents can entrust their baby to a Labrador without fear, because there is no better nanny in the world. They perceive babies as their puppies - they will put them to bed and will vigilantly guard the children's sleep.

The price of this golden beauty starts from 20,000 rubles. The “cooler” the puppy’s pedigree, the more expensive it is valued.

3. Dalmatian - an intellectual in a spotted coat

Well, who doesn’t know this handsome spotted guy? The Dalmatian breed began to gain popularity after the film “101 Dalmatians” was shown, and many children are madly in love with these dogs.

On a genetic level, Dalmatians love children. Puppies and adult dogs of this breed are affectionate, kind and caring friends. They will never leave a child in trouble. This dog is suitable as a gift for children of any age .

Dalmatians are hunters by nature, they are energetic and need daily walks in the fresh air and exercise. They are very friendly “guys” and will easily get along with other Dalmatian pets.

Their coat is short and requires minimal care, but bathing such a handsome dog is a must.

The price of a pet-class Dalmatian ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. Show-class puppies are much more expensive - they are valued at 35,000, and often 45,000 rubles.

4. Bulldog - straight from France

The French Bulldog is a companion dog for the whole family. They adore their little owner and try to spend as much time as possible next to him. French Bulldogs are sweet, kind, playful and very sociable creatures.

They do not tolerate loneliness well and will eagerly wait for the child to come home from school. Bulldogs are quite friendly towards other pets.

With their average size, “four-legged Frenchies” can fit even in a small apartment. This breed is suitable for children of any age . However, parents should remember that this breed requires special care for its eyes and body.

You can buy a French bulldog puppy for a price starting from 10,000 rubles. Exhibition puppies are much more expensive - they are valued at approximately 25,000 rubles, puppies of elite blood can cost up to 45,000 rubles.

Yorkshire Terrier - a public favorite

Every little princess dreams of one like herself. It is the Yorkshire Terrier that can become a worthy gift for a charming fashionista over the age of 7 years.

These gorgeous dogs can be given creative hairstyles, dressed up in beautiful clothes and even jewelry. Yorkies accept all these manipulations patiently (although in their hearts they don’t really like it). But despite their glitz and glamor, Yorkshire Terriers are brave hunters.

Yorkies are ready to give themselves completely to their beloved mistress, in return they want a lot of love and affection. Sleep or wash, lie on the sofa or kick a ball - anything to be inseparable from your little princess! Left completely alone, Yorkies get incredibly bored.

If the child has a lot of lessons, these dogs know how to wait patiently. They do not create much trouble at home. No time for walks? York will do his business in the diaper.

This breed has many advantages: caring for a Yorkie is quite simple, these dogs do not suffer from allergies, do not shed, and their silky coat is worthy of the best beauty salons.

The price of a Yorkie puppy ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles and more, depending on the classification, exterior and passport details.

Papillon - a lovely butterfly

The appearance of little papillons is original and funny. Their large ears look like butterfly wings and it looks adorable. They are cheerful and very playful dogs. Such a puppy will become a real treasure for girls, because girls really love to draw butterflies and flowers.

Every child will be happy to frolic with a cheerful papillon. And with its ringing voice, the butterfly dog ​​will hasten to notify the household about the arriving guests.

Papillons are very friendly towards children, but they behave slightly selfishly when there are other pets in the house - papillons will not want to share the love of their owner with anyone!

“Butterflies” simply adore walks in the fresh air, but they will not bother you or bother you. Caring for Papillons is very simple and this breed is suitable for both small and older children .

The price of a butterfly puppy will be from 15,000 rubles and above.

Dachshund is an inquisitive hunter

A dachshund puppy is in perpetual motion. Dachshunds are active and very inquisitive. They are the first to know the latest news in the house. Dachshunds poke their wet nose into every household chore.

Despite their short legs, they jump well. Having a hunting instinct in their blood, they will definitely find hidden goodies in the closet. They love to play outdoors with a ball or stick.

With good upbringing, dachshunds react quite calmly to cats and other animals.

A Dachshund puppy can be given to a child of any age , starting from diapers. Older children will be able to walk their pet independently. Dachshunds are more suitable for boys, as boys get along well with them and can play hunting with their cheerful friend.

The price of a dachshund puppy depends on its pedigree and varies from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Beagle is a born explorer

A kind and affectionate beagle has dreamed of knowing everything and going everywhere since childhood. He loves noisy companies and gets along great with all animals. Older children should buy such an energetic dog. The beagle has an excellent sense of smell and can unexpectedly pick up the scent of an unknown animal, so it is not recommended to let it off the leash.

Beagles are stubborn by nature and require constant training. If your child is mobile and active, spends a lot of time on walks, then the Beagle breed will undoubtedly suit him.

Beagles are clean by nature and do not require special care. This dog will become a true devoted friend for a teenager , because despite its small weight and height, the beagle is very strong and the baby will not be able to keep it on a leash.

The price of a Beagle puppy varies on average from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. Show dogs cost from 35,000 rubles.

Jack Russell is an energetic adventurer

The fashion for this breed of dog is associated with the release of the film “The Mask”. Those who watched this film remember what incredible jumping ability this little dog has! It literally consists of springs and is constantly in motion. Lying sideways on the sofa is not for him.

The lively and cheerful Briton is easy to train, he is hardy and has good health. It is better for small children under 7-8 years old not to own this super dynamic breed of dog.

The Jack Russell is a sporting dog. If your child loves cycling, then this four-legged athlete is ready to keep him in great company!

Even as a puppy, the Jack Russell requires a lot of communication and does not tolerate long periods of loneliness. The temperament of this breed is suitable for dynamic boys from 8 years old .

The price of a small “energizer” ranges from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles. As with other breeds, the cost of a Jack Russell depends on the elite status of the animal and its pedigree.

Pekingese - the discreet emperor

These charming dogs have royal blood in their genes, because previously only the families of Chinese emperors could keep them. After many centuries, the Pekingese have not lost their greatness.

Their behavior is characterized by calmness and balance. A puppy of this breed does not make a fuss in the house and does not get underfoot without doing anything. Most of the time he lies on the sofa and waits to be pampered and cherished.

The attentive and good-natured Pekingese, despite his outward calmness, loves to play outdoor games. By nature, he is slightly stubborn and capricious, but “His Majesty” can forgive anything!

Brave by nature, the Pekingese tries to protect his little master at the cost of his own life, and it doesn’t matter to him how big the threat is in front of him.

Pekingese are very touchy, so giving a puppy of this breed is not recommended for preschool children. This breed is suitable for a calm and reasonable girl aged 8-9 years , who will be able to pay maximum attention to her shaggy friend. After all, his royal coat needs daily combing and care. They can be tied into ponytails and braided hair. The Pekingese will gratefully accept such care and attention. With proper upbringing, the Pekingese can become a living toy in the hands of its beloved owner.

A pet-class puppy can be purchased for 10,000 rubles. Show puppies cost about 25,000 rubles.

Chihuahua - a miniature friend

The small and compact Chihuahua at first glance looks like a funny toy, but this opinion is wrong. Dogs of this miniature breed are very brave and sometimes even daring towards other animals.

They are great inventors and will always find a reason and reason to pay attention to them. The breed is convenient because the dog can fit into a small bag or a large pocket.

Attention! Such a miniature dog should not be chosen as a companion for young children, who in the process of playing could cause pain to the animal or harm their health.

The breed is ideal older children The dog is easy to care for and you can go for a walk with it in good weather, but in bad weather it gets along just fine without walks and goes to the litter box to “run errands.”

The cost of Chihuahua babies greatly depends on their pedigree. A puppy for the soul can be bought at a price of around 10,000 rubles, and a dog with a show future can cost 45,000, or even 60,000 rubles.

Shih Tzu - Eastern Princess

Another representative of royal blood who has a truly lionlike character. The Shih Tzu is full of courage, patience and endurance. She has a unique mind. Like a little Buddha, she is able to determine the mood of her little owner and literally knows how to read a person’s thoughts!

The Shih Tzu will not interfere with the child’s homework and will calmly wait for the time of play and walks. Loves Shih Tzu sincerely and devotedly. By nature, she is well-mannered and clean, like a real princess.

A cheerful and sociable Shih Tzu dog finds in her tiny heart a place for love for everyone who surrounds her.

She gets along well with other animals. By giving a Shih Tzu puppy to your child, you won't have to worry about anything. When the puppy grows up, he will become a reliable friend to the baby. This dog will never hurt a child, but it won’t allow anyone to hurt her either.

You can buy a Shih Tzu as a gift at a price ranging from 10,000 to 35,000 rubles. The “cooler” the puppy’s pedigree, the higher its price.

Miniature Pinscher - Doberman in miniature

This brave little guy differs from his big brother Doberman only in size. Otherwise, he is the same smart and brave dog, capable of coming to the rescue of his little master at any moment. The little pinscher senses danger subconsciously. He has great intelligence.

Zverg is a devoted friend and masters training lessons well together with his little owner. An active and cheerful, lively miniature pinscher is an eternal puppy. Even as an adult, he will not become lethargic and depressed.

As a pet, a miniature pinscher is suitable for a teenage boy aged 12-14 years. It is very important that the child is well-mannered, disciplined, and teaches this to his four-legged friend.

This breed is not suitable for children due to its willful nature.

You can buy a puppy of this breed for a price starting from 15,000 rubles. Premium class puppies cost several times more.


Each breed is unique and among their diversity, parents are sure to find the one that is ideal for their beloved son or daughter.

Note! You should not choose a dog based only on external beauty. The character of the animal, the characteristics of its origin, the requirements for education, maintenance, training and care are of great importance. The lifestyle and temperament of the little owner or mistress must fully correspond to the character of the pet. A mistake in choosing a puppy breed can lead to irreparable consequences in the future.

Attention! Important!

The younger the child, the larger the breed of dog you should choose for him as a gift. Miniature and dwarf breeds are very fragile not only in character, but also in body. Due to their age, small children do not understand this and can harm the animal during active and noisy games.

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Street joys

Almost every dog ​​simply loves walks. The dog park provides a wide range of activities for dogs. You can celebrate your pet's birthday here. Play tug of war, ball, stick, etc. with him. Here your pet will be able to find new friends and have an unforgettable time. An excellent solution would be to go to the park or forest together with friends and their pets.

Before you go hiking with your pet, you need to check the weather forecast. If it's a rainy day, you can put a special raincoat on your dog. However, in this case, it is better not to risk your pet catching a cold, and the best solution would be to stay at home, in the circle of loving household members.

Where can you go with your pet?

  • Visit a special dog hairdresser (if the dog has long hair);
  • Go to the dog park;
  • Organize a hike in the forest;
  • A hot summer day is perfect for swimming in the pond. It is very fun to splash around in the water: the dog will appreciate such entertainment;
  • Every pet will love the Dog Cafe.

Based on your dog's personality and preferences to create the best birthday plan.

How to cook

Let's make minced meat. The meat can be ground in a blender or minced in a meat grinder. Cut vegetables and herbs into cubes.

Mix Combine the minced meat with vegetables and break a chicken egg into the resulting mass.

To prevent the resulting mass from becoming too dense, you can add a spoonful of boiled rice to it.

Mix everything thoroughly and place in a baking dish.

Place the pan in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. If your oven bakes very hot, then after 15 minutes you can reduce the heat to 100 degrees.

After 30 minutes, remove the cake from the oven.

Turn the form over.

And, voila! This is such a beautiful dog we have! Look, she even has a ponytail!

And what is this little “bunny” looking at me pitifully with the eyes of the cat from Shrek!

Well, of course, what would we do without Jackusik! He's already on alert! What if he inadvertently misses something, and they eat such delicious food without him!

The final touch: coat the cake with sour cream. Let's decorate.

And... bon appetit, beloved big-butted baby!

OK it's all over Now! As you can see, the norm control was more than satisfied! He's got a full belly, lies there and smiles!

So, if you want to pamper your little one with a delicious natural meat pie, then remember, or better yet, bookmark this recipe.

A camera that watches the dog and can give it food

Any owner is interested in watching what his pet does when he is away or at work. And there are some owners who are very worried about their pets, assuming that they are too worried without them. A special camera can solve both of these problems and would be a great gift for a person who has a dog.

For it to work, you will need to install a free application, and the camera can rotate 160 degrees, providing the owner with a complete overview of his pet’s location. The owner can also talk to the dog through this application, and the device can give the pet food, which is very convenient when owners have to leave their pet for several days.

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How to celebrate a dog's birthday

In any case, there are plenty of options. Once again it is worth repeating that before giving such a gift you need to thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons. In addition to one desire, a huge number of factors must coincide for the relevance of a gift in the form of a puppy of your favorite breed

Perhaps a person has such a rhythm of life that he simply does not have time left to pay due attention, care and concern to the new inhabitant of the house. Or suddenly his home does not allow him to have a dog yet

For example, many people know about the friendly nature of St. Bernards, but for a family living even in a spacious apartment, it makes no sense to have such a pony, because the giant will be very cramped in conditions where he will have nowhere to turn due to his truly gigantic size. It is also worth paying very close attention to congratulations in such an original way for those who are sure that the recipient will be happy to receive a bull terrier, cane corso, pit bull, Central Asian shepherd, etc., because these dogs have a steely disposition and often obey someone. then one very authoritative one in the family, and the future owner, in fact, is a soft-bodied person who will subsequently be led by the pet, and you and I know about the clear hierarchy that is present in the dog world, and in no case should the dog be allowed to become tyrant.

It is also categorically not recommended to give dogs to people whose psycho-emotional state is too unstable, because mood swings will be transmitted to the animal, and it’s one thing if the owner and the puppy are quietly sad in an embrace, and completely different when the owner is in a state of passion, and a dog can become a terrible weapon in the hands of a person shrouded in anger who does not know what he is doing.

But let’s not talk about the bad, because if you still decide to give a loved one a puppy of your favorite breed, then all the conditions have been met. This means that the recipient is ready to receive such a miracle, and he has every opportunity to provide the puppy with the necessary care, and all conditions have been created for keeping the future pet. If you are still racking your brains about which dog to give, then just ask the person you want to please what his favorite breed is. A real dog lover will not just name it for you, but will enthusiastically tell you why this particular breed, what it is famous for, the history of its origin, and you, having all the data, will make the right decision, taking into account the circumstances described above.

How to organize unusual children's parties


You can come up with the text yourself, and entrust the design and decoration to the children. Fold a thick album sheet in half, with a picture on the outside and text on the inside. Applique from magazines, colored paper, fabric with a suitable pattern, and small ribbons are suitable for decoration. Everything is attached with glue, small details are drawn.

Unusual children's holidays: pet's birthday.

Birthday gift

You definitely need to find a gift for the birthday boy. To do this, a gift and pieces of paper with riddles are prepared and hidden in advance (a riddle is the name of a thing). Children, guessing, go along the chain, from item to item, and come to the gift.


Our holiday is mainly for children, although adults also have a lot of fun at it, so you need to focus on children's tastes. Pizza, pies, cookies, creatively designed sandwiches, fruits, juices and fruit drinks are suitable. You can play on the theme of a “hot dog” - a hot dog. If the reception of guests will take place outdoors, you can fry sausages or kebabs; it is better to offer them a couple of salads; it is more convenient to use colored disposable tableware.


The birthday cake can be prepared in the shape of a bone. It needs to be covered with white glaze, the guests will be delighted. You can make a cottage cheese cake without baking, layered with cookies.


The caps were glued together and decorated by the children themselves (we enjoyed participating in this ourselves). The base can be cut out of colored cardboard or even wallpaper (practice on old newspapers). From colored paper, self-adhesive is suitable, we cut out silhouettes of dogs, bones, balls, flowers and others. We glue the appliqués onto the base, then fold the caps into a cone and glue them together. You can attach a bunch of New Year’s “rain” or colored threads to the top.

Room decoration

We decorate the room like it would be for a birthday party, but with a dog theme. We hang balloons, a garland of flags (cut from bright glossy magazines), bows from bright ribbons or pieces of fabric, bones from thin foam plastic, pictures with figures of funny dogs.


Offer to remember all famous dogs from history, movies, cartoons, songs. Both children and adults usually recall nicknames and names with excitement.

In the invitation, write that each child should tell the birthday boy a poem about a dog (for this there is a prize or a beautiful candy).


Everyone sits in a circle. One of the players sticks sticky pieces of paper (with the names of animals) on the players’ foreheads. Someone also comes up with the name of the animal and sticks a piece of paper on it. Each player sees the inscriptions of others, but does not know his beast. By asking questions to other participants (Do I have horns? Do I swim? Do I bite?), guess what kind of animal you are. The answers are only “Yes” and “No”. Having received a positive answer, ask another question; if a negative answer, you pass the turn to the next player (in a circle).

"Color Dances".

Everyone dances to the music. At any moment, the leader shouts out the name of any color, and all players must touch an object of that color. The last one is out. A very funny competition.


Everyone stands in a circle and, to the music, toss the ball, clap their hands and throw it around the circle. The host turns off the music. Whoever has the ball “hit a mine” and is eliminated from the game.

"Guessing game."

Words are selected, the letters in them are funnyly rearranged. Points are awarded to the first one to guess correctly.

You can choose other competitions based on your interests. It is better to alternate active ones with calm ones.

Don't forget to prepare small prizes for participating in competitions.


At the end of the holiday, children are given funny certificates on behalf of the birthday boy (made either by applique from scrap materials, or printed on a color printer). The certificates are prepared in advance by adults.

According to this scenario, you can hold holidays like “Birthday of any pet,” you just need to change the attributes. For cats these are mice, bows, fish; for aquarium fish - the seabed.

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