Toilet for dogs with a pole and with grass (for large and small pets), how to train a dog to use the litter box

Cats are not the only ones who need a litter box. Increasingly, dog owners are purchasing useful items. A dog toilet in an apartment is indispensable for miniature breeds, as well as animals that for some reason cannot go outside. Manufacturers respond to demand by producing a wide variety of devices. Among such designs you can find a pot in the form of a lawn, with walls, a column, etc. To choose the appropriate option for the pet, the owner must know some of the nuances in the designs.

Which tray is right for a dog?

Toilets with low sides are suitable for use by puppies or small breed dogs.
They require a special filler; you need to put a film in it that will absorb liquid. They must be replaced as needed. Trays with medium-sized sides and a grid at the bottom will be an excellent place for adult small breeds to relieve themselves. Filler is not required for such a tray. This significantly saves the owner’s money and time spent on cleaning and replacing the filler.

There are pallets that look like a piece of lawn. The structure has a rectangular shape and is filled with plastic imitation grass. The sides in such a tray are either of medium height or absent. Medium-sized dogs will like the trays.

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There are even trays with a specially equipped column. They come in different prices and differ in material and functionality. Cheaper post trays are made of plastic and have a plastic mesh. Models that cost a little more are made in the shape of a lawn with a post, and resemble a fire hydrant. Sometimes models are equipped with special sprayers for spraying a simulated lawn. Trays do not require filling. They either do not have sides at all or are small in size.

For a medium-sized dog, a toilet that is not equipped with a post is suitable. Then it should have high walls.

There are booth-shaped trays. You can add filler to it or add reusable film. Models priced above average sometimes have plastic grass. If the pet has a shy disposition, then this will be a fashionable and fun solution for the owners; the pet will be comfortable and comfortable doing all its business.

Brief overview of popular brands

Steps for small breed dogs on the sofa

There are many companies that make litter boxes for pets.


A reliable manufacturer offering inexpensive diaper trays with frames. Plastic trays are available in various colors; it is possible to use both disposable and reusable diapers.

Hello Pet

Offers modern models of dog litter boxes: silicone mats and structures with walls for male dogs. Such trays look very attractive and have a long service life. The only negative is that the price starts from 1000 rubles*.

Brand Pet Potty

Offers comfortable trays for small breed dogs and any puppies with artificial grass. You can choose not the usual rectangular model, but an interesting bone-shaped design. Replacement grass is also available for sale.


These are not only trays for home use, but also special products that are placed in a pet’s cage for moving. The models are made of high-quality plastic and are light in weight.


Offers large (60x48x4 cm) and medium (47x35x4 cm) pots designed specifically for tiny doggies.


It produces models with removable posts, a laconic design, and a convenient grid under which the film is placed.

Having studied the range of different manufacturers, you can easily choose the appropriate accessory for your pet.

What types of trays are there?

Any tray is made of plastic.
The only differences are in price and quality of material. They exist with large or small sides. The larger the animal, the higher the sides should be. But sometimes they won't be needed. Trays that are made of plastic in a cheaper price segment will provide the owner with the appropriate odors. Urine drains through the mesh cover, remaining in the tray. It requires cleaning after each use, but this will not ensure that there are no odors. Reusable film designed specifically for absorption can help improve the situation a little. Thanks to this film, the unpleasant odor will not spread as much.

It is prohibited to clean such toilets with products that contain chlorine. The animal may lose its sense of smell, and it is unlikely that it will use such a toilet.

There are reusable diapers for dogs that can serve as bedding or act as a toilet. This diaper contains absorbent fabric. They are covered with a top layer that dries quickly on one side and a waterproof fabric on the other. If such a film lies on the floor, it can preserve the floor covering. Such films do not allow smell to pass through, relieving owners of specific “odors.” The film is suitable for training a puppy to use the tray.

First steps when bringing a pet into your home

As soon as a new four-legged tenant appears in your home, you need to immediately, without delay, begin toilet training your dog. In this case, it is not enough to put a tray and poke the puppy’s nose there. Preparation includes a whole series of events:

  • Observation - a dog, even a small and still stupid one, when choosing a place for the toilet, is guided by certain rules and instincts. To begin with, it is better to use them to your advantage and “follow the lead” by organizing a toilet in the place that for some reason the dog liked.
  • “Clearing” the territory - for the first time it is best to remove all carpets and paths, since small puppies most often choose them as a latrine. If the dog has chosen the bathroom for its needs, provide it with free access.
  • Placement of toilets - it is quite possible that the puppy will choose not one, but several places at once. One of the fairly effective training methods is to install several trays. This is necessary because the little fidget does not always have time to run to the tray, which is why it begins to settle down in the corner closest to the place of play or sleep. In the future, as the animal grows, the number of trays can be reduced to 1 or 2. The second one will play the role of a spare one, since many adult individuals, during a period of long absence of their owners, simply do not want to go to a dirty, uncleaned toilet and choose a new place.

How to choose a tray

When choosing a toilet for small breeds, you need to consider several factors:

  1. How often will your pet use the indoor toilet? Small puppies, pregnant dogs or old dogs go to the toilet often at home, which means a cheap plastic tray is unlikely to be a good option. Using reusable film is suitable. For puppies, cat litter with filler is suitable.
  2. Gender of the pet. High sides or a column are suitable for a dog, but for a bitch - trays with low sides. In the matter of filler, gender does not play a role; the choice depends only on the desires and capabilities of the owner.
  3. Reviews. Before purchasing an item, it is appropriate to read reviews about it.

Choosing types

At first glance, it may seem that there are not very many types of litter boxes for dogs. But in fact, there are quite a large number of types of dog litter boxes, from which you can choose the one that suits you best. We will look at what types of trays exist, and also analyze their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.


This is the name given to a simple plastic pallet that is placed in the house. A special reusable diaper is placed on this tray or it is covered with plastic grass, which helps to simulate a natural trip to the toilet for your dog. So, the advantages of this type of tray are its ease of use, it will be very convenient for puppies and small dogs. Disadvantages will appear if you do not put diapers or other filling on it, because plastic absorbs unpleasant odors well.

Check out the pros and cons of dog diapers.

Important! For high-quality hygiene of the animal, it is advisable to change diapers every day.

With mesh

This type of tray is quite popular among owners of decorative dog breeds. In appearance, it is similar to a regular tray with medium sides or without them at all, but its distinctive feature is the presence of a plastic mesh, which is designed to drain the animal’s urine. So, its advantage can be considered the fact that since urine simply flows to the bottom, the dog can use such a toilet more times.

Decorative dog breeds include the Cairn Terrier, Norwich Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher, Brussels Griffon, Poodle, Bichon Frize, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Japanese Chin, Papillon, Russian Toy Terrier .

The disadvantage is the presence of an unpleasant odor, because plastic absorbs it very easily, but this problem can be solved using the same diaper or a special loose filler that will absorb moisture and reduce the unpleasant odor. If you do not use litter, then you will have to wash this dog toilet after each time your pet uses the toilet.

Important! Never use chemicals or chlorine-containing solutions when washing the tray in an attempt to neutralize the odor. Natural vinegar or baking soda are best for cleaning trays.

With raised sides

High sides are not a whim, but a real necessity for owners of large dogs, especially large males. When urinating, male dogs are accustomed to lifting their legs, and since such a trip to the toilet is not relevant on a regular tray, high sides come to the rescue. You can make such a tray at home by simply taking a plastic bucket and cutting a hole in the wall for the dog. Filler is poured into the bottom of such a tray, and the toilet for your dog is ready.

The advantages of such a tray can be considered that it is perfect for large dogs, but there are no particular disadvantages to it, it is only important for you to choose the right size for the dog and monitor the change of filler

With a column

This type of dog toilet is characterized by the fact that a column is installed on a flat or medium-sided tray

In the modern world, it is also important for dogs that visit nature to relieve themselves to mark their territory. This is especially true for males, and some dogs simply cannot visit the latrine without a post that they mark

Such posts can look like an ordinary quadrangular plastic pyramid, or they can be stylized, for example, like fire hydrants that are on the street.

More expensive versions of this tray are also covered with plastic grass and are generally styled like a park lawn. The advantages of such a tray can be considered the usual way for a dog to relieve himself, but one of the disadvantages is that in addition to the tray, you will also have to wash the column.

Did you know? On average, dog owners move 67% more than other pet owners.


This type of apartment toilet is installed by the owners of the most shy pets. This tray looks like a covered booth with filler placed on the floor. The main advantage of such a toilet is that the dog feels comfortable and calmly copes with its business without prying eyes. The downside is that in order to properly wash such a tray, you will have to remove the roof, but since this toilet uses filler, you will not often have to perform such manipulations.

Making a toilet with your own hands

For creative owners, making it yourself will be almost no difficulty.
You will need a basin, a tool that can be used to cut plastic, and filler.

If the pet is small, then the sides of the basin need to be cut to the required height, or you can make an entrance.

Your pet will be grateful for this convenience. If it is larger in size, then the sides can be left at the same height as the sides of the basin. This depends on the size of the pet and the basin; you need to make the sides the height that will be most comfortable for the pet.

You need to put the film in the basin and add filler. Now the dog can relieve himself without difficulty. Making such a tray does not require Herculean efforts and does not take much time. This is a great way to save money without losing convenience. And the dog will be just as comfortable in such a tray as it would be in a purchased one.

Why is it needed?

Most owners of tiny dogs wonder: “Does their sweetest creature need regular walking if they are much smaller than a cat?” These pets are more sensitive to temperature, freeze more often, and cannot stand the heat.

It is worth installing a tray at home and walking the dog only in suitable weather conditions. It is worth emphasizing that walking cannot be completely replaced by home comforts.

Almost all breeds experience the need for a home toilet. This is not an option for large breeds, but for everyone else it is a good option. This is due to the following situations:

  • Puppies should not be taken outside before vaccinations and for some time after vaccination;
  • The weather does not allow walking puppies, hairless, short-haired dogs;
  • The owner is sick and cannot physically walk with the pet (a tray, for all reasons, is better than self-walking);
  • Work doesn’t allow you to take your dog outside 2-3 times every day (of course, if this doesn’t happen every day, otherwise you shouldn’t have a pet);
  • The pet is sick and undergoing rehabilitation after surgery;
  • The dog is elderly and does not always endure before being walked (smart pets experience these embarrassments, and a backup option will save the pet from remorse and the owner from an unpleasant surprise).

There can be a lot of situations; if this happens, consider the available toilet options.

Main varieties

Taking into account the characteristics of different breeds, manufacturers offer a wide selection of trays for small dogs.

With diapers

This model can be chosen not only for a small breed pet, but also for a medium and large puppy, which cannot be taken outside before vaccination. This is a tray with low sides, on the bottom of which a disposable diaper is placed. Thanks to a special frame, it is securely attached to the pallet, so it does not crumple. Standard dimensions are 60x40x4 cm.

Your dog will be happy to visit a convenient litter box.

Note! Plastic pots are easy to keep clean and do not absorb odors, which is why they are very popular. It's easy to accustom your baby to this tray.

It is enough to watch him carefully after eating. As soon as the puppy begins to search for a “place,” you need to quickly put him in a diaper and be sure to praise him for his success

It is easy to accustom your baby to such a tray. It is enough to watch him carefully after eating. As soon as the puppy begins to search for a “place,” you need to quickly put him in a diaper and be sure to praise him for his success.

With sides

When choosing a tray for small breed dogs, many owners pay attention to this variation. The edges help keep the floor clean

When choosing, be sure to focus on the size of the pet. High sides are necessary for small male dogs, whose urination is certainly accompanied by raising their paws. A stream of urine will hit the plastic surface of the side and flow into the tray.

With absorbent filler

This toilet for dogs not only helps to keep clean, but also protects the room from unpleasant odors, which is why it is so popular.

The only difficulty is the need to constantly purchase filler, without which the structure itself loses functionality. Experts recommend choosing wood, which absorbs liquid and prevents odor.

Note! Some puppies have a habit of swallowing clumps of litter, so it is important to supervise the little ones and wean them off.

A pot with filler is the easiest way to lock up the smell

Tray with weed

Refers to multi-level toilet models for small dogs:

  1. The lower part is a silicone or plastic tray.
  2. The central element is a layer of mesh material.
  3. The top layer is flooring, imitation of lawn grass.

The dog does its business, the urine passes through the layer of grass and settles in the container. Due to the size of the tray, it can be cleaned once a week; in addition, the design protects well from odors.

Posted pot

This is a good toilet option for small breed dogs. It is a prefabricated structure consisting of a pallet, lattice and column. Peculiarities:

  • Helps male dogs relieve themselves in a natural way without dirtying the floor and walls.
  • Due to the use of non-toxic raw materials in production, it is completely safe for animals and owners prone to allergies.
  • It is necessary to clean once a day, but using household chemicals is not recommended. They will destroy the characteristic odor, and the pet may refuse to use the tray.
  • You need to wash not only the tray, but also the column.

The post can be a regular rectangle or imitate the fire hydrants so beloved by dogs. There are also more complex models in which the column is built into the lawn grass

The design resembles a real lawn and will inevitably attract the attention of your pet.

A potty with a post will appeal to small males

Made from wood

The pot itself is not made of wood - when exposed to moisture, the material will rot very quickly, and in addition, it absorbs odors very well. And after a while it starts to smell unpleasant. However, fans of natural ingredients can choose wood litter for the tray for their tiny pet. These are sawdust that have undergone pre-treatment and are capable of absorbing moisture.

Note! Coniferous sawdust is considered the best material that can protect against odor

Closed model

Suitable for those owners who do not have the opportunity to regularly clean up after their puppy or dog. The peculiarity of the model allows you to hide the animal’s excrement, which will be inside and not in plain sight. In addition, the walls help keep the floors and walls clean

Another plus is that the pet will relieve itself in privacy and comfort, which is especially important for nervous small dogs. Visually resembles a house or box with a hole for the animal to enter and exit

A closed box will help your pet feel safe

The main disadvantage is that you will have to wash not only the tray, but also the lid, after disassembling the structure.

Unsuccessful options

Many, for economic reasons, use cat litter, which, now, even for cats, is rarely used:

  1. A basin filled with sand. Simple, but not hygienic. You can make it yourself - fill a basin or bowl with sand. The design of the container itself will make it difficult for your pet to enter the toilet; the sides will be too high. The pet will like the filler, he will happily rummage through it, covering everything around him, spreading grains of sand throughout the house. In addition to the mess, such a toilet will “smell”, because sand does not absorb odors.
  2. Tray with double bottom. An economical option among dog toilets. Don’t buy fillers, and the tray itself is inexpensive. The disadvantages include the fact that not all four-legged companions want to use it. Trays are made of plastic that absorbs odor well. With regular cleaning and washing, an unpleasant odor will appear; you can only get rid of it with a tray.

What's better than a house?

Usually dog ​​owners have to make their choice between beds and houses. What is better than the first option and why should the second be chosen only for the most picky pets? Any animal taller than 25 cm at the withers will feel quite uncomfortable in a confined space. If the pet is also physically active, the owner will regularly find its refuge in the most unexpected places of the house or apartment.

The difficulty of hygienic care is another reason for refusing to buy a house. If the bed is easy to disinfect, treat with steam, or simply change the cover on it, then rigidly fixed upholstery will not allow such liberties. As a result, over time the home will emit a rather unpleasant odor. It is also not very beneficial for the animal's fur to be in a tight space - it can be wiped off in areas in contact with the walls.

How to toilet train a dog

Dogs are intelligent creatures, but it is still unusual for them to relieve themselves at home. In order for the dog to quickly understand what they want from him, it is necessary to take measures:

  • You need to choose a place for the future toilet, place a piece of cloth or a diaper there, slightly soaked in your pet’s urine;
  • If an animal tries to relieve itself in places that are not suitable for this, they can be treated with special repellents;
  • When catching a pet “at the crime scene”, it is necessary to take it and put it in the toilet;
  • Puddles in the wrong places are wiped off, the area can be treated with a vinegar solution to discourage the dog from wanting to walk there again;
  • Apply a system of rewards and punishments; successful moments are obligatory and marked with praise and reward; unsuccessful moments are marked with dissatisfaction and reproach;
  • If the pet resists and continues to mark the entire territory, it is worth limiting its movement and placing it in a closed space, along with a litter tray; The dog understands what is required of him - he receives a mandatory reward.

Common Mistakes

  • Punishment is absolutely unacceptable when training a dog to wear a diaper. Scolding an animal, hitting it or poking its nose into puddles is the worst thing you can do. This will only scare the baby, make him afraid of you and undermine trust in the owner, but will not teach him anything. In addition, the puppy may be so frightened that it will try to hide traces of its vital activity from you, for example, by peeing on pillows or its lounger. Be very careful and never try to scold your dog for its natural needs.
  • Incorrect placement of the toilet, incorrect choice of size or type is a common cause of problems.
  • Dirty disposable or reusable ones that have acquired an odor after washing. Be sure to wash diapers only with unscented powder, and when buying disposable ones, make sure they are not scented, as foreign odors can confuse your dog.
  • Frequent changes in the type of diapers or their location.
  • Start praising your pet immediately after peeing, and not during the toilet, so as not to distract the dog.
  • Clean up any accidents thoroughly and promptly.
  • Don't change the diaper too often or too rarely. Frequently changing bedding prevents the puppy from getting used to the smell and remembering the place of the toilet. And too infrequent changes confuse some dogs; they are not ready to go to an excessively dirty place.

Recommendations from experts

Experienced people unanimously say that the dog should still be walked. If you want to have a large or medium-sized pet, but don’t have time to walk it, then you should abandon the idea until more appropriate times.

The tray is suitable for permanent use only for small dogs; for other breeds this is a necessary measure. Moreover, large pets can get used to the comforts of home, and then they will have to clean up large mountains of feces every day.

Veterinarians warn against cleaning litter boxes with products containing chlorine. The dog may refuse to use the toilet or even lose its sense of smell.

To accustom your pet to the tray, you will need a lot of patience and endurance. The use of force in punishment is not acceptable!

Main varieties

Taking into account the characteristics of different breeds, manufacturers offer a wide selection of trays for small dogs.

With diapers

This model can be chosen not only for a small breed pet, but also for a medium and large puppy, which cannot be taken outside before vaccination. This is a tray with low sides, on the bottom of which a disposable diaper is placed. Thanks to a special frame, it is securely attached to the pallet, so it does not crumple. Standard dimensions are 60x40x4 cm.

Your dog will be happy to visit a convenient litter box.

Note! Plastic pots are easy to keep clean and do not absorb odors, which is why they are very popular. It's easy to accustom your baby to this tray.

It is enough to watch him carefully after eating. As soon as the puppy begins to search for a “place,” you need to quickly put him in a diaper and be sure to praise him for his success

It is easy to accustom your baby to such a tray. It is enough to watch him carefully after eating. As soon as the puppy begins to search for a “place,” you need to quickly put him in a diaper and be sure to praise him for his success.

With sides

When choosing a tray for small breed dogs, many owners pay attention to this variation. The edges help keep the floor clean

When choosing, be sure to focus on the size of the pet. High sides are necessary for small male dogs, whose urination is certainly accompanied by raising their paws. A stream of urine will hit the plastic surface of the side and flow into the tray.

With absorbent filler

This toilet for dogs not only helps to keep clean, but also protects the room from unpleasant odors, which is why it is so popular.

The only difficulty is the need to constantly purchase filler, without which the structure itself loses functionality. Experts recommend choosing wood, which absorbs liquid and prevents odor.

Note! Some puppies have a habit of swallowing clumps of litter, so it is important to supervise the little ones and wean them off.

A pot with filler is the easiest way to lock up the smell

Tray with weed

Refers to multi-level toilet models for small dogs:

  1. The lower part is a silicone or plastic tray.
  2. The central element is a layer of mesh material.
  3. The top layer is flooring, imitation of lawn grass.

The dog does its business, the urine passes through the layer of grass and settles in the container. Due to the size of the tray, it can be cleaned once a week; in addition, the design protects well from odors.

Posted pot

This is a good toilet option for small breed dogs. It is a prefabricated structure consisting of a pallet, lattice and column. Peculiarities:

  • Helps male dogs relieve themselves in a natural way without dirtying the floor and walls.
  • Due to the use of non-toxic raw materials in production, it is completely safe for animals and owners prone to allergies.
  • It is necessary to clean once a day, but using household chemicals is not recommended. They will destroy the characteristic odor, and the pet may refuse to use the tray.
  • You need to wash not only the tray, but also the column.

The post can be a regular rectangle or imitate the fire hydrants so beloved by dogs. There are also more complex models in which the column is built into the lawn grass

The design resembles a real lawn and will inevitably attract the attention of your pet.

A potty with a post will appeal to small males

Made from wood

The pot itself is not made of wood - when exposed to moisture, the material will rot very quickly, and in addition, it absorbs odors very well. And after a while it starts to smell unpleasant. However, fans of natural ingredients can choose wood litter for the tray for their tiny pet. These are sawdust that have undergone pre-treatment and are capable of absorbing moisture.

Note! Coniferous sawdust is considered the best material that can protect against odor

Closed model

Suitable for those owners who do not have the opportunity to regularly clean up after their puppy or dog. The peculiarity of the model allows you to hide the animal’s excrement, which will be inside and not in plain sight. In addition, the walls help keep the floors and walls clean

Another plus is that the pet will relieve itself in privacy and comfort, which is especially important for nervous small dogs. Visually resembles a house or box with a hole for the animal to enter and exit

A closed box will help your pet feel safe

The main disadvantage is that you will have to wash not only the tray, but also the lid, after disassembling the structure.

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