Top 10 best dog breeds for children: from small “nannies” to large “guards”

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Parents do not always agree to their child’s request to get a dog, fearing for the safety of their child. But there is nothing to be afraid of if the choice is made deliberately. And the top 10 best nanny dogs will help you with this.

Good-natured poodles

Smart and easy to train dogs with the kindest souls. The poodle will definitely notify the owner of the approach of a stranger, but will not attack him - this is a non-aggressive breed.

A number of advantages make the poodle a wonderful companion for children:

  • loves active games in the water;
  • swims beautifully;
  • loves to frolic.

The pet will strive to please its owners, and given the lack of shedding in this breed, parents will not experience difficulties keeping it in the house.

The kindest dog breeds for children

First of all, choose dog breeds that love children. They are distinguished by a good-natured disposition, easygoing nature, calm character and lack of aggression towards humans.


The most popular breeds for families are the Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever. Both four-legged animals were bred for hunting, but due to their extraordinary love for humans, most owners acquire them as companions. They are not suitable for protection, but they help cope with depression, charging them with optimism.

Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

Shelties are incredibly loyal and have an inexhaustible supply of energy. They have a special love for playing with their owner, which is very important for building relationships with children. Shelties cannot stand loneliness, so a noisy company of children is a priority for them.


The friendliest bulldogs are English and French. They love children's company, but are slightly different in character. “The English” are lazy and love to sleep, so they are ideal for calm children. The “French” are their opposite with an inexhaustible supply of energy.


All varieties, including the smallest ones, are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence and love for an active lifestyle. Poodles perceive human speech well, quickly learn new commands and are happy to be trained under the guidance of little ones.

Welsh Corgi

Both Pembrokes and Cardigans are famous for their kindness, but the former are most often kept as pets. Cardigans are more phlegmatic, but they also love to play around. Please note that corgis looking after their little owners may lightly bite them on the legs when they deviate from the desired trajectory. In this way, they demonstrate their shepherd instinct, protecting their owners like a herd of cows or sheep.

Border Collie

This dog ranks 1st among the smartest. Border collies quickly learn new skills and perfectly follow any commands. They have a special love for their owners and happily tinker with the little ones all day long.

Bernese Mountain Dog

A four-legged giant with an unusually charming smile reaches psychological maturity only by 2 years. At this age, his curiosity and carelessness are replaced by calmness and equanimity, but this does not at all prevent the mountain dog from participating in any outdoor games with the same zeal.


This big guy is famous for his heroism and kindness. He loves to communicate with people and gets along well with any pets, including cats and birds. The Newfoundland is also very attached to its family and has a very difficult time being separated.


Irish and Scottish Setters are ultra-social and require very long, active walks. Up to 3 years of age they are hyperactive and love to play pranks. They cannot stand loneliness and gladly accept any affection, including strong hugs from babies.


Without regular physical activity, the Dalmatian becomes uncontrollable, so it is recommended to keep it in a private home with the possibility of free walking. This pet is not suitable for children under 3 years of age. The Dalmatian may accidentally injure them during play, not calculating his weight, or instinctively attack due to congenital hearing problems. In the latter case, it is important to explain to the baby that you cannot approach the animal from the back or wake it up during sleep.

Basset Hound

Bassets are unusually sociable and cheerful, but this does not at all interfere with their love for the sofa lifestyle. They are not at all characterized by aggression, so in the event of a robbery it is better not to count on them.


A cheerful and energetic good-natured fellow loves to frolic in the fresh air. Thanks to his love of games, he quickly becomes a friend to children. The Beagle easily finds a common language with other dogs, but it is better not to introduce it to cats, rats, hamsters and parrots due to its developed hunting instinct.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A shaggy fidget with an unusually charming appearance is in a positive mood 24/7. Regardless of a person’s age, the Cavalier King Charles becomes very attached to him. Due to his lack of attention, he can cause some pretty serious damage to your home.


It’s a shame that you don’t meet representatives of this breed on the street as often as they deserve. Newfoundlands are notoriously good-natured dogs, for whom it is completely unusual to show aggression towards people or animals. Having a phlegmatic character, the Newfoundland will tenderly endure the pranks of even the most restless children.

A child will definitely want to pet this dog endlessly, because thanks to its thick fur, the animal resembles a teddy bear. Children constantly want to cuddle, cuddle and cuddle the Newfoundland, who puts up with it... with great pleasure!

Irish Setter

Your child will show off his charge during a walk, because the setter would probably win a beauty contest among its relatives. You just want to touch his stunning fur, and the elegant gait of an exquisite hunting breed speaks volumes about his noble disposition. Thanks to its good-natured disposition, the setter is loved by the entire family.

An active junior schoolchild or teenager will definitely appreciate the “fiery” nature of this dog - this ball of energy literally ignites as soon as it gives free rein to its movements, its endurance and speed. Walking with these intellectuals and good-natured people is a pleasure.

Fighting English Bulldog

The ancestors of these dogs participated in bullfights. The breed was considered a fighting breed, and the dogs were bred only for bloody fights. They had all the data to provide decent resistance to ferocious large animals: strong strong teeth, a well-developed jaw, powerful muscles.

Over time, such entertainment has lost its relevance. Fights were stopped, and dogs were no longer used for endless brutal fights. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, selection of this breed began. As a result, English bulldogs completely lost their fighting qualities: anger and aggressiveness.

Now these are very cute and funny dogs that are prone to laziness and leisurely behavior. They are very stubborn and willful, so training them can take a long time. The English Bulldog is perfect for a calm and balanced child. The dog loves long walks and games that do not involve increased physical activity. He will be happy to share passive leisure with his little owner.

Which one is suitable?

The main and main criterion is safety ! You must be 100% sure that the animal will not harm the child (ideally, the opposite situation should not arise). Focus on the rule “the weight of the dog cannot exceed the weight of the child”, and it is better to be smaller so that your child can hold the animal.

There is an opinion that the smaller the breed, the safer, but this is not entirely true. Often, small animals are more aggressive, for example, a Pekingese or a Spitz may bite if they are careless about their tail and paws. But the imposing large breeds can be fabulously good-natured and even allow you to ride on horseback. So you need to select based on the characteristics of the breed: good disposition, strong psyche, disposition towards children.

Advice: a child should not get a dog earlier than 6 years old. Before this, the baby simply will not be able to properly distinguish it from a plush toy - this is fraught with danger for both parties.

Also, in addition to size and character, it matters:

  • Your child's character. If he is mischievous and loves to run and play, a Dalmatian is perfect - he can run for hours, even behind a bicycle, and not get tired, collie, Labrador. If the baby is calm and spends more time at home, something like a cute fat pug or a “couch dog” like a Maltese will do.
  • Gender of the dog. For a child it is definitely better to choose a female. True, during heat, an adult will have to walk her (unless you are thinking about sterilization), but bitches are softer, more attached to the house and owner, and less inclined to dominate. The child will be able to gain control over the animal without any problems.
  • Difficult to care for. There are very beautiful breeds, but think about whether the baby will really be able to care for this particular animal, and if something happens, will you help him? If yes, then you can pay attention to the long-haired beauties, who will often have to be combed and bathed. If not, get someone with short hair and a non-white color.
  • Price and pedigree of the animal. Please note that a dog is not a cheap pleasure, especially the currently popular breeds. Of course, there is a great temptation to bring a fluffy ball from the market, or buy a cheap handsome dog without a pedigree. But it’s better not to do this: it could turn into a tragedy. You will not know the genetics and characteristics of such an animal, while breeders, if aggressiveness is observed, reject the entire litter.
  • Possible susceptibility to disease. Having selected a breed, ask what it suffers from: many artificially bred species have a tendency to diseases of the kidneys, bones, etc. A sick pet is not only a big expense, but also a huge stress for the child, so it is better to choose a pet that is not prone to serious illnesses and has a long life.
  • Allergies. Unfortunately, if your baby develops an allergy to wool, you will have to say goodbye to your pet. You can avoid this by doing an allergy test in advance or choosing a hypoallergenic breed - these exist.


The Papillon is a small animal. Her maximum weight is 4 kilograms and her height is 25 centimeters. A pet needs regular care for its fur. It needs to be washed several times a week. In addition, it is not recommended to leave your pet alone for a long time. Ideal if there are several children of different ages in the family. Then the dog will not remain unattended for long. And the need to care for a four-legged friend will help your little household members become responsible, punctual and attentive.

Jack Russell Terrier

This little “jumper” and merry fellow is known all over the world for the comedy “The Mask”. The dog will conquer any child's heart with its cheerful disposition and cheerfulness. This is unbridled energy - its surge will surprise even the most explosive fidget who cannot be kept in place.

Read Dogs with brown coloring - 20 current breeds

It is possible that such a tandem will cause a local disaster in your apartment, but the child’s emotions are worth it! He will be able to endlessly run and jump on the street to the cheerful squeals of his four-legged Energizer.

Jack Russell is a great opportunity to teach your child to go jogging in the morning. The pet will go crazy from such joint activity.


We talked about nanny dogs and dogs that can provide excellent company for a child. And what breeds are capable of truly loving your baby? There are many of them. For convenience, we divide them into three groups:


  1. The leader, of course, is the St. Bernard. He is calm, reliable, and has a credible past as a rescue dog. This animal will sincerely love your baby and will become not only a nanny, but also a friend.
  2. Newfoundland. A good-natured dog with amazing intuition. The Newfie is perhaps the only breed that will calmly allow itself to be ridden and that sincerely loves children's games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer or Giant Schnauzer . This is a friendly and loyal dog that needs attention. She will love whoever gives it to her - including the child.
  4. Cane Corso . Don't let its appearance scare you: this dog's devotion to children is legendary. Dog handlers call this breed a nanny-governess: they are even ready to give their life for the baby.
  5. Boxer. Yes, he will have an excellent relationship with the child: he has an increased love for children.

Cane Corso

Giant Schnauzer


Which representatives of medium-sized breeds love small children:

  1. Shar Pei. A sedate and at the same time funny dog ​​can become an excellent protector. They can be fierce, protecting the child like a lion.
  2. Samoyed dog. She is very beautiful and loves to play with children, but will require a lot of care.
  3. The Border Collie is a fast herding dog, extremely intelligent and affectionate. She will “shepherd” the baby – and will do it with love.
  4. English Bulldog - yes, it is considered a medium-sized dog. It is better to give it to an older child: for all its affection for children, this is a rather stubborn breed. In addition, these medium-sized animals are very suitable for an apartment!
  5. Cocker Spaniel. A dog will get along well with a hyperactive child: they will become inseparable!

Border Collie


Little ones

Important: a child should not have such a dog, he may inadvertently crush it.

The advantage of small dogs is that they are suitable for any apartment, and often these little tails are very fond of children.

  1. Yorkie is a beautiful, flexible and hypoallergenic baby.
  2. The Papillon is a charming dog with huge ears and long hair.
  3. The Spitz is very attentive to its owner, and the child will adore it.
  4. Miniature Pinscher . He is smart, can attack someone who, in his opinion, poses a danger to the baby - and usually turns out to be right.
  5. Coton de Tulear is an obedient and devoted little one. Gets along easily with other animals.

Coton de Tulear


Active Dalmatian

Dalmatians are bred specifically for hunting. Because of this, they are incredibly active. Walking them should be long enough so that they can use up most of their energy. If you don't walk them for a long time, they can become stubborn and mischievous.

Dalmatians are suitable for a child or teenager who loves physical activity. These dogs are good protectors. They will protect their owner and treat him very carefully. The Dalmatian is very sociable and will easily make friends with your child. And the constant need to walk the dog and play active games with him will easily tear the owner away from the computer.


The Beagle is another ideal dog for a child. She loves playing together, so your child will not be bored in her company. Distinguished by their sociable disposition and mobility, beagles are, however, very calm.

Read The rarest dog breeds - 20 rarest dogs

They love affection, so the beagle can become an enviable nanny for kids. But older children will also be interested in a pet that is well trained and obedient.

If you don’t like your dog to sleep with your son or daughter in the same bed, you need to accustom your beagle to this as early as possible - the dog is stubborn in its love for its little owner (although, as experience shows, 50% of pets sleep in bed with their owners , even if the first ones are against it).

Pros and cons of buying a four-legged pet

The decision to adopt a dog is a responsible and serious step. It radically changes the way of life and habits of the family. To prevent this from becoming “the biggest disappointment in life,” you should familiarize yourself in advance with the pros and cons of buying a four-legged pet.

The main positive changes will occur from the first days of the dog’s appearance:

  • Increased physical activity. In the age of computers, school overloads and a saturated market for home delivery services, this is especially valuable. Walking in the fresh air twice a day, for 30-60 minutes , will undoubtedly bring tangible benefits to the physical development of the child.
  • Emotional support. Dogs are grateful listeners. They do not argue, do not shout, or provoke conflicts. The child will always be able to share his problems and talk about his achievements. Their “muteness” is a great advantage over their peers, especially during puberty, when teenagers tend to give each other harsh assessments. Of course, this does not mean that the pet will take responsibility for the mental state of the children. Taking care of their health lies entirely with the parents. But the dog will be a great help and will be able to emotionally “unload” the child.
  • Formation of a sense of responsibility and self-organization. The need to care for a living creature and adherence to a precise routine for caring for an animal will contribute to the development of such positive qualities as self-confidence, reliability and commitment. Adults who had a dog as a child usually have a calm and balanced character and easily overcome life's difficulties.

Negative aspects concern mainly adults and boil down to the following:

  1. It is impossible at first to entrust the child with full care of the pet, especially if we are talking about a puppy; parents are obliged to teach children the rules of behavior with a dog, tell them about its walking, feeding and rest regime and control these processes;
  2. The need to make plans for weekends and vacation trips taking into account the new family member, as well as take into account time restrictions associated with walking;
  3. Additional financial costs for food, vaccinations and toys for the dog.

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer has a calm character. The dog is good with children, and its large size and impressive appearance will scare away any ill-wisher. The pet is distinguished by its special intelligence and intelligence. To train these qualities, it is necessary to conduct games for him to search for various objects. Coming up with and carrying out such tasks will perfectly develop the logical thinking of any child. And the fascinating process of training will distract his attention from passive activities and diversify his leisure time well.

Saint Bernard

Although the St. Bernard is a large and heavy dog, it has legendary fame behind it. These are rescue dogs, heroes who have pulled many people out from under the snow. Saint Bernards love children very much and, like real Dogs with a capital D, they are not offended by their children's antics.

Since the breed has distinct humane breed characteristics, its representatives will be happy to become part of your family and a nanny for your kids. It is interesting that the St. Bernard will never wake up his little charge by barking - he does this only as a last resort.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. There are a huge number of dog breeds in the world, but not all of them are suitable for families with children.
  2. It is worth having a child when he reaches 10-12 years old.
  3. The dog breed is chosen depending on the temperament and hobbies of the future owner.
  4. Children are taught to take responsibility for caring gradually, demonstrating in practice.
  5. The best breeds for a child are Labrador, Retriever, Collie, Sheltie, Miniature Schnauzer.

What kind of pets do your children have? Which breed do you consider the best to be a companion for a child? Share your opinion and experience in the comments, please.

Criterias of choice

Before making a final decision, you need to honestly answer the following questions:

  1. What is preferable: purebred pets or mixed breeds? Mestizos are not purebred. They are distinguished by good health. You can get a puppy for free or purchase it at an affordable price. But the main disadvantage is that you can never guess what size your four-legged friend will grow to and what kind of character he will have. Purebreds, in turn, are divided into the following groups: breed (used for breeding), pet (defective individuals with deviations in parameters), show (cost a lot of money, participate in competitions).
  2. What is a dog for? There are three main answers: for hunting, protection, entertainment.
  3. How much free time can an owner devote daily to raising puppies? Even to master basic commands you need to spend a lot of effort and time. If you are too busy and let the maturation and development of your pet take its course, problems may arise.
  4. Will the animal live in an apartment or a country house? When choosing a furry pet, you need to take into account some circumstances: the dimensions of the home, the characteristics of the animal’s character and behavior, and physical characteristics. It is advisable to keep large individuals in country houses. In a tiny one-room apartment, filled with the necessary items, it will be too crowded for her.
  5. Are there any children in the family? This aspect is one of the most important. Children and animals should make friends, feel support, mutual understanding, and trust each other. This has a positive effect on the psychological development of the baby.


A fairly large dog with a calm character. Suitable for both lovers of an active lifestyle and those who prefer passive relaxation. Collies are easy to train, have excellent intelligence and love to explore the world around them. The pet will be an excellent guardian for the younger family member. When walking, the dog loves to be close to its owner. The collie will be an ideal protector and good friend for him.

Yorkshire Terrier

If your family has children, but the living space is limited to a few rooms in an apartment in a high-rise building, this is not a reason to give up the pleasure of having a good – cheerful and cheerful – four-legged friend for your children.

Yorkie is a cutie that you want to cuddle all the time. It must be borne in mind that due to its fragile, miniature physique, it is important to adopt a Yorkshire Terrier for children of reasonable age who will handle this “positive furball” carefully.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The character of this dog, which became popular after the airing of the series “Happy Together,” gives every reason to call the Mountain Dog the best family breed. Due to their sociability and kindness, as well as due to their “farming” nature, dogs become excellent nannies and shepherds for “these human fools.”

No, the mountain dog will not rush after your prankster’s skateboard - for this the dog is a little lazy, but “herding” and guarding your baby in the backyard is the highest pleasure for it.

Herding Welsh Corgi

Photo source: (kennel Almaz Crimea)

These purebred animals were previously used as shepherds. There are currently two varieties of the breed: the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Pembrokes differ from cardigans in having a more beautiful color. Cardigans are considered more active and cheerful than Pembrokes.


This little dog hides a significant personality. A good companion on children's walks, the pug gets along with both kids and teenagers due to its affectionate, friendly and playful disposition.

If your child is a homebody, feel free to get him a calm pug, with whom he does not need to go for long walks in any weather. The dog will keep company in children's games, every now and then sneezing, snorting, snoring and making other funny sounds that children are delighted with.

German Shepherd

This incredibly loyal dog is simply created to protect your baby. She is distinguished by her enviable friendliness and desire to protect her family. If you train your shepherd correctly and spend enough time outside with it, the dog will respond with unparalleled dedication and become a true friend for your child.

It is interesting that the shepherd is not only one of the kindest breeds, but also the most reasonable of all. Before committing this or that act and deciding on something, an animal will think a hundred times. Therefore, if a dog decides to attack a person who, in its opinion, is dangerous for the owner, there is hardly any doubt about the advisability of this.

Hungarian Vizsla

Although the name of the breed is not on everyone’s lips, this is completely undeserved, because its representatives get along perfectly with children. The Vizsla is a loyal, affectionate, soft and very friendly animal.

Training it for your child will be a pleasure, since the dog grasps everything on the fly, and raising it is not at all a burden. The Vizsla enjoys frolicking in the company of children and loves the whole family, whose devotion knows no bounds.

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