What to do if your pet is lost - how to search. (sample application for missing pet)

What to do, what to do and in what order to rationally use the time to search for the missing animal?

The loss of a pet is always a tragedy for the whole family, and here it is important not only not to get confused, but also to search for the pet correctly.

The main mistake when searching for a lost or stolen pet is the owners’ incorrect algorithm of actions, as a result of which they lose precious time.

The fourth stage is social networks.

Initially, we create a template for the advertisement and photos that you will post on pages and groups of social networks - this significantly reduces the time for posting.

We are looking for groups such as “overheard in (your city)” and the like.

Usually information can be posted on them without moderation, but even where it is available, it often works very quickly.

After this, we begin searching for groups and pages specializing in lost or found animals in your city.

Usually it is enough to enter “found, lost dog/cat” into the social network search and the search will return pages.

We need the first 10 groups.

We log in to them and place an ad from the template.

Next, in the same way, enter “animal shelter” into the search, select a dozen in your city and place advertisements.

In the future, we look for groups in the search - “animal protection”, then we place an ad using the algorithm already described above.

IMPORTANT - do not waste time discussing in the comments if there is no specific information that someone has seen your pet.

You leave your phone and if there is something important, they will call you and there is no need to sit and engage in idle communication.

The main social networks where you need to place ads are VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook.

Statistics and predictions for success

When purebred pets go missing, the chances of finding them are always higher. They are easier to distinguish from strays than ordinary mongrels. Special groups dedicated to helping specific breeds also contribute.

Another advantage of purebred origin is the presence of a mark. It is very easy to find the breeder, so it is better to notify this person in advance about the disappearance of your pet.

Owners of four-legged friends from the shelter should not despair either. At first, they are monitored by a curator, so you can always turn to him for help and support.

The chances of success increase if you have a brand, a chip and a token with the owner’s phone number. Eight out of ten missing people can be returned home.

Stage nine - there are never too many announcements.

If you don’t have your own printer and don’t have a team of friends who can help you with posting ads, then it’s better to turn to commercial services.

Initially, we order from 1000 advertisements or more from the printing house; many will place a similar order in front of you.

Then we find organizations that provide services for posting advertisements and placing them at bus stops, in the subway and other specialized places.

Undoubtedly, this costs money, but if possible, it will help save time, which is very important, especially in the first days of searching for an animal.

Also, if finances allow it and there are organizations in your city that provide assistance in searching for animals, then it is worth using their services, since this will not replace your efforts in the search, but will help solve a number of technical problems, such as making and posting advertisements, placing advertisements in on the Internet on various resources, assistance in examining animals in shelters, etc.

I really hope that our animals will not get lost, but it is also important to help your animal not to get lost.

Do not let your pets roam.

Make sure your pet always wears a collar when outside the house.

Your data, address and phone number should be not only on the keychain - the address card, but also on the collar itself.

Take care of your animals!

Morozov D.N.

Source AntiDoghunter - Zen

Lost dog: what to do first

If the dog is missing, start searching immediately without waiting for it to return on its own. Use the phone to notify relatives, friends and acquaintances about the incident. The more people can be involved, the greater the chances of success of the operation.

Comb the neighborhood - algorithm and search methods

The search algorithm depends on the time since the loss. For the first 2 hours, search in a small area that includes:

  • daily walking route;
  • garages, basements and entrances of your own and neighboring houses;
  • indoor walking areas and open fields, popular among dog walkers;
  • nearest metro stations, passages and markets;
  • places where stray animals are located;
  • bushes and other thickets where the leash can easily get tangled.

Leave your clothes or your dog's favorite toy near your entrance. A familiar smell will help him find his way home. Don't forget to leave a person nearby who is personally familiar to your pet.

Ask and involve local dog walkers, janitors, grandmothers and children in the search. Describe your pet in detail and be sure to leave a phone number for contact. To be on the safe side, show a photo of the animal.

Don't forget that a frightened dog could jump into a vehicle. For this reason, it is better to conduct searches in groups in order to cover as large an area as possible.

Call your pet's name loudly and use squeaky toys to attract attention. During the first 24 hours, don’t stop looking for him even at night. Because of fear, the “lost” can fall asleep for the whole day. In this case, it is easier to find it at night.

Post advertisements

After 3 hours, it is recommended to write a missing person notice. Despite its simplicity, this method still remains one of the most effective. There are a few things to consider when writing your ad:

  1. Photo

    . Use a color photo that takes up at least half the page. Black and white and small images are more difficult for passersby to perceive.

  2. Text size

    . Fill the remaining space on the page with large text. Focus on the usefulness of the information, not the quantity.

  3. Heading

    . Leave the largest font for your nickname and exact reward amount. The last point is very important, since possible overexposure costs money. Knowing about compensation, people are much more willing to help.

  4. Place of loss

    . Indicate the area without going into detailed details.

  5. Distinctive features

    . Describe the location of the unusual spots, coat color, and approximate size. Do not indicate the brand number and breed to reduce the number of scammers. Mention only the similarities and add a note about the presence of a skin disease. This false information will discourage attackers from coming into close contact.

  6. Contact phone number

    . Along with the main number, be sure to indicate an additional number (relative or friend). In this case, the person who found the dog will definitely be able to call you.

Place printed flyers in plastic files and secure with staples. Such protection will prevent damage during precipitation. Post notices all over the city, starting from places of daily walk and ending with the nearest trains where a confused pet could jump.

Try to place leaflets in places with maximum crowds of people, these are:

  • public transport stops;
  • parks;
  • veterinary clinics and pet stores;
  • supermarkets;
  • entrances.

Be sure to hand out announcements to passersby. Passing from hand to hand always gets a great response. It is also recommended to place flyers directly on the car to attract the attention of residents of several areas while on patrol with friends.

After receiving calls, do not rush to transfer money. Agree to meet a stranger only if accompanied by your friends, choosing the most crowded places possible.

Write to social network groups and forums

The Internet works real miracles, so do not forget to duplicate the information from the paper advertisement in all well-known social networks and on thematic forums. Ask your friends to repost the text posted on your personal page. Be sure to contact famous millionaire bloggers. The more subscribers see the text, the greater the chances of success. In addition to large public pages, do not forget to leave information in the communities in your area.

Why do dogs run away from their owners?

The chance of salvation is high, but still do not forget about the remaining 20%. Lost animals can die from hunger, thirst and cold. Also dangerous are busy roads and stray dogs, ready to tear to pieces any stranger on their territory. We should not forget about human cruelty.

Dire consequences can be avoided by following basic safety measures. All of them are aimed at preventing possible causes of escape and facilitating the search for a lost animal.

Possible reasons

Most often, four-legged friends get lost in the warm season, when their owners let them go for walks on their own. Once free, they may be afraid of crowds, the noise of cars, or simply become carried away by a squirrel in the forest.

During New Year's holidays, fireworks and firecrackers become the cause of escape. Even those walking on a leash are running away due to the incessant explosions. A moment of joy from sparkling fireworks can turn into real grief for the owner and psychological trauma for a four-legged friend.

Also, the likelihood of loss increases during the period of sexual hunting. Bitches in heat can easily snatch the leash and run away in an unknown direction in search of a gentleman. Young males show playfulness when they smell the scent of a female. If your pet becomes too problematic during sexual arousal, it makes sense to consider neutering surgery.

How to prevent escape

To prevent escape, take care of raising your pet and purchasing reliable ammunition. This will help:

  1. Completion of the UGS or OKD course. Knowledge of the “Come to me” command and an adequate reaction to noise are indispensable in a large metropolis.
  2. Regular use of a leash. Do not make exceptions for small breed dogs. Spitz and Yorkies are much more difficult to find than larger representatives. It is permissible to walk without a leash only in a fenced area with familiar dog walkers.
  3. Thorough check of equipment before each walk. Make sure that belts, metal rings, carabiners and other fasteners are intact before going outside. Try to tighten the harness or collar to prevent accidental tearing. But don’t forget about comfort, leaving space exactly the width of your finger.
  4. Increased attentiveness during estrus. This poses a danger not only for females, but also for males. If pets do not participate in breeding, then it is better to neuter them. This will eliminate the irresistible urge to reproduce and reduce the likelihood of theft.
  5. Avoid walking in the dark during the New Year holidays. If this cannot be avoided, then be sure to buy a glowing collar.
  6. Hunger is the key to returning home. Do not feed your dog before a walk, as a well-fed animal is ready for long adventures. But a hungry pet will remember that after a walk a hearty homemade lunch awaits him - and will not want to run away.

Attach a special address tag to the collar indicating the nickname and your contacts. It’s even better to secure the duplicate on a separate cord. This will prevent important data from disappearing if the collar is lost.

When choosing a collar, pay attention to models with a built-in GPS tracker. This device greatly facilitates the search. Chipping performs a similar task.

Do not allow your child to go for a walk with the pet unless accompanied by an adult. The baby will not only not be able to restrain the animal, but will also not be able to repel intruders. Non-disclosure of information about the cost and breeding value of the pet will also protect against theft. Never give out this information to strangers.

How to find the owner of an animal and where to place an advertisement about finding an animal?

Have you found a lost animal, taken it in for a while, but don’t know how to find the owner of the dog or cat? There are several effective ways to do this:

  • carefully examine the animal - some owners use collars with a home address or telephone number written on them. Also, the animal may have a mark indicating its belonging to a particular nursery, or a chip (but the presence of the latter can only be checked at a veterinary clinic);
  • take a photograph of the cat or dog so that the animal can be clearly seen in the picture, remember where and at what time it was found, describe the collar and leash if they were present on the animal.

The second method is more effective, since not every pet owner decides to have it microchipped or purchase a collar with an address tag. Photos of the discovered pet must be high-quality, clear, and the text description attached to them must be as detailed as possible.

How long can you continue searching?

There is no exact answer to this question. Sometimes four-legged friends are found within the first 24 hours, and sometimes years later. Dog lovers who have experienced such a misfortune advise not to give up until the very end. If acquiring a new four-legged family member will calm you and your children, make sure that if the missing pet returns, you will be able to leave both of them.

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