How to properly train a German Shepherd: rules, effective techniques, recommendations from dog handlers

The German Shepherd is one of the most intelligent and easy to train breeds. Because of this, many people believe that it is enough to just feed and walk the pet, and he will learn everything he needs on his own. However, they will be disappointed - for some reason the pet grows up completely different from the famous Commissar Rex or Mukhtar. Is information about high intelligence greatly exaggerated?

Not at all, the breed is highly trainable. However, this is a long and difficult process that requires patience, perseverance and a competent approach. Only by devoting time to education and training can you get a balanced and cultured friend.

House training - is it possible?

For those who live in a private house, a garden plot is perfect for practicing. It is a little more difficult for apartment residents - there is not much free space. But in large cities there are specialized areas for training dogs.

It is quite possible to train and raise a German Shepherd on your own if the owner does not set the goal of obtaining a first-class working dog. But in order to achieve results, a novice trainer needs to understand the basic rules and laws of training the breed.

Walking rules

If the shepherd lives in an apartment, then you need to walk with it at least 1.5-2 hours a day. You need to walk your pet in a spacious, open area, where he can run around to his heart's content, frolic, and play with a stick.

Ideal options would be:

  • forest or forest belt;
  • field;
  • wasteland;
  • big park.

If there are a lot of people around, especially children, then you need to walk the dog on a leash, even if it is very well-mannered. During play, a massive dog may not notice the child and knock him down, which in the future can cause problems for the owner of the animal.

As for walking in winter, in most cases shepherds do not need clothing - these dogs feel quite well at temperatures down to -10 degrees. But if the weather is too cold, then you can buy a jumpsuit for your pet.

Basic rules of training

Dog trainers give some recommendations that allow you to successfully train your pet at home:

  1. Training is made varied - a German shepherd will not carry out the same order dozens of times.
  2. Training at home should not be too long - the animal will get tired and stop obeying.
  3. The first lessons are carried out in a quiet place where nothing distracts the pet from work.
  4. Training a puppy at home begins with mastering the simplest skills. As they study, they move on to more complex ones.

A German Shepherd should be trained by a person it loves and considers a leader.

Contrasting intonations

Dogs distinguish about a dozen voice intonations, however, to properly train a German Shepherd, only three are enough: affection, order and threat.

The process proceeds as follows:

  1. They command in a stern voice - “order”.
  2. If the dog does everything correctly, he is sincerely praised - “affection”.
  3. In case of disobedience, the demand is repeated in a more severe form - a “threat”.

The puppy will quickly notice that it is useless to disobey - the person will still achieve what he wants.

Owner commands and behavior

When training the owner's behavior, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Give orders clearly and clearly, while keeping words short.
  2. They do not change the verbal designations - the animal remembers a set of sounds, and therefore is not able to understand the synonym. The same rule applies to gestures.
  3. They don't ask the pet. It is necessary to develop a simple connection: performance is affection and encouragement, disobedience is punishment.

If a person does not act clearly and equally, the German Shepherd will become confused, and training will not bring any results.

Prohibition and encouragement

The main method in raising a dog is prohibition and reward, or the “carrot and stick” method. The incentives are:

  • exclamation “Good!”;
  • praise in a gentle voice;
  • delicacy.

Gradually, treats are given less frequently, stimulating the German Shepherd to be content only with affection. The ideal option is to provide tasty rewards only at the end of the lesson. If a pet gets used to receiving a piece of food for every action, it may refuse to work when the owner does not have some “goodies” at hand.

If suddenly the dog does not obey and does not follow orders, they use a “whip” - instead of the usual treat for obedience, the German Shepherd is told in a stern voice: “Bad.”

A more severe impact is a jerk with a leash, a blow with a whip in the air. Thus, the dog develops a reflex to incorrect behavior. In the future, a person can use this to prevent unwanted actions.


The German Shepherd must be trained using coercion to ensure failure-free execution of requirements. This technique serves the role of:

  1. Tips when the puppy has not yet fully mastered the skill. For example, the order “Lie down!” combined with pressure on the withers, encouraging the German Shepherd to lie down.
  2. a forcing factor if the dog knows what needs to be done, but refuses to do it.

Coercion is not revenge or punishment, but only a method of training.

Important. During the training process, it is prohibited to resort to physical force or humiliation - the German has an excellent memory. The puppy can harbor a grudge and take unexpected revenge.


Wool is one of the indicators of good animal health. If it is faded, dull and falls out, then you should take your pet to the veterinarian for an examination.

Hygienic grooming should begin as soon as the puppy arrives in the family, so that it gets used to the procedures. This is not the most pleasant process for dogs, so you will have to be patient.

There are two types of shepherd dogs:

  • long-haired;
  • shorthaired

To care for fur, you need to purchase the following equipment from a pet store:

  • massage comb with metal teeth (long for long-haired dogs, medium for short-haired dogs);
  • a slicker comb for brushing a dog during shedding;
  • metal comb for combing hair;
  • specialized shampoo and conditioner for animals.

Twice a year the dog begins to actively shed, during this period you need to comb the animal with a slicker comb, during the rest of the period 1-2 times a week you need to go through the fur with a massage brush to avoid the formation of tangles.

You only need to trim the hair in the neck and hind legs for the dog’s comfort. Only long-haired Shepherds require a haircut.

At what age should you start training?

The pet begins to be professionally trained from the age of 8–10 months. Before this, he undergoes socialization, learns obedience and basic skills in a playful way. As a child, the dog cannot yet properly concentrate and concentrate on the lesson, so at first it is better to train the German Shepherd puppy for about 3 minutes. Gradually, the duration of lessons is increased and increased to an hour.

Raising and training German Shepherd puppies are closely related, but they are different concepts. The goal of the first is to form the correct model of behavior in society and an understanding of what is good and what is bad. The process does not stop at a certain moment, but continues throughout life.

Training is the purposeful development of certain reflexes and bringing them to automatism. It can be general or special: sports, hunting, stunt, etc.

The puppy begins to be raised immediately after it arrives in the house - at 2 months it should already know:

  • given name;
  • where is the sleeping place?

At the same time, the dog is taught to wear ammunition and relieve itself on the street. The German Shepherd must understand that there is a certain mode of activity and rest - during the day they will play and walk with it, but at night it must be kept quiet.

Raising a puppy at 3 months old includes learning the simplest commands. Training will only be effective if there is close contact between the German Shepherd and the person. You should not expect a positive result if the baby is afraid or does not trust the owner.

On a note. With the help of the game, it is easy to teach a puppy to carry objects in his teeth, to develop the skills of “Fetch!” and “Give!”, develop the correct grip.

Once a German Shepherd has been trained to work through play, it must be trained using more advanced techniques.

Mental and physical characteristics of the breed

“Germans” can be taught not only the basics necessary for a city dog, but also more complex techniques recommended for working breeds. They easily and willingly absorb new knowledge, so with the right approach, the result will not be long in coming.

Learning Abilities

In addition to developed intelligence, it is important to note unquestioning submission not only to one owner, but also to another person. This makes training easier for the whole family.

“Germans” are used by rescuers, law enforcement officers and customs officers. In emergency situations, animals use their skills without waiting for an order and perform their work without being distracted by stimuli.

Character Traits You Need to Know

“Germans” are people-oriented. They are attached to their owners, calm, balanced and very loyal. Thanks to these character traits, even children can cope with their learning.

Problems can only arise with puppies. In adolescence, they often show stubbornness, so they need to be taught using the play method with mandatory encouragement.

Important points in physiology

In addition to a flexible psyche, it is important to note the unique physical characteristics. Representatives of this breed are very hardy. They are able to perform their duties in the rain and snow for at least 10 hours in a row, which is very important when patrolling the territory, escorting or tracking down a criminal.

First commands or where to start

Before training begins, the small German Shepherd is given some time to adapt to its new home and owner. First commands for a puppy:

  • "It is forbidden!";
  • "Place!".

They begin to work on them already in the second month, so that you can safely walk with your pet on the street, without fear that he will run away.

At 3 months the following are added to the first set:

  • planting the puppy at the left leg and walking around the person from behind with the order “Come to me!”;
  • commands “Sit!” and “Lie down!”

The main prohibition is “Ugh!” They introduce a German Shepherd puppy from two months to six months. Usually it is enough for the home and training area.

From 4 months they begin to visit the training ground, where the dog gets to know its relatives and learns from more experienced “colleagues”. The training includes a new command for the puppy: “Near!” – movement near the owner’s left leg.

Important. When the puppy begins to change teeth, games with tugging objects are stopped until the process is completed.

At 5–6 months, the pet is trained using exercises to overcome small obstacles. But you need to act carefully - the skeleton of the German Shepherd is still forming, so it should not be overloaded. At the same time, the puppy is taught to be indifferent to strangers - they are walked in crowded places, gradually moving to busier streets.

At the age of 6–8 months, the puppy should know the orders “Place”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Ugh”, “Come to me!”, “Near!”, “Voice!”, “Fetch!”.

At 7–8 months, the animal begins to be trained for endurance and obedience to gestures at a distance. Basic orders are constantly repeated, achieving unquestioning execution.

When all the material has been studied, professional training of the puppy begins. To refine the techniques and assess the readiness of a young dog for OKD, it is recommended to contact a dog trainer.

Are vaccinations necessary?

Vaccination is a great way to avoid many diseases and further health problems for your animal.

They need to be done according to a specific schedule:

  • The puppy is vaccinated against hepatitis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis at the age of 1.5 months, and two weeks later, as prescribed by the veterinarian, they are re-vaccinated;
  • The puppy is vaccinated against canine distemper at three months, and again after 6 months;
  • Vaccinated against leptospirosis at 4 months;
  • At 6 months they are vaccinated against rabies and repeated every year.

The listed vaccinations must be done according to schedule, otherwise serious health problems cannot be avoided. There are also a number of vaccinations that owners do at will (vaccinations against microsporia, trichophytosis, parainfluenza).

Basic commands and training method repetition

Any dog, be it a pet or a service dog, must undergo basic training, including performing the commands “Sit!”, “Come to me!”, “Place!”, “Near!”, “Give!”, “Look!”, “Voice!”, “Quiet!”, “Ugh!”, “Stop!”, “Lie down!”

To teach a German Shepherd commands, it is trained using a contrasting method that combines reward and coercion. When the puppy has mastered the orders from the list above, you can move on to complicating the training and developing special techniques.

We teach the command “Come to me!”

This is one of the main skills you should start training your German Shepherd puppy with. For the first lessons, it is better to take an assistant with you to help you practice. Procedure:

  1. The puppy is handed over to the assistant, and he walks away with it a couple of meters.
  2. The owner commands “Come to me!” and slaps his hand on his leg.
  3. If the pet hesitates, you need to squat down and show the treat.

As soon as the dog runs up, he is praised and rewarded with food. Gradually, the pet is trained in more difficult conditions - the distance is increased, the situation is changed so that the German Shepherd gets used to approaching any situation.

We teach the command “Fu!”

"Ugh!" – one of the main tools for controlling animal behavior. Training is structured as follows:

  1. prepare the route in advance - scatter pieces of food that should provoke unwanted actions.
  2. They walk along the “track” with the puppy.
  3. When trying to pick up a “forbidden” dog, the German Shepherd is sharply pulled by the leash and commanded “Ugh!”
  4. After taking 2-3 steps, they stop and order something else, for example, “Sit!” and praise the animal.

In the future, the commands are practiced in busy places, in contact with other four-legged animals or people.

We teach the command “Voice!”

To teach a German Shepherd the “Voice!” command, proceed as follows:

  1. They hold the treat in their hand so that the pet can see it, and begin to tease it.
  2. Most often, delicious food causes a violent reaction - the dog barks. At this time, the order is clearly pronounced.
  3. They give the treat and praise it affectionately.

Instead of food, you can use other irritants. For example, favorite toys.

We teach the command “Near!”

To teach the “Near!” command, use a simple algorithm:

  1. The pet is taken on a leash and moved forward.
  2. Having commanded “Near!”, the pet is forced to take the desired position at the owner’s left leg.
  3. If the dog calmly walked a few steps, the leash is loosened, the puppy is praised and treated.

The training is repeated until the German Shepherd does what is required. Gradually she is taught to walk without a leash at different paces and with changes in directions.

We teach the commands “Lie down!” Sit! Stand!"

Commands “Lie down! Sit! Stand!" are performed in a complex, and at the end the pet must remain in the same place where he started working. The skills acquired during training are extremely important for training attention and developing discipline.

The command “Sit!”

To teach your pet to sit, he is trained as follows:

  1. The person approaches the puppy's face and calls him by name.
  2. Commands “Sit!”, moves the hand, which contains a piece of food, behind the head of the German Shepherd.
  3. The dog will try to follow the treat with his eyes and sit down, since in this position it will be more convenient for him to observe.
  4. If necessary, the pet is helped by gently pressing the palm of the hand on the sacrum.

As soon as the German Shepherd sits, he is praised and released after a few seconds. The animal continues to be trained, taking a break of 3–5 minutes to consolidate the acquired skill. A trained dog is commanded with a gesture - they show a hand raised to ear level, palm facing forward.

The command “Lie down!”

The training technology is similar to teaching the “Sit!” command:

  1. The puppy is seated.
  2. They lower the treat to the ground so that the German Shepherd reaches for it and lies down.
  3. To help the animal, apply a little pressure on the withers or pull the leash down and forward.

After just a couple of days of training, the dog will begin to lay down on its own, without waiting for additional influence. When the skill is mastered, a gesture is introduced: extend the arm horizontally, palm down, and lower it to the thigh. The distance is gradually increased, and the exposure time is increased to 7–10 seconds.

Command “Stop!”

The German Shepherd begins to teach this skill after mastering the orders “Sit!” and “Lie down!”:

  1. The dog handler approaches the sitting puppy and commands “Stop!”
  2. Then with one hand he carefully lifts the dog, pressing on the stomach from below, and with the other he holds it by the collar so that he does not step forward.
  3. As soon as the German Shepherd stands up, he is petted and treated.

It will take more time to reinforce the lesson, since animals are less willing to stand up than sit down or lie down. The puppy continues to be trained with the addition of a gesture - the arm bent at the elbow is raised with the palm up.

Team “Fas!”

They begin training after passing the OKD and developing obedience. An uncontrolled dog is dangerous - he can direct anger both against the owner and against the people around him.

To teach the “Fast!” command, you will need the help of another person, since a well-mannered German Shepherd will never rush at its owner. classes are held outside the home in an area where there are no strangers. Training is structured as follows:

  1. The owner keeps the pet on a leash.
  2. An assistant walks by, trying to provoke the animal. It is allowed to wave your arms or tease him with any object.
  3. As soon as the dog shows interest in the stimulus and rushes at it, the owner commands “Face!” and encourages the pet with exclamations of “Good!”
  4. After a few minutes, the assistant runs away, and the owner praises and strokes the pet.

If you train a German Shepherd correctly, it will not show obvious aggression until the order “Face!” and will stop attacking when he hears “Ugh!”

On a note. If your German Shepherd is overly excited, it is advisable to run around a little or play fetch before you begin training it. This way she will throw out excess energy and concentrate better on the lesson.

How to stop a puppy from biting?

At 2 months old, a puppy bites not because it wants to hurt a person. It has other goals:

  1. Explores the world - like children, animals put everything in their mouth with the desire to taste it.
  2. Plays - living in the company of its relatives, the puppy bites its brothers and sisters, involving them in the game. He does exactly the same with the owner.
  3. defends himself - the baby is not yet confident in his own abilities, so in an extreme, from his point of view, situation he tries to defend himself.

To wean a puppy from biting, it should be raised correctly - to show that such behavior towards the owner is unacceptable. Changing habits at an older age will require much more effort.

To wean a shepherd puppy from biting, it is trained using the following methods:

  1. Stop playing as soon as the baby uses his teeth.
  2. They cry out “Ouch!” if the German Shepherd hurts them, and freeze for a few seconds. Soon she will understand what exactly causes this reaction.
  3. Cross their arms over their chest and turn in the other direction. Germans are very sociable, and lack of attention is a real punishment for them.

You should wean your puppy off as early as possible - at 2 months a biting German Shepherd is not dangerous, but an adult animal poses a real threat.

Place of study

Unlike sports training, which is taught in a specially equipped area of ​​a certain size or in a stadium, everyday obedience involves a constant change of place of training, the presence of many distractions (people, animals, vehicles), different training times and a different sequence of skills.

The dog must work in the environment in which it lives and walks. Therefore, skills are initially practiced on the walking path, near the entrance, in the yard, in the enclosure, and on the walking area. The more options, the greater the likelihood of performing the skill in extreme conditions, the higher the degree of subordination to the owner/trainer.

How to train a puppy to toilet outside

It is not difficult to train a puppy to use the toilet outside, but the owner will have to train him patiently. Up to 4 months, a German Shepherd needs to be walked more often: always after sleep, every meal and active games.

While the puppy is in quarantine and cannot go to the toilet outside, disposable diapers are laid out in potentially “dangerous” places. When it becomes possible to go for walks, their number is reduced, but not eliminated completely.

Train your German Shepherd gradually, act clearly and consistently. The main difficulty of training is to show that now the dog must defecate in the fresh air, and not in the apartment. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Place a urine-soaked diaper in the yard in advance. Your pet will smell his own scent and guess that his toilet is located here.
  2. When walking, play with a German Shepherd only after bowel movements. The baby will remember that all the fun begins after he satisfies a physiological need.
  3. Always praise for successfully completed “things”.

It will take several days to several weeks to train your puppy to use the toilet outside. In the process, he can still make puddles at home, but you shouldn’t scold him for it, much less poke his nose at him. This is more likely to lead to a loss of smell than to the development of obedience.

On a note. A trained puppy will ask for a walk when he wants to go to the toilet. Some owners use interesting techniques - teaching them to ring a bell or fetch the leash themselves.

Rules for natural feeding

The basis of a German puppy’s natural diet is raw meat (up to 60% of the daily requirement). The protein it contains is involved in the construction of muscle cells. The baby is given beef, turkey, veal, and rabbit. You can also offer him chicken, but make sure that your pet does not have an allergic reaction after eating such a product.

In addition to meat, the baby is given offal: liver, tripe, lungs, udder, etc. They are scalded with boiling water or lightly boiled for 3-5 minutes. Since offal has a lower nutritional value, they are given to the pet 1.5 times more than meat.

Once or twice a week, meat is completely replaced with fish, preferably sea fish. First, the bones are removed from it and the fins are cut off. The head can be given to your pet separately as a treat. River fish is fed to puppies only after thorough cooking.

This product is started to be given to a German only after he is 3 months old. This is due to the fact that an increased content of fish in the diet will cause a disturbance in phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

The diet must include vegetables (carrots, beets, fresh and boiled zucchini, pumpkin). They take up about 15% of the total daily requirement. Greens and lettuce are also added to your pet's food.

The puppy must be given fermented milk products. They influence the formation of bone tissue, as they contain a lot of calcium necessary for your pet. You can prepare cottage cheese yourself. To do this, boil half a liter of milk, and then pour a couple of tablespoons of calcium chloride 10% into it. After the cottage cheese has curled, it is filtered through a wide bandage or gauze, cooled and fed to the pet.

In addition to cottage cheese, the German diet includes kefir and yogurt. Fermented milk products account for about 15% of the total daily intake. After the pet is 10-12 weeks old, raw chicken or quail eggs are added to its menu.

Cereals are included in the animal’s diet in an amount of 10% of the daily food volume. For feeding, you can use buckwheat and long grain rice. Barley groats, millet, and a small amount of rolled oats are also suitable.

It is prohibited to include the following products in the German menu:

  • salt, spices and herbs;
  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • fatty meat (pork);
  • smoked products;
  • pearl barley and whole oatmeal;
  • bones (especially chicken).

It is better not to give bones to your puppy, as they are not absorbed by the body. The sharp edges of bones crushed by teeth can pierce the intestines or stomach wall, leading to peritonitis. You can offer your pet only large bones or a joint part (“sugar bone”). The puppy will not be able to crush such bones, but will happily gnaw on them.

The most common mistakes in parenting

Training a German Shepherd will not be effective if you make a number of mistakes. Many owners, especially newbies:

  1. They use physical force. As punishment, the animal can be lightly grabbed by the scruff of the neck, shaken or slapped on the butt, but not with your hand, but with some object. For example, a rolled up newspaper. This is quite enough for a normally trained dog.
  2. They do not pay enough attention to the puppy. You can become an authority in the eyes of an animal only through competent treatment, complete mutual understanding, constant contact, joint games and walks.
  3. A German Shepherd is trained from time to time. You need to raise a puppy systematically, setting aside time for lessons every day.
  4. They break their own prohibitions. You cannot turn a blind eye to tricks that the owner does not intend to put up with in the future. If a German Shepherd is not allowed to sleep on the couch, this rule should always apply, regardless of the person’s mood.

During the training process, you should not lose your composure, lose your temper, or yell at the dog.

What else can you train your dog to do?

Among the additional training courses suitable for the German Shepherd, it is important to note ZKS, agility and mondioring.

Protective guard service

ZKS, or protective guard service, is aimed at developing social, protective and hunting instincts. This course is recommended for service breeds that have completed the OKD program.

During classes, the dog is trained to protect entrusted property, as well as to protect territory or a person. These skills are necessary to participate in search operations, escorting prisoners and searching for drugs.


Agility is a sports discipline built on teamwork. It helps you bond with your pet and keep him in good physical shape.

The classes develop speed and agility by overcoming an obstacle course. In the future, the acquired skills can be demonstrated in competitions.


The general training course (GTC) is a special training program that was developed by the Russian dog handler Vsevolod Vladimirovich Yazykov in the 20s of the 20th century. Until now, the system has remained virtually unchanged - only a few adjustments have been made.

The purpose of training is to develop obedience and an adequate attitude to various stimuli, to teach commands:

  • "Ugh!";
  • "Sit!";
  • "Lie";
  • "Stand!";
  • "Place!";
  • "Voice!";
  • “Go for a walk!”;
  • "To me!";
  • “Aport!”

All this is necessary for a puppy’s comfortable and safe life next to a person. A trained German Shepherd unquestioningly follows orders and understands its owner perfectly. Inexperienced dog breeders are better off enrolling in a course at a special school or taking individual training lessons from a dog handler.

Important. Dogs that have not passed the OKD are not allowed to participate in other types of training.

What should you wean your dog off of?

Training involves not only learning new skills, but also stopping unwanted behavior. This includes picking up on the street, begging and barking for no reason.

Pick up on the street

Picking up is fraught with poisoning. Weaning off this bad habit can save your pet's life. To do this, you will need to learn the word “Fu” and pronounce it every time the four-legged one tries to grab something from the ground. If you disobey, you can sharply pull the leash.

It is better to scatter food on the street yourself, so as not to practice the exercise on questionable objects. Ultimately, the dog should spit out the captured piece immediately after pronouncing the word “Fu.”

Begging for food

Give food strictly during feeding hours or as a reward. Otherwise, the dog will remember that a pitiful look, barking or whining always results in a reward. Ignore her provocations and do not feed her from the table.

During lunch, command “Place” so that your pet does not look at your plate. For any attempt to enter the kitchen, use punishment, and for obedience, any reward, including giving treats.

Bark and howl

A trained German Shepherd should not disturb others. Barking on her part is welcomed only after receiving the appropriate order. In all other cases, use “No” or “Quiet”. The method of ignoring (going to another room) and distraction (sharp clap or splashing water from a spray bottle) is also suitable.

How to choose the right trainer

Training services are not cheap, so you should be especially careful when choosing a dog handler. You need to pay attention to:

  1. Experience working with the breed. It is advisable that the specialist himself is the owner of a German shepherd.
  2. Obedience of a dog trained by a dog handler. Clear work, lack of aggression, good contact with the owner are direct evidence of productive training.
  3. Reviews. Qualified specialists quickly become famous in relevant circles.

If the dog handler meets all the criteria, you can safely negotiate the price and time. However, first he must examine the puppy, give individual training recommendations and point out existing flaws.

It’s good if a specialist combines training a puppy with training his own adult shepherd. Young animals willingly repeat the actions of their relatives, so training your pet will be easier and more effective.

Methods, literature, clubs

Familiarization with the German Shepherd breed, study of education and training methods can be done on the portals of the WUSV (World Union of German Shepherd Clubs). They widely present literature and other existing clubs for training shepherd owners. The breed is widespread and popular, so when purchasing a German puppy you can easily find the necessary information in any city.

How much does it cost to train a German Shepherd?

The cost of individual training depends on the region. In Moscow, training will cost approximately 1,500 rubles. for one lesson. Group courses are cheaper - from 600 to 1000 rubles. lesson, course – 10 lessons. Correcting the behavior of an adult German Shepherd requires a special approach, so the price of such a service starts from 2,000 rubles. for one lesson.

Each owner decides independently how many skills the pet needs to be taught. It is important to remember that if you raise a German Shepherd puppy correctly, he will become the family's best friend and will save the owner from unnecessary troubles.

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