How to untie a male dog and when to do it - advice from dog handlers

Crossing two dogs is a simple process in the wild. For domestic dogs, sexual relations become more complicated, so owners have questions: is it necessary to breed their pets for their health? How do you know if both partners are ready? And what to do if the process does not proceed naturally?

Often owners breed dogs , guided by a humane attitude towards them: every living creature should have the opportunity to procreate. A noble motive, considering that mating dogs entails many difficulties for dog owners, often financial ones.

In fact, going to another world as a virgin is not such a tragedy for a dog: it does not face suffering due to the lack of sexual partners. Moreover, even in the wild, not every wolf in a pack has the opportunity to get to the female.

There is a widespread belief that a dog should be “untied” for the sake of its health. Allegedly, after mating, males' sexual instincts are dulled, and females are not at risk of diseases, such as cancer. None of this has scientific evidence.

Males can indeed become more flexible - but, having previously tasted the forbidden fruit, they can even break off the leash at the sight of bitches in heat. And for a bitch, pregnancy means hormonal changes and dangers during difficult childbirth. Plus, the possibility of miscarriage, stillbirth of puppies and, as a result, increased nervousness of the mother cannot be ruled out.

The desire to tinker with puppies is an equally serious reason to consider a future life as a breeder. Even if a healthy bitch or male with the necessary pedigree and awards is found, it is worth calculating future expenses and thinking about the prospects for placing offspring. So, the owner of a bitch needs to pay for breeding to the owner of a male dog, and then special food for the pregnant woman, food for babies (not the usual dry food in bulk), paperwork, branding of the offspring, veterinarian costs (conducting childbirth or receiving puppies), medications.

Add to this a lot of work on the socialization of puppies and the difficulties of care, damage to property (gnawed shoes, door frames and chair legs), searching for buyers and showing puppies. All this will require effort and, above all, time. It is not surprising that only large breeders who are able to produce high-quality and popular offspring in the nursery have a full-fledged monetary return from the sale of puppies.

Knitting for health

How many times have they said that breeding a male dog for health is absurd. The mating process in no way makes the dog healthier; the absence of mating does not in any way affect the health of the dog. Moreover, during mating, a male dog may be injured or contract one of the numerous infectious or sexual diseases, or become infected with parasites. If you have an exhibition manufacturer with several titles, the question disappears by itself. But what if you just have a dog? Yes, purebred. Yes, in the standard (breeding dogs without documents that have developmental defects or birth defects is, at least, unethical). A decent lady from the kennel will never be brought to an ordinary dog ​​from the sofa, since such matings do not make sense. And the mating of dogs “according to an advertisement” or “from the next door” does not end well.

Where and how to knit

Mating is best done at home. Arrange for the owner of the bitch to come to you at a certain time. You need to know in advance when the mating will take place.

Before starting, it is recommended to take the dog for a walk along the street - this will allow him to develop interest and make the dog more active and predisposed to activities.

It is not recommended to feed a male dog heavily on the day of mating, and this applies to both the first and subsequent matings. Feed the dog before the walk; the last meal should be no earlier than two hours before mating.

It is better to breed dogs in an apartment, but the owners can choose the location. The best solution is to find a rubber mat that will allow the paws to fit tightly and not slip at the most inopportune moment. In addition, the rug will become a signal to the male dog in the future that something is coming soon.

When the bitch arrives, do not allow the dogs to play together. This will bring down the fighting spirit and tire the heroes. During mating, it may be necessary to help the male dog get into the bitch's loop, since for the first time the dog will be confused and need help. It is also necessary for someone to hold the bitch, because she can get scared and become aggressive. Remember, if a male gets scared, this may affect his subsequent desire to breed.

As for bathing, it is better to wash the dog the day before mating, as well as on the day of mating. After the mating process is completed, the dog’s genitals should be washed with water and Miramistin applied to them.

I want to untie the male because my boy needs to live life to the fullest

We love our dogs, we want them to have the best. But they are dogs! A male dog does not suffer from the lack of mating simply because he does not understand what it is. In nature, only a small percentage of males - alpha males - have access to a bitch, and more than 70% of dogs never mate in their entire lives. Do you want to make an alpha male out of your cute boy with your own hands? In most cases, after the first mating, a calm guy turns into a dog preoccupied with searching, ignoring the owner’s commands - just to get to the bitch that is flowing several hundred meters from your house. Mating a male dog, even a single one, will make irreparable changes in his behavior: your boy will no longer be an obedient puppy, he will become a man with his own territory - hence the marks even in the apartment, aggression towards the owner, disobedience. In addition, untied male dogs often get lost, get hit by cars, and die in fights with male competitors.

Walk the dog more, play, train the guy, be active in every possible way - he won’t even think about girls. And no “stress relief” toys. Do not allow the guy to mount (on your hands, on pieces of furniture). Stop it immediately, firmly, once and for all. And at three years old, even if you poke his nose at a ready-made bitch, he will look at you in surprise: “Mom, do I need this?” An untied male is a puppy until old age, enjoy it.

Should I untie my Yorkie?

Mating is the process of mating dogs (male and female) in order to produce offspring. Mating of Yorkshire Terriers has a number of features and conditions. Is it worth it to untie a Yorkie, how to prepare a dog for mating, and what conditions must be met for the process to be comfortable and safe. You can find out the answers to these and other questions from a series of materials about breeding a Yorkshire terrier. In the first article, we deal with the question of whether it is necessary to untie a Yorkie? And if so, when and in what cases.

To untie or not to untie a dog?

In this matter, the dog owner must decide for himself whether he will regularly provide mating for his Yorkie. If the answer is no, and the process of mating a dog is a one-time action for the purpose of personal gain, or there is no confidence that the owner will be able to provide the pet with constant and regular mating, we recommend that you abandon this “undertaking.” Thus, there are several statements among owners of Yorkshire terriers who are in favor of one-time mating. However, all of them can harm the dog. Here are some of them:

  • Good for your health . There is an opinion that mating is good for a dog's health. This statement is nothing more than a myth. The mating process in no way makes the dog healthier. It is important to know that the absence of mating does not worsen the dog’s condition.
  • “I want a Yorkie puppy from my dog . This statement is nothing more than a whim of the owner. You cannot know for sure whether the puppy will be similar to your pet (visually and in character). Such a desire by the owner can result in negative consequences for both the adult Yorkie and the puppy. If your desire to have a similar Yorkshire Terrier is so unshakable, we recommend that you contact experienced breeders with a request to find a similar puppy.
  • The Yorkshire Terrier should live life to the fullest . The statement is positive, but not supported by sufficient evidence. Every Yorkie owner wants the best for their pet. But it is worth understanding and knowing that the dog (not untied!) does not suffer or suffer due to the lack of matings. The pet simply does not understand what it is. After the first mating, the pet’s character, habits and manners can change dramatically. That is why we recommend implementing the idea “a Yorkie should live a full life” through other aspects.
  • After mating, the Yorkie becomes calmer . This idea is nothing more than another myth. You should not think that mating will change the character and manners of your pet in a calmer direction. After mating, the cable gains strength and feels confident. There is increased aggressiveness and fussiness. York begins to regularly mark his territory. Mating will in no way make the pet calm and quiet.
  • A “knitted” male is in better physical shape . The statement is a myth. Physical development and shape are influenced by genetics, activities and training with a Yorkie. To achieve good physical shape, you need to exercise your dog regularly and ensure that it eats properly. The decoupling of a male Yorkshire Terrier does not in any way affect the improved or worsened state of health.
  • Yorkie breeding is a great way to make money . The most favorite thought of dog owners who decide on a one-time, unprepared mating. We recommend that you categorically refuse one-time mating if the goal is to obtain material benefits. You should not have any illusions and think that there will be a line of females lining up for your pet. In order to receive a significant amount, you will have to go through many stages, starting with the collection of documents confirming the special status of the dog, and ending with special examinations by a veterinarian. “Untying” a Yorkie just to get money is a rather short-sighted idea, given the possible serious negative consequences for the dog.

Following the above myths and statements can cause a change in the character, habits and aspirations of the dog. To summarize: it is better not to untie a Yorkie dog at all than to do it just once or twice. The consequences can be the most unpleasant: the dog will begin to mark a lot and often, whine, the character and psyche of the pet can be seriously damaged. For mating to be useful, 5-7 matings per year are necessary. At the same time, the Yorkie must be healthy. In order for your pet to live a full life, be healthy and happy, it is much better to pay him due attention, feed him the right and healthy food, play and keep your pet occupied more often!

If you are sure that you will regularly “mate” your pet and will be able to provide him with the required number of matings, you need to take a responsible approach to preparing the dog for this process. In the next article we will look at when a Yorkie can begin mating and what needs to be done to prepare him for this process.

You can also familiarize yourself with other thematic materials:

  • How to prepare a Yorkie for breeding?
  • At what age should you start breeding a Yorkie?

I want to untie the male dog so that he becomes calmer and gets into shape

It is extremely difficult to dispel the myth that breeding dogs does not have a positive effect on the behavior of a male dog. The male does not get tired after mating, does not get exhausted, and does not want to sleep with his face turned to the wall. On the contrary, he is full of strength and ready for new achievements in just a few minutes!

An untied male becomes not calmer, but more aggressive - he needs to prove to everyone around him that he is worthy of mating! He now needs to defend his territory! Markers and all the delights described above appear. In order for a male dog to be obedient, he needs to be trained and trained, and mating will only make the situation worse.

There is an opinion that only after mating does a male dog become as physically developed as possible. However, this is a myth, not confirmed by anyone. The male will “mature” regardless of mating or lack thereof; his characteristics will be the same as genetics has awarded him.

Cooking the dog

  • It is important to ensure that both dogs are healthy and ready to breed. A month before mating, you need to treat the worms and do a bacteriological analysis for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Dogs must be vaccinated.
  • Before mating, it is necessary to introduce future partners. Arrange for them several walks together so that they get to know each other - in general, almost like people do.
  • It is recommended to wash the male dog and pay attention to the genitals. After mating, you can use an antiseptic to treat the genitals of animals.
  • Dogs should not be fed to make them lazy.
  • The ideal place for mating is the dog's house. Bitches are usually not allowed into their territory. Or it could be a neutral territory familiar to the male dog.

Mating for money

Breeding untitled dogs, ordinary sofa pets, will never bring income. Mating to a Champion (insert the name of any country) costs about 5-10 thousand rubles (the price greatly depends on the breed). Only males with titles are worth serious money, but it takes even more to obtain these titles. Are you ready to expose your boy to all the dangers described above for the sake of a pair of new boots? Or do you hope that there will be a line of brides lining up for your boy? There are no lines, there are no queues even for the best representatives of the breed, the cost of mating with which is very affordable. Plus, the owner of the male dog will have to draw up an agreement on the conditions of mating, draw up a mating certificate, and host the owners of the bitch - this also takes time and money. And also get tested for STDs, because the owner of the bitch will probably want to make sure that your male dog will not reward his girl with a “surprise” in addition to puppies.

Males are bred starting at about 2 years old, but by 4-6 years all the brides (if there are any) will have disappeared, since by that time young boys will probably appear, with new blood - more interesting for breeding. And the male is only 5 years old! This is far from old age for dogs of decorative breeds. The guy will demand a girl, but she doesn’t have one - then the real fun will begin.

Mating dogs is not a five-minute affair, as it might seem at first glance. Most often, a sofa male is bred once or twice, becomes uncontrollable and either constantly irritates the owners with disobedience, or is sent for castration. But even after castration, there is no guarantee that the male will become calmer (he now knows what girls are for, and at least half of the castrated males retain interest in the opposite sex).

For owners of male dogs! To knit or not to knit...

- Hello, is this your girl? Don't you need a boy? -Our boy is already 2 years old, and he is still a virgin... - We have a very beautiful male, but he doesn’t listen to us at all, bites and runs away, friends said that we urgently need to breed him... - Our Tuzik (Rex, Vasisualiy) son famous Champion, so the club MUST send girls to us... - We want to breed our boy so that he becomes wider and more powerful... Are these familiar phrases? Many dog ​​owners are sincerely worried about the unsettled personal life of their pet. Dog training magazines are full of advertisements from desperate owners of male dogs. Some are even willing to pay extra to the owners of the bitch “for the pleasure”….

It just so happens that we all tend to over-humanize our pets. And we don’t understand that what is a source of anxiety for a person is the norm for a dog. In nature, no more than 5 percent of males, the strongest and healthiest, mate. And the rest live quietly, not hoping for anything. The leader of the pack, who has the right to protect the females, is an animal that has proven its leadership in numerous fights. Okay, let's get back to our spoiled pets. Ask yourself the question: “Why do I want to breed my male dog?” Now let’s look at the answer options: Reason 1. For health. NONSENSE!!! It has been proven many times that a male dog will not go crazy from abstinence and will not become more obedient from mating. Rather, on the contrary - having tasted the “sweet”, he will run away from you with redoubled enthusiasm in search of brides. And if he doesn’t get hit by a car, and the same “suitors” don’t cripple him, do you know that dogs have enough sexually transmitted diseases? There is such a thing as “Transmissible venereal sarcoma” and a bunch of other diseases, including those dangerous to humans. Do you need it? A male “remembers” about procreation only when he smells the smell of a female in heat. The rest of the time he lives completely calmly, and does not know that he is deprived of something in this life. On a walk, he will not discuss with his comrades the merits of this or that bitch and the wonderful time he spent last night. There are more interesting activities - games, training, communication with your beloved owner and fellow tribesmen. A male that is untied until 3-4 years of age subsequently reacts much more calmly to individuals of the opposite sex. Yes, and one more thing... The dog will become wider and more powerful when the time comes for this. And mating has absolutely nothing to do with it. If a male dog is destined by nature to be large or bony, he will become that way even without sex... Reason 2. For the good of the breed. Good intention. I don’t want to offend anyone, but why are you sure that your dog is capable of improving this breed? Is he handsome and healthy? There are many of them... And not all purebred males are used in pedigree breeding. A pedigree is a document about the origin of a dog; it cannot in any way guarantee its breeding use. And documents are different... Remember, when you bought a puppy, did you want a dog with prospects for breeding? No, you just needed a companion and friend. What has changed since then? Your dog's pedigree remains the same; most of the females of the same breed in your city are his sisters, aunts or nieces. So what if dad is a Champion? He is alive, healthy, and popular... And the owner of a potential bride, interested in successfully selling puppies, is more likely to turn to a well-known “promoted” manufacturer. Who is your boy's mother? An ordinary dog ​​with no special show credentials? But you weren’t even looking for a future star... You only heard out of the corner of your ear that someone was bringing a dog from a distant kingdom, for crazy money. And they shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment, saying that people had nowhere to put their money... You didn’t need it then, did you? But everyone on the walk says that you have a charming dog, and you should definitely get puppies from him? What did the experts say (preferably more than one, and even more preferably a breeder)? Have you not gone to exhibitions because it is expensive, troublesome and not interesting to you? How then can you judge the quality of your dog? In addition to a pretty face, a breeding dog should have other advantages. I'm not saying that your pet doesn't have them, it's just that no one will ever know about them if the dog doesn't show... Reason 3. “I want exactly the same puppy.” As an option: “friends want...”. And who will guarantee that the children will be exact copies of their father? The owner of a high-class breeding bitch is unlikely to be interested in a groom without regalia. There remain simpler bitches... ...Now the owner of a bitch can choose a partner for breeding his dog. And well-known breeders, who have spent many years studying genetics, analyzing pedigrees and tracking livestock, may produce a defective puppy. And from a pair of undistinguished parents one can hardly expect the birth of high-quality offspring. Do you know that every dog ​​carries on average 3-4 defective genes? Yes, yes, and your charming Pussy too. And, in order not to “reward” potential owners with sick puppies, you need to carefully monitor the livestock for genetic diseases in order to minimize the risk of giving birth to sick puppies. If for you the pedigree of your dog is just a set of nicknames, how can you know what the great-grandmother of your dog was sick with?...And what tests for hip dysplasia did the grandfather of the prospective bride have? And who will be to blame if sick puppies are born? You wanted the best... Okay, let's not talk about illnesses. Everything is wonderful with you, we found a bride, had a “wedding”, and we are expecting children. Many friends and acquaintances dream of having a dog exactly like yours. And now the time has come to sell the litter. Only those who want have found a lot of very good reasons not to get a dog right now. Vacation, work, small child, harmful mother-in-law, allergies...... And the litter grows, along with the costs and dissatisfaction of the owner of the bitch. You promised him help with the device. And the kids are already six months old, they are already eating up the apartment...... How can it be, you wonder, that Petya (Masha, Sasha) got 1000 for two months, but no one takes my beauties even 300? And everything is very simple - Petin (Mashin, etc.) kennel is known in the world of cynology, a lot of money has been invested in exhibitions and advertising. And the combination of blood is such that professionals are queuing up for puppies...... Maybe your puppies are no worse, but WHO knows about them? And advertising is a very expensive thing. Anyone calls from an advertisement in the “From Hand to Hand” newspaper, but promising buyers are extremely rare. And at “Ptichka” it’s cold and there are infections that can ruin an entire litter in a couple of days... Do you know that more than half of the dogs in this world are born from the owner’s first and only dog? That is, almost 50% of bitch owners will never again want to deal with matings, puppies and childbirth... Obviously not from a good life...... There comes a moment when, desperate to sell the puppies for anything, the breeder begins to give them away or decides to take the most difficult and terrible step - euthanasia... Don’t believe me? Ask dog handlers how realistic it is to adopt (even for free) an unsocialized, uninterested in breeding 8-9 month old Caucasian or staff dog? Knowing this, will you be able to sleep peacefully?... And puppies given away for free... Not everyone knows how to appreciate what they got for free... A lot of purebred dogs are thrown away simply because they are tired of them. And it’s these free dogs that have the best chance... Can you imagine how the son of your adored male dog wanders down the street in the cold and slush, hungry and sick, at the risk of getting hit by a car or going to a barbecue with the homeless? You can not? Then be prepared to BE RESPONSIBLE for the children of your dog along with the owner of their mother... And God forbid you even think about giving the puppies to “kind” people who will promise to help you find a litter for a small fee. The children of your beloved boy will either go to feed exotic animals, or be used to bait fighting dogs, or die a terrible death in a tied plastic bag... Think about the fate of future puppies, even when the male runs away to arrange his personal life with neglected bitches. These are also his children... There is too much grief and evil in the world, and it is better not to be involved in this, even indirectly... Reason 4. Money. It seems how profitable and pleasant it is to have a stud dog... He bought it, raised it, and now, brides began to flow to him in a continuous stream. And the happy owner, you know, only counts money. In reality, everything is much more complicated. A stud dog is not just a son of Champions. This is a magnificent dog with an outstanding pedigree. Most likely, it is unrelated to most of its relatives in the region. Where can I get one? In a well-known nursery, often abroad. And the price will be quite high. And a breeder is unlikely to sell a promising puppy to a beginner without recommendations. And it is not at all necessary that a “star” will be born from a pair of Champions. Purchasing a male puppy for breeding is akin to a lottery; there is no guarantee that your costs will be recouped. A less risky option is to buy an adult dog, with titles and proven offspring. But this is very expensive. The cost of such manufacturers can amount to more than tens of thousands of non-our money. Are you ready for such investments? Another expense item is advertising. In order for a dog to become known, it must be exhibited and have Champion titles. Yes, preferably, not in the CIS countries, where these titles have become extremely devalued, but in Europe. According to my calculations and the opinion of experienced friends, the career of a cool dog in a not very common breed costs at least 3-4 thousand euros. This is if you yourself have the opportunity to travel and exhibit. If a good handler is attracted, this amount can increase by one and a half to two times. If the breed is numerous, the costs increase accordingly, unless of course your UNIQUE dog wins everything, against everyone, and under any expert... We bought it, raised it, made a career, completed the necessary training course (also a cost of time and money!), and are waiting for brides. Do you know that the bitches who come to your boy usually leak at the most inconvenient time for you? According to the rules of good manners, out-of-towners need to be met and accommodated. Often you have to take time off from work, change your plans... Also, the owner of a male dog, if necessary, must invite a breeding instructor, find time to fill out documents at the club... And information spreads quickly among dog lovers. And if you prove yourself to be a bitch and an egoist, the owners of the bitches will think a hundred times about whether they should look for another dog. Do you need this hassle for relatively little money? So, making money on a stud dog is a very, very controversial idea. Well, it seems that we have gone through all the motives that encourage owners of male dogs to look into the eyes of the owners of female dogs with hope, place advertisements in newspapers, call clubs in the hope that they will “give them a girl.” Let me emphasize once again: I didn’t want to offend anyone with this article, all our dogs deserve love, they are all the best for their owners. In America, puppies that are not interested in breeding (in many nurseries these include males of high show quality, but originating from popular producers) are sold under the condition of so-called “limited registration”. This means that upon reaching a certain age the dog must be neutered. Otherwise, there will be a substantial fine for failure to fulfill the contract. In civilized Europe, most pets are sterilized. This prevents aggression and disobedience, and eliminates problems with the opposite sex. For some reason, our people, especially men, are frightened by the question of castration. From a veterinary point of view, it is a simple operation and also protects against prostate problems in adulthood. If the prospect of surgical intervention seems very frightening to you, you can relieve sexual tension with active games, long walks, and training. And over time, the dog himself will become calmer towards individuals of the opposite sex. In general, there is now an overproduction of puppies, many purebred dogs end up in shelters or foster care, joining the ranks of the homeless, there is no need to aggravate the already sad situation. Maybe someone, after reading this article, will think: “Is it really necessary to get children from my boy?” Let's leave the issues of dog breeding to those who are ready to be responsible for every puppy received from their dogs, who have the necessary skills and knowledge... For this is very hard work and a huge responsibility. Author Kameko Tatyana


Mating to improve the breed

Even if you have the most beautiful male in the area, it is not a fact that he will give birth to equally beautiful puppies. In addition, professionals should be involved in improving the breed - pairs are selected not just by appearance, genetics is more important (this cannot be figured out without special education and the pedigree of both dogs before your eyes).

However, the goal is very noble. If you are ready to seriously engage in breeding, stock up on capital, time and energy to travel to exhibitions. Get your first title (at least Champion of the country in which you live), and you can start thinking about mating. But only with the support of an experienced breeder.


I can't bear to get married, or should I untie my dog?

Having been successfully breeding dogs for the second decade, I have long been accustomed to the fact that many owners of my puppies, and just clients-trainers, ask me whether their beloved Rex needs to be untied or Becky’s paw needs to be knitted.
Or even more interesting, they immediately ask you to choose a pair for mating. The owners' arguments are very predictable. Owners of bitches usually think this way - “you must definitely breed a bitch at least once, for health.” Owners of male dogs generally have a different motive - “well, the boy wants it... can a male dog live without mating?” .

If you only knew how sometimes you want to howl and close your eyes. But, unfortunately, the myths associated with the continuation of the dog family seem to have become too ingrained in our society. Or the mentality of the Russian person is structured in such a way that it cannot in any way comprehend that such a concept as “mating for health” cannot exist in principle.

So, time after time I have to explain to people the basics of zoology and psychology of dogs in the format of a “lecture for dummies .

So let's start from the beginning.

Myth #1. Knitting for health.

I think that now women will understand me faster, but men are unlikely to dare to argue with me. Do you think pregnancy and childbirth add health to a woman? Toxicosis? Varicose veins on the legs? Edema? What about breastfeeding? Mastitis? Hormonal imbalances? Sleepless nights? Nerves torn by experiences?... No, of course, nothing can compare with the joy of motherhood ! But let's try to discard the “romance” and look at all this with an anatomical look, so to speak.

No, pregnancy and childbirth are a big burden on the body associated with deep hormonal changes . By the way, most doctors, precisely because of this very restructuring, advise women to give birth to a second child so that the body gets out of a state of stress and the hormonal levels return to normal.

So, a mother dog is, in essence, the same woman. And her body works according to the same principles as the body of any other female. With only one small digression that nature, unlike humans, intends for a dog to mate and give birth throughout its life, or not to give birth at all.

Features of the first mating

The first mating must be approached very seriously, since the animal does not yet have experience, and it may do something wrong. It is desirable that at least one of the partners is “experienced” in this matter.

If an animal is engaged in procreation for the first time, it will take him more time to understand what is being done and how. Also keep in mind that the dogs will need some time to get to know and get used to each other. But it may also happen that the boy runs away from the girl, afraid of her. Or he will torture his partner with unsuccessful hookups.

In this case, the owner of the dog will have to put the dog’s paws on the girl’s back, place the pelvis in the right place and direct the boy’s genitals into the girl’s loop.

Myth #3. “The boy really needs it!” Or, is it necessary to untie the dog?

What about the sofa cushion raped by Rex, you ask? And I will answer you right away. A young male is just an inexperienced teenager, in whose blood all the same notorious hormones play. So he behaves as his innate instinct suggests, and there is nothing criminal here. And ordinary education will help solve this not at all terrible problem. However, as with human children.

In addition, we must not forget that the beginning of sexual activity for a male, as well as for a female, is associated with the activation of the reproductive mechanism, and therefore with hormonal changes!

An untied male is always more aggressive and less controllable than his innocent brothers. Therefore, before even just thinking about breeding your dog, be sure to take a general training course!

Another important fact.

If we have already compared the body of a bitch with that of a woman, then let’s continue the parallel.

What usually happens to a “untied” man when he loses his regular sexual partner, especially for older men? Yes, you are absolutely right, I am talking about prostatitis, prostate adenoma . And your male dog is no exception, so if you are not confident that you can provide your Rex with a partner at least once every 2-3 months and so on until at least 8 years old, do not complicate the boy’s life, he will be healthier.

Influence on the nature and frequency of subsequent matings

If you untie a dog too early, he may stop growing. This fact is now considered proven. As for the influence on the character, it should not change if the owners can ensure regular mating. On average, up to 2 years of age, it is not recommended to knit more often than once every 30 days. In this case, the subsequent frequency will be approximately once every 7 days. Otherwise, the dog may change in character, begin to take an active interest in passing dogs, and lose its grip. If mating takes place regularly, there will be no changes.

You can knit a male dog more than once a week. The main thing is that it has enough strength.

From myths to breeding practice.

Let's say your dog is not just a representative of the four-legged brethren, but a real breeding animal with a pedigree, an official document certifying its origin. And the experts saw the dog and spoke very flatteringly about its articles. And you yourself don’t mind breeding and nursing puppies once a year. What to do in this case?

The first thing to start with is to take that same pedigree and study it carefully. Who, or rather what organization, issued it?

There are many kennel clubs in Russia, but the vast majority of them belong in one way or another to one of the two world kennel associations:

So, in each such organization, for each breed of dog, its own rules are established for admission to breeding.

The minimum requirement is that the future producer has a documented pedigree (not to be confused with a puppy card or puppy metric) and an exhibition rating of at least “very good.” Maximum: the presence of a pedigree, an exhibition assessment, working diplomas (certificate of successful completion of working tests), specific health checks, kerung (admission to breeding).

For example, in order to obtain permission to breed a German Shepherd dog in the RKF system , it must have the following documents: pedigree, exhibition assessment, working diplomas (OKD and ZKS, or IPO), a certificate of testing for hip dysplasia.

So, before you start looking for a mating partner, you still need to do a lot of things.

At what age is the best time to untie a dog?

This is by no means the least important question!

Remember also that breeding a bitch for the first time at the age of 3.5 years and older is the same as asking a woman to give birth to her first child after 40. This, of course, is real, but is associated with unnecessary risks.

There is also a recommended age for a male dog to begin a breeding career . For small breed dogs it starts at 15 months, for large dogs no earlier than 18 months.

In conclusion, I would like to separately dwell on one more myth, or rather even an opinion: “Not everyone needs dogs with a pedigree, I’ll breed them, and then I’ll just sell the puppies cheaper .

“We are responsible for those we have tamed,” remember?

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