6 Easy Ways to Insert Your Yorkshire Terrier's Ear

Purebred Yorkshire terriers that meet the official breed standard have small triangular erect ears, however, Some Yorkies cannot boast of erect ears on their own. This may be due to a number of reasons and makes it impossible for the dog to participate in exhibitions. But you shouldn’t give up ahead of time - there are several ways to fix your pet’s ears.

When do they start getting up?

At birth, Yorkshire Terriers have small, floppy ears. Over time, they grow, the ear cartilage becomes stronger and the ears stand up. Naturally, they will rise between the ages of 1 and 4 months, however, all puppies are individual and the timing varies. At this time, the skeleton and cartilage are actively growing, and teeth are changing, which determines the puppies’ need for calcium.

As a rule, the ears finally stand up after a complete change of teeth and the fact that before that they are in a hanging or semi-hanging position is normal. However, many Yorkie owners still use one of the methods of ear placement as a preventive measure; this does not harm the pet’s health.

Breeders' advice

In order not to damage the puppy’s sensitive ears or disrupt the process of natural raising of the shells, you must follow the principles recommended by experienced breeders:

  • Timeliness. After studying the information about what time a Yorkie’s ears should become stronger and stand up, it becomes clear that mechanical methods of installation can be started after 4 months.
  • Reliability. If the dog tries to tear off the structure that secures the ears, you need to use a high collar that limits access to the top of the head. If there are other pets in the house, the sinks should be treated with a special Anti-Gryzin solution. It has a pungent odor and contains pepper. The product must be applied with caution.
  • Regularity. Changing garters in a timely manner will allow you to observe the process of lifting cartilage and help you notice the result in time.
  • Control. If the structure is damaged, it is not necessary to completely redo it. It is enough to glue the winding with an additional piece of plaster.
  • Hypoallergenic. Pasting is done only with hypoallergenic materials; the use of electrical tape is not allowed.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a cute pet, capable of giving a lot of positive emotions, and a loyal friend. Any Yorkie owner wants his pet to be healthy, cheerful and cheerful. Attentive owners surround their dogs with care and love and carefully monitor their appearance.

Creative care for your pet's appearance

But as with other decorative breeds, Yorkshire terriers have their own characteristics and possible defects. Most often, a problem arises with the straightening of the ear cartilages.

Before wondering how to properly position the ears of a Yorkshire Terrier, it is recommended that you study the information above. Having figured out when a Yorkie's ears stand up naturally, it becomes clear in which cases feeding can be done and whether additional external fixation is needed.

Causes of hanging hair in puppies and adults

Yorkshire terriers are not characterized by drooping ears, however, in some individuals the ears may not stand up on their own. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Lack of calcium in the dog's body. Calcium and other vitamins and minerals are necessary for the proper development and formation of not only the pet’s skeleton, but also the ear cartilage. With vitamin deficiency, the cartilage is poorly developed, which does not allow the ears to rise.
  2. Excessive hair coat – excess hair puts stress on the edges of the ears.
  3. Changing teeth. When molars replace baby teeth, the Yorkie's body is weakened and in dire need of vitamins and minerals. Your pet's ears may fall off even if they were standing before. At this time, it is necessary to include a vitamin and mineral complex in the dog’s diet.
  4. Poor blood circulation and cartilage structure.
  5. Cartilage size. Too rapid development of cartilage tissue in some individuals leads to the fact that the ears cannot withstand such weight and bend down and do not stand up, even when they reach the required size.

It is impossible to diagnose the cause on your own; you will need to consult a specialist.

Prick ears are one of the components of the Yorkshire terrier's exterior, provided for by the standard. Fold-eared representatives of the breed cannot be allowed to participate in exhibitions and breeding.

Why don't my ears stay up?

The cause of floppy ears in Yorkie puppies may lie in pathologies of the body. The most common problem is an infectious or congenital disease. Also, such an external defect is caused by poor care: infrequent grooming, insufficient cleaning.

There are other reasons:

  • physiologically large cartilage, the weight of which does not allow the ear to stand up;
  • vitamin deficiency (poor nutrition or weakened immunity due to difficult childbirth);
  • too thick and dense hair also pulls the earlobe down;
  • change of teeth (new incisors require a significant amount of calcium, which is why the cartilage receives less nutrition);
  • weak or impaired blood flow (congenital disease or complication caused by the owner’s love of tying bows on the ears).

Important! Proper care of a Yorkie puppy and an adult dog eliminates the possible occurrence of pathological diseases and promotes the proper physical development of the animal. If the baby is kept in dirt, eats poorly, is not bathed or examined, then his cartilage is unlikely to rise.

How to install?

There are several effective ways to raise the ears of Yorkshire terriers, after familiarizing yourself with which, each owner will be able to choose the most convenient one for himself.

Removing excess hair

Shaving off excess hair can significantly lighten the weight of the ears and reduce the stress placed on their tips. As a result, the ears often stand up on their own and do not need to be lifted on their own. The coat should be clipped or shaved weekly from the tips almost to the base of the ears on both sides.


The classic and most common way to set the ears of a Yorkshire Terrier. To do this you need:

  1. Wash the dog, then dry the coat and clean the ears well.
  2. Using a razor or clipper, remove excess hair from the ears.
  3. Degrease the skin with toner, micellar water or other cosmetic product.
  4. Take a piece of adhesive tape (preferably with a silk base to minimize the likelihood of diaper rash), the length of which is 4-5 times the width of the ear.
  5. Fold one edge of this piece inside out so that its sticky side touches the non-sticky side, forming a “cylinder”.
  6. Place the “cylinder” inside the ear and wrap the edges of the ear around it so that it takes the shape of a tube.
  7. Wrap the remaining part of the adhesive plaster around and secure the structure.
  8. Glue the ears at a short distance from each other so that they remain in an upright position.

The Yorkie should walk with the tubes for 7 days, after which, if necessary, the procedure must be repeated.

Do not wrap your pet's ears too tightly, as this may impair blood circulation.

Addition (“crown”)

The ears should be shaved first and the skin on them should be degreased. Then, to avoid the formation of wrinkles and creases, you need to fold the ear in half so that its parts touch, and secure them with a band-aid. In order for the resulting structure to be in a vertical position, it is necessary to stretch a strip of plaster from the base of one ear to the base of the other, first from the front, and then, wrapping it around the ear, from the back.

Bonding with tape

One of the simplest methods, suitable for those who are doing ear fitting for the first time:

  1. Remove excess hair from the ears and degrease them, then glue a triangle of tape slightly smaller than the ear contours into each ear.
  2. Cut a strip of tape several times longer than the width of the base of the ear.
  3. Attach the middle of this strip to the back of the ear.
  4. Glue the inner edge of the strip so that it reaches the outer edge of the ear, and glue the outer edge to the inside of the ear.
  5. Connect the edges of the tape to form a vertical plate from the ear.

The tape puts less pressure on the ears, so the blood supply to the soft tissues is not disrupted.

Cotton swab

Shorten the cotton swab so that its length is slightly less than the length of the ear, and wrap the bandage around the cut side, covering the sharp edges. Then place the stick vertically in the dog’s ear and glue it inside. If necessary, additionally secure the ears together with a strip of plaster or tape.


It is necessary to gently stroke the Yorkshire Terrier's ears on both sides with your thumb, index and middle fingers, gently pulling the tips upward. Such a massage, carried out regularly, helps give the pet’s ears the necessary correct shape. It is especially important to perform a massage when the ears are fixed with a plaster or tape - it helps improve blood flow.

Regular massage

The massage is designed to strengthen cartilage and muscle fibers. With regular stimulation of the ears, blood in this area begins to circulate more actively, delivering minerals and nutrients to the tissues.

The procedure must be carried out with great care. If applied incorrectly, the likelihood of ear damage increases.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The index finger is carefully placed into the auricle at a shallow depth.
  2. The thumb is placed on the outside of the ear.
  3. Stimulation is carried out in a circular motion with a smooth stretching of the ears in the direction from the base to the end.

Important! It is better to entrust the first session to an experienced specialist.

2-3 sessions are required per day. Then the effectiveness of the procedure will increase. But you need to know that massage does not provide a 100% guarantee of straightening cartilage.


The photo below clearly shows all the staging methods.

Removing excess hair




Cotton swab

Manufacturers rating

Among the popular brands of ear glue are the following:

  • Tear Mender is made in the USA and acts as an alternative to fixatives. The composition does not contain toxic compounds, it is completely safe for animals and humans. It is made on a water basis. After application, the skin continues to breathe under the adhesive layer, so there is no need to take a break from the procedure. It is characterized by fast drying (30 seconds - 3 minutes), economical consumption, and excellent fixation. Packaged in 60 and 177 ml bottles. In a tightly closed container, the shelf life is unlimited, after opening – a year. Re-application is carried out if the need for adjustment arises. For removal, it is better to use baby oils; they are harmless and at the same time soften the skin.

Tear Mender glue cannot be stored or transported at low temperatures. After defrosting, use is prohibited.

  • Beleza Cemento Para Oreja is made in Spain. Provides complete correction of your pet's ears. The composition is safe for animals and humans. Before application, you need to prepare the auricle (cut hairs, degrease). The fixation lasts up to four days, the procedure is repeated if necessary. Sold in 30 ml containers.
  • Cherry Knoll Ear Fix is ​​an ear adhesive made in the USA. The base is latex. Does not contain allergens, toxic compounds, completely harmless to the skin of humans and dogs. Fixation occurs quickly (up to 5 minutes), without pain. Sold in 30 ml containers.

Useful tips

  1. When setting up ears, it is important not only to use one of the proposed methods, but also to take into account useful recommendations:
  2. It is necessary to constantly monitor and analyze the condition of the ears to prevent the appearance of irritation, redness, and parasites.
  3. With the recommended duration of the procedure being 7 days, the bandage should be changed daily.
  4. It is better to use a special collar with a high collar so that the puppy does not have the opportunity to reach his ears and damage or remove the tape or bandage that causes discomfort.
  5. Instead of adhesive tape or adhesive tape, you can use animal glue by applying a thin line of glue to the inside of the ear and squeezing it until the sides stick together.

During tooth changes and during routine vaccinations, it is necessary to give your Yorkie nutritional supplements containing calcium and phosphorus.

Video “Cutting and setting the ears of a Yorkshire Terrier”

This video shows how to trim your Yorkie's ears and set them up correctly at home.

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