Dog food "Meradog": composition, types of food, feeding instructions, dosage and reviews

Today it is quite difficult for novice dog breeders to navigate the huge range of food for their pets that are presented on the shelves of pet stores. On colorful packaging, all manufacturers, without exception, indicate that their food will help your dog be healthy, cheerful and strong.

However, veterinarians are confident that there are not so many truly high-quality formulations for animals on sale. In addition, often the same brand of product receives completely opposite reviews from its owners. Probably, many are familiar with the situation when a dog, for no apparent reason, stops eating his favorite treat or has an allergic reaction. An experienced owner will not torment himself with questions about what food to choose for his pet and what should be changed in the diet. He will simply go to the vet for a consultation. Well, if you haven’t done so yet, we will introduce you to products from German manufacturers - Meradog dog food.

A little about the manufacturing company

The high-quality product we present to you today is developed and manufactured in Germany by the family-owned company Mera, which has been in the pet nutrition industry for over sixty years. Mera has always been famous for its entrepreneurial spirit. Back in 1949, Karl Vos founded a company producing animal feed. The entrepreneur realized the growing needs of the population for these goods. Thanks to the presence of agricultural assets, the company was able to expand, and in the sixties of the last century it began producing milk for calves.

Fifteen years later, Bernd Vos successfully invested in the steadily growing pet food formula market, setting his company's course for the future. Super-premium dog food "Meradog" is a high-quality formulation that, thanks to the presence of natural ingredients in its composition, can improve the health of the dog, keep it in excellent shape and increase its performance.

The company's product range today includes various lines that are developed for different groups of pets. Experts from a well-known brand claim that their products include all the necessary substances and elements for the full development of a puppy and the active life of an adult animal. In addition, formulations are provided for allergic dogs that suffer from various forms of dermatitis, or those prone to obesity.

To get acquainted with the composition of Meradog dog food, we chose two super-premium and premium products. These are very popular and popular compositions.

Manufacturer and official website

Mera has several lines and brands of ready-made food. The food is manufactured in Germany and exported worldwide. The manufacturer and official website ( present the products in detail, but briefly.

The manufacturer classifies its food as super premium. The main lines are Mera and Meradog. In the Russian Federation, feed is sold by the official distributor Eventus Plus, which has official manufacturer certificates.

Junior High Premium

Dry food intended for puppies, in which the main source of protein is chicken meal (30%). This is quite a high figure. In addition, it includes:

  • rice;
  • corn;
  • animal fat (chicken);
  • linseed oil (2%);
  • salmon oil (0.7%);
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • corn gluten;
  • desugared beet chips;
  • shellfish powder (0.03%);
  • sunflower oil.

The composition is rich in vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins A, D, E, C, group B;
  • selenium;
  • beta-carotene;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • manganese;
  • prebiotics;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Omega fatty acids.

Odor-Stop Agility and Odor-Stop Energy

If your pet (of any breed) is overly active, these types of Meradog dog food will be suitable for him (we have posted the photo below). Like the composition presented above, they include the Odor-Stop formula, which normalizes intestinal function. The source of protein in them is chicken meat, and its amount is quite large - 20 and 30%, respectively. The food contains the entire set of Omega fatty acids, antioxidants and L-carnitine.

Agility contains 2% fiber, 15% animal fat and 25% protein; in Energy this ratio is as follows: 2, 9.5 and 29%.

Composition of MeraDog food

Let's look at the composition of MeraDog food using the example of the daily diet Mera Pure Sensitive Adult Truthahn & Reis. The products are intended for adult dogs of all breeds. According to the manufacturer, the composition does not contain wheat or GMO products. The diet is suitable for pets suffering from food allergies and gastrointestinal sensitivity.


  • Rice 59.5% is a gluten-free source of carbohydrates.
  • Hydrolyzed turkey meat protein 24% is the main source of proteins.
  • Beet chips.
  • Hydrolyzed liver – origin and preservation method not specified.
  • Poultry fat is a source of animal fats and fatty acids, but the origin is not specified (chicken, duck, turkey?).
  • Flaxseeds, lignocellulose, are a source of coarse fibers that have a beneficial effect on digestion.
  • Yeast (dry) is a source of vitamins.
  • Sodium chloride and calcium carbonate are salts that should not be in super premium food. Most likely, salts are used as a preservative.
  • Salmon oil is a source of vitamins and fatty acids.
  • Potassium chloride, monocalcium phosphate – mineral supplement.
  • Sunflower oil is not the best, but it is a source of vitamins.
  • Inulin from chicory 0.1%.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Protein 22% – below the generally accepted norm of 28%.
  • Fats 9% – below the norm of 13%.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.5% – below the norm of 3.5%.
  • Calorie content 354 kcal per 100 g is the norm.

Vitamins (per 1 kg):

  • A – 12,000 m.u.
  • D3 – 1500 m.u.
  • E – 300 mg.
  • C – 200 mg.

Minerals (per 1 kg):

  • Copper – 12.5 mg.
  • Zinc – 160 mg.
  • Iron – 250 mg.
  • Manganese – 35 mg.
  • Iodine – 2.3 mg.
  • Selenium – 0.35 mg.
  • Calcium – 1.25%.
  • Phosphorus – 0.8%.
  • Sodium – 0.35%.

The vitamin and mineral supplement meets generally accepted standards of super premium class. The vitamin supplement is not entirely complete, but given the specificity of the food (minimal amount of ingredients), this is expected. The composition contains preservatives, but there is no information about their origin, which leads to the conclusion that it is unnatural.

Premium class

Premium dog food "Meradog" does not have such a rich quality composition, but this is understandable: a significant difference in cost makes itself felt. But this does not mean that this line is of poor quality. The manufacturer guarantees that everything your pet needs is included in these foods.

This line also contains varieties of food for puppies and lactating bitches, adult animals, dogs with increased activity, and elderly animals.

Other Meradog products

Most recently, the Mera company launched a special line of professional food, “Exclusive,” which was developed for nurseries. It also belongs to the super-premium class. This is a complete nutrition for puppies from birth, adults and active animals. In addition, the company began to produce canned food for pets with sensitive digestion and those suffering from various allergies. They contain no grains. They were replaced by very attractive ingredients - deer, ram and buffalo meat. These are quite expensive products - a 400-gram package will cost you 200 rubles or more.

Advantages and disadvantages of MeraDog food

Having examined the composition, we can identify the main advantages and disadvantages of MeraDog food.

Let's start with the pros:

  • Huge range, covering premium and super premium classes.
  • Almost all feeds are based on animal protein.
  • The benefits of the food include:
  • A good basic vitamin and mineral supplement.


  • High price.
  • Some foods are based on grains.
  • The formulations contain opaque formulations.
  • Some premium and even super premium foods contain wheat and corn.
  • The origin of the antioxidants and fats is unknown.

Note! Despite the disadvantages, there are very decent foods in the assortment that are suitable for everyday feeding of dogs, even if they have health problems.

Dog food "Meradog": reviews from veterinarians

The undoubted advantage of food from German manufacturers is the fact that not only dog ​​owners, but also professionals with extensive experience in veterinary medicine speak positively about these products. They classify Mera as one of a small number of manufacturers that produce food for absolutely all dogs. Its assortment includes dry food and canned food for adult healthy (and not so healthy) animals of all breeds, sizes and ages.

You need to know that the company’s assortment includes powdered milk containing all the necessary nutrients that contribute to the proper formation of the puppy’s growing body. Indeed, often, for a number of reasons, a dog cannot feed its offspring.

Veterinarians recommend paying attention to a special diet for dogs of different ages with nutritional problems. And this is not only gastrointestinal diseases, food allergies, but also pickiness, which is well known to many owners.

Foods for dogs with increased activity (sledding, sports, guard) are distinguished by a composition that helps speed up metabolism and very quickly restores expended energy. For breeders of large and active dogs, the presence of the “Smell, Stop!” formula is a big plus. The characteristic unpleasant odor from the dog is significantly reduced.

Veterinarians note that Meradog dog food has a good effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of animals. Owner reviews confirm this fact. The high protein content and amount of protein guarantees mobility that corresponds to the dog’s age, and useful supplements protect against many canine ailments, including kidney problems, obesity, and joint diseases. This is especially important for older animals.

However, experts draw the attention of owners to the fact that in most Meradog dog food, with the exception of hypoallergenic formulations, the source of protein is chicken, which quite often causes allergic reactions.

Veterinarians note the disadvantages of premium food. First of all, these include low meat content; corn is listed first in the composition. It is, of course, useful for the animal’s body, but only in moderate quantities and should not be the main source of nutrition. In addition, some foods contain a preservative, but the manufacturer does not indicate which one. Such foods should be given with caution to animals suffering from allergic reactions. Brewer's yeast causes digestive upset in some dogs.

MeraDog food range

The MeraDog food range is presented in three classes: premium, super premium and holistic. The quantitative assortment is very voluminous, meeting all market requirements.

Dry food

The Holistic class dry food series does not contain grains. The product is suitable for dogs with allergies and pets with sensitive digestion. The series includes diets for dogs of different breeds and ages. The food formula contains up to 60% meat, supports overall tone and immune health.

A series of holistic foods of the Mera Pure Fresh Meat class for adult dogs of all breeds:

  • Ente & Kartoffel – with colostrum, duck and potatoes.
  • Huhn & Kartoffel – with colostrum, chicken and potatoes.

A series of holistic foods of the Mera Pure Fresh Meat Mini class for adult dogs of small breeds:

  • Adult Huhn & Kartoffel – with chicken and rice.
  • Adult Truthahn & Kartoffel – with turkey and potatoes.
  • Meat Huhn & Kartoffel – for dogs of small and toy breeds with colostrum, chicken and potatoes.

Mera Sensitive Pure Fresh Meat Adult holistic food series:

  • Hering & Kartoffel – herring and potatoes.
  • Rind&Kartoffel – with beef and potatoes.
  • Truthahn & Kartoffel – with turkey and potatoes.
  • Huhn & Kartoffel High Protein – food with chicken and potatoes for dogs with a high activity level.

A series of grain-free holistic foods of the Mera Natures Effect class for adult dogs of all breeds:

  • Ente Mit Rosmarin, Karotten & Kartoffeln – baked food for adult dogs with duck, rosemary, carrots and potatoes.
  • Rind Mit Äpfeln, Karotten & Kartoffeln – with beef, apples, carrots and potatoes.
  • Wildschweinmit Roter Bete, Pastinaken & Kartoffeln – with pork, beets, parsnips and potatoes.

A series of grain-free holistic foods of the Mera Natures Effect Mini class for adult dogs of small breeds:

  • Ente Mit Rosmarin, Karotten & Kartoffeln – with duck, rosemary, carrots and potatoes.
  • Wildschwein Mit Roter Bete, Pastinaken & Kartoffeln – with pork, beets, parsnips and potatoes.
  • Rind Mit Äpfeln, Karotten & Kartoffeln – for adult dogs of small breeds with beef, apples, carrots and potatoes.

A series of super premium daily diets are also divided according to the needs of dogs. All foods have increased protein content, which is calculated according to age. All diets contain glucosamine and chondroitin. The food formula is suitable for dogs with allergies and pets with sensitive digestion.

A series of super premium food Mera Pure Sensitive Mini Adult for adult dogs of small breeds:

  • Lachs & Reis – with salmon and rice.
  • Truthahn & Reis – with turkey and rice.

A series of super premium food Mera Pure Sensitive Adult for adult dogs of all breeds:

  • Lachs & Reis – with salmon and rice.
  • Truthahn & Reis – with turkey and rice.

Special series of super premium food Mera Pure Sensitive:

  • Mini “Adult Lamm & Reis” – food for adult dogs of small breeds with lamb and rice.
  • Junior "Truthahn & Reis" - a daily diet for puppies and teenagers with turkey and rice.
  • Senior “Truthahn & Reis” – food for senior dogs with turkey and rice.

Mera Essential series of super premium food for puppies:

  • Junior 1 – for puppies of small and medium breeds aged 2–12 months; for large puppies aged 2–3 months.
  • Junior 2 – for large breed puppies over 6 months of age.

Meradog series of super premium food for puppies:

  • Junior 1 – for puppies of small and medium breeds aged 2–12 months; from 2 months to 12 months; for large breed puppies aged 2–5 months.
  • Junior 2 – for large breed puppies over 6 months of age.

The Meradog Essential series of super premium food is suitable for dogs with sensitive digestion and food allergies. The food formula is enriched with biotin, brewer's yeast, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. All food uses the “Smell, stop!” formula, which eliminates unpleasant odors.

Meradog Mera Essential series of super premium food for adult dogs:

  • Active – baked croquettes for dogs with increased activity.
  • Agility – for dogs with an increased level of activity.
  • Reference – for dogs with a normal level of activity.
  • Light – for sterilized and obese dogs.
  • Energy – for dogs with increased energy needs.

Meradog is a series of super premium food for adult dogs. The formula of the food supports the tone and immune defense of the body. The food is suitable for dogs with allergies and pets with sensitive digestion.

Meradog series for adult dogs:

  • Pure Hering & Krill – with colostrum, fish and potatoes.
  • Pure Lachs & Reis – with colostrum, salmon and rice.
  • Pure Lamm & Reis – with colostrum, lamb and rice.
  • Pure Truthahn & Kartoffel – with colostrum, turkey and potatoes.
  • Pure Truthahn & Reis – with colostrum, turkey and rice.
  • Pure Mini “Truthahn & kartoffel” – for adult dogs of small and toy breeds with colostrum, turkey and potatoes.

Meradog premium special series for adult dogs:

  • Softdiner – for dogs with a high level of activity.
  • Reference and Brocken - for dogs with a normal level of activity.
  • Light – for sterilized and obese dogs.
  • Senior – for older dogs.

Dry food also includes the Meradog “Welpenmilch” bitch milk replacer. The substitute is used as the main food or supplementary food for puppies of all breeds under the age of 2 months.

Canned food

Meradog canned dog food is produced directly in Germany and sold throughout the EU. In the Russian Federation, canned food can be purchased to order.

Meradog wet food range:

  • Ente Nassfutter with duck, rosemary, carrots and potatoes.
  • Wildschwein Nassfutter with pork, beets, parsnips and potatoes.
  • Rind Nassfutter with beef, apples, carrots and potatoes.
  • Geflügelherzen Nassfutter with poultry meat.
  • Lamm Nassfutter with lamb.
  • Truthahn Nassfutter with Turkey.

A series of wet food for dogs with sensitive digestion:

  • Rind Nassfutter with beef.
  • Meat Hirsch with venison.
  • Meat Lamm with lamb.
  • Meat Büffel with buffalo meat.

The wet food series includes Weight Control canned food - food for dogs prone to or suffering from obesity. The diet is dietary and hypoallergenic.


Meradog treats are healthy and harmless treats that can be used as a supplement to the diet or as a reward during training. The composition of all the treats allows you not only to pamper your pet, but also to maintain oral hygiene.

Meradog range of treats:

  • Lachsschnitte – crackers with salmon.
  • Cookies – fish crackers.
  • Meaty Rolls – rolls with meat
  • Lamm & Rice – with lamb and rice.
  • Lammknochli – with lamb.
  • Lachs & Reis – with salmon and rice
  • Truthahn & Reis – with turkey and rice
  • Mini Maiskeimringe – vegetarian delicacies.
  • Lamm & Rice Drops – with lamb and rice.

Meradog treats for dogs that have difficulty chewing:

  • Mini Tandem Mix – for small breed dogs.
  • Gourmet Happen are soft treats for dogs that have trouble chewing hard treats.

Meradog treat mixes:

  • Variant Mix – different shapes.
  • Miniknochen Mix – in the form of seeds.
  • Pastellringe - in the form of rings.
  • Snacky Mix – in the form of rolls.
  • Meaty Rolls Mix – in the form of meat rolls.
  • Tierfiguren Mix – in the form of animals.
  • Puppy Knochen Mix – for puppies.
  • Schinken Mix – with chicken.

Mera Pure Sensitive treat series:

  • Truthahn & Reis – with turkey and rice.
  • Lachs & Reis – with salmon and rice.
  • Truthahn & Kartoffel – with turkey and potatoes.

Mera NATURES EFFECT Crunchy Nuggets grain-free treats:

  • Wildschwein Mit Roter Bete, Pastinaken & Kartoffeln – with pork, zucchini, beets, parsnips and potatoes.
  • Ente Mit Rosmarin, Karotten & Kartoffeln – with duck, rosemary, carrots and potatoes.
  • Rind Mit Äpfeln, Karotten & Kartoffeln – with beef, apples, carrots and potatoes.

Meradog treats for maintaining oral hygiene:

  • Biscuit – biscuits for cleaning teeth
  • Kaubarren – teeth cleaning bars.
  • Pansenstange – teeth cleaning bars with beef tripe.
  • Knabberriese Lamm – large bone with lamb.
  • Puppy Knochen Mint – for fresh breath.

Treats for cleaning teeth should be given to the dog periodically; their constant use is pointless and uneconomical. The exception is a large bone; this delicacy can be used as a toy and “motivator” in any situation.

Where to buy Meradog food?

The main disadvantage of these compounds is that they are difficult to find in stores even in large cities. You can buy Meradog food for dogs in St. Petersburg in the following stores:

“Zooexpress”, located at the address: metro station “Spasskaya”, st. Dekabristov, 58. In addition, quite often this food is available at the ZooCenter at 50 Eighth Sovetskaya Street.

In Moscow, Meradog dog food can be bought in several stores:

  • Petmarkets (metro station "University", Vernadsky Avenue, 6).
  • EuroMail (metro station “Shosse Entuziastov”, Perovskaya street, 1).
  • “PLATINUM RUS” (metro station “Maryina Roshcha”, Polkovaya street, 3с1).

Residents of small towns can be recommended to purchase Mera products in trusted online stores.

Meradog food for dogs: reviews from owners

Since this food is not widely distributed in Russia, there are not many reviews from owners. Most of them note that owners learn about these compounds from breeders or veterinarians, but the problem is that in small towns it is almost impossible to buy it even in specialized stores, despite the high cost.

Several reviews of Junior puppy food allow us to understand how kids perceive it. They should be soaked first, although the granules swell slowly. After just a few days, babies begin to feed on their own without prior preparation of the product. There are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, although due to the presence of chicken, experienced dog breeders recommend giving the mixture in small portions at the initial stage and monitoring the condition of the animal. Puppies begin to drink much more, so it is necessary to take care of free access to water. Animals become much more active and the appearance of their fur improves.

Positive reviews are also left by owners of large hyperactive dogs, to whom veterinarians recommend giving special Energy food, which contains 30% chicken meat. I was pleased with the set of minerals and vitamins. The food has a beneficial effect on digestion and does not cause negative reactions. Owners recommend following the dosage indicated on each package.

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