How to quickly train a Yorkie to use the toilet in the house or on the street

Yorkshire Terriers are one of the most popular breeds in our country. The dogs are beautiful, active, good-natured and devoted to their owners. Although such a dog looks like a decorative dog, it is not. Yorkies are brave and courageous creatures. And yet, many owners feel that they are very cold in winter, and walking in the rain will not give them pleasure.

During such seasons, owners refuse regular walking. In this case, it is necessary to accustom the Yorkshire Terrier to the rules of the toilet in an apartment or house. From the article you will learn: when to start training in order to achieve a quick effect, where to equip the place, what to choose as a base or filler.

When to start training

Regardless of whether regular walks are planned, it is necessary to accustom the dog to the possibility of performing toilet chores in the house. He should know that in the event of an emergency there is a special place where he will not displease the owner by going to it.

Well, you need to start the learning process as early as possible. Everything will depend on exactly what age the puppy arrives in its new home:

  • If the puppy came from a responsible breeder, he already has all the skills. He learns this from his parents. In a new place, he will most likely become confused. Mistakes may happen. But training will not take much time - the basic skills have been developed. The puppy just needs to get used to the new environment;
  • if the baby does not have such skills, they are taught from the first moments of entering the house.

Before leaving quarantine after vaccinations, the puppy must master the toilet space in the new owner’s apartment. Upon reaching 4 months, the baby begins to be taken outside and taught to do his own business there.

Important: during the quarantine period, you cannot walk with your Yorkie puppy. At this time, a tray or diaper will be very useful.

Common mistakes to avoid

Like all children, puppies are often physiologically unable to endure and run to the allotted place. As your pet grows, it is necessary to place newspapers in several places in the apartment so that he can use them if he does not have time to get to the tray.

It is strictly forbidden to take a small terrier outside until the end of quarantine. Usually this is the age of the dog 3-3.5 months, but it is better to discuss this issue with your veterinarian.

Walks must be done on a leash to avoid unpleasant incidents. In cold seasons, the baby needs to be dressed warmly, after walks the paws should be checked for damage, washed with warm water and dried with a towel.

Reference! No dog will relieve itself where it eats. It is enough to move your pet’s bowl to a forbidden place so that he stops going there.

It is very important to accustom your puppy to order in a timely manner. When purchasing a baby, you should pay attention to its parents and the breeder’s living conditions. If the mother was clean, as a rule, the litter will be easily accustomed to the rules.

Diaper or tray

Yorkie puppies learn in just a few months. You will need to choose the most convenient option for a particular baby: a tray with fillers or a diaper. If there are cats or other dogs in the house, you should choose the same type as other animals. This will make it much easier for the puppy to get used to it.


An absorbent mat can be purchased at any supermarket near your home. It is not necessary to buy specialized diapers for animals. This is just a marketing ploy, they are no different from similar products for children. At the same time, there are often discounts on baby diapers.

Diapers are safe, but have a number of disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • one-time use. They cannot be washed. Yorkies are very clean, it will be necessary to replace this bedding after each use. Otherwise, the dog will do his business side by side;
  • Dogs love to tear up such products. Pieces of the diaper can be swallowed, resulting in poisoning, volvulus and other dangerous situations.

However, it is very convenient to change the diaper by simply throwing it out and putting on a new one. There is no need to wash anything, you can leave a few pieces nearby.

Of course, there are reusable options, but they will have to be washed after each use.


The stores offer a huge range of products that differ in price, materials and configurations. There are trays with sides, posts, and special coverings. It is better not to buy too cheap products. The materials from which they are made absorb odors very well, which are difficult to remove. Will have to change often.

It is better to use newspapers or paper as filler. A Yorkie puppy can perceive other litter as a toy, scatter pieces around the apartment and even eat it.

The toilet is located in the apartment in such a way that it is not in plain sight or in a walk-through area. This should be a secluded corner. At first, it is placed next to the puppy’s bed. Babies cannot control their urges, so during the adjustment period, a tray or diaper should be nearby.

We teach you to walk at home

If you decide to buy a Yorkie and train him to go to the toilet at home, then you should determine in advance the places that are not suitable for this.

These include:

Soft surfaces (carpets, rugs) - once your baby goes on the rug at least once, he will try to go there regularly; it is better to remove them in advance.

All places that are difficult to reach for cleaning - behind the sofa, for example, it is dark and quiet, according to the puppy’s ideas, an ideal place for the toilet, it is best to block the passages.

Pantry - doors must always be closed.

This may seem like a fantasy, but the baby, when he feels the urge, begins to look for a suitable place and may well take advantage of the one he meets on the road:

  • newspaper;
  • napkin;
  • plastic bag;
  • with a cloth.

Place these items on the floor as often as possible and in different places. It is important that the puppy can find and choose what is most suitable for him.

Gradually, as you grow older, the number of newspapers laid out can be reduced until there is only one left, and where it is more convenient for you.

Regular cleaning is required . Dogs are quite clean creatures and will never relieve their natural needs where it is dirty.

For greater hygiene, the material used for the toilet can be added to a tray with low sides.

If you have a male dog that needs to raise his paw and mark something, you need to put something like a post on the newspaper, something heavy enough (a water bottle will do) so that the puppy cannot drop it and get scared.

Ways to train puppies and adult Yorkies

It is necessary to train a puppy before the age of six months; training an adult dog can be difficult. After getting into a new home, the baby Yorkie will be equipped with its own place, limiting the space. This can be done with:

  • specialized store fence, fencing. Can be made from scrap materials;
  • aviary. A large cage will do.

In the cage, the Yorkie is left with a bed, bowls with food and water, a diaper or a tray. At first, it is better to remove carpets and other removable floor coverings.

Learning process

How to train a puppy to wear a diaper to make caring for your pet easier? When the puppy is old enough for further training, it is worth placing a diaper in the tray. Of course, the initial stage will be accompanied by surprises and unstable results. A young dog needs time to build a logical connection.

How to accustom a Yorkie to a diaper in 2-3 weeks? An experienced owner can determine the need for a litter box in his dog by behavioral characteristics and characteristic movements. When the need becomes obvious, and the owner and the animal are at a distance from the bathroom, you need to clap your hands loudly, say “No!”, pick up the dog and head towards the tray. At first, out of fear, the dog may stain the owner or the floor covering. However, over time, your Yorkie will learn to control the process of urination.

Even if the puppy could not restrain himself, it is worth taking him to the place with a diaper and calming him down. After the condition normalizes, the Yorkie will definitely complete the process that has begun, and a direct connection will begin to build.

How to train to the tray

The tray is not very convenient to place in a pen or enclosure. For him, you can determine the place that the dog “chose” himself when he squirted for the first time. After eating, the puppy is placed in a plastic container. Placing is possible next to trays of other animals. Experienced owners do not advise placing trays nearby if cats are given any kind of litter: wood, stone, helium, etc. There is a great danger of a small dog swallowing the substance. This will lead to negative consequences.

In case of misfires, the dog is scolded only if the baby does his business, for example, on the owner’s bed. In this case, you will need to rule out the presence of the disease and find out if the dog is under stress. Often in this way dogs try to attract the attention of the owner. It is possible that the dog is simply spoiled and mischievous.

Every correct trip to the toilet is a reason for praise and a little encouragement. Don’t get carried away with treats: the dog will constantly beg for treats. In addition, such encouragement can lead to excess weight and developmental problems.

To scare your little Yorkie away from unwanted corners, you can use special sprays. The liquid is applied to the floor and walls at a small level. According to the instructions for the drug, the layer is renewed.

Recommendations for novice dog breeders

As your puppy grows and develops friendships, various problems are bound to arise. The process of raising a puppy requires attentiveness, patience and prudence from the owner.

A small Yorkshire Terrier kept at home is like a child who is still unclear what “good” means and what “bad” means. A responsible owner should help him figure this out. And it depends only on the owner what their life together in the house with a new pet will turn into - into a daily nightmare or true sincere love.

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Toilet training outdoors

Even if the baby is completely indoors, he must have the ability to defecate outside. Street toilet rules:

  • It is advisable to take the dog outside after each meal;
  • At first there will be misfires, but over time the puppy will get the hang of it. He will become interested in street smells and will want to mark his territory. He will become a member of the street dog society and will leave his “messages”;
  • For a puppy, the frequency of walks is 5 or 6 times a day; for an adult dog, you can limit yourself to two walks. The best option would be three walks a day;
  • You should not walk in slushy, chilly weather. The Yorkie may perceive such exits as punishment and will refuse to empty the bladder and intestines. This is exactly the breed that, under certain weather conditions, needs special clothing. The overalls are selected strictly according to size so that it does not hinder the dog’s movements, but is not too large. It is worth considering shoes or additional protection for the paw pads. Exposure to chemicals in winter can seriously injure your paws.

Of course, the dog needs to be praised and rewarded for correctly completed lessons.

Should you scold your dog?

You cannot scold a Yorkie puppy for mistakes. Until six months he simply cannot physically control the urge and does not have time to run to where he is supposed to go.

Training Tips:

  • If the dog peed or pooped in the wrong place intentionally (in the opinion of the owner), punishment should follow immediately. If the “accident” happened several hours ago, the punishment will be simply useless. York may simply be holding a grudge;
  • It is impossible to hurt or physically punish such a child. The owner's dissatisfied intonation is enough for the dog;
  • You need to be patient; not a single puppy masters this science the first time.

Before you start training a dog, you should consult with the breeder. He will help you choose a place to place the tray or diaper, a cage or enclosure, and advise you on how to carry out the process itself.

Ideally, the dog should be able to do its business in a certain corner of the apartment, and when going outside, do the same without any doubt. This format will allow the Yorkie to feel like a member of the street dog community, but also not to catch a cold in wet or frosty weather.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Toilet training begins as usual earlier, from the first days of entering a new home.
  2. A tray or diapers (disposable or reusable) are chosen as a toilet.
  3. Materials and area must be kept clean - Yorkies are very clean.
  4. From 4 months, regular walks begin, offering the dog another option - emptying the intestines and bladder on the street.
  5. During the process, you cannot physically punish the dog; dissatisfaction is expressed immediately after the offense.
  6. By 6 months the dog should master the skill.

Yorkies are smart dogs who happily listen to everything new. The main thing is to start training as early as possible and be patient. How was your training? Share your experience and tips in the comments, please. We and other readers are very interested in your stories.

Timely change of tactics

As true dog handlers, after 5-7 days, we must change the previously specified method. Now, when Yorkie eats, we carefully take the dog and block it in the toilet using the previously described method. We implement the principle of “siege” - the puppy has no choice, he will have to relieve his physiological needs in a designated area.

Constant implementation of the technique will create a good habit in your pet. Don’t forget to reward him with a treat after the successful completion of the process. Now the puppy’s sequential skill of action is reliably and accurately reinforced.

We do not forget that when applying the described method of education, we stock up on patience and perseverance. By constantly showing York the toilet area, we are waiting for the reward of our own efforts, for the dog’s instinct to develop into the right habit.

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