How to toilet train a Husky puppy? We reveal the secret of how to do it quickly

Husky is a large, active dog that cannot live without walking, like sofa decorative dogs.

During walks, the dog will not only splash out his energy, but also relieve himself. In addition, this will save the owner from having to change diapers or the litter box at home. Therefore, as soon as the veterinarian allows you to take the puppy out of the house, you should immediately begin training the animal to use the toilet outside.

And recommendations from dog handlers will tell you how to find the right approach to your dog in order to get rid of puddles at home forever.

When to start toilet training your husky puppy

You need to toilet train a Husky puppy from the first minutes of his arrival in the house. While the baby is not walking (before the first vaccination), he needs to organize a home toilet.

After the start of walking (3.5-4 months), the dog must understand that it goes outside not only to play and that the house is not a latrine.

Important! The older the dog, the more difficult it is to accustom him to the outdoor toilet. Males are fond of marking pieces of furniture. This habit must be eliminated at its very beginning.

How to teach a dog to beg?

Until the puppy reaches six months, you need to take him outside five times a day, then you can do this a little less often. How to train a husky to use the toilet outside? Start walking your puppy after eating or after he has just woken up. It is at these moments that dogs most often want to go to the toilet. After the baby has fulfilled his natural needs, praise him. The puppy will remember that going to the toilet outside is good, for this they pet him and give him a treat, and soon he will begin to ask himself.

Never go home if the puppy has not relieved itself, even if you have to walk for a long time. Even when the baby starts going to the toilet only outside, do not remove the diapers for the first months; they should be left for unforeseen cases.

Rules and features of training a husky

Toilet training a Husky will seem like real hard labor to someone who is not familiar with this breed. These dogs are characterized by uncontrollable stubbornness.

To teach them anything, you will have to devote 3-4 hours a day to training and use the method of motivation with goodies.

You cannot hit an animal, insult it, or shout loudly. This will provoke fear or aggression. A husky can withdraw into itself or, on the contrary, become embittered at the world.

Dogs of this breed are overly active. They need to be constantly on the move, which causes problems during walks: the pet cannot go to the toilet because it is often distracted.

It is recommended to first run with the baby, play with him, and then wait for the result.

The dog started shitting at home: what is the reason, what should I do?

The dog started shitting at home: reasons

If you do everything to ensure that your pet goes to the toilet in a certain place, but he still shits wherever he wants, then under no circumstances try to punish him for this. By such actions you will only further aggravate the unpleasant situation and, as a result, you will have to seek help from qualified trainers. In view of all this, it will be better if you try to understand the reason for this behavior and try to eliminate it.

  • Wrong upbringing. If you spend little time raising your pet, then it will definitely not develop all the necessary reflexes on its own and, as a result, it will choose its own toilet.
  • Rare walks. If you very rarely take your dog outside, he will have to look for a toilet in a living room.
  • The character of the dog. Some pets have a very hard time withstanding punishment and various stresses. If a dog is in constant agitation, then it loses control of itself and begins to shit wherever it wants.
  • Health problems. If your pet has problems with the digestive or urinary system, then he may simply not feel like he has a bowel movement. A recent operation may also be the cause of this problem.

Recommendations to help you avoid such problems:

  • Take your pet to the vet regularly
  • Try to extend your walks at least a little
  • Feed your pet food intended for dogs
  • Don't forget to praise your pet for doing the right thing.
  • Make sure he runs actively at least once a day

Tags: apartment, train, toilet, husky

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Selection and location requirements

Usually, for the toilet, puppies choose a place similar to their natural environment - near a window, door or near a balcony. But there are also those who prefer a quiet, secluded place without “prying eyes.”

There are no special requirements for a latrine. The main thing is that it is away from food bowls and the bed. When the owner leaves home and the baby husky is left alone, he needs to be locked in a playpen or limited space in the room for him. Diapers are placed there, a bed and bowls are installed.

Important! The chosen place should not be exposed to drafts, otherwise the husky will develop a cold in the urinary tract.


It is unnatural for dogs to go to the litter box. Therefore, potty training a Husky puppy is very difficult. To begin with, it is worth covering it with spoiled dirty diapers, which the baby is used to. You can attract the husky's attention with a toy placed in the tray.

Nowadays, there are already various models of dog trays on the market, some of them even resemble a lawn or lawn. But they are quite expensive, and there is little chance that the puppy will like at least one.

For males, trays with posts and plastic protection for the wall are produced. The structure itself consists of two parts - a frame and a tray (where the liquid flows). Some pots are lined with a rubber mat.

Important! The main thing is timely cleaning. Clean huskies will not use a dirty litter box; it needs to be cleaned every 2 days. More frequent cleaning will remove the natural odor.

Diapers and newspapers

A baby husky doesn’t care where to go to the toilet: on an expensive litter tray or a homemade litter. The main thing is that this place exudes a smell.

Children's disposable diapers with a soft cotton layer absorb aromas best. But they do not retain liquid well and require frequent replacement. Rubberized fabric is placed under such a diaper.

There are also reusable diapers with an absorbent layer that remain dry on top and prevent your puppy's paws from getting wet. They retain the smell for a long time, wash them 2-3 times a week.

Interesting! The cheapest option for a puppy's home toilet is newspaper flooring. This is an excellent absorbent material that is suitable for puppies at first.

Choosing a home toilet

In the home version, you can use a diaper, a toilet with filler and a newspaper. Newspapers are not recommended due to their non-absorbent surface and odor. Is there any point in training your pet to go to the newspaper? In addition, in the future, any fallen paper can be perceived as a toilet.

A litter box is more suitable for cats. However, for large breed puppies it will be a good option. But let's focus on diapers. This is a good option. They absorb moisture and remove unpleasant odors. But which one to stop at? It is better to use ones that are specifically made for dogs. These diapers have a certain smell that helps with litter box training. Experienced dog handlers advise using reusable options; they have some advantages:

  • Reusable diapers are always dry, which allows the puppy to go to the toilet with comfort.
  • The presence of antibacterial substances in their composition.
  • Reusable diapers can be washed.
  • Can be used for large breed puppies. A square meter absorbs up to two liters of moisture.
  • They easily stick to any surface and do not move back and forth.

Toilet training outdoors

It is not so easy to train a Husky to use the toilet outside. The puppy must get used to the street and understand what needs to be done.

To show a “good example”, you should take your child to the dog park. The dog will observe his brothers and begin to repeat after them.

If this does not work, then you need to walk in quiet, uncrowded places where the dog can be alone and feel calm. A husky can be bothered by a leash; constant control makes it difficult for the animal to concentrate. It is better to let the puppy go for a while and watch him.

Interesting! It is easier to teach boys to go to the toilet on the street than girls. The first ones are called by instinct - marking the territory; they are more willing and more likely to do this in the vicinity of the house.

You need to walk your puppy up to 5 months 5-6 times a day to prevent him from leaving puddles in the room.

During this period, it is better to remove all diapers and trays and scold the husky if he is not waiting for a walk.

If nothing works, the puppy does not understand that he needs to go to the toilet outside, but knows the place of the diaper in the apartment, then you can take it with you for a walk, hide it and invite the husky to look for it.

To the diaper

Depending on age

It is important to start the learning process as early as possible. All behavioral characteristics are formed in the animal up to 6-7 weeks. If by this moment the dog has not understood where to pee and why he will be scolded, it will get worse in the future.

1 month

You can’t do without mistakes at this age: the puppy still doesn’t really understand what’s happening to him and sits down wherever he wants. Imagine a human baby - how to teach him? Only gradually. Therefore, at first, watch where the puppy pees and put diapers in this place.

At first, the puppy will pee indiscriminately: both on the floor and on the diaper. But soon everything will change: the puppy will like a soft and moisture-absorbing place more than a bare floor. This way, a habit will gradually develop. And don’t forget to praise for every hit! In a couple of weeks, the baby will be wearing a diaper even at night, on purpose.


At the age of 2 months, the puppy will begin to urinate less frequently: only after feeding, sleeping and active play. Try to put him on a diaper immediately after these processes, see that the animal does its business. If it understands you and listens, praise it. You also need to take the puppy to the diaper when he starts to spin, whine and look for a place.


At 3 months old, a puppy is already growing up and must learn to find the toilet on its own. Stop wearing it, reduce the number of diapers to 1-2. There is no need to remove everything at once; it is better to remove one at a time every few days. If you make a mistake, you need to scold your pet a little in a stern voice.

Important Rules

  1. Teach your dog to listen to your intonations. Strict “Fu” should become law.
  2. If possible, buy diapers with filler that turns into gel. It will stay dry all day and prevent your puppy from getting his paws wet. He'll really like it.
  3. Place turf, dog droppings, or a rag used to wipe up urine on the diaper or in the tray - this will indicate that the need is being dealt with here.
  4. It is very important to reward your puppy for good behavior. This point is key in training. Every time your puppy behaves as expected, praise him. This is especially important in the first few months, when the baby is just learning how to behave correctly.
  5. If the puppy stubbornly refuses to wear a diaper, change the material, try newspaper.


  1. Don't yell at the animal or hit it. This way you will only weaken the baby’s psyche and end up with an embittered, aggressive animal. If the puppy does not understand your strict intonations, it is not his fault . Try to work on your voice, achieve your goal calmly but steadily.
  2. You cannot poke your puppy's muzzle into an abandoned puddle. This is especially true for large, guard breeds: they are smart and will perceive this punishment as an insult. You will destroy trust from the very beginning.
  3. Don't over-praise. By 3 months, the puppy should already understand that going to the diaper is his responsibility, and you can’t beg for a treat every time. You don't want to feed your 5-year-old dog because he peed in the right place, do you?

You cannot scold the puppy if you discover a puddle after a while . The pet may misinterpret the output: it peed in the wrong place, the owner discovered it and scolded it. Therefore, it is necessary to hide the “traces of the crime” more carefully!

If you can maintain your temper, work patiently with the animal and not make these mistakes, complete victory awaits you.

Depending on the breed

Let's look at how to diaper-train puppies of several of the most popular breeds. The principle of training will not be different, but there are some features.


At an early age, the Chihuahua has an accelerated metabolism; the dog will go to the toilet immediately after eating. Therefore, take the animal to the tray as soon as it has eaten. So that the baby understands that he needs to do his business in the tray, help him: pour a little water on the diaper lying inside, then put the puppy there. The baby will feel wet and urinate. Chihuahuas are very sensitive to the mood of their owners. So, if you show him your dissatisfaction, he will learn extremely quickly.


It is better to accustom a puppy of this breed to a diaper by fencing off the space. Do not think that it is inhumane to limit his movement area. It is inhumane to leave a baby in a huge, by his standards, unfamiliar space. The puppy can get hurt, eat something dangerous, and worst of all, they can step on him, because baby Yorkies are very restless and hover around their owner all the time.

Important: the diaper must be pressed down, otherwise the Yorkie will use it as a means of play..

Otherwise, this breed is very easy to train, especially in a play format. So you won't have any problems.


If the baby was purchased from a nursery, then he is most likely already accustomed to the toilet-diaper. It’s just that, finding himself in a new place, he was a little confused. Your task is to help him remember the skill. With this breed it is also better to use the fence method.

Pomeranian Spitz puppies are very active, inquisitive, they climb everywhere (it is simply impossible to wean them off this). You will have to cover the entire floor in the enclosure with diapers so that babies urinate without interrupting their play, and only gradually reduce this space to one diaper.


It's not that simple. Until six months, a husky puppy is unable to control its own physiological processes. Until this age, their mother takes care of them. Well, if you tear the baby away from the mother too early, you will have to be patient. When you start toilet training your husky, you should use newspaper rather than a diaper. Otherwise, due to habit, the husky will mark the bed and carpets in the future.

Huskies are extremely clean, so change the newspaper often. And keep in mind that this is definitely not a breed that can be litter trained - they need to move a lot and be outside often


This is a very smart dog, so you can immediately show what you want from it. As soon as the baby sits down to pee, say “NO” loudly, pick him up and carry him to the diaper. Hold there (but not too much) until he does his business. If everything worked out, vigorously express your approval. I broke free and ran away - no big deal, after a while everything will repeat itself and be remembered.

Possible problems and their solutions

Sometimes, even after serious training and mastering all the rules, puppies make “mistakes.” You shouldn’t scold them for this; a stern look and a serious conversation will be enough.

Of course, if the problem is systematic and cannot be avoided without removing treats and toys, the husky must be punished.

In extreme cases, the problem of marking the territory can be corrected by sterilization. But before that, you should try sprays that repel males, a solution of formidron, vinegar, and soda.

Frequent failures in parenting are a signal that something is going wrong. The problem may be in the tray (the puppy is uncomfortable, does not like the location), psychological trauma, or health problems.

Uncontrolled urination is a symptom of many congenital and acquired pathologies, so you should consult a veterinarian.

The problem of reluctance to wear a diaper may arise due to the floor covering. It’s so convenient for a puppy to go to the toilet on a soft carpet, why should he look for a bedding and aim? In such cases, it is better to temporarily remove all carpet runners.

Crime and Punishment

Many people are at a loss as to whether it is worth punishing a pet if it does not wear a diaper? In fact, the issue is controversial. Naturally, impunity gives rise to a bad habit, but at the same time, too cruel actions can force the animal to hide and relieve itself in secluded places. Thus, overly intimidated dogs can climb into hard-to-reach places, for example, behind sofas, armchairs or cabinets and do their “dark” things there. You won’t immediately find traces of the “crime,” but when you see it, the “pleasant” aroma will spread throughout the entire apartment.

We advise you to do this:

  • The first week or two, do not punish the animal, but strongly and strictly show your dissatisfaction. Dogs are excellent psychologists and sense your mood on an emotional level. A stern look is enough for the dog to innocently lower his eyes down.
  • If, after two weeks of futile attempts, the dog continues to wear a diaper hour after hour, use a newspaper bundle. It is enough to slap the face once immediately after the dirty trick for the dog to grasp the cause-and-effect relationship. Knowing that an incorrect action is followed by a small, but at the same time, offensive punishment, the pet will begin to relieve itself faster in the right place.

Recommendations from dog handlers

The issue of toilet training is complicated because each puppy requires a specific approach. Some animals navigate by smell, others by knowledge of the situation (reward or scolding).

Experienced breeders and dog handlers give their training recommendations:

  1. The puppy must be taken out immediately after sleeping or eating; babies cannot stand it for long.
  2. As soon as the husky has gone to the toilet in the right place, he is rewarded with a treat.
  3. You need to scold for puddles outside the diaper after 4-5 months, before this time the baby gets used to it, and he almost never goes outside.
  4. After establishing the “mechanism”, when the puppy has already realized that they go to the toilet outside, you need to remove the tray or diaper so as not to leave a chance for the pet.
  5. You need to walk your husky puppy at the same time so that the dog remembers its schedule and knows until what point it needs to be patient.

A husky is not a decorative little dog; he cannot live without a walk, tolerate a litter box or a diaper on a regular basis.

Such animals need movement. And it won’t be possible to lock him in the house: the volumes of puddles from dogs are large, and not a single laminate or parquet can withstand such moisture.

How to stop a husky from biting

Huskies cannot be called aggressive dogs, so they often bite during play. In order not to provoke the dog, it is better to exclude from an early age games that involve tugging objects or grabbing the owner’s clothes.

If the puppy begins to bite while playing, you just need to leave him alone for a while. He will soon realize that no one wants to play with a biting dog. When a baby bites intentionally, it is enough to take him by the collar and shake him slightly or squeeze his mouth with your hand and hold him for a while.

If a grown-up husky bites, you need to take him by the collar and press him to the ground so that the dog lies down. Hold him in this position until the husky stops resisting.

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The currently popular Husky dog ​​breed, it turns out, was bred artificially - these are sled dogs that are distinguished by good endurance and unsurpassed working qualities. Initially, Huskies pulled sleds in the Far East and Siberia, and a little later they were brought to Alaska - where they conquered the entire north of America. In the conditions of the far north, Huskies remain irreplaceable, but thanks to their attractiveness and calm nature, they have spread as companion dogs throughout the world.

Breed Features

The Husky breed is considered a large breed; at the withers their height is approximately 60 centimeters. In addition to size, the main features include the following:

  • almond eye color (Husky eyes can be brown, hazel or any other color);
  • friendly character is one of the most important features; Huskies can be easily adopted in a family with a small child;
  • the absence of fur odor and slobbering makes it possible to keep a dog in an apartment.

Husky character and care for them

The only disadvantage this breed has is its excessive energy; if you do not exercise the dog, play or chase it, then all the accumulated energy will be spent on destroying the house and furniture. Therefore, if you come home after a hard day at work and find a torn new sofa at home, torn curtains or chaos in the kitchen, you shouldn’t blame your pet for everything. The lack of attention and not too frequent walks is entirely the fault of the owner himself.

The importance of raising a husky

First of all, let’s say that a husky, like any other dog, needs socialization and proper training from a young age. If you neglect this, the dog can grow up completely ill-mannered, and this is a big risk for others and, in fact, the owner himself.

Important! Professional dog trainers do not recommend that inexperienced Husky owners engage in self-training. Practice shows that correcting training mistakes is much more difficult than raising a dog correctly in the first place.

Here you need to understand one important feature. The Siberian Husky is not a hunting or guard dog. This is a companion dog, which means that such a four-legged friend should be treated as an equal. Only with an understanding of this feature, and therefore with deep respect for this dog, can a husky be raised and trained.

Important! Huskies associate themselves with pack dogs, and therefore it is important for them to have a leader - a person to whom they will completely obey. If a dog is not trained properly, such a pet may run away from home and go in search of someone who will become their “leader”.

How to toilet train a puppy?

As a rule, all puppies from birth to 7 months must be vaccinated, so until the quarantine ends (after vaccination), they are not taken out of the house. Accordingly, all physiological processes that the baby cannot control himself fall on the shoulders of the owners. Teaching a Husky puppy to go to the toilet in a diaper is not an easy task and requires a lot of patience. The very first thing we recommend doing (based on our own sad experience) is to remove carpets, rugs and anything else that can absorb moisture from the floors, because in the future your expensive carpet will become your pet’s favorite place for “wet things”.

Reusable diaper for dogs

The first thing you should do before accustoming your puppy to one place for the toilet is to determine where he chose this very place for himself. If this is your bathroom, then try not to close the doors behind you so that the baby has free access to his toilet. It is possible that the animal will choose a place where it is strictly forbidden to do its wet business; in this case, you can spray it with a specialized spray or place a bowl of food; as a rule, most dogs will not shit where they eat.

It should be noted that under no circumstances should you wash your puppy’s feces on the floors with chlorine-containing products. The smell of chlorine will attract attention, and you will not get rid of the problem.

When you determine the place that the puppy has chosen, begin to train your pet to the toilet. There are three periods after which, in 99% of cases, the animal will relieve itself:

  1. After sleep;
  2. after meal;
  3. after, and sometimes during, playing with the puppy.

How to teach a Husky puppy to go to the toilet?

Be patient, and as soon as you see that baby Husky is walking around in the same place, or starts sniffing around a certain area, act immediately. Take him and carry him to the diaper, which should be placed in the toilet in advance. In some cases, you will have to wait 15 to 20 minutes until the puppy does its job. We recommend not to rely on a “false alarm” and, if necessary, to wait longer. When your pet does its job, pet it, prepare a treat in advance and treat it.

We would like to remind you that it is not recommended to give hard treats to Husky babies under 3 months of age; during this period, their teeth are still poorly formed and not strengthened.

In the future, the puppy will understand that he will be rewarded with something tasty for defecating in the territory allotted to him, and then the pet will only try to please the person with the correct behavior. After sleep, the situation is similar, immediately take him to the toilet and keep him there until the job is done. Basically, it will take 2 to 4 weeks for the puppy to get used to one place.

Toilet training a puppy

general information

Dogs can be trained to go to the toilet in a tray, on a diaper, on a newspaper or outside. All of these options have both pros and cons. If you train a dog to go to the newspaper, the apartment will start to smell. In addition, huskies are a rather large breed, so the paper will leak quickly. In addition, due to dog urine, the material with which the floor is covered will soon become unusable.

Another option for a home toilet is a tray. But you don’t need to buy one that is designed for cats, its sides are too high. It will be difficult for the puppy to climb into it, and he may spill its contents. Special dog litter trays have low sides that are easy for your baby to overcome. The owner must put a diaper inside the toilet, which will prevent the smell from spreading. But a litter box is also not the best option for a husky due to its size.

You can accustom your puppy to a diaper that is attached to the floor with special Velcro.

Common mistakes during toilet training

REMEMBER - never raise your voice at your baby Husky or poke his face into a puddle - this will not teach you anything, and a loud voice will only scare you. The pet will not understand why they shout at him and beat him, especially if not even 5 minutes have passed since the crime. If you don’t adhere to these rules and scold your pet, then next time the baby will simply do his dirty trick at home in a more secluded place.

Initially, you should not make the area very small; you should gradually reduce the area of ​​the toilet. If you use ordinary newspapers as bedding, then try to change them regularly; the dog would rather make a puddle on the floor than go to the dirty toilet.

Mistakes while toilet training a puppy

In order for the pet not to be afraid of newspapers or diapers, it is necessary to limit the area in the room with a special fence, where the floor will be covered with one material or another. Over time, the dog will get used to the covering, and in the future the question of how to accustom a puppy to the toilet with diapers will no longer arise. Buying diapers in a specialized pet store is not advisable and expensive. The same films can be purchased at a standard pharmacy and are much cheaper.

Basic command training

We teach you to respond to a nickname

From the first month of life, start calling your puppy to you, calling him by a certain name. You need to call the dog gently, and when he responds to the command, stroke him behind the ear or give him a treat. The dog must understand that the owner’s voice is associated with something pleasant.


To train your Husky to obey the "sit" command, you need to take a treat and hold it above the dog's head. By moving your hand with the treat forward, behind the dog's head, you will involuntarily provoke him to sit on his hind legs. If everything works out, hold the puppy in this position with your hands, repeat the command several times, and then reward your pet.


The “Lie down” command is taught in a similar way. The treat, held in front of the dog’s nose, in this case must be lowered to the ground until the dog lies down, and only then give it the reward it has earned. In some cases, you need to help the dog lower to the ground with your hands and carefully ensure that the dog does not fall on its side, but sits on its paws.

How to teach your dog the “down” command


A basic command that any dog ​​must know and follow. It should be given at the moment when the dog tries to grab a bone or other objects from the ground. To do this, it is enough, without breaking into a scream, to say “Ugh!” in a menacing voice, and then lightly tug on the leash. Practice shows that after a few repetitions you won’t have to pull the dog back; a voice command will suffice.

"It is forbidden"

Another team the Huskies should know. This is a ban on any actions of the dog, to which it must immediately react. To do this, at the moment when the dog performs an undesirable action, say “No!” in a stern voice. If the dog does not react, light physical pressure is allowed.

"To me"

To teach this command, it is enough to take a treat and lure the dog towards you, kindly saying “Come to me!” The pet must immediately follow the command, after which it should be rewarded and petted.


This command should be given while walking, slightly pulling the leash towards you so that the dog's withers are next to the owner's leg. Make sure your pet doesn't lag behind and doesn't get ahead. It is necessary to ensure that the husky follows the voice command, and does not require pulling the leash.

How to teach a dog to walk “Nearby”

When to start?

The process of education and training should begin literally from the first hours the puppy is in the apartment. First, you need to find out all the information about the toilet from the breeder and try to create the same conditions. If your child makes mistakes, you definitely need to ask at what time and how he behaves before this. You should be prepared that the puppy will become disoriented at home, and all work on training will have to start all over again.

At the same time, you should not delay the start of training. A one and a half month old baby is already quite capable of understanding what they want from him. And although there will be rare mistakes, the initial lesson will be learned.

It is believed that a puppy can be trained to use the toilet outside only when he has completed all his vaccinations. This is due to the fact that in outdoor conditions it is impossible to completely isolate yourself from other dogs, as well as the diseases and infections inherent in them.

And after the last vaccine was administered, at least a couple of weeks should pass. Therefore, for the first months, it is better to cope with all your needs at home, and only then go outside, leaving the home toilet for “emergency” cases.

Errors in education

The main thing in teaching a dog to relieve itself at home is not to spoil its psyche and not lose its trust. Often, due to lack of patience, a person may not be able to succeed in this. But it is necessary to remember that a puppy is a small child. He needs constant attention and care. He wants to go to the toilet at odd hours.

Raising puppies

In the first days, the entire space where the puppy is located should be covered with diapers. He is small and not fast enough to run from one part of the room to another. You should also be careful. Any dog ​​shows its desires by behavior. Perhaps she will spin around in one place, sniff a lot and crawl into hard-to-reach places. This is where you need to pay all your attention.

Note! A small pet still has little control over its natural body needs, so it is recommended to remove all diaper-like items from the floor: things, rags, soft toys.

Without understanding and trust, a puppy can be easily intimidated. You should not use physical punishment against a small child. It is enough to show dissatisfaction with the tone of voice. It would also be nice to introduce the “fu” command into everyday use. Owners often forget that the dog simply will not understand why he is being scolded if the punishment occurs too late. You should scold your pet only within a minute after the dirty deed has been done. The same goes for praise. But praise will only make the dog happy.

If you accidentally make a puddle in the wrong place, you need to remove it with a diaper, and only then wash it with detergent. Since dogs navigate more by smell, this will help them reinforce the skill. Cleaning and changing diapers must be timely.

It is impossible to force a puppy to wear a diaper against its will. Therefore, if the puppy wanted to go to the toilet, and then suddenly didn’t want to, you should wait again until he starts to sit down. The main thing in education is the dog’s trust in the person. Walking, playing together, etc. will help with this. If the pet has not mastered diapers in one way, you should move on to another.

Using diapers is a good way to toilet train your puppy, but it should not replace walking. After all, spending time in the fresh air strengthens the trusting relationship between the dog and the owner.

What is needed for training?

The following options are most often used as a home toilet for a small husky.

  • Reusable diapers . Their feature is a multilayer structure. Thanks to this, they prevent leaks on the floor covering, contain odors and hold up to 2 liters of liquid. They are almost impossible to chew, and the top layer allows moisture to pass through well and remains dry without getting your paws dirty.

  • Disposable pharmacy diapers or newspapers , which are inferior in all respects to reusable dog diapers. But they are more accessible and are almost always on hand or in the nearest store. Cheaper materials are usually used in the first days of training, as a lot of them are required.

  • Trays . There are many models in the form of ordinary pallets or trays with grids for a diaper. For male dogs there are varieties with posts and fencing to protect the walls. When choosing a tray, you should pay attention to its size and the height of the walls (they should not be too high for a small puppy). For some models, mats with pile that imitate grass are available - this will prepare the husky for walking outside.

To use the toilet outside, first of all, you need to have with you everything you need to clean up your pet’s excrement . It doesn’t matter whether the puppy is walking in the courtyard of a private house or on a dog park specially equipped for this purpose. The easiest option is to use a paper or plastic bag. For convenience, you can purchase a special scoop. All this should be put along with the leash and other outdoor accessories so as not to forget.

The basic rules for toileting at home and on the street are as follows.

  • In order to teach a puppy to use a tray or diaper for its intended purpose, first of all you need to decide where to place it . The easiest way is if the puppy’s movement is limited to a separate room or enclosure. Here you can use any convenient corner for a toilet. If there are several rooms, there should be a toilet in each, because the puppy may simply not have time to reach a specific place.

Over time, when the husky learns to control the urge, you can leave one diaper or tray in the right place - for example, in the bathroom. To attract attention with the smell, at first you can take a piece from the old diaper and put it under the new one.

  • To help the puppy, you need to watch him . For example, you can track which place he likes best for the toilet. Or notice how he behaves before going to the toilet and direct him there in time. In general, puppies most often need this after eating and sleeping. If during games the husky begins to behave differently (sniffs, spins in one place, freezes, begins to make characteristic movements) - this is a reason to be wary and help.
  • Toilet training is a kind of training . Therefore, the puppy should definitely be praised for the correct actions. To do this, you must always have your favorite dog treats with you.
  • Hygiene is important when it comes to toileting . Huskies are very clean, so diapers need to be changed on time and the tray should be washed regularly. Puppies of this breed will not go to the dirty toilet and will start looking for another place, and the owners are unlikely to like this.
  • Learning to use an outdoor toilet is quite troublesome. To begin with, you need to take the puppy outside as often as possible - on average 6 times a day. In this case, it is better to first wait until the task is completed, and only then start playing games or other interesting activities. This will not be easy, since huskies are quite active and inquisitive. Often the example of other dogs helps in this matter.

Don’t forget about the tips - perhaps the animal itself will ask to go outside or show its intentions in every possible way.

What is a toilet diaper and what is it used for?

The pet diaper is designed to quickly absorb their urine. One side of it consists of a waterproof layer that prevents liquid from reaching the surface where it is located.

The diaper is intended for:

  • toileting for puppies of all breeds of dogs that are not yet recommended to be taken outside;
  • small breeds of dogs, such as miniature pinschers, small terriers, which are not taken outside in winter, in mud and rain;
  • sick dogs that need home treatment, these can be large breeds such as shepherds or sharpeis;
  • transportation of animals in a vehicle;
  • for dogs giving birth.

The diaper quickly absorbs moisture and odors.

Diapers for our little brothers

What types of diapers are there for puppies?

Diapers are disposable and reusable. Disposable ones are intended to be used once, then they must be disposed of. Reusable ones can be used for a long time, but their cost exceeds the price of disposable diapers. Their filler absorbs a large volume of liquid, they can be washed, and after drying they are again suitable for use.

Up to 2-3 liters of liquid are absorbed by diapers with a multilayer structure, the top layer of which consists of polyester or other fabric that easily allows liquid to pass through. Next come layers of polyester mixed with viscose fabric. The product is completed with a membrane and polyester fabric.

A type of diaper for the tray

For litter trays, effective gel layers made of hypoallergenic fiber, which prevents liquid from spreading to the sides, absorbs moisture well, turning it into a gel substance, leaving both the tray and the dog’s paws dry.

There are diapers impregnated with an antibacterial agent, with Velcro on the bottom layer for fixing to the tray or floor surface, with indicators that show their degree of fullness and percentage of moisture content. Which one to choose is a private choice for everyone.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

  • Rare mistakes even before reaching six months of age are considered the norm. Sometimes the animal may get too playful or not run. And the owners do not always have time to react to the obvious requests of the puppies. This should be taken more simply. Of course, you need to scold for mistakes, and immediately - before the puppy forgets what he did. But it’s not worth punishing a husky physically or poking it in excrement - it’s impossible to train an animal in this way, but it’s quite possible to intimidate it.
  • During training, only diapers should remain on the floor . It's better to remove everything else. The area where the mistake occurred should be washed well and treated with any neutralizing agent from the pet store. The smell of bleach or other household chemicals can do exactly the opposite and attract the puppy.
  • On the street, young huskies often get scared and are also distracted by foreign objects or other animals. Therefore, for the first trips to the toilet you need to find a quiet, calm place.
  • Frequent failures are just a reason to change tactics (replace the tray, review the regime, diet). Depending on the situation, it is worth showing more firmness or tolerance. As a last resort, you can contact a specialist. If the problems started suddenly, after several months or even years of successful trips to the toilet, it is worth checking your pet’s health and seeing a veterinarian.

In the next video you will learn how to train a husky puppy to use the toilet outside.

Breeder's advice

How to train a husky to use the toilet outside? At first, choose a quiet place for walks, for example, a park or forest near your house. It is advisable that there are no other dogs there and that people rarely walk there. In a calm place, the puppy will feel more confident and will decide to relieve itself in an unfamiliar environment.

Bring a treat from home with you that can be divided into small pieces. For example, pieces of boiled meat or dried lung from a pet store. After your puppy has gone to the toilet, praise him and reward him with a treat.

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