Where do classic animal names come from? The Village editors continue to answer the strangest questions about city life with the help of experts.

A purebred puppy or kitten requires an appropriate nickname. Agree, it is ridiculous to call an Irish setter Bobik, and a British cat with a respectable appearance - Vaska. Aristocratic and unusual names are more suitable for them. We offer a list of nicknames for purebred cats and dogs. Among them there will surely be one that suits your pet.

Pug Elvis

Popular names

Owners who choose a noble nickname for their pet often choose English or French names (words with meaning). Here's what you can call a girl dog or cat:

  • Aurora;
  • Adele;
  • Alma;
  • Alpha;
  • Alaska;
  • Arizona;
  • Beatrice;
  • Bella;
  • Bertha;
  • Blanca;
  • Blondie;
  • Brownie;
  • Wanda;
  • Vesta;
  • Vita;
  • Gloria;
  • Darcy;
  • Daisy;
  • Georgia;
  • Judy;
  • Jacqueline;
  • Julie;
  • Zara;
  • Isabel;
  • Carmen;
  • Caroline;
  • Bark;
  • Macbeth;
  • Mabel;
  • Mary;
  • Nora;
  • Sandra;
  • Scarlett;
  • Sophie;
  • Fiji;
  • Flora;
  • Hilda;
  • Chanel (Coco);
  • Eloise;
  • Elsa;
  • Emmy;
  • Esmeralda;
  • Esme;
  • Eugene;
  • Jadwiga.

Charming Blondie
Nickname options for boys:

  • Admiral;
  • Akbar;
  • Alar;
  • Aloysius;
  • Amur;
  • Arthur;
  • Barney;
  • Barrett;
  • Bartley;
  • Bernard;
  • Binks;
  • Blake;
  • Bryce;
  • Britton;
  • Brantley;
  • Winston;
  • Gard;
  • Gibson;
  • Gilmore;
  • Goldwyn;
  • Thunder;
  • Hudson;
  • Gustav;
  • Darcy;
  • Jewel;
  • Jeffrey;
  • Conry;
  • Magnus;
  • Mario;
  • Matisse;
  • Morgan;
  • Nike;
  • Osman;
  • Paxton;
  • Parker;
  • Peter;
  • Ricci;
  • Roger;
  • Roosevelt;
  • Serge;
  • Tyson;
  • Tiberius;
  • Felix;
  • Fancy;
  • Forrest;
  • Franklin;
  • Honor;
  • Channing;
  • Edward;
  • Elmer;
  • Ashton;
  • Eugene.

Another option is to choose a nickname depending on the breed. Nicknames for cats:

  • Bond, Guy, Joker, Bertha, Dana, Hannah, Shelley are British;
  • Snowy, Socrates, Utah, Vegas, Zorro, Sari – Maine Coons;
  • Argo, Icarus, Scythian, Yasson, Osti, Fonda, Viola - sphinxes;
  • Weiss, Mag, Edgar, Gratsia, Dixie, Olia, Erica are Siamese cats.

Examples of names for purebred dogs:

  • Darman, Emir, Terra, Elba - Alabai;
  • Bruno, Bucky, Harley, Roxy, Lola – Dobermans;
  • Charlie, Cooper, Max, Bella, Lucy, Gigi - Labradors;
  • Loki, Oscar, Miki, Bonnie, Nessie, Dakota - malamutes;
  • Frank, Elvis, Marley, Daisy, Ollie - pugs;
  • Archie, Bruno, James, Alice, Florence - German shepherds;
  • Kelvin, Chester, Ruf, Eli, Leona - Pekingese;
  • Thor, Odin, Rox, Gerda, Vega - pit bulls;
  • Arnold, Bernard, Stella, Betsy – Rottweilers;
  • Floyd, Jack, Millie – terriers;
  • Rudy, Doxie, Vitti, Marta – dachshunds;
  • Oliver, Dino, Zelda, Molly, Amelia - husky;
  • Henry, Chloe, Sarah are Pomeranians.

This wonderful puppy's name is Jiff Pom. He has his own page on Instagram, which already has 9.9 million subscribers and 810 publications, which is no coincidence. The little Spitz runs superbly on his hind legs - he even set a world record for this. Jiff is the hero of the Dark Horse video with Katy Perry. And the charming dog poses well - photos with him turn out great.

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Posted by jiffpom (@jiffpom)

What can you call an artiodactyl?

Breeders are advised to choose short, sonorous names so that the cattle can clearly distinguish sounds and respond to the nickname. As for specific names, there are no rules here. It is not recommended to call the animal obscene or rude nicknames, so as not to embarrass others. Otherwise, there are no clear naming rules.

What to name a little calf

A young calf can be called like this:

  • Zinger.
  • Baby.
  • Arrow.
  • Igrun.
  • Cheburashka.

What to call an adult female

The female can be called like this:

  • Eve.
  • Lucy.
  • Masha.
  • Screw.
  • Aliska.

What to call an adult bull

Male bulls can be called as follows:

  • Crow.
  • Accordion.
  • Vaska.
  • Winter.
  • Grinya.

Names in honor of aristocrats

Often purebred (and not only) pets are given the names of famous people. The most popular of them:

  • Alfred;
  • Boleyn;
  • William;
  • Guy and Caesar;
  • Harry (the Duke, not Potter);
  • Grozny;
  • Darius;
  • George (British prince);
  • Diana;
  • Josephine;
  • Camila;
  • Kate;
  • Cyrus (Achaeminid);
  • Cleo (from Cleopatra);
  • Louis;
  • Megan;
  • Rani (Queen of India);
  • William;
  • Hammurabi;
  • Clovis;
  • Charles;
  • Elizabeth (queen regnant).

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Little Camila

Useful tips

Experienced livestock breeders recommend adhering to the following recommendations regarding the naming of four-legged animals:

  • The fewer syllables in an adverb, the better it is remembered. The best option would be a nickname based on two or one syllable - say, Goga, Buttercup or Nina. But long adverbs consisting of three or more syllables will be more difficult to remember, so they should not be given.
  • Four-legged ungulates perceive voiced consonants better than deaf ones. This is due to the structural features of the hearing aid, as well as the cognitive abilities of the quadruped. Therefore, Zhuzha, Lola or Senka are good nicknames, but Goga, Shish or Petya are bad.

In conclusion, we note that you should not give nicknames that play off living people or the political situation. After all, such nicknames can offend other people, which is especially critical in the case of raising animals for sale. In addition, a person’s views may change, and an original and bold name based on real events will eventually begin to be perceived as everyday or ridiculous, so it is better not to take risks.

Nicknames in honor of “exotic” leaders

There are some completely unusual names. This is what representatives of warring peoples and tribes were once called:

  • Bodicea (queen of the Celts);
  • Brünnhilde (Visigoth princess);
  • Viking;
  • Quiche (Mayan tribe);
  • Lani (Hawaiian ruler);
  • Mansa (leader in Mali);
  • Sinchi (among the Incas).

Ridgeback Viking

What were cows called before?

In Rus', animals were given nicknames based on their distinctive features. These could be character inclinations, unusual coloring, and even a favorite vacation spot. Before naming the four-legged animal, they looked closely for a long time to choose a nickname. Ancient people believed that naming could leave an imprint on character, and since four-legged animals were kept for a long time, the nickname could indirectly affect the fate of its owner. Let's give a couple of examples:

  • If the cattle had features in color, then the nickname was most likely given according to this feature. For example, a black cow could be called Chernushka, and a white cow could be called Belenka. If the red color was dominant or there was a large red spot on the body, it could be called Rowan.
  • If the cattle did not have external distinctive features, they were named according to their character. For example, active four-legged animals could be called Veselushka, Miley, and even Buyan. Shy people could be called Silent, and thoughtful people could be called Smart.
  • Often the names reflected the owner’s attitude towards the animal (after all, before, four-legged animals were not slaughtered for a long time, so they were almost like members of the family). For example, if a person was strongly attached to a bull, he could call him Darling or Friend.
  • The pagan god Veles was considered the patron saint of cattle. Although there was a strict ban on the use of this word, many peasants used a modified version of it. For example, they could call it Veska or Vlaska.

But giving nicknames reminiscent of human names was prohibited. After all, Rus' was a Christian state, and people were given names in honor of Christian saints. Therefore, using a human name for livestock could be considered sacrilege, which was seriously punished. True, some circumvented the Christian prohibition by naming animals with diminutive names for people. For example, cattle could be called Timoshka, Mashka or Motka.

Attention! The Christian ban also reduced the level of conflict among peasants - who would like to have a grumpy bull named after you!

"Status" nicknames

With the help of a nickname you can emphasize the noble origin of your pet. Here it is enough to remember what rulers (members of their families) are called in different countries.

  • Amir;
  • Anax;
  • Danai;
  • Dauphine;
  • Kaiser;
  • Leda;
  • Libya;
  • Mikado;
  • Rajah;
  • Regina;
  • Reina;
  • Ryan;
  • Sultan;
  • Khan;
  • Hara;
  • Shah;
  • Sheikh;
  • Emir.

Suitable titles and positions:

  • Aladdin;
  • Baron (Baroness);
  • Brian;
  • Viscount;
  • Duke;
  • Gentry;
  • Donna;
  • Kaiser;
  • Captain;
  • Lord;
  • Luther;
  • Marquise;
  • Marshall;
  • Nigel;
  • Paladin;
  • Patrician;
  • Sarah;
  • Hayden;
  • El Cid;
  • Earl.

Scottish Marquise

By what principles is a nickname chosen?

It can be selected according to different principles. Most often they focus on the color or external characteristics, month of birth, character and other distinctive features of the animal. The names of flowers, plants and marine life also work well for ruminants. Some give human names - foreign or Russian.

By color

Animals are often named based on their color or pattern on their body. Such a nickname emphasizes the individuality of the cow, and if necessary, it can always be found among other individuals:

  • Redhead.
  • Chernysh.
  • Chocolate.
  • Squirrel.
  • Ryaba.

By month of birth

The nickname can be given by year, month or birthday. In this case, it is advisable to soften the naming with the help of suffixes. Examples:

  • Fevralinka.
  • Martha.
  • Oktyabrina.
  • Pervysh
  • Average.

By the name of flowers and plants

The names of plants and flowers suit animals well, and if desired, the nickname can also be softened with the help of suffixes:

  • Rose.
  • Birch.
  • Chamomile.
  • Cactus.
  • Iris.

Geographic names

People give names with a geographical bias. These can be the names of countries, cities, geographical regions and even continents:

  • Asia.
  • Amur.
  • Sahara.
  • Cyprus.
  • Sakhalin.

By external signs

If a cow has a distinctive feature, it is recommended to reflect this in the name:

  • Sturdy.
  • Vimes.
  • Baby.
  • Krasulya.
  • Donut.

The nature

Animals have their own character from birth, which can also be reflected in the name:

  • Quiet.
  • Nimble.
  • Veselukha.
  • Fun.
  • Smart ass.

According to weather conditions at birth

If a cow was born in unusual weather, this can be reflected in the name:

  • Thunder.
  • Rainbow.
  • Cloud.
  • Storm.
  • Calm.

By the names of sea inhabitants

Some breeders note that the character is similar to the habits of sea creatures. Many people do not agree with this point of view, but cows are named after sea inhabitants:

  • Goby.
  • Pike.
  • Flounder.
  • Crustacean.
  • Ruff.

Human names

A four-legged animal can also be given a human name. It is advisable to add a diminutive suffix to it in order to clearly separate the cow from the person and not offend anyone by calling any of the neighbors:

  • Vanyusha.
  • Parsley.
  • Marfochka.
  • Mashenka.
  • Sashenka.

Attention! Cows don't understand the rules for using suffixes. Therefore, if you named a bull Vanyusha, do not call him Vanya - he simply will not understand you.

Royal pet names

It's not just ordinary people who have pets. Dogs and cats often live (or have lived) in the courts of royalty. Nicknames are chosen appropriately for them. Take a closer look at the names of the monarchs' favorites:

  • Dookie – George VI's corgi;
  • Susan, Holly, Willow, Monty, Emma, ​​Linnet - Queen Elizabeth's dogs;
  • Zemira - Laurette of Catherine II;
  • Iman, Raven - collie of Nicholas II;
  • Lisette – Peter I’s terrier;
  • Lupo, Prince William's cocker spaniel;
  • My Lord, Pench - pets of Alexander II;
  • Munito-Hussar, Dragoon - dogs of Nicholas I;
  • Oliver is the Princess of Monaco's poodle;
  • Rosie, Beth - Prince Charles Jack Russell.

Also worthy of attention are Connie Polgrave's Labrador, Yume's Akita Inu, V. Putin's Alabai Verny and the Bush couple's Springer Spaniel Millie.

Queen Elizabeth with her corgis

"Famous" name for a dog

After this, you can choose a “famous” name for your pet. Some dogs are officially nominated for state awards for special services (detaining criminals, fighting, saving people in emergency situations). Find out the nicknames of the furry heroes and name your animals by their names.

Contact a kennel or professional breeders; they will definitely give you lists of popular dog names from which you can choose a suitable name.

Nicknames of famous dogs

The nicknames of many dogs have gone down in history. Naming your noble dog or cat after them is not a bad idea. Who knows, maybe your pet will also do something useful for humanity in the future.

  • Balto, a husky, delivered medicine to people during an epidemic in Alaska (1925);
  • Barry, a St. Bernard, rescued people in the mountains who were affected by the elements and found themselves under the snow;
  • Betsy - recognized more than 340 different words;
  • Blueberry, a pit bull girl, protected the house and owners from armed robbers;
  • Bobby is a Skye terrier who guarded the grave of his deceased owner for 14 years;
  • Dakota is a rescue pit bull who has participated in more than a hundred operations, including the search for the crew of the space shuttle Columbia in 2003;
  • Delta - tried to protect her owner from the fiery lava during the eruption of Vesuvius (before that she managed to save him three times);
  • George - died saving New Zealand children from two angry pit bulls;
  • Jophy, Sigmud Freud's chow, helped patients relax during sessions;
  • Nemo, a veteran of the Vietnam War, continued to fight even after being wounded;
  • Kelly - died during the Vietnam War, saving American lives;
  • Trakri and Apollo, a police dog and a rescue dog, provided great assistance in finding people after the events of September 11, 2001;
  • Chaser is recognized as the smartest dog on earth, she understood 1022 words.

Dogs who participated in the Second World War:

  • Smokey, an agile Yorkshire terrier, easily made his way to places where people and large service dogs could not get;
  • Horrie - saved Australian lives in the African campaign;
  • Chips, a shepherd dog, attacked shooters and captured enemies.

Interesting! Military titles for merit are awarded not only to people. The war dog Stubby was awarded several medals and the rank of sergeant for his numerous exploits during the First World War. Served in the 106th Regiment, 26-1st US Infantry Division. Participated in 17 battles. Presumably he was a mixed breed: his possible parents were a Boston Terrier and a Pit Bull Terrier. Years of life: 1916 (or 1917)-1926. After the war, he became the mascot of the football team at the university where his owner John Conroy studied.

Sergeant Stubby

What names do show business stars give to dogs?

Many Russian and foreign celebrities love dogs, regardless of their size, color and other physiological parameters. What names do famous animals have? Such dog breeders often give their pets unusual and creative names.

Jennifer Aniston with her dog

On a note! There is one rare name that begins with the letter “Y”. Such dogs are usually mild-tempered, although sometimes a little cowardly. A striking and only example is Yosya.

Ian Summerhalder

The actor is known not only for his roles in films and TV series - he has an endless love for animals. He has 2 dogs:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier. This dog has the nickname Nietzsche, despite its gender – it is still a “girl”.
  • Another beautiful girl is named Sahalia.

Ian treats his pets very carefully and never misses an opportunity to talk about them.

Ryan Reynolds

Another celebrity that any fan of comic book movies knows. His faithful companion is a golden retriever, and from the possible names for dogs, the actor chose the name Baxter. Ryan took it from the street. The dog is distinguished by its devotion to its owner and shows curiosity.

Under the caring care of the famous actor, the pet has had a good life and is the envy of almost any dog. Baxter keeps Reynolds company not only on walks, he is also present on the set.

Note! The range of naming options for large dogs is wider than for small breeds. The appearance of these pets is not only formidable, but also touching.

Tatiana Lazareva

Tatyana adopted her pet from one of the shelters in the capital of Russia. This is a small black dog with a playful and mischievous character. Tatyana named her Iriska, which only emphasizes the pet’s temperament.

Anna Sedokova

The former lead singer of the group VIA Gra has 2 pets. The first to appear was a Yorkshire terrier, whom the singer named Bulka. After some time, Anna took another dog - a Shiba Inu, giving her the name Maru, and in an affectionate manner the girl calls her Marusya.

Sandra Bullock

The actress, like many other show business stars, took the baby from the shelter and named him Poppy. The dog lost its paw, but this circumstance does not prevent the pet from enjoying life. Subsequently, the Chihuahua Ruby, who is missing both front legs due to developmental disabilities, became a new member of the family.

Tatyana Lazareva with her pet – Iriska

Sergey Lazarev

Russian actors also prefer to take animals from shelters. Sergei took as his friend a rather large black dog called Daisy. The singer is attached to her and always misses her when he travels on distant tours.

Orlando Bloom

During the filming of the film, which took place in Morocco, the actor noticed his future pet. An elderly man was selling it, and Orlando could not resist taking his four-legged friend. He named the dog Saydi, which means “lord”.

It is not known which dog names will be the best for them. All four-legged animals are different, even within their own breed. They are not alike and differ in their own qualities. For this reason, you should be responsible when choosing your pet. You can listen to the recommendations of specialists, but first of all, you must be guided by the character and habits of your pet.

Names in honor of famous figures of art and literature

If dogs and cats are named after rulers, why not remember those people who contributed to the development of culture. Pets with this name will look no less aristocratic than, for example, Harry or Diana. Several variants:

  • Arthur Conan Doyle);
  • Henry/Longfellow;
  • Dante;
  • Lancelot;
  • Mark/Toby;
  • Mozart;
  • Patrick (O'Brien);
  • Picasso;
  • Sebastian (Bach);
  • Sting;
  • Stoker;
  • Charlie Chaplin);
  • Charles and Dickens;
  • Shakespeare;
  • Aesop;
  • Elvis.

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Cat Mozart

How to tame a nickname

Scientific data shows that domestic artiodactyls have good hearing. This is due to evolutionary factors - artiodactyls live with humans for a long time, so people bred individuals that best respond to their nicknames. To train livestock, follow these simple rules:

  • Say the nickname more often so that the animal gets used to it. You need to pronounce the address word clearly, otherwise the four-legged animal simply will not understand you. And use only one form of the nickname - if you called the individual Soupchik, then no Soups, Borscht and Okroshka.
  • It is recommended to consolidate the naming while eating. Before eating, call the four-legged animal several times, and then give it food. Over time, you will find that the quadruped will begin to respond to the treatment, since it has been deposited in its brain.
  • The timing of the naming depends on the age of the quadruped. Young individuals learn very quickly - within 1-2 months. Adults need more time - 2-4 months. Gender also matters, and females remember names faster than bulls.

Attention! Do not accustom a female feeding her calves to a new name. At this time, she thinks more about her offspring, and she will ignore your appeal.

Names of ancient and mythical heroes

A win-win option when choosing a noble nickname for a dog or cat is to remember someone from ancient history. There are many heroes in it, including mythical ones, whose name will adorn any purebred pet:

  • Agamemnon;
  • Argos;
  • Achilles;
  • Balthazar;
  • Hector;
  • Icarus;
  • Odysseus;
  • Penelope;
  • Perseus;
  • Spartacus.

The ancient Greeks and Romans gave very beautiful names to the gods. In addition, such a nickname will contain additional meaning.

  • Zeus - the thunderer (the leader among nicknames for dogs and cats);
  • Aglaya, Euphrosyne, Iris - for cheerful animals;
  • Apollo, Eurydice - for pets with graceful forms;
  • Artemis, Nika, Alecto - suitable for combat-minded females;
  • Athena - dogs and cats can also be wise;
  • Hemera - for a pet with a light color;
  • Hermes, Titan - will decorate a dog with a strong physique;
  • Dionysus - for a mischievous pet;
  • Morpheus is a nickname for a dormouse;
  • Orpheus - suitable for a loud-voiced pet.

Other options:

  • Aglaya;
  • Ares;
  • Helios;
  • Hera;
  • Hermes;
  • Hestia;
  • Hephaestus;
  • Gaia;
  • Demeter;
  • Cron;
  • Loki;
  • Nereus;
  • Persephone;
  • Rhea;
  • Sirius;
  • Waist;
  • Uranus;
  • Phobos;
  • Eros.

Maine Coon Zeus

Brevity and ease are the sisters of talent

As already noted, short names for dogs are well remembered by owners and pets. For example, Duke can be shortened to Hera. The short form of Vincent is Vince and so on. With this abbreviation, not only foreign words are used, but also Russian ones.

Repetition of sounds is also widely used, which is very convenient for calling your pet on walks. And at the same time they sound cool. Examples: Bi-bi, Va-va, Dizi, Zhu-zhu, Zi-zi, Ki-ki, Ku-ki, Mi-mi, Pi-pi, Si-si, Fi-fi.

Noble nicknames from animation and cinema

For many pet owners, famous cartoons and films become a source of inspiration when choosing a name. In addition to Barsiks and Bobikovs, they have animal characters with interesting nicknames:

  • Alex is a lion from Madagascar;
  • Bagheera;
  • Bella from the movie "The Way Home";
  • Beethoven is the handsome St. Bernard from the film;
  • Bim is a devoted setter, the hero of Troepolsky’s story;
  • Boniface;
  • Garfield - the red cat is funny, but he has a great nickname;
  • Gromit is a smart dog;
  • Jock the terrier from Lady and the Tramp;
  • Cujo is King's hero;
  • Louis - from the cartoon "The Dog Godfather";
  • Otis is a pug;
  • Pilot - Mr. Rochester's dog (Jane Eyre);
  • Spike is a Disney hero;
  • Toby is Holmes' pet;
  • Sharkhan;
  • Shelby from Smallville.

Another option is Ace. That was the name of the dog-actress who starred in the 30-40s of the last century.

Bella from the movie "The Way Home"

There are many options for noble nicknames. You just need to take a closer look at your pet and settle on the name that will highlight its origin and character.

Which name for a cat or dog do you prefer? What guides you when choosing a nickname for your beloved pet?

General recommendations

At first glance, it seems that coming up with a nickname for your dog or choosing from a list of ready-made options is an easy task.
But in reality, this task is not an easy one, because every owner strives to ensure that the pet receives an original name that matches its temperament. Note! If you take a purebred animal from a nursery with a good pedigree, then the issue of choosing a nickname will already be resolved.
To choose a suitable name for your pet, you should use common sense, because an incorrectly chosen nickname will not bring anything good. To avoid absurdities, you should adhere to a certain set of rules.

The pet's attitude

This is one of the main factors that helps decide the question of what to name the puppy. The animal itself is able to choose the name that it likes best. For this purpose, it is worth pronouncing several variants of nicknames. And when the pet starts wagging its tail, feigning puppy delight, this will be a good hint, symbolizing interest. Such nicknames should be taken into account first.

Sonority and brevity

You should avoid names that are too long or complex, as the pet simply will not respond to such a nickname. The nickname should be short and consist of 1 or 2 syllables. It is also desirable that it contains 1 or 2 voiced consonants. This combination will quickly be remembered by both the dog and its owner.

According to professional dog handlers, dogs better remember names that begin with the letters b, d, zh, r, and it is better to avoid consonants s, sch, x. It is also important to choose a name without obvious negativity - offensive and rude nicknames will only harm the animal.

Breed and vocation

This is one of the fundamental factors when choosing a suitable nickname. After all, it is stupid, for example, to call a bulldog Sharik - after all, he has far from a toy appearance. But such nicknames will not harm the likes.

The nickname Sharik is clearly not suitable for bulldogs

It’s also worth being guided by your pet’s calling:

  • short and simple nicknames are suitable for hunting animals;
  • guard dogs and patrol dogs should be given strong names;
  • For companions, soft nicknames are more suitable.

It will be a plus if the name reflects the existing characteristics of the pet. These may be character traits that have been noticed since childhood, or some external signs.


Under no circumstances should you name a pet after deceased relatives or former pets. This will leave a negative imprint, and it will negatively affect the relationship between the owner and the dog. In addition, a pet deserves its own name due to its individuality.

Note! You can choose a nickname for a small dog that is relevant for large animals. It will turn out funny and cute.

In general, dog names should not be based on common human names. On the part of the people around you, this can cause different emotions - from simple indignation to outright aggression.

Although a number of nurseries still adhere to this practice, however, such nicknames are often of foreign origin.

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