What kind of dog is Max in the secret life of pets?

We translated part of the interview about the filming:

Director Boaz Yakin says it was very important to find a star dog to lead the film. "Without the right dog at the center, the whole movie would just fall apart, luckily Carlos had all the right star qualities."

The dog was named after sniper Carlos Hathcock, who fought in Vietnam. Carlos stood out for his driven personality and “real charisma,” Yaquin says.

How did you manage to film the dog fighting scenes?

What you see on screen is nothing more than two puppies playing. A dog named Pilot was used for these scenes. They chose him because he was still a puppy, he was between 9 and 10 months old.

Puppies have a “game mentality,” and in the fight scenes he was simply playing with the young Rottweiler. “They would play all the time if we let them!” says the director. Then we just added a growl and a few other effects. With the help of computer technology you can create amazing things.

What motivates artists to work?

According to Vitaly, the dog handler for the “artists,” the dog is fed treats while performing tricks. For example, pieces of boiled beef, chicken and crispy cookies. For difficult scenes, smoked hunting sausages are given. Although the dog handler knows that this is harmful, the dogs adore them and diligently perform any task. In addition, such sausages smell pleasant, and they are laid out in the right places for the dogs to work in the frame. Participation in filming is difficult for a dog because it doesn’t understand why it needs to be repeated over and over again.

The dog’s fee, according to Vitaly, is less than that of human artists. But still, it’s enough for delicious dried ears and travel in a personal car to the set.

Watch the video where the dog handler from the TV series “Dog” answers questions.

Finally. As you can see, the answer to the question of who plays Dog in the series depends on the season. All dogs are from the same family: Count Schutz Hund, Rex Schutz Hund, Mukhtar Schutz Hund, Nord Schutz Hund and Nick Schutz Hund. The artists did their job successfully. All rightfully deserved the love and admiration of the audience.

Is it worth getting a Malinois?

A typical misconception of moviegoers is to get a dog after watching the film without getting to know the breed better. As a rule, such people are disappointed in their choice, because often they do not get what they expected.

The film stars trained Malinois and highlights their beauty, intelligence, athleticism and the loving nature they possess. What viewers don't see is the intense and rigorous training the dogs went through to behave the way they do in the film. Belgian Malinois are more working dogs than pets.

Socialization is critical. It's important to teach your dog how to interact well with people, and make sure your pet is bonded with every member of the family to minimize any unpleasant consequences such as aggression or biting.

Katya Pechen

So, if you are reading this article, then you are probably interested in WHAT breeds of dogs are presented in the popular summer-autumn 2016 cartoon “The Secret Life of Pets”.

When watching this cartoon, I doubted the identification of some breeds, because many of them are unlike their prototypes. Maybe the project manager doesn’t understand breeds...or the animation team are only breeders of dachshunds and basset hounds...I don’t know. In general, you will read below what I think about it.

For example, the dachshund Buddy was perfectly modeled: the short legs were reduced even more, the long nose was increased, and the result was a funny cartoon dachshund:

No one gave the dachshund long legs or changed the shape of the ears, the only thing was that the color was a little off-color, but these were minor things, it was a cartoon after all.

Everyone who sees a dachshund accurately identifies the breed - dachshund! Smooth-haired standard dachshund, black and tan color.

Poodle Leonard is another dog whose breed there is no doubt about - exactly the Great White Poodle or, as it is also called, the Royal Poodle.

And then the problems begin... Gidget is a Pomeranian. Hmm? The HUGE eyes confuse me. Oranges, if you didn’t know, have very small eyes, almost beady.

Enlarging the large fluffy fur is good (but why only on the head?), making the already tiny paws smaller is also cartoonish, but the eyes...why change them?

Next, the main characters are Max and his huge new roommate Duke. On the official website of the film and on Wikipedia, the data differs: sometimes they write that Max is a Jack Russell terrier, sometimes he’s just a house dog. About Duke - that he is a tramp or a Newfoundland. So guess for yourself.

The confusion is quite justified: Russells are not thin-legged dogs at all, and it was necessary to make a funny character with a wide chest and muscular paws, brave and lively, rather than a skinny whiner.

The Newfoundland in Duke is also unrecognizable; it’s more likely that Duke is a “door terrier”. Photos of real dogs below:

Personally, in my opinion, it is worth enhancing the outstanding features of cartoon characters, and not spoiling the characters beyond recognition by changing narrow to wide, short to long, and so on. For example, if a dachshund is made short with long legs and erect ears, who will recognize it as a dachshund?

Another barely recognizable breed is Mel the pug. Pugs seem to be such cute dogs with a specific face, it’s impossible not to recognize them, but the animators produced something from a mixture of a bulldog and a pug.

The series Dog is a story about friendship and teamwork between man and dog

Maximov saves a wounded dog (Count Schutz Hund as Dog): photo
The main character of the series is Max Maximov (Nikita Panfilov). From the words of his former employees, we learn that Max is an experienced, honest and brave police officer. He is a drinker, but, as his former colleagues say, no one is fired from the authorities for this.

The reason for the dismissal was most likely Maksimov’s stubborn character. His desire for justice and intractability with his superiors. His beloved wife Lena (Olga Oleksiy) left Max for his best friend Major Leonidov (Andrey Saminin). Left without a wife, friends and work, Max drinks regularly (on even numbers) and gradually becomes an alcoholic. But his strength and courage remain with him.

Dog: the plot of the series

In the 1st episode of the series, we see how a gang of armed robbers broke into the store where Maksimov was shopping. The former policeman quickly dealt with the raiders. Then the police, led by Captain Gnezdilov, arrive at the crime scene. Having learned that the son of the prosecutor is part of the gang, Gnezdilov (Mikhail Zhonin) resolutely refuses to open a case, despite the weapons and the car abandoned by the criminals.

Count Schutz Hund in the TV series Dog (Episode 1, Season 1): Photo
Further in the story, Maximov receives a message from his former father-in-law and his teacher Zharov. Since they have not communicated for 5 years, Max understands that the matter is dirty. He goes to his father-in-law's house and finds out that he was brutally killed by several bullets. Zharov's dog was also wounded. However, Captain Gnezdilov, who arrived at the crime scene, insists on the version of suicide. The case is closed.

But Maksimov is not going to give up. He takes the dog in, treats him and gives him the nickname Dog. An experienced operative, Max begins his own investigation, and Dog actively helps him in his work. Having assessed the abilities of the service dog and Maksimov, they are invited to help in the investigation of criminal cases.

Over the course of 6 seasons of the project, we watch with admiration as Max and his partner Dog solve serious crimes, doing most of the work for the police.

A dog in a cemetery with a deceased owner (Count Schutz Hund): still from the series

Jack Russell Terrier: who does not tolerate loneliness

This dog was originally created for burrow hunting, but today the vast majority of people perceive it as a companion dog. A significant role in this was played by the once incredibly popular Hollywood comedy “The Mask” with Jim Carrey, where the main character had just such a dog - loyal and selfless. Let me introduce you to the Jack Russell Terrier, or simply Jack Russell, a recognizable dog named after its first owner.

Photo: @supermax_jrt

Video: @supermax_jrt

Encyclopedia of dog breeds with reviews from owners



Yes, yes, “Jack Russell” is nothing more than the first and last name of the person who created this breed. It was the English priest John (Jack) Russell who set out to breed the ideal terrier for burrow hunting. He is considered one of the founders of the Kennel Club of Kennel Breeders, who were involved in breeding Fox Terriers. It was on the basis of the Fox Terrier that a new breed was created - work on it continued until the 20th century, and the final standard was recognized only in the 21st century, even receiving several clarifying branches. But today we will talk specifically about the Jack Russell Terrier, which his owner Anna @supermax_jrt

Photo: @supermax_jrt

Video: @supermax_jrt

- An, hello! Introduce us to your boyfriend.

- Hello! This is Max, the Jack Russell Terrier. Max is two and a half years old.

Photo: @supermax_jrt

Video: @supermax_jrt

- Max, very nice! How did you fall into the hands of such a mistress? From your silence, I guess that you are giving the right to vote to Anya. Anh, can you help Max?

- Certainly! )) I wanted a dog for a very long time, but my husband did not dare to take such an important step for a long time. And now, it’s done! All that remains is to decide on the breed. I wanted to get a beagle, but my husband agreed only to a Jack Russell, since this breed is more compact. There was no dispute about the gender of the dog - both wanted a girl. We found it and went to choose. When we got to the place, we were greeted by a whole bunch of little fluffy balls - choose anyone! Only one puppy continued to calmly sleep on the sidelines. As you understand, the choice fell on him, although before that we talked with each child. This was a very unexpected decision for all of us, because, firstly, the puppy did not show any interest in us, and secondly, it was a boy! But intuition in such matters is especially important. And this time she didn't let me down.

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Photo: @supermax_jrt

Video: @supermax_jrt

- Sure?

- Naturally, time has proven me right! Today Max is a full-fledged member of our family, the third child (we have two of our own). He always wants to be the center of attention and is very worried when not enough time is given to him - he is jealous, of course. But this jealousy is never aggressive, aggression is definitely not about Max. The worst punishment for our pet is loneliness, which he really endures very painfully. Fortunately, such moments in his life can be counted on one hand. And the most desired reward for Max is a walk. He can spend an eternity on the street: he runs incredibly fast, jumps well and generally feels like a fish in water.

Photo: @supermax_jrt

Video: @supermax_jrt

“So this is exactly what you were looking for and expecting.” But let’s still try to maintain objectivity and look at this breed from different angles. Can you remember any difficulties or problems in more than two years? Perhaps in care or health.

— I can’t point out any difficulties in care - this breed does not require special care. Jack Russells are compact, have short hair and are generally unpretentious in everyday life. The only thing I would like to highlight separately is the high-quality walking of the animal. I have already mentioned Max’s incredible activity and his love for walks. This is not just a character trait, but also a feature of this breed. The Jack Russell will use up all the energy that is not wasted on the street at home, and this can result in unforeseen consequences. But if the walk is a success, he will gladly fall asleep, restoring his strength for new adventures.

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Photo: @supermax_jrt

Video: @supermax_jrt

As for health, everything doesn’t look so good here. Over the course of two years, we were pretty worried about Max. While still a puppy, he had an attack of pancreatitis - the veterinary clinic made the wrong diagnosis, and we almost lost our beloved pet. Fortunately, they changed the medical facility in time, where they managed to save the dog. Since then, he spent a year and a half on a special medicinal gastro-food. And only now are we beginning to carefully transfer Max to regular holistic food. I really hope everything works out for us!

Photo: @supermax_jrt

Video: @supermax_jrt

“I don’t even doubt it; caring owners always succeed.” Besides Max, do you have any other animals in your family?

— Now Max is the only pet in our family. While still a puppy, he found an elderly and very capricious Scottish Fold cat with us. Unfortunately, they never got along in character, although the Jack Russell really wanted to be friends, so now we don’t risk conducting such experiments. However, the main reason is the lack of space. If we lived in a private house with a vast local area, we would definitely get ourselves another dog, I love them very much.

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Photo: @supermax_jrt

Video: @supermax_jrt

- I sincerely wish that your dream comes true. But I believe that even now your life is quite busy, especially in the company of a Jack Russell.

- And do not say! So one day I went for a walk with the children, this time without Max. I return home, he meets us - everything is as usual. I bring the baby into the house, turn around - there is no dog! Escaped! This was both terrible and unexpected, because Max had never left the apartment without asking before. He hates climbing stairs. And we live on the tenth floor! Probably, the dog noticed the absence of his husband, thought that he had lingered somewhere and ran to look for him. I literally gave up - I had no idea where an active dog could go, not used to walking outside alone. Surely Max was very scared, left without owners in an unfamiliar environment. The nightmare ended twenty minutes later when my phone rang. The woman who Max accidentally bumped into called. We were helped out by the address tag attached to the collar, thanks to it we were able to get out quickly. Therefore, today I advise every owner - do not remove the address tags from the collar even at home, because it is completely unknown what can happen at any moment!

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