TOP 25 most fluffy dog ​​breeds in the world: names, descriptions and photos

When choosing a pet, many owners are guided by its appearance. Some are fascinated by heterochromia, others by the unique color, and others by the thick and soft fur. In the latter case, it is important to make sure there are no allergies, but even among the fluffiest dog breeds in the world there are hypoallergenic ones. Therefore, the only significant disadvantage is the labor-intensive care of the four-legged fur coat.

Representatives of miniature breeds

Small dogs are more suitable for home keeping. They get along well with children, do not require frequent walks, and eat less. But there is also the other side of the coin - babies need careful, often expensive care.

Pomeranian Spitz

A small fluffy creature, similar to a fox, grows no higher than 0.3 m and has thick, soft fur of a snow-white, red or fawn shade. The body is round, the muzzle is pointed, the ears are small and straight. The weight of Pomeranians ranges from 1.2 to 3.4 kg. The dog's character is kind and playful, but the animal can show aggression towards strangers.


The French breed is often called “butterfly” among lovers because of its unusual ears, similar to the wings of a moth. The dog's height at the withers rarely exceeds 25 cm, and body weight ranges from 3.2 to 4.5 kg. The hair is long, fluffy, soft, bicolored - there are black, light brown or red areas on a snow-white background. Papillons are very active, restless, and love children.

Tibetan Spaniel

The breed was originally developed by the Chinese as a companion dog. The fluffy grows no higher than 0.25 m, while gaining weight up to 6.5 kg. The coat is very long, silky, similar to hair, most often in red shades, but other colors are also found (black, brown, white). Tibetan spaniels are very intelligent, characterized by their temperamental disposition, perseverance and stubbornness.

Coton de Tulear

The miniature dog, bred in Madagascar specifically for decorative purposes, has become very popular among our dog breeders. Its height at the withers is slightly less than 0.3 m, and its weight is from 4 to 6 kg. The coat is elongated, very thick and soft to the touch. The color is most often white, plain, but there are also black, red or tri-colored breeds. Fluffies are easy to train, active, and strongly attached to their owner.


The smallest canine that was bred in Mexico. The animal grows no higher than 20-23 cm, and its body weight is only 1.6-2.8 kg. The long coat has a wide range of shades from snowy white to chestnut. Chihuahuas have a strong nervous system, are hyperactive, and love to explore the world around them. The kid is quite sociable and has a good sense of people's moods.


Another breed comes from China, where it was bred specifically for the imperial palace. It is distinguished by a flattened muzzle, round dark eyes and drooping ears. The fur color can be any, but there are always black spots on the nose. The height of the Pekingese ranges from 15 to 25 cm, and body weight rarely exceeds 5.5-6 kg. The dog is willful, stubborn, and has a developed intellect.



Coton de Tulear

Havanese Bichon

In Cuba, the fluffy dog ​​is a national pride, since it was there that dog handlers bred this species. The height at the withers of an adult animal reaches 0.25 m, body weight is 6-7.5 kg. The coat is wavy, harsh to the touch, and comes in a variety of colors. The dog is very active, cheerful, and non-aggressive.

Havanese Bichons are distinguished by good health and endurance, and therefore get sick very rarely.

Bichon Frize

The French breed, which resembles a plush toy, is classified as a lapdog. The baby grows no higher than 0.3 m, and weighs between 3-3.5 kg. The coat is thick, slightly wavy, and soft. The color is plain white or peach. A sociable, playful dog categorically does not accept loneliness and loves to be near its owner. Gets along well with children and is not aggressive towards other animals.

Shih Tzu

The companion dog was bred in Tibet five centuries ago. The miniature dog grows up to 20-25 cm and weighs no more than 7 kg. It is distinguished by long, silky hair, similar to hair. The color is red, with fawn, white or gray inclusions. Shih Tzus have a fairly strong nervous system, they love to walk, are active, and are friendly to strangers. You should not leave your pet for a long time, as it may develop depression.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Fluffy pets require special care.
  2. Fluffy breeds are hypoallergenic and odorless, but there are also those whose fur causes a strong reaction.
  3. When choosing a pet, you should pay attention not only to appearance, but also to character traits.
  4. As a pet with fluffy hair, we can recommend: Spitz, border collie, Pekingese, Sheltie, poodle, Aussie, St. Bernard, Newfoundland.

Does your dog have fluffy fur? Please tell us about the breed. How do you care for it? Your experience is very important to us and other readers.

Medium-sized dog breeds

There are several hundred furry breeds in the world, the sizes of which range between miniature and large. Such pets are universal - they can be kept in an apartment or in the yard of a private house.

Samoyed dog

The shaggy pet, bred by Russian cynologists, has thick snow-white fur, sometimes with a cream or light brown tint. Height at the withers reaches 0.5-0.6 m, body weight - from 18 to 35 kg. The animal is very well developed, hardy, and able to withstand extreme cold. The dog has a cheerful disposition, is friendly and sociable. At the same time, Samoyeds are excellent watchdogs.

Bearded Collie

An English breed that is distinguished by long, hair-like hair. The color is bicolor - snow-white with extensive fawn areas. A bearded collie grows up to 55 cm, weighing no more than 20-22 kg. The animal has developed intelligence and a good-natured character, is easy to train, gets along well with children, and is not aggressive towards other pets.

Chow chow

The fluffy dog ​​looks like a teddy bear and grows up to 40-45 cm. The body weight of an adult animal is about 25-30 kg. The coat is very thick, soft, and has a dense down. The most common colors are red, and less common are charcoal black. Chow-chows have a kind, calm disposition; they are inactive and not very energetic. They can be stubborn, but are very loyal to their owner.

The fluffy dog ​​looks like a teddy bear and grows up to 40-45 cm. The body weight of an adult animal is about 25-30 kg. The coat is very thick, soft, and has a dense down. The most common colors are red, and less common are charcoal black. Chow-chows have a kind, calm disposition; they are inactive and not very energetic. They can be stubborn, but are very loyal to their owner.

Australian Shepherd

Initially, the breed was bred as a herding dog - the dogs helped farmers, looked after the herd, and guarded poultry houses. They are quite friendly, non-conflicting, and get along well with other animals. Height at the withers reaches 0.6 m with a total body weight of about 30 kg. The coat is elongated and hard to the touch. The color of the Australian Shepherd includes several shades at once - from white to red-brown and coal black.

Australian Shepherd

Chow chow

Bearded Collie

Siberian Husky

The most beautiful northern breed with thick, dense fur of medium length. It is distinguished by a wolf-like muzzle, erect ears and multi-colored eyes (blue, yellow, green or brown). Huskies grow up to 0.5-0.6 m, weighing 25-28 kg. They have an athletic build and are quite durable. The dogs are cheerful, energetic, and get along well with children.


The German Wolfspitz is a relative of the miniature Spitz. This variety grows just over half a meter, weighing about 25-27 kg. The coat is very thick, voluminous, soft to the touch, and wolf in color. Fluffy has a difficult temperament - he often gets into fights with other dogs, does not like strangers, and is restless. At the same time, he is easy to train and is very loyal to his owner.

American Eskimo dog

Another representative of the Spitz family, with medium dimensions. Its height at the withers reaches half a meter, and its body weight ranges from 10 to 16 kg. The pet has long snow-white fur, similar to hair. Sometimes a solid color is diluted by a creamy shade. The character is good-natured, cheerful, sociable. The animal is very smart and is often used for search work.

Australian Shepherd

Otherwise known as Aussies, this fluffy breed is extremely beautiful. Australian Shepherds have crisp, clear and expressive eyes. They belong to the class of medium breeds. Aussies have somewhat elongated bodies, relatively large heads, which, thanks to their long hair, look neat and light.

The length of the muzzles of Australian Shepherds is average, the nose lobes are pigmented, and the pigment depends on the color of the coat. Thus, black pigmentation can most often be found in blue and dark Australian Shepherds, and brown pigmentation can be found in red ones, including marbled ones.

Large shaggy representatives

Large breeds are not as decorative as small dogs and are not suitable for keeping in an apartment. They need constant movement, good nutrition, and strict discipline. These shaggy pets make excellent watchdogs or protectors.

Tibetan mastiff

A fairly large representative of canines, whose height at the withers reaches 75-80 cm, and body weight ranges from 65 to 80 kg. It has thick black or red hair of medium length with a dense undercoat, which allows it to withstand severe frosts. The character is wayward, stubborn, and therefore a dog will not become a best friend for children. At the same time, she is calm and amenable to training.


The good-natured giant, 70-75 cm tall and weighing about 70 kg, is an excellent companion. It has a medium-length coat of black color, but there are options in white, brown or two-tone shades. Newfoundlands are distinguished by their well-developed intelligence, easy-going disposition, and devotion to their owner. They are often involved in rescue operations.

Afghan Hound

The graceful hunting breed has an athletic build and grows up to 0.7 m. The body weight is only 30-35 kg. The animal's fur is long, silky, similar to hair. The color can be snow-white, golden, red-brown or cream. The Afghan Hound is difficult to train, as it combines a playful disposition with aristocratic restraint.

South Russian Shepherd

The shaggy South Russian Shepherd is hard not to recognize among other canines. She has long, slightly wavy fur that falls over her eyes, completely hiding them. Shades can be snow-white or gray, but the most common color is light fawn. Height at the withers is 60-65 cm, weight – no more than 50 kg. The dogs are very smart, have a strong physique, and are devoted to one owner.


The breed, bred by Scottish cynologists, is distinguished by its developed intelligence and docile nature. Pets are highly trainable and make high-quality guard or companion dogs. Collies grow a little taller than half a meter, weighing about 30-35 kg. The coat is long, silky, slightly harsh. The color most often includes three colors: white, red, black.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This breed, originally from Switzerland, is equally good as a guard and a companion. The giant has a good-natured appearance, he is easy to train, and very quickly finds a common language with other animals. The Bernese Mountain Dog grows up to 0.7 m, reaching a body weight of no more than 50 kg. The coat is thick, of medium length, often tricolor: snow-white, charcoal and red-brown.

Bernese Mountain Dog Collie South Russian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Another giant with a friendly appearance. Thanks to their dense fawn fur with a thick undercoat, these dogs can withstand even the most severe frosts. Their height at the withers reaches 0.7 m, and their weight is 70-75 kg. The animals are very smart, easy to train, and have a calm, balanced character. With proper upbringing, they make excellent guards.


A fairly large dog that grows up to 70-75 cm, weighing about 60-70 kg. The pet is distinguished by hard, straight fur of medium length with a very thick undercoat. The color is heterogeneous - the snow-white base smoothly turns into light brown or reddish shades. Despite their impressive size, Alabais are very kind, obedient, and have a calm disposition.

Golden retriever

Originally a hunting breed, it is now often used as a companion dog. The height of retrievers reaches 55-60 cm, and their body weight ranges from 35 to 40 kg. The animals have elongated, silky hair of a golden-honey hue, very soft to the touch. Pets have developed intelligence, love to move a lot, adore children, and are quite sociable.


The Bobtail breed is characterized by the presence of abundant, dense and curly hair. Adults resemble rather medium-sized wooly clouds, which either gracefully or randomly fly towards their owners. When Bobtails gallop, they resemble springs, and when they walk or trot, it seems like they are ambling a fluffy foal.

Medium-sized oval eyes, harmoniously set, as well as developed brow ridges and relatively short paws - this is what makes such a fluffy pet like the Bobtail a real favorite of any dog ​​breeder.

Advantages and disadvantages of furry dog ​​breeds

These furry four-legged friends make you fall in love at first sight with their good-natured appearance and luxurious fur. However, this is not their only advantage.

Among other advantages, dog breeders note the following:

  • thanks to the thick hair, such breeds look more decorative;
  • dense fur protects well from the cold, and therefore long-haired pets can be safely owned in the northern regions of the country;
  • Shaggy dogs have a gentler character and therefore get along better with children.

However, there are also disadvantages that should be considered before purchasing a puppy:

  • long hair needs to be combed regularly so that it does not get tangled;
  • Fluffy dogs are not suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • Caring for shaggy pets is much more expensive than short-haired breeds.

Long fur is an excellent home for parasites, and therefore the animal must be carefully examined after each walk.

Owner reviews

Kirill O.

I must say right away that dogs with large manes are very difficult to care for. We have super active huskies - male and female. After every walk in the summer, we pull out grass, branches, and thorns. Their shedding is difficult, we just comb out the fur bags. So don't be lazy!

Irina K.

Who would have told me about Shar-Pei earlier? He never had allergies, but in the third year of his life we ​​developed allergies. The fur is short, such a fluffy hedgehog. I love this breed, but I live on tablets. Very strong reaction to this particular breed.

Katerina J.

Having bought a Pomeranian, I was fully prepared to take care of the fluffy cloud that is my dog. I do this myself at home, but if it no longer works, we turn to specialists. It's even better if you go to a salon. Then the dog behaves calmly in the clinic - she got used to it.

Features of caring for fluffies

General recommendations for keeping long-haired dogs do not differ from other breeds. The animal needs to be walked regularly, keep its ears, nose, eyes clean, have its claws trimmed, and feed it with balanced food. But you need to monitor your pet’s fur more carefully:

  • comb daily with special combs;
  • periodically carry out grooming;
  • bathe twice a month using dog shampoo;
  • monitor the general condition of the hair and skin.

Shaggy dogs are very popular among animal lovers, as they evoke the most positive emotions. However, long-haired breeds are primarily a big responsibility. When deciding to buy a furry cat, you need to be prepared to pay a lot of attention to it every day.

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Welsh Corgi

Squat, miniature and at the same time unusually strong, Welsh Corgis have straight and thick hair (which is never wavy or soft) with a good undercoat. The coat color of the breed is often red; there may be individual spots of dark or white color. According to the breed standard, ash-red tan marks on the head or muzzle are acceptable.

The Welsh Corgi's paws are often short, but straight. Oval in shape, with strong toes and dense pads, they help the dog move quickly enough regardless of the terrain over which it moves.

Saint Bernard

A calm giant with sad eyes. The Saint Bernard feels best in a large and friendly family, surrounded by children and caressed by adults. A typical family dog ​​without the slightest signs of aggression and the desire to show off and put the owner in his place.

Saint Bernards are very calm, but it is difficult to call them melancholic. Representatives of the breed are not averse to playing active games and running after your bicycle. But the older the dog gets, the more balanced his character becomes. It is almost impossible to provoke a St. Bernard into aggression; they are surprisingly calm and balanced dogs.

From time to time, Saint Bernards become immersed in their thoughts, as if in a state between sleep and reality. They prefer quiet wallowing on a rug or right on the owner’s sofa to all types of active recreation.

But keeping a dog exclusively in an apartment is not worth it - due to the small area, the dog will feel constrained and will not be able to relax. And the owners experience inconvenience when such a bear sweeps away everything in its path with its tail.

The training process is somewhat difficult due to the slowness of the St. Bernard. Be patient if your puppy follows commands at a snail's pace. Over time, it will adapt and begin to act much faster. It depends only on the owner whether the young St. Bernard will lose interest in his activities.


Among the breeds of small fluffy dogs, the Pekingese occupies a special place. Chinese legend says that the breed is the result of a relationship between a lion and a monkey. From its “ancestors” the Pekingese inherited a flexible, lively mind and a very non-standard appearance.

The cuteness of these snub-nosed kids is simply off the charts, but behind such a funny appearance hides a real gentleman with self-esteem. Sometimes this feeling is even slightly exaggerated, so the Pekingese will not tolerate being squeezed and will not rush to do what you told him.

The breed is perfect for apartments with European-quality renovation. A true Pekingese will never allow himself to spoil any of his owner’s property, not because he loves his owner so much and does not want to upset him, but because he has the blood of aristocrats in him and such behavior is completely unacceptable for a noble dog. The aristocrat is indifferent to walks and physical activity.

The Pekingese gets along well with cats, rodents and birds, but cannot stand other dogs. Perhaps the “Napoleon complex” is at play in this little one, so he is aggressive even towards his largest brothers.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

This breed differs from other brothers in the relatively small amount of hair on its paws. But there is more than enough of it on the body, tail and hips! The guard cover on the shoulder blades of males deserves special attention: it is distinguished by its rigidity and also by the fact that it stands upright, giving the impression of sharp needle-like armor.

The fur color is most often red or red-golden. In this case, parts of the muzzle and ears, paws and tail may be slightly lighter, usually a tone or two. Individuals of Karelian-Finnish huskies may also be found with white spots on their paws, light stripes and elongated spots on their chest.

Afghan Hound

When answering the question, what breeds of dogs are fluffy , it’s hard not to remember the very long-haired Afghan hound. Initially, the breed was bred as a herding and hunting dog, but in the modern world it is increasingly being given the role of a pet and companion dog.

Greyhounds are vulnerable and sensitive natures. Once they have a beloved owner, they may become jealous of both other pets and family members. Seeking attention through obedience and exemplary behavior is not at all in the spirit of greyhounds; most likely in such a situation the dog will begin to play dirty tricks. Afghans are very difficult to train. Stubbornness and an endless desire to become independent get in the way.

If you decide to bring home such a beauty with a long, shiny coat, then you will have to master coursing. Coursing is long-distance running with a pet. Ready? It would also be useful to teach how to groom dogs.

This is so as not to shell out a tidy sum every 2-3 months for a dog beauty salon. The coat of greyhounds requires not just careful, but very thorough and, preferably, professional care.

Hungarian Kuvasz

Kuvasz dogs are ancient guard dogs of the ancient Hungarians.
The ancestors of modern Kuvasz protected flocks from predators, accompanied people on hunts, and served as bodyguards at the royal court. Height – 66 – 76 cm. Kuvasz color is white, less often ivory.

Kuvasz are famous for their keen instinct for territory.

Dogs put the peace of the owner and his family first, while rationally assessing the degree of danger. They do not show causeless aggression towards strangers, but selflessly defend against intruders even at the cost of their lives. The Hungarian Kuvasz has a hard time with a change of owner, so having an adult pet is extremely undesirable.


The Samoyed or Samoyed Laika is an amazing breed. Living in the conditions of the Russian North, these dogs have become reliable and skillful helpers for people. Among the eternal snow, the white fluffy husky looks organic and natural. She guards reindeer herds, rides in a harness, hunts wild animals and protects little men. The civilized world did not ignore the Samoyed either. City dwellers value the dog for its external attractiveness and easy-going disposition.

Read more about the Samoyed.

Arctic Spitz

Harmoniously built, medium-sized Arctic Spitz have thick, fluffy fur. They also have a soft, short undercoat with straight outer hair. A characteristic difference between most representatives of the breed is the presence of a collar in the shoulder area that fits the neck.

The front legs are covered with short fur, and the back of the thighs are literally shrouded in thick pants. Between the toes of the paws, like most domestic cats, there are abundant hair growths.

Japanese Chin

Small, elegant and fluffy, Japanese Chins resemble woolen squares with short necks and triangular ears covered in fur. The breed's coat is silky, long, and literally flows like a lush cloak as the chin moves.

The breed is characterized by a virtual absence of undercoat. At the same time, hair grows more abundantly on the ears, tail and hips than on other parts of the body. Japanese Chins are often black and white in color. There are individuals with red spots. You can also find Japanese Chins with chocolate and fawn spots on their coats.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Breeders characterize Sinnenhunds as kind-hearted and handsome, requiring very high-quality care. Dogs of this breed love all members of their human family, even small irresponsible children. They forgive them all their mischief and allow them to cuddle them as long as they want.

The main character traits of the Berns are patience, calmness and kindness. But kindness only extends to your own family. Nature has endowed the Bernese Sinnenhund with very real guarding qualities, and dogs use them with pleasure.

One thing Bernese Shepherds will never do is be annoying. If at the moment the owner is not ready to devote his time to communicating with the Bern, then the dog will peacefully step aside and not even be offended. A violent explosive temperament is clearly not their thing.

The typical Sinnenhund's temperament is rather phlegmatic. He will not run and play for a long time, because he is slightly lazy and loves to sleep. Bern's favorite role is assistant. They happily drag a heavy bag behind their owner and give rides to children.

Tibetan mastiff

The largest fluffy, whose weight reaches 78 kg. The dog is more than serious, but, despite its size and strength, it is quite good-natured. Only an experienced dog breeder should deal with Tibetan mastiffs; a mastiff is clearly not suitable as a first experience in keeping a dog.

A mastiff cannot turn around in standard apartments, so most often owners of private houses get them. A reliable protector of his family, a fearless watchman, the mastiff is not without self-esteem, stubbornness and self-will. It will not be easy to cope with such a giant, so training and socialization begin literally from the first day the mastiff appears in a new home.

The Mastiff requires respectful treatment. Not as a pet, but as a friend, a full-fledged member of the family. The mastiff is dominant over other domestic animals, but not if they grew up together. The mastiff perceives even a cat, with whom fate brought him together at a tender puppyhood, as an equal member of the pack.

Before getting a puppy, plan your time. The bear cub should not be left at home alone for a long time, because his energy is overflowing and destroying the apartment for this plump baby is a matter of a couple of minutes.

Italian lapdog - bolognese

Externally, Bologneses resemble Bichon Frize, they are the same size. The main difference is the structure of the coat. Italian lapdogs have hair that lies in waves or loose curls, while Bichon Frize hair is curled into elastic, fluffy curls.

Bologneses were bred in Italy by crossing lapdogs with toy poodles.

Bologneses are balanced dogs with a gentle character who need constant communication. They love big companies; they can even get sick from lack of attention and loneliness.

Italian lapdogs cannot be called too active; they do not need long walks. Dogs are able to sit for a long time next to their owner or in their arms. The lifespan of Bolognese is 15 years.

Volpino Italiano

Does not exceed 4.5 kg in weight, the color is always snow-white.
It belongs to the Spitz-type species and resembles a fox in appearance. It has long fur, eyes small and round, dark in color. Volpino Italiano is considered an Italian Spitz and has long served as a symbol of wealth for rich ladies. They decorated them with ivory bracelets as a sign of affection.

Representatives of the breed have an excellent character. Volpino is easy to train and lends itself well to training. They are attached to their owners and do not tolerate loneliness, they are very kind, but they always try to become leaders in relation to other pets.


The Sheltie breed is often also called the Shetland Sheepdog. This is due to the dog’s extraordinary resemblance to its “ancestor” (the most common shepherd dog): the breed has a straight back, a graceful curve of the lower back, a deep-set chest and well-arched, tapering ribs.

Shelties are covered with long fur. As the individual grows older, it drops down to the hock joint, and a little less often it can grow even lower. The breed's hips are shrouded in wide pants, and in the neck area the outer hair grows so that it seems as if the Shetland Sheepdog has a real mane.

Chow chow

Perhaps one of the most recognizable dog breeds is the Chow Chow. The reason for this is the incredibly thick, amazing coat, as well as the presence of another characteristic feature - a dark tongue, which Chows show to everyone when they run somewhere. As for the wool specifically: it is distinguished by its thickness, and also by the fact that it stands straight. The outer coat of the breed is often hard, while the undercoat is, on the contrary, soft.

Around the Chow Chow's neck grows thick hair, very similar to a lion's mane, and the pants on the back of the thighs are very long and just as thick. For this, as well as for its dark tongue, the Chow Chow dog is simply adored by many pet lovers.


Origin:Germany, Holland
Dimensions:Height 43–46, weight 14–18 kg
Character:Active, mobile, smart, self-confident, loyal
Where used:Excellent watchman, companion
Lives:13–15 years old
Color:Wolf, gray

The German-Dutch Keeshond breed has another name - “Wolfspitz”. In Germany, these Spitz were nicknamed wolf Spitz because of their characteristic coat color. They have long been used by Dutch barge skippers to guard the deck when moored. This gave rise to a nickname: barge dog. During the fight against the royal dynasty of the Netherlands, the Wolfspitz belonging to the leader of the movement, Kees de Gieseler, was very helpful. Hence the Keeshond.

In the world of breeding, this is one of the dogs that has had the least amount of human intervention. The animal once belonged to the worker-peasant class. And the unpampered blood of the aristocracy retained the features of its ancestors that arose in Europe in the 16th century. The youngest puppies are introduced into society. Their wildness dissolves in communication with people and animals. As a watchdog, the Keeshond is wary, but in the family it is an excellent companion.

Japanese Akita

The wool standard, so to speak, for Japanese Akitas is the presence of dense and thick, but medium-length wool (6-7 cm). At the same time, the fur on the neck and tail is longer; it can reach 10-11 cm.

The cover is erect and consists of guard and needle-like hairs. The undercoat is thick and literally resembles fluff. As for color, representatives of the breed can be white, red with white fragments. A little less often you can find brindle Japanese Akitas (considered rare), as well as red ones with black tips of fur.

Irish Setter

A very sociable dog that does not want and cannot tolerate loneliness. The charming appearance of an aristocrat, infinitely intelligent eyes and the almost complete absence of smell - all these qualities are very fond of breeders. The setter sheds extremely rarely and sparingly; the undercoat does not fly around the apartment and does not remain on clothes or furniture upholstery.

But the setter's coat requires the most careful care with special washing products, daily combing and, in some cases, professional grooming. If you don’t do any of this, you will soon discover quite a lot of tangles, a loss of shine and the overall aesthetic appeal of the dog.

Initially, the Irish Setter was a hunting dog, but now it is more often seen as a companion dog, a family friend. But there is no escape from instincts. If a setter sees a pond, he will forget about everything and dive there in 9 cases out of 10.

Representatives of the breed have more than enough energy, so walks should be very prolonged in time and contain as many activities as possible. A red fluffy dog ​​will quickly become your personal antidepressant. It’s hard to be depressed for long when you’re around a cheerful setter!

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