Raising a puppy - principles, methods, common mistakes

When you first adopt a puppy, you will notice that he makes all sorts of funny noises. Other puppies may be very quiet and never learn to bark much at all. But as a general generalization, there is a time frame for when puppies start barking, these are listed below.

When do puppies start barking? Puppies can start barking between 7 and 16 weeks of age . Until this point, they may make quiet grumbling and whining noises 2-3 weeks after birth. Some puppies don't bark at all as they grow older.

Here's more information on what to expect from your puppy's voice, and some relevant information further down the page, including when puppies might start barking at strangers.

How many times a day should a dog go to the toilet in general?

As a starting point, dogs typically walk once or twice a day. The American Kennel Club (AKC) lists the signs of constipation in a dog. These are: A break of several days between bowel movements.

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A small puppy needs experience. Not having an adult dog around to bark creates difficulties. A child's bark sounds like a squeal. The baby attracts attention by making whining sounds.

The dog squeals when he is sick. The babies are shown to veterinarians. The dog can get sick and die. The doctor will determine the source causing the suffering.

Sometimes the little ones squeal, imitating the behavior of dogs. This is how you get to know the world. It takes time to adapt. Perhaps the vocal cords have not had time to develop.

By making a sound, a four-legged animal shows its character. Thanks to barking and squealing, the dog attracts attention. Individuals who are three months old begin to bark fully. The early sounds made by the baby resemble an adult bark. They make squeals and yelps.

At what age do puppies learn to bark?

The article is addressed to those who are planning to get themselves a puppy. And he’s not just “getting ready,” but has already made a conscious decision and is in a state of “actively searching” for a pet. You clearly understand how much trouble will immediately fall on your shoulders, but you are quite ready for it. For our part, we want to help you! By studying the physiology of a puppy and the main stages of its development, you will be much better and more effective at training and raising it. Try not to miss the article prepared by British experts!

What sounds do puppies make? Surprisingly, newborn puppies are very quiet creatures. They are not very active, as a rule, they sleep peacefully all day. Occasionally, only faint snoring can be heard. The fact is that the vocal cords of babies are still at the stage of formation, and this process does not happen all at once.

Puppies begin to make their first timid sounds, vaguely reminiscent of a groan or whining, at the age of about two weeks, when they open their eyes. Soon they begin to make their first awkward attempts to stand up. But don’t be surprised if the box with the puppies is generally quiet during this time! Some experts believe that the earliest puppies to indicate their presence are those that lack milk, those that are not feeling very well, etc.

Everything changes literally overnight! The kids grow, get stronger, and soon one of them begins to “speak out.” The others do not lag behind their comrade - they actively try to imitate. And soon the box becomes very noisy! True, the sounds emitted by puppies cannot yet be called a full-fledged bark - it is, rather, a racket or whining. Such metamorphoses occur approximately in the third or fourth week of life.

What happens next? As puppies grow, they learn many things. But full-fledged barking is not yet possible. The most “developed” specimens can only yelp, but not bark. There is no need to worry - everything is ahead of your pet, and he will still learn to bark. A little earlier this happens with puppies of large breeds (for example, Rottweilers), then everyone else catches up.

When a very young puppy starts barking, this is the exception rather than the rule. Experts note that even when babies find a new home (and this happens by the age of twelve weeks), many of them still do not know how to bark.

Features of development. So when do puppies start barking? This usually occurs by the age of three to four months. But the exact date depends on the personality of the puppy himself and his living conditions. There are more “noisy”, “chatty” dogs - they immediately bark a lot and with pleasure. “Restrained” dogs play in silence a little longer.

Some things depend on you! When you do a lot with your puppy, play, train him, then in the heat of passion (completely unexpected for you!) he can pick up and give a voice! But here it should be emphasized once again that the degree of vocalization of your pet largely depends on the characteristics of its temperament and personality. It happens that dogs “get the taste” and begin to bark incessantly.

Interesting Facts. Puppies (and dogs in general) love to imitate and adopt certain behavior patterns. If your baby has someone to follow an example from (he often communicates with other dogs and hears their barking), then he himself learns to bark before his peers.

It happens that puppy training programs begin when they reach four weeks of age. Around this time, the puppy takes active first steps in life and is actively socialized. That is, examples will walk right before his eyes! Of course, such a puppy will master all the nuances of vocalization before others.

Once you feel that your baby is actively developing, and ahead of schedule, take the matter under personal control. Set firm barriers and limits. Do not let your pet bark for no reason, stop such attempts. If you don’t take action in time, you will have problems associated with random barking in the future.

How to stop your puppy from barking all the time?

Because of this, an older puppy's barking habit can quickly become annoying for both owners and neighbors, especially when they are left alone for long periods of time. You may not want your puppy to bark at strangers or at the door all the time.

Particularly noisy puppies may bark all day long, while nervous puppies may bark at any unexpected sounds when they are left alone.

Separation anxiety can also be another cause of puppy barking, and it is often accompanied by other negative behaviors such as property destruction.

While this may not be a concern for owners who live in a quiet area, it may be an issue for owners who live in cities or busy residential areas. It is a fact that puppies will eventually grow into adult dogs, and if this is not dealt with, habitual barking can become an even bigger problem as they get older.

If you, like me, live next door to a dog that barks constantly, you will know how annoying and frustrating it can be. Luckily, there are a few things we can do to limit this behavior in our puppies.

First, it's a good idea to try to figure out what is causing your puppy to bark. As mentioned earlier, this can be caused by several reasons, ranging from separation anxiety to your dog's personality.

If you have an adventurous puppy, he may bark out of boredom or pent-up energy, for example. Likewise, a nervous puppy may bark due to fear of unknown noises or because of things happening outside the house - such as strangers passing by.

Helping an adventurous pup stop barking can sometimes be as simple as spending a little more time playing with him or taking him on extra or longer walks. Once they are tired, most puppies will calm down and become much quieter than usual.

Additionally, the same can be said for nervous puppies who often fall asleep after strenuous exercise. Comforting your puppy when he is scared can also help and this will help calm him down.

However, you should make time for them from time to time, as too much attention can cause anxiety.

You can also train your puppy to sit using treats, rewarding him when he does what you tell him to do instead of barking.

Additionally, you can use this method to train them to go to their bed when it is in another part of the house, removing them from any situation in which they bark.

Over time, your puppy should begin to bark less, and with some reinforcement, this method will begin to have a positive effect on him, especially when left alone.

Why do dogs bark?

A dog barking can be caused by several factors. As a form of communication , it is designed to attract attention, so we need to be aware of and not ignore a dog's barking. However, paying attention to your dog's barking is not the same as rewarding it.

Some emotions that cause a dog to bark include enthusiasm, stress, alertness, surprise, or fear. There are also many undetectable signals that can cause a dog to bark. Emotions are triggered by various stimuli in the environment. The reasons for a dog barking are varied and often multifaceted. However, common reasons why a dog barks include:

  1. Stress.
  2. Enthusiasm.
  3. Boredom.
  4. Disappointment.
  5. Genetic predisposition.
  6. Health problems.
  7. External stimuli that we cannot distinguish.

It is important to understand that a dog barking is not synonymous with aggression or threat. Most often this is an alarm or warning signal addressed to their family, be it a dog or a person. Given the importance of barking in a dog's life, knowing when it starts helps understand their development . Barking begins in puppyhood.


The German Shepherd displays an impressive adaptive intelligence quotient. This allows the animal to quickly adapt to the environment and act according to the situation. There is a vivid instinctive intelligence, indicating the strongest instincts of the animal. Obedience intelligence indicates the animal's pliability and desire to cooperate with humans and receive maximum benefit. The animal gets used to its own nickname after 4 days of regular pronunciation to the pet.

The German Shepherd is one of the 3 smartest dog breeds in the world. Such a significant advantage makes the breed popular and in demand, but not everyone is familiar with the basics of education and training.

Properly training a German Shepherd is a daunting task for some dog owners. Training is an art that requires competent mastery. Dog handlers strongly recommend that owners of German Shepherds contact them for proper and, most importantly, timely training.

Properly training a shepherd is the key to success in education. Do not press too hard on the animal. Everything happens gradually. Teams practice for up to six months. It is recommended to start with simple ones that the dog can remember already at 2 months. You should not expect instant results; patience will certainly be required. But then your efforts will be fully rewarded.

The animal is supposed to be rewarded for correctly executed commands. The reward system, in the case of most dogs, is the basis of training. The German Shepherd is a talented animal with physical potential. For this reason, the animal requires regular long walks with physical exercise. Starts at 4-5 months. Shepherds get along with other dogs and react to their relatives with restraint. They don't like cats, but once they are accustomed to them, they react indifferently.

How to wean yourself from bad habits?

Bad habits can develop in all puppies, but they persist only if the dog is not raised correctly. You can wean it at any age, but the older the dog, the more difficult it is to do it.


  1. Raise by the withers so that the paws do not touch the floor. In this case, you should command “Fu” or “no”.
  2. Grab the face when the puppy tries to bite.
  3. Press your muzzle to the floor.

If an adult dog bites, the above methods may also work, but retraining it will be much more difficult.

We invite you to watch a video on how to wean a shepherd puppy from biting using another method:

Jump on the owner

  1. If the animal has been taught the “Sit” command, then it can be stopped in this way every time it is preparing to jump.
  2. Grab the front paws. Shepherd dogs do not like to be restricted in their movements, so after some time they will stop doing this.
  3. Gently move the dog away every time he jumps, and then walk past him. The shepherd will understand that you are ignoring him because of some specific action.

Barking for no reason

  1. Give the shepherd enough attention.
  2. Teaching the “Quiet” command and using it if the dog just starts barking.
  3. Spray with water.
  4. Touch the ears of a barking dog.
  5. Distract yourself to something else.

Early weaning

It is recommended to wean puppies from their mother in the third month. If you take the animal away earlier, you will have to put up with the consequences. For example, mental disorders develop. Socialization difficulties also appear.

The first month of life, the bitch nurses the babies. The dog cleans and feeds the cubs. Next comes education. An adult teaches small dogs how to behave.

The time from the third to the seventh week is socialization. Small four-legged animals learn to make sounds, study themselves and habits. Early separation from the mother and family leads to mental disorders in the animal. The animal experiences fear and stress. Socialization will happen later.

Also, the initial vaccination is done after a month. A puppy adopted before a month may die. Without relatives and a mother dog, it is more difficult for the dog to understand the hierarchy. The dog will behave harmfully, and it will be difficult to raise. Such a dog is disobedient, its actions and actions are unpredictable.

Periods of life

Any animal has certain periods in its life that lay the foundation, the foundation in education and general perception of the world. The German Shepherd was created for harmonious coexistence in human society. The animal undergoes a period of socialization, the process begins at the age of one and a half months and ends at three. During this time, the dog completely develops in its consciousness a model of behavior with a person and with its relatives. This is an extremely important period in raising an animal; pay maximum attention to the puppy’s weeks of growth.

They begin to train a German Shepherd within the specified time period: the knowledge acquired in 2-3 months is readily absorbed by the animal. Let us note important periods of life and commands for training an animal at a certain age:

  1. Period of adaptation or socialization. At 2-3 months of life, a shepherd dog can already be trained. It is recommended to start learning the commands “sit” and “lie down”.
  2. From 8 to 11 weeks you are supposed to communicate affectionately with your pet; during this period of life the puppy is emotionally unstable. Vaccination is carried out in a friendly and affectionate manner, so as not to cause psychological trauma to the dog, leading to illness.
  3. From 13 to 16 weeks, you will need to define a hierarchy for the puppy. Upon reaching the age of 4 months, the animal should already clearly know who is in charge in the family. Otherwise, the shepherd will grow up uncontrollable and dangerous.
  4. The teenage period begins at six months of age. Similar to human adolescence. The animal begins to show disobedience, disposition and independence. The period is noted by the person. Try to raise the animal more strictly, establishing the unshakability of the owner's authority.

A shepherd puppy should be trained from early childhood. A high level of intelligence allows the breed to quickly perceive and learn commands, but you should not count on instant success.

How to tame?

A puppy is much easier to tame than an adult dog . He can get used to the new environment for a couple of days. It is advisable to remove carpets and other coverings so that the puppy does not ruin them. Until the little shepherd gets all her vaccinations, she cannot go outside, so she will have to relieve herself at home. Only after this the puppy is taught to wait for a walk. If an animal likes to chew furniture, he needs to buy special toys.

An adult shepherd will need more time to get used to new conditions. This may take more than 2 months. The dog should have enough space to move away when the new owner approaches. At first, you need to leave a bowl of food next to the dog. She should not be prevented from eating or put pressure on her. When the shepherd allows you to come close, you can try to gently stroke it.

How to make someone obey?

The shepherd may try to take a dominant position and stop obeying. To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. Punishments must be adequate and timely.
  2. Prohibitions are always observed without exception.
  3. It is not recommended to overload the dog, and also to train it hungry or immediately after eating.
  4. Praise should be present in any case, but not in excessive quantities.


If you're looking to buy or adopt a puppy, or are expecting a litter from your own dog, it's important to do plenty of research so you know what to expect, be able to plan accordingly, and give your new puppy the best care possible, whether you're a breeder or a potential buyer .

However, one thing that new puppy owners and first time dog owners tend to have in common is that often, despite your research, you will find that there are a lot of things you didn't even know you didn't know until you you'll see them collide! Understanding the developmental stage of very young puppies can help you chart and monitor their progress and development, as well as keep track of all those “firsts” the puppies will pass along the way.

Knowing things like when a puppy's eyes will open, when they'll start eating solid food, and when they can be weaned are of course essential, but some other common firsts may only happen to you later—for example, wondering how older puppies when they first learn to bark.

In this article, we'll look at this question and give some basic guidelines for dog development and when you can expect your new puppy to bark for the first time. Read on to find out more.

Puppy vision development

Animals are born blind. The first two weeks are guided by smells. Next, attempts to master the limbs begin. They are trying to get up, learning to walk.

The eyes open after two weeks. Later - in individual individuals. This means the little animal is weak. Health status is checked.

Vision appears on the fourth day of open eyes. Some begin to see earlier, after a day. Until eighteen days of life, puppies are prohibited from opening their eyes.

The period for the development of vision varies around twenty days. If vision does not appear, you need to visit a doctor. Independent eye opening occurs after eighteen days of life. Care is required.

Use a sterile cloth soaked in warm water to wet the eye. New tissue is used for the other eye. With clean hands, carefully open the eyelids. Dogs do not open their eyes on their own due to pain from severe blinding.

Building the right relationship with your dog

If you have a question about how to make a dog angry at strangers, you must first understand the essence of the animal. Dogs of any breed are designed in such a way that their owner is their best friend and comrade. Protecting it is their natural feature, which is inherent at the genetic level.

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You should not raise a dog aggressively, beat it, scare it just to develop anger in it. On the contrary, affection, love, understanding will help you raise real defenders of your home.

Experienced dog handlers can tell you how to make a dog angry at strangers; for this you need to take special training courses. Similar clubs are located in every major city. Therefore, if a pet is new to your family, it is better to seek advice from a dog breeder.

Training to bark

Dogs are different in character. Some are talkative, others are silent. The habitat and the behavior of the owner influences.

The dog is growing daily. Requires education and training. The use of voice depends on the owner. While performing exercises, the baby makes sound signals. Lack of reaction will cause understanding - you are allowed to vote for no reason.

Exercising your baby while surrounded by adult dogs will promote learning. Visual examples of barking will arouse interest. The puppy will begin to imitate adult dogs. The learning process will go faster.

Active development causes the desire to make sounds endlessly. Restrictions and prohibitions are required. If left unattended, the dog will scream constantly. He won't listen. You need to deal with the dog's child.

The main issue of education

The pet must feel the primacy of the owner. The question is considered leading in the educational process. For some breeds, it will take a lot of effort to gain authority. The undeniable and impeccable authority of the owner makes the dog extremely flexible.

The German Shepherd is an imperishable symbol of endurance and discipline. Training a German Shepherd requires a professional approach; for this reason, dog breeders have to seek advice from dog handlers. Raising an animal begins early. At a young age, puppies learn the elements of education much easier and faster.

A German Shepherd puppy must be trained strictly and confidently. There are a number of known difficulties that an ill-trained dog exhibits. For example, an animal bites and barks for no reason at the moment of excitement or play. This only indicates the puppy’s restless disposition. At such moments, you should lightly press the dog’s muzzle to the floor and look intently into the eyes. Usually two or three such moments are enough for the dog to calm down and begin to behave with restraint.

If the dog respects and accepts the undeniable authority of the owner, but continues to bite, change tactics. At the moment of play, when the puppy again carelessly grabs a person’s hand or clothing, he is supposed to cry out as if the dog hurt him. Screaming will cause fear and indignation in the dog. Then the person must get up and leave the pet. The moment of education will not go unnoticed by the shepherd; the dog will begin to analyze what happened, drawing the right conclusions.

It’s easy to find out from dog handlers when to start training a shepherd.

How to train a German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is an extremely intelligent and reserved animal that becomes a guard, protector, search engine and hunter. The breed has been created for decades. There is an assumption that the German Shepherd was bred during the Great Patriotic War, but the opinion is erroneous. It took a long time of selection before the modern German Shepherd was born. The animal is extremely smart. Due to its high intelligence, it is highly trainable. Let's look at how to train a German Shepherd.

To raise a discreet and intelligent dog, you need to train long and hard. The German Shepherd is a complex dog breed that requires multifaceted training. Let us note the main features of education and training.

How to educate correctly?


From the early days of life, a puppy must learn acceptable standards of behavior . Training is carried out in the form of educational games and tasks; the dog must be rewarded with treats. You should be patient: due to age, not everything will work out right away.

In case of failure, it is unacceptable to scream and hit the animal - the puppies have not yet fully strengthened their psyche.

Adult dog

If it so happens that the shepherd was not trained in childhood, it is quite possible to train it at an older age , but it will not be as easy as with a puppy. One of the main tasks will be establishing contact.

The basic principles of training remain the same. If an omission in the training process is the fault of the dog owner, it is necessary to exert a more severe influence on the animal. Hitting, humiliating and shouting at a dog is still prohibited.

However, if the shepherd dog was adopted as an adult, then the first thing you need to do is give it time to get used to its new owner and conditions. The training process will be long. Any results should be expected only after the dog begins to trust the new owner. They start with basic commands and without the presence of outsiders.

At home

You can train a German Shepherd at home on your own . First of all, she is taught discipline. It is not recommended to allow your puppy something just because he is still small. The dog should have certain places to rest and eat.

Training with a dog handler

If for some reason the owner of the dog cannot train the dog on his own, or if the adult shepherd dog has developed negative habits, he has to turn to dog handlers for help.

Specialists can both teach the animal basic commands and correct its behavior. The principles of training remain the same, but the methods may vary depending on the dog's individual personality traits .

Behavior correction

  • the dog shows aggression towards the owner and other animals;
  • refuses to follow commands;
  • runs away without a leash;
  • afraid of people, animals, cars;
  • cannot learn to use the toilet outside.

All this is due to the fact that the owner made mistakes in upbringing and was unable to accustom the shepherd to the conditions of the outside world. The older the animal, the more difficult and longer the correction lasts .

Sometimes the cause may be congenital mental abnormalities. In this case, the dog's abnormal behavior can be corrected, but there is a possibility that after some time it will return to its original state.

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