Dog breeds are the result of purposeful human work

Dog breeds are incredibly diverse, from the smallest breeds that can fit in a woman's handbag to giant dogs that weigh more than 100 kilograms and reach a length of more than two meters.

In this article we will talk about the most popular dog breeds of various sizes. And so we will provide a complete list of all dog breeds.

A dog is man's best friend among animals. She gives her owner a lot of positive emotions, always there in both sorrow and joy. Today there are a huge number of dog breeds, so you can always find a friend to your liking.

Small dogs


Height: 40-43 cm.

Weight: 10-11 kg.

Region of Origin: Central Africa

The Basenji is one of the oldest breeds, which appeared more than 5,000 years ago in Africa. In those distant times, these dogs were given to the pharaohs as a talisman against evil forces. The burials of the mummies of these dogs have been found by modern archaeologists.

The peculiarity of this breed is that dogs cannot bark, and when excited they only make rumbling noises. Basenjis do not smell like dogs and can wash themselves with their paws, like cats. They are distinguished by good health, fearlessness and great self-confidence.

The Basenji has excellent hunting qualities. In addition, today it is considered very fashionable to take them as companions. They are wonderful friends, very smart, affectionate and extremely impressive looking.

Yorkshire Terrier

Height: 18-20 cm.

Weight: about 3 kg.

Country of Origin: UK

The Yorkshire Terrier is a toy breed developed in England at the end of the 19th century. Previously, English peasants were prohibited from having large dogs due to mass poaching, so they bred tiny pets for themselves.

A hundred years ago, these cute dogs were workers: they lived in coal mines, where they caught huge rats. Today, the Yorkie is considered the most popular breed of small dogs and is the dream of any fashionista.

Yorkies are brave and hard-working, they are very friendly towards people, very active and playful, devoted to their owner. They constantly need attention, so all day long they either sit in the arms of their mistress or follow her around.

Chinese Crested Dog

Height: 23-33 cm.

Weight: up to 5 kg.

Country of Origin: UK

The Chinese Crested Dog is an elegant toy dog ​​that is very attached to its owner. They may have no body hair at all, or the cover may be in the form of soft fluff. These dogs don't smell like dogs. Their homeland is China or Mexico.

By the middle of the 19th century, this breed was considered almost extinct. However, a few individuals were introduced to the UK, where their population was rescued and restored. Today it is spread all over the world.

The Chinese Crested Dog is born to be loved. And not only for its exotic appearance. These are very kind and cheerful animals that can become true friends for adults and children.

Italian Greyhound

Height: 32-38 cm.

Weight: up to 5 kg.

Country of origin: Italy

The Italian Greyhound is the smallest greyhound in the world. The ancestors of these dogs lived in Ancient Egypt and were common among the nobility in Ancient Greece and Rome. And they were most popular in Italy during the Renaissance.

The Italian greyhound standard was created in the 30s of the last century. Today he is an excellent companion dog with a friendly character who loves to play. But remember that this is a very refined and fragile dog.


Height: 20-25 cm.

Weight: 3-4 kg.

Region of Origin: Mediterranean

The Maltese is a small decorative dog. This breed is considered ancient, originating on the island of Malta. She is famous for her long, pure white coat that flows like a robe and her large, bulging eyes.

These lap dogs are used as companions. They are very playful and are always happy to run and chase with their owners. They also love physical activity and various exercises.

These are very good-natured dogs that treat their owners and their children with tenderness. But they don’t like strangers. Maltese dogs often have bone problems and eye diseases.


Height: 28-32 cm.

Weight: 6-8 kg.

Country of Origin: China

The pug is a very ancient breed, mentioned in ancient Chinese chronicles. In those days, the wrinkles on the forehead of this dog were called the “imperial hieroglyph.” In the 16th century, pugs came to France, and then spread throughout Europe.

The pug is a decorative dog breed that was kept by the Chinese nobility in their palaces and estates for centuries. Thanks to its cheerful and non-aggressive character, the pug quickly won the hearts of its owners and became a favorite in the family.


Height: 15-25 cm.

Weight: about 5 kg.

Country of Origin: China

Pekingese is an ancient decorative breed. They were bred over 2,000 years ago and lived in the palace of Chinese emperors, considered a sacred dog. They were inaccessible to ordinary Chinese. Anyone who saw a Pekingese faced the inevitable death penalty.

Pekingese have a mane like a lion, so the Chinese considered them small guards. According to legend, one day a lion fell in love with a monkey and married her. As a result of their marriage, small Pekingese dogs were born.

This dog never forgets its imperial origins and always demonstrates it with its proud gait. In fact, she is strong and fearless. If you don't pay attention to the Pekingese for a long time, he will cause a scandal.

French Bulldog

Height: 24-35 cm.

Weight: 8-14 kg.

Country of origin: France

The French Bulldog is a small fighting dog breed. Despite his small stature, he is a very strong and muscular dog, capable of standing up not only for himself, but also for his owner.

This bulldog is a very sociable and cheerful dog, a wonderful companion with a stable psyche. He loves to welcome guests in the house, but if danger arises, he will immediately show aggression and come to the defense of the whole family.

The French bulldog is a smaller copy of its English counterpart. In fact, he was bred in Great Britain and then immigrated to France, where he became a favorite of the local elite. Today this bulldog is distributed throughout the world.


Weight: 0.5-3 kg.

Height: 15-23 cm.

Country of Origin: Mexico

The Chihuahua is a dwarf dog breed of microscopic size. Experts believe that hundreds of years ago they lived in the wild, and were then domesticated by the local Indian civilization.

This breed of dog is a wonderful companion, fits in the hand and has a mischievous and cheerful character. He has good health and high intelligence, and an easygoing disposition. There are types of these dogs with short and long fur.

They are very active and curious, and have a bold, lively character. They never show anger, aggression or cowardice. Despite their small size, Chihuahuas are tireless and very hardy.

Japanese Chin

Height: about 25 cm.

Weight: 1.5-3.5 kg.

Country of Origin: Japan

The Japanese Chin is a decorative breed of dog; they used to live in the imperial palace and entertain the emperor and his entourage. Only the nobility could own chins. And today these dogs are used as companions.

It is believed that Chins are the ancestors of the Pekingese, brought to Japan by Tibetan monks. For many centuries this country was closed from the world, and when it opened in the 19th century, Japanese chins began to spread throughout the world.

These are very smart, temperamental and brave dogs. They are good friends, unobtrusive and clean, very delicate and aristocratic, and rarely bark. Japanese Chins create a positive atmosphere in the family and home.

Full list of small dog breeds:


Unlike their ancestors (the jackal and the wolf), canines have become accustomed to a daily lifestyle in accordance with the biorhythms of people. Most breeds need activity and long walks in the fresh air. Most dogs are playful, energetic and friendly creatures that suffer from lack of attention. The social organization of these animals is a pack, where each member has its own place in the hierarchy, and is headed by a leader. It is as a leader that a dog most often perceives its owner with proper upbringing. The owner's family for such a pet is analogous to a pack, with a leader who needs to be obeyed and younger members who need protection.


Dog psychology was formed under the influence of close communication with humans, therefore this animal is able to understand its owner like no other - it has a rare level of empathy, is able to follow a human gaze in order to understand what they want from it.

Dogs have personality, character and temperament. They easily enter into communication both with their own kind and with other living beings, trying to trace their behavior, guess their aspirations and desires.

Dogs are curious and love to learn new things, which is why they are easy to train. They have a well-developed emotional memory, so they remember for a long time both a good attitude and aggression applied to them. The dog becomes very attached to its owner, tries to be around as often as possible and may not survive his death.


The described mammal belongs to carnivores; most of its diet is meat. The animal's body accepts beef best. The bird is given only when it is removed from the bones, which can injure the esophagus. Pork and fatty lamb are not recommended. The pet also needs vegetables, dairy products and grains. For healthy growth, babies are also given chicken eggs along with powdered shells rich in calcium.

In the modern world, owners most often feed their four-legged pets with industrially produced food. They are divided into dry and wet. There is also a division of feed depending on the breed.


These animals reach sexual maturity at about 8-12 months: small varieties mature earlier, larger ones later. Professional breeders conduct matings no earlier than when the animals reach 2 years of age. The descendants of wolves are polygamous by nature; the offspring are raised by one female. A female's pregnancy lasts an average of two months, after which 1 to 6 puppies are born. Smaller individuals tend to have more young.


The average lifespan of canines is 10-13 years. Of course, the age of an animal largely depends on the species. Dwarf dogs can live up to 20 years, while nature has given the giants a little more than a decade. The longevity record for the family is 29 years lived by an Australian heeler named Blue.

Small dog breeds

Basenji Beagle Bichon Frize Boston Terrier French Bull Terrier Miniature Welsh Corgi Pembroke Welsh Corgi Cardigan Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier Jack Russell Terrier Cairn TerrierCocker Spaniel American Cocker Spaniel English Norwich Terrier Miniature Poodle Scottish Terrier Dachshund Smooth Fox Terrier Wire Fox Terrier Miniature Schnauzer Sheltie Jag dterrier

German Shepherd

German shepherds have become widespread in the former post-Soviet space. These are service dogs that work with border services, sapper troops and law enforcement agencies. They are also attentive guards and reliable companions.

Shepherds are attentive to children and are extremely attached to the family in which they live. They have a sharp mind and exceptional learning abilities. There is a long-haired and short-haired variety.

The smallest dogs

Italian Greyhound Brussels Griffon Pekingese Yorkshire Terrier Pomeranian Spitz Miniature Pinscher Toy Poodle King Charles Spaniel Russian Toy Terrier Chinese Crested Chihuahua Maltese Shih Tzu Pug Toy Fox Terrier Papillon Japanese Chin Maltipoo Petit Brabançons


The peak of popularity of the Rottweiler in Russia occurred in the late 90s and early 2000s. The hardy and powerful breed is suitable for those who already have experience raising dogs. If training is neglected, they grow up to be aggressive, although with due diligence even beginners can cope with training.

Requires daily physical activity; you need to take him for walks regularly and for a long time. Rottweilers can only exist in a group, so they quickly become part of the family.

Medium dogs

English bulldog

Height: 50-55 cm.

Weight: about 25 kg.

Country of Origin: UK

The English Bulldog is an ancient breed of dog, they are considered to be human bodyguards and companions. The modern standard was established in the mid-19th century. Today the English bulldog is the national symbol of Great Britain.

This dog, according to the British, has all the traits of a true gentleman. She is phlegmatic, aristocratic, respectable. The downside of the breed is that in the process of its formation, it turned from a real fighting dog into a decorative one.

The first mention of bulldogs appeared in English literature in the 17th century. They were then called both bull and bear dogs. Initially they were used in bull baiting, later bulldogs began to be used for hunting wild boars.


Height: 53-63 cm.

Weight: from 30 kg.

Country of origin: Germany

The Boxer is a descendant of the English Bulldog and Mastiff, bred in Germany. For the first time, images of similar dogs appeared in the paintings of German painters back in the 17th century. And the modern boxer arose in the middle of the 19th century in Munich.

The Boxer turned out to be a non-aggressive and controllable dog. He is very loyal to his owner and loves small children. The Boxer is a wonderful companion, loves to play, walk, and is easy to train.

This breed is often used as service dogs for police work. They are excellent watchmen and bodyguards. The dogs have high intelligence and a balanced character, so they often work as guide dogs.

Bull Terrier

Height: 53-56 cm.

Weight: 23-32 kg.

Country of Origin: UK

This is one of the varieties of terriers, bred in the mid-19th century. This is a descendant of crossing an English bulldog, a Dalmatian and a white terrier. As a result, the Bull Terrier combines the best features of these breeds.

This dog is very active, strong, resilient and has high intelligence. Today in Great Britain it is a high taste to own a Bull Terrier. The dog has a freedom-loving and cheerful character. Requires training.


Height: 54-62 cm.

Weight: 24-32 kg.

Country of origin: Croatia

Similar breeds have been known since ancient times. Archaeologists have found ancient Greek images of such dogs. This means that the breed is old and appeared several thousand years ago.

The Dalmatian has a balanced character and a proportional body. This is a very strong and active dog, requiring significant physical activity and long walks, and loves to run long distances.

The dog has short and coarse hair that sheds annually. After molting, the color may change. All over the body there are black or brown spots on a white background. A nuance: the Dalmatian does not smell like a dog.

Longhaired Collie

Height: 51-61 cm.

Weight: 20-35 kg.

Country of Origin: UK

This breed of dog appeared in the 17th century. Collie is a shepherd dog that was used by shepherds to search for and protect sheep. The breed does not have a single standard. Thus, in the USSR, long-haired collies were up to 10 cm higher at the withers. They are higher in the USA too.

Collie is a very peaceful and good-natured breed, it is very trainable. Always unquestioningly obeys the owner. The Collie requires significant exercise and plenty of space and cannot be kept on a chain.

The dog has a stable psyche and a calm character. She is very sociable and sociable, a good companion, loves children. She is often used as a nanny for children.


Today, only one species of the genus has survived - lupus familiaris, i.e. homemade. A small exception is the second wild Australian Dingo and hybrids with wolves, called wolf-dogs.

The natural classification of rocks distinguishes only 9 classes.

Gundogs: setters, spaniels, pointers.

Hounds following the trail.

Greyhounds chasing game.

Herding Shepherd Dogs: Puli, Bobtail.

Watchdogs with a developed protective instinct.

Terriers specialized in detecting and chasing burrowing animals.

Fighting dogs, bred for fighting, whose genetic aggressiveness is now being combated by breeders.

Harness: husky, husky.

Decorative, initially considered exclusively as pets, as a rule, these are very unusual, beautiful dogs of small size.

Now many of these classes are losing their original meaning, turning into pets whose only task is to be a companion and companion to their owner.


Height: 54-57 cm.

Weight: 27-40 kg.

Country of Origin: Canada

The Labrador was originally bred as a hunting dog, but today is used as a companion dog. The history of the breed begins in the 19th century. At first only black Labrador retrievers were recognized, later fawn and chocolate colors were recognized.

The Labrador has a strong build and a wide chest. This is a strong and hard-working dog with a gentle character who loves long walks and great physical activity. Adapts well to the given circumstances.

Labrador is an excellent hunter, has excellent scent and good intelligence. He loves to swim and bathe. If you are looking for a true friend, then the Labrador is the ideal choice: a kind, loyal, obedient and affectionate dog.

German Shepherd

Height: 55-65 cm.

Weight: 20-40 kg.

Country of origin: Germany

The German Shepherd was bred for herding purposes. Today it is used to guard people or property, and as a companion or family dog. Often serves in the police and army.

The breed originated at the end of the 19th century and was originally off-white in color. Further, the improvement of the German Shepherd in Germany acquired a national scale until a breed standard was developed.

The German Shepherd has excellent physical endurance and mental balance. She is very smart, agile and easy to train. The German Shepherd easily changes owners and faithfully serves the new one.

Siberian Husky

Height: 50-60 cm.

Weight: 15-28 kg.

Country of Origin: USA

The breed originated from aboriginal dogs of the Russian Far East. This is a sled dog, descended from the most ancient breeds of the Neolithic times. Today it is widely used as a companion and as a show dog.

Sled dog breeding in the Far East received a new impetus for development in the 17th century after the Russians arrived there. Large sledges appeared, which required many dogs. Huskies must still run in harness today.

Siberian Huskies have thick fur, a pointed muzzle with large erect ears, and a bushy “fox” tail. Dogs have great intelligence and endurance. They are very friendly by nature and distinguished by their external beauty.

Shar Pei

Height: 44-51 cm.

Weight: 18-35 kg.

Country of Origin: China

This is an ancient breed, originally used in China as fighting dogs. Currently, the Shar Pei copes well with guard and hunting functions.

The dog has a sandy color, many folds of skin on the neck and body, as well as a bluish-black tongue. She has a strong build, small ears and a muzzle like a hippopotamus. With this type of breed, it is difficult to confuse the Shar Pei with any other breed.

Shar Pei is at least 3 thousand years old, the history of its appearance is little known. In the middle of the 20th century, these dogs almost became extinct, but were saved by American breeders. Today they are popular and distributed throughout the world.


Height: about 60 cm.

Weight: 18-29 kg.

Country of Origin: UK

This dog breed has a wonderful, cheerful character. The Airedale Terrier is always in a good mood, has intelligence and fearlessness. He never shows aggression towards people, but can be stubborn.

This breed was developed in the mid-19th century. It was originally used for hunting. Later, sports competitions involving Airedale Terriers became popular. They have excellent sense of smell and are able to run fast. Dogs are also good as guards.

Full list of medium dog breeds:


Thanks to the efforts of breeders and breeders, the appearance of modern canines varies greatly depending on the breed. The sizes are small, medium, large and even giant.

The following characteristics remain the same:

  • the animal has an elongated body;
  • moves on four legs that are almost symmetrical in size;
  • its head consists of a skull and muzzle;
  • most varieties have tails of varying lengths and shapes.

The ears of the animal are erect, hanging and semi-erect. The jaw may have a scissor bite or an undershot bite, where the lower jaw protrudes forward. The coat can be short, long, curly and curly. Even a bald, completely naked dog was bred.

Big dogs


Height: 65-70 cm.

Weight: from 50 to 80 kg.

Region of Origin: Central Asia

Alabai is the oldest breed of dog, bred naturally by shepherds in Central Asia for herding sheep. It is also widely used to protect people and property. The correct name of the breed is Central Asian Shepherd.

The formation of this breed took place over 4 thousand years. Alabai has the best qualities of the most ancient herding dogs and the famous fighting dogs of one of the birthplaces of mankind - Mesopotamia.

The constant struggle for life has strengthened the character of this amazing dog, made it strong and fearless, a true protector of man. Alabais still protect herds today and perform guard duty in the police and army.

Alaskan Malamute

Height: 58-63 cm.

Weight: 35-38 kg.

Country of Origin: USA

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the most ancient dog breeds, bred by the Eskimos. It is designed to work in harness. These dogs are a true symbol of Alaska. The Alaskan Malamute breed is divided into two types.

The first species is very similar in appearance to a large and strong gray wolf, from which Malamutes originated. The second type is smaller in size and can be black and white, white or blue in color. Both species have working qualities as a sled dog.

English Mastiff

Height: from 75 cm.

Weight: from 70 kg.

Country of Origin: UK

The Mastiff is an old, purely English breed of dog, bred in the 9th century, and is the largest European Great Dane. This dog is very strong and ferocious towards strangers. It has been used for hundreds of years in large game hunting and military service.

Experts believe that the English mastiff descended from a huge mastiff-like dog that lived in ancient times in Tibet, and then spread throughout the Ancient East. These dogs were later brought to Britain by the Celts and subjected to selective breeding.

Afghan Hound

Height: 63-74 cm.

Weight: 20-30 kg.

Country of Origin: UK

This long-haired greyhound is designed for hunting. It was brought to Britain by an English officer at the end of the 19th century. This is a very sociable dog that simply adores people, especially children, but it is extremely difficult to train.

Afghan Hounds are an ancient breed. It is believed that the biblical Noah took a couple of these dogs with him on the ark. Greyhounds have lived in the East for several millennia. Experts believe that they came to Afghanistan from Persia, where they grew long wool in the mountains.


Height: 62-70 cm.

Weight: 40-55 kg.

Country of origin: Belgium

Bloodhounds , as a hound breed, were developed in Belgium in the 13th century by a priest's family. These dogs became famous for being widely used for official purposes by the police. They effectively search for and catch criminals.

Also, this breed was previously used to guard high-ranking persons, royal palaces, etc. The dogs have a beautiful short and smooth six, usually red with black tan.

Bloodhounds have a balanced character and very rarely show aggression. These are wonderful friends and companions, but today they are rarely used as guards, because... dogs have a very kind character.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Height: 58-68 cm.

Weight: 45-50 kg.

Country of origin: France

The Dogue de Bordeaux or Mastiff is a breed of dog developed several hundred years ago. For a long time it remained in the shadows, and gained real popularity and demand only in the 20th century.

This is a powerful, muscular and squat dog, whose body is covered with thick skin with many folds. The Great Dane's coat is short, it fits tightly to the body, and its color is all shades of red.

The Dogue de Bordeaux has a strong and calm character and is very attached to its owner. He should definitely be trained, and then you will get an intelligent, good-natured and courageous friend.


Height: 68-72 cm.

Weight: 63-70 kg.

Country of origin: Germany

The Doberman is a dog breed that was developed in Germany at the end of the 19th century. The dogs have a powerful and muscular body, a very beautiful silhouette and a choleric temperament.

The Doberman is very friendly and peaceful, loves his owners, especially children. This breed combines the blood of shepherd dogs, pinschers, terriers, etc., and incorporates the best qualities of its parents.

Dobermans are widely used in law enforcement agencies; they have an excellent sense of smell and are able to find criminals, weapons, and drugs. These dogs have high intelligence and are easy to train.


Height: 65-70 cm.

Weight: 55-70 cm.

Country of Origin: Canada

The Newfoundland is a famous dog breed that was previously used as a labor force. Dogs have thick, long black or brown fur and webbed toes.

Experts disagree about the origin of this breed, but they are sure that the blood of the Newfoundland definitely flows with the blood of the black wolf, which is extinct today. It is also believed that they have the blood of mastiffs, huskies, molossians, Pyrenean dogs, etc.

Previously, they were used as draft animals to transport significant loads. And the fishermen taught these dogs to pull nets with fish. They are very smart, so they are able to carry out more complex orders from people.

Sense organs

Of all the senses, dogs have the best developed sense of smell. The nasal mucosa is covered with nerve endings that are responsible for recognizing many different, sometimes subtle odors. Some individuals are able to smell game hundreds of meters away. They can also remember smells, for example, so they can track prey later.

In second place in terms of sensitivity is hearing. The dog distinguishes sounds in the range of 45,000 Hz and does not lose hearing even if the eardrum is damaged. Things are much worse with vision. An adult is able to distinguish objects only at a distance of 40 meters. At the same time, puppies see better than their older brothers.

Russian greyhound

Height: 70-85 cm.

Weight: 25-45 kg.

Country of origin: Russia

This hunting breed is famous for its long, silky coat. The first mention of these dogs appeared in the 17th century, when they were called Circassian greyhounds and were widely used in hunting.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the blood of English and Crimean greyhounds was added to the breed, and at the end of the century the first descriptions of the standard appeared. In those days, every rich landowner in Russia was a breeder of Russian greyhounds and had his own standard.

These dogs have excellent eyesight and hearing, they are aggressive towards animals, and can develop significant speed when running short distances. In relation to humans, the Russian Greyhound is friendly, loyal, and has a phlegmatic character.

Saint Bernard

Height: 65-90 cm.

Weight: from 70 kg.

Country of origin: Switzerland and Italy

The Saint Bernard is an ancient dog breed whose origins are unknown, most often attributed to Asian or Roman mastiffs crossed with local Alpine dogs.

According to legend, the breed was developed in the 11th century by the monk Bernard, who founded a shelter high in the Alps. Centuries later, St. Bernards began to be used to rescue travelers caught in mountain avalanches.

Saint Bernards are very strong and large dogs, distinguished by their special devotion to people and very loving children. They still work in the mountains today, rescuing those caught in an avalanche, carrying loads and serving as companions for lovers of high mountains.

Full list of big dogs:

Interesting Facts

The history, psychology and diversity of species of man's best friends hides many interesting details and surprising facts.

Here are just a small part of them:

  • the intelligence of an adult dog can be compared to a 2-3 year old child;
  • greyhounds are mentioned in the Bible - in the Book of Proverbs of Solomon;
  • the dog has a rare sense of smell and is able to diagnose many diseases, including cancerous tumors;
  • the oldest of the breeds is the Pharaoh, or Saluki: a graceful, elegant animal, close to greyhounds - in our time it is a rare species;
  • the Basenji, unlike other representatives of the genus, does not bark, but only purrs;
  • Children who grow up with such a pet are less likely to suffer from allergies and respiratory diseases.

Large dog breeds

Akita Inu Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd) Alaskan Malamute Afghan Hound Bernese Mountain Dog Bobtail Bloodhound Boxer Bulgarian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Dog Dogue de Bordeaux Beauceron Briard Bulldog American Weimaraner Doberman Drathaar Golden Retriever Irish Setter Cane Corso Collie Kurzhaar Labrador Retriever Leonberger Moskov Sky Guard Newfoundland Shepherd German Pointer Poodle Royal Giant Schnauzer Rhodesian Ridgeback Rottweiler Russian Greyhound Russian Black Terrier Samoyed Laika (Samoyed) Siberian Husky Airedale Terrier South African Boerboel

Message 4

Dogs are one of the most common pets. Of course, different countries have different preferences and in Australia they keep, for example, pet kangaroos, but for the most part all over the world people prefer to keep dogs. There is, however, some difference between dog lovers, that is, those who prefer dogs, and cat lovers, that is, those who give their preference to cats. In fact, there are even studies about this and, speaking about dog lovers, scientists often call the psychotypes of such people more inclined to communicate with others, to compassion and mutual assistance; dog lovers have high self-organization and responsibility. Pets actually have a role in this.

According to studies, dogs have been used by people for about 10 thousand years, but this information is only examples; it is quite possible that even earlier, thanks to the development of consciousness, people began to domesticate these animals. Research also suggests the mutual development of some evolutionary processes in dogs and people. In many ways, dogs sense people so well precisely because of evolution, which endowed dogs with special hormonal mechanisms. There is also an effect in the opposite direction, which was mentioned earlier, the presence of a dog gives a person a whole range of emotions and ultimately creates a certain psycho-emotional background.

There are many hypotheses regarding how dogs became pets, which are still at varying degrees of proof. There is an opinion regarding the peculiar transformation of a dog from a wolf, which was carried out using methods of raising young wolf cubs in the human community and special selection of the most loyal representatives of wolves. Soviet scientists even did special experiments on this matter in the previous century. However, this method is not completely proven, although, indeed, it is possible to tame wolves and eventually make pets.

There are also versions regarding the independent migration of dogs, or rather wolves at first, to people, since they could come to eat some leftover food and also warned of the approach of predators and thus a natural symbiosis appeared. Of course, now in many homes dogs do not even perform security functions, but only decorative ones, but in addition to being used as a pet, dogs also continue to be used in a variety of areas and this mutually beneficial symbiosis exists to this day.

Siberian Husky

In the last 5-10 years, the fashion for northern dogs has swept across Russia. The Siberian Husky, which resembles a wild wolf, has gained particular popularity. A strong, hardy, active dog was historically used as a sled dog.

Husky is a very healthy breed with a stable and stable psyche. Over several thousand years, I have become so accustomed to the presence of a person in my life that I cannot imagine life without him. They cannot be kept locked up for long, otherwise they may escape.

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Stubborn and independent, the Dachshund is still very attached to its family. Bitches usually become attached to male owners, and males, on the contrary, to female owners. An active, cheerful hunting breed that requires a lot of walking.

Dachshunds are prone to obesity, so you should not overfeed the animal. Dachshunds love to sleep with their owners, under the covers. It is incredibly difficult to train this breed to sleep on its bed.

Descendants of wolves

It is known that the dog is a direct descendant of the wolf. Their DNA is almost identical and, when mating, they can produce quite fertile offspring. Man began to use the dog primarily for its hunting qualities - the ability to track and catch up with prey.

This was her main purpose, inherent in nature. A dog is one of those animals that must work. This applies to all breeds without exception. Even species of small dogs that spend their entire lives in a city apartment love to wander around, exploring new territories, looking for some kind of food or water. They have a natural need for this.

Therefore, if you want to see a happy dog, you need to remember why it was created from the very beginning. Then you won’t have to deal with problems that arise because the animal does not have the opportunity to express itself. Whatever the name of the dog breeds living in an apartment, it is imperative to walk the animals for a long time every day and in any weather. To some extent, this will allow them to realize themselves as hunters.


Dobermans look intimidating and aggressive, but with proper training they will become loving family pets. These dogs have an exceptional sense of smell and are often used for search purposes. The homeland of Dobermans is Germany.

Some individuals may show aggression and viciousness, but these are the consequences of improper upbringing or deliberate “training” by the owner.


Some girls get this little guy as a fashion accessory, not realizing how smart, brave and loving the dog is. The smallest breed in the world was bred by the ancient Indians and was revered by them as a totem animal.

When the Portuguese took several of them with them on their ships, it turned out that they were excellent at catching rats. Chihuahuas have a stable psyche; they become very attached to their owner and are often jealous of him.

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