Everything you need for your beloved Spitz: the right collar, clothes, leash, enclosure

Spitz dogs are a real find for dog lovers. They are the most loyal and loving pets. The dogs have a playful character and excellent hearing. As puppies, they are easy to train. They grow up to be obedient creatures, trying to please people.

Supporters of cleanliness in the house are incredibly lucky - Spitz practically do not shed. This species has thick fur, thanks to which owners can afford to wash the dog much less often. The question naturally arises: Do you need clothes for a Spitz? After all, when going for a walk, be it rainy autumn or cold winter, owners of all kinds of dogs put on overalls and jackets for their charges.

What dogs need winter clothing?

Dachshunds, Pekingese, etc., and pets with short legs, will also benefit from overalls. “Even if they are covered with fur, like a corgi, their abdomen gets cold very quickly due to their proximity to the ground,” veterinarians say. It is worth purchasing new clothes for the winter for hounds too. Greyhounds and Ridgebacks have very thin skin.

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Pros and cons

Some owners of small dogs believe in the need to put warm clothes on them in winter. Others consider the Spitz coat to be a natural coat in cold weather, avoiding unnecessary expenses on dog clothing.

In 2009, a heated debate erupted around Pomeranians. The subject of discussion was the need to wear insulated clothing on dogs. The Humane Society has published a statement that natural wool does not require additional heating: this is harmful to the health of the animal, causing overheating, resulting in mental destruction and illness.

Activists believe it is necessary to prosecute owners who dress their pets in weather-protective suits.

Indeed, according to experts, naturally voluminous wool with undercoat is an excellent heater that protects the health of doggies from the effects of negative environmental factors. Pomeranians are small dogs with intense heat exchange. Active walks and a well-functioning thermoregulation mechanism allow you to do without warm clothes in winter.

Another solution

An alternative to shopping can be sewing yourself. Patterns allow you to create equally beautiful outfits. On the Internet you can easily find instructions for sewing bandanas and overalls.

To make a jumpsuit, be sure to measure the length of your pet's back. The distance is measured from the collar to the beginning of the tail.

Pay special attention to convenience. Will the suit fit the Pomeranian correctly? Remember that the gasket should not be too thick or too warm. Don't embroider a tight-fitting suit for winter. Specialized stores supply wardrobes that take into account the physiology of the animal.

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Do-it-yourself or store-bought clothes?

It would seem, why does such a fluffy need clothes? He already has a fur coat that would make any mink choke with envy! But this is also full of pitfalls. Clothes are needed for winter and dirty weather. The dog quickly turns from a ball of fluff to a ball of dirt. Moreover, in winter the baby is so covered in snow that he looks like a walking snowdrift.

Various overalls solve this problem. The choice is quite wide in both fabrics and styles. Such a jumpsuit is easy to sew or knit yourself, the main thing is to take the correct measurements of the dog and take into account the nuances of the breed.

The Spitz does not get very cold, but gets wet quickly. Therefore, choose waterproof fabric or threads for knitting. The overalls should not fit too tightly to the dog’s body, so as not to wrinkle or rub the fur. If zippers or ties are expected, then it is better to place them on the back. The paws and stomach suffer the most during walks. Therefore, it is advisable to create a suit with sleeves and trousers.

Leash for Spitz

Small dogs walk on thin and light-weight leashes. But it must also be durable, since a nimble dog can suddenly and abruptly chase a pigeon or another dog. Choose leashes made from nylon, canvas, braid or leather.

Important! Make sure that the carabiner attached to the collar does not pull out the dog's hair.

The optimal length for most leashes is considered to be 5 meters. If the walk takes place in a fairly deserted place, but still the dog cannot be released from the leash, then this length will be enough to control the actions of the Spitz, leaving him the opportunity to move freely.

A tape measure is a suitable option for walking, convenient because you don’t need to manually twist the tape and you can quickly fix the distance between yourself and the animal.


The process of completely replacing puppy fluff with adult hair occurs individually for each puppy. So that future owners don’t get scared, we’ll show you what it might look like. Spitz puppies grow very unevenly, some shed faster, in others the shedding is a little delayed, but by 2-3 years the coat is fully formed in all Spitz dogs. Only born Spitz puppies have smooth, short fur.
Light fluff forms only after half a month. Only at 8-9 weeks the baby is completely covered with fluff. At 2 months, the Spitz is a charming age, they are soft and very fluffy, usually breeders try to take promotional photos of the litter at this time. 3 - 3.5 months The puppy's muzzle begins to stretch out and its ears begin to grow. The fur gradually changes, the muzzle sheds, and during this period your pet looks like a small monkey. By 4-5 months, puppy fluff continues to fall out, the puppy becomes almost completely bald, becomes thin-legged and big-eared. The color becomes uneven and of an unknown color. In front of you is a thin-legged, incomprehensible, semi-bald animal with large ears and a long muzzle. At this time we call the puppy puffy. Don't be alarmed - this is a temporary phenomenon. At 6-7 months Active growth of real wool. Over time, the printed coat will become even denser with good guard hair. The puppy is becoming more and more like an adult Spitz. By 9-10 months, when entering the junior class, the Spitz is usually well dressed and looks quite decent in the ring and in life. Gradually the unevenness of color is leveled out. Your pet is becoming a fluffy beauty, but the formation of the coat is not yet complete. In a year they really almost all undress. A significant portion of the undercoat is shed, and this is the only time Spitz sheds visibly. This is the so-called junior molt, after which the Spitz begins to gain adult hair. This must be taken into account when registering for exhibitions. By the age of one and a half years, the Spitz becomes an adult dog with healthy guard hair and dense undercoat. The coat has been completely renewed. The next moults will go unnoticed, because the formation of the adult coat has been successful. 2 - 3 years Your pet is in great shape with a rich coat, and his coat is becoming more and more luxurious! Spitz dogs are fully dressed and formed by the age of 2-3 years, bitches usually reach their best shape 5-6 months after the first birth. Males hardly shed; females undress completely only after giving birth. Therefore, when you see the mother of your future puppy completely bald, you don’t need to be scared and run away from the breeder; he doesn’t sell you mixed-breeds or sick puppies. This is the normal state of a bitch when her children are 2.5-3 months old. Time will pass and she will dress much better than before giving birth. The puppy offered for sale at 4-5 months does not look the best either, but be patient and your little one will definitely turn into a luxurious Spitz. Kleinspitz Maeby Faye Tahir Malkhan at 2 months

German Small Spitz Maeby Faye Tahir Malhan at 5.5 months

Maeby Fay Tahir Malkhan b. 07/12/17 Jem Leo Style x Ingrid Dolce Vita Kennel of miniature dogs “Mabye Fay”

Series of messages “Hair care”:
Part 1 - Features of keeping a dog of the small German Spitz (Kleinspitz) breed Part 2 - How to teach a Spitz to comb itself calmly... Part 6 - Often, alopecia is a problem that the owners provide for their dogs themselves Part 7 - Training dogs to behave adequately at home - this is the owner’s task Part 8 - Features of the development of the Spitz coat Part 9 - Who is PYRZIK? In the role of a spitz, the German Spitz Maeby Faye Philip Ross Part 10 - WHY YOU CAN ' T CUT A SPOmer... Part 32 - This is what a Spitz looks like when shedding, when the undercoat is not combed out Part 33 - Bathing day for a Spitz Part 34 - Complex supplement for dogs

Does a Pomeranian need a muzzle?

The small faces of Pomeranians are not particularly suitable for wearing muzzles , but if the animal behaves aggressively, tries to attack the legs of other people, or picks up everything from the ground while walking, then you can try to find a muzzle made of leather or nylon. Muzzles for such dogs are most often made to order, with preliminary measurements of the animal’s head and muzzle taken.

When can you take your Spitz puppy for a walk?

When can I start

No matter how healthy a Spitz
, it is absolutely defenseless until all vaccinations are given. To prevent your pet from catching some dangerous virus on the street, you cannot walk with it during the vaccination period. The first walk can be arranged only 14 days after the last vaccination.

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How to choose the right clothes

Clothing for a Spitz is selected according to several criteria:

  1. It should be comfortable for the dog. To avoid mistakes in the parameters, take the animal with you to the store. Try on your purchase on the spot.
  2. Pay attention to the materials. Give preference to natural fabrics and high-quality products.
  3. When buying a leash, choose a lightweight, durable and thin one. For example, nylon. Having purchased a leash with metal parts, test it to ensure that it does not pull out the fur when walking.
  4. Choose rubber shoes for paws in rainy weather and boots in winter. Rubber boots do not protect against reagents.
  5. Rain overalls are bought only for rainy weather.
  6. Don't buy clothes that are too bulky. The animal feels discomfort in it. In addition, you risk overheating the little dog’s body, causing dermatitis.
  7. Avoid thick insulating linings in overalls. The animal’s well-being worsens when wearing such items.
  8. Avoid tight-fitting clothing - your pet will freeze.
  9. The ideal solution would be a jumpsuit with a silk lining, which preserves the aesthetic appearance of the fur - owners of cute creatures will not have to bother themselves with combing tangles after a walk.

Clothing for a Spitz - is it necessary, for a boy and a girl?

It has become fashionable among dog lovers to dress up their pet even for a walk. Some owners compete in the complexity of designing dog outfits. However, there are those who believe that this can harm the dog because they have their own natural coat, such as the Bear Spitz. But if you approach this issue from a practical perspective, the dog owner will make the walk even more comfortable.

Clothes for Pomeranian Spitz

Collar or harness: which is better?

Among Pomeranian Spitz owners there are both supporters of these dogs wearing harnesses and ardent opponents.
But for very fluffy breeds, a harness is not the best option for walking equipment , since constant wear causes the fur to rub in places where it comes into contact with the belt, and shreds can tear out, leaving bald patches. But if the walks are not so long, and the dog is very playful, then a harness can be used.

When talking about collars for small pets, the quality of the material from which it is made is always noted. The best option for a collar is a leather one. It can be narrow and soft, or twisted into a rope, but also made of high-quality leather.

The optimal diameter of the harness is, depending on the weight of the dog, from 3 to 8 mm. The owner's finger should be placed between the dog's neck and the collar so that the collar does not compress the airway.

An alternative to a leather accessory is a nylon collar. It should be thin, soft, but durable.

List of the most necessary things for a Pomeranian

Any dog, especially a decorative one, requires not only attention, but also large expenses on the part of the owners. Before you bring a puppy from a breeder, you need to stock up on a set of essentials to ensure a comfortable existence for your little pet. These include the following things:

  • Two or three overalls made of bologna fabric with a silk lining. Things must be sewn with high quality, since after each walk the clothes need to be washed.
  • Summer blanket or T-shirt made of natural cotton or knitwear.
  • Ceramic or iron bowls for food and drink. Make sure they are heavy enough that the dog cannot knock them over.
  • Collar made of soft leather or nylon. It comes with a leash or tape measure. Accessories should be selected so as not to tear out the Spitz's thick coat.
  • A house and a bed - both items are necessary for a dog, since the pet will accompany you in the kitchen, where it should also have its own place.

  • For trips to the veterinarian, to exhibitions, out of town, a carrier is needed.
  • Silicone or soft rubber dog toys that do not contain small iron elements.
  • Special shampoos, conditioners and sprays to make it easier to comb the thick coat of the Pomeranian.
  • Tray with replaceable disposable diapers. There are special trays for dogs, not for cats, and veterinarians advise training your pets to use them.
  • Tick ​​protection products (drops, sprays).
  • Scissors with rounded ends for cosmetic haircuts and a nail clipper, which the Spitz should be accustomed to using immediately after entering the owner's house.
  • Since the Spitz is strictly forbidden to dry itself after bathing, it is necessary to purchase a special hair dryer for dogs. It has a limit on temperature conditions; it is impossible to dry Spitz fur with too hot air.
  • Several types of combs: iron comb with rare teeth, slicker brush. The dog is brushed every day (or at least 3 times a week).
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste – these hygiene items are sold in pet stores. Dogs have their teeth brushed 1-2 times a week.

When getting a Spitz puppy, it is important to understand that it will require a large amount of equipment, without which it will be difficult for the dog to remain neat. Overalls, combs and means for drying wool are all a must-have for a Spitz.

Aviaries and houses for Spitz

When choosing a place in an apartment or house where you want to place a puppy, you need to follow the rules: there should be no drafts, it should not be too noisy or walky, dark or cluttered.

During the day, your puppy often needs privacy to sleep, so the best option would be a house made of fabric.

Such houses are stuffed with padding polyester, and the parts are connected to each other with adhesive tape for clothing. The makeshift kennel should have enough space so that the puppy does not fall out of it. In addition to the doghouse, you can buy a bed for your Spitz, which will stand, for example, in the kitchen, because the dog will certainly want to be present at family dinners.

Advice! There should always be bedding in the house and lounger, which is washed periodically.

Reasons to buy clothes

  • During the cold season, streets sprinkled with reagents can ruin the health of your beloved pet. Walking along such paths, the dog’s paws become covered with cracks and wounds, where dirt and pebbles get caught. As a result, the pet experiences constant pain and suffers. Often dogs lick traces of reagents from their paws and become poisoned. Special boots can serve as protection.
  • On rainy autumn days, walking cannot be avoided. All dog owners know the dangers of going outside like this: wet fur, the formation of tangles mixed with clods of dirt and thorns. Raincoats or raincoat overalls will help to avoid unwanted consequences.
  • Pomeranian girls need panties when they are in heat. This is a delicate but necessary element of the toilet. Panties will keep your furniture and carpets clean - you won’t have to wash out stains. Before walking, remove them from the bitch. Briefs are a home part of the wardrobe.

How to choose a collar

An incorrectly selected collar can not only cause discomfort to your pet, but also ruin its fur, leading to mats or even baldness!

Collars are:

  • Round, flat, chain-shaped,
  • Fabric, leather, nylon, artificial materials including rubber and silicone,
  • On rings, clasp or carabiner.

Here, between the beauty and safety of your pet, choose the latter. Flat collars with rhinestones are very beautiful, but terribly inconvenient for the animal. The wool will be wiped off and cling to the rhinestones. Fabric and nylon are also poor choices. Under no circumstances should a chain or planer be used; this breed has fragile cervical vertebrae. A round, thin collar is ideal.

If the Spitz is large, then the width should be from 7 to 10 mm; for Pomeranians and dwarf Spitz dogs, 3-4 mm thickness is enough. It is advisable to choose a fastener in the form of large rings so that fur does not wrap around them. To start training, it is better to choose a good noose or ring. This is especially true for those who are going to exhibit their dog.

Decorative wardrobe items

Those who like to dress up their dogs can enjoy beautiful, and most importantly safe, accessories. Decorative clothing for the Pomeranian Spitz is replete with variety. You can attach a bandana to your pet's collar. This accessory is one of the most popular. This is explained by the wide range of colors and abundance of prints.

Manufacturers have also taken care of beautiful collars - you can even buy them with rhinestones and stones. If the owner does not want to decorate the dog, then there is an opportunity to stand out with the help of a leash - the materials and colors on the market amaze with the abundance of assortment.

The female sex is crazy about intricate dresses and small skirts. All this can be bought in stores, but they should only be worn for a short time, and the clothing should be light and comfortable.

Note: Constantly wearing clothes causes a disturbance in the pet’s psyche. Use your wardrobe only when necessary.

It is recommended to use a muzzle in public places.

Veterinarians' opinions

All experts believe that dogs should not wear clothes all the time. There are breeds that tolerate cold well without additional insulation. But older dogs need special care. Spitz belong to the variety that feels great without an additional “fur coat”.

This breed is popular. Compared to other small dogs, they are low maintenance. However, a quality overall or raincoat will make your Pomeranian's walks more enjoyable and will protect his coat while maintaining its beautiful appearance.

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