Dog food "Bisco": reviews, review, composition, manufacturer

Feed manufacturer

Russian guarantees the high quality of products for pets through the use of a full-cycle production line of imported production and the latest recipes and knowledge in the field of pet nutrition. The work of the plant, located in Kuban, is based on innovative European technologies that guarantee the absence of defects and compliance of the feed with the declared composition and international standards.

The manufacturer emphasizes that Bisko dog food does not contain preservatives, dyes or flavor enhancers - components that can cause allergic reactions and diseases in pets.

The company offers consumers only complete food that does not require additives, fertilizing or vitamin-mineral complexes.

Advantages and disadvantages of feed

Having looked at the composition, we can highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of Bisko food.

Let's start with the pros:

  • The feed is based on proteins of plant origin.
  • Wide range and choice of packaging.
  • Good vitamin and mineral supplement.
  • Relatively competitive price.


  • Vague wording in the composition.
  • Unknown origin of preservatives.
  • Diets contain corn.

Product line

Bisco supplies only 10 types of dry food to markets throughout the country, including Krasnodar:

  1. Junior. For puppies of medium and large sized dog breeds.
  2. Junior mini. For small breed dogs up to 1 year old.
  3. Regular Food for adult dogs.
  4. Mini. Diet for pets of miniature breeds.
  5. Premium Food for active dogs.
  6. Super premium. Food for pets that expend a lot of energy.
  7. Super premium with lamb. Food containing minced lamb.
  8. Reproduction A diet designed specifically for pregnant and lactating females.
  9. Reproduction mini. Food for pregnant and lactating miniature breed bitches.
  10. Light. Special food for obese dogs and elderly pets.

The product line offered by the manufacturer is quite wide and allows dog breeders and dog owners to choose food suitable for their pets. However, reviews of Bisco dog food note that the range does not include veterinary or highly specialized diets. Another point of criticism is the packaging: packages weighing 3.6 and 10 kilograms are available, which is not always convenient. When switching to a new diet, the dog owner will have to either purchase a large volume or look for pet stores that sell Bisco food by weight.

Bisko feed range

The Bisko food range includes diets for dogs of different breeds and ages. According to the manufacturer, only natural and fresh raw materials are used to produce the food. Quality assurance is our own laboratory and strict control. How well the laboratory copes with its task can only be verified through experience. However, we will find out how much the food corresponds to the declared premium and super-premium classes by considering the composition of the food below.

The manufacturer focuses on a number of advantages that are inherent in the food of all lines:

  • Balance.
  • Supporting body tone.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Saturation of the body with all necessary vitamins and microelements.
  • The food contains no dyes, flavor enhancers, or artificial preservatives.
  • The composition includes antioxidants, Omega fatty acids, probiotics.

A promising list, isn't it? Let's see how carefully the manufacturer analyzes the needs of the market.


Junior – food for puppies and growing dogs, large and medium breeds. The food is suitable for animals under 1 year of age.


  • 3 kg.
  • 6 kg.
  • 10 kg.
  • 15 kg.

Contains meat, offal, carrots, vitamin supplements. The diet is designed for dogs that weigh or are expected to weigh more than 12 kg.

Mini Junior

Mini Junior – food for puppies and growing dogs, small breeds. The food is suitable for animals under 1 year of age. The food is produced in the form of small granules to increase comfort while eating and prevent tartar.


The universal and affordable food "Bisko Regular" includes the following components:

  • Meat meal and ground beef.
  • Corn.
  • Rice.
  • Blood meal.
  • Animal fats.

A large proportion of the composition of Bisco dog food comes from the listed ingredients. The remaining nutritional components are additives aimed at improving the animal’s diet.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer does not indicate the carbohydrate content, it is quite high - about 45-50%. Their source is grain crops, which, judging by the reviews of Bisco dog food, is not very good, since such a diet high in carbohydrates is not typical for predators, which include canines. The proteins and fats in such food are not enough for the healthy and active development of a pet.

The manufacturing company focuses the attention of consumers on the “Eco” marks on food packaging. The inscription appeared in January 2017, but has nothing to do with the environmental friendliness of the food ingredients, indicating that the product contains a phytobiotic or a natural amino acid nutrition corrector.

The mentioned supplement is of plant origin and consists of Turbinella pyrum snail shells. The manufacturer does not indicate the specific amount of ingredients of the additive and its mass fraction, mentioning only the beneficial effect on the dog, which consists in improving immunity, the condition of the claws and coat, and improving appetite.

Many experts, in their reviews of Bisco dog food, doubt the usefulness of the supplement, based on its composition and beneficial properties of the components. On the part of the manufacturer, such a step resembles a smart marketing move designed to attract buyers.

However, the same cannot be said about the other ingredients that make up Bisko dog food: they are very nutritious and healthy.

Feed composition

Let's look at the composition of Bisko food using the example of a daily diet for adult dogs - Super-Premium. Main advantages:

  • Positively affects fat metabolism and liver function.
  • Provides the dog with sufficient amounts of calcium, phosphorus and iron.
  • Promotes muscle growth.
  • Increases and stimulates appetite.
  • Positively affects the condition of the skin and coat.
  • Contains Phytobiotic.

A phytobiotic is a supplement developed by the manufacturer. Essentially, it is a mixture of beneficial herbs:

  • Ashwagandha.
  • Tinospora.
  • Trubinella purum.
  • Basil.
  • Phyllanthus.
  • Perilla.
  • Asparagus.
  • Magnifera indica.
  • Polyanthes tuberiferous.
  • Salacia reticulum.
  • Lodhra.
  • Fendhel.


  • Minced beef tripe - don’t be disappointed, tripe is an offal, but for a dog it is healthier and more valuable than meat.
  • Meat flour 36% – high content of flour of unknown origin. It is not clear from the wording what kind of meat the flour is made from, whether it contains bones and cartilage, or what class it is.
  • Rice is a source of carbohydrates. Almost gluten free.
  • Beef fat is a source of animal fat, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids. Fat is always “preserved”, but there is no information about the origin of the preservatives in the composition.
  • Corn is an additional but low-quality source of carbohydrates.
  • Flax seed has a beneficial effect on digestion and intestinal health.
  • Beetroot (pulp) is a source of vitamins and coarse fiber.
  • Glucosamine (1200 mg), chondroitin (300 mg) are chondroprotectors, have a positive effect on the condition of the bones and joints.
  • Apple is an additional source of coarse fiber.
  • Probiotics – they are included, but what and how many are unknown.
  • Chicory is a source of insulin.
  • L-carnitine (50.0 mg) – promotes proper absorption of fat.
  • Marigolds, which contain lutein (5.0 mg), is an antioxidant.


The main source of proteins in Bisco feed is meat flour and minced beef, the mass fraction of which is 30%. The composition also contains bone meal, which consists of a large amount of proteins.

The source of animal protein is minced beef - a processed animal carcass product containing chopped soft tissue and meat. According to the requirements, it should not contain solid impurities and bones, but this largely depends on the quality of the raw materials. The protein content indicated by the manufacturer refers to the raw product, which after heat treatment and loss of moisture is significantly reduced in volume.

Another source of protein is meat flour. It is obtained through rendering technology applied to any part of animal carcasses. The flour may contain bones, cartilage, connective tissue, and meat. In most cases, it acts as an accessible and cheap component for gaining the required percentage of protein, but loses all its beneficial properties and components as a result of processing.

A product of animal blood processing, blood meal contains a large amount of protein and is much cheaper for producers than pure meat.


The source of lipids in Bisco holistic products for dogs is animal fat. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not indicate the quality of the raw materials, but most often it is the greasy waste from processing animal carcasses, which is not suitable for human consumption. As a rule, this is a low-quality product added to feed to obtain the required fat content. This additive, as veterinarians note in reviews of Bisco dog food, can be considered a disadvantage.

Additional components

Flaxseed is a source of antioxidants and polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6. It has a beneficial effect on the coat, skin and claws of dogs, maintains vitamin balance and prevents premature aging of the body. However, veterinarians and technology doubt that animals are able to fully absorb all the beneficial substances from flaxseeds.

Beet pulp is a waste product from sugar production that is an accessible source of fiber. Does not have any special beneficial properties for dogs.

Probiotics regulate digestion and gastrointestinal function. Bisco feeds do not indicate the specific bacteria added to the composition, so the question of their benefits is controversial.

The vitamin and mineral complex supports the immune system and provides the necessary set of nutrients per day.

Bisko dog food, judging by its composition, can rightly be called premium - the volume of nutrients and animal components in them is greater than in the diet of the economy segment, however, the brand’s products do not reach the super premium category.

Beneficial features

If this product is included in your pet’s diet, his vision will become excellent.
When consuming Bisco feed, the following beneficial effects occur:

  • reducing the risk of kidney stones;
  • decrease in urine pH, positive effect on the genitourinary system;
  • maintaining the elasticity of the skin, adding shine to the coat;
  • reducing the smell of stool;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the quality of vision;
  • stabilization of intestinal flora and establishment of proper functioning of the digestive system.

To improve the health of pets, phytobiotics are included in the food, which is indicated on the packaging with the “Eco” sign. Phytobiotics are a corrector of amino acid nutrition, which normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, and increases the animal’s body’s resistance to the effects of viruses. These components help improve liver functionality, normalize fat metabolism, absorb iron, phosphorus and calcium, stimulate muscle growth, and improve appetite.

Reviews from owners and veterinarians

Most breeders and dog owners speak positively about Bisco food. Negative comments come, as a rule, from dog owners for whom the food was not suitable due to the individual characteristics of the body and the tastes of the pets.

Experts - veterinarians and zootechnologists - mostly agree that Bisko food is a standard premium diet, suitable for all categories of dogs. If possible, it is advisable to dilute the food of pets with meat ingredients or purchase ready-made food of a higher class. There have been no overtly negative reviews of Bisko food from veterinarians.

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