Dog food “True Friends”: reviews from veterinarians, composition. Which dog food to choose

The ready-made dog food market offers a wide range of brands from foreign manufacturers. However, many breeders prefer to choose a Russian product. It is not inferior to foreign analogues, but its cost is slightly lower. One of the popular brands is “True Friends”. Reviews from veterinarians about this brand of dog food are mostly good. An important criterion for many consumers is its low price.

However, there are dog breeders who prefer food from foreign manufacturers. The Happy Dog brand, which originates in Germany, is popular. Let's consider both options.


Dry food “True Friends” for dogs is manufactured in Russia. Production is located in the Rostov region.

The company produces food for pets and birds. The assortment includes a wide range of dry and canned products intended for feeding pets.

The recipe for each type of food has been fully tested and has earned positive reviews from veterinarians. No artificial additives are used in production and GMOs are excluded.

The company guarantees that its products will provide animals with all the necessary nutrients and minerals. The presented line includes food for both adults and young animals.


When developing the food, the dog's need for energy, vitamins and minerals was taken into account. All products are suitable for feeding dogs of various breeds. Many breeders and owners of dog kennels choose the “True Friends” brand. Reviews from veterinarians about dog food of this brand note that its composition fully satisfies the needs of the animal and does not cause health problems. In addition to the usual satiation, this food provides dogs with everything they need for an active lifestyle, and puppies for proper growth.

Food “True Friends” has the following composition:

  1. Meat flour. The difference between each package is the choice of the main ingredient. It can be beef, poultry, lamb and others. Is the basis.
  2. Whole rice and ground wheat. The ratio may vary depending on the recipe. Are a source of carbohydrates
  3. Chicken fat and flax seeds. Sources of fats.
  4. Sugar beets and yeast.

The main composition is supplemented with a mineral complex and antioxidants. Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, copper and sodium are necessarily present in recommended doses.

The following is a list of valuable additives that complement and expand the beneficial properties of the feed:

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • fish fat;
  • rosemary;
  • nettle;
  • calendula;
  • green tea extract.

According to experts, the composition is good. In customer reviews, there are complaints that the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of substances.

Main advantages

Customers like the “True Friends” dog food. Reviews from veterinarians about this product indicate its main advantages:

  1. The main ingredient is a meat product.
  2. No preservatives or GMOs.
  3. The food is enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  4. Affordable price.

When producing dry food, the manufacturer mainly focuses on adult dogs. There is a line for aging and weakened individuals. Meat products are chosen as the main source of protein.

The food has a balanced taste, dogs eat it with pleasure. It is well digestible and fully provides the animal with everything necessary for development and growth.

Review Reviews

Dog owners express differing opinions about the “True Friends” brand food. Most often they agree on one point - that for a premium food it is very cheap. The composition of the diet is, in fact, very meager, but at the same time, it really does not contain harmful components. Reviews from veterinarians suggest that if the owners of four-legged pets decide to opt for this diet, then their dogs will need to be given additional vitamins from time to time.

Dogs may also be allergic to this food, so you should switch to it carefully, carefully monitoring your pet’s health.

Some dog breeders switched their pets to this food after they were found to be intolerant to holistic foods. Veterinarians explained this allergy by the overly rich composition of premium foods and the increased amount of protein in them. The composition of the “True Friends” diet can be called primitive, but it includes all the essentials, which means that it is perfect for pets with this type of allergy.

Variety of choice from the Russian brand

The food brand “True Friends” has a fairly diverse line. This circumstance makes it easy to choose food even for a picky individual who has special taste preferences.

Pieces of food can not only be used as a pet’s daily diet, but also used as a basis for treats during training. Some samples have a particularly refined taste.

The food recipe allows the dog not only to satisfy the need for nutrients, but also, thanks to additives, improves immunity. The components are selected taking into account the age characteristics of the pet. There are samples designed for healthy, adult individuals. “True Friends” food for puppies provides the growing body with energy and is enriched with vitamins. For aging pets, we offer our own diet with mineral supplements.

How to calculate the amount of feed

The nutrition plan on the package is not a dogma, since each dog is individual. You can choose the optimal amount of food for her yourself. To determine what the portion should be for your pet, you can use the following calculation principle as a basis: an adult healthy dog ​​in a calm state requires 3.8-4.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. If we take it by breed, the calculation looks like this:

  • for a large dog 3.8g/1kg,
  • small dog 4.5 g/1 kg,
  • average 4 - 4.2g/1kg.

You can calculate food containing 25% protein in 100 grams (2.5 in 10 grams) as follows: an animal weighing 10 kg needs about 45 grams of protein per day, hence a portion of food with 25% protein content should weigh 180 grams. Now compare this formula to your dog's actual needs. If the dog is active, then increase the portion by 30%; if he is sedentary (that is, has no exercise other than a half-hour walk), then the norm remains 180 grams.

If you transfer an animal from one formula to another, do it gradually so that the digestive system is rebuilt. The optimal period is 5-7 days, recommended from 10 days to two weeks. It is recommended to give the granules dry or soaked in warm water. The dog must have constant access to drinking water.

Where can I buy?

The ZooYug online store in Krasnodar offers the purchase of true friends food for dogs to everyone who is interested in high-quality nutrition for their pets. A feature of feed is the predominance of animal products in its composition. This includes premium meat flour, purified chicken fat, cereals, vegetables, extracts of medicinal herbs, yeast, an optimal set of vitamins, microelements (selenium, cobalt, phosphorus, etc.). No vegetable proteins, glutens, or soy are added to the food. The dark color of the product comes from meat flour.

Among the reviews the following statements prevail:

  • high assessment of taste;
  • animals easily switch to a new diet;
  • excellent digestibility (feces become several times smaller).
  • no side effects or allergic reactions;
  • improvement of coat condition;
  • active behavior, playful mood of the pet.

The manufacturer’s introduction of modern technologies into the food production process, a careful approach to the selection of ingredients, and concern for animal health are a guarantee that your pets will receive all the necessary nutrients from childhood throughout their active life.

Cost of the product “True Friends”

For many breeders, the basis of their dog’s diet has become the “True Friends” food. Its price is affordable, despite the premium class declared by the manufacturer.

A pack containing three kilograms of food will cost three hundred rubles. For large breeds, it is optimal to take a large bag weighing fifteen kilograms. It costs, depending on the place of purchase, about 1,300 rubles.

You can buy a small pack. For small breeds this option will be optimal. And the price of the product is about 105 rubles.

Winners and outsiders

It should be noted that only two foods meet the increased requirements of Roskachestvo - the German Perfect Fit with chicken for adult dogs of small and miniature breeds over one year old and the Italian Purina one for adult dogs of small breeds over one year old with a high content of beef and with rice. Both samples received 5 points, and this is the highest possible result.

The second place was taken by the “365 days” brand food with a score of 4.82 points. Perfect Fit earned the same rating for adult dogs of medium and large breeds. The top ten also included food from the brands Brit care, Savarra, Royal Canin, Eukanuba and “Every Day” - the cheapest participant in the rating (this food can be bought for only 57 rubles per kilogram).

The much-touted Pedigree received an average rating of 3.5 points, while the less famous Chappi received an average rating of 3.425 points. The most expensive of the study participants, Trainer food for adult dogs of small and miniature breeds prone to gaining excess weight, received a higher rating - 3.866 points.

Consumer reviews of the brand “True Friends”

Many buyers switch to food from this manufacturer when foreign analogues become more expensive. But according to the responses, the animal does not suffer. The ingredients in the food are natural and fully satisfy the needs of dogs of any breed.

Dry food “True Friends” has received mostly positive reviews. Large granules with a pleasant odor are noted. Dogs eat them with pleasure.

Pet owners note that the animal on this food is always active, its stool is not disturbed. There is an opinion that the diet is even slightly higher than normal. Some give smaller portions than recommended by the manufacturer because the dog begins to gain weight.

Those who use the “True Friends” brand from the very beginning note that puppies develop well on it. They are frisky, happy, cheerful, playful. Their fur is smooth and shiny. When they are shown to a veterinarian, the specialist does not see any abnormalities or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Dog breeders indicate that the composition of the granules and their size differs, depending on what breed the food is intended for and at what age. In general, the food satisfies both specialists and ordinary consumers. The dog eats it with pleasure, and the price is good.

Dog food “True Friends”: reviews and composition analysis

Once upon a time, this food was of very good quality, and at one time, due to deteriorating financial opportunities, I transferred my dogs from Czech Brit to Faithful Friends. I fed my dogs this food for many years, 9 years to be exact. But recently the Roskachestvo website published a study of dry dog ​​food, and the results that I read about the food Faithful Friends shocked me... Pesticides and GMOs were found in the food of this brand, and, what’s worst, metal shavings! Below are excerpts from the Roskachestvo website: “...At the same time, trace amounts of various pesticides were found in the food of 19 brands. They could be used in storage of raw materials or finished products to protect against insects, or they could be used as feed from plant materials during production (for example, from cereals or dried vegetables). The situation is worse with the presence of metal-magnetic shavings, which can get into the food during flour processing and then injure the dog’s digestive tract. The products are not allowed to contain chips larger than 2 millimeters in size with sharp edges, but up to 20 milligrams of particles up to 2 millimeters in size are allowed per kilogram of feed - this will not be a violation. However, 54 milligrams per kilogram of chips were found in the “True Friends” food, which is more than twice the established standards!” Here are the main deficiencies that were identified with this food: GMOs were detected Traces of pesticides were found A metal-magnetic impurity was detected Insufficient methionine, selenium, potassium Zinc content does not correspond to the declared FULL RESEARCH SEE. BY LINK: But many other feeds, including those so actively recommended here on the site, have deviations that are far from harmless... Quote: “It is noteworthy that for the first time in the entire existence of Roskachestvo, the organization’s experts discovered GMOs in the products under study. They were detected in 21 brands of feed out of 39 - both imported and domestic. Most often, experts identified genetically modified soybeans.” In particular, the Czech food BRIT CARE and BRIT premium, so recommended in many articles and comments as a relatively inexpensive alternative, was also included in the list of unreliable ones, its disadvantages: GMOs were detected, traces of the pesticide chlorpropham were detected. And the funny thing is that this list also included the very expensive Grandorf holistic product!!! Quote: “Out of 21 cases of GMO detection, experts noted the feed manufacturer Grandorf. He indicated in his labeling: “Does not contain GMOs,” which means he deceived the consumer.” So buy expensive food for crazy money, supposedly holistic food with a natural composition... and they contain GMOs ((In this regard, I would like PetReview experts, before publishing another food review, to look at the Roskachestvo website and check their recommendations with analysis of research on this food, if there are any, of course, for it. As for the food Faithful Friends, feeding such food with metal shavings which can injure internal organs is simply dangerous. I will not buy it again and do not recommend it to others.

Conclusions about the brand

Dog food “True Friends” deserves justifiable reviews from veterinarians. It is distinguished by its natural composition and variety of tastes. Consumers choose this brand because of its affordable price and expert recommendations.

The brand’s line includes special additives that help improve digestion and strengthen the immune system:

  • Medicinal herbs.
  • Grape extract.
  • Green tea extract.

The dog on this food has a smooth coat, good health and excellent digestion.

Composition of Happy Dog food

In different types of this dry food, the composition is slightly different, depending on its purpose. If you take the classic recipe, you can see the following ingredients:

  1. Natural meat. There are options with lamb, rabbit, turkey, veal and duck.
  2. For picky dogs and owners who want to pamper their pets, there is food based on buffalo, horse meat and ostrich meat. They are supplemented with liver.
  3. Rice flour and corn are sources of carbohydrates and proteins. And there are quite a lot of the first.
  4. Poultry fat is suggested as a source of fat.
  5. Hypoallergenic samples include dried potatoes.
  6. Beet pulp enriches the feed with fiber.
  7. The composition is supplemented with polyunsaturated acids and vegetable fats. They are responsible for rapeseed oil, flaxseed and sunflower oil.
  8. Yeast supplements the composition with B vitamins.
  9. Seaweed adds amino acids.
  10. A mixture of medicinal herbs (chamomile, rosemary, sage, coriander and others) normalizes intestinal motility and activates metabolism.

Happy Dog food is designed to meet your dog's caloric needs. Even though dogs are predators, they do not expend as much energy as wild animals. Therefore, all proposed diets are moderate in energy intensity. Their fat content is also reduced. This prevents excess weight gain and promotes good joint function.

It should be noted that what distinguishes Happy Dog food from budget brands is the absence of preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and artificial additives. Meat and bone meal and soy ingredients are also prohibited.

Feed range

The manufacturer offers dry and wet food under the “True Friends” brand.

Dry coma

Like any line of dog food, “True Friends” are divided primarily by the age of the pets.

3 options have been developed for puppies, two of them for all breeds:

  • based on chicken and rice;
  • with lamb and rice.

One mixed meat flavored diet is designed specifically for large breed babies and features large kibble. The price for a 15 kg bag of puppy food is 1,750-1,850 rubles.

Several all-breed options have also been developed for adult pets:

  • with Chiken;
  • with beef;
  • with lamb and rice;
  • with the taste of cold cuts.

In addition, separate diets are offered:

  • for medium-sized pets (based on lamb and rice);
  • for giant dogs (cold cuts).

The manufacturer offers adult diets at a price of 1,550-1,650 rubles per 15 kg.

  • For older dogs (over 7 years old), a food based on chicken meat and chicken by-products has been developed and costs about 1,600-1,700 per 15 kg.
  • In addition to standard diets, the “True Friends” brand has made a separate version of the Energy diet. It is suitable for service or pet dogs with a high activity level. The diet is based on chicken and contains an increased amount of fat - 24% instead of the usual 13-15% and, accordingly, has a higher nutritional value and calorie content (425 kcal per 100 grams). The cost of Energy feed is 1,750-1,850 rubles per package weighing 15 kg.

Wet food

Wet food is also divided according to the age of the animals.

For puppies there are several flavors in the form of pate:

  • rabbit and goose;
  • chicken and liver;
  • veal and lamb.

These same variations are presented in the form of pieces of meat in sauce. Canned food is packaged in 400 gram jars.

For adult dogs, we offer all-breed food packaged in 400 and 850 grams and in various flavors:

  • beef;
  • beef with carrots;
  • chicken and veal with carrots;
  • cold cuts.

Canned food for small dogs is considered separately. They are packaged in 100 and 400 grams and other flavor variations:

  • beef;
  • veal and lamb;
  • chicken;
  • cold cuts.

The price for a 400 gram can of all wet food is 50 rubles.

The “True Friends” food range offers not only dry, but also wet food, and covers the main age and size differences of pets. In addition, the manufacturer offers various flavor options and a separate diet for dogs with high physical activity. The manufacturer does not offer special food for pets with special needs.

Advantages and disadvantages of Happy Dog food

The brand has undeniable advantages. Among them, users and veterinarians highlighted:

  • Completely natural composition.
  • Some samples are distinguished by their rich composition.
  • Exact ratio of minerals and abundance of vitamins.
  • A varied range of flavours.
  • A special series for weakened animals.
  • Availability, prevalence and optimal price.

The German mark has the same disadvantage as the one discussed above. The composition in percentage terms is also not specified here. Many diets include large amounts of grains and dried potatoes. This can lead to excess weight and lack of animal protein.

There are samples where the composition is quite poor. Others, on the contrary, are replete with various components. For many users, the price of Happy Dog food is too high, especially compared to domestic producers. A small kilogram pack will cost 500 rubles.

Which food to choose

Sometimes the question of which dog food to choose becomes a dilemma for breeders. The German brand has a significant advantage in its extensive food line. You can choose food for both puppies and adults. In addition, we offer a whole line of food for weakened animals. There are divisions into large and small breeds.

Dog breeders can choose from a variety of samples of food suitable for:

  1. Dogs suffering from food intolerance to a certain food.
  2. An animal with food allergies.
  3. Overweight pet.
  4. A four-legged friend with a sensitive intestinal tract.

The “True Friends” brand cannot offer such variety. However, it contains a rich composition of medicinal herbs. True, both brands under consideration can boast of the presence of a huge number of phytocomponents. If we summarize them, we can highlight the following herbs that are used by both manufacturers:

  • Sage.
  • Coriander.
  • Dandelion.
  • Artichoke.
  • Licorice.
  • Nettle.
  • Chamomile.
  • Birch leaf.

All these components normalize metabolism, improve blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on digestion in general. In addition, herbs are a source of many vitamins.

It is important to remember that your pet’s diet must be balanced and meet its needs. Pedigree dogs are especially picky in this regard. Therefore, the choice of food for them should be approached carefully.


Even a professional can get confused in a large number of feeds. What can we say about the average dog lover? Which dog food to choose depends on the breed, condition of the pet and financial capabilities.

The samples from the German manufacturer are diverse and can satisfy the demanding taste of the animal owner and the dog’s preferences. You can choose food even for sick four-legged friends. However, the price may put some owners off.

Food from a domestic manufacturer is a good alternative to expensive brands. Its composition is well balanced. The “True Friends” brand, despite the low cost of the product, offers premium food. Therefore, if you need to choose a high-quality diet, but not spend a lot of money, you can safely recommend a Russian manufacturer.

general description

The Rostov company produces food that costs much less than its foreign counterparts, and therefore its products enjoy the well-deserved attention of pet owners.

Advantages of “True Friends” food.

  • Among the advantages, the first place is low cost when compared with other premium foods.
  • The second undoubted advantage is the fact that this food can be purchased in almost all city pet stores and even in some grocery markets.
  • Availability of dry and wet food for different ages and breeds of dogs.
  • The absence of ingredients in the diet that could harm the pet, which can also be considered an important factor when choosing the best food for your four-legged friend.

This food has many disadvantages:

  • too meager composition of the diet with a minimum set of healthy ingredients;
  • the presence of cheap and therefore completely useless products for the pet’s body;
  • almost complete absence of real meat in its pure form, it is simply replaced by meat meal in dry food and cheap offal in wet diets;
  • lack of diets with specialized diets in the existing lines.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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