Happy Dog dog food: composition, price, reviews from dog owners, advantages and disadvantages

The premium food category includes dog food Happy dog. The composition and reviews of veterinarians and ordinary dog ​​breeders only strengthen the high position of this food in general ratings. What else is the secret of Happy Dog's success? It's all about the manufacturer's attitude towards their product.

It is thought out from the packaging design to the smallest components of the composition. It is also captivating that production is carried out according to European standards, and the factories are located in Germany, which indicates constant quality control and compliance with numerous quality requirements. Let's try to figure out whether this diet is really so ideal.

Distinctive features of the Happy Dog brand

The wide range of Happy Dog brand products is justified by the fact that in their production they use high-quality products from German farms, which allow them to include various raw materials in their feed.

The phrase of Happy Dog CEO Georg Müller: “We use only high-quality proteins in combination with the valuable properties of herbs and fruits” is the motto of the entire production.

Veterinarians' opinions

What do experts think about Happy Dog dog food? Reviews show that it is important to pay attention to product labels. After all, the first place may be the meat component or the carbohydrate component. Some foods can be compared to premium, while others are considered an economy option.

Some veterinarians do not recommend taking food as the main component of the diet. But for occasional use it is just right. The food has a rich composition, which is rarely the case in low-quality products. In the assortment you can find the best option, acceptable in quality and price.

Experts note the beneficial composition of the feed. The products are valued due to the presence of plant and animal protein. And the taste variety is provided by the addition of fish products. Food should only be given to your pet occasionally.

Happy Dog dry food line

The Happy Dog brand has a wide variety of dry food. Based on the pet's age, health status and physical activity, the owner can choose food for the dog that meets its needs.

The existing Happy Dog dry food line includes:

  • Happy Dog Junior – for puppies;
  • Happy Dog Adult – for adult dogs;
  • Happy Dog Senior – for older dogs;
  • Happy Dog Supreme – food for overweight dogs at risk of obesity;
  • Dry food for large breeds and for dogs leading an active lifestyle;
  • For decorative and small breeds;
  • For pets prone to allergies.

Features of feeding dogs

Various studies are currently being conducted on the nutrition of pets, but so far there is no consensus on this. Still, there are some feeding rules:

  1. Nutrition should be moderate. You don’t need to rely solely on your pet’s appetite when setting food norms. Only with time will it become clear how much food the animal needs.
  2. It takes 20 minutes for your dog to become satiated. It is advisable to remove food 20 minutes after it has been placed. This approach will help accustom your pet to a schedule.
  3. You can feed 2 times a day. This is the norm for an adult pet. It is necessary to adhere to the temporary regime.
  4. Food should not be salted. All products contain salt, and this is enough for the dog.
  5. Requires a bowl stand. You should buy a special product or create it yourself. This will allow you to place the bowl at the desired level.
  6. The dog must have fresh water, which is especially important when consuming ready-made food.
  7. You should purchase products with a rich composition.
  8. Even if you skip a feeding, you do not need to give the animal a double portion.
  9. The dog should have a varied diet. But even if the animal eats certain foods, new foods still need to be introduced.
  10. There should be a period between walking and feeding. If you are planning a walk or physical activity, then food should be given to the animal no later than 2 hours before leaving.

The diet of an adult dog should include the following components:

  1. 30-50% - meat and offal.
  2. 25-35% - cereals.
  3. 20-30% - dairy products.
  4. 10-15% - vegetables.

It is advisable to give your dog meat and dairy products, and cereals and vegetables should play a secondary role. This provides normal nutrition for the development of the animal. Dairy products should not be combined with meat and vegetables. Meat should be given separately or with vegetables. You can include vegetable oil or chopped fresh herbs in your diet. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian who will determine what food is best for your dog.

Price and composition of Happy Dog food

Prices for Happy Dog dry food vary depending on the lines and weight of the pack. The cost of feed directly depends on its composition.

  • Happy Junior puppy food is available in packs of 1kg, 4kg and 10kg. The approximate price of each pack is 526 rubles, 1618 rubles. and 3,500 rub. The composition of the food is rich in proteins and proteins, which guarantee the small pet proper growth and provides the body with sufficient energy. Also, the food is enriched with herbs that will help relieve inflammation and remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Food for adult dogs Happy Dog Adult. For the convenience of customers, packs of feed are presented in 5 weight categories: 1kg, 4kg, 12.5kg, 15kg, 18kg. The price of food varies from 578 rub. up to 5,740 rub. depending on the weight of the pack. The food contains rabbit meat and natural salmon protein. The food is enriched with fatty acids, B vitamins, fiber and iodine. The food also contains New Zealand shellfish, which contains glucosamine, which is intended to support healthy joints.
  • As you know, older dogs require special care. Happy Dog Senior dry food, intended for older dogs, is rich in vitamins. The food is enriched with vitamins E and C, they slow down aging and help maintain strong immunity. The food contains poultry, lamb and natural salmon protein.
  • Happy Dog Supreme food, designed for overweight dogs, is enriched with plant fiber and prebiotics, which helps improve digestion. To prevent excess weight and maintain dog health, Supreme food has a reduced fat content; the food consists of poultry meat, which has a low calorie content. The food is presented in packs of 4.12 and 12.5 kilograms. The cost of a pack also depends on weight and varies from 1,972 to 5,251 rubles.
  • Dry food for dogs with an active lifestyle has a higher calorie content and contains a large amount of protein than other foods. Thanks to this, the dog can perform heavy physical activity while maintaining its daily diet. The composition includes lamb meat, herbs and potatoes. Cost: 300 rub. (300g), 500 rub. (1kg), 1,400 rub. (4kg), 6,500 (12.5kg).
  • Food for decorative and small breeds is enriched with essential fats and microelements. Rich in Omega essential fatty acids, dogs can maintain their health and have a shiny, smooth coat. The food does not have a high calorie content, which helps maintain the pet’s energy balance. The cost of dry food is: 350 rubles (300g); 550 rubles (1kg), 1450 rubles (4 kg).
  • For dogs prone to allergies, there is a special dry food in the Happy Dog line. The food includes poultry and potatoes, is gluten-free and is suitable for grain intolerant dogs. The cost of food varies from 300 rubles (300g) to 7,500 (12.5 kg).

Price, where to buy?

Happy Dog can be purchased at any pet store. Some veterinary clinics and kennel clubs also supply it. Prices for different lines - Renal, Junior and Supreme, dietary and other forms - are approximately the same, because they contain relatively equal proportions of plant and meat components. But there is a difference depending on the weight of the pack. Therefore, it is important to understand how much packs of different weights cost.

Type of dog foodPackage weight, kgApproximate price, rubles
Canned dog food Happy Dog0,4/0,7599/167

Other foods from Happy Dog

The Happy Dog brand is rich not only in a large selection of dry food, but also has a wide range of wet food. Happy Dog canned dog food is a mono-protein product that is suitable for dogs with sensitive digestion, allergies and intolerance to food ingredients.

The wet food line includes lamb, turkey, beef and game flavors. This product is suitable both for preparing an independent diet and as an additive to cereals.

The range also includes Happy Dog medicinal food. Dietary food is suitable for dogs with various types of diseases and will help maintain the health of the pet. These foods are enriched with vitamins, minerals and prebiotics.

Treats for dogs from

If you set out to teach your pet new commands or simply accustom him to exemplary behavior during a walk, you can’t do without tidbits here. With their help, you can encourage your dog, they take a long time to chew and the animals really like them.

These products are made from natural ingredients, enriching the taste with active ingredients. Tasty rewards are sold in the form of chewing bones, sausages, strips of beef, veal, turkey, tripe. Additionally, they help clean your pet’s teeth from plaque and tartar, massage the gums, preventing loosening of the teeth and strengthening them.

Advice. If you feed your dog Happy Dog food (whether dry or wet), veterinarians recommend that you always provide your dog with plenty of fresh water to drink.

Research by specialists.

The components that make up Happy Dog dry food have been analyzed by specialists.

Some product shortcomings have been identified:

  • Most feeds contain corn. It is a source of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins and is not nutritious for animals.
  • The composition does not contain information about the type of meat that was used in the feed (fillet or offal).

Despite this, there are much more advantages:
  • The composition is enriched with a large amount of animal protein. The meat content in the feed is 25%.
  • The concentration of vitamins and minerals is high enough for the owner to make do with food only and not resort to additional supplements.
  • The food contains a variety of herbs - sources of fiber. They support proper digestion in dogs.
  • The feed is enriched with fats and amino acids. They promote proper development, growth, and tissue regeneration. Necessary for the correct functioning of the nervous system.


Dog food "Happy Dog" has the following advantages:

  • presence of natural ingredients;
  • some options have a rich composition;
  • presence of vitamins and mineral components;
  • food prevalence;
  • rich range of food;
  • there is a therapeutic series for animals with poor health;
  • There are no artificial substances or plant substitutes.

Buyers' opinion

Reviews of Happy Dog dog food are very diverse. Most positive ratings fall into the “How much the dog likes it” category.

For picky dogs, Happy Dog products are the best option.

  • The food was highly rated by owners of dogs with allergies and food intolerances.
  • Positive reviews were left by owners of neutered dogs and dogs with various diseases.
  • Negative reviews are mainly based on individual intolerance to certain components included in the food.

It should be noted that before buying this or that product for your pet, you should consult a veterinarian.

He will help you choose from a large assortment of the Happy Dog brand the food that is suitable for your dog!

Why choose this particular food?

Dog food "Happy Dog" is enriched with beneficial herbs and phytocomponents. Compared to other products, this brand has a rich line of nutrition, which includes food for daily animal feeding and dietary products. The dog owner can choose a special diet, for example, if the pet has food intolerance, digestive sensitivity, allergies, skin ailments and excess weight.

Another advantage of the food is the presence of artichoke, dandelion, ginger, chamomile, licorice root, nettle, birch leaf, sage, and coriander. The presence of plant components restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, blood circulation and metabolism. The feed is highly digestible (90%), which significantly reduces the daily intake and saves costs.

Photo of dog food Happy Dog

Manufacturer information

The food is produced by the German company Interquell. This is one of the most famous producers of dry food for animals in Europe. The company has been successfully positioning itself in the market for many years; its products have gained great popularity not only in Western Europe, but also in Russia.

Happy Dog is a line of food for animals of different ages and with different levels of physical activity. In addition to the dry product, the company produces wet food and a variety of treats. There is also a separate line for frequently ill dogs and for animals with sensitive stomachs.

Animal food is produced using modern equipment from selected raw materials of the highest quality. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies, feed is low cost and accessible to everyone.

Nutrition is provided as follows:

  1. In accordance with the recipe, the manufacturer selects the best products. The purchase of raw materials is carried out from German farms, that is, the raw materials are environmentally friendly and do not contain GMOs;
  2. The ingredients are crushed and mixed using an extruder;
  3. Vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper growth and development of animals are introduced into the resulting homogeneous mass;
  4. From the mass enriched with useful substances, small granules are formed that are convenient for chewing and swallowing;
  5. The finished product is placed in convenient packaging, varying in weight and cost.

Food for sick and weakened animals is additionally enriched with prebiotics. Food for dogs leading an active lifestyle is additionally enriched with animal and vegetable protein.

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers about the food

  • Review of Happy Dog food for adult dogs, from Vladimir:

“My poodle is already elderly. Lately I noticed that Kesha was often constipated and decided to try a product enriched with herbal ingredients. Soon the delicate problem was successfully resolved. The bowel movement has become daily, and the dog looks truly happy and joyful. No wonder this food is called “Happy Dog”.

  • Review of Happy Dog food for puppies, from Elena:

“When we took home a tiny toy terrier puppy, we didn’t know what to feed him. The pet store advised me to try Happy Dog. We immediately liked it because it is inexpensive and contains many useful substances and vitamins. The baby immediately began to grow and develop well. The fur began to shine, the discharge from the eyes disappeared, and the animal became calm. We will soon switch to the same brand of food for adults.”

  • Review of Happy Dog food from Penkina M.A., doctor at the Woof veterinary clinic, Bryansk:

“Constipation and stomach upsets in dogs, especially older ones, are common, especially if owners cannot provide the animals with sufficient physical activity. In this case, food enriched with plant ingredients - Happy Dog - will help solve the problem. The only disadvantage of this diet is that it does not quickly satiate due to the abundance of vegetable protein.”

  • Review of Happy Dog food from Mikhailov S.V., veterinarian at the Zolotaya Rybka clinic, Gatchina:

“Nowadays, obesity in dogs is one of the most common diseases. Obesity negatively affects the animal's heart and blood vessels and contributes to a decrease in physical activity. If the owner notices that the pet is gaining a lot of weight, I recommend switching to Happy Dog food for dogs prone to obesity. The food contains vitamins, minerals and fiber, promoting rapid but painless weight loss.”

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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