Satisfaction dog food: reviews and composition overview

Satisfaction Dog Food Review

The name of dog food Satisfaction is translated into Russian as “Pleasure”, it belongs to the super premium class, produced in Spain, the official website is
We cannot say how much pleasure such food will bring to your pet, but we can determine whether the food is really good by studying the composition and reviews. Read about food from other manufacturers:

Composition of Satisfaction feed

Let's look at the composition of Satisfaction food using the Regular Medium option (for adult dogs of medium breeds) as an example. The first part of the image below shows the composition taken from the official English-language website, and the second part shows its translation. Note that the Russian version of the site indicates a slightly different composition (after poultry proteins there is also whole rice 18%, and the additives contain more vitamins and minerals).

The first ingredient is fresh chicken 20%, but after cooking the meat will lose 3/4 of its volume and in the end it will be about 5%. In third place are still dried poultry proteins (about 18%), which means most of the 26% of proteins indicated in the analysis are of animal origin. However, there is also a rich source of plant proteins - corn gluten, which comes in fourth place.

The source of carbohydrates is rice 18%, fatty acids - chicken fat, fiber - beet pulp. Chicken liver hydrolysate is a natural flavor enhancer, brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins. The supplements also contain vitamins and minerals that are not found in the main ingredients of the food.

Pros and cons of food

The advantages include:

  • most proteins are not of plant origin, but of animal origin (more healthy);
  • have the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • wide range (there are food for dogs of different sizes and ages).
  • preserved foods are not specified (“EU approved” is good, but it must be specified specifically);
  • quite high cost (although large packages, on the contrary, are cheaper than competitors);
  • not very common (but can be bought online).

Composition of feed and its features

The basis of Satisfaction food is fresh meat and rice.
Satisfaction food for dogs of different sizes and age categories consists of the following components:

  • fresh meat;
  • rice;
  • corn gluten;
  • chicken fat;
  • dehydrated poultry proteins;
  • beet pulp;
  • liver hydrolyzate;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • citrus extract;
  • complex of minerals and antioxidant substances;
  • preservatives permitted in the EU.

When consuming this product, the dog receives the following beneficial substances in the following ratio:

  • up to 26% protein compounds;
  • 15-16% fat;
  • from 8% water;
  • 6-7% ash;
  • 1.5-2% calcium;
  • 1-1.5% phosphorus.

In addition, Satisfaction food contains vitamins A, D and E in sufficient quantities.

With regular consumption of it, you can notice the following positive changes in your pet’s condition:

  • the skeleton is strengthened due to the content of calcium and phosphorus;
  • stamina increases and heart function improves under the influence of vitamin E;
  • the condition of the skin and coat is normalized thanks to chicken fat, which contains linoleic acid;
  • the strength of teeth increases due to the fiber content, which also has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract;
  • vision and heart function improve under the influence of taurine.

By purchasing this food for a dog, owners can be sure that the animal will receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements in full.

Satisfaction dog food - reviews

Review of Satisfaction food, writes Diana. Our Dalmatian eats SATISFACTION REGULAR for medium breeds with chicken and rice. The stool is normal, there are no problems with digestion and there have never been any, he eats with pleasure. Before that we tried Hills and Eukanuba, the stool was more abundant. We buy in large bags, it turns out very economical - 250 rubles per kilogram, which is much cheaper than if you take 3 kg packages.

Review of Satisfaction dog food, writes Elena. This food was offered to me at the exhibition; they took the smallest bag for testing. The dog liked it, eats well, and by the end of the package no problems were found. I took it for puppies, my Pembroke Welsh Corgi is only 10 months old.

Review of Satisfaction dog food, writes Svetlana. Previously, they ate Proplan, but the dog’s weight was less than normal. Then we visited one exhibition, they gave us samples of Satisfaction food, and took them. The dog liked it and decided to try it on a permanent basis. It turned out that they did the right thing - they finally gained the missing weight! The dog looks good, we are happy.

Conclusions about Satisfaction food

Reviews about Satisfaction dog food are mostly positive, and its composition is quite good. Considering this, the Dai Paw website has no reason not to recommend it as the main food for your pets.

Feed price Satisfaction

  • Dry dog ​​food Satisfaction 3 kg - about 1600-1700 rubles;
  • Satisfaction dry food for dogs 15 kg - from 3930 to 5300 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food Satisfaction 20 kg - from 5,000 to 5,900 rubles.

*The prices indicated are approximate and may vary depending on the option, store and other factors. These prices are current as of fall 2016.


On specialized online trading platforms, the price for Satisfaction dog food is as follows:

  • Satisfaction PRO Kennel - from 5000 rub. for 20 kg. bag;
  • Satisfaction Puppy Medium - from 1500 rub. for 3 kg;
  • Satisfaction Senior - from 1500 rub. for 3 kg. pack, and from 5000 rub. for 15 kg. bag.

In fact, food is not cheap, but if you take into account its composition and nutritional value, then purchasing it obviously becomes a profitable undertaking.

You can now view the current price of food and buy it right here:

Satisfaction food line

At each stage of life, animals need certain beneficial substances, combined in the right proportions.

Satisfaction foods are available for dogs of different ages and sizes.

The manufacturers of Satisfaction food took this into account, as a result of which 5 varieties of the product were developed:

  • "PRO PUPPY START" for small breed puppies. The basis of this product is chicken and rice, due to which it contains a sufficient amount of protein and calcium, which guarantees high nutritional value and easy digestion. This food is also recommended when transitioning puppies of any breed from breastfeeding to “adult” food.
  • "PRO PUPPY MAXI" for large breed puppies. Just like the previous variety, this type of food is made from chicken and rice, and is ideal for meeting the nutritional needs of a growing animal.
  • "PRO REGULAR MEDIUM" for adults of small breeds and medium-sized dogs. This type of “dog treat” includes chicken and grains, which allows the animal’s body to function normally and resist disease.
  • "PRO REGULAR MAXI" for adult animals of large breeds. This type of food should be purchased for dogs whose weight exceeds 25 kg. The main feature of this product is that its granules are large in size, which is perfect for large animals.
  • "PRO KENNEL" for dogs with normal and average activity levels. The basis of this product is lamb meat, supplemented with cereals. This food will help provide the animal’s body with enough microelements to keep the pet healthy, cheerful and energetic.

Important! When choosing food for your pet, you need to pay attention to the age and size of the animal it is intended for. Adult food should be purchased for dogs between 2 and 7 years of age, and large ones are considered to be those with a body weight of 22-25 kg.

A long path to healthy eating for your beloved dog with a happy ending

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