TOP 10 most powerful and hardy dog ​​breeds in the world

What makes dogs "cool"? When we're young, we often assume that "cool" things are the things that other people buy, wear, or sell on television.

As you get older, it becomes easier to realize that “cool” is a relative term. There's what's cool for you, and then there's what's cool for me, and then there's what's cool for everyone else. In other words, everything is cool for someone!

Therefore, choosing really cool dogs is not so easy, since everyone has their own cool. However, we tried to select for you the top 10 coolest dogs, in our opinion, I hope you like our selection and you agree with us that these dog breeds are really cool.

The most beautiful dog in the world

Beauty is a subjective evaluation criterion. It is impossible to single out the most remarkable dog; each person has his own preferences. The popularity of the breed directly depends not only on the characteristics of character, temperament, but also appearance. The most popular in recent years have been northern dogs (Husky, Malamute, Samoyed), as well as Asian breeds - Akita Inu and Shiba Inu, Chow Chow. They combine not only beauty, but also innate intelligence and original character.


Record holders from all over the world

The strength and power of some four-legged animals turned out to be so amazing that they decided to record them in the Guinness Book of Records. Among the most unusual record holders are 4 dogs:

  1. St. Bernard Raittes Brandy Bear from the American state of Washington. This dog has held the championship since 1978. At the weightpulling competition, Raittes pulled 2905 kg of railway rails over a distance of over 5 meters. For this he was awarded the title of the strongest dog in the world.
  2. Pitbull Tyson from Donetsk. Like Raittes, Tyson competed in pulling weights. Despite the fact that he dragged only 385 kg over 4.8 meters, he was recognized as the strongest dog in Europe. The thing is that Tyson came to the competition without preparation. Due to lack of regular training, the real abilities of this dog are still unknown.
  3. Rottweiler Bewdel from England. Despite its female gender, this dog weighs 95.5 kg, while ordinary male Rottweilers weigh no more than 60 kg. Such an impressive weight is explained by overfeeding, so Byudel is not only the largest, but also the fattest Rottweiler.
  4. Whippet Wendy from Canada. This pet, which received the title of the most muscular, stands out from the rest of the four because of its breed. Due to an accidental genetic glitch, even Arnold Schwarzenegger could envy this hound’s appearance.

With regular training and good physical data, even an ordinary mongrel can become a record holder. For this reason, strength and endurance should not be dulled by a sofa lifestyle. Instead, both qualities are recommended to be used for their intended purpose in different areas of activity.

Top most beautiful dogs

Based on professional criteria for assessing the aesthetics of dogs, we tried to highlight the 40 most beautiful breeds. Among them there are representatives of almost all directions with a unique appearance.

Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

This breed was bred to work on farms and pastures, but today Aussies are increasingly chosen as a pet. They combine natural intelligence, harmonious physique and beautiful marbled coat color. Heterochromia, when the eyes are different colors, is common. They are easy to train; Australian Shepherds can often be seen at breed shows. The price of a puppy starts from 30,000 ₽.

Border Collie

These are some of the smartest dogs in the world. In addition to their unique intelligence, they have a very beautiful appearance. Their long fur is black and white, white and red, or white and chocolate. Particularly popular are border collies with a beautiful merle color and heterochromia. The dogs have a harmonious build and beautiful long ears. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

Alaskan Klee Kai

This is a young breed that looks like a smaller copy of a husky. They inherited from them not only their unique northern appearance, but also their habits - they are very active animals that require exercise. The miniature Klee Kai is easy to train and can become a real member of the family. Cost from 200,000 ₽.

American Akita

These large dogs, bred for protection, make excellent companions when trained correctly. They are notable for their plush, tri-colored coat and intelligent look. Despite their cute appearance, they have a serious character and require proper training. Price from 25,000 ₽.

Afghan Hound

This is an ancient breed of long-haired hunting dogs with a unique appearance. Like other greyhounds, they have thin limbs and are tall. A distinctive feature is its long and silky coat, which requires daily care. In addition to its beautiful appearance, the Afghan Hound also has an obedient character, which is suitable for beginners. Cost from 40,000 ₽.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This is a real giant; dogs of this breed can reach 70 cm at the withers. Despite their enormous size, they are affectionate and easily get along in an apartment. Their appearance is easily recognizable - a tri-color coat with a characteristic white “apron” on the chest. A puppy can be purchased from 25,000 ₽.


The breed stands out for its aristocratic beauty and athletic build. Their body, velvety to the touch, is colored bluish, gray or cream. Eye color is usually light, which is often the cause of poor vision. In addition to their unique appearance, they are versatile hunters and easily get along even in a small apartment. The price starts from 25,000 ₽.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Today this breed has become the hallmark of the English royal family. The dogs have a long and short body, a reddish color. What makes them especially attractive are their unusual ears, which always stand straight up. The Corgi is an active and cheerful dog, suitable for families with children. Cost from 50,000 ₽.

West Highland White Terrier

These miniature and beautiful hunters have today become a real decorative dog, which is suitable for an apartment. They are notable for their coarse, snow-white fur; an interesting beard forms on their muzzle. Despite their small size, they have a powerful jaw and impulsive nature, which is important to consider. Price from 25,000 ₽.


They have a bright and beautiful spotted color. Only individuals with black or brown spots on a white background are allowed for breeding. These are large and energetic animals that need regular exercise. Behind the beautiful appearance of the Dalmatian lies a very difficult character; the breed is recommended only for experienced owners. Price from 20,000 ₽.

Golden retriever

The breed has become very popular due to its combination of beautiful exterior and docile nature. Their golden fur seems to shimmer in the sun, and their eyes always express joy. In addition to their remarkable appearance, retrievers are known as excellent hunters, capable of flawless retrieval. The main disadvantage is gluttony, which can lead to health problems. Cost from 10,000 ₽.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

Outwardly, this husky can easily be confused with a Spitz due to its long fluffy red-copper coat. They have an athletic build and high intelligence, which is valued among hunters. Despite its beautiful appearance, the breed is recommended for experienced owners. Price from 10,000 ₽.


This is a variety of German Wolfspitz bred in Holland. The dog is small in size and has long fluffy wolf-colored fur. They are valued for their attractive exterior and lively character; they are very active animals. The breed is still not officially recognized by the FCI. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

Lhasa apso

A miniature dog, originally from Tibet, prized for its decorativeness and obedience. Their long coat requires regular grooming. Like other Asian breeds, Lhasa Apso have a difficult character and require training. Price from 25,000 ₽.


The Maltese is an excellent choice for those looking for a decorative dog for an apartment. They became popular due to their doll-like appearance and long, snow-white fur. They require regular trimming and brushing. The lap dog is suitable for novice owners. Price from 15,000 ₽.

German Shepherd

This breed has greatly influenced the standards for dogs. They have a recognizable black-backed exterior and an incredible ability to learn. They are used in many countries as service dogs. They are easy to train and get along in an apartment, but it is important to check puppies for chronic diseases. Price from 10,000 ₽.

Norwich Terrier

These charming dogs combine decorativeness and fearlessness. Their miniature size hides an explosive temperament, which is important to take into account when training. They have a balanced build and a beautiful, coarse coat that requires trimming. Price from 50,000 ₽.


The second name of the breed is continental toy spaniel. Her signature feature is her graceful ears, reminiscent of the wingspan of a butterfly. The coat can be colored in a variety of shades and requires regular brushing. Papillons are valued at shows and are suitable for first-time owners. Price from 15,000 ₽.

Pyrenean mountain dog

These gentle giants have practically not changed their appearance over many centuries. They have snow-white fur with a thick undercoat, so the dogs can be used as a guard for their own area. They are easy to train and maintain, but when choosing a puppy it is important to pay attention to the condition of its bones and eyes. Price from 30,000 ₽.

Pomeranian Spitz

Outwardly, these beautiful dogs look like a plush children's toy. They are notable for their long red or white fur, as well as their endlessly surprised look. Pomeranians are very easy to train, but it is important to pay attention to coat care. Price from 10,000 ₽.

German Spitz

Dogs of this breed can easily be confused with a Pomeranian Spitz, the main difference is a more elongated muzzle and a unique wolf coat color (red or white are allowed). They are excellent companions and have a balanced character, which is rare among decorative dog breeds. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

Royal Poodle

A well-groomed royal poodle is a real decoration for any exhibition. These beautiful dogs combine natural intelligence, an aristocratic appearance and a cheerful disposition. They are easy to distinguish due to their unusual hairstyles and curly fur. The breed is recommended only for experienced owners. Price from 30,000 ₽.

Russian greyhound

Dogs of this breed have a recognizable appearance - a thin body, a very long muzzle and hair that hangs all over the body. They are practically unable to express aggression and make good companions. The hound has been used in hound hunting for many centuries. When buying a puppy, it is important to pay special attention to the pedigree. Price from 20,000 ₽.


These Persian Greyhounds were originally bred for hunting, but today the Saluki is bred as a companion dog. These are muscular dogs with a minimum of fat, capable of very fast running. The combination of an almost bald body and long hair on the ears makes them especially decorative. Disadvantage - hereditary puppies can only be purchased in Islamic countries. Cost from 60,000 ₽.

Samoyed dog

Samoyeds are considered one of the best caregivers in the canine world, as well as versatile companions. Another unique feature of the breed is its long, snow-white coat, which is capable of self-cleaning. They are suitable for novice owners and easily get along in an apartment. When choosing this beautiful dog, it is important to consider that they love seafood and fish. Price from 30,000 ₽.

Saint Bernard

This is a charming giant with an easy-going character. Their appearance became popular thanks to the film Beethoven, after which St. Bernards began to be often owned as a family dog. With proper training, they can become good rescuers or security guards. The price starts from 30,000 ₽.

Irish Terrier

This is a unique breed among the terrier group. They have standard body proportions, as well as the ability to run at incredible speeds. They combine an explosive temperament and coarse fur of a reddish-copper hue; a beautiful beard is formed on the muzzle. The Irish Terrier is only recommended for people with experience who can handle their energy. Price from 15,000 ₽.

Irish Setter

The breed was originally bred for hunting, but its luxurious chestnut color brought it great popularity as a pet. These are affectionate and beautiful dogs that do not cope well with loneliness. They require regular exercise and proper care for their long coat. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

English Setter

These beautiful dogs combine childlike playfulness and aristocratic manners. The breed is still used in waterfowl hunting. What makes them aesthetically pleasing is their athletic build and long, spotted coat. They rarely express aggression and easily learn new things. Price from 35,000 ₽.

English Cocker Spaniel

Medium-sized dogs, widely recognized for their docile nature and beautiful appearance. They are notable for their long ears, framed by curls. Despite its decorative appearance, the English Cocker Spaniel does an excellent job of finding and picking up game birds. Cost from 15,000 ₽.

Siberian Husky

The breed is one of the oldest; in recent years, huskies have become very popular due to their unusual wolf-like appearance and light eye color; heterochromia is often observed. There are different colors; a characteristic mask on the face is required. Dogs are not recommended for keeping in an apartment; proper upbringing is required from puppyhood. Price from 15,000 ₽.

Thai Ridgeback

Beautiful dogs are one of the symbols of Thailand. This is a rare breed that is valued for its combination of unique appearance and love for people. They have short, cream or gray coat that is very pleasant to the touch. The eyes of Ridgebacks look especially interesting, as they seem to be squinting. Cost from 60,000 ₽.

Pharaoh Hound

They are classified as primitive dogs, which are the ancestors of all modern breeds. The Maltese Greyhound is valued for its unique obedience and beautiful appearance. They have short brown fur, intelligent eyes and a well-proportioned build. Pharaoh hounds reach their peak appearance only at 1.5 years of age, which is important to take into account when preparing for an exhibition. Price from 50,000 ₽.

Podenco Ibicenco

The second name of the breed is Ibizan Greyhound. These are sporting dogs with a unique appearance. Among all greyhounds, they are easily distinguished by their short white-brown coat, light eyes and flesh-colored nose. They are easy to train and get along with children, and are playful animals even into old age. Cost from 50,000 ₽.


Scottish Shepherds are becoming more and more popular every year. Outwardly, they are an exact copy of a collie, but reduced in size. They have long, tri-colored or merle-colored hair, and puppies are often born with heterochromia. Shelties are among the ten smartest dogs in the world and are good nannies. Price from 30,000 ₽.


This is the smallest shepherd dog in the world, bred in Belgium. Initially it was used for hunting mice, but today the Schipperke is more often bred as a decorative dog. Their medium-length coat is colored deep black; other shades are not allowed. Beautiful appearance is combined with natural intelligence and a stable psyche. Price from 50,000 ₽.


This large herding dog with a beautiful long muzzle is very popular all over the world. Their calling card is a two-tone coat and a sly look. Collies easily learn new commands, get along with children and easily tolerate being kept in an apartment. Suitable for novice owners. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

German dog

Representatives of this breed are real giants; their height at the withers can reach up to 84 cm. They have the habits of an aristocrat and boundless love for their owner. Several varieties of Great Dane colors have been developed, the most popular being solid gray, black and merle colors. They are practically incapable of expressing aggression, but have the disadvantage of a short life expectancy. Price from 35,000 ₽.

White Swiss Shepherd

The calling card of this breed is its snow-white coat of medium length and harmonious build. Swiss Shepherds have excellent health and maintain it until old age. They become attached to the family and their owner, and are often used to serve as a guide dog. When choosing this beautiful breed, you need to be prepared for regular physical activity and caring for the snow-white body. The price starts from 40,000 ₽.

Irish Wolfhound

Today, these giants are kept only as companions. This is a very large dog, males must be at least 79 cm at the withers. They have hard wool of various shades, the most common color being gray. Wolfhounds are very patient and silent, and get along well with children. Behind the stern appearance lies a peaceful and playful character. All representatives of the breed grow slowly and have a short lifespan. Price from 50,000 ₽.

Best breed criteria

There is no single best dog breed, since this concept combines too many different criteria. However, dog handlers talk about ratings regarding the various tasks that an animal must perform. So, we can distinguish several “most” breeds:

  • The cleverest. This refers to the dog’s level of obedience, its ability to remember and reproduce commands, and also make independent decisions if necessary.
  • Devotees. The most loyal dog is called an affectionate and kind dog, which is maximally attached to one owner, and in his absence is very sad.
  • The best guard dogs. For such breeds, attentiveness, wariness of strangers and a tendency to productive learning are important.
  • Dogs for children. We are talking about kind animals with a calm disposition who would love children and not harm them.
  • The best companion dogs. In this aspect, in addition to appearance and obedience, loyalty to children, a flexible and gentle character are of great importance.
  • The best hunting breeds. The ideal hunting dog should be fast, with a keen sense of smell, hardy and attentive. Given the different types of hunting and prey, the requirements for the animal may differ.
  • The most beautiful dogs. Most ratings give priority to breeds with beautiful coats and pretty faces, but this is still one of the most subjective categories.
  • The best dogs for an apartment are breeds whose size and character allow them to get along with families in a limited area.
  • The best breeds for allergy sufferers. Dogs in this category must have hair with a structure reminiscent of human hair. They are characterized by a minimal amount of undercoat or its complete absence, as well as low shedding intensity.

There are no completely hypoallergenic breeds, since even an animal’s skin cells, saliva and other secretions, and not just its fur, can cause a nonspecific immune reaction. But dogs with a special hair structure cause allergies much less often.

Thus, the qualities that a dog should have in each category will be different. If a dog for a child should be calm, patient and kind, then other traits are important for a guard - attentiveness, distrust of strangers and high learning ability.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The beauty of a dog breed can be changed by a combination of appearance and gracefulness in movement.
  2. The most beautiful decorative breeds are the Maltese, Spitz, Klee Kai, Sheltie, Norwich Terrier, Keeshond.
  3. Among the medium-sized breeds, the most notable are the Dalmatian, Thai Ridgeback, Pharaoh Hound, Ibicenco Podenco, Samoyed, Saluki, Husky and Aussie.
  4. The most beautiful giants are the Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, St. Bernard, Afghan Hound and Bernese Mountain Dog.

Which breeds do you consider the most beautiful? Share your opinion in the comments.

Where to channel your dog's strength and endurance?

The strongest dogs perform well in protecting the owner and territory, as well as in cynological sports. In the first case, the main role is played by impressive dimensions, muscles and territorial instinct.

When participating in dog sports, the requirements for four-legged dogs depend on the type of discipline chosen. Whitepulling, coursing, skipulling, skijoring, canicross, bikejoring and sled dog racing require endurance and teamwork. When choosing agility, flyball, dog frisbee and freestyle, the most important thing is artistry and intelligence, which allows you to master different tricks and the order of passing the obstacle course.

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German Shepherd

These are smart “working” dogs. German Shepherds are used as police dogs, guide dogs, and herding dogs. Also widely used as watchdogs.

  • Pros: This breed makes excellent watchdogs. Dogs are energetic and love to play, but they also know when to be calm and reserved. Puppies of this breed are smart and sensitive to the wishes of their owners, so they are easy to train. These child-friendly dogs are agile and confident, making them suitable for active families.
  • Cons: German Shepherds shed a lot, so it's good if you don't have carpet in your home. Dogs of this breed usually do not like other dogs. Hide shoes and any breakable items because these dogs love to gnaw and chew on everything. German Shepherds are suspicious of strangers.

Irish Wolfhound

These dogs are not only strong. They are also quite fast. Some dog breeders even call them “Irish Greyhounds.”

  • Pros: These massive dogs deter criminals from attacking, but they'd rather lick them to death than hurt a person. The friendliness of Irish wolfhounds knows no bounds. They get along with everyone.
  • Cons: Dogs of this breed cannot tolerate hot climates. They have a well-developed hunting instinct, so they need to be trained as puppies. Irish Wolfhounds are playful, but they need training to avoid harming their playmates. They do not live long - 8-11 years.

American Bandog

This breed was created by crossing a mastiff with a bulldog.

  • Pros: Bandogs are used as guard dogs, and they do an excellent job. Brave and strong, these dogs will give their lives for their owners. These massive animals have short, easy-to-groom fur. Bandogs can be affectionate and loyal to their owners, but they are not recommended to be allowed near children and other animals.
  • Cons: Because they are primarily guard dogs, they can be very dangerous. Need intense training. They are wary and distrustful of strangers, so from birth dogs must be taught not to rush at the first person they meet. For many, the Bandog is considered a mongrel. If you are not completely sure that it is the Bandog that you need, then it is best to choose another breed.

German dog

If you love horses, then this breed is for you. They grow to the size of ponies. Although Great Danes are one of the strongest dog breeds, they are gentle giants by nature.

  • Pros: They are loving and loyal dogs. They get along well with other pets and children. They have average intelligence, but are very easy to train. These giants are very energetic and playful, making them a great fit for an active family that loves to travel.
  • Cons: Almost every negative aspect of Great Danes has to do with their size. They can easily knock over children and knock over furniture. They need an experienced trainer to teach them how to control their body while they are still quite small. This breed grows quickly in a short period of time. This is why they get injured more often than other dogs.

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Rhodesian Ridgeback

This strong dog with a tough temperament was bred to guard livestock and homes, which explains its overprotective instincts. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is originally from Rhodesia in Africa (now Zimbabwe and Zambia). With a powerful, athletic build and natural tracker skills, they were traditionally used in tracking lions.

However, they are essentially versatile dogs that can be trained for any purpose. Rhodesian Ridgebacks have strong, independent personalities and require plenty of training, socialization and love from an early age. Trained Rhodesian Ridgebacks are even-tempered and affectionate.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are also known for their high endurance and fearless nature. In addition to their strong and muscular body and tall stature, a distinctive physical characteristic of these dogs is the presence of a ridge of backward-growing hair on their spine.

Siberian Huskies

These fluffy beauties will not be able to help a person on a hunt, nor will they protect the house from burglary, however, their complex work is worthy of admiration. There is an assumption that the breed was bred by nomadic tribes in the 20th century to overcome huge distances across the snow-covered expanses of Siberia.

Now dogs are used as a carrier of heavy loads in harsh northern conditions, but many owners get and try to domesticate such pets.

Their main feature is the need for physical activity and an active lifestyle (walking at least 7 hours a day). Therefore, if you are not ready to devote so much time to your husky and like to be lazy, then you should not buy it.

The weight of adult individuals is about 20-27 kg, and the height is from 50 to 58 centimeters.

Let's describe modern husky standards:

  • Strong, proportional build, deep chest, straight limbs.
  • High-set ears that give a slight resemblance to wolves.
  • Thick coat that can withstand sub-zero temperatures.


The regions of Central Asia are the birthplace of this pet, where it acquired its second name - the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. This dog has a rich history of origin, dating back 4000 years ago, when representatives of the breed protected nomadic shepherds and their herds.

The dog has a sharp mind and intelligence, and is calm in various situations. He approaches his duties in the service of a person very responsibly (in security activities at work and at home), if he is regularly trained. Can sometimes be stubborn. Be careful when raising your puppy, do not use force, otherwise this may lead to the development of aggressiveness. Adults like to warn their owner about the presence of a stranger by barking.

Height parameters are 65-79 cm, weight minimum 40 kg, maximum 80 kg.

Alabai's appearance:

  • Proportional physique and powerful muscles.
  • Well developed chest.
  • Hard and dense wool of black, brown, gray and brindle colors. Often, several basic shades of the palette are combined.


Powerful and muscular, these pets can easily perform almost any job. They can be trimmed in the summer to help dogs cope with the heat better.

  • Pros: Patient and kind, these furry family members actually prefer the company of children. Great family dog! These loving animals are very sociable and friendly. Despite its size, the Newfoundland does not require intense exercise, but it loves to play. They are easy to train and know no greater joy than to please their owner.
  • Cons: Newfoundlands do not do well when left alone. Therefore, if you are often away from home, consider getting a different breed. This pet sheds and drools. If you have a private house, make the fence higher, because... the dog will hunt every bird and squirrel it sees. Newfoundlands are very curious.

Great Pyrenees

These beautiful dogs are as strong and resilient as the mountains they are named after. Another name for the breed is Pyrenean mountain dog.

  • Pros: These dogs are absolutely gorgeous, with white fluffy coats and soulful brown eyes. Gentle and loving pets, they get along well with children. The Pyrenees does well in both warm and cold climates, but prefers the cold. These energetic dogs need an active family where they will feel useful.
  • Cons: Like other dogs of similar size, Pyrenees need to be trained before they become too large and cause harm to others. These are excellent guard dogs, so you need to choose your pet with care, because... some lines are bred to be more aggressive. Another disadvantage is that these dogs shed heavily.


This breed has not gained much popularity. She is created from several other breeds, including the St. Bernard, Landseer and Great Pyrenees.

  • Pros: Affectionate and playful, this dog is great for little ones. These active pets love being part of the family and want to do what you do. Leonbergers are active and curious. Suspicious of strangers, this dog makes an excellent watchdog.
  • Cons: Puppies love to chew, bite and bark, so training is required to curb these desires. Although they love children, Leonbergers are massive and can easily harm a child. Like most large dogs, they require a lot of space, making it difficult for them to live in apartments.


The first mention of this dog dates back to about 4000 BC. In the 16th century in Great Britain, dukes liked to organize horse races and similar dog competitions as fun.

Read Short-legged dogs - top 20 breeds

The breed combines lightness and speed, which helps it to be an excellent runner and hunter of forest animals, thanks to the structure of its long, thin limbs. When hunting, he shows calmness and restraint, becoming a good companion.

It stands out among other individuals for its loyalty and devotion to its owners. The caudate requires a number of physical activities every day.

The height at the withers reaches 68-75 cm, the approximate weight is 27-40 kg.

External data of the greyhound:

  • A specific, thin figure with a sloping back.
  • Developed muscular frame.
  • Elongated triangular head.
  • Short-haired animals, which greatly simplifies care.
  • Color standards are black, red, white and fawn.

It is noteworthy that he ranks first in the list of the fastest individuals in the category - field game hunting and racing. After all, the dog simply needs to increase its speed in a professional environment.

Estrela Shepherd

This is a relatively new breed, having only been included in the AKC registry in 2004. Although the official breed standard was adopted 70 years earlier - in 1934. Another name for the breed is Estrela Mountain Dog.

  • Pros: These loyal and energetic dogs make excellent watchdogs. Thanks to their innate endurance and health, dogs of this breed live on average about 16 years. This is quite a lot for dogs of this size. This pooch's long, beautiful coat does not get dirty easily, making it easy to maintain. Estrel Shepherds love children.
  • Cons: Like many strong dogs, this fur bear is independent and willful. For proper training, you will have to hire a good trainer. Although mountain dogs are generally good with children, they are not fond of other animals. This breed is recommended for experienced dog owners.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This woolly dog ​​prefers cool climates. The breed is also called the Bernese Shepherd or Greater Swiss Dog.

  • Pros: While Bernese Mountain Dogs are considered one of the strongest breeds, they are also great with children and other pets. These are affectionate and friendly dogs. Mountain Dogs love to work and enjoy learning tricks and playing sports. Thanks to their natural intelligence, these giants are easy to train. It is very important for them to please their owners. There is no aggression in these fur giants and they are friendly to everyone they meet.
  • Cons: they are very beautiful, but beauty requires constant care, and the long coat makes this task tiring. The Bernese Shepherd also sheds quite a lot. If you don't like being licked, this slobbery beast is not for you. Due to its excessive playfulness, the breed needs obedience training from a very early age.


These are calm, brave and heavy dogs. They can weigh up to 60 kg.

  • Pros: Intelligent and attentive, Rottweilers make excellent working dogs. They are surprisingly friendly and sociable. Despite their reputation, when trained correctly they are gentle and family friendly.
  • Cons - Training should begin as soon as possible, while they are still small enough to be easy to handle. Rottweilers generally do not like other animals. They do not like to be alone and become destructive and aggressive if they are bored.

Alaskan Malamute

Although the Alaskan Malamute is similar to the Siberian Husky, it has a stronger and more muscular build. This makes sense considering that the Inuit tribes of Western Alaska once used Alaskan Malamutes for hunting and carrying cargo in difficult terrain.

Alaskan Malamutes not only have a powerful body, but also a strong, independent and mischievous character. Hence, they are the best choice for experienced dog owners to keep them under control. If you can manage the stubborn and willful temperament of Alaskan Malamutes, they will make wonderful pets.

One of their most valuable qualities is patience, especially with children. But keep in mind that even if the Alaskan Malamute does not cross difficult terrain, it needs plenty of daily exercise.

Bulldog (pit bull, American, English, etc.)

Bulldogs have a bad reputation because of their similar appearance to pit bulls. In fact, dogs of any breed can be obedient if trained correctly.

  • Pros: Smart and loyal, these muscular companions are easy to train. Due to their short coat, bulldogs do not require long-term grooming. Known as “nanny dogs,” they love children. They are playful and caring. Most dogs of these breeds are calm and quiet.
  • Cons: Make sure you get your pet from a reputable breeder who does not breed fighting dogs. Like other strong breeds of dogs, bulldogs need to be trained.

Saint Bernard

Imagine that you are in a movie. The screen shows that someone is stuck in a snowstorm. Suddenly, to the accompaniment of heroic music, a friendly dog ​​appears with a keg of hot soup around his neck. This is the St. Bernard.

  • Pros: Affectionate breed. The Saint Bernard is great for families with children and other pets. Dogs are a little lazy and do not show much activity. Thanks to this, they easily adapt to life in an apartment, even if it is small. The main thing is that animals can sometimes go outside and exercise.
  • Cons: They don't handle heat well. Despite their friendliness and intelligence, these giants are difficult to train. They like to do things their own way. They love to drool and shed heavily. Be prepared for some intense cleaning.


Surely, you are not surprised by the presence of the Doberman in our rating. These dogs grow to large sizes. Despite this, they are incredibly graceful. Dobermans belong to the mastiff family.

  • Pros: Dobermans are brave and loyal dogs, affectionate with all family members. They make excellent watchdogs. They are easy to train.
  • Cons: Due to their excessive energy and playfulness, these dogs must be exercised regularly to avoid becoming aggressive predators and to have the opportunity to burn off excess energy. Although this dog gets along well with the children it lives with, Doberman Pinschers cannot be considered a breed that is friendly to all children. Some puppies of this breed can be skittish, so they need a good trainer.

German boxer

This breed has an imposing stature that belies its personality. Usually it won’t hurt a fly, but if the dog is not trained, it can attack smaller animals.

  • Pros: They are affectionate dogs that are very good with family, including children and other dogs. Boxers are intelligent and easy to train. They do not bark so often and do not try to escape from their owners. This energetic family member will be able to adapt to apartment life if given exercise.
  • Cons: Due to their muscular body, boxers have an intimidating appearance, but this is a false impression. In fact, due to their excessive friendliness, they are not even used as guard dogs. Boxers love mild climates, so care must be taken when going outside in cold or hot weather. Although this is one of the strongest breeds, these dogs do not tolerate loneliness well and do not like to be left alone for a long time.
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