Chinese and not only: how to choose the right nickname for a Pekingese

Looking for a suitable name for your Chinese Crested Dog? Every future dog owner is faced with the question “What to name the dog?” This issue cannot be taken lightly, because names for dogs, like for people, are given only once. This list will help you decide on a suitable name for your dog and will help you choose the coolest and most unusual nickname.

The most common names for dogs are English, Russian, German, Japanese and French. The most unusual examples are collected on our website.

Our website also contains other lists with unusual names for animals. Read and choose, good luck!

What to name a Pekingese

Does your new Pekingese need a name? Keep in mind that you will use your Pekingese's name hundreds or thousands of times every week! Therefore, try to choose a name that will completely satisfy you. Changing your puppy's name later can be very confusing and will confuse your pet for a long time.

We have created a list of over 150 popular nicknames and names for Pekingese girls and boys, and we hope that here you will find a truly suitable name for your pet! Remember that dogs understand short commands well, so names should be short and easy to remember. The best names in this regard are those with two syllables or less.

Also keep in mind that your pet's name should not be similar to the team. For example, if you call it "Sid", it will be very similar to the regular "sit" command. This name can easily confuse your Pekingese.

How else can you come up with name ideas? Try to remember names or names of things or perceptions that you associate with positive things. For example, your vacation spot, an island, an exotic drink or a memorable city in another country. Try to find a famous name from stories or stories you have read or heard.

Respecting the puppy's pedigree

To give a sonorous and unusual name to a Pekingese girl or boy, you can use the method that is used for the nicknames of purebred dogs. By adding the first letters of the parents' names, you can get an original, unusual name for your pet.

  • This name is unlikely to be given to a neighbor's dog, or even in nearby yards. If the dog has a pedigree, then often you don’t have to rack your brains over the name; it is already included in the passport issued by the canine service.

If the nickname is very pretentious, difficult to pronounce, then, following the accepted rules, it is enough to name the dog so that the nickname corresponds to the first letter of the name indicated in the documents.

Nicknames for Pekingese boys

Archie, Mike, Marty, Fluff, Teddy, Loyd, Luke, Tyler, Texas, Parker, Rich, Baron, Bucks, Chucky, Chief, Buggy, Beckham, Bike, White, Vic, Vegas, Wonder, Claude, Cupid, Volt, Vegas, Valley, Zidane, Rolf, Rudolph, Ringo, Rustley, Norman, Yarmak, Oliver, Scooby Doo, Wooddy, Pike, Will, Shorty, Goober, Gray, Gucci, Osborne, Ernie, Largo, Bond, Butler, Simon, Simba , Sam, Oscar, Torias, Umka, Skiff, Milo, Monty, Maurice, Olympus, Stiff, Sultan, Stitch, Sonic, Newman, Dave, Dante, Dobie, Diesel, Stifler, Tim, Nike, Filya, Gus, Button, Frank , Fang, Uranus, White, Leo, Larry, Lexus, Dustin, Duncan, Stark, Clif, Nord, Onyx, Hans, Henry, Gore, Harold, Jerry, Nick, Persian, Prime, Pele, Ronnie, Sheldon, Shah, Alvin , Ryder, Walter, Yakut, Raymond, Hardy, Hulk, Georges, Zeus, Charlie, Clyde, Casper, Kai, Kurt, Kazbek, Pikey, Eric, Snake, Happy, Harris, Theo, Twix, Timon, Walt, Urwin, Fry , Fidel, Khaki, Tsesei, Chip, Chase, Justin.

Nicknames for Pekingese girls

Jessie, Molly, Doxie, Richie, Sherry, Gerda, Jess, Candy, Busya, Beauty, Tori, Penny, Sandy, Casey, Sally, Poly, Blackie, Vesta, Dusya, Tosya, Aisa, Alba, Amber, Beta, Bertha, Vicky, Vega, Viva, Gabi, Gucci, Shelby, Tootsie, Gloria, Goldie, Alma, Lilu, Jaycee, Jeta, Diya, Zhulya, Zlata, Kira, Kenya, Laura, Masya, Miley, Roxy, Rhonda, Fiona, Elsa, Remy, Sanda, Strelka, Selina, Salma, Stacey, Keri, Maya, Moska, Nancy, Perry, Alice, Fanny, Beans, Taska, Terra, Thea, Tracy, Holdy, Tsara, Chelsea, Cher, Cleo, Tiara, Taya, Heidi, Foxy, Tessa, Ulli, Umbra, Flash, Chloe, Helga, Honey, Zita, Ilsa, Irma, Utah, Yumi, Ollie, Party, Pixie, Paris, Piggy, Chita, Chasey, Chucky, Chessa, Sheila, Elba.

Do you think your Pekingese has a great name?

Please tell us his name and why you chose him? Just add a comment below!

Nicknames, names for dogs for boys and girls

After you have purchased a puppy and brought it into your home, an important question arises: what to name a boy’s dog or a girl’s dog? But is it really important to immediately choose a name for a new friend who will become a full-fledged member of your family?

A quick choice of a name or nickname for dogs of boys and girls will allow you to: form a direct connection with the dog, talk with your pet during training, quickly train your pet to respond to your call. That's why it's so important to choose a name for your dog!

The choice of music lovers, film buffs, flower and nature lovers

Music lovers call Pekingese girls Flute, Strunka, Notka, Gamma, Quinta. Movie buffs can give the dog the name of a famous movie or pop star, Hollywood actress and top model: Monroe, Marceau, Lola, Angelina, Linda, Sandra, Jessica, Kylie. Flower themes are also acceptable for dog names: Rose, Astra, Mimosa, Chamomile, Violet, Yucca, Lavender and Gloria. Thunderstorm, Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard, Snow, Rainbow, Spring, Dawn, Dewdrop - various natural phenomena, seasons are sometimes reflected in dog names. Lagoon, Wave, Undine are a marine theme inherent in the names of dog names. Select a name based on the dog's month of birth. Everything is extremely simple here: March, May, August, September, October, December, and in the same spirit.

How to find a suitable name for a dog

One option is fictional characters. You can name a dog after your favorite cartoon character, book or even computer game. You can choose the name of the main character or even the villain - everything will depend on the character or appearance of the puppy.

Famous people are another source that can be used. You can choose a nickname from the names of famous rulers, such as, for example, Napoleon or Charlemagne. You can dwell on the names of the inventors: Leonardo da Vinci, Edison. Or you can name a dog after a poet, writer, musician, movie star or famous athlete.

The country of origin of the breed is another direction for finding a suitable nickname. You can take the name of the country itself or part of it. When choosing a nickname, some turn to stars and other celestial bodies. For example, if the dog is a hunting dog, then it can be named “Rigel” - in honor of the brightest star in the constellation Orion (hunter).

Sometimes it happens that a name for a dog is chosen, but it does not suit the appearance of the puppy or is not liked by other family members. Despite the fact that the list of dog names may be endless, choosing a specific name becomes a serious problem for many.

Sometimes a dog's name comes to mind automatically when you first look at your pet. In other cases, it is necessary to compare different options, think about the etymology, and agree on the name with other family members. It is necessary to choose a name that would be completely suitable for the puppy itself, would be harmonious and would be liked by your loved ones.

Why choose a Chinese name for your dog?

If you're interested in Chinese dog names, you should know that Chinese is actually described as a language family, and it has many different varieties, including Hakka, Hui, Gan, Jin, Mandarin, Ming, Ping, Wu, Xiang, and Yue. The greatest variety in range and number of speakers is Mandarin . This also includes different dialects. In fact, each variety has several other dialects. Cantonese is a form of Yue and is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in China

Chinese languages ​​are ancient and inscriptions have been found from 1200 BC. C. Of course, this means that different varieties have had time to develop in different directions. This is why foreign language students are taught Standard Chinese, which is largely based on Cantonese .

The basic unit is the syllable. In the Chinese Standard there are about 400 different syllables from which all combinations are made. Differences in pitch and tone help differentiate words. Logograms are written in Chinese . As you can see, Chinese is a very difficult language. If you have time to learn it, it's worth it..

Another reason to choose one of these Chinese dog names is because of the beauty of Chinese and oriental culture. There are many characters in its literature, cinema, history and culture. Chinese dog breeds also indicate the importance of dogs in this culture throughout history. The Chinese dog names we've collected can be used for both male and female , then you have twice as many options to consider.

How to name an aristocrat of the dog world: the best nicknames for Pekingese

Pekingese dogs are deservedly called the aristocrats of the canine world - they do not spoil furniture and things, do not bark for no reason, but prefer to lie proudly on the bed arranged for them or even in the bed of the owner.

A pet with such noble manners needs a special nickname, emphasizing its connection with the Chinese emperors, expressing the character traits and individuality of the owner.

What else you can pay attention to: ideas for inspiration

There are a lot of reasons for choosing one name or another - from the obvious qualities of appearance to the temperament of the dog, as well as the character traits of the owner, his profession, etc.

Chinese nicknames

Obviously, the connection between the name and the homeland of origin of the Pekingese (China) is more than clear.

Therefore, you can choose Chinese nicknames - in the case of this breed they always sound appropriate (they can be given to both a boy and a girl):

  • Ai;
  • Bao;
  • Akina;
  • Jia;
  • Aiko;
  • Kyoko;
  • Tenshi;
  • Mitsu;
  • Kiu;
  • Nima;
  • Maeko;
  • Niu;
  • Hana;
  • Rowe;
  • Yume.

Selection according to the personal characteristics of the owner

Here the choice can turn out to be quite unique, because everyone will choose a nickname in accordance with their own characteristics - for example, in connection with their profession or the names that children like. Therefore, you can give full play to your imagination, excluding only ridiculous and difficult to pronounce names.

General recommendations for choosing a name for a dog

A puppy born in a kennel already has an official name. Usually it consists of several words and is quite difficult to pronounce, so dog breeders give their animals additional, “pet” nicknames.

On a note. The official nickname can be shortened. For example, calling a boy Archibald simply Archie.

To give a Pekingese a suitable nickname, you must adhere to general recommendations:

  1. The name should be short, clear and euphonious. The optimal length is 2-3 syllables.
  2. Dog handlers do not recommend giving nicknames that resemble commands, as they complicate mutual understanding. For example, the boy's name Pound is similar to "Ew!", and the girl's nickname Cindy is similar to "Sit!"
  3. Pekingese, like other breeds, are not called by Russian human names. This is not entirely ethical, and besides, owners are often embarrassed to call their dog in public, which leads to flaws in their upbringing.
  4. It is not customary to give boys female nicknames, and girls male nicknames. The dog won't notice the difference, but those around you most likely won't understand such humor.
  5. Choosing offensive names is not encouraged - they degrade the dignity of animals.
  6. It is undesirable to name a pet by the name of a deceased pet - nothing will bring back an old friend. To rid yourself of sad memories, you should start from scratch.

At first, the Pekingese puppy is called only by its full name, without diminutive suffixes.

For example, the boy Astor will not understand that Astik and Astyusha are derivatives of his nickname, so he will get confused. When the pet learns the correct version, its derivatives are allowed to be used.

Sense organs

It is a mistake to say that dogs do not have developed color vision. It is only very inferior to the human perception of colors. Animals cannot see red and orange colors, but they can distinguish about 40 shades of gray.

The most developed and important canine sense. Used to search for food, in social communication and to find sexual partners. An animal has the ability to select a specific source of odor and release it without mixing it with others. They can remember the smell for a long time and associate it with something.

Very sensitive. Dogs are able to hear ultrasonic frequencies. They have the ability to distinguish musical sounds.

They feel any touch to the fur, regardless of its length and thickness. At low temperatures, the wool becomes fluffy. If a dog stays in cold conditions for a long time, the coat becomes thicker. Nordic dogs without the slightest discomfort

. Animals love to be stroked and scratched. Unpleasant sensations occur when stroking the head and back. It is also a misconception that dogs love hugs.

They can discern taste worse than humans. However, they perceive sweets and love them very much.

Small dog breeds live twice as long as large ones. The record holder is a long-lived Australian shepherd named Bella, who lived for 29 years.

Features of choosing a name for a Pekingese

Pekingese behave like royalty. They do not curry favor with people, but graciously accept the gifts prepared for them.

Little dogs are confident that the world revolves around them, and demand to be treated accordingly.

Cold in appearance, Pekingese are very loyal and jealous. If the dog decides that he is being deprived of attention, he will be seriously offended. But left alone, your pet will not feel sad, but will “learn Zen” in a cozy chair or on a couch.

The nickname can reflect the dominant character traits of the dog. However, the name must correspond not only to temperament, but also to appearance. For example, a red Pekingese named Snowball will look ridiculous.

When choosing a “colored” name for a Pekingese, suitable options would be:

  • a red-haired boy can be called Aran, Fox, Fox; girl – Goldie, Zlata, Ocher;
  • black boy - Black, Zorro, Onyx; girl - Night, Soot, Shadow;
  • white boy - Bianco, White, Frost; girl - Blanca, Blondie, Snezhka;
  • motley boy - Bud, Domino, Patch; girl - Dottie, Freckle, Ripple.
  • You can get name ideas from anywhere - remember your favorite vacation spot, a drink, a character in a book or movie, the name of a beautiful flower.

    The most unusual name options

    For those who want to name their pet in an original way.

    • Chen – popular;
    • Fu - rich man;
    • Xin is a beginner;
    • Ganges - prosperity;
    • Ping – consistency;
    • Bojing - delighted with the victory;
    • Chen-Gong – lucky;
    • Chang Min - eternal light (radiance);
    • Bokin - respect for the winner;
    • Bay – white;
    • Tsuan – spring;
    • Jian Min is a good boy;
    • Wuzhou - 5 continents;
    • Dishi – virtuous;
    • Yes – achievement;
    • Deming - dignity;
    • Yongri – especially lucky;
    • Chong – luck;
    • Ru – scientist;
    • Liang – wonderful;
    • Fu Han – smart;
    • Veizhe – sage;
    • Tao – sword, weapon;
    • Guozhi – maintaining order;
    • Delun – virtuous;
    • Wage is a great sage;
    • Liko – protected by Buddha;
    • Guren – supportive;
    • Jaming is a revolutionary;
    • Gui – noble;
    • Hui – brilliant;
    • Gengis – true;
    • Wei-Sheng – born to become great;
    • Wei – greatness;
    • Lok - true happiness;
    • Yi – bright;
    • Day – tension;
    • Wenyan – cleared of everything;
    • Ki – unprecedented;
    • Ling – compassionate;
    • Liang – brilliant;
    • Hang - flooding;
    • Peng – bird;
    • Eiguo is the land of love;
    • Nianzu - reflecting on ancestors;
    • Shining - peace;
    • Renshu – benevolent;
    • Mnin-Hua - elite, noble;
    • Fao – outstanding;
    • Yu - friend;
    • Ai – love;
    • Baozhei – precious hairpin;
    • Zhong – loyal;
    • Zian – peaceful;
    • Zemin - approved by people;
    • Jinkiang – strongly desiring;
    • Gee is lucky;
    • Yung Su - cloudy void;
    • Zongying is an example of a hero;
    • Lan – orchid;
    • Lanying – indigo;
    • Biyu – jasper, semi-precious stone;
    • Ke-Yan – the strongest;
    • Shu – affectionate;
    • Pages – delighted with the rainbow.
    • Jing – abundance;
    • Jiao – graceful;
    • Nuo – amazing;
    • Fenfang – fragrant;
    • Ehuang – beauty of August;
    • G – pure;
    • Deyu – black jade;
    • Yingtey – flower terrace;
    • Ying – smart;
    • Veiki – preserver of love.

    Ying can't imagine his life without hunting

    Nicknames for Pekingese girls

    Girls are not as self-sufficient as boys. They are more affectionate and tolerant of children and other four-legged animals. Female Pekingese are easier to train because they are not prone to dominance.

    Melodious and tender words are chosen as nicknames for girls.

    They can reflect the same characteristics as boys - color, character, funny habits and habits. The main thing is that the name is short and easy to pronounce.

    Beautiful names

    A Pekingese girl will have a perfect nickname that sounds beautiful and is easy to pronounce: Alma, Amber, Amura, Bella, Bonya, Glory, Jessie, Dolly, Camelia, Cassie, Cleo, Linda, Lola, Mary, Molly, Monica, Ollie, Roxy, Stacy , Sandy, Terra, Thea, Tracy, Ulli, Heidi, Chita, Cherry, Sherry, Elba, Utah.

    Cool nicknames

    Even in such an aristocratic breed as the Pekingese, one can discern comical traits.

    In accordance with them, the girl can be called: Agave, Squirrel, Baby, Bun, Lady, Dolce, Toffee, Cola, Doll, Blot, Candy, Lady, Malta, Pika, Ponca, Piggy, Parim, Tequila, Flash Drive, Chelsea, Czech, Chanel.

    Aristocratic names for girls

    The girl can be given some sublime nickname to emphasize her noble origin.

    Suitable names for Pekingese: Barbara, Beatrice, Bebetta, Gracie, Demeter, Hera, Isis, Claudie, Madeleine, Malvina, Nika, Nymph, Olivia, Ophelia, Patricia, Rochelle, Selena, Sylvia, Helga, Fortuna, Juventa, Juno.

    Foreign nicknames for girls

    Names for Pekingese girls, borrowed from the Chinese language, will emphasize their connection with the Land of the Rising Sun, and the hidden meaning will indicate the characteristics of the favorite:

    • Aki – autumn;
    • Amayo - rainy night;
    • Ami – friend;
    • Kiang – rose;
    • Qingzhao – understanding;
    • Ksia – pink clouds;
    • Xu – snow;
    • Mingyu – bright jade;
    • Suin – simplicity;
    • Ting – graceful;
    • Haru – spring;
    • Haruki – shining;
    • Hibiki – sound;
    • Hoshiko is a star child;
    • Yubi is an emerald.

    Names that reflect character

    Many dog ​​breeders believe that the name contains encoded information that influences the character and habits of the animal.

    Therefore, nicknames for Pekingese should not be intimidating or aggressive - the breed is a companion, not a guard or bodyguard.

    With the help of a name, you can strengthen or correct certain features.

    For example, give an eccentric girl the calm nickname Becky.

    Dog handlers note that such dogs become more balanced and affectionate. And if you name an already active boy Typhoon, it is possible that he will sweep away everything in his path.

    Description of the breed

    Pekingese resemble a fluffy ball that jumps and barks loudly. Here are their main features:

    • height reaches from fifteen to twenty-five centimeters,
    • weight – from two and a half to five and a half kilograms,
    • the back is flat, the ribs protrude, the back of the body is narrower,
    • powerful chest,
    • short and strong legs, feet slightly pointing in different directions,
    • the tail is set high, thrown behind the back, framed by long and thick fur and hangs to the side,
    • a fur collar and straight hair on the neck, forming a mane. The same fur on the hind legs and ears,
    • massive head, not at all a smooth transition from the muzzle to the forehead,
    • huge black eyes with a black frame,
    • well fitting lips,
    • flat and large black nose,
    • the ears are hanging, heart-shaped, reaching to the cheekbones, well pubescent,
    • the neck is plump and short,
    • the front half of the body is more powerful than the rear,
    • thick undercoat.

    The dog can be any color except chocolate. Albinos are also excluded. The marks should be symmetrically located.

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