What is the largest dog breed in the world: top 15 gigantic abnormally large dogs, names of breeds, photos

Crossbreeding of large dogs by breeders allows them to produce ideal pets for guard and security service. There is no optimal scale for determining the largest dog, but there is an opinion that such an animal should weigh at least 45 kg. The height of the dog under such conditions is unimportant, because representatives of individual breeds are tall and thin, or, on the contrary, have a moderate height at the withers, but a strong build. The magazine "Big Rating" presents the category "the largest dogs in the world" in the TOP-11 ranking. It should be understood that in each breed there may be record holders whose parameters may go beyond the criteria of any ratings.

Central asian shepherd dog

  • other names: alabai, wolfhound, asian, turkmen shepherd dog
  • height at withers: 70-75 cm – males, 65-70 cm – females
  • weight: 55-80 kg – males, 40-65 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 11-15 years

The Central Asian Shepherd is an ancient breed originating from Central Asia. It is quite problematic to describe representatives of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed, since these dogs are very different in appearance. Of the nearly 20 variations of this species, most are crossed with each other or even with other breeds. The only thing these dogs have in common is their massiveness. Thus, among representatives of the breed living in Asia, there are specimens weighing up to 90 kg. Outwardly, Asians are practically indistinguishable from other guard dogs, but their physique is lighter and more athletic. Pronounced sexual dimorphism makes it easy to distinguish a male from a female.

Despite the apparent clumsiness and slowness, Asians have an explosive temperament, excellent reactions and a muscular body. These dogs are aggressive exclusively “on duty”, smart, hardy, easy to care for, and loyal to puppies and children.


  • other names: Hungarian Shepherd
  • height at withers: 75-80 cm – males, 65-70 cm – females
  • weight: 50-60 kg – males, 40-50 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years

The Hungarian Shepherd is a shepherd and guard dog. Its unique type of wool allows it to easily camouflage itself in a sheep flock. It is difficult to discern a dog in this shepherd dog at first glance; it is an awkward, huge thing, reminiscent of a clump of coarse white wool or a sheep. Because of its dreadlock-like fur, the Komondor appears taller, larger and heavier than it actually is.

In the absence of a potential threat, the Hungarian Shepherd is absolutely calm and balanced, but if it suspects something is wrong and will not hesitate to attack the enemy. The Komondor's attacks are not like those of fighting dogs: it delivers such powerful head blows that the opponent's bones are broken. This is how these shepherds break the backs of wolves attacking sheep herds. Komondors are hardy, brave, intelligent and loyal to humans. And for those who were interested in the question “how does a dog see through such thick fur?” We answer: great!

Moscow watchdog

Height: 64 – 69 cm This breed is bred as a guard dog. The Moscow Watchdog is known for its stubbornness, so it definitely needs training. But if you show yourself as a caring owner, she will become an excellent companion. The Moscow Watchdog can be calm and energetic at the same time.

The owner will have plenty of time to play with the dog, because they mature only at 2-3 years. All this time they are full of energy and desire for active games. Another feature of this breed is its immediate reaction. They attack as soon as they sense a threat to themselves or their owner.

Irish Wolfhound

  • other names: Irish greyhound, wolfdog
  • height at withers: 79-90 cm males, 71-80 cm females
  • weight: 55-60 kg males, 41-50 kg females
  • Lifespan: 7-10 years

Wolfhounds are the national pride of Ireland and are surrounded by legends. The Irish Wolfhound was bred as a serious guard dog with a steely character. The dogs have a strong, muscular build and are distinguished by ease and swiftness of movement. At one time, Irish wolfhounds, in addition to fighting wolves, were also involved in deer hunting.

Current representatives of the breed are more characterized by a good-natured, calm disposition, shyness and some laziness than by severity and mercilessness. They are ready to lie on the sofa for days and expose the back for stroking. Although the Irish Wolfhound will not make the best watchdog, it will be ideal company for a morning run. Dogs love children and active games with them.

Neapolitan Mastiff

  • other names: Mastino Napoletano, Mastiff Neapolitano
  • height at withers: 67-75 cm – males, 60-68 cm – females
  • weight: 60-75 kg – males, 50-60 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years

These majestic dogs trace their pedigree back to ancient times. According to one legend, Mastinos were bred in the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula as guard dogs. According to another version, the Neapolitan mastiff is a descendant of Roman fighting dogs that fought with fighters and were used to bait animals. Dogs of the Mastino breed have a tightly built massive body with a wide chest, short legs and a large head. One sight of a powerful beast will discourage any villain from coveting other people's property.

Despite its impressive size, the modern Mastino Napoletano is a calm creature, infinitely devoted to its owner and loving his children. The dog, like his ancestor, is fearless, distrustful of strangers and terrible in anger. Training Neapolitan Mastiff puppies requires early socialization and does not require training to attack humans.

Alabai. General information

Representatives of this breed are real monsters: huge, with a large head and powerful jaws, they look frightening. You don’t want to get into conflict with such a dog; when you see him, you want to get as far away as possible. A photo of the largest shepherd in the world is presented below.

Alabai is the largest dog. Fans of large breeds came to this conclusion. The “Caucasian” is somewhat smaller than its brother, although it seems larger due to its fluffy fur.


  • other names: leo, leon, “gentle lion”
  • height at withers: 72-80 cm – males, 65-75 cm – females
  • weight: 54-77 kg – males, 45-61 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 7-8 years

One of the most beautiful breeds, the Leonberger, was bred in Germany in 1840. The goal of the breeder, who crossed a Landseer, a long-haired St. Bernard and a Great Pyrenees dog, was to create a strong and powerful dog that would become a living embodiment of the lion depicted on the Leonberg city coat of arms. The result of the experiment was the appearance of a completely new dog of enormous size, weighing from 60 to 80 kg.

Leonbergers are active and intelligent, balanced and accommodating, obedient and friendly. They make excellent rescuers and children's playmates. Dogs are very attached to their owner and his family, they love, adore and obey them unquestioningly. At the same time, Leonbergs have first-class guard dog abilities.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

  • other names: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Caucasian Wolfhound
  • height at withers: 68-81 cm – males, 64-76 cm – females
  • weight: 50-90 kg – males, 45-76 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the oldest dog breeds, as it was bred in the Caucasus to protect sheep flocks more than 2 thousand years ago. These dogs are, first and foremost, watchdogs. Caucasians have a very thick coat with a dense undercoat, which allows them to spend a lot of time in the cold. The dog has serious makings of a fighter, and given his size (height 70 cm, weight 85 kg) and distrustful attitude towards strangers, he easily turns into a huge furry monster.

Without respect for a dog, instilling in it the skills the owner needs is very problematic, since for centuries Caucasians have had the habit of analyzing the situation and making decisions independently at the genetic level. Caucasians are very smart and willful, so they require a strong hand and responsible training. Shepherd dogs are determined, courageous, resilient and adaptive.

American Akita

The breed is very independent, obedient, sociable, but requires respect from all family members. She is a wonderful companion, hunter, guard and even a guide. Education requires special efforts on the part of the owner, since the Akita is stubborn. But if she recognizes a leader in her owner, then this is friendship for life. Treats strangers with caution and distrust. She is friendly towards children, but only if they treat her with respect.

Size Chart [American Akita]
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)38-434413-16

Puppies have a thick coat that does not require much care. Development is uneven. Small Akitas quickly gain weight, but the breed's disadvantages include weak joints and digestive problems. By 6 months they are actively gaining body weight, after which their body proportions change dramatically. Growth slows down, the skeleton develops, and the body expands noticeably. Full formation is completed by 3 years.


  • other names: diver
  • height at withers: 69-75 cm – males, 63-68 cm – females
  • weight: 70-80 kg – males, 45-60 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 7-10 years

Huge dogs with long hair were originally used in Canada as labor for transporting goods, searching and rescuing people, including from water and fire. An interesting feature of these dogs is the presence of water-repellent fur and webbed paws. Together with a high level of intelligence and innate fearlessness, these factors allow dogs to still successfully work as rescuers.

The Newfoundland is a large and affectionate dog, cheerful and friendly. Dogs are not inclined to show aggression towards representatives of other breeds, animals, children and even strangers. But, although Newfoundlands cannot be watchdogs and bodyguards, they are ideal as a friend and companion dog.

Saint Bernard

  • other names: Saint Bernard's dog
  • height at withers: 70-90 cm – males, 65-80 cm – females
  • weight: 80-116 kg – males, 80-100 kg females
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years

There are several versions about the origin of the St. Bernard breed. According to the first, their genus descends from the dogs of Roman legionnaires - Dogues de Bordeaux, and the final standard of the breed was formed after crossing with Newfoundlands. The second version recognizes the Tibetan mastiffs as the ancestors of St. Bernards. What is known for certain is that the name of the dogs was given by the Alpine monastery of St. Bernard.

Saint Bernards are large, strong and hardy dogs, which, like their ancestors who lived at the monastery, are used to search for people, protect property and as a companion dog. Dogs can become a first-class children's nanny, protect the owner from attack, and pull a person out of fire or water. Saint Bernards are phlegmatic by nature, therefore they are not prone to mood swings, they are very accommodating, good-natured and love their owner.


Height: male: 64–70 cm, female: 59–65 cm

The Boerboel does not have an easy character at all. In order for him to have diligent behavior in the house, he needs to spend several hours a day in the fresh air. And not just ordinary walking, but exhausting activities.

The Boerboel always strives for dominance, so you need to remember to remind him who is the boss. This breed is very strong and stubborn, so it needs careful training from puppyhood.

This is one of the most dangerous dogs, so if you do not have experience in training, it is better to turn to professionals. It is almost impossible to re-educate a Boerboel. But if everything is done correctly and on time, they will become excellent friends for the whole family.

Tibetan mastiff

  • other names: Tibetan dog, Tsang-hi, Do-hi
  • height at withers: 69-85 cm – males, 61-70 cm – females
  • weight: 60-85 kg – males, 41-60 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 14-16 years

The popularity of the descendants of Tibetan Great Danes continues unabated due to their first-class watchdog qualities. The impressive size of the shaggy beast and its low voice, which it delivers only at the right time, cause fear and apprehension even among the most seasoned burglars. At the same time, additional training for dogs is not required, since the sense of ownership and correct understanding of the zone of protected property is genetically inherent in the Tibetan mastiff.

These dogs perfectly divide people into “friends” and “strangers”, and this applies not only to members of the owner’s family, but also to other animals living in the protected area. However, it should be remembered that the Tibetan Mastiff is an intelligent dog, but with character, and if it does not agree to obey an order, then it should be persuaded and not punished.

Scottish Deerhound (weight – 40-50 kg, height – 75-80 cm)

The first mentions of these tireless hunters can be found in medieval chronicles, and the ancestors of the breed are carved on stone slabs from the 1st century. It is believed that the owners of Scottish deer greyhounds did not even need weapons when hunting - the powerful dogs themselves drove and killed even large wild deer. This breed is distinguished by its excellent sense of smell and instant reaction; the dogs move over rough terrain without any problems.

But as soon as the hunt ends, the deerhound becomes affectionate and balanced. The dog easily remembers commands and gets along well with children. But these dogs perceive cats and other small animals exclusively as potential prey.

It must be said that the Scottish Deerhound is a very rare breed. In addition to their homeland, they are also bred in America. The slender and graceful greyhound Haikori gained fame, having twice won the most famous American exhibition - the Westminster Show. In 2007, this greyhound became the best puppy, and in 2011 - the best hunting dog.

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English Mastiff

  • other names: mastiff, big pug, Old English mastiff.
  • height at withers: from 75 cm – males, from 70 cm – females
  • weight: 75-160 kg – males, 70-140 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 6-10 years

Many people associate the appearance of English mastiffs with the arrival of Celtic tribes in England. The first data on purebred representatives of the current breed date back to the 15th century, when mentions of them appeared in the literature. Over time, the breed fell out of fashion and shredded, so to restore it, dog breeders resorted to crossing dogs with American and Alpine Mastiffs.

The English Mastiff is the heaviest breed with impressive size. This companion dog is an ideal pet, despite its enormous height and weight. Thanks to their strength, self-confidence and prudence, dogs are also indispensable as watchmen and bodyguards. The English Mastiff is infinitely loyal to his owner and his family, calmly treats people who do not commit hostile actions. But you should not forget about training, since without proper education it is problematic to control a furry giant.

German dog

  • other names: Alano, Great Dane,
  • height at withers: 80-112 cm – males, 72-84 cm – females
  • weight: 55-90 kg – males, 45-65 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 7-9 years

The original ancestor of the giant-sized dog breed is considered to be the now extinct breed of Bullenbeiser or Tibetan Great Dane. Be that as it may, breed standards were introduced in 1880, although due to the large number of breed mixes in one dog, dog breeders still have to make adjustments. The Great Dane has been the national pride of the German Empire since 1876, and since 1965 it has been the official symbol of the US state of Pennsylvania.

Being a wide-ranging dog, Great Danes have found a place as watchdogs, sled dogs, big game hunters, and bodyguards. They are loyal, affectionate, friendly, silent and unobtrusive, but when the life of the owner is threatened, they fearlessly come to his defense. The Great Dane has a calm character and high intelligence, while they are not short of pride and stubbornness.

The biggest dog in the world

Huge is not only a dog with impressive dimensions. The giants among man's friends have repeatedly set records and impressed people with various parameters.

The tallest

The phrase “biggest” most often means the tallest dog. The title of the tallest living dog in the world as of 2022 is claimed by a Great Dane named Atlas from Florida, USA. The height at the withers of the giant dog is 104 cm. The record has not yet been confirmed by a representative of the Guinness Book of Records, but this is quite likely, because the previous holder of this title passed away in January 2021.

Spencer Seay, left, and her husband Jordan measure Atlas, a purebred Great Dane, on April 9, 2022. The dog's height is 104 cm.

The previous record holder in the category “tallest dog in the world” was the man-sized giant from England Freddie, a Great Dane.

Great Dane Freddie with his owner Claire Stoneman and a KRG certificate. The height of the dog at the withers was 103 cm.

The dog's height, recorded in 2016, when measured at the withers, standing on four legs, reaches 103 cm, but if it stands on its hind legs, this parameter increases to 230 cm, which is larger than a person of average height. Moreover, the giant weighs 90 kg. Unfortunately, after living a little over 8 years, Freddie died, but the place of the record holder is still empty.

Before Freddie, there were other tall dogs listed in the Guinness Book. The first record holder for height was a blue mastiff named George, originally from the USA, the city of Tucson. His height reached 109 cm, and his body length from tail to nose was 221 cm. He was recorded as a record holder in 2011.

Great Dane George, the height of the dog at the withers was 109 cm.

In 2013, the title of “the largest dog in the world” went to the Great Dane named Zeus from Michigan, USA, whose height was 111.8 cm. At the same time, standing on his hind legs, Zeus reached almost 2.3 m! The title of the tallest dog that ever lived still belongs to Zeus. Zeus died in 2014, but is still the largest dog in history.

The tallest dog in the world to ever live is the Great Dane Zeus. The height of the dog at the withers was 111.8 cm.

The heaviest

The “biggest” category can also include the heaviest dog. In this category, the palm belongs to the English mastiff named Zorba, who lived in London. In September 1987, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records because he weighed 140 kg. Then, in 1989, he broke his own record, setting it at 155.6 kg!

Zorba is the heaviest dog in the world that has ever lived. The dog's weight was 155.6 kg.

Zorba died in 1992, but is still the world's heaviest dog to have ever lived.

The longest

Among the largest is the longest dog in the world. The English mastiff Zorba again showed himself in this parameter. Having not only the maximum weight possible for a dog, he was included in the Guinness Book due to his length. When measuring the body from the nose to the tip of the tail, a length of 251 cm was recorded. At the same time, the height of the dog is 94 cm.

Zorba is the world's longest dog that has ever lived. The length of the dog's body from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail was 251 cm.

The strongest

We also decided to include the record holder for strength in the largest category. The strongest dog was recognized as a representative of the St. Bernard breed - Raittes Brandy Bear from Washington, USA. This is a four-year-old pet, weighing about 80 kg, who showed impressive endurance and power in 1978, pulling a cart full of railroad tracks. The total weight of the load is 2905 kg, the distance covered by Brandy with the cart is 4.57 m, and the time spent by the dog is 90 seconds. At the same time, the dog was moving not on a slippery surface, but on concrete.

The most muscular

The dog with the most developed and voluminous muscles is considered to be a whippet named Wendy. She lives in Canada, on a farm in Victoria. The dog has a normal sized head and legs, and even the internal organs meet the standards for animals of this breed. At the same time, the large beauty weighs twice as much as her relatives - 27.2 kg and has huge, pressing muscles. Even on her stomach, Wendy has 24 pack abs.

Ingrid Hansen and her whippet Wendy in 2007, when the dog attracted worldwide attention. Photo by Bruce Stotesbury, Times columnist.

The appearance of the most muscular dog on the planet is due not to regular and hard physical training, but to a genetic defect. Her body had a mutation in the gene that regulates the production of the protein myostatin, which limits muscle growth. As a result, the muscles grow uncontrollably without additional effort on the part of the dog.

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