Should dogs be given persimmon, when can it be included in the animal’s diet, and how to do it correctly?

Can dogs eat fruit? Of course you can, but in small quantities and only those that are safe for the animal.

The dog receives the necessary vitamins and minerals from food, in particular vegetables and fruits. You can pamper your pet with fruit regardless of the type of feeding, but not in large quantities.

Fruits are a source of fiber, glucose and vitamins, so they should be included in the diet, especially with natural feeding. Of course, they should make up a small proportion of the diet and do not have to be given every day. Another thing is that owners give fruits and berries because their pets eat them, and if they eat them, then why not give them? There will definitely not be any harm, but you should approach this issue wisely, because some fruits lead to health problems.

Many dogs enjoy eating fruits and berries; some owners are even touched by the pleasure with which their pets pick berries from a bush in the country or beg for an apple or watermelon. But it is important to remember that not all of them are beneficial for your pet. Some fruits and berries cause allergic reactions, digestive problems, and severe poisoning.

Useful properties of persimmon

Persimmon is not a vegetable or a fruit, it is a berry rich in vitamins and minerals. Experts have found that it contains:

  • vitamins A, C, group B;
  • microelements – calcium, potassium, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus.

The fruits are high in beta-carotene (vitamin A). This is a powerful antioxidant that protects body cells from free radicals, slows down the aging process, reduces the risk of developing cancer and increases visual acuity.

Potassium and magnesium, which are contained in sweet fruits, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. In addition, magnesium reduces the likelihood of kidney stones. Persimmons contain iron, which reduces the risk of anemia.

Vitamins C and P reduce the permeability of vascular walls and their fragility. In addition, persimmon:

  • thanks to pectin in the composition, it normalizes digestion;
  • contains tannins, due to which it has an astringent effect;
  • inhibits the growth and development of age-related neoplasms;
  • helps improve the functioning of the liver and organs of the reproductive system;
  • improves vision.

The low concentration of acids means that consuming persimmons for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver pathologies facilitates the digestion process. In addition, the berry has antibacterial properties and successfully helps fight pathogenic microflora during infections. The activity of the fruit against Escherichia coli, hay coli, and Staphylococcus aureus has been established.

Eating persimmon is recommended for a general increase in immunity and restoration of the nervous system. The product is rich in carbohydrates 15.3 g/100 g, and there is little protein and fat in it - 0.5 and 0.4 g per 100 g of product, respectively. The calorie content of persimmon is 67 kcal. But all this data is important if a person eats persimmons. The animal body is structured somewhat differently, and fruits, especially exotic fruits, are not natural food for pets. Therefore, stories from owners that their dog loves persimmons do not excite veterinarians.

Owner reviews

You can find a wide variety of reviews from dog owners about the benefits and harms of persimmons.

Some consider it a safe fruit and give it to their pets without observing negative consequences. Most of them agree that you can give persimmons, but only without seeds. Some dog owners believe that if a fruit is useful for humans, then it will bring the same benefits to the dog. But this is an illiterate approach. You have taken responsibility for the animal; sometimes it is worth reading special literature or consulting a veterinarian.

Other animal lovers are against eating this fruit. Their dogs had some problems when eating persimmons. For example, there were consequences such as intestinal constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

Whether or not to give persimmon to your dog is up to you. But most importantly, it should not be harmful to your beloved pet.

It happens that when begging for food that is harmful to itself, a dog looks with a very pitiful look. You should not follow the lead; the animal can get used to behaving this way and achieve what it wants. The owner of a four-legged friend must understand that there will be no benefit from his concessions.

Feed your pets properly, dog food. And the delicacy can be bought in a specialized store.

Preparing a balanced diet for a pet is not an easy task, the solution of which should be approached with all responsibility. After all, dogs, like their owners, can suffer from disorders and allergies to fruits. The question of whether it is worth including them in the diet and whether dogs can eat persimmons must be decided by taking into account a number of basic points.

Should I give it to my dog?

If experts are more unanimous regarding vegetables and say that they should be present in a dog’s diet with some limitation, then they recommend giving fruits with caution and observing the following rules:

  • You should give your dog fruit in small portions, since an excess of fiber contained in them can cause intestinal upset;
  • do not mix berries and fruits with other food, give them occasionally as a treat;
  • Treat your dog with fruits that contain a lot of sugars and substances that can provoke allergic reactions with extreme caution and in minimal quantities.

It is the latter reason that primarily causes concern among veterinarians, who recommend giving the berry to dogs as a treat infrequently. In addition, excess tannins can cause constipation, and if you give persimmons to your dog too often or in large quantities, after a few years bezoars can form in the stomach - dense balls formed from poorly digested substances.

The low calorie content of the product should not mislead dog owners who are monitoring their pet’s weight. Large amounts of sugars do not promote weight loss.

In addition, we must not forget that for better storage and transportation of exotic fruits, they are treated with chemicals that can cause an undesirable reaction in the animal’s body.

The following factors are against feeding your dog persimmons:

  • improper feeding of sweet berries can lead to the development of enteritis and intestinal obstruction, which, in the presence of certain concomitant pathologies, can cause the premature death of the animal;
  • Sweet fruits can poison a dog.

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction are:

  • refusal of food and water;
  • vomiting with foam or bile;
  • bloating;
  • excessive salivation;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • pain in the abdominal area - the dog lies down and does not allow anyone to touch it.

These dangerous symptoms cannot be ignored; your pet should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.

Persimmon can cause an allergic reaction in an animal, so the first time you should give it a very small piece and monitor the dog’s reaction. If your pet doesn’t ask, it’s better to refrain and not offer him a sweet treat. Any new food can cause intestinal upset.


Veterinarians do not prohibit feeding dogs fruits, but they recommend taking local fruits, those that grow in your region, and giving exotic fruits with extreme caution. Apples are considered the safest.

Possible consequences of improper feeding

In a pet, persimmon can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis. These illnesses sometimes lead to tragic consequences.

Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. The animal becomes lethargic and experiences pain when palpating the stomach and abdomen.

If you find signs of illness in your dog, contact your veterinarian immediately; there is no time to hesitate.

The dog can only be given a pain reliever until a doctor arrives or goes to the clinic. The veterinarian will perform tests and take the necessary measures.

You need to understand that imported fruits contain not only useful substances. For transportation, protection from parasites and preservation of presentation, they are treated with chemicals and gases. They can be dangerous for your pet.

How to feed

Does your pet eagerly watch you eat persimmons, and you can’t refuse him, although veterinarians don’t consider feeding exotic fruits to animals an urgent need? Pamper him, but without excess feeding and following the following important rules;

  • Fruits should be given without seeds;
  • for small dogs weighing 2-10 kg, it is recommended to give no more than 1/6 of the fetus per week;
  • animals weighing 10-25 kg can be treated to a larger piece - but no more than half of the fruit at a time, and no more than 1-2 times a week;
  • Adult dogs of large breeds (over 25 kg in weight) can be given a whole fruit twice a week, after removing the seeds.


Unripe fruits should not be given as they may cause vomiting or belching. For feeding, it is recommended to take only sweet, not astringent varieties.


In addition to all these factors, you need to check the dog’s health. In general, this should be item 1 on our list of recommendations. The well-functioning functioning of the pancreas, a sufficient amount of enzymes, the acidity of gastric juice, the state of the gastrointestinal tract, the thyroid gland and hormonal levels are very important.

Sometimes excessive obesity is associated with sterilization of the animal and an incorrectly selected diet after it, insufficient exercise; the dog may first begin to lose weight and then gain weight after a false pregnancy; weight can rapidly increase against the background of hormonal imbalances and problems with the thyroid gland.

All this needs to be checked carefully. Sometimes we cannot choose the right food or diet for a pet’s needs. In this case, you should seek help from a nutritionist or breeder, and look for answers yourself in competent articles and books on nutrition. Be able to competently create a diet or find your own food, focusing not on advertising, but on the needs of your pet.

Who is prohibited

Not every dog ​​can be given persimmon. Exotic berries are prohibited for animals with diabetes or gastrointestinal diseases. With caution, if the dog really asks, you can give a small piece to a pet prone to allergic reactions, but it is better to refuse such a treat, give, for example, an apple with a green peel.

Before giving your dog persimmon, it is better to consult a veterinarian. There is not so much benefit to the animal that such feeding would be dictated by extreme necessity. A specialist will tell you how to meet your needs for vitamins and microelements.

Choosing the ideal ready-made food: rating

There is virtually no ideal food, but some manufacturers actually put what is written on the label in the package. The cost of high-quality dry mixtures is, of course, high, but the dog’s health is worth it. It is not advisable to feed Chihuahuas with cheap food; it is better to switch them completely to natural food.

Almo Nature Holistic Adult Dog Small

The food is classified as a super-premium class, it is considered completely balanced, containing the optimal amount of proteins, vitamins, and nutrients. It is chosen by owners of dogs prone to allergies. The taste can be anything, most often it is chicken, lamb or white fish, salmon. There are no dyes in the food, but it is tasty and dogs readily consume it. Country of origin: Italy.

Purina Pro Plan Small & Mini Adult

Designed for small dogs. Tasty, satisfying, does not contain harmful impurities, dyes or flavorings. Dogs happily consume it in large quantities, so it is necessary to strictly follow the feeding plan and not give more than they should.

Grandorf 4 Meat & Brown Rice

Dry food for adult dogs. Most often produced with rabbit flavor. Contains grains, refers to mixtures that are fed specifically to small dogs, therefore it may contain brown rice. Considered hypoallergenic.

NOW Natural Fresh Small Breed Recipe

Does not contain grains. Belongs to the holistic class. The manufacturer claims that the mixture is 100% meat. The food contains prebiotics that improve digestion.

What to do if things get bad?

Vomiting and weakness after eating fruit can be associated with two things:

  1. The pet ate something forbidden.
  2. The fruit turned out to be of poor quality (lots of nitrates, overripe, treated with pesticides).

In this situation, you need to provide the dog with access to fresh air and drinking water. Induce vomiting if the pet cannot do this on its own, then give activated carbon based on the dog’s weight. And be sure to show the animal to a veterinarian.


Of course, each individual is unique, but there are some character traits that are common to all of them. Most often they are active, smart, attentive and can get what they want.

They are easy to train, but at the same time independent, which is why when training you need to first establish contact with them and set your own rules before the dog does. Families with small children should not have them, because they can accidentally squeeze them too hard or drop them, and these creatures are very fragile. They get along well with other pets, but hate rodents.

Representatives of this breed are very emotional, passionate and capable of chasing any small rodent or bird encountered on a walk. They are courageous and cocky, but they are wary of strangers. They are characterized by tenderness and affection, they have common sense and some stubbornness, they are cheerful and good-natured. However, despite all his kindness, if you offend a Yorkie, he is ready to bite, so the best solution is to treat them calmly and affectionately. Try to protect him from stress, otherwise he will become nervous and start mischievous; besides, stress is bad for your health.

Could you be allergic to them?

Food allergies to fruits in dogs are common. It is difficult to guess what it will manifest itself into; you will have to act by trial and error. If the animal begins to itch, rashes appear on the skin, the nose, eyes, and tips of the paws turn red - this is an allergy. Need to:

  1. Give an antihistamine.
  2. Reduce feeding to neutral, already proven feeding.
  3. Show it to a veterinarian to clarify the diagnosis.

An allergic reaction can be persistent, lasting 2-3 days. All this time the dog needs a diet.

Can Chihuahua puppies be given fruits and vegetables?

Yes, you can! When a puppy weans its mother's milk and switches to a full diet, it begins to receive nutrients and vitamins from the food it absorbs.

This can be either natural food or dry commercial food. In the first case, fruits and vegetables are an integral part of a complete diet

. In the second case, fruits and vegetables can be given to the Chihuahua puppy in strictly limited quantities, or the idea can be abandoned altogether.

You can give every day. The daily volume of fruits and vegetables should not exceed 10% of the daily food volume. This is due to the fact that commercial feeds, as a rule, already have a balanced diet, and an excess of vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis.

If you notice an allergic reaction or signs of a gastrointestinal disorder (diarrhea, vomiting), then immediately eliminate the fruit or vegetable that led to such a reaction in the puppy’s body.

Veterinarians recommend not giving citrus fruits to puppies under the age of 8 months. Once achieved, you can. There are no other restrictions from specialists.

Chihuahua training course

All the secrets of training a Chihuahua are in our author's book! Raising a smart and obedient Chihuahua in 30 days is real! See for yourself!

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Food from the table

This is not surprising, when a dog approaches the table, lifts its muzzle and looks without looking away with plaintive eyes full of requests, it is difficult to refuse him anything. But we must remember that certain products, harmless or even beneficial for humans, can be dangerous for animals. So, what should you never feed your dog:

  • hot, (straight from the stove), cold (from the refrigerator), spicy, salty, fatty, sweet, smoked food;
  • river fish. You can only give boiled seafood. Never give freshwater or raw sea food, as infection with worms is possible;
  • bones. Contrary to popular belief, bones are death for a dog. Firstly, they are not digestible. Secondly, they can cause constipation, intestinal perforation, and volvulus. Particularly dangerous are tubular bones, which tend to split into sharp pieces. The bones quickly wear down the animal's teeth;
  • pasta, legume products, white bread, potatoes, peas, wheat flour products;
  • sausages, sausage, ham. We know many owners who are capable of doing the incredible for their pet and will not shy away from any expense or difficulty. In this case, all this is completely in vain. Sausages are poison for dogs. They damage the liver, and the dog runs the risk of dying at a young age. After all, it is not known what additives are added to sausages to make them look attractive;
  • pork and fatty lamb, raw chicken.

Also, the answer to which cereals can be included in the diet is not obvious. Additionally, check out this short video about what vegetables can be given to dogs:

Are they necessary?

You can and should give fruit to your pet. They are an irreplaceable source of fiber, vitamins and glucose, so they should be included in the diet, especially if the dog is fed natural food. Besides, it’s simply delicious: you don’t refuse treats, do you?

There is an objection that in nature dogs do not eat fruit; their stomachs are accustomed exclusively to meat. But this is not so: firstly, nothing prevents an animal in the wild from picking up fruits, especially since dogs are not so much descendants of predators as of omnivorous scavengers.

Secondly, four-legged pets live next to humans for thousands of years. And during this time they adapted to human habits and food.

Momotaro: Peach Boy

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. One day the old woman went to the stream to wash her clothes and saw a big, big peach floating down the stream. She caught this peach and brought it home. When the old woman tried to cut the peach, it burst on its own, and a big baby appeared from there. The old man and the old woman were very happy that they had a son, and they named him Momotaro

), which means "peach boy". Momotaro lived with an old man and an old woman, surrounded by love and care, and soon grew up big, strong and brave.

One day Momotaro told his parents: “I heard that on the island of Onigashima there lives a terrible monster - oni

" "Yes it is.
And he sometimes comes to our village and does a lot of evil, but we are powerless to change anything,” his mother answered him. “Mother, bake me some cakes for the journey. I will go to the island and fight the evil oni
. The old woman baked the most delicious cakes in Japan, Momotaro put them in a bag, hung the bag on his belt and went to Onigashima Island. On the way he met a Dog. “Momotaro-san, what’s in your bag?” - asked the Dog. “I have the best flatbreads in Japan there.” “If you share with me, I will follow you,” said the Dog. Momotaro treated the Dog to a flatbread, and she joined him.

On the way they met a Monkey. “Momotaro-san, what’s in your bag?” - asked the Monkey. “I have the best flatbreads in Japan there.” “If you share with me, I will follow you,” said the Monkey. Momotaro treated the Monkey to a flatbread, and he joined the company.

On the way they met Pheasant. “Momotaro-san, what’s in your bag?” - asked Pheasant. “I have the best flatbreads in Japan there.” “If you share with me, I will follow you,” said Pheasant. Momotaro gave the pheasant some cake, and he joined in,” said the Dog. “I see a castle on an island,” said the Monkey. “I’ll fly there and see everything,” said Pheasant, and flew to the island.

Finally, the whole company reached the island. There was a demon at the castle gate - oni

. Momotaro picked up a huge stone and threw it at the demon. The monkey quickly climbed onto the gate to open it. The pheasant pecked the demon in the eye, the dog bit him. "Help!" - the demon shouted and started running.

Then a huge Chief Demon came out of the castle. "Hey little boy, I'll kill you!" - shouted the Chief Demon, waving his iron club. “Are you the main demon?” - Momotaro asked, quickly and easily jumping onto the club. He attacked the enemy so quickly that he did not have time to do anything. “You vile monster, you have brought so much evil to people! I will never forgive you! Get it!” - Momotaro shouted. “Forgive me, forgive me! I give up!" - the Chief Demon begged. “Do you promise?” "Yes I promise! I never lie! Take our treasures! Momotaro collected a lot of treasures in the castle: gold, silver, fabrics, etc. He and the dog pulled the treasure cart, while the monkey and pheasant pushed the cart from behind. It was a wonderful day for them! However, the story did not end there. Read more…

Your guide in Japan, Irina


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The weight of these charmers is no more than three and a half kilograms, so they require much less food than other four-legged relatives.
Some can even weigh two kg. Their height is fifteen to eighteen centimeters at the withers. Do not try to choose a very small terrier - he may have health problems. Their muzzle looks touching and cute, their black beady eyes look with an expression of mischief and friendliness. The movements are impetuous, active, the body is gushing with energy.

The fur of these creatures is long and silky, absolutely straight and not thick. Usually the hair all over the body is gray, tinged with blue, and on the muzzle it is golden. They have bangs that need to be pulled back into ponytails to keep them out of the eyes. They lighten with age, but are born completely black. They live quite a long time - from twelve to fifteen years, this period varies depending on nutrition, care and genetics. You should not give them exotic treats, because their digestion is quite delicate.

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