Anthelmintic Azinox Plus for dogs - instructions for use and useful tips!

The risk of parasite infection in dogs is always high. Even if the owner minimizes the pet's interaction with other animals, the worm larva can enter through food.

A poorly processed piece of meat or fish is dangerous. You can save your furry friend if you carry out constant preventive maintenance. The drug Azinox, created specifically for dogs, will help with this.

Is it effective against worms?

Azinox was created specifically for veterinary purposes. It belongs to a broad-spectrum agent. But you shouldn’t prescribe it yourself and give it at every opportunity. It is used to prevent and treat parasites in dogs.

Azinox destroys all types of cestodes (flatworms). The active substance causes paralysis in parasites, which leads to their death. For mixed forms of helminthiasis, the veterinarian can also prescribe this remedy.

Release form and composition of the drug Azinox Plus

The anthelmintic Azinox is available in tablet form. The tablet has a round shape, white or light yellow color without inclusions. There is no specific smell or taste. Each capsule is packed in a foil blister. Concurrencies of 3 or 6 tablets are placed in a cardboard package, equipped with instructions for use, marked with the release date and expiration date.

Composition of the drug:

  • Pyrantel pamoate is the active substance;
  • Praziquantel is the active substance;
  • Lactose;
  • Potato starch.

Anthelmintic drug suitable for both cats and dogs


Azinox is taken orally in the morning feeding, once. The medicine is calculated strictly according to the weight of the animal. For 10 kg of animal weight – 1 tablet.

Animals up to five kilograms are given 1 ml of suspension per 1 kg of body weight. To do this, grind the tablet into powder and add 10 ml of water. The required amount of product is measured from the prepared suspension and injected into the animal’s mouth. The mixture must be fresh. If the medicine has been standing for some time, it is no longer suitable.

Before taking the drug, you do not need to undergo strict diets or use laxatives.

Treatment with Azinox is carried out according to the indications of a veterinarian. Prevention is done once every three months.

In rare cases, animals are prescribed two tablets at once. The pet should not be fed 12 hours before taking the medicine, otherwise the effectiveness of Azinox will be lower than usual.

Limitations, side effects

The medicine is as safe as possible for pets. Praziquantel does not accumulate in the body, does not have a toxic effect on animals, and is not addictive, so Azinox can be used for a long time without fear of a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

The manufacturer does not indicate in the instructions any restrictions on the use of the anthelmintic, except for age and the pet’s tendency to allergies. In case of an individual reaction to praziquantel, it is not recommended to use Azinox. Hypersensitivity to the drug and overdose can cause allergic reactions, in which case you should stop taking the drug and contact a veterinary clinic, where symptomatic treatment will be prescribed.


An anthelmintic drug should not be used on small kittens under three weeks of age.

How to give tablets?

The tablet does not have a sweet taste, so giving it to your dog can sometimes be problematic. The dog begins to resist, feeling the bitter taste, and may spit out the medicine.

Several ways to give medicine to a dog:

  1. Place the tablet on the back of the tongue and force the dog to swallow.
  2. Crush the tablet into powder and mix with food.
  3. Prepare a suspension from the tablet and pour it into the animal’s mouth.

The owner knows the habits of his pet, so he can easily find a suitable method for him.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of Azinox is 3 years from the date of release. The drug should be stored in blisters, unpacking them only before immediate use. The tablets should be kept in a shaded place at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees Celsius. When storing Azinox, special precautions should be taken to limit access to the medicine by children and animals in order to avoid accidentally taking it in an unacceptable dosage.

If it gets bad

If you follow the instructions strictly, the dog will tolerate the medication well. In case of an overdose, the animal will experience the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • allergy;
  • diarrhea;
  • lethargy;
  • refusal to eat.

An incorrectly calculated dose does not bode well. It is recommended to immediately call a veterinarian and make your pet comfortable while help arrives.

It is also necessary to stop taking the drug if the dog has an allergic reaction or there is an individual intolerance to the active substance - praziquantel.


Azinox Plus is used for deworming and treatment of helminthic infestations in domestic animals. It is effective in treating:

  • toxocariasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • uncinarium;
  • schistosomiasis and other helminthiases.

The causative agents of toxocariasis are roundworms - Toxocara, which feed on the organic tissues of the animal's intestines or the digested food found in it. Small puppies and adult dogs with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to worms. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe vomiting and prolonged diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • dullness, hair loss;
  • skin itching;
  • pain in the abdomen, which will be indicated by the dog’s behavior - it whines, groans pitifully, tries to lie down more and move less.

If the infection is severe, you may notice a bloated abdomen. The pathology is dangerous because without treatment, intestinal obstruction can develop and the abdominal cavity can rupture.

Echinococcosis in dogs is caused by a tapeworm, which an animal can become infected with by eating raw meat - beef, pork, lamb. The danger of the disease is that the larvae penetrate not only the intestines, but also other internal organs of the animal, primarily the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Infection of muscle tissue and even the brain is possible.

Infection causes atrophy of internal organs, disruption of the motor and secretory functions of the digestive system. Intoxication of the body occurs, which can lead to death.

Symptoms of echinococcosis:

  • stool disorder: loose stools are replaced by constipation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • itching in the anus (the dog “rides on its butt”);
  • shortness of breath, prolonged cough (due to damage to the pulmonary system);
  • convulsions, seizures, other disorders of the nervous system - with damage to the brain.

The animal's appearance deteriorates, the pet quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic, and a perversion of appetite may occur when the dog tries to eat inedible objects.

Uncinariasis is no less dangerous. Disease caused by parasites can take two forms:

  • skin, in which a rash appears on the pet’s body, changing its location depending on the movement of the parasite;
  • intestinal

The latter is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • black stool caused by internal bleeding;
  • foul odor of stool;
  • weakness, exhaustion of the body, resulting from malabsorption in the intestines;
  • abdominal pain – the dog tries to constantly lie down without changing position.

There is a third form of the disease – the most dangerous, pulmonary. Infection of the lungs by parasites causes bleeding and death.

Important! Any parasites are dangerous for your pet. Azinox Plus will help prevent invasion, and if infected, quickly get rid of helminths.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Not all dogs can use the drug. The purpose of the product depends on the age of the pet and its position.

The medicine is not prescribed:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing;
  • puppies whose age has not exceeded 3 weeks.

Many veterinarians are inclined to believe that puppies should not be given Azinox until they are three months old.

Indications for use

"Azinox Plus" is used to prevent infection with helminths or treat nematodes. It is prescribed when infection is detected or possible:

  • toxocara;
  • toxoascarids;
  • uncinarii;
  • hookworms;
  • teniosis;
  • echinococci;
  • dipylidia;
  • mesocestodes;
  • diphyllobothriids.

The use of an anthelmintic is indicated for all dogs, regardless of their living conditions. Working dogs living on farms and herding herds are at increased risk. Such animals are processed every 1-1.5 months, regardless of the season of the year.

How often to worm a puppy.



Vlad, Krasnoyarsk : “I have been buying Azinox for my pet for several years now. True, he doesn’t like the taste of the pill and has to look for different options on how to get him to swallow the medicine. I dilute the tablet in water and inject it through a syringe. This is not very convenient. But the dog immediately swallows everything. The effect after the pill is excellent. I recommend it to everyone."

Olga, Kazan:

“Azinox was recommended to me by a veterinarian. We started drinking this remedy at the age of six months. The dog tolerates it well, I dose the tablet very carefully to avoid negative consequences.”

Semyon, Vladivostok:

“After taking Azinox, my dog ​​began to have diarrhea and slight vomiting. I decided that the drug was not suitable for us. I consulted a doctor to change the course of treatment. But it turned out to be much simpler; I calculated the dosage incorrectly. It’s good that my dog ​​did not suffer complications from the poisoning.”


Varvara, Bryansk:

“I always recommend this drug to my clients. I have never had anyone come back to me with a complaint about side effects. The cost of the drug is affordable, the effectiveness is high.”

Vasilisa, Ryazan : “A common medicine against parasites. An effective remedy for prevention and treatment. Only once in my practice was there a case where a dog developed an allergy. I had to replace the drug with another one. Due to its low price, anyone can afford to buy it.”

Personal prevention measures

When carrying out therapeutic or preventive measures using an anthelmintic drug, you must follow the safety precautions and rules of personal hygiene that are provided for when using medicines.
During the procedure, you should not eat, drink, or smoke. Upon completion of the manipulations, hands are washed under running water and soap.

special instructions

  • Azinox affects the ability to drive a car, so after treatment for 24 hours it is better to refrain from driving independently.
  • Given that the drug can cause confusion, you should not combine treatment and work that requires clear attention and full concentration.
  • For cysticercosis of the eye, Azinox is not prescribed, since the risk of damage to the ocular system is high.
  • Treatment does not require taking laxatives.
  • For liver failure, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. Patients diagnosed with schistosomiasis and trematodiasis also require inpatient conditions.

Precautionary measures

  • Taking Azinox in veterinary practice requires compliance with the precautions prescribed when working with drugs.
  • At the end of all manipulations, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

After completing all procedures for taking Azinox, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap.


Absorption of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract is complete and rapid; The substance reaches its peak value after 1-3 hours. 80% is synthesized with plasma protein.

Subjects to hepatic metabolism, as a result of which inactive breakdown products (mono- and polyhydroxylated) are formed. The half-life is 0.8-1.5 hours (praziquantel), as well as 4-6 hours (decomposition products of the active component).

Most of the drug is excreted through the kidneys (80% of the substance; in 4 days), mainly in the form of breakdown products: 90% is excreted over a period of 24 hours. A small part of the drug is excreted in feces. A small amount of the substance also passes into breast milk.

With disorders in the kidneys, excretion slows down.

In case of problems with liver function, the intensity of metabolic processes decreases, as a result of which the active component in unchanged form is retained in the body for a long period. As a result, the concentration of praziquantel inside the body increases.


“Azinox” and “Azinox Plus” are zoo products that have proven themselves on the Russian market. The advantages of these remedies for helminths are a wide range of effectiveness, budgetary cost and availability. You can buy these drugs at any pet store. The owner of a domestic cat or dog must remember that deworming is an essential part of caring for the animal.

Let us note that once a quarter you need to give deworming tablets for preventive purposes not only to pets, but also to all family members. Treatment should be carried out simultaneously on the same day for all pets living together, as well as household members. Taking an anti-helminth pill does not cause discomfort; it does not require a special diet or taking laxatives. The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly and observe the dosage.

About the symptoms of helminthiasis in dogs

Inexperienced dog owners should be aware of the signs of parasite infestation in their pets.

So, the presence of helminths in the body is indicated, first of all, by changes in the behavior of the animal. Active and cheerful dogs become apathetic, lethargic, and drowsy. They may not listen to their owner's commands. And this is not just disobedience. The dog is sick, she feels bad, she has no strength, because they are taken away by the worms actively growing inside.

If there are worms in the body, the dog begins to eat poorly. He is rapidly losing weight. Even his favorite food causes him indifference and disgust.

If a dog's helminthiasis is advanced, it may suffer from digestive disorders. Vomiting and alternating constipation and diarrhea along with weight loss are a clear sign of the presence of worms in the body.

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