Can dogs eat cheese? How much and what kind of cheese can you give a puppy without harm?

Any negative reactions in one way or another associated with food are divided into two groups: unwanted food reactions (when the immune system is not directly involved in the development of the disease, for example, lactose or gluten intolerance in people), and true food allergies. Undesirable food reactions in dogs can be found quite often, these include, for example, the appearance of acute vomiting and diarrhea in response to the consumption of chocolate (by the way, the darker the chocolate, the greater the likelihood of developing adverse reactions), gluten intolerance (described in Irish setters as a genetic abnormality).

Types of allergic reactions in animals

A dog is exposed to various irritants throughout its life. Allergies are divided according to the type of irritant and the specific course of the disease. In the second case, two types can be distinguished:

  • Cumulative - the allergen accumulates gradually, the body’s reaction is slowed down, while the immune system is trying to recognize the danger and is in no hurry to take countermeasures.
  • Instant - the body reacts almost immediately as soon as it encounters an irritant.

The classification by type of stimulus is much more extensive. It includes many chemical allergens and naturally occurring irritants.

  1. Food allergies in dogs.

Food allergies are one of the most popular and are a reaction of the dog’s body to plant or animal protein. It manifests itself during feeding. The following products in dry and natural food are particularly dangerous:

  • chicken;
  • dairy products;
  • soy;
  • wheat and corn.

The main signs of a food allergy are a rash on the face, belly and limbs; eating disorders, behavior atypical for a dog. You need to select food with caution, after consulting with your veterinarian. Feed your animal only natural ingredients, do not skimp on your pet’s nutrition.

  1. "Flea" dermatitis.

This is a seasonal type of allergy that can affect any pet. The reaction is not caused by the flea itself, but by its saliva, which gets into the wound and causes severe itching in the dog. An insect bite can provoke concomitant diseases, infections, fungus and worms. Dermatitis can be prevented with the help of special long-acting medications.

The main signs of flea dermatitis: dandruff (mostly black), severe itching, bruises and abrasions, loss of appetite.

Treatment is primarily aimed at destroying the allergen itself, and then at relieving inflammation and improving the condition of the pet’s skin.

  1. Contact dermatitis.

The reaction to it can be cumulative and instantaneous, depending on the state of the pet’s immunity. Allergies occur when there is close contact with an irritant. The allergen can be a collar, hygiene products, chemical waste or synthetic fabrics.

Main symptoms: peeling of paws, redness of the skin, blisters, pimples, itching and hair loss. To treat the pet, isolate it from the irritant, then use various ointments prescribed by the veterinarian. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe special medications that stimulate your immune system.

  1. Atopic dermatitis.

This is a hereditary allergic reaction that can occur due to pollen, insects, worms, various odors, chemicals, shampoos and other hygiene products. This allergy is difficult to tolerate and practically cannot be treated. The dog will have to take medication constantly to avoid relapse. The most common irritants are sun rays, perfumes, and substances on human skin.

The main causes of atopic dermatitis are genetics, ecology, climatic conditions, chronic diseases and artificial additives in products.

  1. Infectious allergy.

This is a type of allergy caused by an infectious disease or virus. May develop due to fungus, tuberculosis. The main signs of allergies: itching, restless behavior, redness. Antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian are used for treatment.

  1. Allergic otitis media.

Otitis is an inflammation of a dog's ear (or both). It can be external, middle or internal. Characteristic signs: restless behavior, pain in the ears, sulfur discharge, unpleasant odor.

  1. Autoimmune.

Autoimmune allergies occur due to improper or unstable functioning of the animal's immune system, which destroys the body's own cells. Manifests itself in the form of vesicles and lupus. Autoimmune allergies can lead to the following diseases:

  • vitiligo (changes in pigmentation);
  • vasculitis (damage to blood vessels);
  • polychondritis (damage to the cartilage near the ears).

It is treated by administering special medications on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Why does a dog become allergic to food?

The exact causes of food allergies in dogs are difficult to determine. Allergic reactions to food are individual in nature. That is, the same ingredient can be safe for one dog and dangerous for another. An animal may be prone to allergies due to genetic predisposition or due to the abundance of the following foods in its diet:

  • chocolate;
  • sugar;
  • fried, salted, smoked dishes.

Constant feeding of confectionery products increases the animal's sensitivity to meat products, fish, dairy products, eggs and soy products. Most often, allergies occur to chicken and cereal components.

Scientists have identified another cause of food allergies in dogs – excessive sterility of the environment. The animal's immune system must fight viruses and parasites. And because of sterility, it “remains without work” and weakens. Because of this, the pet becomes more sensitive to everything.

Can puppies and pregnant women eat cheese?

From the age of six months, a puppy can be treated to hard low-fat cheese containing a small amount of salt. Cheese slices will help in training; the dog will be more willing to follow commands, speeding up the learning process. However, you cannot spoil your pet with such a treat every day, otherwise the dog’s cravings will be difficult to satisfy in the future. Cheese is contraindicated for small puppies (up to six months old); an immature digestive system will not cope well with digesting this product.

The product is not recommended for consumption by pregnant dogs. Due to their position, they lead a sedentary lifestyle, are prone to obesity, and become hypersensitive to foods not included in their regular diet. If in normal conditions the dog normally digests cheese treats, then during pregnancy a negative reaction may occur.

Signs of food allergies in dogs

A food allergy in dogs is primarily manifested by severe skin itching. The pet begins to constantly itch (scratch everything: sides, ears, face) and lick its paws. In dogs that are heavily covered with hair, the symptoms are difficult to notice, since the ulcers and redness are hidden.

Gradually, the skin begins to turn red and pus appears. Owners mistakenly begin to treat their pets for fleas and ticks, not realizing that these are manifestations of a food allergy. It is better to take the dog to the veterinarian so that he can diagnose and determine the nature of the disease.

Basic set of warning signs:

  • The fur begins to disappear in pieces, in different places.
  • The bald spots are gradually growing.
  • Weeping eczema appears in the armpits and folds.
  • A cloying, sweetish odor appears when scratching suppurates.

Another symptom of food allergies in dogs is ear discharge. The animal constantly shakes its ears, from which a substance with an unpleasant odor is released. There is no result from medications against ticks and fleas. Improvements are observed only with anti-allergy medications.

Watery eyes appear and a viscous mass accumulates in the corners of the eye. Antibiotics can temporarily relieve symptoms. However, after their cancellation, a new round of allergies begins.


Unless you are a veterinarian, do not try to diagnose it yourself. The fact is that there are a huge number of diseases with exactly the same manifestations, and without special laboratory tests it is impossible to establish the exact cause of the disease. For example, an upset stomach can occur due to both food poisoning and allergies.

That is why, if you notice one or more of the above symptoms, it is better to immediately contact your veterinarian. The clinic will carry out the full range of necessary tests: tests will be taken, in case of dermatological manifestations - skin scraping, checking for the presence of fleas, as well as tests to identify the allergen.

Based on the data obtained, the veterinarian will be able to say what exactly caused the allergic reaction so that the dog can be completely eliminated from contact with a substance harmful to it. If there is a food allergy, a special diet is drawn up that excludes foods containing the allergen.

How to treat food allergies in dogs

Treatment of allergies in dogs depends on the health of the animal, the severity of the process, the presence of infection, age and other factors. It is prescribed individually, after consultation with a veterinarian. Therapy should be comprehensive and include the following activities:

  • hypoallergenic diet;
  • detection and elimination of allergen (irritant);
  • taking medications to relieve allergy symptoms.

It is imperative to introduce dietary restrictions. If symptoms include swelling, purulent discharge, and lacrimation, the veterinarian may prescribe rinses, ointments, or drops. In case of damage to the skin or hair loss, antiseptic and antipruritic drugs are prescribed. If the dog begins to choke, you need to urgently take it to the clinic.

The veterinarian prescribes medications, selects the dose and duration of treatment. The choice of drugs is quite wide, but usually preference is given to drugs that reduce sensitivity and eliminate swelling and itching. Therapy may include agents aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Remember that only a doctor can prescribe medications. Home treatment can cause the animal’s condition to worsen.

What to do if your dog ate smoked cheese or blue cheese

These types of products are harmful to dogs. With a single consumption of a small amount, there may be no visible harm. Systematic or heavy eating leads to signs of poisoning or allergies and other health problems for the dog. If your pet is suspected of being poisoned, you need to give him an absorbent, provide him with plenty of fluids, and temporarily exclude all food. Continuous disturbing symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, itching, redness of the skin, discharge from the eyes and nose, swelling, etc.) force the owner to take the pet to a veterinary clinic; the use of special medications may be required.

How to choose dog food

Hypoallergenic food should be selected after testing. If you take the product on your own, you may make the situation worse. Take your pet to the vet. The specialist will take a skin scraping and perform a blood test.

After receiving the results, the doctor will give recommendations on the choice of food.

How to choose what to feed your dog?

  • Hypoallergenic compounds should be sought only in super-premium and holistic food classes.
  • Be sure to take into account the pet’s age, level of activity, and physiological condition.
  • Try different foods if one doesn’t suit you and don’t look for variety if the diet is comfortable for your pet.


What grains can be cooked for dogs? Porridge with meat or fish plus vitamin supplements is great for all age groups and dog breeds. Not all cereals are equally healthy. Wheat and barley groats are allergenic. They contain a lot of gluten. Corn is used only as an additive at a level of 10-15%. Rice, buckwheat and millet (use only in properly prepared form) are hypoallergenic. If we talk about what kind of cereal a puppy can eat, then it’s better to limit it to rice. The share of cereals is on average 30% of the diet. Peas and other legumes are not suitable for feeding dogs. Semolina is used for puppies at the initial stage of complementary feeding and in the treatment of adult dogs.

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Nikitin Sergey

I write about dogs based on the experience and knowledge gained during my studies as a veterinarian, work in my specialty, and simply from observing my pets.

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