The right diet or what vegetables can be given to dogs

Natural food for a dog is far from just meat. The owner needs to understand what vegetables are given to dogs in order to make the diet complete. Dogs, like wild canines, are not obligate predators. They come as close as possible to omnivores, having learned to benefit not only from animal, but also from plant food.

At the same time, it is a mistake to believe that all the same vegetables are safe and healthy for dogs as for people. Some fruits can seriously harm your pet, and some are fed with caution and not too often.


What kind of vegetable is pumpkin?

The pumpkin family has 760 species. Native to South and Central America. The Indians considered it a sacred plant; traces of a pumpkin dating back to 7000 BC were discovered in Mexico; it came to Europe with Columbus. In our climatic conditions, the pumpkin season begins around July, and we can find it on the shelves until the first frost. After the end of the season, the vegetable is stored at a temperature of about +10...+15˚C, in a dark and, if possible, ventilated place, and it will be suitable for consumption for up to six months.

The cucurbit family has about 120 genera and about 800 species in the world, varying in color, shape and size. The most popular variety is pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo). You can also buy Hokkaido pumpkin from Japan, which is very small in size and has thin, edible skin. Kabocha squash is also native to the Japanese islands and has sweet, fiber-free pulp that is ideal for desserts. Pumpkin seed oil is obtained from the butternut squash, which has no scales on the seeds, making it easy to extract the oil.

Feeding dry food

For the owner, new food technology has made a big difference in pet feeding. You no longer need to stand at the stove, cook soups and main courses, or process vegetables.

At first glance, there seems to be no difference. They all look like granules, come in different packages, and don’t always smell pleasant. If it is canned, it is a type of pate or pieces in a sauce.

If we look at the composition, significant differences are found.

  1. Inexpensive food contains dyes, flavor enhancers, fragrances, and residues from the meat processing industry. Price list for 1 kg. does not reach more than 200 rubles.
  2. The middle class contains by-products and deboning residues at a more or less cheap price (up to 500 rubles). The manufacturer does not spare preservatives and sometimes enriches it with vitamins. Despite all the promises and widespread advertising, such food will never replace good nutrition.
  3. Expensive multi-component ones (price no less than 1,300 rubles) are a premium class that provides a complete diet. It is necessary to select, based on the characteristics of the breed, the pet’s lifestyle.
  4. Holistics contain only natural ingredients: lamb, turkey, vegetables, fruits. Preservatives - extracts from plants and vitamin E. They are considered the most expensive in price; their production is located in Canada, Italy, and the Netherlands. There is only one drawback: you can’t always buy it in a regular pet store, you have to make special orders.

Only the owner can choose what exactly the dog needs. Breeders and veterinary specialists will tell you the specifics.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of pumpkin

Pumpkin is a very low-calorie vegetable. 100 grams of pumpkin contain on average 26 calories (kcal) and fiber, so they help with weight loss. The pulp of the vegetable is used as a sedative, as well as for inflammation of the small intestine and bloody diarrhea. In these cases, boiled or fresh pumpkin juice is used.

In addition, pumpkin pulp accelerates urination, so it is recommended to eat it for rheumatic diseases, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene , which is an antioxidant, meaning it inhibits harmful oxidative processes and thus may prevent the development of cancer. In a dog's body (unlike a cat's), carotenoids are converted into the active form of vitamin A, retinol, and therefore pumpkin may be an exogenous source of this vitamin. Vitamin A is involved in vision processes and regulates cell growth and differentiation. It is necessary for the proper development of the body and is involved in reproductive processes. Very important for the functioning of the immune system, skin and mucous membranes, affects bone metabolism. Its deficiency is mainly associated with visual impairment and, in addition, the body becomes more susceptible to infections.

Pumpkin is rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6), vitamins E and C, and contains many minerals such as magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium and phosphorus.


1. Pumpkin: beneficial properties and composition 2. How pumpkin can harm you 3. In what form to give it 4. Can a dog get sick 5. Can puppies and pregnant women eat pumpkin 6. Other healthy foods

Everyone knows that the diet of pets when feeding natural food should contain not only meat and grains, but also vegetables - a source of vitamins and minerals, but what plant products should be included in the pet’s menu and is it possible to give a dog pumpkin, for example? find out from the experts. Not all vegetables and fruits are good for dogs, and some can be harmful.

Which pumpkins are good for dogs?

Any edible squash can be used, such as Hokkaido, butternut squash or spaghetti squash. Their taste is a pleasure not only for people, but also for dogs. Our four-legged friends can enjoy pumpkin puree, fried, steamed or baked pumpkin.

Important: Buy pumpkin only from a supermarket or organic market. Vegetables available for purchase in stores do not contain dangerous bitter substances (cucurbitacins) and are therefore harmless to dogs. Not all varieties of pumpkin are suitable for dogs to eat.

If it gets bad

Your pet will feel sick from pumpkin if he ate a lot of it, it turned out to be stale, or he is allergic to it. In this case, the following are possible:

  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • lethargy, weakness.

The dog lies down, does not play, and refuses to eat. This condition can last from several hours to several days. It usually goes away on its own, without special treatment.

The animal needs to be provided with complete rest and avoid physical activity. It is recommended to give water. But if the pet does not get better, the condition only worsens, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Beware of decorative pumpkins

Decorative pumpkins are an absolute taboo for a dog. These small vegetables are very popular as fall decorations for the home and garden. They are not suitable for human consumption and are very toxic to dogs.

If you do not want to remove these fruits from the site, but want to admire their beautiful outlines and unusual colors, make sure that decorative pumpkins are inaccessible to four-legged animals. Otherwise, many curious dogs may get the idea of ​​trying colorful vegetables. If the owner notices that the dog has been gnawing on a decorative pumpkin, he should immediately take him to the veterinarian.

What to replace it with?

If such food is not available, it is replaced by:

  • melons;
  • spinach;
  • bananas;
  • pears;
  • carrots.

These are sources of vitamins that are allowed to be given to dogs. In terms of the amount of useful substances, they are not inferior to pumpkin. Animals tolerate them well, regardless of breed.

If you want to supplement the pumpkin with other products, you should focus on cereals: rice, buckwheat. It is also combined with lean meats and carrots. The result is a tasty combination that pets love.

Is pumpkin good for dogs?

Yes, pumpkin is very healthy for dogs. Hokkaido, kabocha, nutmeg and other varieties are real vitamin bombs. These vegetables are rich in fiber, contain essential vitamins such as vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals (magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc).

Benefits of pumpkin:

  • stimulates digestion and metabolism;
  • works against constipation;
  • supports the immune system;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • protects against bladder infections;
  • helps dogs with prostate diseases;
  • regulates insulin levels in the blood;
  • helps to lose weight.

The same applies to pumpkin seeds and their oil. Their medicinal effect is confirmed by scientific studies on animals. Scientists have concluded that they have anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic effects, and are also beneficial for the health of the prostate and urinary tract of dogs.

How to cook porridge?

Pumpkin porridge for dogs is a healthy and tasty treat. It is not difficult to prepare.

You will need:

  • 250 g rice;
  • 400 g pumpkin;
  • water.

The rice is placed in a saucepan and filled with warm water so that its level is 1-2 cm above the cereal. Cook over low heat. At this time, you need to peel the pumpkin, grate it on a coarse grater or cut it into cubes, and add it to the rice.

You also need to add a little water to make the mixture less thick. There is no need to add salt and sugar to it, as they can negatively affect your pet’s digestion. The mixture is left to simmer over low heat until the pumpkin and rice are soft. Depending on the variety, it will take 15-25 minutes.

When the food has become soft, remove the dish from the heat and allow to cool. It is ready, you can feed your pet delicious porridge.

Feeding a pregnant chow chow

During pregnancy, to ensure full gestation and to avoid complications during childbirth, nutrition becomes more complete.

Weeks of pregnancy, lactationHow many times a day should I feed?Diet: features and exceptions
from 1 to 4no more than 3Introducing fermented milk products, cottage cheese to increase the proportion of calcium, fish products
From 5 to 8No more than 4Add vegetables, fruits, vitamins B, A, E, D
From 8 weeks until birthfrom 5 to 6Remove bone products from the diet, combine fish with meat (boil, do not salt)
1 week after birth5Completely exclude sour milk and fish. Increase nutrition with milk and proteins
2 weeks until the end of lactationuntil 3Increase the amount of calcium, vitamins

Super premium

The product descriptions in the annotations will help you decide on the composition that is most suitable for your pet.

Fest Choice


Arden Grange

Gina Elite


Brit Care

Daily Dog

What about broccoli?

Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables: it improves digestion, prevents constipation, and has anti-cancer properties. Contains: C, D, A, E, C, K, B, folic acid, copper, potassium, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium and calcium. There is as much valuable beta-carotene as in pumpkin and carrots. Very useful for elderly dogs.

ATTENTION! With frequent and excessive use, it causes diarrhea and flatulence.

This type of cabbage could really harm your pet if the dog ate only this vegetable for a long time. Periodically introducing an animal into the menu is beneficial and enriches the food. Broccoli is good steamed or boiled.

Also, it is worth noting that pet stores sell special seaweed or kelp for pets.

You should not blindly believe the publications that fill the network on the topic: “useful - forbidden.” Each dog is individual, can like things that are not recommended, and sometimes knows better than a person what his body requires. But control and measure are always important!

A vegetable is good when there is no allergy to it, it is absorbed by the body and the animal’s feces are well-formed. The dog is cheerful, looks and feels great - it means the owner is doing everything right!

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this article is intended to inform the reader and is not a substitute for consultation with a veterinarian.

Combined nutrition

If diseases are detected, the doctor will consider it necessary to recommend the use of a combination diet.

There are rules that will allow you to avoid an overabundance of any substances.

  1. Do not mix dry and natural food in the same bowl.
  2. Choose a mode when the animal will receive “drying”, for example, in the morning. Always give “straight” in the evening.
  3. Despite the high quality of the holistic, super-premium type, it is not advisable to soak them with water. Thus, you are deceiving yourself, not the dog, thinking that it will be more natural.

If you cook it yourself, then calculate the calorie content and add vitamins.

Economy class

They have low nutritional value. Large portions will be required to satisfy you.








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Possible health problems

As with any food, you should always offer it in moderation (and get your vet's approval). A potential danger with pumpkin is that it is full of vitamin A, and while dogs can benefit from added vitamins just like humans, overconsumption of some vitamins can be toxic to pets.

However, you'd have to feed your dog quite a lot of pumpkin to put him at risk—about 10 to 1,000 times the recommended amount (which ranges from one to four tablespoons per day).

The high fiber content of pumpkin also means you should proceed with caution, as too much pumpkin can cause stomach upset in many dogs.

Be sure to use no more than one to two teaspoons for puppies (older dogs can handle a few tablespoons) and offer small amounts when first introducing pumpkin to your dog to make sure they tolerate it.


Pumpkin affects the animal as follows:

  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • eliminates pain and discomfort in the abdomen, preventing flatulence;
  • fights helminths, destroying them;
  • fills the body with vitamins and minerals, which helps strengthen the immune system and improve general condition.

It is useful to give pumpkin to your dog if there are stool problems. It helps cope with diarrhea and constipation, heals the intestines and normalizes its functioning. If the stomach hurts, it will help cope with the discomfort and cure the animal.


All the necessary elements have been selected, the owner does not have to come up with a replacement. Among holistic practitioners, the leading places are occupied by:




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