Is it possible to get infected with worms from a dog: the most dangerous types of parasites, methods of prevention

The appearance of a dog in the house is always a joyful event. Our faithful four-legged friends give us a lot of positive emotions, they become companions and full-fledged members of the family. But if the basics of care, the rules of communication with pets are neglected, or personal hygiene is not observed, ecto- and endoparasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other types of pathogenic flora that parasitize the body of animals cause harm not only to dogs, but also to people. For example, a person can become infected with worms from a dog if the pet is infested with certain types of endoparasites. What types of helminths are transmitted from dogs to humans?

Aspect One: Parasites need a suitable environment to thrive.

A dog's body temperature is approximately 39C; the human body temperature is only 36.6C. For parasites, such a temperature gap is important; worms do not develop due to uncomfortable conditions and tend to leave an unfriendly habitat.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>

Worms in children

Children become infected with worms more often than adults. Small children tend to put everything in their mouth. While walking, children play on the ground and in the sandbox. They can hug and kiss strangers and stray animals. They don't care about dirty hands.

Therefore, it is so important to try to instill hygiene skills in children as early as possible. Young children should be supervised during walks, always having water and disinfectants ready to wash their hands and wipe their faces in time. And at the first signs of helminthic infestation, you should consult a doctor.

In Moscow, the most frequently detected helminth infections are enterobiasis and ascariasis.

Aspect two: there is a life cycle that parasites go through during development

Parasites go through a certain path before they are able to develop in the dog’s body. Man is excluded from this chain of evolutionary development of parasites. Therefore, even an infected dog does not become a source of human disease.

When worm eggs fall on the soil, they are eaten by mites. This tick is eaten by a sheep, and by eating the sheep, the dog becomes infected with the parasite. A person does not act as a tick for worms, and therefore does not take part in their evolution, even while continuing to communicate with a sick dog.

Scientists have already studied a number of common helminths of humans and animals. They are called common because the parasite in the process of its development needs to change its host, one of them is a person.

The dog in this case is only an intermediate carrier of the helminth.

Some of the most dangerous parasites are:

Basic drugs for deworming

Drug nameManufacturer countryPriceRelease form
Drontal plus (Drontal junior)GermanyTablet – 60-70 rubles, packaging – 300-350 rublesPale yellow tablets
PrazicideRussia130 rubles per bottleSweet yellow suspension
  • 130-150 rubles per bottle
  • 50-150 rubles per package of tablets
Suspension or tablets
MilbemaxFrance160-450 rubles per blister with two tabletsPills
  • Drops – from 200 rubles per bottle
  • Tablets – 200-400 rubles per bottle
Drops on the withers or suspension
DrontsitGermanyThe price depends on the type of medicine - from 350 to 1100 rublesInjection solution or tablets
  • Pasta – 110-150 rubles;
  • Tablets – 100-200 rubles;
  • Suspension – up to 300 rubles
Paste, tablets or suspension

We also recommend that you read the detailed article about the drug: “Azinox plus for deworming dogs.”

Forms of release of medications for dogs

Anthelmintics are usually available in 4 forms:

  • Tablets and capsules;
  • Injection;
  • Suspension and paste;
  • Drops for external use.

The first form is considered traditional; most often medicines are produced in the form of pills . The positive aspects include low cost (tablets are sold individually) and ease of storage. In addition, it is easy to determine the specific dose. Modern medications contain flavorings that are attractive to dogs, making them easier to administer. The most popular anthelmintic tablets are Drontal plus and Milbemax . The main component is praziquantel, it acts on the central nervous system of parasites, thereby killing them.

Solutions are injected subcutaneously or into the muscle. It is characterized by accelerated action. More often used for large dogs or in case of large-scale infestation. They can be produced in the form of a powder that dissolves in a certain amount of saline solution. The composition of the solutions does not differ from tablets, only the dose of the active substance changes. One of the most famous medicines is Drontsit .

Suspensions and pastes are usually used for deworming puppies and small dogs, because they are available in 50-100 ml. This dose is not enough for a pet that weighs more than 10 kg. They are easy to use: administered using a syringe without a needle or dispensers behind the dog’s cheek. Syrups have a sweetish taste and are liked by animals. They may be more expensive than conventional drugs because they are not designed for one-time use. In veterinary practice, Drontal Junior and Prazicide .

Most often, drops are used to treat external parasites, but some drugs can also act on helminths . Advocate and Inspector are considered one of the best . Their main disadvantage is their high cost. The active substances are absorbed into the animal’s blood and penetrate into the infected organs through the bloodstream. A negative property is accumulation in tissues, which often causes intoxication.

Echinococcus (Echinococcus)

Genus of tapeworms, order Cyclophyllidae. The disease is echinococcosis (it develops asymptomatically over several decades), but the most acute signals and manifestations are: nausea, vomiting, general malaise, severe aching abdominal pain.

Echinococcus larvae parasitize in dog feces. Infection occurs through close contact or through objects: toys, food, bed. For this type of parasite, humans are the intermediate host.

The development is due to the fact that echinococci spread peculiar “cysts” in parenchymal organs, such as the lungs and liver, due to favorable conditions for their existence, then spread to other organs.

Symptoms and diagnosis in adult dogs and puppies

Symptoms of the disease will directly depend on the cause of its appearance: the type of worms, the place of their reproduction. Some helminthiases do not manifest themselves in any way for a long time, while others are disguised as other diseases. Therefore, it is important to conduct periodic examinations in the clinic and preventive deworming.

The main symptoms of long-term development of helminthic disease:

  • Nausea, vomiting, upset;
  • Weak appetite, dejected state, inactivity;
  • Shortness of breath, fatigue;
  • Itching in the anal area;
  • Spasms;
  • Bloated belly;
  • Blood and mucus in stool;
  • Changes in the structure of the coat, the appearance of dandruff.

During diagnosis, a primary stool analysis is performed to detect helminth eggs. It can be repeated up to 3-5 times, because finding eggs is difficult even with good equipment. In addition, veterinarians prescribe general tests of urine and mucous membranes, x-rays or ultrasound of the cavity in which the pain occurs.

Canine Toxocara canis

A representative of roundworms, the genus Toxocara. The disease is toxocariasis (expressed by loss of vision, damage to the central nervous system, pneumonia, cough and vomiting). They are formed in the animal’s body in the stomach and small intestine, and spread through feces.

Basically, a person becomes infected through contact with soil where mature individuals are parasitizing. Once in the human body, they multiply in the brain, liver, lungs, eyes, forming membrane-covered growths, which leads to terrible consequences for humans.

Hookworms (Ancylostoma)

They belong to the genus nematodes. The disease is hookworm (the disease passes without symptoms, but subsequently manifests itself as skin itching, inflammation and dermatitis).

The parasites are localized in the small intestine of the dog and are transmitted in utero to the puppy through the placenta and milk, then the larvae are passed in the feces.

A person can become infected through close contact with an animal. The larvae do not fully develop in the human body, but are able to live for several years.

Pork tapeworm (Taenia solium)

A parasite of a type of tapeworm. The disease is taeniasis (it develops asymptomatically for several years, later the manifestation of vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and insomnia). Man is the final owner.

Despite the name, the intermediate host can be pigs, dogs and other animals. Infection occurs through feces due to failure to comply with basic hygiene rules.

This type of helminth is very dangerous and multiplies in the gastrointestinal tract, from where it can spread throughout all body systems, right up to the brain. They live in the human body for decades.

Symptoms of helminthiases

The body tries to resist the penetration of worms. The first consequences of helminth infestation are precisely related to the body’s immune response to the ingress of helminth eggs and larvae. This acute stage lasts (depending on the type of parasite) from several weeks to several months. An allergic reaction can be expressed in the form of a rash, swelling, swollen lymph nodes, cough, etc.

If all the body’s protective barriers are broken, then helminthiasis enters the chronic stage.

The larva develops into an adult. In the case of single parasites, a person may not notice their presence, but if there are many helminths, then the consequences of their presence inside the body significantly affect health.

Worms damage tissues by attaching to them using their fixation organs (hooks, spines, etc.), as a result of which inflammation can develop in this place.

Worms create a comfortable environment for themselves. In particular, they cause suppression of the immune system so that the body's defense system no longer reacts to their presence. Reduced immunity causes a person to become susceptible to various infectious diseases.

The presence of worms in the human intestines disrupts metabolism, as the worms absorb nutrients (proteins, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates). Some varieties of worms secrete substances that neutralize the digestive enzymes of the host. The waste products of worms cause changes in the intestinal microflora, promoting the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Many types of worms are hemophages, that is, they feed on the host’s blood, contributing to the development of anemia and vitamin deficiency (worms absorb the much-needed vitamin B12).

If the parasite lives not in the intestines, but in the tissues of some organ, then its growth causes compression and deformation of the tissues, which can lead to disruption of the functions of this organ (brain, liver, eyeball).

Suspicion of helminthiasis, first of all, causes disruption of the digestive system and neurological disorders.

Gastrointestinal manifestations of helminthic infestation

The consequences of the presence of worms in the body are not specific and can be mistaken for symptoms of various diseases. A person may complain of occasional pain in the abdominal area of ​​unclear localization, flatulence, or a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Appetite may increase or be completely absent. Bowel disturbances (constipation or diarrhea) may occur.

Neurological manifestations of helminthic infestation

Helminthic infestation is often the cause of neuropsychiatric disorders - this is the result of the presence in the blood of toxins produced by helminths. The patient may feel general weakness, emotional instability, fatigue, and loss of concentration may be observed.

Can you get infected through a dog's saliva?

Helminth infections can lead to numerous health problems, shortening life by 15-25 years. Many parasites are extremely difficult to detect. They can be anywhere - in the blood, intestines, lungs, heart, brain. Symptoms of helminthic infestation can be confused with ARVI, gastrointestinal diseases and others. The main mistake in such cases is delay! If you suspect the presence of parasites, you need to contact a specialist. More information about modern methods of treating helminth infections is described in this interview with a doctor . If we talk about medications and self-treatment, then this antiparasitic complex .

Another question that concerns people is whether it is possible to become infected with worms through the saliva of an animal. Yes, it is possible, but this happens extremely rarely.

For example, a dog can eat something while walking on the street and then (with worm larvae on the tongue) come into contact with a person, from where he can become infected through kisses. Also, through saliva, a dog can bring many infections that develop in the oral cavity.

Prevention measures

Since the larvae and eggs of worms, due to their incredible vitality, can exist on surfaces for a long time, the house where the pet lives should be regularly wet cleaned with special disinfectants. For the same reason, after walking and contact with your four-legged friend, you should be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

During walks, do not allow children to pet stray dogs and cats. Also, minimize your pets' exposure to strays.

Often the owner may not be aware of the presence of worms in the dog’s body. Despite this, anthelmintic prophylaxis should be done regularly. Bathe your pet more often, treat it for fleas, and put your dog on a flea collar. Antiparasitic drugs should be taken not only by animals, but also by owners. This should be done once every six months and at the same time as your pet.

A four-legged friend should have his own place to sleep; the dog should not be allowed to sleep in the bed with its owner, since even if the dog regularly takes anti-worming medications, it can still be a carrier of parasites. If you do allow your pet to lie on your bed, immediately change the underwear, wash at high temperature and iron the underwear from the front and back sides.

To keep your pet and the entire family safe, do not feed your dog raw food. At least process it at 80°C. This will kill a considerable part of the worm larvae.

When walking outside, carefully monitor the animal and under no circumstances allow it to eat anything from the ground.

Of course, when a dog is happy and shows you his love, it is difficult to protect yourself from his “kisses.” If your dog licks you, be sure to wash your face and hands thoroughly. Try to avoid contact with your pet's mucous membranes.

If you follow these simple rules of prevention and communication with animals, your dog will give you only joy, and you will protect both it and yourself from dangerous diseases.

How does a person become infected?

A child or an adult can become infected with worms from a pet through contact, through saliva. eggs can be under the claws, on the fur, paw pads, and other parts of the dog’s body.

Don’t forget that our little brothers are very sociable, friendly, active pets. On walks, dogs communicate with their relatives and other animals that may be infected with worms.

The dog, showing its love, licks the hands and face of the owner. Some owners allow dogs to climb onto the sofa or bed. There is no doubt that children are crazy about their pets. A child plays with a dog, takes care of it, kisses, hugs his pet. Thus, with constant contact with the dog, infection with worms occurs.

Even if the dog is not infected with internal parasites, the pet can bring larvae or worm eggs into the house on the fur after a walk. They can be on the floor, interior items, furniture, carpets, children's toys, clothes . Therefore, if you do not follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, if the pet is infected with parasitic worms, the eggs and larvae of worms quickly enter the human body, where their further development occurs.

The risk of human infection with endoparasites from dogs increases if the dog is kept in poor, unfavorable conditions, the owner does not pay due attention to the prevention of helminthiases, and does not follow feeding rules.

Worm infestations in animals can also develop due to poor quality diet. So, if you give your pet raw meat, offal, sea and river fish of dubious quality without preliminary heat treatment, you cannot exclude the possibility that the dog will be infested with endoparasites.

Important! As a rule, infection with worms most often occurs during the warm period of the year. It is at this time that the most favorable conditions for the active reproduction of endoparasites.

Note that in the early stages of helminthic infestation, the dog’s symptoms may be mild, so owners may not always recognize that the animal is suffering from a parasitic disease. At the same time, a pet is the main source of helminthiasis infection in humans and other animals.

Treatment of helminthic infestation

All helminthiases are harmful to health. Even when there are no obvious symptoms, parasites poison the body, cause allergies, reduce immunity, and, according to many doctors, shorten life expectancy.

At the first suspicion of helminthic infestation in a person, you need to go to the clinic, get tested and undergo an examination. After examination by a veterinarian, the pet is given a complex remedy. People are prescribed:

  • a targeted drug that kills worms of a certain type;
  • antihistamines to suppress an allergic reaction;
  • sorbents to eliminate intoxication during mass death of parasites.

Echinococcosis requires surgical intervention - the cysts are removed, sometimes with a fragment of the affected organ. For alveococcosis, chemotherapy with anthelmintic drugs and removal of nodes are indicated. Toxocariasis is treated with courses until complete recovery.

How to avoid infection

There are no measures to help avoid parasite infection. Even following all the rules of hygiene does not guarantee that helminths will not appear in a person’s body. The shocking fact is that up to 80% of all people in the world are carriers of one or more types of parasites. But there are effective ways to minimize parasitic infection.

Prevention of helminths in humans

Following simple preventive measures can be an effective way in the fight against worms.

  1. Eliminate from the diet foods that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment. This recommendation especially applies to fish and meat products.
  2. It is important to thoroughly wash fruits, vegetables and even berries before eating.
  3. Try to drink exclusively clean water.
  4. Pay close attention to the rules of household hygiene. It is recommended to wash your hands with soap every time you visit the toilet, every time you plan to eat, and take care to systematically change your linen.

No matter how perfect the rules are, there is a possibility that they will not be enough. Then there is a need to take antihelminthics.

Prevention of pets

A simple reasonable understanding of the rules of hygiene will help, guided by common sense, to determine and develop rules for safe communication with your pet.

It is much more important to ask the question of how to give anthelmintic drugs to your four-legged pet.

The minimum age at which prophylaxis is started in a puppy or kitten is three weeks. If the owner notices helminths in the feces, the procedure is repeated after 14 days.

Prevention of dogs is carried out 4 times a year. If the pet is not walked and eats exclusively special animal food, worms are removed twice a year, usually in spring and autumn.

Deworming is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating animals; adverse effects may occur in children. If an animal becomes infected with worms during pregnancy, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

Here are two simple rules for safe prevention:

  • Observe the dosage and follow the instructions for the drug.
  • The drug should not be given to sick, malnourished animals, especially in the postoperative period.

What to do when your four-legged friend gets infected

A friend at home has symptoms of infection? You should visit your veterinarian immediately. The specialist will find out the type of parasite. Having taken the research results from him, you need to visit the clinic at your place of residence.

In this case, you cannot take anthelmintic devices on your own!

Adherents of the theory: “to each his own” are not supported by either science or medicine. Parasites can be transmitted by animals to humans. The statement that pets are the main source of parasites is incorrect. Furry pets are victims who do not have the ability to protect themselves from this danger.

Compliance with hygiene standards and proper care of the animal can greatly reduce the risk of worms in all family members, including four-legged animals. A healthy home atmosphere, healthy pets – a joyful life.

Dietary recommendations for the treatment of helminthiasis

Excessive consumption of sweets and dairy contributes to the proliferation of worms. Therefore, during treatment it is necessary to exclude sweets, chocolate, cakes, and milk from the child’s diet. Fermented milk products are useful - kefir, fermented baked milk. It is extremely important to get more fiber in your diet, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. It is found in sufficient quantities in foods such as wholemeal bread, fruits, and vegetables. The diet also includes foods containing vitamins A, B, C. These are liver, especially sea fish, egg yolk, cream, butter, fish oil, peas, walnuts. The fruits of sea buckthorn, rose hips, black currants, and red pepper contain large quantities of vitamin C.

Among plant products, garlic, strawberries, apricot kernels, ripe melon juice grown without chemicals, raw carrots and their seeds, watermelon and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, pomegranate juice and St. John's wort tea have good anthelmintic properties. This will help get rid of worms, in addition to the special tablets that the pediatric gastroenterologist will prescribe.

When treating giardiasis, whole milk and foods containing gluten (baked goods and pasta, all cereals except rice, buckwheat and corn) are excluded from the child’s diet. Sour drinks (cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks, tea with lemon, kefir), boiled meat, fish, vegetable side dishes are recommended.

What worms can you get from a dog?

There are parasites that can be transmitted to humans from dogs.

Let's look at what worms are transmitted from dogs to humans.


Tapeworms belong to the class of flatworms that parasitize both the human and animal bodies.

Tapeworms can exist in both humans and dogs.

According to medical statistics, almost 30% of adults are carriers of helminthic parasites.

Among banded organisms, the most common participants in transmission from animal to host are:

  • wide tapeworm;
  • pork tapeworm;
  • echinococcus;
  • cucumber tapeworm.

Wide tapeworm

The broad tapeworm enters the dog through infected meat.

This type of worm can be acquired from a pet through consistent daily contact.

This is one of the largest representatives of its class, popularly called a bull tapeworm.

It got its name due to its habitat - the small intestine and muscle tissue of cattle.

This parasite enters the dog's body by consuming the last meat of an infected cow or calf. Dogs are not, from a scientific point of view, individuals infected with bovine or pork tapeworm, but at the same time they are carriers of this type of helminth, the so-called “intermediate hosts”, capable of transmitting or provoking helminthic infestation.

Cucumber tapeworm

The carrier of this type of tapeworm is not the dog itself, but the fleas present on the animal's fur.

Cucumber tapeworm, when entering the human body, causes regular nausea.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine an adult swallowing an infected flea, but a child playing with a puppy, kissing or biting it is quite possible.

Once in the human body, the cucumber tapeworm parasitizes the small intestine, causing the following symptoms:

  • regular nausea;
  • anal itching;
  • increased salivation;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen.

Pork tapeworm

As mentioned earlier, dogs are intermediate carriers of pork tapeworm. It is necessary to clarify that you can become infected with this type of tapeworm from cats, rabbits, and other domestic animals.

The ultimate target of the pork tapeworm is humans, since the parasite can reproduce only inside the human body.

The reproduction process provokes damage to the walls of the small intestine or taeniasis.

Symptoms of taeniasis:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • significant weight loss;
  • migraine;
  • poor or interrupted sleep;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cramps in the abdominal area.

Pork tapeworm causes severe diarrhea.


This type of tape parasite is considered one of the most dangerous.

Echinococcus multiplies in the small intestine.

This is due to their ability to provoke the occurrence and development of cysts in the tissues of the lungs and liver. In this case, neoplasms can reach the size of a tennis ball. But the main danger lies in the asymptomatic nature of this disease and the ease of infection by humans.

Echinococcus also parasitizes the small intestine not only of dogs or cats, but also of wild animals, such as wolves and foxes. It is not possible to get rid of this type of parasite during conservative treatment, so surgical intervention is the treatment method.


Nematodes or roundworms are most often represented by “dog roundworms” or hookworms.

Nematodes cause an increase in body temperature.

Helminths of the first group are very similar to the human variety. The only thing that distinguishes them is their behavior after entering the human body.

Most often, the “uninvited guests” are Toxocara canis larvae. The risk group for infection with this parasite includes, first of all, children who easily swallow this type of larvae. And there is also an increased risk of infection for veterinarians, dog kennel workers, hunters in contact with dogs, summer residents and gardeners .

Once in the body, Toxocara canis passes through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream, settling in the liver, lungs, brain, eyeballs, kidneys or pancreas. In this case, Toxocara larvae provoke tissue necrosis, allergic reactions, partial or complete blindness, and the development of bronchial asthma.

The main symptoms of the presence of toxocara in the body are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • various types of skin rashes;
  • memory impairment;
  • optic neuritis;
  • muscle pain;
  • causeless cough;
  • decreased appetite.

Veterinarian advice

Before you remove worms from your dog, do not forget to treat your pet for fleas. They are carriers of certain types of worms, and can infect the dog much earlier than the time for the next preventive treatment.

Worms and vaccination

Treatment for worms is a mandatory procedure before vaccination. Worms weaken the body, making it weak before infection. In addition, the work of the immune system when infected with worms will be aimed at destroying them. Therefore, antibodies to the vaccine may not be developed at all or in very small quantities.

It is necessary to remove worms from your dog before vaccination no less than 10 days before the injection. If you were given an antihistamine 1-1.5 months before vaccination, you do not need to give a tablet before vaccination.

Other veterinary advice

  • To prevent infection with worms, give your dog only foods that have been heat-treated, or even better, super premium or holistic food.
  • If you are a fan of a raw food diet, before giving your dog meat and fish, cut it into small (portioned) pieces and freeze for several days. In this case, preventive treatment will have to be carried out more often.
  • Do not allow your animal to drink from puddles. She can not only become infected with worms, but also pick up a dangerous infection.
  • When walking, wear a muzzle on your dog to prevent contact with feces, rotten food, and garbage. The accessory will also help avoid poisoning.
  • Do not allow stray dogs near your pet. They can transmit fleas, worms, skin and other diseases to him.
  • Buy anti-worm medications only from veterinary pharmacies and pet stores.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

Read further:

What do worm larvae look like: round and tapeworms, flukes

What worms look like in children: roundworms, pinworms, flukes and tapeworms

Worms for weight loss: are pills with worms dangerous for weight loss, reviews from those who have lost weight

Long worms in dogs: main types, description and methods of treating parasites in dogs

Milbemax against worms for cats and dogs: instructions for use, cost, reviews

Tapeworms in cats and dogs: symptoms, signs, medications and treatment tablets

Preventive actions

Puppies should be dewormed starting in the first months of life. The first time the procedure is carried out approximately in the third week after birth, after the same period of time the procedure is certainly repeated.

Prevention of helminthiasis in adult pets should be done once every three months. The anthelmintic drug is given to the dog during meals. If there is such a need, the procedure is repeated after 10 days.

An experienced veterinarian will tell you which medications to use for the treatment of helminthiasis in puppies or adult dogs. He will indicate the correct dosage and select a regimen for taking those medications, the price of which will suit the wallet of the animal owner.

You should not refuse the help of a specialist if you really care about the health of your pet.

How to identify dangerous parasites

It is impossible to identify and treat dangerous residents on your own, especially since they can exist in a complex and by eliminating some, you will only make room for others. Every clinic has a parasitologist; he is the one who treats infestations. If there is no such specialist, you can make an appointment with a therapist.

The doctor will prescribe a number of tests:

  • Blood for clinical analysis. With helminthiases, an acceleration of ESR, a decrease in hemoglobin and an increase in the number of eosinophils are observed.
  • Biochemical blood test for ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, thymol test, amylase. An increase in these indicators is typical for infection with nematodes.
  • Analysis of bile, mucus, sputum, muscle tissue.

Worm infestations are often disguised as other diseases. People undergo operations during which they find a eaten away pancreas or liver. It is not always possible to cure a patient with an advanced form, so you should not hope for a miracle - you need to take the same test for “worm eggs” in a timely manner. To make a diagnosis, endoscopy of the intestines and stomach is prescribed.

Diseases caused by parasitic protozoa are difficult to detect. The infection proceeds latently and destroys the body until the patient exhibits serious organ changes.

Why are helminths dangerous for dogs?

If left untreated, worms in dogs can lead to serious consequences over time, including:

  • weakened immunity and retarded growth and development due to insufficient supply of nutrients to the animal’s body;
  • mental exhaustion of the dog due to constant itching, pain, discomfort;
  • the addition of infection against the background of a decrease in protective forces, the development of numerous diseases;
  • serious intoxication of the pet’s body with toxic metabolic products of parasites, the development of allergic reactions.

Helminths lead to diseases of the liver, brain, heart, lungs and other organs. Ignoring the symptoms of worms in a dog is fraught with the development of jaundice, heart attack, epilepsy, intestinal obstruction, cerebral hemorrhage, loss of vision and other consequences, including death.

Important: according to statistics, more than 60% of domestic dogs are infested with helminths. At the same time, infected pets look clinically healthy, so owners do not always suspect that their beloved animal is sick.

How to give a pill to a dog yourself (+ video)

The instructions for the drugs must indicate the method of use and whether the pills can be crushed or split. If this is allowed, then the tablet is crushed or ground into powder and given to the pet along with food (in the case when the medicine needs to be taken with or after a meal).

When the drug involves fasting, it is permissible to dilute the pre-crushed tablet with water and inject the solution with a syringe without a needle into the dog’s cheek.

Some pills, such as Bravecto , cannot be injected because different substances are concentrated in different parts of the pill. They are given in full. If the composition contains a flavoring, then the pet can eat the medicine on its own.

To insert the tablet you need:

  1. Hold the dog between your legs or pick it up;
  2. While stroking the scruff of the neck, throw back your head;
  3. Open your mouth by inserting your index or middle finger into it (under the cheekbone);
  4. Quickly and carefully place the tablet on the root of the tongue or behind the cheek;
  5. Close the mouth and hold until the dog swallows the drug.

Don't forget about the rules of personal hygiene . The place should be sterile and familiar to the pet. It is worth wearing gloves and washing your hands after the procedure.

Prices for drugs for anthelmintic treatment of dogs

  • Agrovet protection Alben S, 6 tablets, from 100 to 110 rubles;
  • Milprazone, 2 tablets, from 297 to 315 rubles;
  • Api-San Prazicide-suspension Plus, 10 ml, from 145 to 150 rubles;
  • Novartis Milbemax, 2 tablets, from 530 to 540 rubles;
  • Drontal (Bayer) plus, 1 tablet, RUB 332;
  • Api-San Dirofen suspension – deworming remedy for dogs, 10 ml, 175 RUR;
  • Helmintal, 10 ml, from 280 to 300 rubles;
  • Cestal plus, 1 tablet, from 100 to 110 rubles;
  • Api-San Prazicide-suspension Plus, 10 ml, from 149 to 155 rubles;
  • Levamisole – anti-worm injection, 50 ml, from 50 to 75 rubles;
  • Euracon Pharma Kanikquantel plus XL, 12 tablets, from 1750 to 1900 rubles.
  • Advocate (Advocate), 1 pipette, from 350 to 370 UAH;
  • Caniquantel Plus, 1 tablet, from 30 to 32 UAH;
  • Procox – suspension, 7.5 ml, from 190 to 195 UAH;
  • Profender (Profender), 1 tablet, from 45 to 47 UAH;
  • Dironet, 6 tablets, from 99 to 105 UAH;
  • Prazicide Suspension Plus (Api-San), 10 ml, from 49 to 50 UAH;
  • Palladium GOLDEN DEFENCE, 1 pipette, 125 UAH;
  • Milbemax, 2 tablets, from 109 to 110 UAH;
  • Bioveta Kaniverm – for puppies, 1 tablet, from 28 to 29 UAH;
  • Levamisole – for injection, 10 ml, from 7 to 9 UAH;
  • Livisto Aniprazol (Aniprazol), 1 tablet, from 67 to 69 UAH.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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