The largest dog in the world (photo): Zeus and his “colleagues”

Great Danes are real giants of the canine world. But even among the representatives of one of the largest dog breeds in the world, there are giants who hold records in height and weight. These dogs surprise not only with their huge size, but also with their weight category. They look quite intimidating, but at the same time they are real good-natured in nature.

History of the breed

The Great Dane is a working breed belonging to the Molossian group of dogs. The ancestors of the Great Dane appeared on the territory of Europe during the Great Migration. Strong and heavy dogs were brought with them by the nomadic people of the Alans, who filled the expanses of Western Europe in the 3rd-5th centuries.

The Alans settled on the territory of the Apennine Peninsula and modern Germany. The ancestors of Great Danes were used during battles and for protection. They were considered formidable war dogs.

Crossing alien mastiffs with the Irish Wolfhound and the English Greyhound led to the emergence of a new subspecies. Its representatives became more mobile, so they began to resort to their help in driven hunting of large game, in particular bears. Such activities were common only among the upper classes of society, so the breed was considered aristocratic. Over time, these dogs began to be bred as companions.

Among those who put a lot of effort into the development of the breed, it is important to mention Count Viderd de Sanclair. The name “Great Dane” was given to the descendants of Molossian dogs in 1878. Before that, “Great Dane” was the name given to large and strong dogs that were not representatives of a specific breed.

At the same time, a committee of breeders was created in Germany to breed animals of this type. The first breed standard appeared in 1880. Interestingly, since 1965, the Great Dane has been considered the symbol of the American state of Pennsylvania.

Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is one of the top five largest dogs in the world. This breed was bred for rescue work in the Alps. The height of the average representative of the breed is up to 90 cm and weighs more than 100 kg.

Among the St. Bernards there are three leaders who are distinguished by their appearance:

  1. The first is a dog named Benedictine. He weighed more than 166 kg, for which he received the title of “The heaviest dog in the world.”
  2. The second is a male named Major F. His peculiarity is that his body length from the tip of his nose to his tail is 2.59 cm.
  3. The third is a dog named Brandy. He entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1977 as “The Strongest Dog” after he was able to pull a carriage with rails weighing 2 tons 905 kg over a distance of 4.57 m in 90 seconds.

The St. Bernard's appearance can be deceiving. While seemingly calm and slow, the dog instantly shows agility and swiftness. The breed is suitable for protecting owners and guarding.

Physiological characteristics of the breed

The Great Dane is distinguished by its massive build, well-developed bone structure, expressive head and aristocratic posture. Its appearance harmoniously combines balance, nobility and proportional lines.

The body of males usually fits into a square, while females are more stretched out. According to the current standard, the height of males at the withers (the highest point on the animal’s spine) must be at least 80 cm, and that of females – 72 cm. Moreover, the length of the back should not greatly exceed the height at the withers. The dogs' weight ranges around 90 kg.

Representatives of the breed are characterized by a long and large head with a wide bridge of the nose. The dog's ears are set high, their edges close to the cheek. The neck is high and long. The withers are muscular. The limbs are strong and straight. The paws are closed in a ball, which gives them a resemblance to felines.

The Great Dane's tail is set high and tapers to a point. When the dog is relaxed, the tail is lowered, and when excited it rises noticeably. The dog's coat is short and shiny.

As for color, the standard distinguishes:

  • black (deep black, white spots possible);
  • brindle (gold with clear black stripes and a black mask);
  • white with black spots (pure white with torn black spots);
  • fawn (gold, black mask welcome);
  • blue (steel blue, white areas possible).

The eyes and claws of representatives of this breed are usually black. Light eyes are found only in blue and marbled Great Danes.

English Mastiff

Another breed that falls into the “Largest Dog in the World” category and takes second place is the English Mastiff. The average height of the aristocratic breed is 69-91 cm at the withers.

The record holder who appeared on the pages of Wikipedia is an English mastiff named Aikama Zorba. He was born in September 1981 to the breeder Prosser I. Later, an English gentleman from London, Chris Iraklides, became the owner of the dog. In 1989, the Guinness Book recorded a record weight of a dog of 155.6 kg with a height of 94 cm and a body length of 2.51 m.

On a note! The English Mastiff breed is bred to guard territory. They are distinguished by their courage, balanced character and powerful appearance. However, the English Mastiff often makes a good companion accompanying its owner.

Great Dane character

The Great Dane is a watchman, companion and bodyguard. His basic traits are balance, calmness and goodwill. But if there is a threat to the owner, the attacker will be in trouble, especially since Great Danes are distrustful of strangers. However, you can safely go to public places with them.

Great Danes are quite active; they enjoy playing chase and fetch. Dogs of this breed can be considered homebodies. They can lie on the floor for hours, changing their location from time to time. Great Danes are happy to show off their height by leaning on their owner's shoulders with their front paws.

They are known to be good-natured and loyal pets. This is an easy to manage companion. Great Danes treat all family members well and willingly play with children. But it is better not to leave very young children alone with a Great Dane puppy. A 5 month old puppy often weighs more than a 5 year old. While playing, he may unwittingly harm the baby.

Great Danes are not aware of their size and strength, which means that the consequences of some of their actions should not be considered deliberate sabotage. When playing with a person, they can easily knock him down, which also should not be perceived as aggression. These wise dogs are not at all prone to groundless displays of aggression.

Great Danes understand well when it is better not to disturb their owner. At the same time, they are very sociable and require a lot of attention. At a young age they are often hyperactive and not always obedient, but proper training turns them into ideal family pets.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

The established standard for the Alabai breed is the height of males up to 75 cm and weight up to 80 kg. However, among the representatives of the breed there was a unique dog named Bulldozer. He received this nickname due to his habit as a puppy of clearing snow on the paths with his nose. As an adult, Bulldozer weighed 130 kg! His owner loaded the dog with strength training every day: covering a distance of 10 km with a special weight on his back.

On a note! Alabais are intended for protection and guard duty. They are distinguished by their explosive nature, quick reaction and muscular body.

Maintenance and care

Since the dog is big, the first thing it needs is space. There is no point in getting a Great Dane if you are the owner of a small apartment. It is also not customary to keep this aristocrat on the street. In the Russian winter, the short coat of the Great Dane is a weak protection against the cold.

At the same time, the coat of these dogs does not require special care. This means there is no need for frequent bath procedures. Taking a bath requires thoroughly rinsing off the shampoo. The fact is that detergent residue can have a bad effect on your dog’s coat. Regular walks, at least an hour a day, are especially important for the dog.

Great Danes are quite smart, so any owner can teach them basic commands. But when getting a dog of this breed, be prepared for the fact that they live no more than 6-10 years.

No. 2. Ulric the cat from Great Britain

The weight of this “baby” was 13.6 kilograms. Ulrik is a Norwegian Forest cat. No diets helped stop the growth of this pet; more precisely, he simply ignored all kinds of diets. If Ulrik liked the food offered, he simply ate from his “sister” (another cat)’s bowl. And yet, the owner decided to somehow rid his cat of extra pounds and made him a participant in a program developed specifically for such “hopeless gluttons.”

Ulrik is a giant cat.

Not every dog ​​will want to get involved with this fluffy dog.

Ulrik with his hostess.

Representatives of the breed included in the Guinness Book of Records

Great Danes are consistently included in the list of record holders. Not every breed can do this. Let's take a look at some of the Great Danes that have the honor of being included in the Guinness World Records list.


Male Great Danes are usually taller than females, however, for a long time the Great Dane Nova was considered the tallest dog in the world. Relying on its hind legs, it reached a height of 1.80 m . At the same time, her weight was 70 kg.

Nova lived with her owner Ann Supley in Addison (Illinois, USA). Ann loved to walk her pet in a Superman cape. Despite her impressive dimensions, Nova was afraid of unfamiliar small relatives. At the same time, she loved to play with children and was known as an excellent nanny.


In 2013, the Great Dane Zeus was named the tallest dog. His height at the withers was 111.8 cm, and when standing on his hind legs - 2.24 m . Let us remember that the first indicator is measured from the withers to the floor. There lived a dog in a small town in Michigan (USA). The daily ration of a Great Dane consisted of 14 kg of food.

According to the giant's owner Kevin Dorlag, Zeus had an unfailing good nature. True, when the Great Dane grew up, it was difficult for him to understand why now he was not allowed to sit on his owner’s lap. Thanks to his owners, Zeus was highly socially active. In many schools and hospitals he was not only a welcome guest, but also an indispensable assistant.

In public places, Zeus did not just demonstrate his size, he took part in the socialization of children, in particular, he helped kids overcome their fear of animals. In addition, he was used for canistherapy. This is a popular rehabilitation method using specially trained animals.

Zeus died in 2014, by which time he was 5 years old.


Currently, the tallest Great Dane in the world lives in Essex (UK). Freddie's height is 2.28 m . If the Great Dane stands on its hind legs, it will tower over its owner Claire Stoneman by 61 cm. The giant weighs more than 90 kg. Freddie lives with Claire, her family and the Great Dane Fluer.

It is not difficult to guess that the Great Dane eats an impressive amount of food. According to the owner, his favorite treats are buttered toast and fried chicken. It costs more than one thousand dollars a year to feed a dog.

Claire walks with Freddie for at least 40 minutes every day. Moreover, the walk takes place early in the morning, this way it is possible to avoid collisions with small dogs, which are often frightened by the size of the Great Dane. Claire understands that if an unpredictable situation arises, she may simply not be able to keep her pet.

A sudden encounter with a Great Dane can frighten anyone. However, if you have no evil intentions there is nothing to worry about. Size has no effect on the friendly nature of these giant dogs.

Tibetan mastiff

The next breed that is distinguished by its uniqueness is the Tibetan mastiff. This is the oldest breed, bred in the monasteries of the Tibetan region. Its purpose is to protect the territory. The average height of a male dog is up to 81 cm, weight – up to 82 kg.

One of the representatives of this breed, a male named Sensation, was sold to a famous coal magnate from China in 2011 for $1.5 million. Thus, the dog won the title of “The most expensive dog in the world.”

Interesting! His record was broken by another Tibetan Mastiff, which was purchased for $1.9 million in 2013. This cost was determined by the ancient pedigree of the dog.

Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records officially registered that the largest Tibetan mastiff weighed 113 kg. And this is far from a record number! In the 20th century of this century there lived a mastiff nicknamed Lio Chang. According to eyewitnesses, his weight reached 120 kg.

No. 4. Rabbit named Ralph (Ralph)

This baby, who is only 4 years old, weighs 25 kilograms. This miracle of nature lives in a British family. Until 2010, Ralph held the Guinness Book of Records. According to the owners of the giant rabbit, his weekly food costs them $75. Ralph eats crackers, corn, bread, apples, carrots.

Rabbit Ralph and his owner.

Ralph eats $75 worth of food a week.

No. 8. Capybara from Texas

There is such an animal - the capybara. It is also called capybara. In Texas there lives not just a capybara, but a real “capybara pig” (judging by its size). The weight of this rodent reaches 51 kilograms. Gary (that’s the pet’s name) is a real favorite in his family. The owners even built a separate pool for their “pig” so that she could enjoy life to her fullest.

Giant capybara.

Gary weighs 51 kilograms.

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