Roulette leashes – freedom for the pet and peace of mind for the owner

Experienced dog breeders understand that walking an animal is not only pleasure, but also work. The owner must constantly keep the dog in sight and pull it in time so that the leash does not get dirty in wet grass or road dust. A dog tape measure is an indispensable tool for walks. It is suitable for both the owner of a large animal and the breeder of a small four-legged friend. This is an excellent option for walking a pet of any breed in an urban environment.

Walking in the city - constant monitoring

Every owner dreams of not having to worry too much when walking with their pet.
This is difficult to do in the city, because the animal must be constantly monitored. There are a lot of irritants around: other four-legged animals, loud noises, cars, flying packages, in the end. The owner must be as focused as possible and not lose vigilance for a minute. In order to somehow relax our attention while walking, we are used to using a leash. The choice of this accessory should be approached as seriously as possible, because the most important part in the pet’s life – a walk – will be associated with it.

So, which leash should you choose? One of the most interesting and effective options is a roulette leash. With its help, walking with your dog will become even more interesting. The pet will be able to easily move long distances while under the control of the owner. With one press of a button, you can stop the dog in any emergency situation, for example, if a car unexpectedly jumps out around a bend. However, this device is not suitable for all animals. Next, we will consider in detail all the nuances of using roulette.

Tape or rope

It should be noted that in terms of convenience and reliability, both versions of the roulette leash are equivalent, however, each of them has its own characteristics. Typically a cable leash is lighter than a tape leash. In addition, it collapses faster.

A leash with a ribbon can easily twist while twisting, and if your dog is active and energetically jumps between bushes or trees, then the cable will get tangled there much more easily. Also, a dog owner is more likely to be injured by a cable device than a tape device.

We recommend reading about what dogs need shoes for, whether dogs need diapers, how to make a blanket, a jumpsuit pattern and a hat for your dog.

Experts do not recommend purchasing a leash with a cable for an animal heavier than 30 kilograms, so for large fighting breeds only a ribbon is suitable.

Choosing a roulette leash: arguments against

The tape measure can withstand heavy loads, but it also has its own strength limit. If your dog is strong enough, and even has character, he can break the tape or jam the roulette mechanism.

In a stressful situation, grabbing the tape can easily injure your hands, pulling your pet towards you.

When buying a tape measure, it is recommended to take the device “with a reserve”, taking into account the strength of the dog’s jerk. That is, if your pet weighs 10 kg, then it is better to buy a leash designed for 20.

  • There is another important point: the animal can get used to the constant tension of the leash, and it will be difficult to get rid of this habit. Let's talk about this in more detail:
  • The tape measure is designed to allow your pet to run freely while you stand in one place. Thus, the animal does not feel the tension of the leash, because of this it does not feel the control of the owner and often begins to play around.
  • The pet will learn to pull you where he wants. Imagine, your puppy is stalling towards the dog in order to get acquainted, you release the latch, allowing him to do this. Now the animal will constantly pull you with jerks. It will learn to expect the latch to loosen.
  • A situation may arise when you accidentally let go of the tape measure. If the dog runs, the tape measure body will “catch up” with it and scare it even more.
  • Tape measures can be dangerous for small children: the child may grab the tape and injure their hand.
  • Several dogs on roulette leashes can entangle each other during play and be injured by the bands or cables during sudden movements.
  • The tape measure is not very suitable for show dogs. It can provoke a lateral movement and change the width of the pet's step.

Design and principle of operation

Roulette leashes can be divided into three types of design solutions:

  • cable - a round nylon cord is used;

  • tape - nylon tape of flat section;

  • combined - a cord or ribbon that turns into a section of a leash, a more powerful flat section and equipped with a carabiner for the dog’s collar. The tape part of the leash does not retract into the tape measure.

Regardless of the manufacturer, the design of the roulette leash remains fundamentally unchanged. It consists of a plastic case in which a spring device is mounted. The opening of the rotating bobbin is filled with nylon cord or tape of the same quality. The larger the diameter of the roulette drum, the longer the leash it can accommodate. When the dog moves away from the owner, the cable unwinds, and when it returns, the spring-loaded reel winds it again.

The tape measure is equipped with a reel brake button. By pressing your thumb you can stop it from rotating. By removing your finger, you return freedom to the device. For long-term fixation of the leash, a locking button is provided that does not require holding with a finger. Some manufacturers equip their roulette leashes with a double-action key. It is enough to move it to the extreme - fixing position.

In case the dog jerks the handle of the device out of your palm, there is a safety loop that is put on your wrist. If necessary, it will also allow you to have two free hands.

Since the leash-roulette is an automatic device, and the tensioned cable is deprived of the unpleasant possibility of being trampled into the mud, you even have the opportunity to keep your hands in your pockets. Of course, if your dog has a calm disposition and is not very heavy. The larger the pet, the heavier the roulette (the author of the video is Online Pet Store).

Recommendations for selection:

Naturally, when choosing a leash for a dog, you are guided by the size of your pet. Roulettes are presented in variants depending on the weight of the animal for which they are designed.

Accordingly, standard sizes are distinguished, indicated by the following markings:

  • Giant - for large individuals reaching 60 kg or more;
  • Larg - for large breeds - 25–50 kg;
  • Medium - for medium-sized animals - 10–25 kg;
  • Small - for small dogs - up to 10 kg;
  • Mini - for the smallest and dwarf pets.

In addition, the roulette leash can be divided into series depending on comfort, style and price:

  • “comfort” - standard series, affordable price - up to 600 rubles;
  • “design” - comfortable, colorful - up to 700 rubles;
  • “lady” - for women and their pets, bright colors, design - up to 1300 rubles;
  • “gentleman” - for male pets, discreet style - up to 1300 rubles;
  • “glamour” - exclusive, decorated with rhinestones, handmade - up to 7 thousand rubles;
  • “luxury” - exclusive, fine hand-made leather - up to 10 thousand rubles;

Don't forget to take into account the desired length of the leash when purchasing. In the proposed options it is: 3, 5, 8 and 10 m. It is desirable that the roulette leash have some margin of safety. If your dog weighs more than 20 kg, it is better to purchase a product designed for a 30-kg dog. Obviously, this will extend the life of your purchase.

The choice of quality is the choice of durability, so consider choosing a leash with a metal casing for a small dog. The rubberized handle of the tape measure feels especially comfortable in the palm of your hand. A similar option is common on products from Flexi. Knowledgeable dog breeders recommend choosing a 5-meter long leash-roulette.

A 3-meter field may not provide enough freedom for your pet, but an 8-10-meter length will become uncomfortable for you. A long cable is good outside the city or in a park, but in populated areas it is even dangerous. There will always be a car, a cyclist or just a running person from whom you will have to save your pet and leash.

You need to get used to the tape measure and, after using a regular leash, it is quite difficult to handle. Roulettes with tape are not very convenient, since during twisting the tape often bends and cannot fit into the hole. The most convenient roulettes with a cable and a leash.

Expert advice when purchasing:

  1. When purchasing a Flexi leash for a puppy, do not try to save money and choose an option taking into account the future dimensions of the dog. Displaying less than humane qualities towards your beloved animal will not bring satisfaction to either you or your pet.
  2. Check the tightness of the collar carabiner connections. Give it a sharp tug and “load” it with your hands as much as you can. Having a large and heavy dog, you can guess what loads each roulette attribute will have to experience, and therefore it is better to play it safe.
  3. Test the keys. Smooth pressing, absence of backlash and extraneous sounds such as rattling and squeaking - indicators of poor quality assembly. It is recommended to have a safety loop on the tape measure handle.

Time and your pet will tell how successful your purchase will be. However, any experience in using advanced products from Flexi and other manufacturers will not be superfluous. And by reading the above information, you will save time and money.

Choosing a tape measure for a dog: arguments for

One of the most important advantages of roulette is the freedom of the pet and the owner. The dog can be walking, and you can be distracted by a gadget, conversations or something else, while continuing to control the animal. Roulette is a lazy leash for the owner.

When is it convenient to use it:

  • The dog is in heat, and you can’t let her go for a walk without a leash. In such cases, it is convenient to use a long tape measure and go to a quiet place.
  • The tape measure is ideal for small decorative dogs and cats. Their jerking force is small, which means that neither you nor your pet will get injured, and the tape measure will last a very long time.
  • The tape measure is perfect for hunting dogs that like to sniff out things. Such pets are sad to walk on a short leash; they may simply lose their natural skills.
  • For puppies. Active kids always want to frolic, but on a short leash it is almost impossible to do this. So that the puppy can run around and play enough, but at the same time remain under your control, use a tape measure.

Each owner has his own way of raising a pet: some prepare it for an exhibition, others just need a friend or companion. Thus, the choice of leash depends on the individual desires of the owner.

Faceted Pencil

Unus dies gradus est vitae

1. Actually, this is all the tool that was needed.

2. If the break occurred closer to the collar, then repairing it is completely easy. We need to loosen this loop. The cord is held there by one knot (like thread when sewing). It’s enough just to insert the end of the cord from the tape measure here in the same way (although to get it out you still have to disassemble the case). There are these tape measures with tape instead of a cord, I think everything is the same there.

3. It is easy to disassemble the case. There are no more or less latches there. Everything is held on by these pins, which are inserted into the plastic. Personally, I simply tore the case in half with force (unfortunately, everything that was inside was scattered and the picture of the world had to be restored using logic). Then assemble it in the same way - take and squeeze both parts. They may not be able to withstand such analysis 20 times, but they can definitely handle it 5 times.

4. This is what it all looks like. The pause button has been removed. But the fuse remained. The white coil has different hole diameters on the sides, so you can’t mix up the sides when installing.

5. The cord in the reel is attached in the same way with a knot as at the end of the leash. He comes out, dives back and there is a knot. The coil rotates on a pin with a slot. In this slot you need to attach a spring that winds up the leash. The spring is inside the coil and, apparently, it is not possible to remove it for replacement/repair. The worst problem was with this spring. Since I have a tendency to disassemble everything down to the screw, I removed the coil right away. The spring lost its clamp and naturally spread along the walls there. There were no tweezers/pliers on hand to pick up the spring band and bring it out to the hole. I wriggled around with a saw in the knife to pick it up and with toothpicks to fix it. I think it is quite possible to replace the cord without removing the coil. It's better not to take it off.

6. Everything else is quite simple. The button is inserted from the side, then the spring is placed with a spacer.

7. This is how the coil is locked inside. On the other side it is coated with oil.

8. We continue to collect. The cord should be wound counterclockwise (if you hold the case like I do, of course). There should be a plastic plug on it, through which it is pulled out of the tape measure. Having wound the cord completely, we take everything that is not wound in our hand, press the reel and begin to rotate the red body (.) clockwise many, many times. We start the spring. Yes, stronger. If you do not twist it enough, the leash will not rewind completely.

9. Then we insert the plug into place. The cord is taut. You can pack up your body and go for a walk.

Instead of the original cord, you can use some kind of paracord (why waste time =)) or a clothesline, or any strong and smooth sling. Can be made shorter. It can be longer. You can lightly burn the lint on the old cord with a lighter to reduce friction. In short, apart from the hidden spring (for twisting), the thing is quite simple.


The principle of operation and design of roulettes and how they are chosen

How does it work

Flexi tape measures have a simple mechanism. When the animal moves, the spring inside the tape measure experiences tension and stretches along with the tape. When the pet approaches the owner, the spring is compressed and the leash is wound back. To ensure that the length of the tape remains unchanged, press the button all the way or lift the special lever. The fixation method depends on the device model.

Roulette quality: which is better?

Start by learning how the carabiner works. It is important to choose the right size of tape or cable so that the animal feels comfortable. Make sure the device is equipped with a swivel. It is this that ensures the rotation of the carabiner, and the belt or tape does not twist. If the roulette leash is intended for large dogs, you need to grab the carabiner by the loop and pull. This way you can check the reliability of the device. If a leash is needed for large breeds, then choose a reinforced carabiner that can withstand tension at any temperature. The locking buttons should be comfortable to press. They change their position easily and the first time. You should also pay attention to the body of the product. It is desirable that it be smooth, without unnecessary bends.

Choosing a size

When choosing a tape measure, pay attention not only to the size of the animal, but also to the parameters of the device itself. The leash should have optimal weight and fit freely in your hand.

Safety loop

If you have a large dog, it is better to choose models that are sold complete with a safety loop. This is a ribbon equipped with two rings at the ends. If the dog tape is sold without a loop, it must be purchased separately. To install it, you should pass the carabiner through the first ring, then through the second ring and snap it into place. Fixation will occur in a split second and will ensure the safety of the animal. If the cable suddenly breaks, the safety loop will not allow the carabiner to twist, and the dog will remain under your control.

If there are many dogs

Flexi tapes for dogs are of high quality. But sometimes you have to walk several dogs at once, so the owners become desperate, not understanding what to do. Some people decide to tie their animals on different leashes, while others find a simpler option - a pair. That is, all dogs will be tied to the same leash, but they must be trained to move in unison so as not to pull each other to the sides. If a double rope is not suitable, then you can pay attention to a double roulette: two leashes are tied to one cable at once.

Types of tape measures: cable and tape - which one to choose

Each owner has his own requirements for roulette. Some choose only cable ones, others use exclusively tape ones. The metal cable slides and retracts easier, does not twist, but is slightly heavier than the tape. But if the dog gets tangled in the bushes, the tape will be easier to unwind.

Due to its design, a tape measure is more suitable for children - it is safer than a cable, which can damage the palm in an emergency.

The weight of the dog is also an important consideration when choosing the type of tape measure - cable or tape. A tape measure for large pets should be a tape tape measure, as it can withstand a greater load with the same size as a cable tape measure. But for decorative dogs, cable leashes are also quite suitable; they are durable and practically do not break.

If you choose a tape measure and are in doubt between a cable and a tape tape measure, focus on the strength and character of your pet.


So, what should you choose, a leash or a tape measure for your dog? Let's summarize:

  • Controlling and controlling a dog using a tape measure is much more difficult than using a regular leash.
  • Train the dog to call, the command “Near!” Only possible with a leash.
  • Roulettes are more dangerous for both pets and their owners.
  • If there is a strong pull, the tape measure can easily break.
  • The cost of a good quality tape measure is several times higher than a regular canvas leash.

Why I recommend Flexi tape measures

Flexi is a world leader in the production of tape measures. The internal mechanism with a patented braking system is assembled by hand and is extremely reliable.

In a large assortment of Flexi tape measures, you can choose a leash that is suitable for your pet. A huge selection of colors and designs will make walking with your pet not only safe, but also enjoyable.

Philosophy, that’s why the company produces exclusively roulette leashes and gives them a 2-year warranty.

Flexi - a leash that suits every dog:

1. Freedom of movement

Leashes up to 8 meters long can be unwound and retracted without sagging.

2. Control and reliability

Thanks to the light static tension of the belt or cable leash and the built-in braking system, the owner always keeps his dog under control.

3. Quality

Flexi leashes are manufactured in Germany, assembled by hand and undergo 90 quality checks during the manufacturing process before leaving the factory.

Product design

Leash for dogs of small and large breeds

Inside the collapsible body, consisting of two halves, there is a drum on which a leash is wound. A spring is installed in the center of the drum in the form of a tape, which is compressed when the leash is unwinded and released when it is reeled in. The durability of the mechanism, as a rule, is determined by the quality and reliability of the ribbon spring.

Another question that often arises is: how to choose the right tape measure?

Roulette leash for large dogs with cable from Triol-Flexi

Models of Flexi tape measures

There are 2 most popular models. These are Flexi Vario and Flexi New Classic. Let's talk about each one separately.

Model Flexi New Classic

New Classic tape measures are made of plastic. The standard equipment of the Flexi New Classic tape measure includes the already familiar safety strap. Despite 4 color variations (black, red, blue and pink), the ribbon itself will always be black - only the color of the body changes. Standard size M is designed for dogs weighing up to 25 kg.

Model Flexi Vario

The Flexi Vario tape measure also comes with a strap as standard. Available in 6 colors - black, brown, red, pink, blue and azure. The color of the tape matches the color of the body. Vario tape measures are made of plastic with rubberized elements; on the tape measure body you can connect a backlight for walking in the dark.

Standard size M is designed for dogs weighing up to 25 kg. There is an adjustment of the volume of the handle. It is carried out by a wheel, has a smooth move and is easy to change if necessary. This option is available only in sizes M and L. The end with a carabiner can be removed, and instead of it, you can fasten a leash from the additional options - a shock absorber leash or a luminous leash. When selecting an additional leash, pay attention to the size marking - it should be identical to the size of the tape measure, and the L leash will not fit on the M tape measure.

Additional devices

MultiBox is a black cylindrical container that can be purchased separately. Attaches to the tape measure body. Suitable for leashes of the New Comfort, New Classic, Design series in sizes S, M and L. Can be used both for storing cleaning bags and for goodies. Keep in mind that the multibox itself is not airtight, and the dog may be confused by the smells of the treats.

If you want a regular, reliable tape measure, I recommend the Flexi New Classic. With or without MultiBox – this is purely individual. If you want a more interesting design, Flexi Design is suitable for you.

Variety of models and manufacturers

Before describing how roulette leashes are designed inside and the principle of their operation, we offer you a list of the six most famous manufacturers. They have been present on the CIS market for a long time and stably, but which of the products they present is better in terms of quality, ergonomics and layout - you have to choose.

This article is not an advertisement and has only an informational function, which is sometimes useful for a novice dog breeder. So, who is offering us their product today?

Here are their brand names:


German manufacturer identified with quality products. However, its automatic roulette leashes are one of the most expensive. They are considered a novelty in the market of proposed options. The design cannot be denied innovation, the materials cannot be denied quality, and the execution cannot be denied the precision of a German fit.

Ergonomic enough to be held comfortably by hand. Easily transforms into a compact version before putting it in your bag. The leash itself is made in the form of a synthetic tape, the breaking of which is possible only with the help of long “work” of the dog’s teeth.


Still the same German manufacturer and the same excellent quality. However, there is one undeniable advantage - an affordable price. This circumstance has given rise to the high popularity of Flexi roulette in the markets of 90 countries. It’s not for nothing that Deutsche Standards (“German Standards”) were appropriated six years ago.

The only problem plaguing the well-known brand is the mass of counterfeits being thrown onto the market from China and third world countries. When buying a leash for your pet, it is better to overpay, but choose a quality product.


A manufacturer that produces a wide range of tape leashes, just like Flexi. However, in our market it has proven itself to be the quality of powerful products for large dogs. If your pet weighs 50 kg or more, then it is better to test the Ferplast leash on it.

The roulette cable is 8-10 m long and is designed for a dog weighing up to 60 kg. If you doubt the qualitative advantage of Ferplast, say, over a product from Flexi, then the difference in price should decide the outcome of your choice. It remains to add that the prices for Ferplast leashes are far from affordable.


A Belgian manufacturer that has established itself as very “expensive”. However, we must pay tribute to the quality of his products. As with everything, sometimes there are minor defects, but this happens extremely rarely.


Another German manufacturer. Present on the world market for more than 37 years. It provides paraphernalia not only to dog breeders, but also regularly sells over six thousand product names for reptiles, fish, rodents, cats and dogs. The company's headquarters is located in the city of Tharp.

In addition to German and Austrian clients, the UK and France are served. A wide range of products is exported to 60 countries. The company's designers and experts are constantly searching, collaborating with Flexi.


German manufacturer. The overall quality is high, but does not outshine products from Flexi or similar products. The same cannot be said about the selling price. Price range 1500–2000 rub. may scare off some buyers. Apparently extensive advertising costs dictate the manufacturer's pricing policy.

The listed manufacturing companies are well known and are on the surface of the market. It is possible that additional business players will be present and enter the sales field. For the consumer, their products remain to use the long-recognized selection criterion - the ratio of price and quality of a particular product (author of the video -

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