Dog after birth - caring for the dog and newborn puppies

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Share12008-12-13 17:26:38

  • Author: Hase
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My bitch Chara (Bernese Mountain Dog) had 10 puppies. She fed them entirely on her own milk for 2 weeks, during which time I fed her 6-7 times a day during nursing. She nursed until (almost) 2 months. She became very thin, her fur became coarse and greasy, and shed a lot. Now under the skin there seems to be fat and sufficient muscle mass, but the appearance: thin legs, translucent fur. The question is: how can I help my dog ​​recover?

Share22008-12-13 17:26:47

  • Author: Hase
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erofey You can speed up your dog’s recovery process by taking a course of Gamavit injections with catozal and introducing calcium supplements into the diet. And of course, good nutrition, rich in protein.

Share32008-12-13 17:27:09

  • Author: Hase
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  • From: Karlsruhe.Deutschland.
  • Registered: 2008-12-11
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  • My pets: American cocker-spaniel,deutscher Zwergspitz
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In addition to Gamavit, you can try nucleopeptide. I quote from the abstract: Used to increase the body’s resistance to diseases, as well as improve the growth and development of animals. To increase muscle mass, for exhibition animals to improve coat quality. In stressful situations, before exhibitions.

How does labor occur in bitches and how long does it normally last?

Childbirth in females begins with contractions that last from 6 to 12 hours. At the beginning of labor, the dog’s vaginal muscles relax, the cervix opens, and the uterus itself begins to contract. The four-legged woman in labor behaves restlessly, breathes frequently and heavily, and scratches the floor. Gradually, uterine contractions become more frequent and intensified. As soon as the water breaks, the contractions become more intense, and the abdominal muscles are involved in the process. As a result, the first puppy is born.

Every 30–180 minutes after the first pup, the remaining cubs emerge. After the appearance of each of them, the placenta leaves. It is impossible to say for sure how long it will take for a bitch to give birth. On average, labor lasts from 3 to 12 hours.

Website about dogs

Pregnancy, childbirth and nursing puppies are a serious burden on the body of any dog.

If you are the owner of a purebred bitch that has breeding value, you simply need to know how to properly care for your pet during this difficult period for her.

Proper preparation of the bitch for pregnancy, diet and nutrition during pregnancy and, of course, proper care of the nursing dog are important. On our website you can find useful articles on the above topics. And today we’ll talk about how to help a bitch recover faster after giving birth and feeding her offspring.

Feeding puppies is an energy-intensive process. The dog loses a lot of nutrients, so it needs to be provided with a healthy and nutritious diet. It is best to use special food for pregnant and lactating dogs -

To avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies, such foods can be fed after the dog has fattened the puppies. After about a month, you can return to your normal routine and normal food.

Sometimes after pregnancy and lactation, dogs begin to actively shed. There is no need to be afraid of this. But if, after molting, the dog’s hair does not grow back or grows back poorly, leaving bald patches, and the hair itself is short, hard, without shine, this clearly indicates some problems. Metabolism may be impaired. Here you cannot do without consulting a veterinarian.


Metritis is a postpartum complication; inflammation of the uterus.

The causes of metritis can be various pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, gas gangrene, etc.) that have penetrated the mucous membranes of the vagina and further into the uterus due to non-compliance with the basic rules of asepsis and antisepsis during childbirth. Inflammation can also occur if there is an afterbirth (most often the placenta of the last puppy) or a dead puppy left inside the dog; if the birth was difficult and protracted, as a result of which the uterus is severely depleted and begins to contract poorly. The development of inflammation of the dog’s uterus is also facilitated by keeping the female in unsuitable conditions, in conditions of poor hygiene of the whelping dog, as well as hypothermia of the dog after giving birth.

Symptoms of metritis (inflammation of the uterus):

  • depression;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the dog's loop swells and becomes painful;
  • white-gray, purulent discharge begins to appear from the loop (in a complicated form with a putrid odor);
  • intoxication (anorexia, dehydration, etc.) in a complicated form;
  • the dog’s temperature rises and heart rate increases;
  • painful sensations, as a result of which the dog takes an uncharacteristic position, sits huddled and leans on its elbows;
  • decreased milk production.

As soon as you notice at least one symptom from this list, rush to call a veterinarian who will find the cause of the problem and prescribe effective treatment. If these measures are not taken, the dog may fall into a coma, after which convulsions will begin, and then the dog will die!

Along with drug treatment, it is necessary to provide the dog with special nutrition and good care.

All puppies must be immediately distanced from their mother and transferred to artificial feeding or a wet nurse must be found.

Treatment of metritis

Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics (for example, gentamicin), antihistamines, immunomodulating agents, as well as medications aimed at stimulating the contractile activity of the animal’s uterus. In addition, the veterinarian prescribes infusion and detoxification measures. The treatment outcome is greatly influenced by the complexity of therapy.

If a dog has a severe form of metritis, it is indicated for surgery to remove the primary source of infection. However, the success of such interventions in the case of septic form is often questionable.

Precautionary measures

The dog's mammary glands require special attention. Often puppies cause minor injuries, leaving marks of their small but very sharp teeth. Often the skin can crack due to dryness, causing discomfort and pain for the dog. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the mammary glands and, if necessary, lubricate with special gels or pastes.

At the first sign of mastitis (inflamed, hardened, red or blue milk bags), you should immediately seek veterinary help.

And you should always make sure that the dog does not lie down on cold, wet surfaces or rest in drafts.

Determination of gender

An experienced veterinarian will be able to accurately determine the sex within a week after birth. Everyone else will have to wait a little longer until the genitals become more visible.

Males and females are distinguished by the structure of the genital organs and behavioral characteristics, so after 8-10 weeks there will be no problems with sex determination. Boys will already have clearly visible penises, while girls will have a fully formed vulva. However, if you cannot wait that long, the determination can be made earlier, at about 1 month.

Inspection is carried out in compliance with safety precautions:

  • Wash and dry your hands thoroughly and warm them.
  • Take the puppy and observe the mother's reaction. If she objects aggressively, it is better to carry out the procedure later.
  • Gently turn the dog over onto his back. If the puppies are large, then it is better to carry out the operation on a warm towel; if they are small, then it is possible to carry out the operation by weight in the palm of your hand.
  • Pay attention to the genital area. Representatives of both sexes have one bulge - the umbilical cord, but just below there will be either a developing penis, which looks like a small seal and tubercle, or a vulva, that is, a second hole.

The easiest way to distinguish newborns is by the number of holes in the lower abdomen. Boys have one, and girls have two.

Veterinary examination

I hope there is no need to convince you, dear readers, of the need for regular veterinary examinations. In general, a healthy and active animal should be shown to the veterinarian at least once a year, at least in order to undergo a course of preventive vaccinations.

Dogs in a “special” condition (puppies, elderly, sick, injured, weakened) need more care. Pregnancy is not a disease, of course. But during this period you should be especially attentive to the dog’s condition and the slightest changes in it. Of course, there is no need to take your dog to the clinic every day. But the veterinarian must examine the expectant mother a couple of times to make sure that everything is going well. The doctor’s phone number should be at your fingertips during childbirth (and if you have no experience at all in this matter, it is better to call a veterinarian at home when the process begins).

It is important to show the dog and puppies to a specialist in the first month of the puppies’ life.


In the first days of life, it is necessary to develop a system of special marks that make it possible to immediately distinguish animals from each other.

In the beginning, breeders use a ribbon system. The cubs are not yet very mobile, so they do not pick off colorful pieces of material. But after 14 days this method becomes unreliable. It will be most convenient to combine the notes and the necessary care procedures.

At the age of 2 weeks, a manicure is given for the first time, slightly trimming the sharp tips of the claws. It is at this point that you can mark the animals by trimming one of the claws a little more.

Starting from 1 month, usually at the age of 5-6 weeks, representatives of various breeds undergo a branding or microchipping procedure, which are necessary for further identification and correlation with a specific genus. Both options perform approximately the same function, but there are some peculiarities:

  • A brand is a tattoo placed on the inside of the ear or on the lower abdomen. The set of numbers and letters cannot be deciphered in any way; it is akin to car license plates. However, they are all included in the database. Branding makes it much easier to track missing or stolen pets. However, this system is gradually becoming a thing of the past. It is mainly used in countries where the technical support of veterinary centers is far from modern.
  • Chipping is the implantation of a microchip under the skin in the withers area. A small microcircuit does not cause any discomfort to the pet and does not affect its well-being in any way. However, it is with the help of this system that representatives of breed families in Europe are tracked. Finding a lost or stolen microchipped pet is much easier. Moreover, when crossing the borders of the European Union, microchipping at least 7 days before the start of vaccinations is a mandatory condition.

What does a dog need?

First of all, proper, carefully thought out nutrition. This is extremely important - in the process of bearing offspring and subsequent births, the animal loses a lot of energy, strength and nutrients, and it needs a good diet. The rules for its development are simple and depend on the stage at which the dog is:

  • During pregnancy and after birth, the pet should receive only specialized food for animals expecting offspring (plus a “menu” that the veterinarian will recommend).

  • After feeding the puppies is completed, it is worth continuing to give the same food - it will help compensate for the resulting deficiency of minerals and vitamins.
  • It will be possible to return to the usual feeding regimen 1-2 months after finishing feeding the puppies.

At the same time, special consultation with a doctor about nutrition should be obtained if a dog that has already given birth to puppies not only sheds hair (this process is completely normal), but goes bald - that is, new hair does not grow back or appears, but remains short, hard, and lacking shine. . In this case, you will need food that will eliminate metabolic disorders.

Stages of labor

Childbirth is a complex process that takes place in several stages.


Before contractions occur, the cervix dilates. There may be discharge from the loop, uterine contractions or contractions may occur. Contractions can begin several hours before birth (up to 12 hours) .

When the amniotic fluid breaks, labor itself begins. The contractions are accompanied by pushing or contraction of the abdominal muscles. After pushing begins, the puppies begin to move along the birth canal.

The process of giving birth to puppies

No more than 4 hours should pass from the moment of pushing until the puppy appears . Puppies are born at short intervals - approximately 5-20 minutes . But the break in the appearance of puppies can last up to 2 hours . If the interval between the appearance of puppies is longer than 2 hours, you should contact a veterinarian.

Normally, labor lasts from 6 to 8 hours, less often – up to 12 hours.

As soon as the puppy is born, and the mother has gnawed the umbilical cord and licked the baby, it needs to be attached to the nipples - this stimulates the release of milk. Colostrum is very beneficial for newborn puppies, and when he sucks on the nipple, the dog calms down and the birth will go faster.

Umbilical cord and placenta

After the puppy is born, after about 10-15 minutes the placenta appears . The afterbirth should not have an unpleasant odor. If the afterbirth smells unpleasant or is green in color, you should never give it to the dog and you should contact your veterinarian: an unpleasant odor or green color indicates inflammation.

The placenta may not come out after each puppy, but several at once, after the birth of 2-3 puppies.

If the afterbirth does not have an unpleasant odor, it can be given to the dog, but no more than two pieces. Eating the placenta is important for the female - it contains many hormones that stimulate milk production and calm the dog.

If the dog itself does not care for the newborn puppy, you need to carefully wipe the puppy with a towel, and tie the umbilical cord with a silk thread and cut it at a distance of about 2 cm from the puppy’s tummy (the thread should be in the middle - between the tummy and the cut).

Newborn puppies weight

Typically, newborn Pomeranian puppies weigh between 55g and 125g, which for small breed dogs is approximately 4-8% of the mother dog's weight. This is quite a bit, and that is why puppies during the first time of their lives are busy only with sucking and gaining weight. And you need to carefully monitor how successfully they do this. Regular control weighings will help you with this: newborn puppies should gain weight by 1-10g daily. Often, puppies begin to gain weight from the second day - if this does not happen, perhaps the lactating mother does not have enough milk. In this case, you need to feed the puppies with bitch milk substitutes.

Treatment of complications

First, a complete diagnosis is carried out at the veterinary clinic. The first thing doctors must make sure is that there is no placenta or puppy in the uterus, as well as ruptures. In case of bleeding due to atony or prolonged tissue repair, drugs that stimulate contraction of the organ are prescribed. This is Oxytocin. Additionally, a special massage is performed to help the discharge of discharge and provoke the return of the uterus to its normal state.

The infection is treated with antibiotics. Only a doctor prescribes the dosage and medication, otherwise you can harm your pet.

Necrosis, incomplete cleansing of the uterus, and rupture require surgical intervention. Surgery is scheduled immediately to save the dog's life.

For bleeding, the following drugs are used:

  • Intravenous solution of stipticine 2-5%;
  • Adrenaline 0.1%;
  • Calcium chloride 10%.

Metritis is treated with antibiotics in accordance with calculations based on the animal’s weight, as well as intravenous infusion of saline.

Sometimes doctors have to remove the uterus, and in case of acute infection, remove the mother from breastfeeding.

Ambient temperature and its significance for newborn puppies

Ambient temperature plays a very important role in the first days of puppies’ lives: without exaggeration, we can say that the life of babies is completely dependent on external sources of heat, which are the warmth of their mother’s body or a heating pad. This dependence is caused by the lack of an established thermoregulation system and trembling reflex in puppies during the first week of life.

Newborn puppies have a body temperature ranging from 34.4°C to 36°C. To avoid hypothermia and maintain body temperature at an acceptable level, puppies try to stay as close to each other as possible. The puppies' body temperature will begin to decrease even if the ambient temperature is less than 30°C, for example when the mother dog goes out for a walk/feeding. Such short-term cooling (moderate hypothermia)

stimulate metabolic processes in the body of babies, but puppies become lethargic, the milk they eat stops being absorbed, the heart begins to contract more slowly, and the rectal temperature drops.
Prolonged cooling (severe hypothermia)
can pose a danger to the life of newborn puppies, since it entails a significant decrease in respiratory activity and cardiac activity, their reflexes practically fade, as a result of which the puppies stop sucking milk.

To avoid such problems, simply place a heating pad in the nest immediately after giving birth, but keep in mind that there should be enough free space in the nest for the mother bitch to move into if she gets hot. It is very important to follow safety precautions when using a heating pad!

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