Is a big black dog an abstract image or a specific breed of dog? Review +Video

Dogs are intelligent and noble creatures that respond to their owners with boundless devotion. But, in addition to their love for humans, they are also amazingly beautiful animals. The black representatives of this species have a special, mystical beauty. It’s not for nothing that the mythical dog Cerberus, who guards the entrance to the underworld among the ancient Greeks, is coal-colored, and Arthur Conan Doyle made the dark mastiff the dog of the Baskervilles. A black dog on a night road is a bad sign for truck drivers and the hero of children's horror stories. What kind of dark representatives of the dog world are they really? Let's start with the biggest ones.

Black Terrier

It has the typical appearance of a terrier, but is a very large and strong dog. A service dog that requires proper training. Despite its impressive dimensions, the animal is not aggressive and very docile. It is distinguished by its natural intelligence, devotion to its owner and excellent health.

The fur is hard, thick, and woven into “braids.” Like all terriers, “Stalin’s dog” (as they are also called) has long mustaches, eyebrows and a beard. The coat of this animal requires proper and regular care - bathing once every two weeks, constant combing with a comb and periodic haircuts, which the pet must be accustomed to from the age of 6 months.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

This is another variety of corgi, also long, with short legs and a rectangular body. Will be a great dog for rural areas. Their purpose is to herd sheep, chickens, and geese.

This variety of corgi is very compact in size and can be carried in your arms, although only for a short time, because they are very active and energetic. This loving and gentle dog is very attached to the family and will always demand the attention of the household. If you decide to get a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, get ready for long walks and active outdoor games. It is important to note that it is necessary to develop not only physical, but also other skills in dogs, since they are distinguished by an inquisitive mind and logic.


Another black giant of the dog world. The breed was bred to assist in search and rescue missions, but the diver can also be an excellent guard dog. The body of the animal is dense, the head is large. He is highly trainable and extremely loyal to his owner. The Newfoundland coat has its own characteristics - a black, unusually thick, oily double undercoat, which allows the animal to feel comfortable in the water.

Representatives of this breed are by nature lumps who prefer to rest for hours. Therefore, it is very important to give them exercise periodically to avoid problems with excess weight and health.

Cane Corso

A descendant of ancient Roman fighting dogs, it almost disappeared into other breeds, but at the end of the 20th century it received a second life as an independent breed. The “Corsican Dog” is an excellent shepherd and guard, and also a wonderful nanny for children.

Despite its brutal appearance, it is very gentle and devoted to its owners, and is never the first to attack a stranger. The coat is black, short, and does not protect from the cold. But minimal care is required: it is enough to comb the fur with a hard glove twice a year, during shedding. Despite its rather impressive dimensions, it looks very graceful.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Fluffy pets require special care.
  2. Fluffy breeds are hypoallergenic and odorless, but there are also those whose fur causes a strong reaction.
  3. When choosing a pet, you should pay attention not only to appearance, but also to character traits.
  4. As a pet with fluffy hair, we can recommend: Spitz, border collie, Pekingese, Sheltie, poodle, Aussie, St. Bernard, Newfoundland.

Does your dog have fluffy fur? Please tell us about the breed. How do you care for it? Your experience is very important to us and other readers.

German dog

Aristocrat of the dog world. Great Danes are one of the tallest dog breeds at the withers. A wonderful security guard and bodyguard, full of dignity. It never barks in vain, and does not show aggression towards strangers without the owner’s command.

Like the Cane Corso, the Great Dane is a short-haired dog that does not tolerate cold well. The dog's coat is shiny and very dense. It is united with the “Corsican dog” by a common ancestor – the Tibetan mastiff. Despite its impressive appearance, this dog is not aggressive; it is almost invisible in the house, which is why it received the nickname “inconspicuous dog.”

Small furry breeds

Photos of very fluffy dogs usually show the smallest breeds. I would rather call larger animals shaggy.

Miniature dogs weigh no more than 10 kg. They do not require much space and can even live in a studio apartment. Also, such pets quickly get used to the tray and eat very small portions of food.

Their only drawback is increased fragility. For this reason, they should not be purchased for hyperactive children who do not know how to properly handle pets.

Pomeranian Spitz

Fluffy “bells” with a ringing voice are wonderful companions for conscientious children. Under the soft fur of the Pomeranian there is a dense undercoat. The presence of wavy hairs and curls is not typical for this breed.

Health problems in Spitz often affect the condition of the coat. If bald spots appear on your pet's body, be sure to contact your veterinarian. In the best case, it will be enough to change your diet or choose new cosmetics.

Maltese (Maltese)

This unusually emotional dog with shaggy snow-white fur is notable for its hypoallergenicity. Unlike the Malamute, a lower likelihood of an allergic reaction is achieved due to scanty and infrequent shedding.

Small fluffies have light, straight guard hair and a weak undercoat. The Maltese fur coat feels like silk to the touch. The presence of fringes and protruding hairs is permissible only on the back of the paws. In all other places, this feature of appearance is equated to marriage.

French lapdog (Bichon Frize)

The Bichon Frize is another snow-white variety of lapdog. Like Maltese, it is hypoallergenic and does not have a specific dog smell. Thanks to its fluffiness and small dimensions, the Bichon Frize resembles a weightless cloud.

Despite its airiness and curliness, the coat of the French lapdog is not prone to tangling. The main problem with caring for this dog is that it often gets stuck in debris. Small grains of sand and blades of grass that get tangled in the hairs must be removed after each walk.


Graceful Papillons are famous for their “butterfly ears.” In addition to the ears, long and wavy fur covers the back of the front legs, neck and thighs. The undercoat of these dogs is poorly developed, so with the onset of cold weather they must be dressed in insulated overalls.

Please note that you can only comb your Papillon after it is wet. Otherwise, his hairs will become brittle.


Flat-faced fluffies are very proud and indulgent in affection only when they are in a good mood. Their coat consists of thick guard hair and a very delicate undercoat. On the neck, long hairs form a lush collar.

Unlike other shaggy four-legged animals, keeping the Pekingese is problematic not because of complex coat care, but because of the structural features of the muzzle. The short nasal passages of this dog impose a lot of restrictions regarding walking. They have the hardest time in hot and cold weather.

Shih Tzu

The owner of satin fur resembles a chrysanthemum flower. The longest hairs cover the muzzle and head. The first ones constantly get dirty while eating, and the second ones are effectively put away in a ponytail.

The Shih Tzu's coat is not only extremely susceptible to contamination, but is also prone to tangling. Because of this, the dog needs to be brushed daily.

For show pets, after washing, the fur is lubricated with special oils and wound on curlers. With the help of these devices, the Shih Tzu manages to maintain its presentable appearance until the exhibition.

Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)

In appearance, a Sheltie is practically no different from a Collie. Their only difference is size. The Shetland Sheepdog is about 2 times smaller, so you can safely take it into a small apartment.

Sheltie sheds a lot. During seasonal hair renewal, comb it twice a day. The advantages of the Shetland Sheepdog include the absence of a characteristic dog smell. It only appears when exposed to rain.


According to the standard, this breed is not completely black; there are red areas on the chest and face of the animal. The Rottweiler's build is stocky and muscular. The breed was originally bred to transport small loads, but now this dog serves as a guard. He is very jealous of his territory and is wary of strangers.

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The coat is very thick and short, requiring no special care. Due to their thick undercoat, they tolerate cold well. Dogs of this breed must be trained, and this should be done by professionals. An untrained Rottweiler can pose a threat even to its owners.

Giant Schnauzer

Not a particularly popular breed for private ownership, but a very good service dog, serving in the service of the police and search engines. He has an independent, stubborn character and immediately uses any weakness on the part of the owner to his advantage.

The breed is characterized by a black color, the wool is very hard, similar to wire. The undercoat is thick and dense, on the muzzle the hair is longer, looking like a lush mustache. The coarse, faded coat of Giant Schnauzers must be plucked periodically, and it is recommended to begin this procedure at 6 months of the pet’s life. A distinctive feature of the breed is the complete absence of the “dog” smell.


The black color of Labradors is one of several acceptable according to the standard. A very popular breed because of its friendliness. Not very good guards, but natural hunters. Thanks to their dense undercoat and thick coat, they do not get wet in the water, and these dogs love to swim. They get along well in families and are very responsible nannies for children.

The Labrador's coat requires minimal care - daily brushing during shedding twice a year, and once a week the rest of the time. These dogs need to be bathed no more than 5-6 times a year. The Labrador Retriever's body requires constant physical activity; without it, dogs quickly gain excess weight.


The poodle comes in black color in all available sizes: miniature, miniature and standard . These curly-haired dogs are renowned for their intelligence, grace, and sometimes elaborate hairstyles. But behind the stylish haircut lies something more: an energetic and incredibly loyal dog.

Fun fact : In recent years, poodles have been in demand as the basis for many crossbreeds, such as the Cavapoo (a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle) and the Schnoodle (a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle). They can all have pure black fur!

All poodles are loving and very intelligent, you just have to decide on their size. For example, the standard is suitable for active people, miniature poodles get along well with children, miniature poodles are an excellent companion for entertaining and accompanying older people on daily walks.


One of the varieties of the Belgian Shepherd family. Its main purpose is the role of a shepherd, guardian of the flock. But it has also established itself as a good guard and service dog. The shepherd's coat is long, dull black, as if covered with dust. This color is assigned to her according to the standard, so the animal should be bathed no more than 2 times a year. But the fur needs to be combed regularly - every day during shedding, and once a week the rest of the time.

Groenendael has all the character traits inherent in shepherd dogs. A calm and peaceful dog, in a moment of danger, turns into a fearless creature, ready to defend its owner or territory at the cost of its own life.

Who should I choose?

Several breeds of long dogs are listed here and the question naturally arises: “Who should I choose?” There is no definite answer to this, since the choice of a dog depends not only on the dog’s long body, large ears or short legs. The choice of a pet depends primarily on the goals of the breeder, the characteristics of his life, the composition of the family and the temperament of the owner. Each dog is good in its own way and will love you endlessly, but the responsibility for its psychological and physical development will rest on your shoulders.


Not a particularly popular breed in Russia, but very common in Germany. It is one of the oldest German guard dogs. At the withers it is not inferior to such giants as the black terrier. The Hovawart's coat is black, long and wavy; a feature of the breed is its long fluffy tail. Hair care for dogs of this breed must be constant, as the dog sheds all year round.

It will selflessly defend its territory and owner. In general, it is a peaceful dog, but it is better not to leave children alone with it. The peculiarity of the breed is late puberty. Only by the age of three do dogs of this breed give up their puppy playfulness and become sedate dogs.

Caring for a large fluffy dog

Caring for a large dog with a lot of fur can be challenging, and people who want to bring a large, furry dog ​​into their home should make sure they understand the care requirements of one of these cute animals before taking the plunge.

Care needs

First and foremost, parents of big fluffy dogs should groom their dogs regularly—and that doesn't mean a quick two-minute brushing once a month. "Many people don't take good care of their dog, which means that when the dog needs grooming, things are usually much worse than they look," Cameron says. "The top coat looks fine, but sometimes there is more than 5 inches of fur that hasn't been brushed, and this can lead to mats, hot spots and other skin and coat problems."

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Rugs, in particular, can be a problem for large, furry dogs. They occur when the fur is so knotted that it begins to pull on the dog's skin. Klein says if your furry dog ​​has a mat, don't cut it with scissors; The risk of cutting the dog is too great. “You should gently push the mat apart with your fingers and wipe it completely,” he recommends.

If you're bathing a large dog with a lot of fur, Klein also says pet parents should be careful to rinse off all the shampoo. “Rinsing your dog should take longer than washing it,” he says. "Shampoo that doesn't rinse out can cause dry, flaky skin."

Nutritional requirements

In addition to grooming and grooming, large fluffy dogs need to eat a solid diet to keep their skin and coat healthy. According to Klein, this shouldn't be a problem if you give your dog a quality food.

“I think high-quality pet food manufacturers these days work very hard to include the right amount of nutrients,” he says. “However, if a large breed dog with a lot of fur has a poor diet, this can cause problems and you may need a supplement.”

Love and hug

Above all, pet parents should be prepared to shower their pup with love. "There's a reason why big, fluffy dog ​​breeds are so popular," Klein says. “They usually make wonderful companions and the amount of joy they bring will neutralize any excess hair you may have at home. There's nothing better than snuggling up to them on a cold night. ”

Cute big fluffy dogs breed #fluffies #big dogs #dogsoftwitter

— Dogsvets (@Dogsvets1) April 28, 2021

Big fluffy dog ​​rescue

You can adopt one of these amazing fluffy dogs at:


Another black shepherd, only from Belgium. True, it can be called a shepherd dog only by its habits and official duties. In fact, she looks more like a Spitz, both in appearance and in size. The average weight of such a black “devil” is 4-6 kg.

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Breed standards allow only black color of the animal's two-layer coat. Due to the fact that the hair on the Schipperke's neck is slightly longer, a mane is formed that looks like a lion's. The smoky black coat of this dog breed needs to be brushed several times a week, and every day during shedding. It is very suitable for those owners who would like to have a shepherd, but the square meters do not allow this.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Another breed from the category of the largest dogs is the Neapolitan Mastiff. The standard height at the withers for males is set to 79 cm, weight – up to 70 kg. The breed is distinguished by its protective qualities, playfulness of character and goodwill towards its owners.

Among the representatives of the Neapolitans, a dog named Marta distinguished itself. In 2022, at a dog competition held in California, she earned the honorary title of “Ugliest Dog.” This title could not dampen the mood of her owner Shirley Zindler, as she received a cash reward of $1,500 from the prize fund.

Martha was so loved by the audience and judges that after participating in the competition, she and her hostess went to New York to film a TV show.


The most popular breed of black guard dogs in cinema. Very active, harmoniously built, lean animals. Like Rottweilers, a feature of the color is red tan markings in some places. The coat is thick, short and harsh, with no undercoat. Therefore, during the cold season, the Doberman needs warm housing.

A very smart dog with a stable psyche, reacting calmly to other animals. She is devoted to her owners, and in a moment of danger she shows determination and fearlessness. It shows its guard properties better if it works in tandem with another Doberman.


Hunting breed. It got its name from the French “barbe” - beard. The beard, like the long bangs, is a feature of this cute animal that looks like a large soft toy. One of the main colors of the breed is black, the coat is long and coarse, curled into rings. Thanks to such clothes, he is not afraid of cold and dampness. Barbets are also excellent swimmers.

For owners whose barbets live in an apartment, this breed is simply a godsend. The fact is that these dogs do not shed at all. But they need to be combed once every few days, otherwise the hair will mat and the animal will take on an unkempt appearance.


A very rare breed originally from Hungary. Considered a shepherd dog, it is very similar to its German and Belgian counterparts, only much smaller. It differs from other shepherd dogs in its coat - the Mudi has wavy hair from birth. Coat care is required to a minimum; this breed does not form mats. Despite their small size, Mudi are very brave and courageous dogs that will defend their owner and territory to the end.

This breed is not suitable for kennel keeping; such a shepherd dog, with its natural activity, needs space for games and physical activity. Only one owner is considered authority.


This breed was first developed in Germany in 1846 by crossing three breeds: Pyrenean Shepherd, St. Bernard and Newfoundland. The average height of a Leonberger dog is up to 80 cm and weight up to 77 kg. This is an ideal pet, suitable for family keeping, and is distinguished by its love for the owner’s children.

Leonberg's character is kind and flexible. The dog has watchdog qualities, quickly learns commands, and is smart.


Another shepherd dog comes from Hungary. Today this breed is used as a hunting and guard dog. This is perhaps the funniest looking black dog - its long hair is woven into braids, similar to Rastafarian dreadlocks. From a distance, it looks like a large floor brush with a shiny black nose sticking out of it. Such dense wool allows the animal to endure frosty winters. Oddly enough, bullet braids do not require special care. There is no need to comb them, just go through them occasionally so that the fur does not stick together into large tangles. Such a dog needs an energetic owner who can walk with it for a long time.

TOP 22 breeds with black wool

Let's consider the most popular representatives of the Wolf, who will become a reliable, loyal friend for the owner and family.


Another name for the breed is the “monkey pinscher,” which is so named because of its characteristic cute face and restless behavior, constantly on the move. Reminds you of yourself with a ringing bark. The limbs are thin, the body is light, the head is small - this is what allows him to easily perform tricks and learned movements. He is great with children, but may have problems with other pets. The character trait of this type of pinscher is to constantly occupy a leading position. Black, coarse wool requires special grooming and trimming. Otherwise, the dog will look like a little devil.

Dutch Tulphond

In appearance, this is a small dog with a funny exterior. The tail is curved with a hook, the long hair is silky and pleasant to the touch. Another name for the breed is “Marquisier”. Mischievous, loves to tinker with children and drive away strangers with loud barks. Needs regular physical activity due to a tendency to obesity. The breed is suitable for those who want to have a small, compact dog that serves as a guard and helps brighten up their leisure time.

Norwegian Black Elkhound

From the order Spitz-shaped for hunting and protection. A light, hardy dog ​​easily covers distances, jumps high, and carries out commands with ease. Wool with an undercoat that needs to be groomed during shedding. Needs strong-willed education due to aggression. Knows how to make friends, learns tricks. He adapts well to the apartment, enjoys walking and tries to be close to his owner.


A representative of the “Hunting” group of three main types: standard, rabbit and miniature. A squat body, widely spaced paws, a powerful tail and an elongated shape make it nimble and nimble. Dachshunds are excellent hunters with a developed instinct that reliably protect their homes. Children are treated with suspicion and do not like loud screams, noise and fuss. Actively react to extraneous sounds. He is constantly hunting and searching. Despite their size, they run fast. Short-haired dachshunds cause less trouble, but they freeze in winter. Wire-haired dogs require grooming, and long-haired dogs require combing. You will have to bathe often because he is very short. There is a tendency to obesity, constant walks are necessary.

Swedish Lapphund

A small dog with fluffy fur and a rich undercoat that is completely black. It is necessary to comb and carefully care for a decent appearance. The breed belongs to the Spitz subgroup. It is distinguished by its liveliness and nimbleness, and is prone to a friendly attitude towards pets. A ringing bark notifies of danger. Needs proper socialization for reasons of playfulness, the need to be on the move.


The small size (up to 33 cm at the withers) does not prevent the dog from being a brave guard and an excellent hunter. It was bred to guard ships and was loved by sailors. Black, fluffy coat and funny face, nimble and curious character. Many compare her to a fox. Wool has water-repellent properties and rarely gets dirty. During intensive shedding, it requires combing. Loves activity and training.

Scottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier)

A short, squat dog with the curious character characteristic of terriers. The hunting instinct and attachment to the owner are highly developed. Trainable. One of the negative aspects is sudden mood swings. They are naturally endowed with increased aggressiveness, loud barking, and are capable of lunging. When playing games, you need to monitor behavior and stop attempted attacks. The coat is coarse and requires the services of a specialist groomer with thinning. Particular attention is paid to the muzzle, chest, abdominal area and limbs.


A medium-sized pet with thick, wire-haired hair. The name comes from the dog's characteristic appearance - a thick beard under the lower jaw. After each feeding, you will have to wipe and comb the fur on the upper and lower jaw. This is a friendly companion dog that requires constant care and attention. He learns easily, loves to play, and is well oriented.


The ancestor is the Belgian Shepherd, which is larger in size. Used as a police service working dog. Gets along with people, loves constant training, attentive attitude. When raising him, it is necessary to have skills in cynology so that the dog is obedient. The coat requires combing during the period of undercoat change. The animal tolerates any weather well and adapts to different conditions.


Originally from Hungary. A distinctive feature is the head and front legs with short, smooth hair. The rest of the body is covered with long hair and undercoat. Belongs to the “herding” group and is capable of hunting. Serves as a guard, distrustful of other pets. The peculiarity lies in the need for very early socialization, strict education, and the development of skills of unquestioning obedience.

Patterdale Terrier

A breed from the group of hunting terriers. The top layer of wool has water-repellent properties, which allows you to withstand any bad weather with precipitation. Coarse guard hairs adhere tightly to the skin. The jaws are powerful and grasping. The body is slightly elongated with a high-set tail. Around the eyes and mouth are the typical beard and eyebrows that need to be periodically tidied up. Compact in size, height up to 38 cm at the withers. Suitable for home education. Loves long walks and exercise. He studies new things with curiosity and inquisitiveness. Very active, needs constant exercise. If a terrier gets bored, he can destroy everything around him.

Portuguese water dog

A medium-sized dog that willingly follows commands on land and in water. The coat is curly, semi-long, thick with dense undercoat. I like being close to people. Differs in intelligence, obedience. He enjoys walking and making friends with other pets. He will be especially happy to perform tricks, jump for toys, and swim. This is genetically embedded in him.


Medium sized Hungarian dog. A distinctive feature is black thick curly hair that is woven into dreadlocks. This reliably protects from the cold and saves in the heat. Outwardly, he resembles a little commander with a funny “mop” look for the floor. It has excellent security characteristics, as it comes from the “Shepherd” group. Serves the owner, is trainable, and willingly follows commands. Needs physical activity, constant exercise, and proper training.


Originally bred for hunting. As selection progressed, the character softened. A tall and stately dog ​​with the ability to overcome high obstacles and long distances. This is facilitated by long limbs and a particularly developed keel-shaped expanded sternum. The coat is smooth with brown markings in certain places (the lower part of the jaw transitioning to the sternum). Does not require careful care. As the puppy grows, it is necessary to prevent the development of aggressive qualities. In winter, it is necessary to monitor possible hypothermia. He is attentive to his owner, loves exercise and long walks and running.

Cane Corso

National pride of Italy. A beautiful, stately, large dog, distinguished by its smooth, glossy black coat. It looks very formidable, impressive, powerful. Serves as protection for beloved household members. The Mastiff is devoted to its family and, in case of danger, enters into battle on command. Loyal to everyone around him. With proper upbringing, the pet is obedient and peaceful, despite its threatening appearance.


Bred for hunting game. Nowadays it is used more as a service dog and a companion. Large, up to 55 cm tall at the withers. Coat without dense undercoat, strong build, must be combed during the molting period. They have a friendly character and are suitable for raising with children. Complaisant dogs whose psyche is not difficult to control. They love to exercise and are patient with other pets. They take part in games, are constantly close to the person, and do not tolerate loneliness.

German dog

One of the largest representatives of the Wolf family with smooth fur, a high waist, long limbs, and a massive head. Calm character, gets along well with children, protects them. Can make a quick lunge to attack, pursue, catch up and knock down the enemy. The beautiful gloss on the surface of the body provides a tight-fitting cover, which creates a mesmerizing impression. A powerful, strong, properly trained dog serves as a companion for the whole family.


In Russia they are called “Vodolaz”. Due to the thick long coat with a special undercoat, the pet can withstand any weather conditions. He has a highly developed intellect and loves his loved ones. Despite its impressive size and menacing appearance, its character is calm, good-natured, and balanced. Guards and protects. Works as a rescuer, can act as a shepherd for livestock, and helps carry or transport heavy objects. He accepts care with gratitude and responds with devotion.

Giant Schnauzer

Tall dogs with black semi-rigid hair, with a small undercoat and a characteristic “square muzzle”. They love family and are loyal to children. They are obedient and amenable to guard training. They play with their owner with pleasure, but it is difficult to get used to others. Rich facial expressions allow you to quickly “read” your pet’s mood. You will have to take care of the face, wipe the beard, trim the hair around the ears and eyes. They can jump high, run for a long time and play.


Large breed, prone to aggression, displays of intolerance towards others. It was bred as a fighting and service dog, and was used for hunting large animals. Dense coat with a small undercoat and characteristic brown spots, massive jaws, strong physique are the distinctive features of the dog. Aggression and excessive fighting qualities are something that is genetically inherent. A muzzle is required for walking and a very patient attitude. Cynological experience for training is desirable.


An ancient German herding breed. Despite the large stature and stately appearance, up to 3 years of age the puppy exhibits playful behavior. They behave playfully and openly. It seems that they are always having fun and want to run around non-stop. The naturally developed ability of a watchman helps to protect the home, local area and family. He gets along well with kids and treats them like his puppies. Plays with pleasure and follows commands. Black shiny wool with water-repellent properties does not require constant grooming. It is necessary to prevent the formation of tangles, comb and wash with special products.

Black Terrier

Artificially bred by crossing the best service breeds in a Soviet nursery. Legend has it that I.V. Stalin personally participated in the decision on the appearance of Volchy representatives who met wartime requirements. The Russian Terrier combines the qualities of a guard, companion, and hunter. Requires strict education and constant training depending on the goals. Outwardly similar to the Giant Schnauzer, but larger and superior in intelligence. The body is covered with thick black hair, the signs of a terrier are noticeable (square shape, thick long hair with a small undercoat). Easy to train and follow commands. Suitable for dog sports. Needs trimming for a visually attractive exterior. Tolerates meteorological problems and does not require spending on seasonal clothing.

Portuguese water dog

No less rare breed than the Hungarian Mudi. It got its name because in the Middle Ages, Portuguese fishermen used it to drive fish into nets. One of the main colors is black. The coat is thick and hard, curly or wavy, and has a water-repellent property. The coat does not require special care; according to standards, a poodle-like haircut is allowed.

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Dogs of this breed have a very stable psyche and a gentle character; she swims well and loves to do so, so it is not worth bathing her separately. Just like the Giant Schnauzer, the breed is devoid of the specific “dog” smell.

Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier is a small hunting dog with a very memorable appearance. Short legs, a large head, long hair on the sides, a beard and mustache can lull the vigilance. In fact, this is a very brave animal, showing itself equally when hunting and when protecting its owner.

The dominant color of this breed is considered to be black, with a thick undercoat and long outer coat that forms a “skirt.” The Scottish Terrier never sheds, but the old coat should be plucked at least twice a year. Due to natural curiosity and indomitable energy, which forces him to collect all the surrounding dirt, such a dog will have to be washed every day.


Another born hunter is the short-legged dachshund, with an elongated body and a wedge-shaped muzzle. They come in several colors, one of which is black. It is considered a short-haired breed, but there are representatives with long hair.

Grooming is minimal; for smooth-haired representatives of the breed, it is enough to periodically wipe them with a damp towel. Has a willful character. Despite all its comical appearance, this dog will boldly protect its owner from strangers. A very smart, inquisitive dog, ideal for both hunting and keeping at home.


The monkey pinscher (this is how the name of the breed is translated from German) is a funny decorative creature whose face really looks like the grimace of a primate. The coat of the Black Pinschers is very coarse, short on the body and long on the muzzle, which gives it a funny “disheveled” appearance. Despite its modest size, this baby carries himself with the dignity of a large and strong dog.

It is recommended to periodically pluck the fur on the sides of the animal, and trim the fur on the face with scissors. He is very jealous of his owner, trying to prevent anyone from getting into a relationship with him. Does not get along with cats and other small pets.

Italian Greyhound (Italian Greyhound)

Italian Greyhounds are miniature versions of greyhounds, characterized by their slender body and graceful appearance. They are very sensitive to their surroundings and prefer a calm environment.

Despite their quiet disposition, Italian Greyhounds require daily exercise and running exercises. This allows animals to maintain the necessary physical shape.

Norwegian Black Elkhound

A typical northern husky, with a curled tail and a glossy black coat. An all-weather hunting dog that is not afraid of either rain or frost. In addition, it is used as a guard and sled dog.

The Elkhound has a thick coat, longer on the chest, neck and hind legs. Like all northern dogs, it is very susceptible to periodic shedding, so it is not recommended for keeping at home. But the breed does not have a characteristic “dog” smell. He is not very fond of other dogs, but in relationships with people, even strangers, he behaves with restraint.

How to choose a puppy that is completely black

If you decide that you need a black dog, then first you need to decide on the breed. Each has its own characteristics, leading behavioral traits.

It is necessary to carefully check the following indicators:

  • pedigree lines of producers that will be completely pure;
  • the puppy’s appearance (exterior) should not differ from the standards (they must be studied in advance);
  • possible color transition (the brighter the color, the more advantageous it looks).

According to the classification, some breeds are allowed to have small spots. If you do not plan to perform at exhibitions and engage in hereditary selection, then this does not play a big role. With age, the puppy's coat will change to permanent, and may become darker or slightly lighter.

Smooth-haired dogs have fur that fits very tightly to the body and there is no undercoat. For care, you only need a glove with a special rubberized surface. They are easier to wash. Long-haired Wolfies look great with proper care, but they will have to be constantly combed and tidied up using a slicker.

Carefully examine the ears, eyeliner, lips. Incomplete “drawing”, spots, light shades mean culling of the offspring. The claws should be strong, not brittle, with a stable black color.

Depending on the breed, slight deviations in the color of the iris are possible. They should be the same, brown shades. Different colors are not allowed.

Owners are required to know the specifics of caring for the animal and monitor the behavior that is determined by the breed characteristics inherent in nature. If you choose this or that dog, then you need to understand the character, inclinations, and affections.

Swedish Lapphund

Outside the Swedish kingdom, the breed is almost unknown, although it dates back hundreds of years. The Lapland Spitz (the second name of this breed) is a small black shaggy dog ​​with a cute face. But the appearance of this dog is deceptive; behind it lies the persistent northern character of a hunting and sled dog.

There are two types of Lapphunds - short-haired and long-haired. The last type is recognized as the most “correct” and ancient. The animal's coat is double and dense, with a thick undercoat, which is due to the harsh climatic conditions of northern Sweden. Even during rest, the Lapland Spitz carefully observes what is happening around, and at any moment, without hesitation, rushes to guard the territory and the owner.

Fluffy dog ​​breed

All dogs are wonderful and cute, but there is something special about cute big fluffy dog ​​breeds. While the cuddliness of these dogs must be acknowledged, it is also important to note that all that fur has more than just a "cute" purpose.

Dr. Jerry Klein, an emergency and critical care veterinarian with more than 35 years of experience and chief veterinarian for the American Kennel Club (AKC), explains that large dog breeds known for being fluffy weren't an accident—they were bred to perform specific tasks. and succeed in certain conditions.

See also: 20 most aggressive dog breeds in the world today

“When we talk about standard dog breeds, their physical characteristics, such as length and coat texture, are not arbitrary,” he says. “These attributes are based on the function for which these breeds were bred. Almost all large furry breeds were once working dogs. ”

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