How to open a dog kennel: necessary conditions and documents, features, legal advice

Many dog ​​lovers believe that being a professional breeder is an easy and simple job. In fact, this is far from the case. Pet owners who decide to choose this direction will have to face some restrictions and difficulties. Of course, some breeders are unscrupulous in breeding animals: in order to make a profit, they simply breed pets with the hope of a large litter. However, professional dog breeding is an art and a lot of work.

Market analysis

After analyzing the market, it becomes obvious that the demand for purebred dogs changes regularly. One breed may be popular for some time, and although it is expensive, it is in demand. As a rule, the number of breeders increases, competition increases, costs decrease, and fashion passes. To ensure that information regarding these issues is always complete and up-to-date, the market should be analyzed constantly.

It will be possible to determine which breed is the most fashionable today at special exhibitions. It is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Thanks to participation and winnings in exhibitions, a good income is provided. Moreover, offspring with a good pedigree are worth higher, since many clients prefer to buy not only a friend, but also an object of pride that friends would appreciate. In this case, the puppy must have documents and titles.
  2. Small breed dogs that are kept in apartments and not walked are in demand. You can buy them for your family, as a gift for someone, or for children.
  3. It is profitable to breed service animals for hunting or guarding. All private homes and large enterprises must have a dog in the yard.

Before you learn how to open a dog kennel, you should determine whether it is worth starting such a business. Of course, this involves drawing up a business plan, because you need to calculate all the costs. It is important to take into account all the nuances. For example, if you do not have your own breeding facility, you will need to buy one. This includes drawing up a financial plan. You also need to choose a breed, study open nurseries in the city or region. Supply likely exceeds demand, so opening a business may not be profitable.

How to open a nursery for homeless animals? The procedure for registering an organization is the same as in the case of dog breeding. The nuances of the discovery are presented below. So that you understand, many people themselves give their pets to the shelter, how this is done is well described in this publication: -obzor-priyutov-opisanie-i-otzyivyi.


The advantages of a nursery over a private club breeder are significant. You will be contacted for contract breeding, your puppies will be a priority for future private owners and for those wishing to engage in breeding. You get the opportunity to brand the puppies of your kennel yourself, create documents and keep a stud book. You will also be able to cull animals yourself, and in case of an interesting mutation, achieve its persistence and, possibly, form your own breed.

When you decide to become a dog breeder, you should clearly understand why you are doing this. It is impossible to put commerce above the quality of replenishment of the breeding flock. This is complex and responsible work, otherwise nurseries and famous breeders would not be such a rarity, and private message boards would not be full of advertisements for the sale of puppies of varying quality.

Attend exhibitions, communicate with more experienced breeders, ask for advice at your regional kennel club. Don’t be afraid to consult, many tips from private practice will help you not only make up your mind, but also help you in the question of how to become a dog breeder, what you should prepare for and whether such an idea is worth your energy.

Registration and organization

To open a dog kennel, what do you need? Typically, this business is not considered the main job and is not carried out for earning money, so it is not necessary to register the business. There is no need to submit tax reports or obtain a license. The state considers nurseries as organizations that are not opened to generate income.

To open a dog kennel, some preparation is required:

  • choose a breed;
  • purchase or equip premises;
  • register with the club;
  • register in the international system.

When all procedures are completed, the nursery will officially function. You can start doing the work.

The other side of the coin

Simple buyers who sell puppies at the market make a good profit. Moreover, all documents about “pedigreedness” are, as a rule, fake. Also, good profits are made by those owners who have either rare or fashionable breeds of dogs. The most important thing is that you must get to exactly the period of time when this or that dog is in demand, and its puppy can be sold profitably.

If you are ready to do all of the above, a dog kennel as a business is just for you. If you enjoy what you do, it will help you gain experience, have additional income and achieve success.


How to open a dog kennel in Russia? Since people are willing to pay a lot of money for purebred animals, they usually require proof of pedigree and good maintenance of the pet. Therefore, you should keep documentation, including meal receipts.

To breed dogs you need:

  1. Pedigree.
  2. Certificate of permission for breeding.
  3. Education in the veterinary field (desirable).
  4. Documentation for renting a factory set-top box.
  5. Registration of a breeding farm, which is entered into the register.

How to open a dog kennel in RKF? It is necessary to visit this organization and obtain a certificate allowing you to breed animals.

How to open a dog kennel in Belarus? In the republic, control over the breeding of various breeds is carried out by the BKO. The cynological association uses general principles for keeping animals and sets minimum requirements for the performance of purebred dogs. Each nursery is registered and has its own name. The rules that members of a given club can set independently must not diverge from international regulations.

To run a business successfully, constant study of literature, magazines on nutrition, treatment, and training is required. You can work together with a dog handler. The first dog purchased must have an excellent pedigree up to the 4th generation.

The owner usually advises on:

  • care;
  • feeding;
  • vaccinations.

It is better for the dog to be female. It is important to have awards or recognition from an exhibition. It is also required that she be registered with the canine service. If the requirements are met, a good income is ensured. If you skip some points for rapid business development, then the business will progress without making a good profit.

Who will help?

You can even find the breeder from whom you buy your first pair among your neighbors. He will also be able to help you when buying or selling puppies. It is best, of course, if this person is a professional dog handler or expert, someone who can answer all questions and advise on any topic related to four-legged pets.

You must understand for what purpose you are purchasing this or that breed of dog and why you need it. And also find out whether the breeder helps in making a profit. This is a very important point. If you choose the right breeder, you can save on food and vaccinations.

Such services will cost you much less than in a veterinary clinic. Also, the owner of the puppy's parents will be able to tell you how to properly care for the dog's coat, and will help with advice during mating, pregnancy and childbirth.

Premises and equipment

Above was all the information on how to open a dog kennel. Where to start raising the pets themselves is also worth discussing. To breed good offspring, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Territory. This will not work in an apartment, especially with large breeds. Difficulties may also arise. Including neighbors and law enforcement agencies. You can do work in a private room where there is a local area.
  2. Dimensions. When the offspring are large and the breeds are different, it is advisable to make special enclosures. To build them, no special requirements are required, the only important thing is that they are not cramped. When there are several pets, street walking is enough.
  3. Content. Since animals are not immune from diseases, it is necessary to equip an area for quarantine. It will be expensive to treat all the offspring. If the animal has suffered from an illness, then its value decreases noticeably.
  4. Maintenance. To examine dogs, a veterinarian must be invited to your home, so you need to prepare a separate room. You can invite a doctor to perform vaccinations and other procedures. It is possible to conclude an agreement with a clinic that performs these procedures on favorable terms.
  5. Breeding. The birth of puppies should take place in a separate room or in a clinic under the supervision of a doctor.
  6. Nutrition. It is necessary to prepare a room for storing food and preparing food.

Features of maintenance, care and feeding

When considering the topic of how to open a dog kennel, you should familiarize yourself with the features of care and feeding, since each breed requires compliance with special rules. It is important that nutrition is regular and nutritious, it is carried out according to schedule. Dogs should receive vitamins, minerals and other beneficial components. For each age, special conditions must be observed.

The following rules must be observed:

  1. Pets must have clean water.
  2. Constant access to fluid is required.
  3. The food is enriched with vitamin supplements.
  4. At a young age, you need to get some vaccinations. They are carried out to prevent many serious illnesses and infections.
  5. Care must be performed with special means. Special shampoos are now sold to protect against fleas. The animal needs to choose products taking into account the thickness and quality of the fur.
  6. Each individual must have a separate bowl, a leash, and toys are required for puppies. Therefore, the first cash investment is quite large.

The needs of our little brothers

Now let's calculate what exactly your dog needs in order for it to be happy, healthy and able to whelp regularly, that is, to be fertile. First, she needs to buy quality food.

From time to time, you will need to take your dog for various procedures and vaccinations; she will also need to have x-rays, vaccinations, and prevent worms and other parasites. When your dog begins to shed, we recommend purchasing good vitamins. Seasonal coat changes occur in animals twice a year.


How to open a nursery so that the business develops successfully? Maintenance can be performed by 1 person - the owner. The main condition is reaching the age of majority and having a specialized education. When a business is set up for profit, they hire a special person who understands dog breeding. He doesn’t have to be in the house, you need to invite him to consultations and exhibitions. The employee can perform:

  • animal feeding;
  • cleaning;
  • walking;
  • gaming activities.

Hiring a trainer and a veterinarian will be required. Sometimes you need a grooming specialist. It improves the appearance of dogs based on show requirements. Grooming consists of:

  • haircut;
  • eye care;
  • ears;
  • claw care.

Pet Career

If your dog takes part in exhibitions or competitions, the price for her and her puppy will naturally increase. But in order to participate in all events, the dog must be taught basic commands and undergo a training course. Participation in various exhibitions can also bring you additional income.

But to do this, your dog must receive a special veterinary certificate, undergo medical control, and you will also need to pay a participation fee. In a year you can visit a dozen or one and a half exhibitions. And in order for a dog to be accepted to an event, the animal must demonstrate its positive qualities. You may need the help of a specialist handler at first. He will be able to prepare the dog for participation in an exhibition or any other event.

Financial part

For a business to generate income, it is advisable to buy good dogs and provide excellent conditions. This requires a lot of expenses, and the income may not come immediately. If there is no good advertising, adult dogs may remain with their owners. When puppies are not for sale, it is preferable to immediately reduce the price.

The opening price does not include the purchase or rental of premises, since it is calculated that breeding will be carried out in one’s own home. The minimum costs are for documentation - joining the club. The most expensive will be dog food and care.


Investments are required for:

  • organization of enclosures;
  • workers' salaries;
  • advertising;
  • purchasing accessories.

In total, about 900 thousand rubles are needed. The amount is calculated for 4 medium-sized dogs that have a good pedigree. Purchasing 1 pet will cost 15 thousand rubles. For 4 babies per year the following costs will be required:

  • feed – 15,000 rubles;
  • vitamins – 3,000;
  • veterinarian services – 4,000;
  • training – 10,000;
  • purchase of accessories – 2,000;
  • exhibitions – 30,000.

To purchase several dogs for breeding, you will need to invest about 400 thousand rubles.


If the business develops well and the puppies are in demand, then in the first year you can get 100,000 rubles. Of this amount, the income will be about 30 thousand rubles. The profit is small, considering the effort and time for breeding and care.

Since the offspring will increase, the nursery will become known to clients, and income may increase. If the outcome is positive, 50 thousand rubles will be paid per year. Incomes are rarely higher, because for this you need to fully engage in this area, sparing no effort and time.

How much does the 2021 RKF pedigree cost?

the registration certificate is single-generation, resembles the puppy’s registration certificate, but contains the RKF

(for exhibitions, for sports, for yourself “so that it may be”) its cost in
the RKF
is 1000 rubles for non-urgent production.

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If you are actively involved in exhibitions and developing the nursery, the business pays off in 5 years. Professionals believe that animal breeding is not a profitable business. Therefore, they do this only at will, and not for the purpose of obtaining a high income.

Thus, opening a dog nursery is still a type of business, albeit a low-income one. If you want to engage in this activity, you must do all the work correctly, taking into account all the nuances of breeding and caring for animals.

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