Reviews from owners about dachshunds: the pet’s character traits and conditions of its maintenance

The Dachshund is an amazing breed of dog, and they are distinguished not only by their unusual appearance, but also by their funny character.

These dogs are able to stir up anyone, they are smart, agile and quick-witted, ideal for a large family.

They are distinguished by their devotion to one owner and the ability to analyze what is happening around them, making decisions independently.

Short description

The history of the dachshund breed goes back several thousand years - their images were found on ancient Egyptian papyri . A distant ancestor is considered to be the short hounds, from which dachshunds inherited their excellent intelligence, amazing flair and ability to pursue prey.

First of all, dachshunds were intended for hunting burrowing animals - foxes, badgers and other similar animals. Among their kind, they are one of the smartest, they are considered the best hunting dogs in the world.

Due to their small size and small stature, these dogs are able to penetrate into the most secluded crevices, and short legs do not interfere with fast running . The structure of the muzzle provides an excellent sense of smell, thanks to which dogs can smell prey several hundred meters away.

By nature, dachshunds are active, sociable and very devoted to their owner. Due to lack of communication with a loved one, they can withdraw into themselves, so this breed is not suitable for people who are unable to openly express positive emotions.

It gets along well in a large family; thanks to its activity, it can frolic with children and other dogs for a long time, but dachshunds have a difficult relationship with cats.

Dachshunds are very smart and quick-witted animals, capable of making their own decisions . They are highly trainable, but can sometimes be stubborn and capricious.

They can openly show resentment towards the owner, which once again proves that they have an incredible mind.

Suitable for keeping both in an apartment and in a private house.

It is customary to divide the breed into three varieties:

  • short-haired;
  • wire-haired;
  • long-haired.

Height ranges from 12 to 25 centimeters at the withers.

Appearance of a dachshund

Dachshunds are the most recognizable breed in the world. A long and short-legged sausage dog looks ridiculous only at first glance. Dachshunds have powerful paws and a very voluminous chest. These are not large, but very strong dogs - their muscles are well developed. A strong constitution and endurance are the heritage of a centuries-old hunting past.

The long, dry head with a smooth transition from the forehead to the muzzle is decorated with large ears. Brown eyes always look with curiosity, remarkable intelligence is visible in them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you adopt a dachshund puppy into your family, you need to carefully study the pros and cons of this breed.

Of course, there are more advantages, among them are::

  • Because of their intelligence, dachshunds perfectly understand and quickly remember commands, willingly communicate with their owner, and understand his intonation and mood.
  • The high endurance of this breed will be a huge plus for those who want to lead an active lifestyle, but cannot bring themselves to do so. Dachshunds are able to withstand long, fast walks with intense physical activity, which only benefits them.
  • Many people underestimate the hunting properties of this breed, since they consider these dogs to be capable primarily of burrow hunting, but in fact, dachshunds are excellent swimmers, which gives them the opportunity to hunt waterfowl and retrieve dead game from bodies of water.
  • Dachshunds are very friendly and sociable, they can brighten up the life of a lonely person.
  • These dogs are excellent defenders of their owners; they are ready to defend their loved one to the last. They are also great with children, making them an ideal candidate for a large family pet.
  • Representatives of this breed are very artistic and can make both children and adults laugh.
  • Dachshunds are included in the list of long-living dogs.

The list of advantages is quite long, but, like any other breed, there are characteristic disadvantages:

  • Due to the long spine, representatives of this breed often have problems with it. To prevent this from happening, the dog should not be often forced to walk up stairs and carry loads on its back.
  • Long ears are often susceptible to corresponding diseases.
  • Dachshunds are very prone to obesity, so it is important to carefully monitor their diet and not feed too much (especially from the human table!).
  • Due to their developed hunting skills, dachshunds love to dig, which is why a summer cottage in a private house often resembles a military training ground.
  • Representatives of the breed, when meeting other dogs, often react to them with a welcoming bark, which can be perceived by another animal as an attack.

Some individuals are biting, but only if they are brought to.


Dog handlers do not recommend giving dachshunds to overly active children under 7 years of age.

The Dachshund dog breed has many more advantages than disadvantages, and most of their disadvantages are related primarily to health, and not to character, which makes them stand out from many other breeds.

Who is better to choose - a boy or a girl?

When choosing a dachshund puppy, many owners wonder who is better to choose, a boy or a girl.

The choice depends largely on the goal pursued by the future owner.

If his goal:

  • breeding offspring, it is best to choose a female, since they are treated more loyally than males. The main thing is to have documents certifying the purebred of the breed. Representatives of the “stronger” sex will have to participate in exhibitions more than once and take prizes before eminent breeders will pay attention to them. But it is worth considering the fact that caring for a pregnant dog is expensive.
  • If you take a dog “for the soul”, then you can take any puppy you like, since both a boy and a girl will become ideal companions and devoted friends.

Of course, there are differences in the behavior of females and males . For example, males are more stubborn, straightforward, independent, ready to stubbornly follow their principles, while females are more flexible, gentle, and loving.

Where to buy, prices in nurseries and “from hand”

It’s hardly worth reminding that purchasing a purebred dog “from your own hands” is risky. Even if the purity of the breed is not important, there is a risk of getting a sick animal. It is much safer to purchase a real purebred dog from a kennel where young dachshunds receive proper care and education.

Prices for private taxis are usually very low, from 2-3 thousand. There are offers even cheaper, or even “I’ll give it to good hands for free.” Kennels offer puppies at an average price of 25-30 thousand rubles. The amount depends on the pedigree, titles and awards of the parents. A purebred dog from a breeder who is passionate about his work cannot cost a penny.

Attitude towards children

A dachshund and a child are an ideal couple . Representatives of this breed treat children very carefully, often perceiving them as their own. If there is a lack of parental attention, the dachshund, to the best of its canine strength, can compensate the baby for the lack of communication.

These dogs are capable of tirelessly playing and frolicking with the baby, but even in the midst of fun they are restrained and are unlikely to bite the child.

If the baby greatly tires the animal, it will simply leave for a while and will soon return again to continue active communication.

It is best if the dachshund appeared in the house after the birth of the child, since representatives of the breed can often show the “newcomer” their leadership in the house, although they will love them equally with other family members.

Picky eating

It’s rare that a dachshund will refuse a treat offered to it. They are completely picky about food and are able to eat without a twinge of conscience even the most harmful food, which is contraindicated for them .

That is why a responsible owner must carefully monitor his pet’s diet.

There are three options for feeding dachshunds:

  • natural food;
  • dry food;
  • a combination of natural and prepared food.

Representatives of this breed are ready to eat as long as food is given to them, which is why they should absolutely not be overfed.


If dry food is chosen for nutrition, then you need to feed the animal at the rate of “40 grams of food per 1 kg of weight.”

Dachshunds love to “beg” and it is difficult to resist their pitiful eyes . In such cases, you can pamper your pet with a healthy animal treat, but in the evening after this you need to slightly reduce the portion of food.

Features of care

Caring for dachshunds is quite simple, but some points require special attention :

  1. Ears . They must be cleaned periodically using a damp cotton pad wrapped around your finger. It is not recommended to use a cotton swab to clean your dog's ears, as it may twitch during the procedure and damage the ear canal. Cleaning frequency: once a month.
  2. Teeth . Dachshunds have good teeth, but they also need care. To cleanse the fangs of deposits, it is recommended to give the animal special toys and bones. Once a week, you can remove food deposits with a soft brush or terry cloth.
  3. Bathing . It is not recommended to bathe your dog unless absolutely necessary more than once every 3 months. For bathing, you can use both specialized and regular baby shampoo. Long-haired cats should be combed with a special brush before bathing.
  4. Claws . Dachshunds' nails are trimmed using special nail clippers. For puppies, the procedure is carried out once every two weeks, for adult dogs - once every 1-1.5 months, since during active walks they grind down their claws on their own.

Caring for a dachshund does not take much time and effort, which sets them apart from many other breeds.

What types of dachshunds are there?

Within one breed there is a division not only by coat type, but also by size. As a result, there is a huge variety of dachshunds.

Three size groups:

  1. Rabbit dachshund – weight 3-3.5 kg
  2. Small (miniature, dwarf) dachshund – weight 4-5.5 kg
  3. Standard dachshund – weight 8-9 kg

Based on the type of wool, three varieties are also distinguished:

  1. Smooth-haired;
  2. Long-haired;
  3. Wirehaired.

Nowadays, it is the wire-haired dachshunds that are popular as working hunting dogs: they do not freeze as much as their smooth relatives, and the hair does not get tangled or dirty, like long-haired dachshunds. Geese have their own color, which is called “boar”.

Wirehaired dachshund

Long-haired dachshunds quickly became decorative dogs due to their spectacular appearance. Smooth-haired dogs are equally suitable for hunting and home life.

Wirehaired dachshunds go hunting

Smooth standard dachshund puppy

The most common colors of dachshunds:

  • Black and Tan;
  • Red (from dark to bright orange and sand);
  • Coffee (chocolate);
  • Marble (tricolor).

Tricolor dachshund

There are cream and brindle colors.

brindle dachshund

Contents in the apartment

Before purchasing a dachshund puppy, you need to prepare your apartment and household for its arrival.

For this it is necessary:

  • Buy a bed or house of the appropriate size. A house is preferable, as sometimes dachshunds like to be alone. The sleeping area should be located away from drafts and away from public passages so that the dog can sleep peacefully.
  • Place food and water bowls within easy reach and hide the bowls of other animals.
  • Put electrical wires in a box, as puppies can chew them.
  • Equip a place for a toilet (if you plan to train your pet to relieve itself in the apartment). The diaper or tray must be placed in a secluded corner so that the animal is not afraid of sharp sounds and people during its “business”.


You should not allow your dachshund to jump from heights, otherwise it may damage its vulnerable spine.

The sofa is considered height for this breed.


An undoubted discovery for you will be that this sausage with legs also likes to sleep comfortably. It takes superhuman willpower and a wagon of patience not to give her a chance to win a place on the bed from her childhood. Whining, night raids and sabotage await you, just don’t try to give in, because then you will have only one thing left - when you discuss your pet with the same victim, ask: “Does yours sleep entirely under the covers or does she also prefer her butt on the pillow?”

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