Kennel "Tsarskaya Idyll": description of dog breeds, puppies, reviews

Experienced dog breeders know that it is better to buy a four-legged friend from a kennel. Only in this case will you be able to purchase a dog of the declared breed with correctly executed documents, and count on assistance in training, planning a show career, selecting a mate and other issues regarding the upbringing and raising of a pet. If you decide to get a Dogue de Bordeaux or a Bullmastiff, then pay attention to the Tsarskaya Idyll kennel. Detailed information about the breeds of these dogs, their achievements and the sale of puppies can be obtained from our article. It will also be useful for you to find out reviews from owners of Dogue de Bordeaux and Bullmastiffs about the kennel.

History of creation

“Tsarskaya Idyll” is actually two nurseries geographically located at the same address in Moscow. And what’s surprising is that their founder and owner is not a strong man, matching the dogs that are raised here, but a gentle and fragile woman - Elena Starikova. She has been breeding Dogue de Bordeaux and Bullmastiffs for more than 15 years, and during this time her students have won numerous awards at high-level international competitions.

In fact, the Tsarskaya Idyll kennel has been raising dogs since 2000. Official registration in the RKF system took place in 2004. Over many years, professional handler Elena Starikova has accumulated extensive experience in raising and training all puppies. The result of many years of work was that the kennel of dogs, Dogue de Bordeaux and Bullmastiffs, received high praise from international experts. Puppies are sold only by agreement, so you can be completely confident in your four-legged pet.

Maintenance and care

Keeping this dog requires certain costs, both for food and for providing proper care.


With a rationally designed menu, Dogue de Bordeaux does not gain excess weight. The basis of his diet should be lean meat, mainly beef. From time to time, meat can be replaced with offal, seafood or fermented milk products. Fruits and vegetables will be useful.

The Dogue de Bordeaux's diet should not contain the following foods:

  • fish caught in the river and canned food from it;
  • citrus fruits;
  • raw and heat-treated mushrooms;
  • beans, lentils and other legumes;
  • small and hollow bones;
  • baking from yeast dough;
  • potatoes;
  • dishes seasoned with garlic and onions;
  • chicken;
  • cakes and other confectionery products.

There should always be filtered or raw water in the bowl.


After eating or drinking water, you need to wipe the wrinkles on the face.

It is advisable to inspect the Dogue de Bordeaux's ears every day. Cleaning them once a week is enough.

You should clean the cover of your four-legged friend 2-4 times a month. This must be done using a brush or a special silicone glove. The dog's surface should be treated with antiparasitic agents no more than once a month.

Antihelminthic drugs must be given to animals as needed, and for preventive purposes - no more than once every six months.

Claws with burrs need to be trimmed once a month.

Health and illness

And although the Dogue de Bordeaux is the owner of excellent health, some diseases are not alien to him:

  • dysplasia of large joints;
  • arthritis;
  • oncological;
  • respiratory viral;
  • volvulus;
  • jades;
  • nephrosis;
  • congestive cardiomyopathy;
  • hyperkeratosis.

Also, childbirth is often difficult, which is due to the size of the newborn’s head.

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Already at the age of 20-24 months, the female Dogue de Bordeaux is ready for mating. If the bitch, when touching the croup, moves her tail and spreads her paws wide, then this means that she is ready for fertilization. The 12-13 days of estrus are considered the most effective for mating.


A small representative of the breed can be walked for 15 minutes several times a day, gradually increasing the duration of the walk. Already at the age of 8-10 months, when the puppy’s tendons and ligaments become stronger, the growing pet can be walked for 30 minutes. The duration of stay on the street is increased due to the frequency of walks. An adult dog is usually walked for 30-40 minutes twice a day.

Dogue de Bordeaux kennel

Dogues de Bordeaux (French mastiffs) are the first dog breed that Elena began breeding back in 2000. It was with her that the history of the Tsar’s Idyll nursery began. A dog breeder can be proud that her pets live up to 13 years, which is a good indicator for Dogue de Bordeaux. They compete on equal terms with other representatives of the breed at world shows and exhibitions in Russia. People who decide to buy such a puppy can have no doubt about his immense love and devotion.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is an ancient French dog breed descended from mastiffs. They are distinguished by unsurpassed combat and security qualities. Since ancient times, these animals have been used to guard homes and hunt large animals. The Dogue de Bordeaux can be called the best defender of its owner, whom the dog will not give offense.


After you have adopted a dog, the question arises of what to name it. The table shows some options for nicknames for boys and girls.

For boysFor girls

Bullmastiff kennel

The Bullmastiff is a relatively new dog breed that was created by crossing the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. Initially, these animals were bred to protect forests from poachers, but today they are bred to protect homes from uninvited guests. Despite the formidable appearance, powerful chest with wide muscles, the dog is quite balanced, calm and patient. She treats her owners with deep love and respect and is neutral towards their friends and acquaintances.

In the Tsarskaya Idyll nursery, all conditions have been created for the maintenance and proper education of representatives of this breed. Bullmastiffs get along well with children growing up in a family and are neutral towards cats, which is an important advantage for many people.

Disease Prevention

Caring for a Dogue de Bordeaux is not difficult; the main thing is to regularly examine the animal for any abnormalities in the animal’s behavior and monitor its external condition. Be sure to take care of your animal’s coat, even if your Great Dane’s coat is short, but regular removal of dead hairs using a special mitten for smooth-haired dogs will improve your pet’s well-being. It is also worth inspecting the folds on the dog’s skin and regularly bathing your pet using special shampoos. Do not forget that regular moderate walks have a beneficial effect on the dog’s body; after them, you should carefully examine your pet for the presence of wounds or ticks.

In order for the pet to please with its healthy state, the owner should know that this breed has some body features that can negatively affect the overall well-being of the animal. First of all, there may be a problem with the respiratory system (this is due to the short neck of French mastiffs). Dogs often experience shortness of breath, so frequent short walks in the fresh air will not cause harm, but will only be beneficial.

It is especially important to consider that these dogs, like other massive breeds, are prone to hip dysplasia, so do not overload your pet’s body with exhausting training, everything should be in moderation. There are complications during childbirth, as puppies of this breed are born with large heads. Also, this breed does not tolerate anesthesia very well - the veterinarian must take into account that the usual dose can be fatal for a dog of this species. In general, with good care, Dogues de Bordeaux live quite a long time - 10-12 happy years.

Groom your pet regularly, and then he will enjoy his excellent health

Bullmastiff and Dogue de Bordeaux puppies

“Royal Idyll” offers future breeders of Bordeaux God and Bullmastiff dogs healthy and beautiful puppies from titled parents living in America and Lithuania. It is advisable to pick up young representatives of the breed at the age of 7-8 weeks. From this age they can easily be disciplined and given the necessary education lessons.

Bullmastiff puppies from a very titled male were born in February 2022. These are healthy and active dogs that fully meet all breed criteria.

A complete package of documents for a bullmastiff puppy

When buying a bullmastiff puppy from a kennel, you need to carefully check the required list of documents.

Veterinary passport , better than the international standard. This is the main document of the dog, regardless of the breed of the animal. It contains the necessary information about the owner and the pet itself. When purchasing a puppy, the passport must contain notes regarding treatment against parasites, as well as primary vaccination. You need to ask the breeder when the next vaccination is.

Kennel mark , which is usually affixed in the groin area or on the inner surface of the ear. Thanks to the brand, the dog can be accurately identified in various official cynological systems and the Russian Cynological Federation. A bullmastiff puppy from a proven, legally operating kennel cannot be without a brand. Therefore, if it is missing, there is no need to listen to fairy tales, but feel free to leave; buying from such a dubious place is not recommended. In addition to branding, breeders microchip their dogs, which indicates the high professionalism of the breeder. A pet without a chip cannot travel abroad with its owner, because having a chip is a prerequisite.

The pet's primary document is the bullmastiff puppy's metric , which is necessary for the further process of registering the pedigree. In this document, the following information is indicated: the puppy’s parents, breed, owner and breeder information, gender, date of birth, brand, nickname. The document must be certified by the seals of the kennel, as well as the kennel club. The person responsible for breeding work is required to sign the puppy's certificate. At the top of the document, you can read what canine system the selected breeder uses.

Achievements of dogs

Before talking about the victories of the dogs, it is worth noting the awards of the kennel itself. In 2012, “The Royal Idyll” was presented at a special exhibition and received the main prize in the “Best Nursery” category.

The Tsarskaya Idyll dog kennel can be proud of having raised the most titled representative of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed in the world. Today her daughter is following the same path. The dogs of the Tsarskaya Idyll kennel and other animals born there, but performing at exhibitions with other owners, take the highest prizes at competitions in France, Belgium and other countries.


There are several theories about the origin of the Dogue de Bordeaux. According to the most common theory, they originated from French fighting dogs, inheriting their appearance from the Alans, large ancient dogs widespread in the 14th century in Spain and France. This animal had an iron grip, so they were bred for the purpose of herding wild animals, guarding livestock, shipping and dog fighting.

Reviews about the nursery “Tsarskaya Idyll”

The owner of the nursery, Elena Starikova, takes her work very seriously and offers for sale only high-quality and promising puppies from parents who are champions and winners of numerous exhibitions. Only proven dogs that have passed all the necessary tests to determine their level of health are involved in breeding the breed.

The Tsarskaya Idyll kennel, according to reviews, is one of the few places in Russia where you can buy truly well-mannered and healthy Dogue de Bordeaux and Bullmastiff puppies. Owners are provided with the necessary assistance, including veterinary care, advice on any issues, support in growing, and assistance in preparing for exhibitions.

Puppies purchased from the nursery go not only to other areas of Moscow, but also to other cities in Russia. They successfully participate in various exhibitions or become favorite pets in families.


It’s not for nothing that the Dogue de Bordeaux is a good guard. After all, just the sight of it can scare a robber. This is a massive and rough dog that inherited its ferocious appearance from its ancestors. According to standards, the weight of a male should be at least 50 kilograms, and his height should be 61-69 centimeters. The bitch has slightly different indicators. Body weight ranges from 45 to 50 kilograms. Height is approximately 58-66 centimeters. With a rationally designed menu, a Dogue de Bordeaux puppy gains body weight quite quickly.


When examining the animal from the front, it seems that its head is square. If you look at the dog from above, a trapezoidal shape clearly emerges. The large convex forehead is slightly longer than the muzzle. In the center of the forehead there is a small depression, from which folds stretch downwards, diverging on both sides of the nose. The Bordeaux mask is slightly darker than the main color of the dog. The head of the Great Dane is quite massive, and the muzzle with folds has a terrifying appearance.


This breed of dog has brown or hazel eyes, oval in shape. They are planted quite low.


Compared to the Great Dane's body, its ears are medium in size. When at rest, the tips of the ear are neatly rounded and hang forward; when tense, they rise or lie close to the muzzle.


The lower part of the jaw apparatus of this type of dog protrudes more forward than the upper. Characterized by the presence of a snack.

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The dog is large in build, but the back is short, wide and muscular. The dog's withers are elevated and the shoulder blades are tightly pressed.


The Dogue de Bordeaux has a short, muscular neck that flows smoothly into the shoulders. The head and neck are separated by a smooth fold.


This breed has a thick and strong tail, which tapers at the end. At rest, the tail is lowered; during active movements, it rises approximately 100°.


The forelimbs have elastic pads. The dog's paws are strong, with strong nails that need to be trimmed regularly. The hind limbs are slightly longer and set slightly closer than the forelimbs. They also have strong nails.


This breed of dog has short but thick hair that fits tightly to the skin. There is no undercoat.


The Dogue de Bordeaux's coat is monochromatic and brown. The mask is slightly darker, black or missing. The nose is light, red or pink.

Owner reviews

Owners of the Dogue de Bordeaux believe that this is a wonderful, intelligent dog, it can be kept in small apartments, it does not require complex care, and the giant eats a little. These dogs are very loyal, always ready to defend their owner, so they are safe to walk with. The breed is mentally balanced, so there is no need for a muzzle, but it can be used in places as required. Also, Bordeaux dogs do not bark for no reason, they are quiet and calm: you will never see this dog barking loudly after a cyclist, a cat or other animals. The breed is very intelligent and devoted with all its soul to its family, however, this devotion must be earned, but in general it is not difficult.

The only drawback that most owners note is drooling.

These dogs are very loyal, always ready to defend their owner.

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