Learn how to trim your Yorkie's face and ears at home

Yorkshire Terriers have long and thick hair, which gives them a special charm. This beauty requires care: the dog should be brushed and trimmed regularly.

There are a large number of model haircuts for Yorkies that will give your pet a unique look. You can get your Yorkie cut at a grooming salon; a professional groomer will help you choose a style that is suitable for the dog.

A more budget-friendly option is to trim your Yorkie yourself. To do this, you need to learn some grooming rules and practice a little.

How to choose a haircut that suits your pet and how to properly trim your Yorkie at home will be discussed in the article.

Short and long

You need to choose the length of your Yorkshire Terrier's haircut based on personal preferences, the length of time the dog walks outside and the amount of time that can be devoted to caring for your pet's coat. If the owners of a Yorkie are too busy and there are small children in the family, they should give preference to short haircuts, which require less care. Also, a short haircut is more suitable for dogs who spend a lot of time in active games on the street - this way the coat will not get tangled and quickly get dirty.

Even short-haired Yorkies need brushing and bathing, these procedures will simply take less time.

Long-style haircuts are suitable for those who have the time and desire to care for their pet’s coat and appreciate the dog’s breed beauty. A popular option that gives the Yorkshire Terrier a well-groomed appearance and demonstrates the efforts of the owners in caring for the pet is the classic medium-length haircut. Don't forget that Yorkies' fur grows quickly and you can always change your pet's appearance.

A selection of photos.

Why do you need to trim your Yorkie's ears, head and muzzle?

This breed is trimmed for various reasons:

  • For exhibitions. Owners who do not miss more than one such event know well that an unkempt dog can lose precious points. At many exhibitions, a certain haircut is a prerequisite for participation.
  • Hygiene considerations. Too long hair interferes with proper care of the animal.
  • Ease of keeping at home. It will be easier for your dog to clean his ears if they are not hidden behind long hair. Moreover, the animal will tolerate the summer heat more calmly.

Important! All the reasons come down to one fact - a trimmed Yorkie is easier to care for.

First of all, grooming is a hygienic procedure that the dog must be accustomed to from the first months of life.

If you don't care about fashion trends regarding this breed, you will still have to trim your Yorkie at least once every two weeks.

There are three main positions when cutting a Yorkie's head : ears, muzzle and frontal part . Each of these positions requires special attention.

The peculiarity of the ears of this breed is based on the fact that by the age of about 5 months, they should already be erect. It is important not to miss this moment and shave the hair from the inside and outside of the ear in time. Also, trimming the ears prevents wax from accumulating on them.

First of all, before grooming, the dog needs to be bathed and dried thoroughly . This is done in order to rid the wool of tangles and particles of dirt that may get into the clipper.

How to cut a Yorkie, what haircut to choose

There are a huge number of options for how to trim a terrier, the most common are the following:

  1. Hygienic.
  2. Classic (standard).
  3. Model.

It is up to the owner to decide exactly how to trim the pet, but one should not forget about the dog’s needs. Exhibition animals must look presentable, and therefore it is not possible to get away with a hygienic option. If the terrier is simply a pet, then it is enough to regularly update the above option, and not resort to long and exhausting procedures.

Trimming nails

Trimming the nails is also a mandatory procedure - since the nails, if not shortened, begin to crack and bleed, which causes your pet great suffering.

Just like human nails, your Yorkie's nails should be trimmed regularly.

If you hear your dog clicking while walking on the parquet floor, it means it’s time to trim his nails. Before trimming your Yorkie puppy's nails to cope with this procedure, stock up on the following:

  • nail clipper;
  • cotton buds;
  • nail scissors
  • nailfile;
  • dry potassium permanganate.

After cutting, the dog’s nails should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Below are step-by-step recommendations on how to cut your Yorkie’s nails:

  • place your pet on your lap and secure it tightly;
  • move the hair from the finger you plan to process and lightly press it - the claw will extend and it will be more convenient to trim it;
  • at an angle of 45 degrees, trying not to touch the claw bed, trim the claw;
  • do not forget about the fifth fingers that are not visible;
  • if you accidentally hit the claw bed and blood comes out, treat the area with a cotton swab, dipping it in dry potassium permanganate;
  • a trimmed claw is too sharp - your pet can injure himself or someone else with it. Therefore, process it with a file;
  • Next, remove all the hair from the base of the paw - dried dirt accumulates there. Dogs love this procedure much more than the nail trimming that precedes it.

And finally, one more piece of advice - it is best to trim the nails after bathing, when they are as soft as possible and well processed. If you don’t have a nail clipper, it’s okay, you can easily do it with ordinary nail scissors.

Coat type

Despite the wide variety of haircut options, you need to choose the future look of your pet based on the type, thickness and length of its fur. If a Yorkie has a shiny and smooth coat that can be given any shape, then the choice of haircut is unlimited - any option will look good. Fluffy fur quickly develops tangles, and it tends to become electrified, so it won’t give you any haircut you like.

However, this type of coat is an excellent base for creating the rounded shapes that make Yorkies look like plush toys. Those with fluffy coats prefer short haircuts, Korean-style haircuts, and puppy-style haircuts. It is better not to leave long hair on the body or skirt. The hard coat is easy to care for. Owners of this type of hair go for medium-length haircuts, since a short length makes them look bald, and long, coarse hair looks sloppy due to its tendency to split ends.

General rules for cutting Yorkies

Whether a Yorkie should be cut or not is up to the owner to decide. Many people value the breed precisely because of its beautiful long coat. To maintain a neat appearance, your pet's coat should be washed with shampoo and combed regularly.

If this is not done, the Yorkshire Terrier will become covered in tangles. And this is a question not only of aesthetics, but also of the dog’s convenience. Therefore, many owners prefer to give their pet a short haircut.

Important. Even if the owner wants to keep long hair, the pet still needs a hygienic haircut. An uncut Yorkie is a very depressing sight, because its hair can reach a length twice its height.

About washing before cutting

Before grooming, your Yorkie should be washed in a bathtub or sink with a rubber mat placed on the bottom to prevent the dog from slipping. When washing, use water at room temperature and a special shampoo and conditioner to make subsequent combing easier. You need to soap the dog from the neck to the tail, and lastly the head, but the foam is washed off starting from the head. After washing, lightly wring out the dog's fur, wrap it in a towel and dry it with a hairdryer. After washing and drying, the dog needs to be combed.

If you use the machine on an unwashed dog, the machine will clog and stop working.

What determines the quality of the coat?

What kind of fur your pet will have depends on many factors. And if we have no control over natural data, then it is quite possible to correct other data in order to improve the quality of the pet’s hair.

Much depends on heredity. There is nothing you can do about genetics, so you must initially choose a puppy by looking at its parents. Luxurious fur from your closest relatives is the key to the beauty of your puppy in the future.

Environmental factors - direct sunlight, sea water, dry air - all this negatively affects the quality of the animal's hair. You should not bathe your dog in the sea or let him sleep near the radiator in winter.

Various physiological conditions and general health also directly affect the appearance of the coat: hair growth slows down during pregnancy, lactation, changing teeth, even with a common cold or stress. Along with this, poor nutrition can cause skin allergies, alopecia (baldness), and loss of pigmentation.

A lack or excess of vitamins can lead to various skin reactions, dandruff, inflammation of the sebaceous glands - even baldness. Therefore, it is important to monitor the terrier’s diet and ask the veterinarian for the exact prescription of all dietary supplements.


Dogs participating in exhibitions and competitions are given only one haircut, while the image of a dog that does not participate in competitions depends only on the imagination of the owner, who can come up with an idea for a haircut on his own or borrow it from the Internet.


Grooming is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the American Kennel Club, its goal is to preserve the most natural appearance of the Yorkie's coat. A show cut is a slight trimming of the hair on the body, ears and paws to give the dog a well-groomed appearance, as well as a neat bow on the head - a top knot.

Like a puppy

One of the most common options is a puppy haircut, which makes the pet visually younger. In addition, a dog with such a haircut is easy to care for, and with regular trimming, washing and brushing of the coat can be kept to a minimum. For this model, it is necessary to cut the dog’s body under a clipper with an edging of the paws and tail - the length of the coat on them can reach 1.5 cm, the hair on the head must be left of a uniform length. This haircut gives your Yorkie a puppy-like face.

This haircut model is suitable for both Yorkies - boys and girls.


This haircut is based on the puppy cut. The hair on your Yorkie's paws and body should be cut short, and the hair on the face should be trimmed to a square shape.

Muzzle design in different models

In different hairstyles, the head is shaped differently. This is especially true for model options. In terms of complexity, any design is approximately the same, with the exception of braiding - this requires a separate skill.


The model hairstyle of show specimens in the ring is performed in strict accordance with the requirements of the American Kennel Club. The purpose of a haircut is to preserve the natural appearance of the coat, so, strictly speaking, it is to give the pet a well-groomed appearance with the fur as long as possible through careful trimming. The head is crowned with a top note with a traditional red bow.

How to make a top note? Even partings are separated on both sides: from the inner edge of the eye to the inner edge of the ear. There is no need to take a lot of fur from the back so that the top note does not fall back. Next, the hair is divided into two parts and each is combed a little from below. You can lightly spray it with varnish for better fixation.

The strands are connected, gathered into a ponytail and secured with a latex rubber band. The ears are collected in small strands from the back and connected to a strand in the center of the head. A bow is put on the top note, but the end of the ponytail is not pulled out, but left in an elastic band, making a neat fan over the bow. The tail of the fan is hidden behind the ears, the mustache is combed with a metal comb and the entire hair on the head is smoothed with a brush. You can go to the exhibition!


This style is otherwise called kawaii, or Asian style. Kawaii means "cute, pretty" in Japanese. Dogs cut in this style look cute and doll-like, with a clear resemblance to a plush toy. This effect is achieved by leaving the same length on the head and muzzle, which is about 1 cm. On the ears, long fringes remain, similar to the ponytails of Japanese schoolgirls. For girls, a little long hair is left from the bridge of the nose to the top of the head to tie ponytails or braids. The muzzle can be decorated with bows, rubber bands and hairpins. For boys, the top of their head is cut like a cap.

Puppy muzzle

A terrier cut this way looks like a puppy at any age. In essence, this is a classic or hygienic haircut, which differ only in length. The hair is cut to one length, which depends on the desire of the owner, and a rounded head shape is formed. The muzzle is designed in a similar way for other haircuts, for example, chinchilla, French braid, etc.

Square muzzle

The principle of this design is similar to the usual classic style, with the only difference being that the hair on the head is cut not in a round, but in a square shape.

Under the Welsh Terrier

The terrier's entire head is shaved with a clipper, leaving hair on the eyebrows, cheeks and chin. The hair on the ears and neck is also left as a short Yorkie cut. The muzzle looks like a Welsh or Airedale terrier.

Like a poodle

With this option, the hair is shaved off on the lower facial part, including the mustache and beard. The image changes beyond recognition, but the absence of facial hair has its advantages - for example, food does not get stuck in it. Long bangs remain on the forehead and crown, forming something similar to the Poodles' signature pom-pom.

Under the schnauzer

To resemble a schnauzer, the cheeks with temples, ears and crown are cut short. Only a mustache from the bridge of the nose and a long beard are left, and shaggy eyebrows or bangs are formed on top. This hairstyle is better suited to hard-haired models, but on soft-haired models it will not be possible to achieve a complete look.

Under the Chinese Crested

For everything to work out, the pet must initially have fairly long hair. The cheeks, cheekbones, chin, neck and ears are cut short, the mustache and beard are shaved off. The maximum length remains on the top of the head, which is combed in the middle and placed into bangs. In essence, this is a cross between a poodle and kawaii version.

Where to perform the procedure

To get your Yorkie in order you can:

  • invite a specialist home;
  • get your pet's hair cut at home by a hairdresser;
  • go to the salon;
  • cut your own hair.

The safest, but most expensive option is procedures in a grooming salon. However, for a fee you will receive comfortable waiting conditions, treatment with professional sterile instruments, specialist services, and a guarantee in case of errors. The owner has nothing to worry about. If the animal is purebred, it is better to entrust the pre-show preparation to a professional groomer.

Calling a groomer to your home is the most convenient, but expensive option. If you take your dog home to a specialist, you will have to leave it with a stranger during the procedure, and the waiting conditions are unlikely to be comfortable.

In any case, you must be confident in the qualifications of the master and the quality of the tools he uses.

To cut your pet's hair yourself, you will have to buy tools, acquire certain skills, and periodically waste your time and nerves. But you will not depend on groomers.

Cut it yourself or leave it to a professional

Here it is worth starting with the fact that every owner has his own personal opinion about his pet, and everyone knows what is best for their beloved dog, but there are some things that professionals in this field should do. In this way, you can ensure the comfort and safety of the animal, and save yourself from unnecessary hassle.

First of all, the Yorkie must be taught the necessary hygiene procedures from puppyhood, these include:

  • bathing;
  • combing;
  • cleaning eyes and ears;
  • a haircut.

If this is not done, then some new event, especially in inept hands, will seem like bullying or a sophisticated punishment to the dog.

Animals that have no idea about hygiene procedures can perceive the most ordinary haircut as aggression on the part of a person, after which he will begin to defend himself, which is quite natural. As a result, the Yorkie gets stress that he will remember for the rest of his days.

Finding a professional groomer today is not a global problem; you can go to a special salon or call a specialist to your home. As for the cost, any owner will find a suitable option without much difficulty. So what is better than a professional haircut:

  • Grooming an animal yourself is somewhat detrimental to the hierarchical environment in the house. The fact is that the dog perceives its owner as a friend, and not a “tormentor”;
  • Home grooming has its drawback in that this is where the Yorkie's own territory is located, in which the sandy feels safe. Trying to resist hostile, from the pet’s point of view, actions, the four-legged dog may begin to defend itself, and this will lead to great difficulties;
  • Regular grooming in the salon leads to the fact that the terrier gets used to the prevailing environment there, begins to recognize his master, and trust is gradually born. As a result, hygiene procedures begin to be perceived by the dog as something familiar, and cease to be an unpleasant surprise;
  • Thanks to the professional equipment located in the salon, the entire haircut takes a minimum of time.


Starting from 4 months, the Yorkshire Terrier needs a hygienic haircut every 2 - 3 weeks, depending on the rate of hair growth. This haircut consists of cutting the hair in the groin area, around the genitals, near the anus, on the tail near the butt and in the armpits.

Cleaning of the ears and trimming of their upper third, trimming of claws and hair around the paw pads are also done. During a hygienic haircut, trimming (trimming of hair) is also done on the paws, beard and bangs, the hair is carefully combed out, and tangles are untangled or removed.

Under the schnauzer

Thanks to this haircut, the miniature Yorkshire terrier looks like a schnauzer. The dog's body should be clipper-cut, and the hair on the limbs should be left long. Leave cheeks and a pointed beard on the muzzle, cut the back of the head and ears short, and leave a wedge-shaped bang on the head.


Owners of Yorkshire terriers who love unusual and exotic haircuts can give their pets a chinchilla haircut. This haircut imitates the skin of a fur-bearing animal and looks quite attractive on a Yorkie.

A chinchilla haircut helps hide flaws in your pet's appearance, for example, it distracts attention from an uneven back.

A short bang remains on the dog’s head, and the hair on the paws is trimmed down to the slippers, moving away from the claws. About 2 - 3 cm of fur remains on the body, after which it is time to shave the pattern. The dog's body must be cut in transverse or diagonal stripes, alternating lines and layers of fur to obtain a pattern that accurately imitates the traditional color of a chinchilla. This haircut looks most attractive after a week, when the slightly grown-out fur produces spectacular layers.

Using the same scheme, you can make designs in the form of scales, diamonds and other patterns on the Yorkie’s body.

Model hairstyle

The most famous hairstyle of the Yorkshire Terrier is a tail on top of the head, decorated with a beautiful bow. Another popular haircut is the French braid hairstyle. To do this, you need to cut the body short (the presence or absence of a “skirt” does not matter), leaving a strip of wool on the back along the spine. From this remaining wool you can braid spikelets, several braids or one French braid.

Yorkshire Terrier Ear Care

Remember what you pay attention to when you see a Yorkie, the first thing that comes into your field of vision is the fur and ears. It is very important that your pet's ears stand upright and are trimmed. You don’t have to spend money on a hairdresser; you can easily cut your dog’s hair yourself, if, of course, you approach the matter responsibly. As the hair grows back, about twice a month, you will need to carefully maintain the shape of your Yorkie's ears (vertical triangle) by trimming excess hair from the top of the ear. For aesthetics, the hair from the lower part of the ear is usually left so that, as it grows, it nobly frames the head of the Yorkshire Terrier. Very often the top of the ear is shaved, this gives the dog a happy, radiant look.

As mentioned above, it is very important that your Yorkie’s ears look well-groomed; in addition to the haircut, you also need to clean them. Dirty ears cause a lot of inconvenience and significantly affect your appearance. Cleaning your ears is not a difficult task, but it requires patience and accuracy. Ears should be cleaned every time you bathe (2 times a month), being careful not to pour water directly onto the ear cavity. You will need: ear sticks, Vaseline or lotion, which can be purchased at a pet store. Using an ear swab soaked in Vaseline or lotion, gently rub the inside of your dog's ear in a circular motion.

IMPORTANT! Pay attention to the color of the ear stick after cleaning. The norm is slight darkening. If the stick is covered with black dirt or black lumps are removed from the ears, contact your veterinarian immediately; such symptoms may indicate the presence of an ear mite. Also pay attention to the smell. The norm is no odor. Any smell is a reason to contact the veterinarian, especially if it is strong.

Required Tools

A professional tool for grooming Yorkies will be expensive, but it will quickly pay for itself, because the work of groomers is also expensive, and you have to resort to their services every 2-3 months. In addition, by purchasing everything you need and learning how to cut Yorkshire terriers, you can make good money from grooming.

So, to trim your Yorkie, you will need:

  • Haircut table. It can be any well-lit table, on which you need to lay a rubberized anti-slip mat, and also provide a place to fix the leash so that the pet does not run away during the haircut.
  • A set of metal combs with long teeth and different distances between them.
  • At a minimum, two pairs of hairdressing scissors - one with long straight ends and one with long rounded ends. You will also need small scissors with safety tips for cutting hair around the eyes and in other delicate areas.
  • Thinning scissors.
  • A dog clipper with metal attachments that allow you to trim the hair to different lengths (7 mm, 3 mm, etc.).
  • Trimmer for cutting delicate areas (armpits, groin).
  • A slicker brush is a brush with sharp metal teeth to remove tangles.

Accessories for haircuts at home

If you decide to cut your Yorkie at home, you will need the following set:

  1. Table. Ideally, it should be intended only for grooming the dog. It will have to be securely fixed to it so as not to accidentally injure the animal. It is better to start such a table from the very first day the dog is born, since it needs to be taught to cut its hair from a young age.
  2. Spray bottle for spraying water. It may come in handy when trimming longer hair.
  3. Litter. So that the dog's paws do not move apart. A rubber mat will do.
  4. Several combs. It is not recommended to use plastic combs. They electrify the fur, which is unlikely to please the dog. It is important to choose the size of the teeth of the comb for a certain length of hair. You may need several different combs.
  5. Special scissors. Straight and curved, small and large. So that each of them fits a specific area of ​​the surface being cut. You will also need thinning scissors.
  6. Hair clipper. Human hair is not suitable - it can complicate the haircut procedure, since the structure of human hair is different from that of a dog. There are special clippers designed only for grooming dogs. It will require several attachments of different sizes.

The dog will have to be bathed after grooming to rid it of any remaining hair.

Grooming a puppy

Caring for a Yorkie, as a rule, often needs to begin almost immediately after its birth, that is, from a minimum age. A five-day-old puppy needs to have its claws trimmed, and when it is 3 weeks old, its claws and ears need to be trimmed; at 1.5 months, the hair in the groin area needs to be trimmed. Starting from 4 months, a Yorkshire Terrier puppy needs to start getting its first hygienic haircut, and from 6 to 7 months, a model one.

The information that Yorkie swifts slow down wool growth for up to a year and spoil its quality is a myth. Quite the contrary, after cutting off the puppy’s soft coat, a new, harder, more elastic and silky coat grows.

How to brush your Yorkshire Terrier's teeth

A Yorkshire Terrier needs to brush its teeth at least twice a week, or even better, every day. There are many devices for this procedure: toothbrushes, teeth-cleaning toys and bones. The choice is quite wide. You should not immediately start with brushing your teeth; first you need to prepare your dog. First, for the first few days, simply massage your Yorkie's gums with your finger, then add toothpaste specially formulated for animals, since fluoride is harmful to dogs. If the dog is used to it, you can switch to a brush, do it slowly with a small amount of paste, without causing pain to the dog. After brushing, reward your dog with some kind of treat. A more convenient way to clean teeth would be bones and toys, and dogs love them so much.

The above methods of care are the most basic and important.
By following them, you can rest assured that your dog will be well-groomed, neat, joyful and beautiful. Source

How to train a dog to stand still while being groomed

The puppy usually gets his first brushing and washing experiences while still with the breeder. When the baby finds himself in a new home, he must get used to the owners a little and get used to it. At this time, that is, in the first couple of weeks, it is not recommended to carry out hygiene procedures. After the puppy has begun to feel confident in the new place, you can begin to gradually accustom him to the process of grooming.

You can’t right off the bat scare your pet with a buzzing clipper or enthusiastically comb out tangles, if any. At first, the dog is taught to just stand on the table. To do this, the dog is placed on the surface first for a minute, and then the time is gradually increased. When the puppy gets used to it and feels calm on the table, you can teach it to be brushed.

First, the baby is stroked with a brush using massage movements. Be careful not to get the brush stuck in tangled areas or tug at your skin. After brushing, praise and treat your dog to build a positive attitude towards the procedure. Under no circumstances should you hurt your dog. If your Yorkshire Terrier is nervous, talk to him in a gentle and calm voice, show him and let him smell the instrument.

Why cut your Yorkie's hair?

Beautiful shiny coat is the calling card of the Yorkshire Terrier. That's why it's so important to take good care of it. By getting a puppy of this breed, you agree that the pet will receive proper care. These long-haired dogs are no strangers to such procedures as shampooing, using coat conditioners, as well as all kinds of haircuts. The easiest way is to take your pet to a professional groomer, but you can master this skill yourself.

How to cut a Yorkie's hair depends not only on your preferences. There are haircuts designed for warm or cold seasons. Also, certain hairstyles are more suitable for Yorkshire Terrier boys, while others will be appropriate for Yorkie girls. Also, the choice of haircut for Yorkies is influenced by the type of coat, whether it is smooth or fluffy.

Options for boys and girls

When grooming Yorkie boys, hairdressers usually stick to the classic style and straight lines, leaving short hair on the forehead and face. Often, the owners of male Yorkshire terriers do not strive to decorate their pets with bows, hairpins and other accessories, so the hairstyles of male dogs are often very short.


A fairly popular haircut option is a short coat on the body, neat “pants”, “poodle” paws and a head shaped like a circle without bangs. If you don’t want to tie your Yorkie into ponytails and bows, but want to keep the bangs, then a “schnauzer-style” haircut, in the form of a small mohawk, or a “dragon” hairstyle looks good.

"A - la schnauzer"

One of the goals of cutting a Yorkie for girls is to emphasize the sophistication and charm of the pet. Unlike owners of males, owners of females like to decorate their dogs with bows and hairpins, so the hair on the dog’s head should not be short. One of the most common haircut options is the “skirt”, when the back and sides are cut short, leaving a little fur on the belly and tail.


With the help of a Korean haircut, you can give your pet a doll-like appearance: you need to cut the fur on the body short, leave it long on the paws and muzzle and gather the bangs into a ponytail so that the side strands hang down. You can also cut your pet's hair like a Chinese Crested. To do this, you need to cut the neck, body, paws and muzzle short, leaving a tassel on the tail, fluffy paws at the bottom and maximum length on the top, forming a long rounded bang.

Under the "Chinese Crested"


How to properly care for the hair on your face

A beautiful and well-groomed fur coat is half of a successful haircut. Each breeder has his own proven secrets and recipes for caring for pet hair. Here are the most common ones:

  1. After eating, wipe your pet's face with a sponge or sponge soaked in water to remove any remaining food.
  2. Dry food granules should be small in size so that they do not crumble or fall out of the dog’s mouth. Some owners of especially valuable exhibition specimens feed them by hand.
  3. To prevent the hair on the chin and whiskers from rotting after drinking, small puppies are taught to drink from a special drinking bowl.
  4. If the food is chosen incorrectly, this can result in an allergic reaction in the form of red-brown spots, including on the chin and mustache.
  5. Yorkshire Terriers often suffer from excessive tear production, which leaves streaks under the eyes. You need to wash these delicate areas especially carefully so that the shampoo does not get into your eyes. A good solution would be to use dry shampoo. To prevent the appearance of tear tracks, wipe your pet's eyes several times a day with saline solution or a weak infusion of herbs.
  6. When going for a walk, gather the long hair on your dog’s head into ponytails or curlers so that it doesn’t rub against the asphalt and get dirty. Many show beauties generally relieve themselves in the litter box and leave the house to win another medal or pay a visit to the veterinarian. They go for a walk only in the arms of their owner.
  7. Coarse hairs are prone to brittleness, they split and thin, so the beard and mustache must be softened with special oils and balms.
  8. If your beard and mustache get wet, try to dry them with a towel or hairdryer, as fungus multiplies quickly in humidity.

Of course, if the dog is for the house, does not go to exhibitions and is just a sofa pet, you should not go to such extremes, but washing, combing and using cosmetics with a softening effect will not harm anyone.

By region

  1. Ears. You need to trim a third of the ear in the shape of a triangle using a trimmer or clipper with a 2 mm nozzle, then trim the edges with scissors and remove excess hair, maintaining the triangular shape. Then remove the hair from the inside of the ear.
  2. Claws. Using a guillotine nail cutter, carefully trim the claws at a natural grinding angle, and file if necessary.
  3. Trim the hair between the pads of the paws with a clipper to 5 mm, securing the dog.
  4. Remove hairs under the tail and in the groin area using a clipper with a 3 mm nozzle.
  5. Armpits. Carefully and thoroughly cut with a clipper to 2 mm.
  6. Back. Shave, starting from the tail, with a 1 cm or 7 mm nozzle; if you do not plan to leave the “skirt”, then you need to shave the belly as well. To eliminate all excess hairs, you need to go over one place several times, not reaching the line between the ears.
  7. Neck. Use a clipper with a nozzle of 3 mm to remove excess hair without affecting the head and ears. Cut the front to the beginning of the lower jaw.
  8. Breast. Supporting the Yorkie from below by the head, walk in small movements from the middle of the chest with a 7 mm nozzle, then replacing it with a smaller one.
  9. Stomach. Trim with scissors if the haircut has a “skirt” and an attachment with a wide knife if the belly is shaved.
  10. Paws. After thoroughly combing with a comb, use scissors to trim the fur to 5 - 10 cm. If you plan to shave the paws, then the nozzle should be at least 3 mm.
  11. Tail. Tail cutting depends on the owner's preferences.
  12. Head. Comb your head, tie a ponytail on the top of your head. If your Yorkie does not have a tail, you should shave off the overgrown hair above the eyes, on the forehead and between the ears with a 6 mm nozzle. Trim the bottom edge into an oval shape, align the hair under the chin, then align the edges with the edges of the coat that was trimmed earlier.


The frequency of haircuts depends on the individual parameters of the dog. Each individual's fur grows at a different rate. But on average, once a month or a month and a half you need to go to the groomer and cut off the excess regrown hairs.

Much also depends on the class of the pet. If you grow long hair, you need to trim it quite rarely, limiting yourself to hygienic treatment and removing split ends.

If the dog is a fashionista, and you love short hairstyles with a variety of unusual elements, then you will have to update the shape quite often.

The third category is owners who prefer to choose seasonal haircuts. In the warm season, their dogs are shaved very short so as not to suffer from excess heat, and by winter the hair is let out to a semi-long level so that the animal does not get too cold. If you adhere to such a scheme, then you will only have to visit the groomer or touch the clipper a few times a year.

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