How many puppies does a Pomeranian Spitz give birth to - pregnancy and childbirth, how often do they give birth, what you need to know about childbirth

When a pet is expecting a new addition, this period also becomes no less exciting for the dog owner.

It is very important at this time to be sufficiently aware of what is happening with the Spitz during this period and to be prepared for the fact that the dog will soon have puppies.

Giving birth to a Spitz is a rather complex process, during which the pet needs support and assistance.

Features of pregnancy and childbirth in Pomeranians?

The course of pregnancy and childbirth in a Pomeranian Spitz:

  1. Since this is a miniature breed, pregnancy and childbirth are not easy for the Pomeranian.
  2. The Mini Pomeranian Spitz gives birth within 3-8 hours.
  3. During pregnancy, the female develops a need for increased attention. The gestation period normally takes from 58 to 67 days.
  4. It happens that the mother does not chew through the amniotic sac in which the babies are born. Then you will need to do it yourself. This also applies to the umbilical cord.
  5. To prepare for childbirth you will need a whole set of things.

Third week

It is at this time that the Spitz no longer crawls hesitantly, but begins to frolic with other puppies. They also learn to relieve themselves independently. In this regard, the bitch pays less attention to the offspring. There is no need to worry if she leaves the babies for a longer period of time - by playing with each other, they will develop their muscles.

I especially note that when caring for them during this period, the owner must expand the space. A special playpen would be an ideal option. Or you can try to fence off the area with the dogs with plywood. In any case, they should no longer be huddled in a box.

When caring for babies, it is important to ensure that there are no wires or falling objects in their path. What floor surface would I recommend? Linoleum, of course, is very convenient to care for, but it slips a lot. In this case, I propose to compromise by laying wrapping paper on the linoleum. It is advisable to make several layers of this coating.

It is during this period of life that teeth are cut. This will manifest itself in swollen gums, discomfort and even loss of appetite. What kind of care on the part of the owner can we talk about? I think that no special care is required - after just a few days the baby’s mood will improve. The only thing is to make sure that none of the younger generation goes hungry.

As a rule, feeding is required when puppies are one month old. However, if they do not want to calm down after regular feeding and behave restlessly, it is worth considering an additional diet. Very thin buckwheat porridge with milk and low-fat cottage cheese are perfect for it. Closer to 4 weeks, you can try giving ground beef.

How many puppies are born to a Pomeranian?

On average, the number of puppies in a litter produced by a Pomeranian Spitz is 1-3 babies. However, the size of the pet can influence the number of babies in the litter. For example, when crossing a large German female and a smaller male, more than four puppies can be born.

For the first time

During the first pregnancy, a Dwarf Pomeranian can give birth to one or two puppies. It is impossible to predict in advance the number of future dogs.

On subsequent occasions

In fact, the number of pregnancies does not affect the number of newborn Pomeranians. As stated earlier, it's all about the weight of Pomeranians.

How it develops from 1 to 12 months

Puppy ageDescription of the stage of growing upSizes (medium, for standard size puppies)Weight (k - dwarf, m - mini, s - standard)
1 monthFrom about the third week, small Spitz dogs begin to cut their teeth. At this time, puppies behave restlessly, often bark and try to chew everything. Closer to the second month, the main traits of character and temperament are formed. During this time, it is very important that babies interact with other dogs and people. 7-12 cmk - 210-275 g
m - 325-370 g

s - 460-490 g

2 monthsThe puppy begins to acquire a characteristic appearance: its coat lengthens and becomes fluffier, however, it does not reach the same density and length as in adult dogs.up to 14 cmk - 320-460 g
m - 550-620 g

s - 680-770 g

3 monthsThe puppy's fur is gradually beginning to be replaced by the adult's, however, at this age the shedding is not yet too noticeable. The babies look like those adorable fluffy puppies from advertising photos. And at this time it is already possible to determine with greater or lesser probability what color they will have. up to 16 cmk - 460-690 g
m - 800-920 g

s - 1.0-1.15 kg

4 monthsLittle Pomeranians' teeth change and they begin to shed more frequently. Most puppies at this age do not look as attractive as before: almost all of their baby hair has already come out, and their adult hair has not grown back properly. up to 17 cmk - 600-880 g
m - 1.0-1.175 kg

s - 1.3-1.45 kg

5 monthsPuppies continue to shed, but by this age some of them already have enough hair to look almost as attractive as when they were young.up to 18 cmk - 700-1030 g
m - 1.2 - 1.35 kg

s - 1.55-1.7 kg

6-9 monthsShedding continues until about 7-9 months, but in some Spitz dogs it is more pronounced, in others less.
By 7 months, baby teeth should be replaced by permanent teeth.

And at about 7-9 months the first heat occurs in girls of this breed.

18-20k - 770-1150 g
m - 1.3-1.5 kg

s - 1.7-1.9 kg

12 monthsBy this age, the Pomeranian will shed again, but its coat will acquire its final appearance and texture by the age of three.18-22k - 1.0-1.4 kg
m - 1.7 - 1.9 kg

s - 2.1-2.3 kg

AdultThe dog has reached its final physical development and is in the prime of life and beauty.18-22k - 1.0-1.4 kg
m - 1.7 - 1.9 kg

s - 2.1-2.3 kg

Signs of approaching labor

After the 58th day of gestation has passed, you need to measure your orange's body temperature every day. This should be done when the dog is relaxed and resting. For example, in the morning after sleep, or, conversely, before going to bed.

Symptoms and signs signaling the imminent onset of labor in a Pomeranian:

  1. One day before, the body temperature of the German Pomeranian drops to 37 degrees Celsius.
  2. The pet becomes restless, worries and rushes about. She is trying to find a suitable place to give birth. Sometimes she even tries to “build” it herself.
  3. Sometimes the dog begins to chase its owner, whining and “crying.” There is no need to leave her at such a moment without affection and warmth. We need to give her as much support as possible.
  4. One day before the puppies are born, the dog refuses to eat.
  5. Rapid breathing, chills in the dog.
  6. One of the most striking symptoms is an enlargement of the genitals and the release of a small plug of mucus. It smells nothing and has no color, sometimes even going unnoticed.
  7. Within 3-4 hours, the offspring in the female’s stomach stops moving.
  8. The dog often lies on its side and arches its back. This is a symptom of impending contractions.


To ensure that the birth of your Spitz proceeds and ends without problems, thoroughly prepare for it, consult with a veterinarian, and watch videos. Thanks to video preparation, you can be in the right frame of mind and be prepared for what will happen and what it will look like.

Pregnancy lasts about two months. While the bitch is carrying puppies, preferably no later than a week before you plan to give birth, prepare all the necessary conditions:

  1. Choose a room where no one will disturb you.
  2. Remove all unnecessary interior items.
  3. Immediately when the first signs of impending labor appear, clean and ventilate the room and disinfect the room.
  4. Remove all strangers from the room. Besides you, only a veterinarian can be there.

Among other things, the room needs to be equipped. Install a spacious maternity box with two compartments - in one the bitch will give birth and rest there after the process, and in the second the newborn puppies will lie so as not to interfere with the ongoing birth.

Prepare the place

In about 10 days, or better yet two weeks, transfer the pregnant Spitz to the maternity room and teach it to boxing. This way you can prepare the bitch, and during childbirth she will lie quietly in the equipped place.

Mandatory set of equipment and first aid kit

In addition to boxing, you need to prepare the following things:

  • disposable diapers;
  • rags for wiping puppies;
  • thermometer;
  • sterile gauze wipes for wiping the puppy’s mouth;
  • office and scales to record the parameters of each cub;
  • sterile scissors for cutting the umbilical cord;
  • an antiseptic drug for sterilizing navels, for example, Xidikol;
  • silk threads for ligating the navel;
  • emulsion of 10% synthomycin to avoid the inflammatory process;
  • a clock to record the time between contractions and the birth of each baby.

In addition to the items listed, before giving birth you need to collect a first aid kit so that, if necessary, you can take resuscitation actions to save the litter:

  • oxygen balloon;
  • warmer;
  • a heart stimulant, for example, Cordiamine;
  • enema to remove mucus from the mouth of babies;
  • No-shpa ampoules;
  • 5% glucose solution;
  • calcium gluconate.

24 hours before the planned birth, prepare the dog for the procedure:

  • Wash your stomach and genitals with soapy water;
  • trim hair around the nipples, vagina and anus.

Trim the hair around the nipples.
Immediately before the process, prepare yourself - trim your nails, disinfect your hands, prepare medical gloves.

Signs of impending labor: temperature and behavior

A week before giving birth, the expectant mother’s tummy begins to sag, the vagina becomes soft and increases in size. After a few more days, the uterus drops and the back sags. Immediately a day before labor, the Spitz’s body temperature drops to 37 degrees.

Find out which dogs are most similar to Spitz.

The bitch's behavior changes and signs of nervousness appear. She begins to rush around, whine and look for a place. Toxicosis and apathy towards food may appear.

At this point, the delivery room should be completely ready to “receive patients.”

The main sign of approaching labor will be the way the bitch begins to breathe - heavy, rapid breathing appears. The dog will follow the owner's heels, give it maximum time and reassure the expectant mother.

Sometimes Spitz dogs show practically no signs of approaching labor. So that this day does not come as a surprise to you, starting from the 56th day of pregnancy, take your temperature twice a day. Do this when the dog is calm - early in the morning or late in the evening.

Attention ! Do not induce labor artificially. This can lead to uterine rupture and other injuries. Only a veterinarian can give a stimulant.

If you decide to walk your dog before giving birth, make sure that it does not start giving birth on the street. If this happens, do not miss the puppy's exit, pinch the umbilical cord with your fingers and tear it off, cover the baby and immediately go home.

If labor begins 70 days after mating, contact your veterinarian. The reason may be health or a frozen pregnancy.

A clear sign of impending labor is the appearance of chills, as well as whining of the bitch. Spitzes often arch their backs or lie on their sides before contractions.

Spitz contractions

A few hours before giving birth, the bitch may have a light brown discharge. This means that the process of rejection of the mucus plug has begun.

Giving birth to a German Spitz: what to do

Childbirth in small breed dogs, including Pomeranians, always requires preparation.

The owner needs to take the following measures when the Pomeranian begins or is still preparing to give birth:

  1. Find the number of the veterinary clinic. Despite the fact that in the vast majority of cases everything goes well, it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side. In addition, only an experienced doctor can provide urgent emergency care.
  2. It is necessary to arrange a place where the Pomeranian will give birth. To do this, you can use a small mattress, oilcloth, cotton sheets or diapers (four to five pieces).
  3. Prepare sterile wipes in advance. They will be needed to clear the nose and mouth of a newborn orange from any remaining fluid. Also prepare cotton wool, alcohol, iodine and a notepad (to record the weight of newborn babies). You will also need a sterile thread if there is a need to tie the umbilical cord.
  4. Shave the Miniature Spitz's belly. If the dog has recently shed, then this will not be necessary.

Contraindications to vaccination

Sterilization of dogs: at what age is it better to do it?

A dog is not vaccinated in several cases:

  • on the eve of visiting the veterinary clinic, the pet came into contact with an infected four-legged friend;
  • the dog has poor appetite;
  • deworming was not carried out beforehand;
  • The pet has hyperthermia.

Apathy in a puppy

What medications are needed during childbirth?

Before giving birth, you need to prepare the following medications:

  1. Sinthomycin emulsion (ten percent). It relieves inflammation.
  2. Valerian.
  3. Oxytocin.
  4. Disinfectants – hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Calcium gluconate in ampoules.
  6. Diphenhydramine. It is necessary if premature birth occurs.

How does a Spitz give birth, how long does this period last?

The normal duration of labor for a Pomeranian is three to eight hours. It is important to monitor the process in order to notice complications in time. The time interval between the appearance of each newborn is from 15 to 30 minutes.

The presence of a veterinarian is required in the following cases:

  • the Pomeranian is too young;
  • The Pomeranian is quite old or has suffered a serious illness.

The bitch gives birth in three stages: the preparatory stage, the stage of contractions and the immediate birth of the offspring. You cannot leave your Pomeranian for a second while the birth is going on.

The preparatory stage is characterized by dilation of the cervix and softening of the birth canal. A little later, the mucus plug comes off (often it does this unnoticed, because it is small in size). At the end of the preparatory stage, the waters recede.

At the stage of contractions, you need to track how much time passes between each of them. The shorter the interval, the closer the birth of the puppies. The strength of contractions also increases.

At the third stage, that is, during immediate childbirth, it is important to monitor the emerging babies. The very first one, as a rule, is born extremely painfully. This is why the Pomeranian will whine loudly. Subsequent babies walk much easier. Puppies are born in a bladder, which is usually gnawed by the female. But if she didn’t do this, you need to carefully tear it yourself in the area of ​​the cub’s head. As soon as everyone is born, the placenta (afterbirth) comes out. You can feed it to your female as it is incredibly beneficial for her health.

Features of caring for a bitch

The first days after fertilization are considered critical for the dog and the embryos. The following negative factors must be excluded:

  • stress;
  • overheating and hypothermia in equal measure;
  • severe nutritional disorder;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • X-ray.

It is especially important to protect the bitch in the first week after mating and from days 16 to 35 of pregnancy. However, in the early stages, no changes are required in maintenance and feeding. You should not limit the movements of a dog in the position.

From 6 weeks, the bitch is switched to 3 meals a day, but the portions are not increased. The uterus puts pressure on the stomach and a large amount of food causes discomfort in the animal. Food should be more high-calorie and varied.

What are Pomeranian puppies born like?

Newborn Pomeranian puppies are so small that they weigh no more than 130 grams, and some even weigh 60-80 g. They are covered with short hair. In the first and second months of life, they should be close to their mother and feed on her milk. This way they receive the right dosage of nutrients and vitamins.

While the birth of Pomeranian puppies continues, you need to wipe each new baby with a sterile wipe to remove any remaining mucus. You also need to blow weakly into the puppy’s nose and mouth. If he moves and actively spins in his arms, it means he is healthy and everything is fine. But if the owner notices that the baby is lethargic and lies in his hand without moving, you need to try to suck out the remaining liquid from his nose or mouth. In addition, rub it harder with a napkin to stimulate blood circulation.

Releasing the puppies from the amniotic sac and cutting the umbilical cord

So, the first puppy was born, he is in his shell.

The first thing is to quickly release him from this bubble so that the puppy switches to pulmonary breathing. If the bitch herself begins to chew on the amniotic sac, then you should not interfere with her - just make sure that she does not inadvertently damage the puppy. But it may also be that the young dog does not burst the bubble - in which case you will have to do it for him. Gently break the bubble with your fingers near the puppy's face/over the head and remove it. During childbirth, sometimes the amniotic sac ruptures on its own.

Now you need to clear the puppy's mouth and nostrils of mucus and fluid.


This is done like this: take the puppy in your hands, fix the head and spine of the newborn, and now shake it from top to bottom; or gently grab the baby by the tail, lift him up and hold him upside down for a while. The puppy should start fidgeting and squeaking. Take the prepared rag/gauze/napkin and, with considerable care, wipe the baby’s mouth and nostrils from mucus, blow lightly into his mouth. The puppy breathes shallowly at first, but after a few seconds his breathing returns to normal.

You will understand that everything is fine with the puppy if he breathes evenly, wriggles in your hands, and is tight and dense to the touch.

If your actions do not bring results: the puppy is lethargic, does not cry, breathes heavily, with sobs, repeat everything from the beginning several more times. Next, provide the following assistance: placing the baby head down on your lap, begin to massage the chest. To do this, gently stroke the puppy's chest from top to bottom for several minutes. Repeat shaking the puppy, wipe the mouth with a soft cloth, and blow into the mouth. If the puppy was born without congenital pathologies, these manipulations will return it to its normal state.

If the puppy breathes through the mouth or does not breathe at all, if the baby was born without an amniotic sac and smeared with a green substance or blood, in these cases it is necessary to react quickly and immediately begin to suck out the liquid from the puppy’s respiratory tract through the mouth (see Complications during childbirth).

After the newborn puppy is released from the amniotic sac, the umbilical cord must be cut. Again, either you or the bitch can do this. Breeders do not have a consensus on who should do this. But in any case, the umbilical cord must be cut quickly; the newborn should not be allowed to crawl with an uncut umbilical cord - this can lead to the formation of an umbilical hernia in the puppy.

You cut the umbilical cord:

first, to avoid bleeding, carefully drive the blood in the cord towards the puppy, then pinch the umbilical cord with your fingers/sterile tweezers/harsh thread soaked in alcohol at a distance of 2-3cm from the puppy’s tummy and another 1-2cm from the previous place of compression . Using sterilized (sterilized, alcohol-treated, iodized) scissors, cut the umbilical cord between the pressure points, then either lightly treat the umbilical cord with iodine, or do nothing else.

You cannot tie the umbilical cord with a knot.

The mother bitch bites the umbilical cord:

if your dog is whelping for the first time, then it may be advisable not to trust her to bite the umbilical cord due to her inexperience: sometimes first-time bitches are very zealous: they either gnaw the umbilical cord until the puppy develops a wound, or simply handle carelessly puppy. Therefore, if a bitch chews the umbilical cord on her own, carefully watch how she does this, and, if necessary, control her actions: if you notice a similar tendency in a dog, try to distract her with something.

After this “puppy-mother” connection is broken, oxygen stops flowing to the puppy in the usual way, and the puppy finally switches to pulmonary breathing.

After these procedures, carefully examine the newborn

for various developmental anomalies:

  • cleft lip;
  • cleft palate, or cleft palate: we can talk about the presence of this defect if the puppy produces milk from the nose while sucking;
  • obvious discrepancy between the lengths of the jaws relative to each other;
  • fused fingers;
  • obvious deviation from the breed color norm;
  • absence of genital organs and others.

If puppies in the litter have such deviations, unfortunately, such puppies are discarded. The culling should be carried out by a specialist in the breeding work of your club.

It is very important during childbirth not to forget to write down the main points . Once the puppy is born, record the time of birth.

gender of
the puppy, its
and existing features in appearance, before sending the puppy to its mother, weigh it and write down the result
( weight ) , it is also very important to make notes about the passage of the placenta or its absence.
Make similar records after the birth of each subsequent puppy. If the born puppies have the same color, in order to distinguish them from each other, you can tie multi-colored threads around their necks. Naturally, this must be done extremely carefully, without tightening the thread too much. As it grows, it is necessary to change the threads to newer ones. If everything is fine with the puppy, it can be sent to its mother . She will begin to lick him - it is very important not to disturb her: firstly, by licking the amniotic fluid from the baby, the mother bitch receives the necessary signal to stimulate labor, as well as for the formation of maternal behavior, and secondly, licking is like accepting a puppy , recognizing him as your own. If you fuss for a long time or dry the puppy very thoroughly, the bitch may easily abandon him.

A dog can roughly turn puppies over with its nose - don’t be afraid, it is with these actions that a caring mother stimulates the puppies’ breathing, their blood circulation and intestinal activity.

As soon as the bitch has licked the puppy, you should start sucking ,

if the puppy did not do it on his own. This means that you need to help the puppy find its mother's nipple so that it begins to feed. It's simple: take the puppy in one hand, put your finger in his mouth, with the other hand gently press the nipple so that a drop of milk comes out, now replace your finger with the nipple. Maybe the puppy won’t understand what’s happening the first time - just repeat your actions and everything will work out. Usually, there are no problems with suction, except for deficiencies in the structure of the oral cavity.

It is advisable to help the puppy to attach to the mother's nipple as quickly as possible, since during sucking the bitch receives a signal to accelerate labor, as a result of which the dog's uterus begins to contract. Sucking plays an important role not only for the mother, but also for the puppy: milk entering the baby’s body stimulates intestinal activity, which leads to the release of the first feces (a sticky black substance). Only after the first bowel movement will the normal digestion process begin, therefore, the sooner meconium (1st feces) is released, the better. Sometimes weak puppies have problems with their first bowel movement, you will need to help them by gently massaging the puppy's belly and anus with a small cotton swab dipped in water.

What to do after childbirth is over?

The Pomeranian is incredibly exhausted after giving birth. There is no need to feed the female for the first six to seven hours. The main thing is to pour clean water or brew weak tea. If the female still asks to eat, it is permissible to give her sour milk or other light food. Pomeranian Spitz puppies that have just been born and seen the world need to have their nails filed. The fact is that with their sharp tips they can easily injure themselves or their mother’s tummy. And this can lead to the development of infection.

If your Pomeranian asks to go to the toilet, you need to take your pet outside yourself. At such a moment, the animal should not be overtired. If your Pomeranian goes to the litter box, just put it next to it.

The next important event is hygiene procedures. To prevent infection from entering the body of the mother and puppies, it is necessary to constantly replace dirty bedding with new ones. In addition, it is necessary to wash the female, carry out wet cleaning in the place where she and her babies are, and ventilate. During ventilation, you need to move the mother and children to another place, otherwise they will get sick.

In order for the Pomeranian Spitz to recover faster after the birth of puppies, you need to walk him. During the month, you need to choose quiet places where very few people walk. The first seven days – no more than twenty minutes, and then you need to gradually return to your usual activity mode. Before a walk, you need to put a blanket or light clothing on your orange. Upon returning home, treat the female’s paws and nipples with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

As a rule, the recovery period ends six months after birth. Then the female is ready to give birth again.

How to feed correctly and how often

You need to feed the puppy from a bowl specially designed for this, at a certain time and in the same place.

The pre-measured daily portion should be divided into approximately equal parts according to the number of feedings.

In this case, it is best if the baby eats cottage cheese with kefir or yogurt in the morning, and at all other feedings - meat or fish with porridge and vegetables.

When feeding dry food, it is necessary to measure the portion very carefully, given that Pomeranians eat very little at a time, it is best to use an electronic scale.

The number of feedings depending on the age of the puppy should be as follows:

  • 2 months - 5 times a day
  • 3-4 months - 4 times a day
  • 4-6 months - 3-4 times a day, depending on individual needs
  • 6 months - 2-3 times a day.
  • 8 months and older - 2 times a day

Dry food should not be mixed with natural products, as this can lead to serious health problems for the dog..

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