Giving birth to a Yorkshire terrier - signs of pregnancy, how pregnancy progresses in Yorkies, how many puppies they give birth to

The Yorkie girl is mentally and physiologically ready for mating for 2-3 heats. A fully mature bitch is able to bear and give birth to strong offspring without harming her own health. The owner is required to monitor how the Yorkshire Terrier's pregnancy progresses and periodically show the dog to the veterinarian. At this time, the dog needs special care and nutrition. 2 months after fertilization, the owner must be ready to give birth to a Yorkie at home.

Signs of pregnancy in Yorkies

The fact that the Yorshik mating was successful and resulted in fertilization is not immediately known. Obvious signs of pregnancy appear only after 3-4 weeks. In the vast majority of cases, in the first month the Yorkie girl is as active as before, there are no external changes. In the third or fourth week, clear, viscous discharge from the loop becomes noticeable. Normally, they have no odor or blood impurities. The dog's eating behavior changes - sometimes it refuses familiar foods, preferring unusual ones. Often the Yorkshire Terrier develops toxicosis, and as a result, vomiting. Appetite decreases.

A month after fertilization, it becomes noticeable that the nipples have become brighter and swollen, and colostrum may be released when pressed. In the second half, the Yorkie's belly becomes rounder, the bitch's weight increases, and her appetite returns to normal.

The veterinarian can detect pregnancy by palpation in the fourth week. A reliable diagnostic method at this time is ultrasound or the use of a test.

Preparing for childbirth

A week before the expected birth, a “mother’s nest” is built for the Yorkie and its offspring. This must be done in advance so that the dog can get used to the place where it will give birth.

An area of ​​approximately 1 m by 1.2 m is allocated for the construction. The side walls are made approximately half a meter high. The front of the nest should be low enough to allow the dog to climb in and out easily.

Before childbirth, the furnished area is covered with clean cloth folded in several layers. Some dog breeders place soft wrapping paper, which the dog begins to tear, arranging the nest, before the birth process.

At the start of labor, the dog breeder should have on hand:

  • scissors with blunt ends;
  • gauze swabs or bandages;
  • brilliant green;
  • warmer;
  • thermometer (medical or veterinary);
  • separate box for newborns;
  • silk threads treated with alcohol.

It is also recommended that dog breeders have scales for weighing newborns.

A few days before the expected birth, the Yorkshire Terrier's temperature begins to be measured twice a day (in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed). The norm for Yorkies is considered to be in the range of 37.5-38.5 degrees.

A decrease in temperature by 0.5 degrees is a harbinger of an early birth. Low levels can last up to 24 hours. Just before birth, the temperature returns to normal.

The owner must understand that the older the Yorkie, the more difficult his birth may be. The first pregnancy should occur no later than 4 years of age of the bitch. Primary birth at 5 years of age or older can lead to birth complications. Therefore, before starting the maternity process, it is better for the dog breeder to agree in advance with a veterinarian, who, if problems arise, will be able to come and help the pet.

How to recognize a false pregnancy?

False whelping occurs in Yorkies 4-8 weeks after estrus or unsuccessful mating. One gets the full impression that the female Yorkshire Terrier is pregnant - her body produces hormones, the mammary glands swell, and colostrum or milk is released from them. The bitch builds a nest, licks toys, and her belly may even enlarge. Some Yorkshire Terriers experience pseudo-labor with pseudo-contractions.

The intensity of clinical signs of false pregnancy depends on how severe the hormonal imbalance was. The state of imaginary pregnancy is not dangerous for the cat, but the consequences can be harmful to health. Treatment is carried out only by an experienced doctor after studies have been carried out: blood tests for hormones, ultrasound.

Hormonal levels can normalize on their own. The owner needs to wait for this moment, walk the Yorkie more, feed him properly, distract him and pay maximum attention.


At the end of the first month, the dog’s body becomes more rounded, thickening is noticeable on the sides. If the pregnancy is multiple, the belly will begin to enlarge at the beginning of the 3rd week. With the onset of the 5th week, the nipples swell and the skin around them becomes lighter. Active growth of the abdomen occurs at the end of 2 months, when puppies begin to actively gain weight.

During the first pregnancy, signs appear later because Yorkies giving birth for the first time have stronger abdominal muscles.

Yorkshire pregnancy table by day

You can get an idea of ​​the intrauterine development of puppies and changes in the behavior of the Yorkshire Terrier from the pregnancy calendar:

Time frame (days)Stages of fetal development, changes in the bitch
1Mating, control mating
3-4Fertilization of eggs
5-11The eggs enter the uterus, the embryonic membrane is formed, and the cells attach to the wall of the uterus
12-14Embryos reach 1 mm in length and placenta formation begins
15-20The spine and nervous system are formed, internal organs and the fetal head are formed. The bitch's nipples increase in size and the hair around them thins out.
21-22The placenta completes its formation, the embryos reach a length of 5 mm
23-25The fruits grow ears, teeth, eyes, nose and limbs. The length of the embryos is 2 cm, the weight is 20% of the weight of the puppies at birth. Yorkie is limited in physical activity, discharge appears from the loop
26-32Calcification of fetal bones continues. The volume of amniotic fluid increases, the Yorkie gains weight, the belly becomes rounder
33-39Puppies have visible primary sexual characteristics and hair begins to grow.
40The fetus has fully formed organs
41-45The bitch becomes restless and refuses to eat. Her uterus is enlarged
46-49Intensive molting occurs, the dog licks the nipples, makes a “nest”
50-57Embryos reach 75% of birth weight and colostrum is released from the nipples. The puppies start to move
58The bitch is licking herself, preparing for childbirth
from 59Childbirth

How to tell if your Yorkie is going into labor

You can tell if your dog is going into labor by the following signs:

  • restless behavior, rushing around the apartment,
  • finding a secluded place;
  • whining, scratching the floor or bedding;
  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • frequent licking of the loop;
  • severe swelling and relaxation of the loop;
  • rapid and heavy breathing;
  • discharge of water

At the first symptoms of labor, the Yorkie is transferred to a nest equipped for it.

How to care for your Yorkie before giving birth

During the period of bearing offspring, the bitch needs careful care. In order for the Yorkshire Terrier to successfully give birth, the pregnant dog is protected from stress, injuries, falls and jumps. They create a comfortable place for her where she can relax in peace and quiet. If there are children in the family, they are explained that they can play with Erik, but with caution.

The closer to birth, the more often a pregnant pet urinates, so having a litter box in the house is a must, especially in the cold season, when the number of walks is reduced.

The Yorkshire Terrier maintains hygiene by licking itself, but after each walk its paws should be washed with warm water and dried thoroughly. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the litter and do wet cleaning in the room where the Yorkie lives. Training and training are postponed until after childbirth.

The diet is not changed so as not to cause disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. From the second half of pregnancy, the share of protein foods is increased weekly by 10%. Feed fractionally, from three to five times a day. A week and a half before giving birth, the amount of protein is reduced, and five days later, meat is completely removed from the diet, replacing it with cereals, vegetables and dairy products.

Preparation and list of necessary items

Preparation is one of the most important stages, often ensuring the successful completion of the entire process, so it must be carried out with all care.

About a week before the expected due date, the animal can be shown to the veterinarian. If the bitch is pregnant for the first time, this is simply necessary. The doctor will assess the condition of the animal, adjust the timing of the possible onset of labor and tell you, based on the constitution and condition of the animal, what exactly needs to be on hand.

From this period, systematic gradual preparation of the house, necessary items and medications, and the dog itself for such an important event begins:

  • Trim the claws so that the baby does not accidentally harm herself during labor and does not cause injury to the cubs.
  • Remove excess hair from the loop and anus area . Thin out the fur near the nipples, and all the rest, if it is long enough, will need to be removed before the onset of labor, when its first warning signs appear. On the forums they also advise shortening the fur on the muzzle a little to make it easier for the young mother to bite the umbilical cord.
  • Set up a cozy nest and playpen in which the birth of the baby and the first weeks of life of young dogs will take place. It is very important to organize everything so that you can change the bedding at any time, since it will constantly get dirty, and this threatens infectious contamination.

In addition, you will need:

  • Sterile bandages.
  • Disposable oilcloths.
  • Medical silk thread, thoroughly disinfected.
  • Scissors and tweezers, also subjected to special boiling treatment. Thorough disinfection of instruments is necessary to avoid dangerous infections.
  • Syringes.
  • Zelenka.
  • Alcohol, vodka or alcohol solution.
  • Calcium gluconate in ampoules.
  • Oxytocin for additional stimulation of the uterus if the process is too slow.
  • Diphenhydramine.
  • Nosh-pa.

The veterinarian will advise you on additional medications and items at your last appointment; be sure to ask him for a list of signs of delayed contractions, which will require an urgent cesarean section.

On what day does a Yorkshire Terrier give birth?

Normally, Yorkshire terriers bear puppies from 56 to 72 days. For most females, the period from mating to birth is 59-62 days. The duration depends on several factors:

  1. The moment of fertilization - in the main or control mating.
  2. Diet - with an unbalanced menu, the timing is shifted.
  3. Age - the younger the female, the earlier birth occurs.
  4. Psychological state – stress provokes premature birth.

To clearly monitor the condition of the Yorkshire Terrier, you need to regularly check the temperature - 2-3 days before giving birth it drops to 36-37 ⁰C. There is no need to worry if the gestation period has exceeded 64 days; if complications are suspected, you should consult a veterinarian.

Features and duration of pregnancy

If the mating of a Yorkie bitch is successful, she will become pregnant after two to three weeks. During this period, the pet requires special care from the owner. He must detect pregnancy in the early stages and adjust the care of the dog. Then you can be confident in a successful birth and the health of your future offspring.

Yorkie puppying becomes possible after puberty, which occurs at 8-12 months. You should not breed a dog too early - the colossal load on a young body sometimes leads to sad consequences. The optimal age is about two years.

Yorkshire Terriers bear puppies for 58-64 days, most give birth at 60-62. You can recognize the beginning of a dog’s pregnancy only by its behavior. For the first 7 days, the pet eats little, sleeps a lot, and behaves apathetically. After a week, the dog returns to its normal life.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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In the third week you can feel the embryos. Entrust this only to an experienced specialist, in order to avoid harm to the life and health of future puppies.

Childbirth at home

During the period before giving birth, the owner should be near the Yorkie as often as possible. You need to calmly prepare for the birth of your babies, don’t panic or fuss. It is worth consulting a veterinarian and discussing with him all the nuances of giving birth to a dog at home.

With multiple births, the process is easier, since the puppies are small, it is easier to give birth. If there are less than four, due to the large size, childbirth may be complicated. It is worth inviting a veterinarian in advance or taking the dog to the clinic in case a caesarean section is needed, the owner is afraid of blood, panics about the first birth, or simply does not have time.

During the two months before the Yorkshire Terrier gives birth, you should keep a diary and record in it the changes that occur, temperature readings, and the results of visits to the veterinary clinic. It is important not to miss the moment of labor.

Precursors of childbirth include:

  1. Changes in the behavior of the Yorkshire Terrier - lethargy, fussiness, or the bitch searching for a secluded place in the apartment.
  2. Refusal to eat and drink.
  3. Decrease in body temperature by one and a half to two degrees.
  4. Increased frequency of urination as the uterus descends and puts pressure on the bladder.
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Restoring rectal temperature to normal levels immediately before birth.

If monitoring indicates a cesarean section, when your Yorkshire Terrier goes into labor, you should immediately take the dog to a veterinarian.

Preparing for labor

Most often, Yorkshire terriers give birth on their own, without outside help, but to successfully complete the process, you need to carefully prepare for childbirth.

First of all, it is necessary to consider how to provide the woman in labor with quick assistance, if necessary. To do this, agree in advance with a specialist and take his phone number, since childbirth can happen at night, when clinics are not open.

The breeder must prepare:

  • oilcloth;
  • disposable diapers measuring at least 60 x 90 cm;
  • clean cotton napkins for drying newborn puppies;
  • brilliant green;
  • disposable syringes - 2 ml;
  • tampons, cotton pads;
  • scissors (to cut the umbilical cord), silk thread (for tying), pipette or bulb (to pump out mucus from the nose);
  • a basket or box for babies (warm, soft fabric at the bottom);
  • a rubber heating pad or a bottle of warm water;
  • scales;
  • notebook and pen.

The place for giving birth to a Yorkshire Terrier should be comfortable, it should be located away from drafts and heating devices. You need to put an oilcloth under the diaper. The first aid kit includes the following medications:

  1. Calcium gluconate.
  2. No-shpa.
  3. Diphenhydramine.
  4. Saline solution.
  5. Oxytocin.
  6. Alcohol.
  7. Chlorhexidine.

How to give birth?

If all signs indicate that your Yorkie has begun to give birth, there is no need to panic. The dog is placed in a pre-prepared quiet place. It is better to close the door to the room so that no one disturbs you. The Yorkshire Terrier should lie on its side. Contractions begin. The first ones are not very noticeable, but soon they become more frequent and their intensity increases. Erik licks the loop, nervous. After the contractions, attempts begin that cannot be confused with anything. The dog's stomach retracts, it squeals and whines in pain. At this moment, it is unacceptable to be scared or leave the Yorkshire Terrier alone - the bitch has begun to give birth. If the process proceeds normally, specialized help will not be needed, she will give birth on her own, and the owner of Eric will simply help the pet.

The Yorkshire Terrier pushes the puppy through the birth canal, the owner needs to accept it the moment it is born. The further plan of action is as follows:

  1. If the bitch does not bite the umbilical cord, it is tied at a distance of 5 cm with silk thread.
  2. Cut with disinfected scissors.
  3. Squeeze out the remaining blood and treat it with brilliant green.
  4. The amniotic sac is ruptured, freeing the puppy.
  5. Remove mucus from the face and respiratory tract.
  6. Wipe the little Yorkie dry with a soft cloth.
  7. Place it on the mother's chest.

After the Yorkshire Terrier begins to give birth again (efforts appear), the baby is transferred to a box or basket with a heating pad.

Do not stop your dog from eating the afterbirth. This is a normal process that stimulates labor, but in case of multiple pregnancy, the woman in labor is limited to one or two placenta. If the baby is stuck in the birth canal, you can help him when the head and front paws are visible - take it into a clean napkin, take it whole in your palm and slightly pull it towards the exit.

Yorkshire after childbirth: care

After the Yorkshire Terrier bitch has given birth and all the placenta have come out, she is given water with glucose, and an hour later - warm milk. It is not recommended to feed solid food within 7 hours. On the first day you can give purees, broths and fermented milk products. After giving birth, the Yorkie is left with the babies and a litter tray is placed nearby. They take her outside 7-10 hours after she finishes giving birth.

Every day the diaper on the bedding is changed, the oilcloth is wiped with a damp cloth. Particular attention is paid to the nipples of the Yorkshire Terrier - they are examined for inflammation. If in the first time after birth the babies do not suck out all the milk, it is expressed. If the nipple hardens, turns red and becomes hot, the Yorshik is shown to the veterinarian. 9-12 days after birth, the discharge becomes transparent. Their darkening, smell and purulent impurities should cause alarm. If these symptoms appear, contact a veterinary clinic.

In the first week, meat is not included in the diet, compensating for the lack of proteins with fish, eggs and cottage cheese. Feed 4-5 times a day at regular intervals.

Postpartum care

Maternal instinct in a whelping bitch usually manifests itself immediately. Therefore, it will not be easy to tear her away from the kids. But in order for the dog to have enough strength to care for its offspring, it also needs better conditions.

After giving birth, 7-8 hours later, you need to take the female outside. The walk should not be long, and the dog itself will most likely hurry home quickly. After going outside, the Yorkie is first washed, dried with a hairdryer, and only then allowed in with the children.

If the pet has sufficient lactation, then sucking sounds will be heard from the box with puppies. When a restless and constant squeak is heard from there, it means that the kids are hungry. To ensure that your bitch produces enough milk, you need to provide her with proper nutrition. Food should be brought directly into the box, 4-5 times a day.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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At first, it is recommended to give light and liquid foods, for example:

  • porridge with milk;
  • dairy products;
  • bouillon;
  • boiled vegetables.

Don't forget about water. It should always be clean and fresh. Particular attention should be paid to the mammary glands of the woman in labor.

The owner needs to constantly ensure that the puppies suck all the milk. If it remains in the breast, it can lead to stagnation, to which mastitis will later be added. If babies cannot cope on their own, milk is expressed.

Symptoms of stagnation:

  • hardening of the nipple;
  • redness;
  • turning blue.

With mastitis, pus is released along with the milk. Puppies should not be allowed to use such nipples; they should be switched to artificial feeding. A sick bitch must be shown to a veterinarian to prescribe a course of treatment.

Postpartum diarrhea is a common problem in females of this breed. If it lasts a long time, the dog is put on a strict diet and given decoctions of rice, oak bark and pomegranate peels.

An important point in postpartum care is monitoring the dog's discharge. At first they are bloody. Then the color changes to brown, then light. By days 9-12, the discharge becomes very scanty and transparent.

Their unpleasant odor, the presence of pus or blood should cause concern. This indicates an infection. In this case, the owner urgently needs to consult a veterinarian to treat the dog. To avoid such problems, the owner must ensure the cleanliness of the bitch and her bedding.

How does a Yorkshire Terrier usually give birth?

A Yorkshire Terrier bitch should not be left alone, especially if she is giving birth for the first time. Childbirth usually lasts 3-12 hours, but if there are complications, the process is delayed. If the female has low weight and narrow pelvic bones, and the babies come out incorrectly, contact a veterinarian.

About 30 minutes pass between the Yorshik giving birth to the next baby, so you can take your time and carefully carry out hygiene. At this moment, while there are no contractions, the Yorkshire Terrier is allowed to stand up and move around, drink water.

Birth of offspring

For any dog, including the Yorkshire Terrier, childbirth is the main stage of the entire pregnancy. It should be noted that Yorkies themselves are gentle dogs, so usually the pregnancy of these terriers ends in hospital delivery. The bottom line is that the offspring may be too big for the mother, so Yorkies often have to have a caesarean section.

However, if you are lucky and your terrier gives birth normally, then the whole process is divided into several stages:

  • opening of the cervix;
  • birth of offspring;
  • the release of the placenta (the author of the video about the birth of an animal is Warlock Sergey).

Initially, during childbirth, the pet’s water begins to break - the animal will breathe heavily, and attempts will begin. The offspring is born in the amniotic sac; usually the mother tears it apart on her own, thus helping the babies. Also, the bitch gnaws the umbilical cord on her own - you can help her, as sometimes this is inconvenient. Offspring usually appear at intervals of 20-30 minutes, and in total the procedure can take from three hours to a day.

Help from the owner in the sensitive process

As they say in the video, Yorkies are not the kind of pets that can do everything on their own, so the breeder must at least be present at the birth. If the bitch does not give birth four hours after the water appears, you need to consult a doctor. The same should be done if the interval between the birth of offspring is about two hours.

If it is necessary to rupture the amniotic sac, you need to prepare sterile scissors. First, you need to free the dog's face so that he can breathe, after which the umbilical cord is cut off, about two centimeters from the stomach. Watch carefully to ensure that the afterbirth comes out - the mother may try to eat it, do not interfere with her. But if there are a lot of afterbirths, then they must be carefully removed so that the bitch does not see. In any case, if any problems arise during this process, you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

After the puppy is freed from the amniotic sac, he needs to clear his airways. After birth and the first squeak, the puppy should be placed under the bitch, since the first portions of colostrum are very important and sucking stimulates further labor in the bitch.

Possible complications in dogs

Normally, your Yorkie will recover within two weeks after birth, but sometimes complications occur:

  1. Uterine atony is an insufficiently rapid contraction of the uterus, accompanied by green or dark brown discharge.
  2. Acute metritis is inflammation of the uterus due to infection of the birth canal.
  3. Mastitis is damage to the mammary gland as a result of infection or stagnation of excess milk.
  4. Postpartum eclampsia is a toxicosis associated with impaired liver and kidney function.
  5. Postpartum tetany is a convulsive condition that occurs due to a violation of calcium metabolism in the blood.
  6. Postpartum hysteria - anxiety, desire to carry away and hide puppies after birth.
  7. Violation of care for offspring - a Yorkshire terrier bitch licks and cleans her babies so thoroughly that she injures them.

What to do in case of complications

Unfortunately, childbirth does not always go smoothly. Both during and after them, complications may arise:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • cessation of contractions;
  • stuck puppy;
  • failure to achieve labor 2 hours after the water breaks;
  • damage and rupture of the uterus;
  • eclampsia;
  • inflammation;
  • gastric volvulus and others.

The owner himself can handle some of the problems. When the puppy gets stuck, you can help the bitch push it a little. If he does not breathe after birth, a chest massage is needed. But most complications require veterinarian intervention.

To avoid them, it is necessary to show the dog to a specialist in advance, who will determine whether the pregnancy is developing normally, whether childbirth is possible without a doctor, and whether there are indications for a cesarean section. If deviations appear during childbirth, you should immediately call a veterinarian.

How many puppies does a Yorkie give birth to?

During the period of estrus, up to 12 eggs mature in a female Yorkshire Terrier. Only a few of them connect with sperm and, after fertilization, penetrate the endometrium. It is very rare for a Yorkie to have ten or twelve babies. Usually a bitch bears and gives birth to no more than five, and sometimes even one.

The number of puppies born to a Yorkshire Terrier is influenced by several factors:

  • dog's age;
  • quality of maintenance and care;
  • parents' health status;
  • male sperm viability;
  • breeding frequency;
  • state of the female endocrine system.

Experienced breeders recommend using a stud dog no more than once a month. Otherwise, the quality of sperm decreases. The best time to breed Yorkshire Terriers is 12-14 days of estrus. Later dates lead to the death of eggs and a small litter. In this case, the birth of puppies can be problematic - they are large, and it is more difficult for the bitch to give birth. The average weight of newborn Yorkies is 80-120 g.

Vaccination schedule for newborn puppies

Age-appropriate vaccinations will protect your pet’s body from diseases and infections and allow it to grow up healthy.

Sequence of vaccinations for Yorkies:

  1. Vaccination against adenovirus, enteritis and hepatitis is given at one and a half months of age. 10 days before vaccination, it is necessary to give the baby anthelmintic medications.
  2. Vaccination against distemper is carried out at two months of age. Revaccination against distemper is carried out after another 2 weeks.
  3. The rabies vaccine is given at five months of age.
  4. At six months, revaccination of all vaccinations that were given at 2 and 2.5 months is carried out.
  5. In each subsequent year of life, it is necessary to repeat the rabies vaccination.

Routine vaccinations for your Yorkie are necessary to help his body fight infections and diseases.

How long does pregnancy last

Pregnancy lasts from 58 to 65 days. At the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother does not differ from an ordinary bitch in any way.

A month later, her stomach begins to stand out; after 55 days, the Yorkshire Terrier's body temperature is measured on a regular basis. If the temperature suddenly becomes low, this usually indicates the onset of labor.

There are the main physiological symptoms of the onset of labor:

  • she behaves restlessly;
  • nausea and vomiting of the bitch;
  • she begins to shake.

Signs appear a few hours before the onset of birth, so you will have time to prepare everything you need to adopt the puppies yourself or you will be able to take the dog to the veterinarian at the veterinary clinic.

When the birth is approaching, it is necessary to constantly monitor the bitch. The Yorkshire Terrier's drooping belly or the release of colostrum when you press on the nipples indicate an imminent onset.

The main evidence of the imminent onset of activity is a noticeably lower temperature.

When a bitch begins to give birth, her temperature drops from one to one and a half degrees, that is, it becomes not 38.5, but 37.5 or 37.0.

It is recommended to start taking your temperature seven days before your planned due date so you can notice a decrease in temperature, but it is better to take measurements at the same time.

A symptom of the onset of labor in a terrier bitch is refusal to eat.

However, this does not always happen; most bitches have a good appetite until the day of whelping.

Before birth approaches, the Yorkie becomes restless, begins to rush around the house, dig in corners and has difficulty breathing.

It can remain in this state from 3 hours to one day. Over time, anxiety sometimes increases and the dog begins to whine. Often, Yorkshire dogs themselves approach their owners so that they can help them.

Some dogs begin to ask to go outside to go to the toilet. The owner is obliged to remain calm until nothing is needed from him; all he needs to do is stroke his pet for her to calm down.

Don't chase her every time she gets out of the prepared box; it's even good if she moves around a little.

Dogs begin to contract and then push, just like women. Over time they have smaller and smaller intervals. Usually everything happens in a side position, sometimes in a sitting position. As a rule, the Yorkie gives birth on its own.

When the attempts become more intense, a dark-colored bubble comes out, then the puppy himself comes out in the bubble. The bitch gnaws through the bladder herself, then begins to lick the born baby; she gnaws the umbilical cord on her own or you cut it.

When the puppy is born healthy, it begins to squeak and move.

Sometimes small dogs begin to lick the puppies too intensely, turn them over here and there, and the puppies begin to squeak from such sudden movements of the mother. Don't worry and don't take her kids away.

This way she rids them of mucus, and also gives them a massage to improve the babies’ breathing and their blood circulation.

When the procedure is completed, the puppies will begin to look for their mother's breast by touch; those who cannot find the nipple can be placed closer and allowed to suck. The kids should be with the bitch, leave them together.

The placenta is born with each puppy or comes out later. Make sure it doesn't stay inside the bitch. It is not recommended that she eat it. Some people believe that for some reason it is quite useful.

Bitches living in the wild use it as food in order to survive without food for the first days, since searching for it is not yet possible.

A bitch who lives at home will only suffer significant distress, and if the placenta is large, she faces the possibility of pancreatitis or poisoning.

It happened that after eating more than ten afterbirths, some bitches died a few days later.

It is not always possible to completely control the situation, but if possible, take the afterbirth and throw it away so that it is not eaten by the dog.

Signs of approaching labor

The birth of a Yorkie will not come as a surprise to the owner if he knows what signs appear before it begins.

The first thing the terrier owner will notice is a decrease in rectal temperature by 1.5-2 degrees a day before the active development of the process. What's next:

  • the Yorkie's lower body begins to tremble;
  • the uterus descends and puts pressure on the urinary tract, the terrier urinates more often;
  • diarrhea may occur;
  • the terrier fusses on his bedding, digs it and collects it in a heap;
  • the girl becomes anxious, does not eat, refuses to drink;
  • a couple of hours before the puppies are born, the rectal temperature is restored to its previous values.

If your Yorkie had indications for a caesarean section, then when signs of labor appear, you should immediately take the girl to a veterinary clinic.

If the dog owner is giving birth for the first time, you need to invite an assistant - a veterinarian or an experienced terrier breeder. This is also required when the owner of a Yorkie is afraid of blood and is not confident in his own abilities.

Early dates

  • The first signs of pregnancy appear in Yorkies 20 days after conception.
  • The main sign of an “interesting position” of a dog can be called
  • Decrease in body temperature by one and a half to two degrees
  • In the morning - nausea and vomiting
  • Decreased activity
  • Increased appetite without sudden weight gain

This lasts for several weeks and goes away later in pregnancy. In the early stages, little changes in the bitch’s behavior, and the owner should not change anything in the dog’s routine - except perhaps slightly increase the amount of food.

Video “Life before the birth of a dog”

A very interesting video about how the intrauterine development of dogs occurs and what stages of development the embryo goes through before turning into a small puppy, look further!

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