The most expensive dog breeds in the world: average price from $2000 and above

Author: YoFunnyTV

25 July 2022 23:15

Community: Animals

Tags: pets expensive dogs animals dog breed dogs top 20  



According to the popular proverb, a dog is man's best friend. This is certainly true. They can be excellent guards, helpers in the household and hunting, and also give an unlimited amount of positivity to their owners.

Some people prefer to have a cute mongrel at home, while others want to become the owners of a rare and pure breed dog, the cost of which reaches a very impressive amount. Dogs of expensive breeds quite often find their home in wealthy families, becoming part of their high position and, of course, part of their life, being loyal friends, despite their elite status. There are a number of factors that make a dog expensive. The main ones are the rarity and purity of the breed, the number of awards and titles, the health and appearance of the dog. It is very difficult to determine exactly which breed is the most expensive, since prices fluctuate greatly depending on the above factors, but based on the average cost in the world, you can make a rough list of breeds for which people pay a lot of money. We present to your attention the top 20 most expensive dog breeds in the world.

20th place: Bichon Frize

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The Bichon Frize is a miniature breed of decorative dogs of French origin, which became known several centuries ago. These small but very brave snow-white animals often accompanied Italian and Spanish sailors, diligently playing the role of tireless rat catchers. Already in the 16th century, they attracted the attention of the European nobility and became very popular at the royal court. At the end of the 19th century they lost their former glory, and for some time they were ordinary street dogs. It was only after the end of the First World War that they regained their noble status. The Bichon Frize is a playful, intelligent and intelligent companion dog that ranges in price from $500 to $1,500.


19th place: Bearded Collie (Barded Collie)

The Bearded Collie (Barded Collie) is one of the oldest breeds of Scottish cattle dogs. There is an assumption that they originated from the bobtail and the Polish lowland shepherd. A slender, strong dog with an excellent character - this is how representatives of this breed can be described. They are easy to train, smart, cheerful, love children, and can easily adapt to any conditions. The price for bearded coli puppies ranges from 800-1500 USD.

18th place: Chow-chow

The Chow Chow is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, belonging to the Spitz group. Characterized as a guard dog and companion dog. According to research, it belongs to the first primitive breeds that evolved from wolves. They were used for guarding, hunting, reindeer herding and as sled dogs. The purebred line of the breed was maintained in Buddhist monasteries, where they were bred. Representatives of the Chow Chow breed are particularly stubborn and willful, which in the process of education requires a lot of patience and relevant knowledge. With the right approach to training, they grow up to be gentle and kind dogs. The cost of Chow Chow puppies ranges from $600 to $1,700.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The appearance of the Dogue de Bordeaux, which frightens people, is deceptive. This is a fairly calm and confident dog that doesn’t just attack people.

He loves his owner selflessly and follows him everywhere. Even on a walk, a Great Dane will not stray too far from you, preferring that you remain in its field of vision. Do not leave Bordeaux alone for a long time: for this giant, loneliness is a terrible punishment.

Bordos gets along well with a cat at home, but on the street he will absolutely start hunting for a mustachioed one. He will not tolerate a Great Dane among his family and dogs of the same sex, as well as small children. The fact is that the sounds and fuss that babies create irritate the dog. Of course, the dog is unlikely to rush at the child with its jaws bared, but it is better for you to postpone purchasing a puppy until the child is at least ten years old.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is an excellent guard of the territory entrusted to it. Moreover, when an enemy appears, the dog does not immediately rush at him, but tries to intimidate him with his magnificent appearance.

Training a Great Dane can be challenging. This breed is stubborn and self-willed. But, as with all breeds, the advice is universal: you just need to find contact with the dog, and for such a serious breed this is simply a necessary condition. Teach your dog not to hug while still a puppy, and in the future the 50-kilogram hulk will knock people down like ninepins. And don’t let your dog pull on the leash while walking, otherwise you will be the one being walked.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is such a pig. The dog loves to roll around in the mud, so regular bathing should become the norm for you. And the Great Dane does not eat very carefully, so a damp cloth should always be at hand.

Video: Dogue de Bordeaux

17th place: Samoyed dog (Samoyed)

The Samoyed dog (Samoyed) is a very ancient breed of working dog, which managed to avoid the intervention of breeders and has survived to this day in its original form. For more than 3,000 years she served as a companion in the tribes living in northern Russia. Samoyeds were used for hunting, guarding, herding, transportation, and sometimes even as nannies for children. They are distinguished by a calm character, sharp mind, cheerfulness, balance and sociability. They love people and are happy to make contact. The training and education of a Samoyed dog should be taken quite seriously. You can buy a puppy of this breed for 600-1800 conventional units.


The most expensive and often the highest quality foods are considered to be “holistic” foods. All of them are distinguished by their natural composition and high content of meat products.

THIS IS INTERESTING! The most expensive food in Russia at present is Almo Nature Alternative 170 Chicken and Rice ML, its cost is more than 8,000 rubles per 9.5 kilograms. Not far behind it is dry food Isegrim Junior Salmon, the cost of which also exceeds 8,000 rubles, but not for 9.5, but for 12 kg.

16th place: Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world, bred at the end of the 19th century in Yorkshire, Great Britain. It arose as a result of crossing the Skye Terrier, Maltese, Manchester Terrier, etc. Representatives of a very popular indoor dog breed today have a sociable and very cheerful character. Despite their miniature size, they are quite courageous, energetic and cocky. Yorkshire Terriers are very loyal animals, get along well with all family members, and are easy to train. Actress Audrey Hepburn, whose favorite was a Yorkie named Mr., made a great contribution to the popularity of this breed. Famous. The cost of Yorkshire Terrier dogs can range from $800 to $2,000.


The most expensive dog collar in the world is Amour Amour, which costs more than $3,000,000. It is made by hand from white gold and encrusted with more than 1600 diamonds.

The developer of this dog collar model is the American company I Love Dogs Diamonds, which is a generally recognized leader among manufacturers of the most expensive accessories for pets.

15th place: Komondor

The Komondor is a large guard breed of shepherd dog that has been serving humans for more than 10 centuries. According to scientists, the breed arose as a result of crossing wolves and ancient shepherd breeds. And the Hungarians believe in a legend that tells about the “marriage” of a sheep and a wolf, from which the Komondor breed arose. Representatives of this breed have an unusual appearance: the dog's large, muscular body is covered with long, fringed hair, the length of which can reach the ground. Komondors are very intelligent, calm, balanced and at the same time very brave animals. They are easy to train and are particularly devoted to their owner. The cost of dogs of this breed is 1200-2000 dollars.

14th place: Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is a breed of hunting dog that is included in the list of the largest dogs in the world. Probably comes from crossing dogs brought to the country by the Celts and local Irish baiting dogs. At the beginning of the 19th century, the breed was on the verge of extinction. In 1860, J. Graham began reviving the breed, and already in 1897, Irish Wolfhounds were registered by the Kennel Club. Their character is kind and calm, they are distinguished by courage, strength and endurance. The price for Irish Wolfhound puppies can range from 1300 to 2300 conventional units.

13th place: English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is a short-haired breed of serious and devoted dogs, bred in England in the second half of the 19th century. According to the type of use, the breed is classified as companion and bodyguard dogs. The English Bulldog, with its distinct personality, holds the title of the national dog of England. He embodied truly gentlemanly traits: equanimity, thoroughness, even some phlegmatism, elegance and aristocracy. English bulldogs are in great need of attention, and their maintenance requires a lot of responsibility, so they are not suitable for people who cannot devote enough time to their pets. You can buy a puppy of this breed for 600-2500 USD.

Alaskan Klee Kai

This dog is very similar to a husky, only a smaller copy of it. In character, they are also somewhat reminiscent of these beautiful sled dogs: the slacker, merry fellows are sure to become family favorites. There are three varieties in total: standard, mini and toy. They differ in size, which makes dogs very attractive for keeping in apartments.

The Alaskan Klee Kai does not bark in the traditional sense. He kind of grumbles, which is slightly reminiscent of human speech, and this makes communication with the dog even more fun.

Klee Kai does not tolerate loneliness well. Therefore, it is not suitable for owners who are forced to be absent for a long time. In addition, just like a husky, he is capable of making noise in the house: chewing furniture, turning over flower pots and destroying more than one pair of slippers.

If, nevertheless, you are captivated by this breed, and you need to be away, provide the dog with toys on which he could direct all his energetic temperament. If there are other animals in the house, such as dogs or cats, that’s also gut. They make good company for the Klee Kai.

Unlike a husky, a Klee Kai may not tolerate rough treatment from teenagers. Therefore, children need to be explained how to behave with a dog. Although the Kli are simply crazy about very small children, although the baby can hurt without realizing it at all. How the Klee Kai separate one from the other is a mystery.

And just like the husky, the Alaskan Klee Kai is a mini-digger. The dog will definitely dig holes, so if you live in a private house, take this fact into account.

Video: Alaskan Klee Kai

12th place: Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier is a relatively new breed of small toy dog ​​originating from Germany. Werner Biewer, in company with his wife, Gertrude Biewer, bred the first representative of this breed in 1984. Biewer Yorkies are companion dogs. They are very kind, affectionate, peace-loving animals with big hearts, in whose company you will always feel warm and cozy. The cost of Biewer Yorkshire Terrier puppies ranges from $700 to $2,500.

11th place: King Charles Spaniel

The King Charles Spaniel is a breed of small dog bred by English dog handlers in the 16th century. Their first owners were English lords, then they gained popularity all over the world. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their special endurance and cleanliness. The main advantages of the King Charles Spaniel are considered to be a kind character and loyalty. Easy to train and loves children. The price for dogs of this breed can range from 800-2500 dollars.

Top 10 breeds on Earth

Let's find out the 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world with prices and photos! Currently, the price of a dog depends not so much on how rare a breed it belongs to, but on its quality and breed, and therefore it often happens that a truly high-quality puppy of a very common breed can cost several times more than a representative of an expensive and a rare breed, if the dog itself belongs to the pet class.

But, despite this, puppies of some breeds are initially more expensive than all other dogs, regardless of their quality and origin. What kind of breeds are these?

10th place: Akita Inu

Price: 1500–4500$

This beautiful, stately and very expensive dog is considered a national treasure in Japan. Despite the fact that the breed was unknown in other countries for a long time, it quickly became popular after it was “discovered” in Europe and America.

Not the least role here was played by the story of the dog Hachiko, the most famous representative of this breed in the world, whose loyalty to his deceased owner won the hearts of millions of people around the world. Many people wanted to have the same wonderfully loyal dog in their home, and, moreover, it would be desirable for it to look exactly like Hachiko...

Demand, as we know, creates supply, and it also regulates the price. And so, after these dogs became incredibly popular all over the world, and the demand for them increased many times, the price of puppies also increased. However, she was not particularly small before: after all, Akita Inu are large dogs and the cost of raising a litter is quite high, and, therefore, breeders, in order to recoup the money invested in the kids, put an appropriate price on them.

9th place: Bearded Collie

What is the price: 1000-5000$

One of the oldest Scottish dog breeds, the first mention of which dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. Among the ancestors of the Bearded Collie are Commanders, as well as Polish and Old English Sheepdogs. As a result of selection, a universal breed of dog was obtained, which can be a shepherd, a rescuer, and even a hunter.

The high cost of puppies is due to the fact that bearded collies are very good as companions, they are easy to train, and can be kept both in a house and in an apartment. Well, and also because this breed is not as popular as, for example, German shepherds, and therefore the number of their livestock is not yet too large.

8th place: Pharaoh Hound

Price: 2500-7000$

One of the oldest dog breeds, whose history goes back 5000 years. Pharaoh dogs are depicted on frescoes in ancient Egyptian tombs, which undoubtedly testifies to the ancient origin and purity of the blood of this amazing breed.

In the past, pharaoh dogs were tireless hunters, but in our time, these graceful, graceful and noble animals have turned into companion dogs. They are distinguished by their restless and friendly character, as well as an amazing wealth of facial expressions, for example, they can wrinkle their nose funny and smile.

And if the Pharaoh Hound becomes ashamed of some trick, it blushes like a naughty child, which is especially noticeable in its nose, ears and eye rims.

7th place: Löwchen or Bichon Lyon

What is the price: 2000-6500 $

A charming little dog, very popular in the past among the Spanish aristocracy. Lewchens were often depicted in portraits of noble ladies by the great Francisco Goya. Despite their popularity in the past, by the middle of the 20th century, Bichon Lyons became very rare and they, as a breed, were threatened with oblivion, and subsequently extinction.

Thanks to the efforts of enthusiastic cynologists, Bichon Lyons survived, but to date their population numbers are still small. Levchens are distinguished by their friendly, cheerful character, courage and mobility, and, despite their small size, they are ready to play with children for hours.

6th place: Rottweiler

Price: 3000-8000 $

These dogs, famous for being excellent watchmen and bodyguards, are incredibly popular all over the world. Real athletes of the canine world, Rottweilers are distinguished by enormous physical strength, fearlessness and high trainability, in addition, they are very smart and have high intelligence. The inflated price for Rottweilers is due, first of all, to the demand for them.

But, unfortunately, not all potential owners of these dogs correctly assess their strengths, and often simply do not want to admit the fact that the Rottweiler is not a dog for everyone, that it requires not only high-quality food and walks on a leash, but also an owner who has the qualities of a leader and an iron will, and also has the time to train such a dog.

5th place: Chow-chow

What is the price: 3000-8500 $

Charming to look at, but independent and proud, like Chinese emperors, Chow Chows, with their amazingly thick and beautiful coat and unusual blue tongue, are always popular. Of course, there are incomparably fewer of them than the same shepherd dogs or Rottweilers. But, nevertheless, both in terms of price rating and popularity rating, these dogs confidently adhere to average positions: in both cases they take fifth place.

In skillful hands, a cute chow-chow puppy, similar to a teddy bear, grows into a calm, balanced and noble dog. Chow Chows have long been popular as show dogs for all kinds of exhibitions and competitions.

4th place: English Bulldog

Price: 2500-9000 $


A breed that is the embodiment of thoroughness and calmness, a true English gentleman, the bulldog has long become a faithful and devoted companion, a lover of good food and a good night's sleep on the sofa or armchair. These dogs are friendly and intelligent. At the same time, the English bulldog is not at all averse to playing and frolicking.

These dogs have a very characteristic appearance: a stocky, tightly built body, massive short legs, a small tail and a large head with a short, strongly upturned muzzle and small semi-erect or pink ears. The English Bulldog is usually sweet and obedient, but can sometimes be stubborn.

Photo of a white fashionista

The high price of bulldogs is not least due to the fact that breeding these dogs is not easy, since puppies are almost always born by caesarean section, which requires not only large financial outlays from the breeder, but also time and effort, since The operated bitch and her newborn offspring must be closely monitored.

A gentleman among dogs: English bulldog

3rd place: Samoyed dog

What is the price: 4000-11000 $

These snow-white dogs have been living next to humans for almost 3,000 years. Since ancient times, they lived in the same yurt with their owners, warming them with their warmth in the most severe northern frosts, helping herd deer and hunt.

Now, these animals have become popular as companions and as show dogs. And in the USA, communication with them is recommended as a treatment for depression . Their high price is explained, first of all, by the popularity of the breed and the demand for it.

2nd place: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Price: 2000-14000 $

Considered to be the most expensive small dog breed in the world. This breed was developed in the 16th century and immediately became popular among court ladies and crowned heads. It is distinguished by its flexible character and lack of aggressiveness. Cavalier King Charles dogs are excellent at adapting to the lifestyle of their owners. They willingly play with children and love the company of other animals.

Which breed can cost more?..

1st place: Tibetan Mastiff

How much does it cost: $3000-7000 for a puppy of regular black or brownish color

Finally we know which is the most expensive Chinese dog in the world! The undisputed leader in this rating. The Tibetan Mastiff still remains a rare exotic curiosity for most countries.

And if black and tan dogs of this breed are no longer very rare, then mastiffs with such colors as red or white are very rare and the cost of them can reach simply incredible amounts. So, in 2011, two puppies of this breed, white and bright red, were sold for 1,200,000 and 1,500,000, respectively.

THIS IS INTERESTING! No other dog has yet managed to overcome this record, which is why the Tibetan Mastiff is considered the unsurpassed leader in puppy price.

10th place: Saluki (Persian greyhound)

The Saluki (Persian Greyhound) is one of the oldest breeds of domesticated dogs. Graceful, fast greyhounds were mentioned by the ancient Greek historian and writer Xenophon (444-356 BC), who saw them in Arabia. Images of Saluki-like dogs are found on ancient Egyptian monuments that date back to 2000-3000. BC. Representatives of this breed have a very calm character, are affectionate with all family members, but are somewhat wary of strangers. The cost of Saluki dogs can range from $800 to $2,500.

9th place: Norfolk Terrier

The Norfolk Terrier (also known as the Norfolk Terrier) is a breed of hunting dog native to Norfolk, England. For about a hundred years, Norwich Terriers and Norfolk Terriers belonged to the same breed (the difference between them was the position of the ears), but in 1964 it was decided to separate them. They decided to call dogs with floppy ears Norfolk Terriers. These well-built animals are very energetic, courageous and resilient. They have a balanced and calm character, are friendly and get along well with children. The cost of Norfolk Terrier puppies is $1000-2500.

Cane Corso

This is one of the oldest representatives of Molossians; at one time the breed almost disappeared.

The cost of puppies reaches $4000.

Cane Corso grow up to 64-68 cm, weight reaches 45-50 kg. The dog is strong and robust, but at the same time elegant. The chest is well developed, the limbs are muscular. The head is large, the muzzle is slightly upturned, the transition from the forehead is pronounced. The jaws are large and massive, the ears are drooping and triangular in shape. The eyes are medium-sized, oval, set straight. The short coat is thick and shiny. The color can be black, lead, light or slate gray, light or dark red, brindle.

The Cane Corso is a working breed. The dog is smart, strong and resilient. She has an innate sense of territory, fearlessness and the ability to make her own decisions.

8th place: Chinese Chongqing dog

The Chinese Chongqing dog is a very rare, almost extinct breed of dog. It is assumed that they appeared in China, but this is not known for certain. Statues of similar dogs were found in tombs of the Han Dynasty (200 BC). In those days, they were pets of the nobility and served as evidence of a high position in society. In the 20th century, many dogs of this breed were destroyed. Today there are approximately 2,000 representatives of the Chongqing breed in China. They are very friendly, calm animals and get along well with children. One of the main advantages of the breed is its life expectancy - up to 20 years. The price for Chinese Chongqing dog puppies reaches 3,500 conventional units.

The most expensive puppy in the world

It is generally accepted that the most expensive puppy on the globe is the Tibetan Mastiff. Adults look like real bears. Historically, these dogs were raised mainly by monks in Tibetan monasteries, so the breed has remained rare for many years. Its representatives are not present in every region. This complicates matings.

Black or brown Tibetan Mastiff puppies cost at least $3,000 to $7,000. And dogs of red or white color - up to 1.5 million dollars!

Some breeds in the dog world are more expensive than others. But even if a person who dreams of having a four-legged friend does not have a large sum of money, he can make his wish come true for free. After all, it is not necessary to have, for example, a Tibetan mastiff. You can choose a cross breed or adopt a pet from a dog shelter. The main thing is to love him as if he were worth a million dollars.

7th place: Akita Inu

Akita Inu is a breed of working dog belonging to the Spitz group. Their homeland is Akita Prefecture, in northern Japan. In its native country it is recognized as a national treasure and has the status of a natural monument. Dogs of this breed can be described as discreet, intelligent, courageous, noble and very loyal animals to their owner. They have excellent watchdog qualities and are easy to train. You can buy Akita Inu puppies for $1000-3500.

6th place: Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranian Spitz (dwarf Spitz) is a decorative breed of miniature dogs originally from Germany. Images of these dogs are often found on ancient Greek and Roman coins, vases and other monuments of antiquity. In 1870, during the reign of Queen Victoria, who was very fond of this breed, Spitz came to England, where work began on creating a miniature form and improving its appearance. The Pomeranian Spitz has a cheerful disposition and loyal character, is distinguished by intelligence and intelligence, and is easy to train. In recent years, Pomeranians have been gaining great popularity, and some representatives of the breed are real stars, such as Spitz Boo from the USA and Spitz Shunsuke from Japan. The cost of puppies of this breed can range from $700 to $4,000.

Little lion dog

A decorative breed, whose representatives are also called Löwchen, Lion Dog and Lyon Bichon.

The cost of puppies reaches $7000.

The lion dog really looks like a small lion with a thick mane - this resemblance can be achieved with a traditional haircut. The dog grows up to 26-32 cm and weighs approximately 6 kg. The color may vary, but any shades of brown are not allowed. The breed is distinguished by a flat back and a voluminous chest, the head and hindquarters are round. The muzzle is short, the nose is black, the eyes are dark and round.

It is believed that the breed appeared in the 2nd century. The small lion dog is distinguished by intelligence, kindness and a cheerful disposition. She is active and courageous, obedient and affectionate.

5th place: Thai Ridgeback

The Thai Ridgeback is the national breed of Thailand, classified as a hunting breed. For several centuries it lived only within eastern Thailand, maintaining the purity of its breed. Relatively recently, on the initiative of the American dog breeder Jack Sterling, several representatives of the breed were brought to California, where he began breeding them. Thai Ridgebacks are very active and strong dogs that need long walks. They have a sharp mind and have their own opinion on everything. You need to be able to outwit him and instill confidence that the owner is always right. The price for Thai Ridgeback dogs ranges from 800-4000 conventional units.

4th place: Affenpinscher

The Affenpinscher is an ancient breed of miniature dog, developed in Germany around the beginning of the 17th century. Originally used as a rat catcher. It got its name because of its slight external resemblance to monkeys (translated from the German “affe” means “monkey”). Affenpinschers are excellent watchdogs - if necessary, they will very loudly let everyone around them know about the danger present. Dogs of this breed have a perky disposition, are active, quite curious and endlessly devoted to their owners. Affenpinschers can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $4,000.

3rd place: Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound is an ancient breed of hunting dog whose history begins at least 5 thousand years ago. This is evidenced by their images found in ancient Egyptian tombs. It is assumed that the breed was brought to the islands of the Mediterranean Sea by Phoenician merchants, where it was kept pure for a long time. Pharaoh dogs came to Great Britain only in 1920, and already in 1975 they received official recognition. In Russia they are extremely rare. Mainly used as companion dogs. Pharaoh dogs are smart, playful, affectionate and kind animals, but there is a certain authority in their character. The price for dogs of this breed can reach 1000-7000 USD.

How difficult and expensive is it to keep the most expensive dog breeds?

It is important to understand that the cost of keeping an animal does not depend on fashion. If the high price is due to temporary popularity, but the dog itself is unpretentious, then a lot of money will have to be paid only at the purchase stage.

Three types of four-legged animals are really expensive: large, long-haired and disease-prone. The former need large volumes of food, the latter need expensive groomer care, and the third need regular examination by a veterinarian and periodic treatment of exacerbations. All these points must be taken into account before the purchase, since not every owner can afford ongoing expenses of impressive amounts.

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2nd place: Lyon bichon

The Lion Bichon (other names: Lion Dog, Levchen) is a breed of miniature decorative dogs originally from France. Known in Spain and France since the end of the 16th century. Lyon Bichons were often depicted in his paintings by the artist Goya. At the beginning of the 20th century, the popularity of the breed fell sharply, and in 1960 it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed in the world. That is why dog ​​handlers began to actively breed them, as a result of which Lyon Bichons regained their former fame. The lion breed is called because they are given a peculiar haircut, which makes them look like a lion. Dogs of this breed are very smart, fearless, loving and loyal. You can buy a Lyon Bichon puppy for $2,000-$7,000.

Corgi Susan and her descendants

Elizabeth II herself prefers corgis, or rather the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed.
These are hunting dogs from Wales, which are distinguished by their wayward character. Liz received her very first puppy, Susan, from her father when she came of age. Since then, the ruler kept several of these “fluffies” at once in her castles and residences, and since her coronation she has had more than thirty of them in total. There is a separate room in the palace known as the “Corgi Room” for the pets, and a special chef prepares their food. In 2002, Britain even issued a commemorative coin featuring the Queen and one of her dogs. True, there are no longer any purebred corgis, the descendants of Susan. The last was Willow, who died in 2022. But Elizabeth still has Candy, a cross between a corgi and a dachshund. In 2015, the Queen announced that she did not intend to breed any more pets. Due to her advanced age, she is afraid that she might trip over the dog and break an arm or leg. In addition, if a woman dies before her animals, there will be no one to look after them with the same affection and care.

Elizabeth's son, Charles, also loves dogs. Now he and Camilla have three Jack Russell dogs: Rosie, Tosca and Beth. The couple adopted them from a regular shelter. Prince William and his wife Catherine also had a pet. They got their cocker spaniel Lupo back in 2011. And fans registered a Twitter account on his behalf, which became quite popular. Lupo died in 2022, but according to insiders, the family has already found a new puppy of the same breed. Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry are keeping up with tradition: in 2022, they adopted a black Labrador, Pula. They also take care of the beagle that Megan got before the wedding. So this royal habit is unlikely to disappear any time soon.

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