What does a South African Boerboel look like: a description of the dogs’ characteristics and reviews from owners about their pets

Origin story

South Africa is officially considered the birthplace of the breed. Historians claim that even under Alexander the Great, dogs similar to Boerboels were already brought to Europe.

Later, thanks to Boerboels, breeds such as hunting dogs and mastiffs were developed. Mastiffs are a large group that includes such breed varieties as Tibetan, Argentinean, American, Pakistani, German, English, French and others.

In the 7th century, the breed was restored at the Cape of Good Hope, and for a long time served as a farm dog.

Subsequently, the breed began to disappear. And only in the 80s of the 20th century work began on its restoration in South Africa. The modern Boerboel has the same strength as many centuries ago.

But now he is a family dog ​​with a calm character . The hunting and fighting qualities of the breed were lost.

Interesting Facts

Some interesting facts about Boerboels:

  1. One of the paintings in the British Museum, which dates back to 1400, shows Prince Charles accompanied by several dogs. One of them resembles a modern Boerboel.
  2. Abroad, the breed is included in the list of dangerous and is prohibited for breeding and import.
  3. In Africa, Boerboels still guard huge herds of livestock, and are sometimes used to hunt lions.
  4. Some hospitals and nursing homes use Boerboels as psychotherapists. It is believed that a dog has a positive effect on a person’s psychological state.
  5. A trained dog can help people with disabilities move.

Possible diseases

The African Boerboel is considered a dog with strong immunity and good health. There are practically no closely related matings in his blood, so there are a minimum of genetic deviations. However, there are some diseases that are specific to this breed.

First of all, we are talking about dysplasia of the joints - elbow and hip. This disease occurs in every second large dog. Unfortunately, large breeds are not insured against it. Even with high-quality prevention, sometimes it is not possible to avoid joint problems.

African Boerboel

In addition, as they get older, many dogs suffer from degenerative myelopathy, which can be diagnosed by the animal’s gait: the dog’s back end falls in different directions, and the pelvis begins to wobble.

Another disease that affects Boerboel bitches is vaginal hyperplasia. Because of this, dogs are not allowed to be bred. Osteomyelitis, which occurs due to staphylococcal and fungal infections, affects Boerboel puppies . And hepatopathy can affect both young and adult individuals. It manifests itself in the form of liver failure and a decrease in the functions of this organ.

Description of the breed

The South African Boerboel is a powerful dog with a muscular body and broad bones..

Her head is large, square in shape, her muzzle is short, her bite is scissor-shaped. Almost all representatives of the breed have folds on their muzzle. At the same time, the skin on the body is smooth, without deep wrinkles.

In most cases, the Boerboel's tail is docked between the 3rd and 4th vertebrae . In its natural form, the tail is long, tapering towards the tip.

The dog's ears are medium in size with pointed and drooping tips.

The coat is short, smooth, thick.

A healthy dog ​​always has a shiny and shiny appearance..


To reproduce offspring, South African Boerboels are purchased that meet all standard requirements.

The first heat in females of this breed appears at the age of 12 to 14 months. Its duration varies from 20 to 30 days. This is important to consider in order to prevent your pet from coming into contact with representatives of other breeds.

It is recommended to carry out mating starting from the age of two years for a dog and a bitch. Select the appropriate time, counting the interval 11–12 days from the start of estrus.

The gestation period of a dog lasts 56–72 days. To avoid complications during childbirth, it is recommended to call a veterinarian.

Character traits

The South African Boerboel has an extraordinary character.

This breed is extremely devoted to its owner, an excellent watchman and security guard . As for family members, the dog is always affectionate and playful with them.

If something threatens the owner, he will protect him even at the cost of his life.

The Boerboel has a stable psyche, but at the same time he is active and mobile. This is why your dog needs daily exercise.

If the dog is properly raised, then conflicts with other pets are practically excluded..

The dog is thoughtful, slow, and never follows commands automatically. At the same time, she is not capricious and balanced.

A properly socialized Boerboel is an excellent nanny for a child, patient and affectionate. Sometimes the dog allows the kids to sit on its back and ride like a horse.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Boerboels are smart, calm and intelligent. They have a good memory and flexible character. They can be called easy-going; even if they were treated badly, they are able to forgive and will continue to treat the person well. On the other hand, this is a leader dog, prone to dominance; if not properly trained, the dog can get out of control.”

Rules for choosing puppies

In order to purchase the South African Boerboel breed, turn to reputable nurseries.

Vaccination will be provided here. The future owner will be given a veterinary passport for the dog. They will also provide information about the Boerboel’s pedigree.

Puppies are examined before purchase. The Boerboel must be active, with a shiny coat, without skin rashes, redness, signs of bloating and with a color that meets the standard.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. The Boerboel has undeniable power, strength and endurance.
  2. With the right approach, he will be happy to learn commands and carry them out.
  3. Calmness and courage. The Boerboel is a phlegmatic and slow breed. All his actions are balanced and calm.
  4. Devotion to the owner. In critical situations, the dog will protect its owner even at the cost of its life.
  5. Kind attitude towards children and pets. If the dog is well socialized, then even a baby can be left with it.
  6. The Boerboel is an excellent guard and watchman. Despite the fact that the dog is affectionate and has seven members, he can be aggressive and vicious with strangers.
  7. Easy to care for. Despite its power, the dog is unpretentious in food and care.

Cons of the breed:

  1. The breed is suitable only for experienced dog breeders, as a beginner simply cannot cope with it.
  2. The Boerboel requires professional training. And this requires time and money.
  3. The dog does not tolerate low temperatures well.
  4. The pet requires quite a lot of personal space.
  5. The dog needs a lot of time for walks. This breed is not suitable for busy people.
  6. Improper upbringing can cause spontaneous attacks of aggression.


Information received from Boerboel owners allows you to get a complete impression of amazing pets.

Elena. Ivanovo region: “I fell in love with the magnificent clumsy South African Boerboel puppy at first sight. A month later I realized that I couldn’t cope with a fast-growing independent creature. I turned to specialists for help in raising a dog and now I understand that only thanks to their art can a true friend and protector live nearby.”

Ignat. Eagle: “We named our Boerboel Marcus. This is my guard and constant companion. Due to my line of work, I often move around the city in the evening. Next to this magnificent dog I feel absolutely protected.”

Konstantin. Lipetsk: “We doubted the choice of dog breed for a long time. Journalists wrote a lot of negative information about South African Boerboels, which raised concerns. And yet, a year ago we got a wonderful, powerful dog. When training the dog, I followed the recommendations, so I can say that our Zeus is a devoted, faithful, reliable pet.”

Pet standard

The Boerboel is a serious dog, with well-developed muscles and harmonious movements.

Breed standard:

  1. The pet's weight ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Some bitches can weigh 50-60kg.
  2. Height at withers - 59-65 cm (females), 64-70 (males).
  3. The dog's body is powerful and elongated.
  4. The tail is long and thick; tail docking is acceptable between the 3rd and 4th vertebrae.
  5. The paws are dense and strong.
  6. The head is large, but at the same time the proportions of the body are not disturbed.
  7. Ears are drooping.
  8. The coat is short, thick, lying close to the body.

Boerboel photo

We present to your attention several photos of the Boerboel - this powerful, mastiff-like dog with a gentle soul.

Color variations

Boerboel color can be:

  • Palev.
  • Red.
  • Yellow-red.
  • Red-red.
  • Tiger.

Any other coat color and the presence of tan is considered a breeding defect.

White spots on the chest and paws are allowed by the standards, but are considered undesirable.

How to properly care?

The Boerboel has a dense, short coat that is quite easy to care for. To do this, it is enough to comb the dog 1-2 times a week and bathe it once every 2-3 months.

In this case, you should use only special dog shampoo and conditioner . Frequent bathing is not recommended, as this can cause dry skin. While brushing, it is advisable to massage the dog's skin to improve blood circulation.

Your pet's teeth also require care. They need to be cleaned at least once a week. Use a special toothbrush and toothpaste for this.

About once every 1-2 weeks, your pet should have its nails trimmed . To do this, use a special tool, but in no case nail clippers.


You need to walk your dog every day for at least 2-3 hours.

In this case, be sure to provide your pet with physical activity. During walks, the dog must run, jump, overcome obstacles, etc.

The Boerboel needs to run at least 5 km per day every day..

Nutritional Features

The basis of the Boerboel diet is meat . Cereals, fermented milk products, offal and fish are used as additional nutrition.

You can also feed your dog prepared food. In this case, the serving size will be indicated on the package. Some owners prefer to keep their dog on a mixed diet, where it is fed both dry food and natural food.

The daily portion should be approximately 3.5% of the pet's weight . If the dog weighs 80 kg, then its daily norm will be 2.8 kg. Moreover, 0.5 kg should be meat. Another 0.5 kg - fermented milk products. The rest is porridge or vegetables.

An adult dog is fed 2 times a day.

Permitted and prohibited product groups

Authorized Products:

  • Lean meat (beef, veal, lamb).
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt).
  • By-products (beef tripe, heart, kidneys, etc.).
  • Raw vegetables.
  • Sea fish.
  • Porridge (rice or buckwheat).
  • Premium dry food or higher.

Prohibited Products:

  • Chocolate.
  • Sausage and frankfurters.
  • Pork.
  • Onion and garlic.
  • Raw river fish.
  • Yeast dough.
  • Potatoes and beans

Dog training. How to teach basic commands?

The dog should be taught discipline and commands from the age of 3 months. Rigidity and firmness are the basic principles on which education should be built. In addition, the dog must obey not only adults, but also children.

The first command that the dog must learn is “Place” . Show your pet his place, and every time the puppy wants to rest, send him there. At the same time, strictly say the command several times.

The next command is “Nearby” . A leash is used for training. While walking, while pulling on the leash, say the command loudly and lightly pull on the leash.

In this position, take a few steps. If the dog continues to walk alongside you when the leash is loosened, praise him and treat him with cheese.

Another important command is “Fu” . Every time your pet does unauthorized actions, strictly say “Ugh” and take away the thing that he is chewing or take him away from the wrong place. The command should be pronounced strictly and not abused.

To teach your dog the “Come to me” command, you will need the help of someone close to you . To do this, put the puppy on a leash and ask a helper to hold it.

Walk away a few meters, say the command loudly and pat your hand on your thigh. After this, the partner must release the pet. As soon as your baby runs up to you, praise him. After several successful attempts, treat your baby with a treat.

How to choose? Boy or girl?

Even the most exemplary breeder cannot guarantee that you will get a bright representative of the breed.

But, if you still decide, then you should contact trusted breeders with a good reputation. It is best to take the advice of experienced dog breeders.

What to look for:

  1. Brand. If you buy a puppy older than 1.5 months, it must have a brand, the number of which will correspond to the number in the puppy card and veterinary passport.
  2. Ask the breeder to show the documents of the puppy's parents and provide their regalia (if any).
  3. Look charmingly at the baby’s parents, they should be healthy and well-groomed.
  4. Conditions in the nursery also matter. The room where the dog lives should be clean and warm, and there should also be no unpleasant odor.
  5. By 1.5 months, the puppy should already be well socialized. A healthy baby is curious, active, sociable, and lacks fear and apathy.
  6. Carefully inspect the chosen puppy. Smooth and shiny coat, clean skin, absence of discharge from the nose, ears and eyes are signs of a healthy pet. Also, the baby should not have any redness or wet ulcers on the skin.

You should also know that bitches are more flexible.

If you are unsure of your abilities, choose a girl . If you are an experienced dog breeder, then a male dog can become your friend and guard.


By 10 months, the Boerboel becomes sexually mature. to carry out mating only starting from 20-25 months, when the female is already fully developed and is able to bear strong offspring. The best time to start mating is considered to be the 15th day from the start of the 3rd heat. During this period, the discharge becomes lighter and the loop loosens.

If the pets have a pedigree and have status, then the procedure must take place in a nursery. You need to fill out a form and receive a certificate. You should agree in advance on the price and date of mating; most often it is indicated by the owner of the male.

  • First you need to introduce the animals and walk them together. This should take about 15 minutes.
  • Then, a girl is brought to the cable territory, this is done so that the boy feels confident.
  • The act lasts about 15 minutes; during the process you need to support the female under the belly and by the head.
  • The boy is sent to the noose. The lock will take place after several active aftershocks. The next mating should be repeated after 2 days.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

What is the price range for the breed, nurseries in Russia

The price range for South African Boerboel puppies ranges from 5,000 to 40,000 rubles, depending on the class of the pet.

The best Boerboel nurseries in Russia:

  1. Nursery “S Yeseninsky”, Tula.
  2. Multi-breed nursery “Zlato Rusi”, Moscow.
  3. Kennel of the Boerboel breed “Form Sauce Africa”, Moscow.
  4. Multi-breed kennel "Horse", specializing in Boerboels and Novich Terriers, St. Petersburg.
  5. Boerboel nursery “Legend of Africa”, Saratov.

List of suitable nicknames

A beautiful, muscular, large dog should choose a sonorous name. Owners of the Boerboel breed prefer short words that are easy to pronounce. When selecting, they often turn to literary sources, films, and mythology.

List of popular nicknames for male Boerboels: Agar, Agate, Cupid, Wager, Vex, Grif, Jeffrey, Zaire, Zeus, Ibis, Kadar, Fang, Lesto, Locky, Mars, Mason, Myrtle, Muscat, Nord, Opal, Pamir, Pierce , Ragdai, Ray, Urkhan, Cepheus, Ephas, Yakhont.

For females: Ada, Aira, Arbi, Betta, Vaira, Vecta, Hera, Gloria, Daima, Jezi, Eva, Jeti, Zara, Zeta, Kera, Liana, Naivat, Nika, Olympia, Reta, Rona, Thais, Ulma, Charma , Yarna.

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