new BREED STANDARD VEO 04/03/2014.

Region selection



Currently being finalized.


Certified single-breed dog shows of the NKP VEO are held in accordance with the requirements of the RKF-FCI and these Regulations according to the plan of the NKP VEO in accordance with the RKF schedule.

Rank of NKP exhibitions: Rank CHK (Club Champion) - All-Russian national special breed exhibition. NCP VEO is held once a year. The decision on the date and place of the exhibition of the rank of the Cheka is made by the Presidium of the NKP VEO. Rank PC (Club Winner) is a monobreed exhibition, held by regional branches of the NCP VEO once a year. The date, venue and organizer of the exhibition are approved by the Presidium of the NCP VEO on the recommendation of the regional representative of the NCP VEO. Rank CC (Candidate for Club Champions) – regional specialty show. The date and place of the event are determined by the organizer and approved by the Presidium of the NCP VEO.

The schedule of single-breed exhibitions is approved by the Presidium of the NCP VEO.

Organizers of NKP VEO exhibitions are obliged to provide in advance the possibility of checking the behavior of dogs enrolled in certificate classes, as well as checking the working skills of dogs enrolled in the working class.

The organizers of the NKP VEO exhibition must be sure that the dogs declared in the catalog are registered in the Pedigree Book of the RKF or the FCI member country (or AKC - USA, KS - Great Britain, SKS - Canada).

The awarding of the Cheka, PC and KChK certificates is noted in the diploma.

The exhibition diploma must contain at least the name of the exhibition (if any), its rank, the name of the organizer, the city and date of the exhibition, the full name of the dog, gender, catalog number, owner's last name, ratings and titles received by the dog in the ring. If a description of the dog was made by the judge, then a description sheet is attached to the diploma.

Before entering the ring, each exhibitor receives from the organizers a ring number (self-adhesive or with a device for attaching it to outer clothing), a catalog, and also, upon completion of the examination, an exhibition diploma.

At all certificate exhibitions, a ring can be organized for dogs that require a description from the RKF judge (without assigning titles and certificates).

Non-certified (open) single-breed exhibitions and litters of young animals are held by sections and clubs as part of the VEO Scientific and Cultural Club without awarding certificates. Breeding shows can be held by both clubs and nurseries.

RESTRICTIONS (according to the RKF Regulations)

Certified single-breed exhibitions of any rank can be held only by cynological organizations involved in breeding the breed (as confirmed by the corresponding extract from the book of matings and whelpings).

Each canine organization within the NCP VEO has the right to hold no more than two certified exhibitions per year. Newly joined members of the NCP VEO (who joined the NCP VEO no later than February 1 of the previous year), as well as organizations that are not members of the NCP VEO, can hold no more than one certificate exhibition per year.

The organizer of the exhibition bears all responsibility for holding special breed exhibitions.

These restrictions do not apply to open single-breed canine events.


Cynological organizations applying for an exhibition submit to the secretariat of the NCP VEO applications on the organization's letterhead, certified by the seal and signature of the head, a copy of the certificate of legal registration of the person (extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

An application from a canine organization must contain: - the date of the exhibition; — the full name of the canine organization holding the exhibition; — address with the index of the canine organization, contact phone number, fax, e-mail; - FULL NAME. club leader; - FULL NAME. head of the section (club, nursery) for the breed; - FULL NAME. chairman of the exhibition organizing committee.

The application is accompanied by a copy of an extract from the record book of matings and whelpings for the previous year, indicating the participation of this organization in working with the breed.

Applications for special breed exhibitions are submitted to the secretariat of the NCP VEO before February 1 of the current year for the next year.

The NCP submits a consolidated application for the next year to the RKF secretariat before March 1 of the current year.

Postponement of exhibitions is allowed only under force majeure circumstances. The exhibition organizer is obliged to notify the RKF NCP about this and obtain written permission to postpone the exhibition.


All certified special breed exhibitions of the NKP VEO RKF are held only with preliminary registration of participants and the mandatory release of a catalog of all participants.

When registering for the exhibition, the owner must provide: - a copy of the certificate of origin (pedigree) of the RKF; for the puppy and junior classes, registration is possible using a copy of the puppy card; — a completed application form, signed by the owner, must contain the name of the exhibition class, breed, nickname, abbreviation and pedigree N, stamp or microchip N, date of birth, color, gender, father’s name, dog’s mother’s name, breeder’s last name, last name, first name and patronymic owner, full postal address with zip code, contact phone number.

To participate in the classes intermediate, open, winners, and champions of exhibitions of any rank, all participating dogs must pass a behavior test established by the VEO National Sports Club. Dogs that have not passed the test are examined outside the ring, since they cannot apply for certificates and titles of the VEO NCP, provided for by this regulation. Owners of dogs that have a test certificate must provide a copy of it when registering for the show.

To register dogs in the working class, you must provide one of the following documents: - a copy of the working quality test diploma recognized by the RKF; — confirmation (qualification book) of participation in competitions in international service types of training (IPO, Mondioring); — a copy of the diploma from tests in domestic training disciplines, recognized by the RKF (OKD+ZKS, KS, BR, KD-3); — a copy of the diploma from the competitions “Russian Ring”, “Big Ring”; - for dogs belonging to state canine services (MVD, PV, FSO, FSB, BB, VS, GUIN, EMERCOM), guide dogs, in order to enroll dogs in the working class, you must provide a copy of a certificate of completion of the appropriate special training course, on the basis of which the dog exempt from performance testing. If the above dogs are exhibited in any other class, they undergo behavioral testing (testing) on ​​a general basis.

Dogs owned by state canine services are exempt from exhibition fees at NCP exhibitions of the Cheka rank.

To enroll in the Winners class, the dog owner must provide certificates according to one of the following schemes: - 2xCCCC (under different experts) + CAC - CCCC at the National exhibition + CW at a special breed exhibition + CAC - JCC + CW at a special breed exhibition + CAC - 2 CAC + 2x CW (with received CC) at a special breed show - PC or Winner at a National show

The concept of CW at a special breed show includes the following: the dog receiving the “1st excellent” rating, a CC certificate and the title “Class Winner” (except for juniors). To register dogs in the Champion class, you must provide confirmation (certificate, diploma) of the title of champion of any country - a member of the FCI or AKC, KS, SKS. Registration in the class of National Club Champions is made only at exhibitions of the rank “Club Champion” and “Club Winner”.

The exhibition organizing committee is obliged to report the latest catalog number to the NCP VEO within a week after the end of registration.

Each exhibition participant must be notified in advance by the organizing committee about the location of the exhibition, its schedule and veterinary rules.

Owners who have registered their dogs for an exhibition and have not paid the exhibition fee must pay it within a maximum of one month after the exhibition (regardless of whether the dog took part in the exhibition). Otherwise, at the request of the exhibition organizing committee, owners and their dogs may be disqualified for 3 years at all events of the VEO Scientific Club, and at the request of the VEO Scientific Club - RKF and FCI. Such applications from the exhibition organizing committee are accepted if there is an application form signed by the owner for participation in this exhibition.


At single-breed exhibitions of all ranks, it is mandatory to check the working skills of working-class dogs, except for dogs of departmental services that have provided the appropriate certificate. During the testing of the working qualities of the dogs, judging in the rings is stopped.

A dog that receives a score of (0) at one of the testing stages cannot apply for a title and undergoes an examination outside the ring. A dog that receives a score of (-) at one of the inspection stages is disqualified from this exhibition.

EXHIBITION CLASSES (according to the Regulations of the RKF)

Baby from 3 to 6 months Worker from 15 months
Puppies from 6 to 9 months Winners from 15 months
Juniors from 9 to 18 months Champions from 15 months
Intermediate from 15 to 24 months National Club Champions from 15 months
Open from 15 months Veterans from 8 years old

The date for determining the dog's age is the day before the start of the exhibition.


In the junior, intermediate, open, working, winners, champions, national club champions and veterans classes, the following grades are awarded: excellent, very good, good, satisfactory, disqualification, no rating.

In the baby and puppy classes the following grades are awarded: very promising, promising, unpromising.

At single-breed shows of the rank of CC, PC and CHK, the following titles are assigned (entered in the diploma, a certificate is not issued): CLASS WINNER (CW) - assigned to the first dog in the class claiming the title; BEST MALE (BOS) - selected by comparing the winners of classes (CW) intermediate, open, working, winners, champions, national club champions. BEST BITCH (BOS) - selected in the same way as choosing the BOS. WINNER OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN EXHIBITION – Best Male and Best Bitch at shows of the CHK rank. BEST OF BREED (BOB) - selected by comparing Best Junior, Best Male, Best Bitch, Best Veteran; BEST BABY (B) – selected by comparing male and female winners of the baby class; BEST PUPPY (BOB) – selected by comparing male and female winners of the puppy class; BEST JUNIOR (BJ) – selected by comparing male and female winners of the junior class; BEST VETERAN (BW) – selected by comparing male and female winners of the veteran class. At single-breed exhibitions of the rank of CC, PC and CHK, the following certificates are issued: 1. “Candidate for Junior Champions of the National Club Club” (KYUChK) - the winner of the junior class male and female at the exhibition of the rank of CC. Note: a JSC certificate can be obtained (one time) by exchanging 3 JSC certificates received from different judges. 2. “Young National Club Champion” (JCHK) – the winner of the junior class at a special breed show of the CHK rank. The second dog in the ring, at the discretion of the expert, can receive both a JSS and a KYUCHK certificate. 3. “Young National Club Winner” (JPC) – the winner of the junior class male and female at an exhibition of the PC rank. 4. “Candidate for National Club Champion” (CCC) – to dogs that have passed the behavior test (Test T1 and T2 of the National Club VEO): - at regional exhibitions - Best Male and Best Bitch; - at exhibitions of the CHK and PC ranks - to the winners of classes (CW) intermediate, open, working, winners, champions, champions of the National Club Club. 5. “NCP Winner” – to the Best Male and Best Bitch at shows of the PC rank. 6. Junior Certificate of Conformity (JCC) - at the discretion of the judge (expert) for dogs that received a rating from 2nd to 4th “excellent” in each class. 7. Certificate of Conformity (CC) - at the discretion of the judge (expert) for dogs that received a rating from 1st to 4th “excellent” in each class and passed testing (T1, T2).

Obtaining titles by exchanging certificates

“JUNCH NKP CHAMPION”: - 4 KYUCHK under different experts at exhibitions of the rank of KCHK - YPK + 2 JPK, under different experts - 2 JPK “CHAMPION NKP” (CHK): - diploma “Winner of the All-Russian Exhibition” + test of working skills according to the rules of the NKP VEO (see above). — 2 PCs + test of working skills according to the rules of the NCP VEO — 4 KCHK + test of working skills according to the rules of the NCP VEO — PC + 2 KCHK + test of working skills according to the rules of the NCP VEO — JUCHK + 2КЧК + test of working skills according to the rules of the NCP VEO — JUCHK + PC + testing of working skills according to the rules of the NCP VEO Assignment of the title of Cheka for the exchange of certificates can be done only once; directly (at shows of the CHK rank) - as many times as the dog has won it. “CANDIDATE FOR NKP CHAMPIONS” (exchange is possible only once): - 3 SS obtained under different experts Note: for dogs registered with state canine structures (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, PV, VSO, BB, GUIN) a certificate of testing of working skills is replaced by a certificate of passing departmental tests.

EXHIBITION CATALOG (according to the RKF Regulations) Based on the application sheets, an exhibition catalog is compiled, which must contain: - a title page, with the name and emblem of the RKF, the name of the National Club, the name of the canine organization holding the exhibition, indicating the rank of the exhibition, the date and city of the exhibition, organizers' address; — list of members of the organizing committee; — information about the judges, indicating their country of residence; — rules for holding an exhibition of this rank; — dog exhibition schedule; — schedule of all exhibition events; — the actual list of exhibitors: list of participants by gender and class, numbers for all exhibitors of the exhibition.

Full catalog data of each dog must include: catalog number, nickname, pedigree number, brand or microchip number, date of birth, color, father's name, mother's name, full name. breeder, full name owner.

The number of exhibition catalogs cannot be less than the number of participants.

The exhibition catalog does not allow additional listings or empty numbers. For dogs included in additional lists, certificates will not be confirmed by the NCP VEO. Transferring dogs from class to class after the end of registration and on the day of the exhibition is prohibited.

RULES FOR CONTESTS (according to the Regulations of the RKF)

In all competitions (except for the competition for producers), only dogs included in the exhibition catalogue, exhibited at this exhibition and received a rating of at least “very good” can participate (dogs of the puppy and baby class do not participate in competitions). Kennel competition – 3-5 dogs of the same breed participate, born in the same kennel, having the same factory prefix and coming from at least two litters. Competition for sires – a sire or dam and 3-5 offspring, originating from at least two litters. The competition is held separately for manufacturers and producers. For a manufacturers' competition, the manufacturer himself must be declared in the catalog as a participant in the competition, but may not undergo an exhibition examination. Pairs competition – 2 dogs of the same breed, a male and a female, participating in the competition, belong to the same owner or are co-owned with him.


At single-breed exhibitions of the NKP VEO, individual judging is carried out, in which the judge examines each dog, makes a description of it and awards a rating. At single-breed exhibitions of any rank, it is mandatory to place all dogs with an “excellent” rating, indicating the place taken in the diploma and exhibition reporting documentation (for example, “7th excellent”).

Show rings must be of sufficient size (at least 10x10 meters) with a non-slip surface that allows the dog’s movements to be assessed. The organizer is obliged to ensure the presence of a height meter in the ring and create conditions for taking height measurements at the request of the judge in the ring. All documentation necessary for the work must be prepared in advance and kept by the secretary of the ring crew.

The ring crew, which the exhibition organizing committee is obliged to present to the judge, must include a ring manager, a secretary and, if necessary, an interpreter. No more than 2 trainees are allowed in the ring.

Members of the organizing committee, ring crews, trainees and interpreters do not have the right to personally exhibit dogs belonging to them and members of their families.

The ring crew works at the direction of the judge and must ensure the call of participants, checking the brand or microchip, checking those absent from each class, information about a dog incorrectly entered into the catalog or a change of handler, a description of the dog as dictated by the judge, organizing and performing all necessary clerical work. In diplomas, certificates, ring statements, it is necessary to indicate the dog’s catalog number, full name. judge and his signature, rating, titles.

At exhibitions it is prohibited to exhibit dogs in strict collars, muzzles and harnesses. Leaving the exhibitor's ring with a dog during judging without the judge's permission may result in disqualification. Participants who are late to the ring are not allowed to judge.

Starting breed judging earlier than the time specified in the exhibition schedule is prohibited. At RKF-FCI exhibitions it is prohibited to use any preparations that can change the natural color and structure of the coat.

At single-breed shows of any rank, a change of handler is possible only with the permission of the judge.

At shows of any level, all dogs must be on short leashes.

For cruel treatment of dogs, unethical behavior on the exhibition territory, provoked dog fights, bites, according to the statement of the expert, members of the ring crew, members of the organizing committee, at the request of the NCP VEO, the RKF Exhibition Commission can disqualify the owner and dog for a period of 1 to 3 years from all exhibitions RKF and FCI with cancellation of grades and titles.

At single-breed shows of any rank, protests against judging are not accepted; the judge’s opinion is final and not subject to appeal.

INVITATION OF JUDGES (according to the Regulations of the RKF)

Judges invited to certified single-breed shows must be recognized by the national canine organization of the country for the corresponding breeds, groups or all breeds.

The judges are invited by the exhibition organizing committee, the RKF confirms that this exhibition is held under the auspices of the RKF.

The exhibition organizing committee makes a preliminary agreement with foreign judges; after a positive response from the judge, the RKF secretariat, on the basis of a letter of guarantee from the exhibition organizing committee, sends the judges an official invitation and confirmation to the relevant national canine organization.

Reserve judges are required to appear at exhibitions, and only they have the right to judge in place of absent judges. Organizers of NKP exhibitions are recommended to rotate judges.

RIGHTS OF JUDGES AND ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (according to the Regulations of the RKF)

The exhibition organizing committee is obliged to inform the judge at least 2 weeks in advance about the number of dogs that he will have to judge.

Judges have the right to enter into personal contracts with the exhibition organizing committee.

The organizing committee of the exhibition is obliged to invite in advance a judge for working qualities, certified by the RKF, and a person involved, certified by the RKF, to check the behavior of the dogs participating in the exhibition.

The judge must not judge more than 80 dogs per day, provided that the organizing committee requires an individual description for each dog. He must not judge more than 160 dogs per day unless descriptions are required.

The main person in the ring is the judge. The ring manager is in charge of organizational matters, but all activities in the ring can only take place with the consent of the judge. Any decision made by the judge regarding the evaluation of the dog, placement, and award of titles and certificates is final and cannot be contested.

A judge may not enter dogs registered in his or his family's name into shows where he acts as a judge. Dogs that a judge exhibits at a show where he does not act as a judge must be owned or co-owned by the judge or members of his family or born in his kennel.

A judge cannot judge a dog that he owns or co-owns, has kept or sold less than 6 months before the show where he is judging. The same applies to dogs owned by a family member.

The judge is prohibited from viewing the exhibition catalog before or during judging.

It is prohibited to communicate with any participant, stay in his home or in his custody until the end of the exhibition.

OBSERVER (according to the Regulations of the RKF)

For special breed shows, the VEO National Club may appoint an observer. The candidacy of an observer is approved by the Presidium of the NCP VEO. Once approved, the observer receives an observer credential and a report form. The observer interacts with the exhibition organizing committee and judges.

The observer monitors the correctness of the exhibition: - monitoring the registration work; — control over the presence of the state veterinary service at the exhibition; — control over the work of ring crews.

At all stages, the observer monitors compliance with the procedure for obtaining titles and certificates, controls the availability of all necessary exhibition documentation, the correctness and timeliness of its completion and issuance to the owners.

The observer has the right to receive any information at the inspected exhibition upon presentation of the credentials of an observer of the NCP VEO, and the organizing committee is obliged to provide it upon his first request. The observer has the right to give recommendations on controversial issues relating to the rules for organizing and holding this exhibition. The observer accepts for transmission to the RKF written statements regarding violations of the Regulations of the NCP VEO and the Regulations of the RKF on exhibitions. The observer does not have the right to control the financial activities of the exhibition organizers and does not have the right to check the financial reporting documentation of the exhibition.

The observer in his activities must be guided by the Regulations of the NCP VEO and the Regulations of the RKF on exhibitions. The observer is obliged to report to the Presidium of the NCP VEO within no more than 15 days, submit a mandate and a report. The report contains: the name of the exhibition, the date of the exhibition, the surname, first and patronymic of the observer, a report on the work (registration, veterinary supervision, ring crews, the location of the exhibition (as far as appropriate), the special opinion of the observer, date and signature.

REPORTING ON THE RESULTS OF THE EXHIBITION (according to the Regulations of the RKF)

The exhibition organizing committee sends a report to the RKF within two weeks.

At the same time, the organizing committee of the exhibition sends to the NCP VEO: – the results of the exhibition in the order of ranking the dogs by class, indicating all the grades and titles received, certified by the signature of the person in charge and the seal of the canine organization conducting the exhibition; – summary statement of testing and verification of working skills.

SANCTIONS (according to the RKF Regulations)

For violation of any clause of these Regulations, the NCP VEO (in accordance with the rules of the RKF) may take sanctions against the exhibition organizers: - warning; — refusal to hold an exhibition for a period of 1 year; — refusal to hold an exhibition for a period of 3 years; — refusal to hold exhibitions for an indefinite period; — a requirement to hold an open exhibition (not a certificate one) in accordance with the rules for a certificate exhibition (ChK, PC, KCHK) with the mandatory presence of an observer from the NCP VEO.

The results of exhibitions and received titles from exhibitions for which reports have not been submitted are canceled both in the RKF and in the NCP VEO.


RKF and SKOR are two canine systems. But not many people understand how they differ. Therefore, I will try to tell you how they differ and whether they differ..


After my daughter-in-law opened a nursery in the SCOR system and I started helping her, many people attacked me with questions “Why?” “Why SKOR?”? And everyone unanimously claims that RKF is better. Let's figure it out, why is RKF better and is it better??

Time of creation

The Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) is a public association of cynological organizations. It unites 1,427 kennel clubs in Russia. Established in 1991. Collaborates with the International Canine Federation - FCI.

The public organization "Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia" (SCOR) is a member of the International Kennel Union (IKU). Unites the CIS and Baltic countries. Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in 1990. And it unites more than 1,500 cynological organizations in Russia. Cooperates with all cynological organizations in Russia, Europe and America.


In the RKF, you don’t need much to become the Champion of Russia. Since exhibitions take place almost every weekend, all you need is time, money and desire. Exhibitions at the RKF are becoming more and more expensive. But it’s more difficult to bring a gift from an exhibition, since they are given only at Best.

In SKOR it is more difficult to become a CR. Because their exhibitions are held much less frequently. But the prize fund is rich. And people receive not only moral satisfaction for their money, but also memorable gifts in the form of a rosette or medal.


In both organizations, when a puppy is sold, a puppy card is issued - the puppy’s metric. Where the date of birth, the nicknames of the parents and the numbers of their pedigrees are also written down. The tear-off part of the metric is given in exchange for a pedigree.

From December 1, 2022, in the RKF it will be possible to exchange a puppy card only for an export pedigree. Naturally, this will cost significantly more. In SKOR, the change of puppy takes place as usual. Either you exchange it for domestic or export, depending on your desire, and the price is cheaper.

National Breed Club (NKP)

The RKF has a National Breed Club. Which is designed to promote the popularization of the breed in Russia and develop common approaches to breeding work with a specific breed within the framework of the RKF. The National Club of the East European Shepherd is introducing new rules for admission to breeding. And it seems to be for the good of the breed, but in fact it is increasingly alienating people from the breed.

There is no NCP in SKOR.

Tribal status

Both organizations have breeding regulations, according to which dogs are allowed to be bred. I will not dwell in detail on each point, because they are almost the same, with the exception of those that are introduced by the NCP.

Human factor

Now let's talk about the most important thing - the human factor... And here is the most interesting part. The opinion that RKF is better is firmly ingrained in our heads. Probably because we ourselves are members of it)) And SKOR is worse.. Well, how could it be otherwise, it’s a competitor). That in SKOR there are bad dogs, fake pedigrees, but everything is cool here... But let's be honest, in RKF everything is the same. So maybe it's something else after all?? In stereotypes?? In people ??


If a person is passionate about his work, he communicates with the owners of his puppies. And he always tries to find out how his pets are doing in their new homes. And he helps with advice, etc., then what difference does it make what organization he belongs to. If a buyer takes a puppy, so to speak, for himself, for home and family, he has no show ambitions, then again, what difference does it make to him what letters his puppy’s pedigree has?

Here's an example: I just had a litter of puppies. Both parents with RKF documents. But by mutual agreement with the owner of the bitch, they decided to register the litter with SKOR. And the puppies will receive the SKOR pedigree. A buyer calls and says that he has been looking for a friend for a long time. To protect his home and soul, he is not going to go to exhibitions. I tell him that the litter will be SOON, and in response, “Well, what are you talking about, then I don’t need such a puppy.”

And then the question

A logical question arises: what is the difference between a puppy with SCOR documents, who has both RKF parents, and other puppies? Where are both RKF parents, but the puppy will have RKF pedigree?? This means that the person didn’t need a friend after all... The piece of paper turned out to be more important than the puppy. What difference does it make to the buyer what documents the dog has? Or will she bark differently behind the fence??

Yes, if the buyer has exhibition ambitions, and he is interested in going to exhibitions every weekend, then this is definitely the place for him in RKF. There are many exhibitions there. If a buyer needs a friend, then they can choose from any litter. Regardless of documents. The main thing is that the parents and the puppy like it.

What if the buyer wants his dog to be bred?

Now here is where the difficulty comes again. According to the rules of the RKF, those producers who fulfill the mandatory conditions for this can go into breeding:

  • will receive an exhibition assessment
  • will pass exams on OKD (General Training Course)
  • ZKS (Protective Guard Service)
  • will undergo nervous system testing
  • They will take pictures for dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints.

It is necessary. And we all know that most of these diplomas are simply bought. We strive to ensure that the dogs have a good psyche, but we ourselves are constantly missing something, the psyche is not getting better.

What about SKOR??

Yes, except for the exhibition assessment, nothing has been entered into the mandatory requirements. And of course, the breeder who doesn’t care will not do anything beyond what is necessary. But a responsible breeder will do everything for his dogs to at least be confident in the health of his dogs. And he will take pictures for dysplasia. And he will train the dog, and it doesn’t matter whether he receives a diploma or not, but everything is fair.

Specifically, for any manufacturer used in our nursery, pictures for dysplasia and a test for degenerative myelopathy are MANDATORY. Regardless of which system the litter is registered in.

Example: just a couple of weeks ago I saw a very beautiful Oriental. Who sat with the breeder behind the fence for up to 4.5 months. Absolutely not socialized, but with an excellent psyche. Seeing a bunch of people and dogs for the first time, he fit in perfectly with the team. He happily got acquainted with everyone, wagging his tail. I asked where he was from, it turned out to be SKOR. So why do we say that SKOR is worse?


One can argue endlessly about which organization is better. But the main thing in all this is the person. Everything depends on his honesty, his view of the breed, his desire to popularize the breed, his ability and ability to properly, competently raise puppies.

This is where we come to the point that everything depends on the PERSON. Therefore, choose a person, that is, your breeder , and it doesn’t matter what system he is in.

You can read more different articles in our VK group .

The author of the article is Yulia Kuznetsova (breeder and owner of East European Shepherd dogs). Photos and videos from personal archive. © All rights reserved. When copying, please provide a direct link to the site.

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