Mix of pug and chihuahua, spitz, pekingese, french bulldog

The term mestizo refers to the offspring of dogs born as a result of crossing different breeds. Previously, puppies from casual relationships were considered marriage. At the end of the twentieth century, for example, dog handlers crossed a Labrador with a poodle to create a guide dog whose fur does not cause allergies.

This is how mestizos appeared, in the exterior of which traits characteristic of one or both parents appear. Today, designer dog breeding has become widespread throughout the world.

Mixed breeds cannot be considered full-fledged new breeds.

From the article you will find out with whom pugs are crossed, is it possible to predict the appearance and character of future puppies?


Pugs have a bright appearance and a good-natured character, they are calm and do not cause much trouble to their owners, which is why representatives of this breed are often used for designer selection.

According to veterinarians and geneticists , mestizos acquire a number of positive qualities compared to their parents:

  • less prone to genetic diseases;
  • resistant to other diseases;
  • smarter and easier to train;
  • they have an unusual appearance.

Disadvantages of crossing breeds:

  • it is impossible to predict the size, appearance, character of the offspring;
  • possible nervousness and aggressiveness of mestizos.

The result is more or less predictable when breeds similar in quality and size are taken for crossing.

Here are some designer breeds that are created by crossing a Pug with other types of dogs.

Crossed with Husky

The dimensions of the husky are much larger: height 50 - 60 cm, weight 16 - 23 kg. The breeds are not very similar in appearance and character.

Huskies are not decorative dogs; they need physical activity and jogging.

Hug - this is the name given to a rare mestizo.

He was born to a mother, a Chinese pug, and a father, a Siberian husky. Dad gave the puppy color, blue eyes, good-natured character, mom gave him external features and body structure. These breeds are not specifically crossed.


The Pekingese and the Pug have the same historical roots: both breeds come from ancient China. Both dogs are decorative, they have a flattened, snub-nosed muzzle, so both are prone to snoring. Pekingese are slightly smaller in stature, they have short legs, long hair, which needs to be carefully looked after. Dogs need attention, are jealous, and smart.

For both breeds in China, the same term was used, “waddling,” which characterizes the same gait.

Lo - shi pug (short pug) - this is the name given to the mestizo. The appearance of the mixed-breed puppies is harmonious and attractive. They have good health and stamina. They look like pugs, but their legs are shorter. The character is decisive, like a Pekingese, complacent and optimistic, like a pug.

Unfortunately, such mestizos often have a genetic disease associated with impaired synthesis of growth hormone. The consequence is a decrease in the life expectancy of mestizos.

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested breed itself is unusual in that one litter can contain hairless and downy puppies. Long hair in hairless individuals grows only on the head, ears, tail and paws, while in downy individuals it grows all over the body. The Chinese Crested is slightly smaller in size and weight than the Pug. The dog looks fragile and delicate, its paws are long and thin, its muzzle is elongated.

Good-natured, smart, shy, cannot stand loneliness. Health is good. Belongs to decorative breeds. Khokhlomops (Pugese) is the name given to the mestizo. The dog's appearance is specific: a pug with characteristic folds and tufts of hair.

Since ancient times, representatives of the Chinese Crested breed have been the personification of love and devotion. The Indians endowed them with medicinal properties. With a high degree of probability, the homeland of these dogs is Central America.

Toy Terrier

The Toy Terrier is a decorative dog. A fragile, small, short-haired dog with a sharp muzzle and erect ears. It does not require special care. Both dogs are almost the same in height, but the weight of that terrier is half that of a robust pug.

Terriers are kind and cheerful, but in a moment of danger they will bark loudly and may bite. Their health is excellent. Mixed breeds of these breeds are rare. It is likely that the pug will convey folds, a snub nose, and a strong body.

In medieval England, brave little dogs fought desperately against the rats that infested the cities at that time.

French bulldog

Pug bull or Frug is the name of a mestizo. Representatives of this breed are similar in build, flattened muzzle, folds, but larger.

Unfortunately, these dogs also have similar health problems: obesity due to excessive appetite, breathing problems.

It is predictable that the offspring will have the same problems.


Taxomops is the name of a mestizo who received short legs from a dachshund, and from a pug a compact muscular body, large eyes, folds on the muzzle and a curled tail.


The dachshund is the smallest hunting dog, bred to hunt small animals in holes.

This mestizo has two remarkable features:

  • hypoallergenic, i.e. suitable for people allergic to dog hair;
  • affectionate character and kindness help to become a friend to all family members.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a medium-sized dog with long hair of black, white and brown color. Wool requires constant and careful care. Cannot stand loneliness, calm and devoted. Life expectancy up to 20 years!

It is believed that this small dog comes from ancient Tibet. Translated from ancient Chinese, Shih Tzu means “lion”. According to legend, it was a representative of this breed that accompanied Buddha during his travels and turned into a lion in moments of danger.

It is likely that the offspring when these two breeds are combined will receive a flattened muzzle and folds.

Spitz mix

The Spitz is considered the most barking dog.

The charming fluffy Spitz dog is distinguished by its small stature (on average 20 cm), cleanliness, endurance, and cheerfulness. They live 12 - 14 years and longer.

If a Spitz is crossed with a representative of another breed of the same size, the mestizo inherits good health.


They call him a puggle . This is also an unofficial standard and is advisory in nature, so problems usually arise with official documents. It is not particularly demanding in terms of care and gets along well in an apartment. It is distinguished by its friendliness, non-aggression, playful disposition and high intelligence.

Crossing a pug and a husky

Despite the fact that huskies are much larger in size and weight than pugs, they make very cute puppies. The height of a husky is 0.5 meters and its weight is about 15-20 kilograms. These breeds are not at all similar in character, and even more so in appearance. Representatives of the Husky breed need regular physical activity and are not decorative dogs. Pugs are the opposite. They are considered very lazy animals that sleep often and for long periods of time. This breed is exclusively decorative.

This breed was obtained by accident and was named Hag. The baby's mother is a Chinese pug, and his father is a purebred Siberian husky. From his father, the puppy adopted blue eyes, coloring and an elongated face. And my mother rewarded the hag with a small build and some external features.

Stories of both breeds

How did miniature French bulldogs come about?

The ancestors of the Frenchies are English bulldogs. Bulldogs were bred as fighting dogs that took part in fighting bulls. French bulldogs (which were actually bred in England, not France) were also initially used for these purposes, but after the ban on dog fighting, these four-legged dogs began to be perceived by people as ordinary pets.

When the breed came to France with immigrants, it came under the attention of the French elite. The price for the dog was very high, so such a pet was considered a companion of the rich. The French elite gave the familiar name to this bulldog.

The French came to Russia in the first half of the nineteenth century. They were brought to an exhibition in St. Petersburg, thanks to which this dog became in demand. Famous people turned her on: writers, singers, actors.

How did pugs appear?

According to the generally accepted version, pugs came to us from ancient China seven to eight centuries ago. During this period, the Chinese nobility kept pugs with long and short hair. Short-haired representatives were especially valued because the folds on their forehead formed a pattern that reminded the Chinese of imperial hieroglyphs.

Pugs were brought to Europe only in the mid-sixteenth century. First, pugs were brought to France, and then they spread to other countries - England, the Netherlands, etc. And later the breed came to Russia. The familiar pugs we see today took 20 years to develop.


If you are planning to buy or have already taken such a dog into your home, but don’t know what to name it , listen to our advice. Too sonorous and pretentious names are unlikely to be suitable, because she looks funny and awkward.

It's better to choose something fun, sweet and short, like Zizy or Iggy. The names of rock stars - Flea, Ozzy, Janice, Sid, Paul - may be suitable for such creatures.

You can also be inspired by literary characters or movie heroes - Hercules, Circe, Zelda or Smith.

Don’t get carried away with too cool names, you may quickly get bored with it, and then there’s no escape from it. Walking Quasimodo or Cockroach on a leash may be fun for the first week, but after that it will be awkward. It’s better to call the four-legged one John or Maggie, so you can calmly call him on the street without catching strange glances. Options such as Rocky, Denny, Hank, Mike, Hooch, Georges, Kevin, Sarah, Emma, ​​Nelson, Xena or Rey are also suitable.

To read: Ancient Schipperke breed: Belgian Shepherd in miniature

It is interesting to name dogs in honor of heroes of the mythology of any nationality, it looks both bold and beautiful - what do you think, for example, the dog Zeus or the girl Hera? And then there are Loki, Freya, Yarilo, Svarog, Veles, Mara, Makosh, Lada and Jupiter. In addition, you can use English words modified in the manner of the name - Sweet, White, Big, Little, Haer, Gray.

About mestizo parents

Pugs and Chihuahuas are small breeds of dogs. Chihuahuas are decorative dogs, bred for the purpose of decorating a home, and not protecting it. Of course, under certain conditions, even the most harmless dog can bite, but this happens quite rarely, despite the wayward nature of most representatives of the breed.

Small and funny pugs have a playful, lively and fairly balanced character. They are capable of becoming very attached to their owner and missing him if he is absent for a long period of time. A cross between a pug and a chihuahua can be considered a completely successful experiment.

Crossing a pug with a toy terrier

The toy terrier, like the pug, belongs to the category of decorative dogs. It has long legs, light weight, and a sharp face. By crossing a pug and a toy, you get very cute puppies. Most likely, they will not be large in size, but more round in shape than the parent. Also, the baby’s body may have folds that he borrowed from the pug.

When crossing dogs of different breeds, no one can ever predict what kind of puppies will turn out. Each mixed-breed dog is unique and inimitable. It is also worth studying the medical documents of dogs when crossing. If one of the future parents has any diseases, there is a high probability that they will be passed on to the baby. Therefore, be vigilant and attentive!

Mixture characteristics

A mixed breed, if we talk about a cross between a pug and a Chihuahua, usually has all the properties of its parents, but in individual cases, individual traits of each of the breeds that served as the basis for its birth may be more pronounced.

Sometimes the mestizo is overly playful and emotional, fawns over his owner and others, loves to be stroked, combed, talked to and given a lot of time. Looking at such a good-natured dog, many decide to get the same pet for themselves. But, most likely, following Murphy's law, the acquired puppy will have a completely different temperament.

Mestizos, more similar to Chihuahuas, do not have the most pleasant character, need training, and may try to achieve a dominant position in the family. They do not like to be petted; they prefer more important things to their owner's attention, such as sleeping or playing with other animals.

Chihuahua is a mestizo, common features

Pet selection criteria

In what cases should you give preference to pugs:

  • if there are many people living in the apartment and there are children;
  • if it is not possible to walk the dog often;
  • when the living space is small.

Disadvantages of such pets:

  • not suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • bark loudly;
  • may damage some interior items.

Pugs are suitable for large families with children

Who is best suited for French Bulldogs:

  • people who have other pets in the apartment;
  • for those who don't like barking.

Disadvantages of such pets:

  • snore in their sleep;
  • prone to dermatitis;
  • can't stand the cold.

French Bulldogs do not tolerate cold well

Comparing these two breeds, we can say that the differences are insignificant in terms of maintenance and care. However, if a person is not ready for daily walks and active games, then pugs should be preferred.

I love both of these breeds very much. Of course, both will have to be looked after, since dogs have their own characteristics and weaknesses. The advantage of such breeds, it seems to me, is that these pets can be fed not only with specialized food, but also with natural food. In addition, small dogs will not eat much, which is very economical. In terms of appearance, I prefer French bulldogs, but otherwise I would prefer pugs.


The cost of such a funny creature depends on many factors - on its character, appearance, health and whether it was specially bred or obtained thanks to the free love of its parents. In the latter case, they are given away free of charge or for a symbolic price; such advertisements can be searched on the Internet.

But if a mestizo was planned, its price could range from five to twenty thousand ! This is not surprising, because they are now in fashion and are able to demonstrate the originality and non-standard taste of their owner.

If you want to buy a puppy just for the sake of fashion and the desire to show off your extravagant taste, think twice! After all, this is a person with his own character and individual characteristics, who can feel and understand a lot.

She will suffer if you treat her like a stylish toy. Cubs and adults need sincere love, care and attention. If you know that you can give it to them, go ahead, such a baby will definitely make you happy!


What you won't have with this pet is a lot of hair in the house. They do not need to be cut or combed, only the crest needs to be given attention. They should be bathed with a special shampoo, and then immediately wrapped in a warm towel and warmed up. If you wish, you can train them to use a tray, but you will still need to go outside from time to time - they need fresh air.

Regularly you will have to carry out the following hygiene procedures, which are best taught to your puppy from childhood:

  • Clean your ears with a special liquid and a cotton pad,
  • Brush your teeth with a dog brush and toothpaste so that in old age they don’t hurt or fall out,
  • Trim claws as they grow,
  • Comb your bangs
  • Wipe your eyes and put medicine in them if they are watery,
  • Visit your veterinarian for a routine checkup.

Due to the special structure of their mouths, these dogs often snore

, which can make you nervous. You need to prepare for this in advance, and if you understand that you cannot come to terms with it, choose another type of animal.

The body of these animals is folded, and they should be cleaned from time to time - wiped with a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine. Pay special attention to the folds on the face, because food, debris and all sorts of discharge from the nose and mouth get into them. This should be done once a month and whenever it gets dirty.

Crossing a Pug with a Chinese Crested

The peculiarity of this breed is that puppies can be born naked, with fluff on the head, tail, and completely fluffy. The Chinese Crested is significantly different in appearance from the Pug. It has less weight, long legs, an elongated muzzle and a delicate naked body.

The mixed breed was received in good health. He has excellent character traits for lovers of calm and affectionate dogs. Khokhlomops - this is the name given to this cute dog. This is a very unusual animal in appearance. Have you ever seen a hairless pug with tufts of hair on its head and tail? No? Then imagine.

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