How to train a puppy to sleep in his place alone at night

Why does a dog sleep poorly?

Typically, dogs need an average of about 12-14 hours a day to get enough sleep. Large breeds, such as St. Bernards, do not wake up during the night. They can sleep soundly even during the day. Yorkshire terriers also love to nap. If the house is warm and quiet, the dog goes to its bed. Daytime naps can last from 20 minutes to a couple of hours. More active pets, in particular the Jack Russell Terrier, prefer to rest in fits and starts. Their sleep is short, but more frequent.

The dog is resting

It happens that the puppy stays awake at night, whines, howls, and wakes up the owners. The most common reasons for this behavior are a sedentary lifestyle, when the dog is not walked much during the day or is not taken outside at all, as well as stress. Pets' sleep may be disturbed when there is frost or a sharp rise in air temperature.


Dogs are sensitive to weather changes. If your pet can't sleep, he may be feeling a thunderstorm coming. It is believed that animals sense air vibrations, so they react to thunder before humans can hear them. Dogs' behavior changes when blood pressure drops, which usually occurs before precipitation.


If a puppy is taken away from his family, he will first miss his brothers, sisters and mother. The pet will walk around the house looking for them, may refuse to eat, and whine. For example, French bulldogs are sensitive to separation from their family; it is difficult for them to be alone. But dogs tend to adapt quickly if they are given due attention, taken care of, and educated.

There is nothing wrong with the dog feeling homesick for the first week or two. There is no need to put pressure on him, it is better to show understanding and patience. If he whines in the evening, ignore him and spend a lot of time with him during the daytime.

The dog is whining

Note! It is not recommended to separate the puppy from its mother before 2 months. Experienced breeders will never give a pet to new owners until it is 8 weeks old.

Affection and care

It happens that a puppy is taken from its mother at too early an age. The first days in a new place, he seems to be cheerful and cheerful during the day, but at night he begins to cry, whine, and scratch at the owner’s room. The above methods will not work here. The baby is scared, he is lonely, plus stress from a change of environment, and even his mother is not around. So he wanders around at night.

Try to recreate the puppy’s familiar environment a little. What is required for this:

  1. Correct sleeping place. Not just a doormat, but a neat little house. As an option - a soft couch with high sides, or even your own chair. The main thing is that the puppy feels protected.
  2. Warm. This could be a hot water bottle or a plastic bottle. It is advisable to wrap them in a warm, soft cloth. Then the puppy will think that he is next to his mother and will sleep peacefully until the morning.
  3. Attention. Give it as much time as possible during the day. There is nothing worse than taking a baby away from its mother and then leaving it to fend for itself.

Of course, affection and care are very important in properly raising a puppy, but do not overdo it. Otherwise, in the future you will get an impossible whim instead of a true friend of man.

how to stop a puppy from whining at night

Resting place for a puppy

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The puppy's place for sleeping should be something he likes. He will not want to spend time in it if it causes negative emotions. You should not send your puppy to his corner to rest as a punishment.

How to painlessly put your puppy to sleep in his designated place:

  • Place the pet's rug or house so that it is not disturbed by a draft or the light of a lamp or street lamp. For small dogs - Yorkies and Chihuahuas, you can take a lounger. They come in different shapes and sizes, with and without sides.
  • Create convenience and comfort. The dog should be warm and soft.
  • You shouldn’t forbid your dog to take his favorite toys with him.

Perhaps the pet does not like the chosen place. If it is located in the corridor, and the dog is eager to go to the master bedroom, you can arrange a corner for him in the room where the owner rests.

Factors that interfere with healthy sleep

It is impossible to control the onset of the sleep cycle, but there are factors that prevent the puppy from sleeping:

  • unfamiliar or loud noises;
  • active play;
  • stress;
  • eating;
  • excessive lighting;
  • uncomfortable bed.

Air temperature also affects sleep. But this is a special parameter. So, in a room with a temperature of +15 C, a whippet will feel comfortable, but a St. Bernard may overheat. Therefore, set the temperature taking into account the characteristics of your pet’s coat.

Did you know? Do dogs laugh? Ethnologist Konrad Lorenz suggested that this was so. When the puppy invites you to play, he opens his jaws, slightly tilting the corner of his mouth and hanging out his tongue. This gives the impression that the pet is laughing.

Before bed rituals

What to do if your puppy doesn’t let you sleep at night:

  • Walk your pet daily, including before bed. The dog must get tired and spend the accumulated energy, only then will its rest be complete.
  • Feed the dog for the last time 3 hours before going to bed, give water two hours before.
  • Make sure the puppy goes to the toilet. Otherwise his sleep will be disturbed.
  • If an animal begins to whine, attracting the owner’s attention, you should not encourage this by feeling sorry for him. This kind of thing needs to be stopped immediately. If the pet receives affection from the owner, he will want to return to similar behavior next time. It's best to ignore the whining. You can use a deny command.

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The dog quickly gets used to the regime if the owner adheres to it.

Note! The pet usually goes to bed with the owner. When nothing bothers him, he is well-fed, healthy, and has spent the day actively, then his rest will be long. A tired dog will sit on a separate rug and relax.


Dogs are very dependent on their owners. This is especially true for small puppies. Impressionable little ones quickly remember prohibiting commands and obey their owners. If your shaggy friend is noisy or too annoying, it is acceptable to shush him. After this, the pet will probably calm down. With the right amount of patience, you can teach your baby the “Sleep” command.

Fidgets can be calmed down with the help of a newspaper. Roll it into a tube and tap it on the floor. Just don’t hit your pet under any circumstances! You cannot punish a child. Firstly, the baby simply will not understand what idea you want to convey. Mistrust will arise. Secondly, the night will begin to be associated with something bad. The puppy may resist and resist even more due to emerging fears.

What positions do dogs sleep in?

Pets prefer to sleep in different positions: on their stomach, back or side. Street animals usually curl up. This way the heat stays longer and the dog doesn’t freeze, and it also takes little time to get up on its paws. Stray dogs usually do not feel safe, so they do not take relaxed positions.

On the stomach

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Watchdogs love to sleep on their stomachs. If they hear a suspicious noise or rustle, they will rise up in a second to take action. Such dogs are always on the alert, ready to stand up for the owner and protect property.

On the side

Lying on your side is not very comfortable. But in this position the animal can fall asleep soundly. Often, owners notice how the pet twitches its paws, as if running away from being chased. The muscles in this position are not completely relaxed; the dog will instantly wake up if he senses something is wrong.

On the back

In the supine position, the dog is as relaxed as possible. Only pets who feel completely safe sleep this way. They know that they are not in danger and their owner will protect them at any time.

Note! Dogs lie on their backs during hot weather. This way, heat leaves the surface of the body faster; on the belly, the fur is usually not as long and thick as in other places.

How to stop your pet from whining

First of all, you should understand the reasons why the dog is whining, and only then take active action. In most cases, it is enough for the animal to satisfy its physiological needs - for this it needs to be fed, walked, if it asks to go outside. Sociable dogs require attention, especially if you have not been around for a long time. Steps to quickly calm your pet:

  • consciously ignore if your pet tries to get your attention by whining;
  • offer a favorite toy, bone or treat;
  • distract by executing practiced commands;
  • caress and scratch, pick up.

From a young age, you should not allow your pet to violently express its emotions. If he starts barking or whining when overexcited, he needs to be calmed down immediately and his energy transferred to active behavior and communication.

If firecrackers and fireworks are planned, it is recommended that the dog be kept in a confined and dark area where he can be safe (for example, in the bathroom or bedroom). Drinking water and food must be left there.

Puppies should be taught to be alone almost as soon as they arrive in the house. Gradually increase your weaning time from 2 minutes to several hours. Immediately after returning, praise for waiting and give a treat. It is useful to install a camera in the apartment so that you can monitor the dog while you are away. This is especially beneficial for active breeds such as huskies, large terriers, boxers and pit bulls.

Ways to adjust biorhythms

Anyone who decides to get a dog must understand that the daily routine will have to be adjusted to the animal. You need to walk your pet in the morning and evening; it’s good if he spends at least half an hour outside. Active animals require dog games, physical activity, and training every day. Do not forget about proper nutrition, which is also carried out according to a schedule. Only if all the rules are followed will the dog have a sound and healthy sleep; he will not wake up his owners by barking and whining.

How to put a dog to sleep, what to do to establish the animal’s routine:

  • Do not leave your pet alone for a long time. If he sees his owner only in the evenings, then he strives to spend more time with him, flirting and forgetting about sleep.
  • Go to bed at the same time as your pet. When the owner is awake, the dog will not want to go to his place. If you sit up until the morning several times, it will be difficult to switch your dog to a different mode.
  • Play actively with the dog during the day, preferably in the fresh air. People who prefer to lead a quiet lifestyle and do not like walking are not recommended to have active pets.


How to fix the situation? Very simple. Make your puppy play during the day. Exhaust it so that your pet has no extra energy left. You need to keep your puppy occupied and not just wake him up. Try to distribute the load evenly. It is advisable to include training and intellectual games. For example, thimbles or various labyrinths.

Before going to bed, be sure to take a walk and feed the baby. Well-fed puppies sleep better. If the baby wants to relieve himself, he will involuntarily wake up and may begin to wake you up. The pet will decide to play at the same time.

The puppy does not sleep in his place

How to get your dog to always sleep in his place:

  • If the puppy is small, it is better to buy him a house, show him, and put bedding on the bottom. You can take a cardboard box if it is not too cramped for the dog. If he wants to sleep in the owner’s bed and you can’t persuade him to lie down in his place, put the purchased kennel on the bed and let the dog inside. As soon as she falls asleep, move the house to the floor, to a place intended for the pet. Gradually he will get used to laying down on his own and will look for familiar bedding.
  • Place a toy on the dog's mat that he uses during the day, attracting his attention.
  • The puppy can be fed next to a box or house to create pleasant associations. If you plan to place the animal in an enclosure, bowls are placed inside it. The dog must receive everything it needs while in a fenced area.
  • In the evening, you need to tire your pet and actively play with him. About an hour before bedtime, postpone noisy activities so that the dog calms down. To relax him, you can scratch his belly or the area behind his ears.
  • As soon as the dog settles down on its own territory, you need to praise it. A kind word from an owner is the best incentive for a pet.

The owner's praise

While the dog is getting used to its new home and place to sleep, there is no need to put it far from its owner’s bed. If something bothers the dog, it will let the owner know. Repeated actions every day will help the animal get into the mood for sleep, this applies not only to evening pastimes, it is important to follow a diet and during walks.

Note! The operation of accustoming to a place must be consistent. You can’t let an animal into bed today and leave it outside the door tomorrow, scolding it for disobedience.

Not all pet owners know how to make their dog fall asleep quickly. You can't force a dog to lie down where he doesn't want to. He must like his place. Coercion will only discourage desire and make the learning process painful. The correct daily routine, the necessary attention to the dog and daily walks will contribute to a calm and quick fall asleep.

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Sleep phases

After falling asleep (slow sleep phase), the animal’s body temperature drops, the heart rate decreases, the body is in a relaxed state, and breathing becomes deep. At this stage, the animal can wake up from any rustle. After which the REM sleep phase begins, which lasts about 10-15 minutes. During this period, rapid eye movement is observed, the animal may move its legs and whine. Pets may snore in their sleep or sleep with their eyes open.

There are two phases of dog sleep: REM and NREM.

REM sleep

REM sleep is deep sleep. It is in this phase that the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems becomes more active. During sleep, the dog's whiskers begin to twitch, his lips begin to twitch, and his eyes move intensely under closed eyelids. The tail begins to whine in its sleep, twitch its paws and smack its lips. It is believed that it is during this phase that the animal dreams (chases a cat, runs after a ball, or eats something tasty).

While you may be able to imagine your dog snuggling up to you in bed, this can happen later after he is fully house trained. It is important to keep your puppy indoors, but not isolated or feel too confined. Never use a small box; this can make the puppy very stressed and often leads to more nighttime barking and other problems.

A small enclosed area that includes a comfortable dog bed works best. It should be located in a quiet area of ​​the house. It is recommended not to have it in your own bedroom; if your puppy can't sleep simply because he feels you are so close and to him, you should interact and play no matter what time it happens.

A dog's dreams, just like a person's dreams, directly depend on his lifestyle. If the dog is a hunting dog, then in a dream he will constantly run and catch prey. But if the dog is a guard dog, then in a dream it will grumble, growl and protect the house from an invisible enemy.

Despite the fact that during the rapid phase of sleep the four-legged dog behaves so restlessly, and this phase is very short and makes up only 25% of the total amount of sleep time, it is still deep sleep and the nervous system also rests.

Lower the lights and lower the volume on the TV. While you don't need to resort to whispering, a calm and quiet voice can help give the general idea of ​​a calm and calm environment. If there is any belief that your Chihuahua puppy is not sleeping because he needs to go to the bathroom, you should listen to it.

You want the lamps to be very low and keep talking to a minimum. Once the deed is done, put him back on the bed, give him a quick pat and walk away. It's hard to do, but you will be helping him in the long run.

slow sleep

Slow or light sleep is characterized by decreased muscle tone. The dog's breathing normalizes and calms down, and the heart rate slows down. NREM sleep is characterized by the absence of dreams and serves to restore the dog's physical strength.

Continuing our research on how long dogs sleep, let's talk about why, when going to bed, the dog begins to spin like a top.

One of the best ways to train your Chihuahua puppy to sleep at night is to show him that absolutely nothing interesting, or anything at all, happens at night. There is no play, there is no pleasure, and no one talks. He will not calm down, and he will not sing a lullaby. In fact, life is so boring when it's dark, lies retreat and put off until the morning, when there is interaction, fun, pleasure and attention.

If the puppy simply urinated and eliminated, and he stayed only to get attention, he should be allowed to sleep on his own. Owners who rush every time there is a yelp or whine will actually train the puppy to call all night long. This can create a foundation of terrible habits that are not easy to change.

Try sedatives

There are a number of products designed to relieve stress and calm anxious dogs. One of these can be helpful, especially when the dog is trying to adjust to sleeping in an unfamiliar place.

Some products are sprays that can be applied around your dog's sleeping area, others are added to your dog's drinking water, and some are chewable.

For severe anxiety that makes it difficult for your dog to sleep, your veterinarian may give a prescription medication.

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