Super premium dog food: 16 best brands

Proper and balanced nutrition is very important for any growing organism, including a puppy. Selecting suitable food is one of the main tasks facing every owner interested in the well-being of their pet. You can make the right choice only by taking into account the physiological characteristics of the animal, which largely depend on its size. The assortment of most manufacturers necessarily includes variations of food for puppies of different sizes.

Unfortunately, not all food is equally useful, because to reduce the cost of products, many manufacturers add bone meal, offal and other low-quality components to their products, and widely use cereals and various flavoring additives. In this article, I will help you figure out what types of puppy food are available, tell you what to look for when choosing, and give a brief description of the most popular products on the Russian market.

Advantages of super premium food

The main advantages of super premium food are its balance. Normally, food should contain a basic complex of vitamins and microelements. Super-premium food is divided into lines to best meet the needs of dogs of different breeds and sizes.

Note! The line between premium and super-premium is very thin, so before choosing food for your pet, you need to carefully study the composition.

Composition of Akana dog food: from general to specific

Another important concept that is embodied in all Acana lines and foods is the WholePrey ratio, which literally means “whole prey.” In nature, predators eat not only meat, but also the insides of their victims, as well as cartilage and bones, which are rich in many useful substances. When added to food, heart, kidneys, liver, and tripe serve as natural sources of important nutrients.

Another way to enrich food in a natural way, and not with the help of large amounts of synthesized vitamins and other substances, is to use fresh rather than frozen meat or flour in production. The record holder for fresh meat content is the Acana Regionals line, but there is also a lot of it in other lines.

Of course, dehydrated, that is, dried meat, is also used, because fresh meat contains too much water, which does not allow achieving the required concentration of animal proteins in the finished product. However, dehydration is carried out directly in production and using a gentle method - at a low temperature, which allows you to preserve more useful substances.

You can find out more about Akana dog food in other sections of the official Asan website - in the “Frequently Asked Questions” and “Articles” sections.

Super premium feed composition

The composition of super premium feed is not regulated by government regulatory authorities. However, there are generally accepted standards that are understood as super-premium products:

  • Natural meat content.
  • No or minimal preservative content.
  • No flavor enhancers or dyes.

According to guaranteed indicators, it is desirable that the feed meets the following standards:

  • Proteins – from 28%
  • Fats – from 13%
  • Fiber (fiber) – from 3.5%
  • Moisture up to 10%
  • Calorie content from 350 kcal/100 g.

Note! The energy content of the feed can be increased by cereals and the proteins can be of plant origin.

Choosing the right food

For everyone who keeps decorative dogs, there comes a time when you begin to think about what food you should choose for your pet so that it meets all the standards and at the same time belongs to a number of hypoallergenic foods for small dogs.

To do this, it is worth considering several points:

  • One third of the food should consist of animal proteins;
  • The following types of meat should be present: rabbit, beef, veal;
  • The food must contain plant components (rice, wheat or oatmeal, bran);
  • Among the above ingredients, the food should include dried vegetables, fruits, and berries;
  • The presence of flax seed, wheat germ, and alfalfa are indicators of quality nutrition.

The presence of preservatives, aromatic additives, flavor enhancers - all these are indicators that the food is of low quality and you absolutely should not give this to your pet, because it will have a detrimental effect on its well-being, growth and health in general.

To prevent this, you need to know that if the food contains the following ingredients, then it is better not to give it to your pet:

  • Presence of ground bones, meat waste, feathers;
  • Bone meal to add volume to the feed;
  • Fish by-products;
  • Dry animal liver powder.

Usually, food manufacturers indicate the composition ratio, but if it is not there, you should carefully study what is written on the packaging. First, the product that is abundant in the food is indicated, and if it is a product of plant origin, then it is better not to buy it.

Also be sure to check the expiration date and manufacturer’s addresses. If they also produce food for people, it is best to avoid this type of food as they may be using food waste.

In order for your pet to always be healthy and happy with its appearance, it is better not to skimp on food and give it something that will really benefit its health.

Rating of the best super premium dog food

The rating of the best super premium dog food is a good support for the owner who has just started looking for a suitable diet for his pet. However, all data is for informational purposes only.

Important! All dogs are individual! If you buy food to try, limit yourself to a small pack. You should not buy samples, since their quality is always much higher than the food itself.

Acana (Akana) and Orijen (Origen)

Acana is one of the most popular super-premium foods. The good reputation of the food is deserved, since its quality is no different from holistic food, but it is more affordable financially.

Let's look at the quality of Acana using the example of Adult Dog daily food. According to the manufacturer, the food contains proteins (up to 60%) only of animal origin. A third of the meat used is fresh (minced meat) and 2/3 is dehydrated - this is a very reasonable combination.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 29% – good.
  • Fat 17% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 5% – excellent.
  • Moisture up to 12% is satisfactory.
  • Calorie content 315 kcal/100 g. – satisfactory.

Note! In composition, the term “meat” refers to minced meat, offal and cartilage - this is the main reason why Acana belongs to the super-premium class and not the holistic class.

Orijen - food containing 2/3 fresh fish! The fish is not pre-frozen or processed. The food does not contain preservatives. Let's take a closer look at the products, using the Orijen Original Dog daily diet as an example.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Protein 38% – excellent.
  • Fat 18% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 5% – excellent.
  • Moisture up to 12% is satisfactory.
  • Calorie content 390 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

In addition to fish, the composition includes chicken meal, cartilage and offal. Ideal liver serves as a source of fat in the feed - an excellent solution. The flavor combination and bright aroma guarantee excellent food palatability.

Almo Nature

Almo Nature is a balanced ready-made food for dogs. It is important that the food is made in Italy, that is, it is manufactured under the supervision of regulatory authorities. Main advantages, according to the manufacturer:

  • Balance.
  • High protein content.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Rich taste - the product is suitable for picky dogs.
  • Wide range of flavors.
  • No dyes, preservatives, or flavor enhancers.
  • Raw materials of Human Grade quality, as in holistic feeds.

Let's look at product quality using the example of the daily diet Almo Nature Medium & Chicken.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 25% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 14% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3.5% – excellent.
  • Moisture up to 8.5% is good.
  • Calorie content 350 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

Guaranteed feed performance is inconsistent with the manufacturer's presentation. The protein content is reduced, and the calorie content is at premium level.

Note! The main advantage of Almo Nature Medium & Chicken food is not its balance, but the quality of the raw materials.

Arden Grange

Arden Grange is a not very well known food of decent quality. Let's take a closer look at the products, using the Arden Grange Adult Pork & Rice daily diet as an example. Food recommended for:

  • Adult dogs of medium breeds.
  • Pets with an average level of activity.
  • Picky four-legged ones.
  • Large and gigantic creatures that eat quickly.

Main Ingredients: Pork (19% fresh and 23% dehydrated meat), chicken eggs, corn, sweet potatoes. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 25% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 16% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.5% – bad.
  • Calorie content 415 kcal/100 g. - Great.

The indicators show that the calorie content of the feed is increased due to fat content. This factor is not of great importance for healthy dogs, but makes the food unsuitable for pets with liver pathologies.

Note! According to the manufacturers, the food is suitable for allergy sufferers (eggs and corn are freeze-dried), but... eggs cannot be “processed to make them hypoallergenic” without losing their beneficial properties, and corn should not be included in super-premium food at all.

Brit Care

Brit Care is a common ready-made food with a good reputation. Let's look at product quality using the example of the Brit Fresh Chicken with Potato Adult Great Life daily diet. Main ingredients: fresh chicken, potatoes, buckwheat, apple.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 28% – good.
  • Fat 16% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.5% – bad.
  • Moisture up to 10% is good.
  • Calorie content 414 kcal/100 g. - Great.

The composition does not indicate the percentage of ingredients - this is suspicious. After drying, the volume of fresh meat is reduced by 2/3. However, the food has a decent protein and calorie content. In addition, Brit Care products beat competitors on price.

Bozita (Bozita)

Bozita (Bozita) is a grain-free food containing up to 76% proteins of animal origin. The range includes products for allergy sufferers and dogs with sensitive digestion. Let's look at product quality using the Bozita Original Wheat Free daily diet as an example.

Main components: chicken (15% fresh and 24% dehydrated meat), pea starch, dried potatoes, chicken broth, beets. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 16% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 10% is good.
  • Calorie content 358.5 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

As you can see, the protein value is underestimated, although more meat is expected from grain-free feeds. The relatively high calorie content is ensured by the fat content of the food, which has a positive effect on the dog’s activity.

Bosch (Bosch)

Bosch (Bosch) is a food with a good reputation, a wide range and a reasonable price. According to the manufacturers, the food is completely balanced and rich in proteins. Let's see how true these statements are using the example of the daily diet of Bosch PLUS adult Ostrich & Potato.

Main ingredients: potatoes, dried meat mixture (ostrich), potato protein, peas, poultry fat, beets. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 21% – bad.
  • Fats 12% – satisfactory.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3.5% – good.
  • Calorie content 363.2 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

Already from the composition we see that the first place in the food is not meat, the source of animal protein is a meat mixture (meat, offal and cartilage), there are sources of plant proteins. The protein component is significantly reduced, and the calorie content of the feed is provided by fats.

Note! Bosch belongs to the super-premium class, only due to its calorie content and the absence of grains.


Belcando (Belkando) is a not very well-known brand with a narrow range of feeds. Let's look at product quality using the example of Belcando Adult Dinner - everyday food for adult dogs. The product is recommended for pets with an average level of activity and for animals with increased sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the manufacturers, the advantages of Belcando Adult Dinner are:

  • The rich starch content is really good for dogs with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, but for healthy animals the benefit is questionable.
  • Grape Seed Meal – Grapes are considered toxic to dogs, but they do contain substances that promote cell regeneration.
  • Does not contain wheat, soy, dairy or gluten. Gluten, wheat and soy free is a very good thing. But the statement about the absence of dairy products is a marketing ploy, since this is not an advantage, but a given in the production of ready-made food for animals.

Main ingredients: fresh poultry, corn, meat flour, rice, potato starch, herring flour, beet pulp. The formulation of the composition and the lack of percentages of ingredients reduces the Belcando class to premium.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 23% – bad.
  • Fat 10.5% is bad.
  • Calorie content is not disclosed; there are only recommended feeding standards.

Unclear formulations, low protein and fat content, and concealment of calorie content are all very worrying factors.

Important! In recent years, many messages have appeared on dog owner forums about a sharp decline in the quality of Belcando food.

Dukes Farm

Dukes Farm is a British series of ready-made pet food. Please note that Dukes Farm is also produced under license; the original products are marked “Made in UK” and “British Quality”.

Let's look at product quality using the example of the Duke's Farm Grain Free Adult Dog Fresh Turkey daily diet. The main advantage of the food is the absence of grain in the composition. The laconic packaging and composition are also pleasing; it is immediately clear that the manufacturer is not trying to improve its reputation through “regalia”. There are no additives other than vitamins and microelements in the composition, which is undoubtedly pleasing.

Main Ingredients: Fresh and dehydrated turkey, sweet potatoes, peas and white potatoes, turkey broth. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 14% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 8% is excellent.
  • Calorie content 354 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

The composition of the food leaves a good impression. A few points that are confusing: there are no instructions on the percentage of residues and the source of animal fat is not entirely clear.

Eukanuba (Eukanuba)

Eukanuba is one of the most popular dog foods. Let's look at the quality of products using the example of the daily diet of Eukanuba Adult Medium Breed Chicken. The manufacturer notes the main advantages of the food:

  • Prevention of tartar formation.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Improves the condition of the coat and skin.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.
  • Contains a basic complex of vitamins.

Main components: dehydrated chicken and turkey meat, wheat, fat, barley, beets, egg, chicken broth. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 15% is excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.2% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 8% is satisfactory.
  • Calorie content 386 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

As you can see, the food is suitable for everyday feeding of healthy dogs and the manufacturer’s statements do not diverge from reality.


Farmina is a manufacturer that produces several brands of food:

  • Fun Dog - economy class food.
  • Ecopet is a premium food.
  • Cibau is a super premium food.
  • N&D is a holistic class food.
  • Vet Diet – medicinal food.
  • Team Breeder – food for productive animals and puppies, it is understood that the products are intended for breeding nurseries.

Let's look at the quality of super-premium food using the example of the Farmina Cibau Adult Medium daily diet. The product is a complete diet for adult dogs, as stated by the manufacturer.

Main ingredients: dehydrated chicken meat, risk, corn, chicken fat, dehydrated fish, beets.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 25% – satisfactory.
  • Fats 12% – satisfactory.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2% – bad.
  • Calorie content 354 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

Cibau Adult Medium is a standard super-premium food that meets all expectations. In addition, the composition (on the pack) states the percentage of all ingredients - this is very good.


Grandin is a brand that is steadily gaining popularity, with a solid range of feed. Let's look at quality using the example of everyday dry food Grandin Adult All Breeds. According to the manufacturer, Adult All Breeds is a complete, balanced diet that is suitable for dogs of all breeds. The products can be used to feed allergy sufferers.

Main ingredients: lamb meat (15% fresh and 5% dehydrated), dehydrated chicken meat, lamb liver, whole and broken rice, poultry fat, beets, apple.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 24% – bad.
  • Fat 14% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.3% – bad.
  • Calorie content 413.8 kcal/100 g. - Great.

As you can see, the calorie content of the food is provided not by the meat content, but by the volume of rice included in the composition. It’s interesting that the calorie content, and even the percentage of rice, is not disclosed.

Important! According to guaranteed indicators, Grandin Adult All Breeds food can be classified as an “average” premium class.

Innova EVO (Innova Evo)

Innova EVO (Innova Evo) - “Firebird” for the ru-sector. This food is difficult to buy even on the Internet. Let's figure out why American food is so often mentioned, but has not yet entered the market.

The manufacturer presents its products with the following advantages of the composition:

  • Two types of dehydrated meat.
  • Two types of meat and bone (or fish) meal.
  • Fermented milk products (cottage cheese) are truly rare.
  • Sweet potatoes and other vegetables.
  • Chicken eggs.

The above ingredients are included in all feeds (in different proportions). Let's take a closer look using the example of the Innova EVO Dog original daily diet.

Main ingredients: turkey meat and flour, chicken meat and flour, potatoes, herring flour, chicken fat, egg, garlic, apples, carrots, tomatoes, cottage cheese. Contains probiotics and a solid base vitamin and mineral “cocktail.”

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 42% – excellent.
  • Fat 22% – excellent.
  • Carbohydrates 12% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.5% and 12% ash is an excellent ratio, although the amount of coarse fiber is lower than normal.
  • Moisture up to 10%
  • Calorie content 424.3 kcal/100 g. - Great.

The price of Innova EVO Dog original food is also “excellent”, plus the cost of international shipping. EVO products are an exception to the rule; there are no “weak points” in this food. Any underestimated indicator is compensated, and the composition is indeed optimally balanced.


Monge (Monge) - dry pet food that attracts the attention of owners due to the ratio of quality and price. Let's look at product quality using the example of Monge Superpremium Dog Medium Adult daily food. According to the manufacturer, the food is suitable for medium-sized adult dogs with a normal level of activity.

Main ingredients: chicken (10% fresh and 30% dehydrated meat), rice, corn, chicken fat, beets. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 14% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.2% – bad.
  • Calorie content 400 kcal/100 g. - Great.

Dog Medium Adult food is nutritious and high in calories, but it cannot be called balanced. The composition includes a good vitamin complex, but the calorie content is increased due to carbohydrates.

Note! Excess carbohydrates for dogs of average activity is a direct path to obesity.

Nero Gold

Nero Gold (Nero Gold) is a less common food at an adequate price. Let's look at quality using the example of the daily diet Nero Gold Adult Lamb & Rice. The manufacturer claims that the food is suitable for dogs of all breeds.

Main ingredients: chicken, maize (corn), chicken fat, yeast, beets. Guaranteed indicators:

  • Proteins 21% – bad.
  • 10% fat is bad.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content is not disclosed.

An attempt to hide corn behind the unpopular name “maize” does not do the manufacturer any credit, but translation errors cannot be ruled out. The concealment of the caloric content indicator and the underestimation of key indicators are alarming. The food can be classified as premium.


Summit is a Canadian food that has not yet gained popularity in the Russian sector. The manufacturer claims that only Canadian raw materials grown in natural (farm) conditions are used in production. Let's look at product quality using the example of Summit Original Three Meat Adult Recipe DF daily food.

Main ingredients: chicken, oatmeal, brown rice, rye, barley, fat (chicken), salmon, lamb, chicken broth, chicken eggs, bran. The composition is very long, and this is not always good. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 22% – bad.
  • 9% fat is bad.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3.5% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 10% is good.
  • Calorie content 380 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

The composition does not indicate the percentage of ingredients. However, the food is enriched with vitamins and microelements - this is good.

1st choice (Fest Choice)

1st choice (Fest Choice) is one of the pioneers in the super-premium segment. The food is widely known almost all over the world and has a good reputation. Let's look at product quality using the example of 1st choice Adult Medium everyday food. According to the manufacturer, the products help restore joints and prevent plaque.

Main ingredients: chicken flour, broken rice, pearl barley, oatmeal. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 23% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 13% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.6% – satisfactory.
  • Calorie content 404 kcal/100 g. - Great.

As you can see, the food is quite consistent with expectations. The calorie content is increased due to cereals - this is not very good.

Features and classification of food for small breed puppies

Small and large dogs differ not only in appearance, but also in a number of physiological factors. The smaller the breed, the faster metabolic processes occur in the animal’s body. Thus, small puppies mature much faster than large ones: the latter can grow for a year and a half, while the former are fully formed by the age of one year. In addition, “kids” are less prone to obesity. Due to greater energy consumption, they need more nutritious food with an increased content of proteins and carbohydrates, while the content of low-calorie plant fibers should be minimized - the stomach of small breeds is small, and “stuffing” it, creating a feeling of fullness, is not necessary and even harmful .

Food for puppies should differ from food for adult dogs in one more parameter. A growing body requires much more nutrients, in particular calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and other trace elements and vitamins. In a really good product, all of them must be present in high concentrations, otherwise there is a risk of the animal developing rickets, a number of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints, and developmental delays.

The third feature of food for small breed puppies is their size. It should be convenient for the animal to take individual pieces into its mouth and chew them. If kibble is too large, the puppy runs the risk of choking.

Feed class

The following classes of dog food are distinguished:

  • economy;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistic.

Economy class food is generally not recommended for feeding puppies, since their composition is based on vegetable protein obtained from cereals. The content of animal components in them is usually 10-15%, while the manufacturer uses bone meal, skin trimmings, sinews and other waste. Such foods usually contain a lot of dyes and flavor enhancers, which is why animals usually eat them greedily, which can lead to overeating. The balancing of such mixtures also leaves much to be desired - they lack important microelements and vitamins. Economy class food can only be used if an additional vitamin complex has been added to the puppy’s diet.

Premium class is a good combination of price and quality. The content of animal products in their composition can be up to 30 percent, while the manufacturer uses meat and offal. They also use higher-grade grains, and in some cases they can be replaced with potatoes. Such food may contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the puppy’s growth, but it is recommended to consult a veterinarian before purchasing, since the quality in this category is very variable. It is the premium class that is the most popular among dog breeders in the Russian Federation.

Super premium class is food in which the basis of the composition is high-quality meat, and the content of grain components is minimal. They are balanced and contain all the components, vitamins and minerals necessary for the harmonious development of the puppy. Such food is perfectly absorbed by the dog’s body, so the animal will be able to eat a smaller portion.

Holistic food is a new word in the creation of animal feed and an ideal balance of all components. They contain up to 80% meat and are enriched with probiotics, vitamins and minerals. The manufacturer describes in detail all the components in the composition of such feeds, does not use dyes or GMOs.

Super premium food for puppies

The best super-premium foods for puppies are:

  • Acana Puppy & Junior.
  • 1st Choice (Fest Choice) Puppy Toy & Small Breeds – food for puppies and dogs of miniature breeds.
  • Almo Nature Holistic Adult Dog Small White Fish and Rice – food for puppies and small breed dogs.

The main difference between food for puppies and products for adult dogs is the enhanced vitamin formula, increased calcium and protein content.

For large breeds

The best super-premium foods for large breeds are:

  • Belcando Adult Aktive is food for active large breed dogs.
  • Eukanuba Puppy & Junior Large breed – for puppies and teenagers of large breeds.
  • Farmina N&D Boar & Apple Adult Dog MAXI.

When feeding a large dog, it is extremely important to choose a low-calorie food that contains enough proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Super premium veterinary food

The best super-premium veterinary foods are:

  • 1st Choice Hypoallergic – hypoallergenic food.
  • Eukanuba Renal is a food for dogs suffering from pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary system.
  • PRO-Nutrition Flatazor is a dietary food for overweight dogs.

All of the above foods have earned a good reputation among owners.

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