Cockapoo, Pumi and 8 more dog breeds with hilarious names

Many owners are confident that their four-legged pets are no worse than ordinary people: some are skilled manipulators, others are excellent nannies, others are brave guards, and others are simply funny. The funniest dog breeds are notable not only for their funny appearance, but also for their wit. Even professional comedians might envy some of their antics.


This cute decorative dog is a favorite of many people around the world. Previously, only the nobility kept it, but in the modern world, almost anyone can buy a representative of this breed. A non-show pug puppy costs about $300, but if you want an elite dog, then you will have to shell out about $3 thousand.

Despite the popularity of these dogs, their appearance is quite unusual, and seeing how they are having fun and making funny faces, it is simply impossible not to laugh.


The breed originated in China, and for a long time was located exclusively within the country. But in the 16th century, pugs came to Europe, they quickly became popular and spread throughout the world.

The pug is quite small, but can become an excellent watchdog, as it has courage and is easy to train. These dogs live for about 13-15 years. An adult weighs from 6 to 8 kg. The coat is short. Color: silver, black or sand.


Pugs have a cheerful disposition and are always inclined to play. They quickly bond with their owner, and are not afraid to communicate with other people. These pets never show aggression, so they can be kept in families with children.


The Pug should be given a lot of time, he is very energetic and loves to play. It is also important to monitor your dog’s eyes, as they are susceptible to a special disease – chronic corneal erosion. The fur needs to be combed out with a special brush. An important stage in caring for a pug is feeding; you need to carefully monitor its diet, because this particular breed of dog is more prone to obesity than others.

Criteria for funnyness

Funny dog ​​breeds can make anyone laugh. They stand out among other quadrupeds by the following criteria:

  • funny appearance;
  • unusual craving for pranks;
  • cheerful character and puppy playfulness, preserved even in old age;
  • charming smile;
  • ability to perform tricks.

Having a constantly sticking out tongue or an unusual haircut are far from the only criteria for funnyness. Another reason for laughter can be the behavior of the animal. Active and devoted pets love to be the center of attention, so most of their actions are aimed at raising the mood of those watching.


Looking at this cute and very unusual dog, you just can’t help but smile. It is not for nothing that these miniature pinschers are called “monkey dogs” (from the German “affe”, which means monkey in Russian). The homeland of Afferpinschers is Germany. The breed appeared at the beginning of the 17th century.


Dogs of this breed are quite miniature, the weight of an adult does not exceed 6 kg (the average dog weighs about 3-4 kg). The lifespan of Affenpinschers is 12-14 years. The coat is hard and thick. The color is often black, but sometimes there are animals of brown, silver or red color. The legs are straight and strong. The eyes are black, small, widely set.

This is a fairly rare breed of dog, so those wishing to purchase a puppy will have to wait several months. The price of a pet is about 400-500 dollars.


Affenpinschers have a hard time with the training process, so puppy owners will have to make every effort and be extremely patient. Dogs are distinguished by intelligence and courage. They become very attached to one owner and do not tolerate moving well. They can show aggression towards anything they see as a potential threat.


Pets do well in apartments, but, like any other dogs, they require constant walks in the fresh air. Since their coat is not completely short, they will need to devote time to constant grooming and trimming. Affenpinschers love games and communication, so dogs of this breed are not suitable for people who are constantly busy at work.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The dog, whose homeland is Wales, has short legs and is a smaller version of the shepherd. Pembroke Welsh Corgis are cute and playful pets that city dwellers are crazy about. The height of the tallest dog of this breed is only 30 centimeters.

The little pug is considered a lover of tenderness. He has a snub-nosed, flat muzzle and eyes similar to those of aliens. All its features truly delight dog breeders.

Many jokes and anecdotes have been written about the pug, because he is not only cute, but also emotional. His height does not exceed 32 centimeters, and his weight is about 8-9 kilograms. The color can be silver, yellowish-fawn or black.

Bedlington Terrier

Looking at photographs of these dogs, one cannot immediately understand that they are real; it seems that these are creative figures made by a sculptor. But no, such a breed really exists. It is unknown when exactly Bedlington Terriers appeared. Great Britain is considered the homeland of these animals.

This is not to say that they are too popular (perhaps due to their high cost, a Bedlington Terrier puppy will cost $1000-2500), but there are many connoisseurs of this particular breed.


The main feature of representatives of this breed is short, curly hair, similar to what we can see in lambs. Terriers have a flexible, muscular body and pear-shaped head. The tail is long, slightly curved. The color can be blue, sand and reddish brown.


Dogs of this breed are very stubborn, so there may be problems with training, but with the right approach, the terrier can be trained. They are distinguished by endurance, masculinity and intelligence. The Bedlington Terrier gets along well with other animals in the house. In case of danger, it will fiercely defend its owners.


Due to its beautiful coat, the dog requires a professional grooming every 5-6 weeks. The dog should be constantly trained and not forget about active games. You must always monitor how children or guests treat him; if you hurt the dog, he will certainly bite the offender.

At what age can a child buy a dog?

Until the age of 5, a child does not perceive a dog or other animal as an animate object.
At this age, experts advise getting an animal that does not require tactile contact, but which can be observed. During this period, the baby will be able to see how his parents take care of another animal; these skills will be realized by him at an older age. The optimal age for bringing a pet into the home is over 6 years old. But it is worth remembering that even at this age the baby will not be able to take care of the dog on his own. All talk about the need for walks, washing paws and feeding is an abstraction. Reinforcing the required behavior only comes with practice. Initially, it is necessary to do all care procedures together with the child, without assigning him specific responsibilities. Then the parent should gradually step aside and give more and more independence to this pair of friends.

Basset Hound

This English breed of hound dogs is simply amazing in its appearance. Clubfooted, long-eared and eternally sad dogs evoke both feelings of pity and laughter.

Despite their non-standard appearance, these animals are in great demand not only among hunters, but also among ordinary dog ​​lovers. The cost of a puppy depends on various factors (place of purchase, class of puppy, etc.), but on average the price ranges from $400-800.


The first thing that catches your eye is, of course, the paws. They are short, massive, and their skin is wrinkled. The dog has a long body and a round, convex head. The ears are long and large. The eyes are dark and expressive. The Basset Hound can be bi-colored (white and orange) or tri-colored (white, orange and brown). The paws are always white. Life expectancy is 11-13 years. Weight from 17 to 29 kg. The coat is smooth and short. The height can reach 38 cm. It has a highly developed sense of smell.


Dogs of this breed are very affectionate and a little lazy. Suitable for families with children. They almost never show aggression, but can be stubborn.


It is required to pay special attention to the ears, as this is the weak point of representatives of this breed. They need to be cleaned and inspected periodically. If you see redness or discharge, you should urgently take your pet to the veterinarian. It is also necessary to trim your nails and comb them from time to time (to remove dead hairs). And, of course, don’t forget about daily walks in the fresh air.

Types of canine intelligence

Scientists have been studying canine genius for a long time. Psychologist Howard Gardner suggested that shaggy pets have several types of intelligence. Stanley Coren, professor of psychology at Columbia University, scientifically substantiated the ideas of his predecessor. He studied information from experienced dog handlers, trainers and dog show judges. The results of the study are presented in the book “Dog Intelligence,” published in 1994.

Types of dog intelligence:

Adaptive intelligence. Ability to assimilate information and make decisions based on it. Thanks to this type of intelligence, the dog is able to survive in various situations. Innate or instinctive type. Determines behavior inherent at the genetic level. So shepherd dogs are able to pick up a scent, border collies are able to herd sheep, dachshunds and fox terriers are able to hunt in burrows. Obedience intelligence (working). Ability to understand, execute and remember commands

The ability to concentrate attention and the ability to change behavior if a person requires something different.

The main evaluation criterion that forms the basis of the canine intelligence scale is understanding the command and the ability to execute it right away.

The error of the system lies in determining the level of intelligence based on obedience. This means that dogs with character, focused on making independent decisions, may receive a low rating, but this does not mean that they do not have abilities.

Chinese Crested

Another type of dog that can cheer up even the most gloomy person with just its appearance.

In the last few years, the Chinese Crested dog has gained enormous popularity. Today, meeting someone on the street with a crested pet is far from uncommon. An ordinary purebred puppy will cost 300-500 dollars, and a show puppy can cost more than 4 thousand dollars.


Chinese Cresteds are very miniature; the largest representatives of the breed do not weigh more than 6 kilograms. The height of an adult pet is from 23 to 33 cm.

Interesting! Chinese sailors used these dogs to catch rats.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their grace and slenderness. The skin of crested dogs is smooth, without wrinkles. The tail is thin and moderately long.


The Chinese Crested loves to bark, so it is not suitable for those who prefer peace and quiet. They take a long and difficult time to settle down in a new place and generally have a tendency to stress. Among other things, Chinese crested dogs are very stubborn, they love to play and can easily cheer up their owner.


These animals do well in apartments, as they do not need a lot of space. They love to walk in nature, but can be scared of strangers or animals, so it is better to choose less crowded places for walks. It is necessary to trim your pet periodically, and also ensure that the “bare” areas of the skin do not suffer from the sun or cold. To do this, you should purchase special clothing for dogs.

English cocker spaniel

Since the 9th century, the cocker spaniel has been used for hunting in some European countries. Gaston Phoebus described these dogs in his Book of Hunting. In the 18th century Another variety of cocker spaniel appeared, called “springer”. In 1983, the Springer was officially recognized as a separate breed.

The English Cocker Spaniel is an intelligent, loyal, kind and calm dog. She gets along well with other pets and children. The Cocker is very sociable and does not like to be alone. Usually he is very attached to his owner, but at the same time he is also supportive of other family members.

The Spaniel responds well to consistent training. This dog quickly learns to understand what is wanted from it and begins to follow all commands.

The cocker is relatively small in size, but at the same time it is quite strong and dexterous. A poorly trained spaniel may bark a lot and chase cats and birds. If your Cocker Spaniel is not exercised, he may become overweight and clumsy. This pet's long ears require special care as they are susceptible to infections.

Pomeranian Spitz

This is the most popular dog breed on this list. These cute funny fluffies are loved in almost every corner of the world. Just one look at them lifts your spirits and makes you smile, and if you spend several hours in the company of a Pomeranian, joy, laughter and a great mood are guaranteed!

Considering the popularity of this breed, its price is quite high. An exhibition Pomeranian will cost about 10 thousand dollars, and a dog of a lower class will cost from 600 dollars.


The Pomeranian comes from Germany. The breed was developed in the 19th century in a region called Pomerania, hence the name. You can often find orange-cream Spitz dogs, but there are dogs of other shades: blue, sand, white, black, brown, orange, zone-sand. Spitz have a small elongated head with an expressive black nose. The eyes are medium in size and almond-shaped. The fur is thick and soft. The dog is miniature, the weight of an adult animal is only 2-3 kilograms.


Dogs are distinguished by their special tenderness and love for their owners. But it cannot be said that their character is flexible. They can be very offended for a long time. Pomeranian Spitz do not like strangers and treat them with caution: they do not come close, they look around warily, and they bark.


Firstly, their luxurious fur should be carefully cared for, so owners have to constantly go for haircuts and also comb out the fur with special brushes. Secondly, you need to take care of your Spitz’s teeth (constantly brush, choose the right food) - this is their Achilles’ heel.

*** 16 ***

Business Class. A young and arrogant lawyer finds himself next to the blonde. It's a long flight. He begins to approach her with some kind of offer to play a game, the essence of which boils down to the fact that he asks a question and if she does not answer, then she gives him $5, if he does not answer, then, accordingly, he gives $5.

She brushes him off in every possible way, but he doesn’t let up. And she really wants to sleep. Here he offers that he will pay not $5, but $500, if she does not answer, and if she does, then still $5.

The blonde understands that this bastard will not lag behind and agrees to play this game with him. The lawyer asks the blonde the distance from the Earth to the Moon. She silently takes out $5, gives it to the lawyer, turns away and tries to sleep. But now the lawyer demands a question from the blonde. She asks him who goes up a mountain on three legs and goes down on four, then turns away again and falls asleep.

The lawyer puffed, thought, went through his entire computer, looked for meaningful words, but nothing. I went online and searched everything, but nothing. I sent e-mails to my friends - nothing. I went to the Library of the US Congress and nothing happened either. Meanwhile, the flight is coming to an end. Finally, unable to bear it, the lawyer wakes up the blonde and gives her $500. She thanks and turns away again. The lawyer, almost furiously, asks what it is. The blonde opens her purse and silently hands him $5...

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is one of the most ancient Chinese dog breeds, but this does not stop it from being funny. The upturned and small face, combined with short stature and long fur - all this produces some kind of comical impression on anyone who looks at this cute animal.

The price for a Shih Tzu puppy varies from 600 to 1200 dollars, it all depends on the class, shade and place of purchase of the pet.


The name of the breed means “lion” in Chinese. These dogs appeared in Europe in the 30s of the 19th century and immediately attracted attention. Over the past 5-10 years, the popularity of these dogs has only increased. This breed is distinguished by beautiful long thick hair. Color can vary from black and white to blue, brindle and white-red. The lifespan of a Shih Tzu is 13-16 years. The weight of an adult animal is from 4 to 8 kilograms.


Shih Tzu dogs are friendly and playful, but a little stubborn. They get along well with school-age children, but it is better to refrain from buying an animal for people who have small children in the house. The dog can become very sad without its owner and even become depressed, so you will have to take it with you on vacation or a business trip.


Keeping an animal of this breed is not difficult. The main thing is to keep an eye on his coat and not overfeed him. You also need to pay attention to the ears and eyes to prevent parasites and infections, which Shih Tzus are prone to.

*** 4 ***

Moscow, Rublevskoe Highway, a traffic police inspector stops a Bentley, the speed limit is three times, the Bentley stops, the heavily tinted glass opens slightly. The traffic cop under his visor: - Inspector Petrov, your documents.

A hand with a five-thousand-dollar bill sticks out of the Bentley, and the inspector hides it in his breast pocket. - All the best, try not to disturb again...

The next bill of the same denomination appears from the window... - And, be careful, in two blocks there is another carriage...

Five thousandth again... The traffic cop, peering at the car number: - I work here Tuesday/Thursday from 8 am to 15:00, I remember your number, you can drive safely these days...

Again a five thousand bill.. - Happiness, health to you, smart children, success in business, so that the dog wins competitions, etc.

Again the hand with the bill... The inspector stands for a while in confusion, then clears his throat and solemnly says:... -... POEMS!!!

Bergamasco Shepherd

The cheerful fluffy dog ​​with dreadlocks is a representative of the Bergamasco Shepherd Dog, an ancient Italian breed that in the old days served as a guardian of livestock. The dog is friendly and intelligent, and, of course, has a very original appearance!

You can buy a Bergamasco Shepherd puppy for $1000-1300.


Shaggy Shepherds have a medium build and weigh about 35 kilograms. Their body is not very massive; the effect of “hugeness” is created by the coat. The muzzle is medium in size, the black nose stands out. The eyes often have a brown tint. The ears are hanging, triangular in shape. Color: black, gray, light red, silver-gray, fawn.


A shepherd dog of this species is always on guard, ready to save a person at any moment. She is stubborn but trainable. Does not show aggression, can become a great friend.


This dog is not suitable for keeping in an apartment; it requires a lot of space. The Bergamasco Shepherd needs constant physical activity, and training with the dog will require a lot of time, which may not be to everyone’s liking. Another important point is grooming. You can wash your dog no more than 4 times a year. Natural dreadlocks cannot be combed out; they serve as protection from wind and snow.

What affects the cost

Regardless of the breed, all puppies are divided into three main classes:

  • “breeding” is designed for breeding reproduction of the breed, when the parents produce ideal offspring for further breeding;
  • “show”, when the dog is ideal for exhibitions, demonstrating the best qualities, characteristics, and competition;
  • “Pet” are inexpensive representatives who have minor problems with color, health, and behavior.

The last class is the so-called “culling”, which significantly reduces the cost of a puppy, allowing you to purchase a dog “for yourself”, without relying on future offspring.

Another factor is the fashion for a certain group of breeds. It is noted that every 5 years, ideas among “dog owners” about one direction or another in keeping dogs change. Today it is common to have small dogs that do not require care, are obedient, and know how to entertain. You don’t have to go for walks with them; they perform all hygiene procedures at home.

Each dog involves expenses:

  • arrangement of a convenient place for a bed or a comfortable booth;
  • bowls for drinking, feeding;
  • high-quality, varied nutrition to stay fit;
  • toys;
  • veterinary care: preventive examinations, vaccinations, treatment of diseases.

This immediately eliminates those who are unable to take care of a pet. The price tag is sometimes deliberately artificially increased to ensure that the dog is fully provided for.

French Bulldog

The face of this animal makes you touch and smile at the same time. You still need to look for such an interesting and cheerful dog. Although why look for it, this breed is very common, so buying a puppy and having fun every day will not be difficult. By the way, the cost of such a pet is quite high - $1300-3000.


The breed called the “French Bulldog” has been known for more than a hundred years. The animals first gained popularity in France, then they began to spread throughout the world. The French Bulldog is most loved in North America. The main distinguishing features of the dog are: small body, short fur, wide square head, protruding ears, large eyes and a flat black nose. Color: black, cream, brindle, white, black and white. Average life expectancy is 10-12 years.


These are disciplined dogs who love games. They are incredibly devoted to their owner and are often jealous of other residents of the house. Bulldogs love affection and prefer to always be with their owner. Dogs can be trained quickly: they understand commands and are good at distinguishing between voices.


This breed does not require much care. Periodically you need to comb the fur and check the animal for the presence of parasites (ticks, fleas). You should only bathe your bulldog when necessary. It is also important to periodically brush your teeth and wipe your eyes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following factors are noted as advantages:

  • special affection for household members;
  • devotion and fidelity;
  • obedience while observing the rules of discipline;
  • instant response to given commands.

Negative characteristics include:

  • congenital increased aggressiveness;
  • strong, courageous character;
  • distrustful attitude towards other dogs due to poor upbringing;
  • the need to constantly monitor behavior.

When raising a dog, it is necessary to have strong character traits, to show that the person is the master, and the dog is his assistant.

Afghan Hound

Gorgeous hair combined with a long nose gives this dog a very extravagant look, which can’t help but make you smile.

Puppies of this hunting dog will cost $800-1300.


This is an ancient breed of dog that was previously known as the Afghan Shepherd. The breed originated in Afghanistan and remained within the country for a long time. It was only in the 19th century that the Afghan Hound came to Europe. In their homeland, dogs were used to hunt deer and rabbits.

The Greyhound is a medium-sized dog; adult dogs reach 25-35 kilograms. Height – 60-79 cm. Life expectancy – 10-15 years. The color can be almost any, but most often you can find animals of red, black, white and blue. The body of the animal is elongated, covered with long thick hair. The eyes are dark and almond-shaped. Ears drooping.


The Afghan Hound is stubborn and independent. She is smart, strong and brave. Loyal to one owner and ready to give her life for him. Dogs of this breed have a fairly strong character, so they need a leader who can control them.


This breed is absolutely not suitable for keeping in an apartment or in a family with children. She is frightened by sounds and may react sharply to a scream or child's cry. Requires careful grooming and professional training. He loves to be in the fresh air, so he requires constant long walks.

Despite the peculiar appearance of these animals, they are no worse than other purebred dogs. Therefore, when planning to get a dog, pay attention to all animals, including those that are not quite standard.

What breeds would you include on this list?

Pros and cons of small dogs

Even though these dogs are quite small, you need to be prepared for anything.


It is quite natural that a small dog, compared to a large dog, will eat much less food in the same period of time, so having a small dog in the house can save significant money. In addition, a small dog does not need much living space. After walks, and in the process of life, a small dog produces a minimum of hair, dust and dirt.

When going shopping at the store or going out of town to the country, as well as in other cases, such a pet can be placed in a handbag, where this four-legged friend feels very comfortable. If you raise such a companion correctly, then he will be friends with other pets, with small children, and they are not so aggressive towards strangers.

An important factor is life expectancy. With proper care, decorative dogs can live about 2 decades, although similar longevity records are also typical for medium-sized dog breeds.


Many indoor dog breeds are serious pets that require training and education. Unfortunately, many owners of decorative dogs do not realize this. The same can be said about small hunting dogs, whose behavior is not so flexible. Some breeds of small dogs have increased activity and excitability, which must be directed in the right direction through training. Increased excitability against the background of high muscle activity leads to noticeable energy expenditure, which must be compensated through diet.

The difficulty of feeding such pets also lies in the fact that they quickly get used to one type of food, which is sometimes quite harmful. If you start feeding an animal with sausage or chicken legs, it is unlikely that the dog will be able to switch to feeding other food, unless under the threat of starvation. Owners of such animals will have to face a number of other behavioral problems. These animals follow their owners or other family members literally on their heels. Due to this fact, many of them fall under the feet of their household members, receiving injuries of varying severity.

Some small artificially bred dog breeds are susceptible to various congenital pathologies that are associated with:

  • Dislocation of the kneecaps.
  • Necrosis of the femoral head.
  • Not overgrown fontanel.
  • Absence of teeth or presence of 2 rows of teeth. Predisposition to tartar.
  • Various allergic reactions.

Dogs that are trained to use a litter tray begin to mark corners as they age if they are not walked for a long time. A sharp and unpleasant odor also appears. This problem can be solved through castration, but the most humane and effective method is considered to be regular walking of your pet.

Top 10 most popular small dogs\Top 10 most popular small dogs

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Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Representatives of this fighting breed are partners with their owner. They require constant presence nearby not because they need control, but in order to emphasize their importance. For example, a bull terrier may join you on the treadmill (eventually having to give it up).

Despite their serious nature, their adolescent curiosity and increased energy make Staffordshire Bull Terriers sweet and touching, especially towards children. These dogs may attack the neighbors' cats, but their patience with children is almost limitless.


This adorable dog was created by crossing a Labrador and a Poodle.

Labrador is a kind dog that treats people well. The poodle has long and almost non-shedding hair, which also rarely causes allergies. All these valuable qualities are combined in the Labradoodle.

The breed first appeared in Australia, and Labradoodles were first used as guide dogs, and are now very popular pets.

Living trophy

Fofo, the border collie pictured below, lives on the farm. Always cheerful and playful, Fofo likes to observe the state of affairs on the farm from the horse stall, sticking his head through a hole in the wall that allows him to see what is happening outside. “I called this photograph “Living Trophy” because it reminded me of the sad custom of killing animals and hanging their heads on the walls,” notes the photographer

“Fofo proves how important it is for us humans to value free and living animals so that we ourselves can feel happy.”

Photo courtesy of John Carelli (USA). “Look, mom, I can walk on water!” The Labrador was so proud for a split second that he thought of getting away with it.

Brussels Griffon

This funny, gloomy old man will not leave anyone indifferent. A dissatisfied and gloomy look, a beard that gives seriousness... It seems that the Brussels Griffon is always dissatisfied with everything, his look is even a little contemptuous and arrogant. All this wouldn't be so funny if these guys weren't so tiny, cheerful and cute.

Read the full description of the Brussels Griffon breed

Popular nicknames

This collection contains funny names from the world of pop culture, literature and art. Known to everyone, but rarely used as dog names:

  • Baloo from The Jungle Book.
  • Hodor from Game of Thrones.
  • Billy the Kid from Cowboy.
  • Gizmo from Gremlins.
  • Frodo from The Lord of the Rings.
  • Ewok is a bear from Star Wars.
  • Farley - Chris Farley.
  • Butters from South Park.
  • Elvis - Elvis Presley.
  • Darth - Darth Vader from Star Wars.
  • Brando – Marlon Brando.
  • Dobby from Harry Potter.
  • Elmo from Sesame Street.
  • Huck - Huckleberry Finn from Tom Sawyer.
  • Yoda from Star Wars.
  • Norris - Chuck Norris.
  • Xena from Warrior Princess.
  • Winnie from Winnie the Pooh and Everything.
  • Whoopi – Whoopi Goldberg.
  • Toto from The Wizard of Oz.
  • Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory.

Baloo on a walk:


This funny animal can also be included in the list of “the funniest animals in the world” (the photo confirms this).
This interesting name has the gopher, common in the Far East and Siberia, where it is a popular fairy-tale hero in Eskimo and Chukchi folk tales. Recently, there have been more frequent references to funny stories that happened to tourists and related to these gophers. View gallery

Evrazhki are very fond of begging, sometimes even going as far as robbery. With all this, these amazingly charming, albeit impudent animals do not leave anyone indifferent.

The Eurasian ewe looks very funny when it eats the food it has caught.


Here is a bizarre cross between a pug and a beagle. The weight of these dogs is about 10-15 kg.

The puggle is sweet and friendly, but the beagle blood made him fidgety, and the pug gave him a demanding and proud character. However, this is unlikely to become a serious drawback for a young and energetic owner.

A funny detail: it is impossible to meet two identical puggles. Each of the dogs is surprisingly different from their relatives.

Top 10 most dangerous breeds

The most aggressive dog breeds terrify people. Indeed, a muscular dog with powerful jaws and sharp teeth can turn into a terrible weapon in unkind hands. However, if raised correctly, the animal is completely safe for the owner and others.

Dogs that are dangerous to others are the result of inaction or malicious intent of the owner.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Beneath the good-natured appearance of this hulking hulk hides a powerful predator with strong jaws and a courageous disposition. Dangerous for enemies and devoted to its owner.


An elegant muscular physique, endurance and grace that shines through in every movement, strong jaws - these are the reasons why the Doberman could not help but enter the ranking of the most aggressive and dangerous dog breeds. With improper upbringing and connivance, it really becomes uncontrollable.


A formidable giant, capable of causing terror among strangers, when surrounded by its owner, it turns into a meek and loving one.

Note! The breed is difficult to train, so it is categorically not recommended for novice dog breeders. The owner of a Rottweiler is a strong, experienced and confident person

Chow chow

In everyday life, representatives of the breed rarely show aggression. To avoid experiencing the power of their anger, you should not anger furry dogs. They are able to stand up for themselves.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The most aggressive dogs are Caucasian Shepherds, which were not trained properly. Their enormous size and intimidating jaws make these animals a formidable opponent.

German Shepherd

An intelligent dog that serves on the border and helps blind people as a guide can become really dangerous if it is not kept under strict control from childhood. By nature, shepherd dogs are strong, they are one of the three most intellectually gifted breeds, but you should not anger them - their formidable fangs will make you regret what you have done.

Note! A dog only becomes dangerous if it is not trained correctly.

The Germans, for all their intelligence, are very dangerous for people

Dogo Canario

Representatives of the breed are known as killer dogs. It was the Canary Great Danes, bred in Spain, that killed their owners. To this day, it is not clear what caused the tragedy - poor upbringing or genetic predisposition.

German boxer

The aggressiveness of this dog is beyond doubt. Therefore, those who are getting a dog for the first time or choosing a pet for a child or teenager should consider a different breed. The Boxer, as the name suggests, is a fighter, not a lap dog.

American Pit Bull Terrier

It is often synonymous with the aggressiveness of dogs and is considered a terrible killer dog. A bad reputation accompanies the breed because of people. Pit bulls were specially bred to be fighting, ruthless and dangerous animals in order to use the animals as weapons.

Tosa Inu (Japanese Mastiff)

A large dog with a rebellious character. Rarely found in Russia, it was bred as a fighting dog and took part in bloody battles in which predatory animals became rivals. She’s brave and smart, but you shouldn’t provoke her.


Puli or mop dog, brush dog - call it what you like. It is unlikely that Lee will leave anyone indifferent thanks to his long, cord-like coat. Initially, the Puli were bred as Hungarian shepherd dogs, and they needed such wool so that the dog, while grazing herds for a long time, would not freeze or suffer from the heat, because such a structure of the coat practically gets wet and maintains the necessary body temperature, and for predators the dog practically invulnerable.

Read the full description of the Puli breed


This is a cross between a dog and a wolf, artificially bred by people. However, wolf-dogs are also found in the wild. They are strong, large in stature, have strong teeth and claws and a phenomenal sense of smell.

It is believed that wolf-dogs are not able to live for a long time next to a person and still sooner or later go into the forest. However, in canine practice there is a refutation of this opinion: wolf-dogs successfully serve in law enforcement agencies and are very attached to their instructors.


Pumi is the result of crossing the Puli breed with German and French shepherds and terriers. In the twentieth century, the breed was separated from the Pumi, and the Pumi received official “independence.”

Dog weight: 8-15 kg. Beautiful curly coat harmonizes with coffee-colored eyes. Pumi come in a variety of colors, giving potential owners a wide choice.

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