Should a dog be allowed to lick you: we study the question

Dogs love to lick all sorts of things, but licking their genitals can be a problem, especially if you have special guests. Unfortunately, no one told dogs that they have private parts, and therefore licking this part of the body is licking another part of their anatomy. Males will lick their penis, females will lick their vulva, and both sexes will lick their anus. The fact that they do this in public may make their owners feel uncomfortable, but dogs do lick their private parts for a variety of reasons.

Licking private parts can be for pleasure or to relieve some discomfort. This can be part of a dog's sexual behavior if the female dog is in heat. Then the licking could simply be the dog's desire to stay clean.

The dogs are kept relatively clean. In addition to washing their feet and body, both males and females will also lick their genitals in an attempt to remove dirt, secretions, or debris. Excessive licking in this area may indicate a health problem and cause concern.

An integral part of a dog's life

From the moment a puppy is born, his life is connected with licking. As soon as the baby is born, the dog begins to lick it to stimulate breathing. Later she begins to “bathe” the puppies using her tongue. And, growing a little, the cubs themselves begin to lick the mother dog, showing her their love and respect. By the way, among dogs that live in a pack, licking is something of a demonstration of respect for the leader.

Thus, it is not surprising that when a dog enters the human world, it will continue this practice.


  1. It is recommended to do a complete blood count, biochemical profile and urinalysis. Although often within normal limits, there may be signs of infection or inflammation.
  2. Bacterial culture of urine to rule out urinary tract infection.
  3. Cytology (cells obtained from secretions) and bacterial culture of secretions.
  4. Coagulation profile in cases of bleeding and/or suspected bleeding disorders.
  5. Abdominal radiographs (X-rays) can evaluate the presence of pyometra (infected uterus) in an intact (not sterilized) woman and prostate abnormalities in men.
  6. An abdominal ultrasound helps to more thoroughly evaluate the structures of the abdominal cavity.

They love the taste of your skin

A dog may lick its owner simply because it likes the taste of his skin. Human sweat has a salty taste, which is very pleasant for animals. They associate it with food.

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Your dog may also like the taste of your cosmetic products. But this can be a problem, because creams contain a lot of chemicals that can harm the animal.

Licking genitals

It's no secret that dogs get to know each other through sniffing and licking the genitals and anus. For them, such a gesture is tantamount to viewing a stranger’s page on social networks. It's all about pheromones, which are emitted by apocrine glands, scattered throughout the body, but concentrated at the back. From them, dogs can find out the age, gender, health status and even the mood of a new friend. Ideally, such an introduction should occur within a few seconds. If a pet licks the other's private areas for too long, the latter may become angry: you, too, may find an extremely long handshake unpleasant.

As with previous cases, if a dog suddenly becomes obsessed with licking another dog, it could mean that something is wrong with the other dog. When examining such a pet, you may find drops of urine or pus, irritation or wounds.

Face licking

Interestingly, licking can be interpreted differently, depending on which part of the body the dog has chosen. So, if your pet is aiming at your face, it is possible that he is hungry. The fact is that when puppies stop feeding on their mother's milk, they begin to take food from her mouth. And when they are hungry, they lick her face.

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On the other hand, dogs love to copy the behavior patterns of humans. Licking the face can be an imitation of a kiss, that is, an expression of love.

Your pet wants you to praise him

We all love when we are praised. In this regard, dogs are not much different from people - they also expect praise or even a reward for protecting your peace and safety. So, if your pet suddenly starts licking you, perhaps he wants to show his best side, so that you will then praise him properly. However, keep in mind that reinforcing this behavior with a reward (stroking, scratching, hugging) will encourage the dog to resort to kissing again, because he will think that you really like it. So, if you don't want to end up drooling again, just politely refuse the advances.

Licking hands

Licking hands can have an exploratory function. Depending on what a person just did, his palms may smell like food, earth, cosmetics, or detergents. If the skin smells of something tasty, it is possible that the dog licks his hands to taste them.

Dogs also associate human hands with affection. Perhaps, by licking, the animal asks you to stroke it or scratch it behind the ear. It can also serve as a show of gratitude.

Dog licks carpet, health problems

Licking attacks can be caused by:

  • acute, chronic pathologies, diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, erosive, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • metabolic disorder;
  • neurological pathologies, disorders caused by severe head injuries, spinal injuries;
  • dental problems (gingivitis, tartar, stomatitis, gum disease);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • severe helminthic infestation;
  • renal failure;
  • intestinal disorder, stomach upset;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the pharynx, esophagus, stomach.

As we can see, such a compulsive disorder can be caused by serious systemic and functional disruptions in the dog’s body. Therefore, carefully observe your pet, analyze in what periods, how often and with what frequency the dog licks the carpet and floor.

Licking feet

Dogs almost never lick their feet while wearing shoes or socks. But barefoot - with pleasure. Especially if you haven't had time to shower yet. The fact is that the sweat glands on the feet work very actively, and therefore the skin of the feet is very salty - a real delight for the dog. And the smell of feet, which seems unpleasant to a person, is very attractive to a dog.

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Pets may lick their owner's feet for the same reasons as their face or hands. It’s just that the feet are closest to them, they are much easier to reach. This is especially true for small breed dogs.

Ear licking

Puppies often play with the ears of their relatives. They become especially interested if their brothers run away: the hunting instinct awakens. Adult dogs can lick each other's ears for hygienic reasons, because it is impossible to lick this part of the body yourself. Another reason is the smell of sulfur. We will never understand this, but our pets perceive such “flavors” as pleasant. Finally, the skin around the ears of older dogs can release pheromones that attract younger dogs.

It’s also worth keeping an eye on your pet here. If his brothers are not against such advances, then there is nothing to worry about. If they are aggressive, the dog should be recalled. It would also be a good idea to check the ears of a dog that is being licked for cleanliness.

Do you need to wean your dog?

Even though dog "kisses" are a little gross, many owners love it when their pets show their love in this way. However, sometimes, feeling permissive, the dog becomes almost uncontrollable and too intrusive in its impulses. And we already need to fight this.

There is also another side to the coin. The fact is that a dog’s mouth, to put it mildly, is not sterile. Imagine, a dog can lick something on the street (not only food, but even the feces of other dogs), clean its fur and private parts with its tongue. That is, there are a lot of microbes and bacteria in the saliva of animals. Yes, they can be harmless to the dog himself. But for humans they are atypical and can provoke all sorts of diseases.

Thus, the best decision would be to wean your pet from the habit of licking you, your family members and everyone around you. But how to do that?

Indecent behavior in a dog.

About 60% of dogs tend to do “IT.” Someone laughs when they see it, someone blushes but remains silent. And there are those who are indignant and punish dogs, considering this the height of indecency. For dogs, this is quite natural. They can choose for such gestures their relatives, of any gender, and the leg of a sitting person, and a pillow or toy. But let's figure out what this behavior is, what lies behind it and how to perceive it.

When inappropriate behavior in a dog becomes a problem.

In general, cages in dogs are quite normal. This is not a behavioral deviation or a mental disorder. But in some cases this becomes excessive and annoys others.

  1. The owner is unable to ensure that unwanted behavior is prohibited if he does not show persistence or has lost control over the pet.
  2. The male has no mating experience and has generalized the stimulating trigger. Any smell that is unfamiliar or vaguely reminiscent of certain pheromones is perceived as the smell of a bitch in heat.
  3. Human use of perfumes containing methylparaben.
  4. Lack of intellectual and physical activity and training in the dog.
  5. Hormonal disorders of various nature, including hormonal imbalance due to overpopulation of dogs in a limited area.

Cages and dominant behavior.

Indecent behavior in a dog is considered the same as indecent behavior in people. An analogy can be drawn between dog cages and human forced sex. At all times, sexual violence in humans has been a humiliation of the object of violence. To one degree or another. The object that carried out violence always used it to assert itself and increase its superiority. It’s the same here. Cages without sexual behavior have the same nature and goal - to conquer a higher dominant niche. Although such movements differ from real attempts at procreation. And they look like real indecent behavior in a dog. The individual claiming dominance can be either a male or a female. She rests her muzzle on the withers of another dog, throws her paws on his back and performs movements with her pelvis. And although the movements resemble frictions, they are not directed towards the opponent’s genital tract. And male dogs do not have an erection.

Indecent behavior in dogs as a manifestation of sexual behavior.

Puppies from 3 to 6 months begin to appear cages during joint games. This is due to the beginning of the production of sex hormones. Still in minimal quantities for the normal development of secondary sexual characteristics. But already in the puppies, rehearsals for future matings take place. Puppies learn to care for individuals of the other sex or accept such courtship. After all, sexual behavior is based on the most important instinct - the instinct of reproduction and procreation.

If puppies are not allowed to behave this way, they may have problems during breeding in the future. A male dog’s lack of experience will lead to performing incorrect frictions, even when standing next to a female dog. And the bitch may simply not allow the mating.

From 6-8 months to one year, testosterone levels in puppies increase significantly due to their puberty. Then the rapid growth of its level stops. But already the male develops a preference for the female who is ready for mating and has the necessary range of odors. At the same time, consolidation of this formed sexual desire occurs after the first matings. In a male dog, generalization of the sexual stimulus may occur. That is, its extrapolation to the conditions and environment where the first matings took place. To prevent this from happening, breeders suggest bringing the bitch to the house where the male is kept for mating. And carry out mating on its territory. Then it is less likely that in the future a male dog will run to join a street dog wedding without looking back, despite the owner’s call. Proper mating experience in a male dog contributes to a calmer attitude towards a female dog in heat if she is not yet ready for mating.

Sexual behavior in a male dog.

“Indecent behavior” in dogs is not limited to cages. They are preceded by a male courting a female. At the same time, he licks her face and ears, touches her shoulders with his nose, and falls on her front paws. He also licks the bitch’s urinary marks and her genitals, using Jacobson’s vomeronasal organ. It is with the help of this organ that the male detects pheromones, with the help of which one can determine the readiness of the bitch for mating. This organ contributes to the formation of attachment to a specific bitch for future times. To a person, by the way, too. This is an organ involved in remembering individual odors and forming specific reactions to them. Attachment or, conversely, hostility.

Behavioral deviations of sexual behavior.

“Indecent behavior” of a dog under the age of one year often extends to humans and inanimate objects. It could be a small child, the leg of the host or guest, a soft toy, a pillow or something else. This often happens during play, but can also happen spontaneously. It should be understood that such cages are the result of an insufficiently differentiated perception of surrounding creatures and objects in puppyhood. The owner, family members, cats and other dogs in the house, littermates - the perception of them all around occurs as if “equally”. All living beings around are valued approximately equally and equally. Therefore, when choosing an object of attraction, if there is no relative nearby, a male dog can mount other objects, albeit less suitable for this in his eyes. Methylparaben can provoke cages if it is part of cosmetics. For humans, its smell is practically indistinguishable. But for a male it is not only noticeable, but very reminiscent of the smell emanating from a bitch in heat.

“Indecent behavior” of a dog and its physiological causes.

  1. Insufficient dog walks, low physical activity, lack of exercise. Unspent energy at home results in the emergence of a wide variety of bad habits. Deviations in sexual behavior and “indecent behavior” of the dog also appear. It is only projected onto those objects that are accessible. As a result, the dog receives not only physical pleasure, but also additional attention from the owner. Even if it’s negative.

An ill-mannered dog can get out of the control of its owners, becoming accustomed to snapping in response to any prohibition. Sometimes because of this, the owner is afraid to push away the annoying suitor. However, such behavior when projected onto a person is not dominance. It begins precisely with sexual courtship: licking hands, grasping hands in the mouth. An erection appears. Only then come the cages.

  1. The seasonality of reproduction inherent in animals in nature is completely absent in urban environments. On walks, here and there the male smells the smell of bitches in heat, which can spread over a considerable distance. Pheromones can excite a male dog for the whole day. Systematically receiving stimulating influences in an urban environment, it becomes chronically overexcited. This leads to disturbances in sleep, appetite, and the desire to escape from the owner’s control during a walk in search of the source of the smell. At home, “indecent behavior” appears in the dog.
  2. Poor nutrition can lead to obesity. Again due to lack of physical activity. Hormonal disorders can also be primary. And lead to intrusive cages. Their presence and severity should be assessed by a veterinarian. And perhaps prescribe treatment.

Same-sex mating occurs due to sexual inexperience and the absence of a partner of the opposite sex. Moreover, “indecent behavior” in a dog can manifest itself in both sexes.

Female 8 months old makes a mount on a male dog.

How to influence indecent behavior in a dog.

There are recommendations to castrate a male dog if his obsessive sexual desire has become an insoluble problem.

The effect of castration on dogs at different ages

In some cases this helps, but not always. However, it is necessary to list the behavior correction measures that will be required. After all, an established behavioral stereotype is persistent and can persist even after castration. As a result, the dog may still exhibit indecent behavior even after castration.

  1. A persistent prohibition on mounting an owner can lead to a gradual cessation of unwanted behavior. We must not forget that such behavior can provoke a new perfume. Or unusual behavior of the owner, for example, dancing.
  2. If the pet's weight is not too large, you can raise the limb, depriving the dog of a support point and disrupting its balance. Then the attempt to attach to your limb will end in the fall of a Don Juan and embarrassment.
  3. Indecent behavior in a dog can manifest itself in relation to other people and objects. In this case, you should send the dog to its place and give the strict command “Lie down!” Objects—objects of the dog’s desire—should be removed from his access area. If possible, remove it completely from the house or throw it away. A dog with a strong psyche is able to begin to protect and guard them in the future, like his favorite toys or food. And then, by their presence, they preserve the dog’s bad habit.
  4. It is unacceptable to laugh at your pet’s actions and, even more so, to encourage him, reinforcing a bad habit. On the other hand, such behavior should not be punished or lead to rudeness. After all, such “indecent behavior” of a dog is a manifestation of affection for the owner. Albeit in a rather intrusive form. Here it is better to think about whether your pet receives enough attention. And in a gentle but persistent form, outline for him the boundaries of what is permitted.
But still:

If such a problem appears, you should not only hope that you can simply correct the dog’s indecent behavior yourself. This is a warning sign that all is not well in your pet's life. And you have the power to fix it.

Cynologist instructor Yagovitina Yu.A.

How to stop a dog from licking a person

If you want to stop your dog from licking you, you don't need to yell at him or stomp your feet. For him, this is, at least negative, attention. The worst thing for a dog is being ignored, because it has a vital need to communicate with its owner. This is exactly what needs to be used in the process of re-education.

When a dog starts licking you, just ignore it. Better yet, go to another room. At first it may seem that this does not work, because the animal will not immediately understand the reason for the change in your behavior. But over time, a logical chain will begin to line up in his head. That is, a clear association will arise between licking and ignoring. Thus, the bad habit will gradually disappear.

The main condition for successful re-education is systematicity. There is no need to make any concessions or exceptions. A negative reaction should follow every time your dog tries to lick you. And, of course, all household members must follow this rule.

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Animal showing submissiveness

A dog will never lick the face of a stranger or a person he doesn't trust. Some particularly loyal breeds of dogs (for example, a German shepherd) try to show their submissiveness in this way, saying: “Master, you are in charge here, so command, lead.” It is especially worth paying attention to this behavior if the pet began to lick you during a noisy domestic quarrel or thunderstorm. By licking the owner's face, the dog shows that it completely obeys the person and wants him to protect it. So you shouldn’t immediately push the animal’s face away, but rather think about how you can calm it down.

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