What is an anti-bark collar, and should you buy one for your dog?

What is an anti-bark collar for dogs?

If your dog often barks, disturbing your neighbors and you, and home training methods do not help, you should contact a dog trainer or purchase an anti-barking dog collar. The second option is easier to implement and cheaper.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that when barking, the dog will experience discomfort, which depends on the type of device. Over time, the pet develops a stable conditioned reflex, a connection between barking and unpleasant sensations.

What types of this device are there?

Anti-bark collars for dogs have different operating principles. Their choice should be based on the animal’s health, the presence of contraindications and the dog’s behavioral characteristics.

UltrasonicWorks through sound waves of a certain frequency, they are inaudible to humansProhibited for use in animals with hearing pathologiesEfficiency up to 60%, there is a possibility of addiction
GasWhen barking, the spray emits a stream of harmless gas.SafeThe gas is unpleasant, and its emission is accompanied by hissing. This sound in nature means danger
VibratingVibration supplied, suitable for small breed dogs, shy animalsSafeWorks well, but may be addictive
ElectricalProduces a weak current signalPets with heart disease. Causes pain, so is used only in extreme cases Shows the fastest results
CombinedThey use several types of influence, you can choose for any dog, the most expensive modelsAccording to the technologies usedVery effective

An anti-bark collar for dogs can also differ in the type of charge: it can be powered by batteries or a rechargeable battery. The second option is well suited for animals living in outdoor enclosures; they work longer (up to two months). The device can operate in automatic mode or be regulated by the owner, for example, in combined models, the signals are triggered depending on the settings: the first, second bark is a vibration, the third is an electrical signal. The cost of a product greatly depends on its device.

Collar device

The anti-bark collar is sold for small dogs or large breeds. Like regular leash devices, they differ in size, product width, and material.

A small box weighing up to 100 g is attached to the collar; it contains a receiver that is triggered by a “woof” (microphone or vibration). There is also a compartment for batteries or an accumulator; most models are resistant to moisture, so they can be used in wet weather.

Size range

The size range of such products is quite wide. Collars vary not only depending on the breed of the dog, but also its size. As a rule, Antilay stretches from 15 to 60 cm, so dog breeders usually do not have problems with the size range. However, there are certain points to consider when choosing.

The accessory cannot be universal, that is, if you bought it for an Alabai, it is unlikely to suit a Pomeranian. Moreover, electric options are better used for large animals. But for representatives of small breeds, sprays or ultrasonic options are excellent.

What are these collars used for?

Anti-bark devices are used both for professional training and at home. They allow you to stop your dog from barking for no reason and correct their behavior. An excellent solution if your pet is loud in the house; many animals react to:

  • neighbors;
  • sounds on the stairs;
  • barking or loud conversations outside the window;
  • absence of the owner in the house.

In each of these cases, both the dog’s owners and neighbors experience discomfort, and conflicts may arise. A collar is a convenient solution, an opportunity to do without the help of dog handlers.

Models with a walkie-talkie are used to wean other bad habits: damage to furniture or shoes, a negative reaction to another pet, picking up food on the street.

Description and principle of operation

The collar’s ​​operating principle is based on “negative reinforcement”: as soon as the dog starts barking, the device causes discomfort to the animal in one way or another. In many models, the intensity of the impact can be adjusted. Usually they start with the weakest influences, but if they become ineffective, the power is increased.

Most pets eventually learn the connection between barking and punishment, and then break the habit. However, you cannot expect instant results: at first, the dog will forget about the collar from time to time, especially if frequent barking has become the norm for it.

How to choose the right anti-bark collar for dogs?

When choosing a collar, the first step is to choose based on how it works. Some owners are against electric models, others cannot use ultrasonic ones due to contraindications in the pet, some anti-barks are not suitable for small breeds.

After choosing the type of device, you need to choose the right size; refer to the parameters in the table:


The distance between the neck and collar should be 5-7 cm.

Select electrostatic models carefully. You need to look at their power or the ability to adjust it. For small dogs, choose the “weakest” collars. When purchasing devices for large breeds, they look at the length of the contacts: the longer the coat, the longer they should be.

Owners should also pay attention to:

  1. Material of manufacture (leather is considered the most practical) and appearance of the product.
  2. Functionality (microphone or receiver control, remote control, backlight, etc.).
  3. Price.

Purchasing recommendations

Dog handlers advise choosing an Anti-Lai collar according to the size of the dog. For small dogs, models with an ultrasonic or vibration signal are preferable; for pets weighing more than five kilograms, models with an electrostatic effect are preferred. Spray collars are universal.

If you decide to purchase a device that acts through an electrical impulse, then pay attention to the contacts - for long-haired dog breeds they should be longer than for short-haired pets.

Regardless of the method of influence, models with a lightweight receiver are produced especially for small breeds, allowing the device to be used even on very tiny dogs whose weight does not exceed three kilograms.

The most expensive models are equipped with pulse control. That is, at first there is minimal impact. If the dog does not stop barking, then the magnitude of the impulse and its duration increase.

How to use the collar correctly?

Reviews and recommendations from dog handlers indicate that an anti-bark collar cannot be used as an alternative to a regular collar; it is a temporary measure. Advice for wearing time ranges from 8 to 12 hours. Next, the dog must rest.

An important point in using the device is getting your pet familiar with it. The first time, put the collar on him with the collar turned off, the pet should get used to it. Then try to provoke barking and see how the dog reacts to the discomfort. If she is very scared, remove the gadget and postpone training for 1 day. Increase the duration of use gradually. Take into account the individual characteristics of your pet: activity, aggressiveness, temperament, physical condition. Wear the collar as needed, and be sure to monitor the animal’s reaction.

Rules of application

There is actually nothing complicated in using such devices. You just need to consider some factors. For example, an anti-bark collar for small dogs should be the right size for them. Also, it should not be less powerful in impact than for large animals. Very small dogs need an anti-bark collar, so for the smallest ones.

In addition to size, it is necessary to take into account the length and thickness of the animal's fur. Device contactors that are too short simply cannot reach the skin, and contactors that are too long can cause damage.

Pros and cons of using this device

Many dog ​​owners are against such collars, explaining their use as inhumane. But it has been proven that dogs do not experience pain (with the exception of electric models) when using gadgets. All training is based on the psychological factor, discomfort.

The only disadvantage of “anti-bark” is that it cannot be used constantly. It costs more than regular collars.

The advantages of the device include:

  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • ease of use;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • the presence of various models and methods of influence.

Product use

The “Anti-bark” collar for dogs (reviews note that the device helps to quickly calm down the animal’s unreasonable barking and is a real assistant for dog breeders) should be put on the pet without switching on for the first time. The dog must get used to wearing it. Typically, this process takes two to three weeks. Then you should turn it on and make your pet bark, see how he will react to the influence of the collar. If the dog is frightened, then the product must be removed from it immediately and training continued the next day. And so on until the dog responds correctly to the signals of the device.

As practice has shown, animals already after the first signals from the receiver understand that barking is forbidden, but to consolidate the result, the product should be used for at least six months.

Many brands of collars are manually adjusted, and here the force of influence is selected individually. For small dog breeds, minimal impulses are used.

The device is placed higher on the neck than a regular collar for everyday wear. It must fit snugly to the animal’s body, otherwise the dog will not feel any impact. Using the device incorrectly can cause chafing on your pet's skin and cause side effects such as stress or rage.

The maximum time of wearing the collar should be no more than 8-12 hours, then you should take a break from using the Anti-Bark device for dogs. The description and reviews of this product speak of the simplicity and ease of use.

Review of the best models

Based on the principle of operation, experts identify models that have become popular among pet owners and are as comfortable and safe as possible.

SmartDog DC673

The collar is designed for large and medium-sized breeds. Used to correct behavior by activation from vibration of the larynx. The model can be controlled using sound, vibration, static discharge with sound. A sensitive microprocessor on the device screen makes it possible to distinguish extraneous noise. There are LEDs along the entire length of the collar so that the dog can be easily seen in the dark.

SmartDog DC673 – for large dogs

Bark Terminator 3

The stationary collar is designed for training aggressive pets with excessive hairiness. The model is equipped with elongated pins that are able to penetrate thick and long hair. The collar must be controlled using a microprocessor.

Bark Terminator 3 is useful for long-haired pets


Anti-bark for large dogs is adjusted using a multi-stage sensor that adapts to different types of bark. The device is controlled in sound and electrical modes.

Note! The model is equipped with two pairs of electrodes for dogs with short hair and a microphone.

PD-258L – anti-bark with multi-stage sensor

There are many models that are universal and suitable for pets of all breeds and sizes. After all, puppies grow quickly and manufacturers provide for the use of collars for the future.

Electric dog collar PetComer (P-880) for up to 3 dogs

​Photo: https://market.yandex.ru

This model runs on battery power. Thanks to the adjustable length of the collar, it is suitable for dogs with a neck circumference from 16 to 67 cm. It has a wide range of action - 800 meters. It has 3 operating modes - sound, vibration and electric discharge, in total they provide 100 options for impact. The PetComer Shock Collar (P-880) is equipped with an LED light and a flashlight to help you quickly find your pet in the dark. The body of the device is waterproof, so your dog can swim with it. Since the included remote control can operate in 3 different channels, it can control three devices at the same time. True, this requires purchasing additional receivers.

Electric dog collar PetComer (P-880) for up to 3 dogs


  • adjustable collar length
  • wide range
  • 100 impact options
  • fast switching between modes
  • Possibility of simultaneous use for 3 dogs


  • not detected

Electronic collar Petrainer PET998DR-1 65 cm

​Photo: https://market.yandex.ru

This is the most inexpensive electric collar for dogs in the rating, but buyers have no complaints about its quality. In terms of the number of degrees of impact, it is not inferior to previous models; there are 100 positions. There are two operating modes available here: electric discharge, which is safe for the pet, pronounced sound and vibration, which successfully replaces “anti-bark” in similar products. The only pity is that the last option is enabled manually. The device works at a distance of up to 300 m and is effective when walking in wooded areas. The remote control included with the electric collar for dog training can be used with two receivers at once, but for this you will have to purchase a second model. It has small dimensions, 5.1x3.4x3 cm, and fits comfortably in the hand. It is not afraid of exposure to water due to its high resistance to it. This option is ideal for pets of medium and large breeds, but for small animals it is better to choose some other device from the rating.

Electronic collar Petrainer PET998DR-1 65 cm


  • stops aggression towards other dogs
  • does not allow eating leftover food found on the street
  • quick switching between operating modes
  • adjustable length within 35-56 cm
  • test lamp in the discharge test kit


  • not suitable for dogs weighing less than 3.5 kg
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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