Is it possible to wean a toy terrier at home from going to the toilet anywhere and how to accustom your pet to a litter tray or diaper

Many owners of toy terriers have pets of this breed also because they don’t require going outside in bad weather.

True, this is only possible if the dog knows how to use a tray or diaper as a toilet.

But later it turns out that if the puppy was not toilet trained in the breeder’s house, then teaching him to go to the litter tray or diaper is not always easy.

Why does this happen and how can you quickly teach your dog to do his business not just anywhere, but in a specially designated place?

Why does a dog relieve itself anywhere?

If we are talking about a newly purchased puppy that was not trained in the breeder’s house to relieve itself in a certain place, then the answer is obvious - the dog simply does not know where to do its business. There is no need to punish him for this, but you should start accustoming him to a diaper or to a tray as soon as possible.

It’s another matter when a dog, already accustomed to the house toilet, suddenly starts getting dirty anywhere. But even in this case, before moving on to punishments, you need to figure out what caused such behavior.


You cannot scold even an adult pet for starting to relieve itself in the wrong place, if this is associated with some kind of ailment, or in the case when the pet is too small to understand what the owner requires of it.

in which a pet may begin to get dirty in the wrong place:

  • upset stomach or intestines (diarrhea);
  • bladder sphincter weakness;
  • urinary incontinence after sterilization;
  • tumors or inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  • helminthic infestations.

A toy terrier may also begin to dirty houses due to extreme stress or fear. In this case, punishment will only make the situation worse.

It also happens that the dog does things anywhere to spite the owner, when he pays little attention to him, or as revenge, for example, for an unfair punishment.

Also, this can happen after the puppy reaches puberty, the only difference is that the boy constantly marks his territory, and the girl only during estrus. The solution to this problem can be sterilization or castration of the pet, unless, of course, there are plans to breed dogs in the future.

What you will need

Before we figure out how to potty train a Toy Terrier puppy, let’s outline the necessary conditions. First, prepare your apartment for the arrival of the puppy - it should be clean and safe. Remove all wires and carpets: the dog can chew the wires and dirty the carpets. In such a room you should begin to accustom your toy terrier to a tray or diaper.

Of the necessary “equipment” you will need:

  • special disposable diapers, the top layer of which absorbs well and the bottom layer does not leak;
  • dog tray with low sides;
  • disinfectants;
  • toilet cleaner.

When all the necessary equipment has been purchased, you can begin training.

When should a puppy be diaper trained?

You need to start accustoming your little toy to a diaper as early as possible - from the very first day after the baby moved to his new home and began to get comfortable there.

If you put off training until later, your pet may get used to urinating in inappropriate places.

Also read about how to train a Toy Terrier.

First and basic rules: reward and punishment

The most important thing during training is the correct use of rewards and punishments. Before buying a pet, cover one of the rooms with absorbent diapers. After returning, sit the dog in the prepared place and wait for him to relieve himself. Praise your pet verbally and offer a healthy treat. Over time, treat the dog every other time, and then completely abandon such rewards. This will reinforce the desired habit not as a trick for a treat, but as an everyday action.

If the puppy does not go to the diaper, but does his business next to it, give him a stern reprimand. Don't yell or use physical punishment. This will not give results, but will only scare the animal. The pet should sense your displeasure, not your anger. Watch the fine line between these concepts.

If you notice a puddle or a pile after some time, calm down and treat the “crime scene” with a weakly concentrated vinegar solution or a special spray that destroys unpleasant odors. In this situation, punishment is meaningless. The animal will only understand that feces are “illegal”, which means they must be hidden from the owner. This often leads to coprophagia (eating excrement) or defecating behind sofas.

During training, consider:

  1. Favorite places. Follow the animal. At the time of urination and defecation, it is defenseless, so it often chooses dark corners away from prying eyes.
  2. Area of ​​the training area. The smaller the area, the faster you can cope. Dog handlers advise limiting the territory of children to a small pen. Equip it with diapers and gradually reduce their number.
  3. The speed of movement of the dog bed. If you feel sorry for leaving your animal in the playpen, cover most of the apartment. This is no less effective, but takes more time. Move the absorbent mats daily within 10 cm towards the desired location, reducing their number along the way.
  4. Love for soft surfaces and cleanliness. Temporarily get rid of carpets and regularly change or wash used diapers.

Don't forget about consistency. Most babies defecate immediately after waking up and shortly after eating. Before this, they begin to whine, sniff the floor and circle in one place. If you notice this behavior, immediately take your pet to the right place. After a successful operation, praise your four-legged pet and feel free to let it out for a walk around the house.

What to choose - a diaper or a tray?

Pros of diapers:

  • the puppy gets accustomed to a diaper more easily than to a tray;
  • thanks to the lower moisture-resistant surface, they protect the floor from getting wet;
  • can be used both at home and on the road by placing the diaper in the carrier;
  • safe;
  • absorb unpleasant odors and retain them well;
  • if they are changed frequently, they do not become moldy and do not become a breeding ground for germs.

Pros of trays:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • There are many models, among which you can easily choose the most suitable one;
  • There are options for trays with posts designed for male dogs;
  • long service life;
  • The tray is washed every few days, which saves time.

In order to decide what to choose, you need to look at what your pet will get used to faster and what he prefers to use.

You can also combine a tray and a diaper - put it on the bottom of the tray and change it once a day. At the same time, the diaper will collect unpleasant odors, which is why the tray will remain clean longer, so you only have to wash it once a week.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

The best way to train a puppy to use a litter box is to take him there after sleeping or eating. Hold it in place, wait until the pet does its business, and then be sure to praise it. You should remember that you should not shout at the baby or hold him in the tray by force. Such methods will lead to nothing but fear of the litter box, which is why toilet training your pet may take an indefinite period of time.

Toilet on diaper

It is not difficult to accustom your pet to a diaper. She creeps near the place where the dog sleeps.

Toilet training a puppy is much easier and faster than an adult dog. Starting at 2-3 months is the best option.

The dog has eaten, slept or played; it must be immediately taken to the prepared diaper. If the animal tries to escape, it should be brought back and this will have to be done until the toy terrier does something for which it takes a lot of effort. It is important not to forget to give him praise for a positive result, you can treat him with something tasty. After some time, the dog’s simple behavior pattern will become a habit, and he will begin to go where he’s supposed to.

How to choose a place?

The tray or diaper should be located in a quiet place - not in the aisle, not in the main room where the whole family gathers and where it can be noisy and crowded. It is also forbidden to arrange a dog latrine in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, balcony, unheated loggia or veranda.


The location chosen for the dog toilet should be away from heating devices and not in a draft or open sun.

The best place to place a tray or diaper is part of the corridor, preferably its compartment, but if the corridor is straight, then the animal’s toilet can be fenced off on both sides with furniture, which will create the illusion of privacy and safety for the pet.

Rules for arranging a toilet for a dog in an apartment

Even if the baby has been toilet trained, at first he will be confused due to the change of environment. The stress of moving and being separated from his mother will temporarily confuse him. With the right approach, the dog will quickly adapt and remember everything he was taught.

It will be more difficult to toilet train a toy terrier puppy from the very beginning. You will have to take time and be patient. Materials that can be used:

  1. Absorbent disposable diapers or cloths. If you opt for a diaper, purchase the option with an oilcloth base on one side. On the other - absorbent fabric.
  2. Newspapers. Used to save money and not buy more expensive material. But printing ink can cause a severe allergic reaction in a dog's body.
  3. Plastic trays for dogs. When choosing a container, be guided by the size of the sides. High walls are difficult for a child to overcome. The presence of an additional mesh tray will keep your pet's paws dry.
  4. A grown dog is transferred to a tray with filler because it will require a higher and more spacious tray.

Choose a quiet place for the toilet. It should not be placed where the baby will not be able to concentrate on the delicate process:

  • on the aisle;
  • in a crowded, noisy room;
  • in the toilet and bathroom;
  • in the kitchen;
  • on an unheated loggia.

Expert opinion

Kuzmenko Olga Olegovna

Information about the expert

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If you want to place the toilet in the hallway, fence off this corner with furniture. This will create the illusion of a safe corner hidden from view. There should be no heating devices, drafts or direct sunlight nearby.

It is recommended to remove carpeting, because the puppy may well accept its soft, comfortable diaper. Or treat them with special sprays with an unpleasant aroma for dogs. A person practically does not feel this smell, but it repels the pet.

When wanting to toilet train at home, the question arises: what is better – a tray or a diaper?

Benefits of diapersAdvantages of a plastic container
  • Safety
  • Long service life
  • Absorbs not only moisture, but also odors
  • Aesthetic appearance
  • It is easier to train to a diaper than to a litter box
  • A variety of models to suit every taste and requirement
  • An indispensable thing to put in your carrier on the go
  • It is enough to wash once every 2-3 days
  • The oilcloth surface does not allow excess moisture to pass onto the floor
  • Designs for dogs with built-in posts
  • When replaced in a timely manner, fungi and microbes do not develop

How to train to a tray?

There are two main methods:

  • training to go to the litter box immediately;
  • First, the puppy gets used to the diaper and only then to the tray.

In the second case, the diaper, to which the dog is already accustomed, is placed on an inverted tray, so that the pet goes to the toilet on a slight elevation; after the dog gets used to it, the tray can be turned back, and the mesh insert from it can be wrapped with a diaper.

The most effective method for potty training your pet is:

  • carefully monitor the puppy after sleeping or eating;
  • if he starts spinning around and clearly looking for a place to go to the toilet, you need to pick him up and carry him to the tray;
  • holding the dog there (in no case, without holding it with brute force), wait until it relieves itself;
  • praise and reward with treats;
  • While the puppy is on the tray, you need to repeat the word that he will associate with the tray. For example, “toilet” or “potty”.

In the event that there was a misfire and he accidentally did not reach the tray, you cannot scold him, much less punish him. You need to wash the place where the puddle or pile was and treat it with a special product that eliminates animal odors.

Types of trays

Suitable types of toilets have been developed for each type of animal. They are made depending on the breed, age and individual characteristics. Based on these criteria, there are large and small trays, with high and low sides, or without them at all. Some are equipped with nets, posts, imitation of a green lawn and even a self-cleaning system.

The following designs are suitable for the toy terrier:

  1. Wide tray without mesh, with minimal side height. Toy terrier puppies will find it easy to climb into it. You can lay an absorbent diaper on the bottom or add a layer of filler.
  2. Tray with medium sides. This option is used for older dogs that are already accustomed to a clean toilet. To eliminate odor, a disposable or reusable diaper is also used.
  3. Small or medium-sized trays with mesh and high sides. Adults are quite disciplined, so the filler is placed under the grill. Males defecate by raising their paws; this is where high sides are needed. For toy terrier boys there are also trays with special posts.
  4. Containers with low sides. An adult dog does not need much space to go to the toilet, but sometimes (during pregnancy or illness) it can be difficult to overcome a high obstacle, so a return to lower sides makes sense.
  5. Trays with artificial grass, without sides and with mesh. Some kitties find it difficult to immediately learn to go to the toilet in the right place; for such cases, there are devices that are as close as possible to natural conditions. Sometimes, for older males, such “lawns” are equipped with posts.
  6. Self-cleaning lawn trays. In this case, a special hose is removed from the water supply system, and the incoming water is sprayed onto the plastic grass.

How to get used to a diaper?

A puppy is accustomed to a diaper either by putting the pet on it after sleep and food, or by covering the entire room or area enclosed by an indoor enclosure with diapers. Subsequently, you can start removing 1 diaper per day, gradually reducing their number. And so on until there is only one left, which the puppy will follow.

If your pet wanders by, you need to wash the area and cover it again with a diaper, which you can try to remove again only after a few days.

Accustoming to a diaper begins by laying it close to the dog's bed. After the puppy eats or wakes up, he should be dropped off there and, after waiting for the pet to do his business, praise and reward him with something tasty.

After a couple of days, sometimes a little more, the toy terrier will understand what is required of him and will go to the diaper himself, without waiting until he is dropped off there.

At this time, you can begin to gradually move the diaper to the place where it will always be. In this case, you need to act slowly - move it no more than 20-30 cm, and the place where the diaper was previously must be thoroughly washed and treated with a special product.


If he suddenly begins to refuse to wear the diaper after it has been moved, then you need to return the dog toilet to its original place and again, but more slowly, try to start moving it to the side after about a couple of days.

Difficulties with the tray

The puppy may not immediately accept replacing the material with mesh. In this case, several steps will be required.

  1. Reduce the area of ​​material after a mesh has been placed underneath it.
  2. Wrap the grill with pieces of fabric so that the puppy does not lose its usual texture.
  3. Leave only a small piece in the center, while laying absorbent material under the tray itself.

As for accessories for male dogs, as the pet gets older, the toilet accessory is replaced with a more comfortable one - with high sides and a post. To attract attention, you can wrap it in newspaper and spray it with a special spray.

Some tricks

Here are a few tricks to help you toilet train your pet faster:

  • do not scold, do not distract, and especially do not tease or frighten the pet when it is sitting in the tray. This needs to be explained to all family members, even the smallest children;
  • if the pet sits down to do its business in the wrong place in front of the owner, you need to express dissatisfaction to it in a loud and stern, but not threatening voice and take it to the tray;
  • at first it is better to place not one, but several trays, placing them in different corners of the room - in this case, if the pet does not have time to reach one tray, he will use another;
  • after he has made a puddle on the floor, you need to blot it with newspaper, which should be placed in the tray. By the smell, the dog will find a place for the toilet and understand what it is intended for;
  • for male dogs, it is better to purchase special trays with posts from the very beginning - this will not only make it easier for your pet to get used to the toilet and make the process familiar to him, but will also save furniture and corners in the house from dog marks;
  • You can try using special tools for toilet training your dog, which you can buy at any veterinary pharmacy.


After the dog gets used to using the litter box, you need to continue to praise it for correctly solving the need, but you need to gradually refuse to give treats - first give something tasty every other time, then after two, and so on, gradually reducing the number of rewards with treats for using the toilet, in the end finally remove them completely.

How often should you change a diaper and what else can be used as a toilet?

Disposable diapers are designed to be thrown away immediately, rather than having to deal with unnecessary washing and cleaning. However, for the first 4 months of a dog’s life, it is better to leave it alone, dirty, with urine. This will help accustom the puppy, the smell at this time is not so strong for the human sense of smell and you can be patient a little. Feces should be removed immediately, including to avoid coprophagia (feces eating), which is common in dogs.

With reusable diapers, everything is the same, but with the difference that they need to be washed with hypoallergenic or baby powders. You need to have at least four sheets so that they have time to dry.

Another option is a dog litter box . It is similar to a cat's, but is often larger in size and has a column in the middle. Filler can be used as desired. There are even models with imitation lawn grass. For a puppy, it is better to choose the simplest plastic version and put a diaper there for the first time. The most convenient option is in an apartment if the dog is small and you do not always plan to walk outside.

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